Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 068D Tafsir Al-Maidah 4

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the history and cultural context of Islamic hunting, including the use of hemp, alcohol, food, and animals as hunting tools. They emphasize the importance of training and learning for successful hunting, as well as the use of keywords and phrases to describe hunting experiences. The speakers also touch on the use of guns and weapons in hunting, including the use of venison and hunting with animals. The speakers emphasize the importance of hunting in the cultural and cultural context of the region and emphasize the pervasive use of hunting as a sport and a way to practice hunting.

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			was a bit lame and she was on your dream Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim
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			lesson number 68 Surah to either will begin from ayah number four
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			yes Aluna Canada or Hila home. They ask you meaning the Companions as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam Mother, what is that which are halal a home is made halal for them. After learning about
this is haram and this is haram and this is haram. You want to know Okay, so just tell me what is
hella? I don't want to know about the exceptions just tell me what is halal. So I can just stick to
that. So the Companions, what did they do? They also asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for a list
of halal foods, because generally this is how we perceive the deen that we think everything is
forbidden. Except for this, this and this isn't just how we look at the the
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			in every matter whether it's food, or money, or anything, we always look at it as this that
everything is forbidden. We're only allowed to do this and this, but what does Allah subhanaw taala
say? He says all or Hila come say it is permissible for you what a PA ye but the good things. And l
over here gives meaning of all. So tell them that all good things. Every single good thing. It is
halal for you, you are allowed to eat it. Because the prophets all along with your Salam. When he
came, he came to in total or above i 157 He came to where your * Lulu Homolka you bet where you
heard him or Allah he will cover is he came to make all good things lawful for the people and make
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			all bad things unlawful for them.
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			So this is a reality, everything that is good for us to eat, to consume to drink, that what do we
see it is allowed for us and everything that is bad for us to eat to consume, then we see that it is
forbidden for us.
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			Take the example of alcohol, it may be addictive, it may bring a lot of pleasure to a person. But is
it beneficial? Is it good for a person? No, it is not. So Allah has made it forbidden. Likewise,
dead meat, an animal that has been laying that that was not slaughtered properly, the blood is still
in it, the blood was not drained out of it, then obviously there must be so much bacteria in it. So
it's not clean.
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			This is why such meat is not permissible for us to eat. Take the example of pork for instance, we
learned about how a pig eats anything and everything that it can find, sometimes even its own
babies. So it is something that's not allowed for us to eat why because it is not clean and if it is
not treated properly and these days because of all the technology it is treated properly. If it is
not treated properly, it can cause a lot of diseases, it can cause a lot of diseases. So we see that
everything that is good for us, it is halal and everything that is bad for us it has been made haram
but if you compare the halal and haram What is more, the halal is more the Haram is more Halal is
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			more right? From all the drinks, what is unlawful and intoxicating drink, right? So alcohol for
example, you can have juice, you can have water, you can have all sorts of liquids. Likewise, look
at different foods you can have that to meet. Also we learned are hella kombucha metal and all the
HEMA and arm are permissible for you except for just a few things which are mentioned in the verse
that we learned earlier. So all or hayleigh como Habad said that all good things are allowed for
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			What else is allowed for you? Why am I London menial job?
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			Well Miralem to meaning also permissible for you is the hunt of those animals whom you have trained.
So this part of the ayah is talking about hunting. Now when people go hunting, they hunt through
various ways. For example, a person could go hunting season animal and shoots an arrow or shoots you
know, with a gun. Likewise, there's other ways of hunting. For example, a person may have a trained
Falcon, a trained hunting bird, and he releases the bird and the bird goes and catches another bird
or whatever that he intends to catch. And so he uses a bird to hunt. Likewise, another person could
have hunting dogs. So there's different ways through which people hunt over
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			Here the verse is talking about different ways of hunting all of these things are included. So,
Allah says warmer I love to mineral jewellery warmer and that which meaning and the game got by the
hunt the prey got by
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			got by who got by ma i love to manage jewelry and those hunting animals whom you have taught, I love
them you have taught meaning you have trained whom you have trained middle jewelry, jewelry is the
plural of Jerry and Jeddah is from the root letters Jean Raha What does gentle Hamid wound to give a
wound to injure to cause an injury? So Jeddah is basically a predatory animal or bird, hunting
animal or bird. Okay. And Diwaniya over here doesn't refer to wild hunting animals that lions and
cheetahs in any other eagle or what No, it is only man I learned from those whom you have trained.
So for example, a person owns a falcon, he has trained it, a person owns dogs, and he has trained
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			them. So their hunt, their catch is also permissible for you to eat. But there are certain
conditions that apply. First of all, we see that it has to be trained, it has to be a knowledgeable
hunting animal. And what's the sign that it is knowledgeable that when it is sent, it goes. When it
is called, it responds when it is stopped, it stops. So basically, it listens to the master.
