Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 067C Tafsir Al-Nisa 171-176
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The importance of overcoming pride and exaggeration in religion is highlighted, along with the need for a balance between praise and non-approval. The "hasn't" situation is discussed as a result of pride and exaggeration, and the importance of honoring Islam and not embarrassing oneself is emphasized. The importance of reading and reviewing the Quran is also emphasized, and the need for clear messages to remove obstacles is emphasized. The importance of holding onto Allah's guidance and not giving too much information is emphasized, and the importance of fair treatment of one's mother is emphasized.
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Now towards the end of the surah. Allah subhanaw taala addresses the people of the book again. Yeah, hello kita all people have the book lead on Luffy Dini calm, do not commit excess in your religion. Letter Lu w is rhumbline Lamb well, and hello is to increase something beyond its proper limits to increase something beyond its proper limits to exceed the proper bounds at the jail was on had to overdo. So for example, if someone has done something good, okay, they did their homework. So you praise them, you praise them. Okay? A little bit of praise is efficient. But if you say to your child, just because he did his homework, which he's supposed to do anyway, you say, Yeah, my son is
the best. And he's gonna be the best person and look at your homework. So wonderful, so amazing. If you overpraise the child, okay, overpraise the child and what will happen, he will grow up to believe that he is really the best, and what will happen, this will lead to pride. And this will lead to not accepting any kind of failure. Correct? Isn't it? So? So like, I remember when I was growing up, my parents wouldn't praise us that much. Okay, and I would feel like why don't they praise us? I mean, I did this, I did this. And my mom was, you know, proud of me, my dad is, you know, proud of us. But they wouldn't praise us that much. It would be like an acknowledgement, a
smile, a pat on the back. Alhamdulillah and move on. And my mom, she says that her father was even more strict in this way that she would come with, you know, the best marks in her class in the 90s. And, and he would say, who got more than you, who got more than you who scored more than you?
What happens is that this keeps you motivated, right? That you realize that no matter what you've done, it's not enough. I mean, there has to be a balance obviously, right? There has to be a balance between praise and non praise, there has to be a balance, but anywhere who knows what to exceed that balance,
to overdo something to exaggerate. So the people of the book are told, Do not commit excess in your religion, what is excess in religion that they're committing many excesses? For example, they exalted the status of the messengers from human beings to that all children of God, Son of God, they exalted the status of the angels from servants of Allah to those who are being worshipped literally Holy Ghost worshipped, right? Likewise, they exalted the status of their bias. People are scholars, they're monks, so much so that they will prostrate to them, or they give them ultimate authority in the matters of religion, that whatever they say they accept, they can even change the book. And it's
okay they accept that change. They accept that alteration so all of this is what Lulu in the deen Allah says letter Luffy de Nukem do not commit excess in your religion. Do not go to extremes, you know from the same root as the word OLALIA. Okay, and magalia is used for something that's very expensive, overpriced, overpriced, expensive. This is one all right. So let's have Luffy Dini come whenever the Kulu and do not say Allah Allah He about Allah inlet except I'll help the truth, meaning only speak the truth about Allah.
Truth about Allah, whether it's concerning his being, His Lordship, his attributes, His legislation, his oneness, whatever you say about Allah, it should be the truth. Don't say that so and so is a prophet whereas he's not a prophet, Allah never send revelation to him. Don't say that, so and so speaks to God, whereas Allah never spoke to him. Don't say that so and so is a son of God whereas you have no evidence for that. Let the movie Dinoco when at the Kulu Allah Allah He ill health and in particular, there was concerning who are essentially Salam. This is why Allah makes clear that in normal mercy, who indeed the Messiah, are you sub memoriam? Are you starless and I'm the son of
Maria who was he? He was Rasul Allah, the Messenger of Allah, what Kadima do and his word, what does he mean by his word, meaning he was created at the word of Allah, which word Kalama Khan. He's saying Quran Allah said, Khan, and recited listen, I'm came into existence. He was produced, he came into existence at the word of Allah. And this word, I'll call her. He cast it, he directed it. Illa Millennium Timonium, meaning Allah subhanaw taala commanded that Miriam should conceive and she conceived that and there was a rule Wuhan and restarted Islam was Iran, meaning his soul was men who from her meaning create
by him, just as Allah subhanaw taala has created so many Anwar, he created the rule of reciting Salam as well. Just as any other woman conceives, Millennium also conceived, deliberately women conceive because of other causes and even that they cannot conceive unless Allah subhanaw taala allows, when can a sperm enter an ovum when can that unity take place? When when can fertilization take place, when Allah subhanaw taala allows for it to happen. Otherwise people can try for years they can treatment after treatment, but a woman will not conceive why because Allah subhanaw taala has not allowed it. So when Allah subhanaw taala is even has to be there for every other pregnancy.