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			You see the dogs, for example, not hunting dogs, but even otherwise, sometimes they are trained when
to use the washroom. Likewise, cats also how to use it, where to use it. Likewise, how to play with
kids how to play with other animals, how they're not supposed to sit at certain places. How when the
master will throw the ball, they have to go catch it, and then bring it back. They understand the
language of the people as well, once they have been trained, but if you gave the same instructions
to a wild dog, would it ever listen? No way. You tell it sit down and it's going to bark at you.
You're going to use some words to discipline it and it might attack you.
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			So the first condition is that these animals hunting animals have to be trained by you. Now I love
to middle jewellery.
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			mckenley bina McKinley been plural of mocha live and mocha live is from the real letters gaff
lamber. What is called me not called curled with a cough his heart and calf kelp is dog.
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			So Makayla Libby employee of makan lip McCann live is basically a trainer, a trainer, a trainer of
dogs or a trainer of hunting animals, wild animals, meaning the animals whom You have sent to catch
the prey as their trainers meaning you are their trainers, you have trained the animal you have
trained the dog you have trained the Falcon, and Maka Levine has also been understood in another
way, that the hunt of the animals whom You have sent me in Colombian ones who send ones who dispatch
because in the Arabic collab to Kalba, means that I released I sent the dog I let him go, I sent him
why to get something.
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			So, the hunt of the hounds whom You have sent whom you have dispatched to catch the prey.
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			And over here, Allah says, do I only Munna Hoonah you teach these animals you train them? How mimma
are lemma Kamala, from that which Allah has stopped you, meaning you've been able to train these
animals only because Allah gave you the ability.
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			Otherwise, you would never have been able to train such wild animals who could attack you who could
kill you who could eat you up. Literally a bag of wolves can easily kill a person.
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			Even people use Lions for hunting people use cheetahs for hunting. Sometimes people use all sorts of
animals for hunting. So these animals can actually take your life but Allah gave you the ability to
teach them to train them. So don't be too proud of yourself. Allah has given you the ability in a
sometimes if you own a pet, and you know you've trained even a bird for example, how to sit, where
to sit, what to do. Recently, somebody shared a video with me of their parrot how they have toilet
trained their parrot
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			virgin toilet training of Barrett's because before they take it out of the cage and send it around
the house, leave it free in the house, they make it poop, so that the house doesn't get dirty. So
they've literally trained the parrot. And isn't that amazing? You hear about cats being trained for
this, or dogs being trained for this very imagine birds. So how, who gave you this ability, Allah
gave you this ability he gave you this knowledge with which you can teach them with which you can
train them, because we see that some people, they don't have that ability. And we see this very
clearly. Some people, they talk in a way that their children listen, and others they talk in with
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			the children become deaf. So who has made one more effective and the other ineffective, Allah
subhanaw taala. So if Allah has made you effective, don't be proud of yourself. This is knowledge
that Allah has given you.
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			Fuck Hulu, so eat mimma from that which um, secondarily comb, that which they hold for you, they
catch for you, who catches for you, you're hunting animals. And the word I'm Saxena is from memes in
calf, him sack What does himself mean, to hold to retain.
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			So for example, a person sparks a deer, and then he sends his hunting dogs, okay, five of them, he
sends them.
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			And they go, they run, they catch the deer, and they hold it one is holding the leg and others
holding the neck another is holding another leg. So the deer has been held by the dogs. So Allah
says eat from that deer, obviously, when, when you have slaughtered, right, when you have killed it,
only then you will eat it. But notice one thing that these hunting animals must have held the prayer
for you.
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			Which means that they should not have got it and started eating from it. If they catch the prey and
start eating from it, then you know what they didn't catch it for you. They got it for who for
themselves. And in that case, you are not allowed to eat from it. So for example, a person sent his
dogs, they catch the deer and they start eating it up. If they start eating it, you can't eat from
it because these animals got it for who for themselves.
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			Now, also, one thing that we see here is that what if the, let's say the hunting dogs, they catch
the deer and they kill it, they were holding it for you. And it took you quite a while to find them
and by the time you came the deer is dead.
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			Now can you eat of that?
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			Okay, if you slaughter it and the blood flows out, but that's applicable to wild animals as well.
Like we learned earlier woman can have several INLA mother Kato that's applicable to wild animals as
well. So what's the difference between the kill of hunting animals who have been trained, and the
kill of the hunting animals that have not been trained? What's the difference? There wouldn't be any
difference then. So the difference is that if you're hunting animals catch your prey, and they even
kill it. Still, you can eat from it.
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			Yes, still you can eat from it. This is the difference between the animal that is trained that is
sent by you. And the animal that is not trained, not sent by you. This is the difference. Because
this is very much possible. Your dogs are running after the deer and they're holding it, it took you
quite a while to get there through all the bushes and everything by the time you get that the animal
might be dead.
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			It might be dead already. So in that case, you slaughter it and hardly any blood flows out. Or no
blood flows out still you can eat of it. Why? Because you said the name of Allah who and sending the
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			So when you said the name of Allah and sending the dogs, the dogs killed it. This is just like you
said Bismillah when passing the knife, okay, it's just that a different tool is being used. On the
one hand, you're using a knife on the other hand, you're using hunting dogs, it's the same thing. On
the one hand the knife killed it on the other hand, daunting dogs killed it.
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			Obviously, they will not kill properly because the thing is that when they will kill the animal,
it's not necessarily all the blood will flow out. So what will you do you will come in, slaughtered
properly. And even if the blood doesn't flow out completely, it's okay. It's not a big deal.
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			What Kuru and remember meaning mentioned is Mala here or li the name of Allah upon it, when? When
should you mention the name of Allah upon him at two occasions? First of all, when you dispatch
though, when you send your hunting animal so for example, you release the Falcon said
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			Bismillah Allahu Akbar, you unleash the dog say Bismillah Allahu Akbar.
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			You say the name of Allah when you release your animal, this is just like you say the name of Allah
when you pass the knife over. And secondly, you say it when when you eat, because when you have got
the animal, you kill it, you slaughter it, then you eat it. And when you eat it, you have to say
Bismillah because Allah subhanaw taala says in total and am I 121? That will Colombian Muslim youth
Chris Mala here are they he do not eat of that on which the name of Allah is not mentioned? If the
name of Allah is not mentioned, on an animal when it was killed when it was slaughtered, then you
cannot eat of it. So when you've sent your animal, make sure you say Bismillah
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			Allah says, what the Kula And fear Allah in the law city or in his app, indeed, Allah is Swift in
account, fear Allah. Do not make the unlawful lawful for yourselves fear Allah in this regard in the
matter of eating and drinking. If there's something that is haram, don't make it halal upon yourself
and vice versa when something is halal, don't make it haram on yourself, fear Allah. And remember
that he is swift in calling to account. So you might get away once or twice, maybe more than that by
eating haram by eating unlawful but don't forget that Allah will question you because we eat and we
forget, but who knows? Who has it recorded and who will bring those records out? Allah subhanaw
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			taala so he is swift and calling to account therefore, be careful.
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			There's a video I want to show you of how hunting is done in the Islamic way. This is basically a
part of a TV show. I come to Scotland in search of the finest wild deer for my delicious new dish.
One that deserves a place on any Indian menu. Venison masala
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			I'm hunting with Mo Brack Jan, who readily stalls deer appear.
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			Most Indian restaurants use halal meat and I'm keen to know how wild venison can be halal most of
the Muslim Hunter and he's going to show me how he does it. Was it attracted to or why why do I
start shooting? Well it's mainly really sort of the sort of hunter gatherer kind of thing you know,
shooting for your own food taking it home takes venison home and cooking up and having beautiful
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			Joining us is Jim McCallum who's going to help us track down a deer have you stopped one and I
haven't seen it just go
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			and that's all I'll hear Yeah, don't don't point don't raise any hands
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			incredibly difficult to shoot and what can spoken noise sent
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			after two hours Jim spots our first deer
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			out there he's just he's just
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			just as I'm getting ready to take the shot
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			I lose it
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			there oh my god
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			next day we set off again for the day always seem to be one step ahead of us
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			finally, after several hours of hard slog Jim spotting a Rodia?
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			is in the dark
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			Sophie off
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			follow up with a second shot
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			is that
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			When you're in your sights or that your house has been too
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			big to break color black fever then it's time for motor show me how he makes sure he's deer is how.
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			As well as saying the prey when he pulls the trigger. He slit the throat in a special way. What I
would do to make it Hello Yeah, used to repeat the pro Bismillah Allahu Akbar.
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			That's it one swift back and forth. That's the main thing with the knife has to be razor sharp. We
do it this way to get all the blood out the car looking finished this just so it's nice and clean.
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			So, in addition to saying the words of prayer at the time of shooting, pulling the trigger, so
that's when you say Bismillah Allahu Akbar. It wasn't in the recording, but they mentioned it after.
And secondly, at the time of slaughtering the animal as well. Bismillah Allahu Akbar. Now you see
what hunting is. Now over here, they used a gun. You can even use animals. You can even use birds
you can use different ways of hunting animals, but you have to say the name of Allah upon it what
Guru is Mala hernia? He mentioned the name of Allah upon it because if it is not mentioned, then
what does it mean?