It was therefore, money right As Salam was well, she conceived only at the command of Allah. And yes, it was a miracle and Allah subhanaw taala He is God and he can perform miracles. This is why he is the Lord. He's not limited in his power. So don't think that just because it is obvious that I'm had a miraculous birth. He's not a human being. No, he is a human being. For me, no biller he therefore believe in Allah while also Lee and his messengers all of his messengers, whether it's recited sunnah, or Muhammad salallahu Salam believe in all of them, whether the Kulu Sarah and do not say three, what does this word filata refer to the belief of Trinity that the Christians have?
Allah says Don't say that. Nakuru salata into stop from noon Hi, yah, nahi into stop. When do you say to someone don't say stop. When you say something like this to a person when they're saying something which is unacceptable?
isn't at all, when they're saying something that is disgusting, that you don't want to hear? That is false. That is incorrect. That is inappropriate. So likewise, saying selesa that there are three gods three in one. This is a disgusting concept, don't even say don't even pronounce it. This is something that Allah hates so much that he says, lad, oh, no, don't say that. And he says interval Stop it. Stop saying it. What is this concept of trinity of three of three gods that the same there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Right? And there are some other versions of it as well. How can there be three gods there is only one God, there is only one God and you will find many
debates of doctors I can I can accommodate that on this issue. So I recommend that you listen to them to increase in your understanding and your knowledge of how this concept is not correct. It doesn't make sense it's illogical. So let the Colusa do not say this do not believe in it. Interval Stop it. I don't know come it is better for you. Because in NEMA indeed not but Allahu Allah, He is Allahu Ahad. He is one God. He is only one God, there is only one Allah. And he is only one God, super Hannah, who glorified as the exalted dizzy, hakuna Allahu Allah, that he should have a child. He is far above, from the deficiency from the weakness of needing a child of having a child who
needs a child, someone who needs to exist. Right? Someone who needs that their kind will continue to exist. This is why
animals, birds, human beings, they have children, right? This is why they procreate, because if they don't have children, if they don't procreate what will happen? After a few decades, they will go extinct. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala is above this weakness he doesn't need because he's ill, hey, he's ever living. He doesn't need children. I remember that I was listening to a lecture by Dr. Bill Phillips. And he was saying that often whenever if you look at a cat, right, and it has a child, it's a kitten, and it has similar qualities of that to a cat. So when we say that Allah is unique for him to have a child, that will mean that the child has similar qualities to that of the
father or the mother. So then that defeats the point of saying that Allah is unique, because if this child would have similar qualities then exactly. And how can you say that there is God and he has a human child? It's not possible.
I mean, a cat has a kitten, right? The child is always similar to the parent, but a human being is very different from God. There is no resemblance completely different. So in Allahu Allahu Allah subhanho Hakuna who Willard? He is above this deficiency of needing a child law who Murphy's summer what you want to fill out to Him belongs whatever that is in the heavens, and whatever that is in the earth.
and recycling is synonymous part of that. So he owns recycling center, and you don't own children. Children are free, you don't own children. They're not property, they're not possession. Lahoma for summer, what do you want my field of work if I will let you Akela? And why should you turn to someone else? Why should you need another God? When Allah is there, when he is sufficient, as Disposer of affairs, when he is sufficient as someone whom you can rely upon, then why turn to someone else? So what's the point of saying waka Fabula, he will Kena that you don't need any other God besides Allah. He will forgive your sins, when you will seek forgiveness from him. He doesn't
need to have a son and sacrifice him for your sake so that you can be forgiven. No, this is too complicated. You turn to him say sorry, and he can forgive your sins, woke up Abdullah he will kill you need some help, you can ask him directly. You don't need to go to him through so and so and through so and so. Ask him directly. He is sufficient. He is enough.