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			You can't eat of it. Okay, you can't eat of it because Allah says very clearly let that Gulu Muslim
youth charisma Allah, Allah do not eat of that, on which the name of Allah is not mentioned. Now
there are several other Hadees from which we learn a little bit more about hunting.
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			In a hadith we learn I even had him he said, O Messenger of Allah, I set off train dogs, and they
catch for me the game, and I recite the Name of Allah over it. Meaning when I finally get to the
animal that my train dogs, of course, I say the name of Allah when I'm slaughtering it, and he said,
When you set off your train dogs and you recited the Name of Allah, then eat the game. Meaning when
you dispatch the animal, then you have to say Bismillah.
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			I said, even if the train dogs kill that game, I said, Bismillah sent my dogs, they caught the deer,
and they killed it. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, even if they kill, even if they kill, why,
because you said Bismillah, when you sent your animals, you said Bismillah, when you shocked, is it
clear to you?
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			And he said, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, on the condition that no other dog, which you did
not set off along with your dogs participates in catching the game,
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			sufferings example, you send your three dogs. And then when you get there, you see another fourth
dog, a wild dog. And he's also with them. You don't know who got the deer, and who killed it. If the
deer is alive, that's a different story. But if the deer is dead, then you can't eat it, because
it's quite possible that that wild dog, got the deer and killed it. Do you see what I mean? And if
the deer still alive, then you can slaughter it and it will be permissible for you to eat,
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			or even Hatem. He said, I said to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam I throw murdered, what is murder, a
heavy featherless blunt arrow. So tools as well now, weapons as well. So you said I throw a minute
sometimes for hunting and killing the game. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, when you throw
murder, and it pierces, then eat, but if it falls flatly and beat the game to death, then do not eat
that. Why? Because then it is like moku, they're the one that has been struck and killed.
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			So the condition of any tool that is used for hunting is that it must have pierced the skin of the
animal, it must have fears the skin of the animal, if it has just hit it, and because of that blow
the animal died, then you can eat it. Gun is permissible arrows are permissible. And the condition
is that it must have pierced the skin.
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			Although we learned from other Hadees, that if the animal was struck, let's say by an arrow, the
arrow, it struck the animal and it pierced its skin and it got stuck over there. It happens
sometimes, right. But let's say the deer it managed to escape, it still managed to run, it didn't
fall, it's bleeding, but it ran away.
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			And you're like I lost the deer. And then you're going through the jungle. And then let's say after
a day, after two days, you find a deer with your arrow stuck in it and it's lying dead. You know
that that death was caused by what? By your shooting the deer
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			and you can still eat of that deer.
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			You can still eat of that deer. Okay, provided that three days and nights have not been passed. If
three days and nights have passed then it's not allowed. Why? Because in the meat is not clean. All
right. However, if it's before three days a night then you can eat of it because you killed it. If a
trap has been set, as long as you said Bismillah at that time and it pierced the skin of the animal
and if you find it alive then you have to slaughter it. Okay, and at that time you have to mention
the name of Allah as well. But if you want
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			Find a dead and there is no is the skin has not been pierced nothing at all, then you can have it.
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			Now, in this IO, we learn the permissibility of hunting,
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			hunting, for what purpose for Gulu for eating for the purposes of consumption. So, hunting is
allowed as long as the purpose is to eat the animals, if it's just a sport, just to catch animals
just to kill them, just to practice, then this is something that is not permissible because look at
the way that the IEA ends in the laws that he or herself, what the Allah, He is city or his obvious
swift and calling to account.
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			We learned that once even irmo bluedot are on who he happened to pass by some young men of Quraysh,
who had died a bird. And they had made the bird a target for what for shooting arrows, and every
arrow that they missed came into the possession of the owner of the bird. So basically, the bird was
alive. And what were they doing practicing shooting on the bird? So when even remote came, when
these men they saw even rumored they quickly went away. They took their bird whatever and they went
away. If an omen asked who has done this, meaning who has tortured this poor bird who has done this,
Allah has cursed him who does this verily Allah's Messenger SallAllahu Sallam invoked curse upon the
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			one who made a live thing a living thing, it target a target of what Justice practice just his game,
just fun. This is something that is not permissible. If you're hunting, then you make sure you eat
of it if you don't want to eat of it, then don't kill it. Don't take the life a way that Allah
subhanaw taala has made just for your amusement just for your fun
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			yes, Luna karma
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			como pointing to one,
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			J Java, you can lean
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			on the Guru
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			Guru Smolov along here on
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			what Dunkleosteus in long as