Walker Fabula he Akela Lanius thank you for Mercy who another evidence that is our listener is a messenger of Allah and not God. What is that? That he would never the Messiah meaning as artists and I would never disdain Hakuna Abdullah he that he should be a servant to Allah. What does this word yes, thank if mean, yes, then GIF is from noon. Kapha. And NACA is to think too proud of oneself to do something that you when you feel that you're too above it. And for you to do it would mean embarrassing yourself. So for example, a person he believes that he is very good, he is very nice. He is very righteous person. So when somebody says to them, read Quran or pray salah, they get
Okay, they get offended. That why are you telling me you think I'm not good enough? We think I'm not righteous enough. So this is what looking down on something good thinking that you're too good. You're too above it, you're better than it. And it also gives a meaning of that you're too embarrassed to do it. That you feel that if you'll do it, you'll get humiliated, you'll become small, like average people. That if you pray, just like they're praying, you'll become like them. Okay? That if you have to go and apologize to someone, then you're humiliating yourself, you're degrading yourself. Allah says, Lanius thank you for Mercy who recited the salam never felt too
proud to be what is servant to Allah. Because for a person to be a servant of Allah is actually an honor. It is not humiliation, what is it? An honor. This is why Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is called out of Allah servant of Allah in the Quran at various places. Why? Because it is an honor.
There was a man who said about his lover, that don't call me by any name of mine, except Yeah, Buddha, or her slave. Because he said, for inner who Ashraf who is many because indeed this is the most noble name of my mean. This is the best way that you can call me or servant of her or servant
will surrender Falana because I'm so proud of being her servant. I love her so much. So likewise, to be a servant of Allah is what an honor not humiliation. Ricciarelli Salam never felt too proud to worship Allah when Al Mala ecodan macabre Boon nor the close angels Makara boon from those who are close to Allah, even they never feel too proud to worship Allah. They are servants of Allah and they accept their status as servants of Allah. So don't think that if you call him son of God, you're exalting his status. No, he's fine as he is. You're not honoring him anymore.
The way you can honor Him most is when you call him servant of Allah.
When may yes thank you for your ability and whoever disdains his worship. Whoever is too proud to worship him. Feel that if he worships Allah, He will be humiliated in the eyes of people. His status will become low. We are stuck bit and he is proud from Mystic bow, the cupboard he is too proud to worship Allah. First of all, he looks down and secondly he's too proud such people for say assuring him la he Jamia soon he will gather all of them to himself together. Meaning those who refuse to worship Allah, where will they go? Eventually everyone is going back to Allah. And when a person is going back to Allah with this arrogance that I'm not going to listen to you I'm not going to worship
you than for such a person is only humiliation and sort of more
In is 60 We learn we'll call it a book and with the Rooney a scheduler come, Allah says call upon me, I will respond to you in Alladhina you're stuck Bruna and everybody those people who are too proud to worship me say the whole Luna Johanna muda clean, they will all be made to enter Hellfire contemptible, meaning they will be degraded, they will be humiliated. So what do we learn this verse? The true honor is in worshiping Allah, so never feel shy, never feel embarrassed to open up your Quran and begin reciting it. Never feel too shy to open up your book of their eyes and making their eyes never feel embarrassed that you're sitting before people in the masjid and you're lifting
up your hands to supplicate to Allah never, ever feel shy to stand up in order to pray when other people are just watching. This is an honor, not embarrassment. Whoever feels embarrassed to or feels too proud. Then such a person will be humiliated for a Molina manual so as for those people who believe wire me it'll slowly hurt and they do righteous deeds for you a fee him would you run home so he will give them in full their wages are dirt poor enough? I did notice the word you are fee welfare Yeah, fully you will give them their wages, nothing at all will be reduced. Wei Zhi, the woman fugly, you can only expect generosity from ALLAH. So he will increase them from His bounty, he
will not give reward that is equal to the good that has been done rather you will give more reward he will multiply it on the other hand what a Medina Stan CAFO as for those people who are scornful who disdain will look down on the worship of Allah was stuck bottle and they're proud for your Aviva whom I love and Lima. So he will punish them with a painful punishment. What are you doing at home and they will not find for themselves you know from what other they will not find for themselves men doing in law he besides Allah will Legion any friend will earnestly law nor any helper, no friend is gonna come rescue them. No helpers gonna come to a system. So what's the lesson that we learned over
a year? That obedience? demands? What sacrifice of ego you have to sacrifice your ego you have to kill it basically. You have to destroy it in order to become the true servant of Allah. Because what is it that stops us from obeying Allah? Me myself? I I can't say sorry. I can't forgive them.
I can't keep praying. My legs are tired. I can't fast I'm hungry. Right? I have work to do. I have other things in life.
It's always our knifes that comes in the middle that prevents us from worshiping Allah. Always check anything that you're not doing. Or anything that you are disobeying Allah subhanaw taala and what's the main reason we blame people we blame circumstances, but who is obeying them? Who is obeying the people? We are? Right? We are so who is to blame? We are to blame. It's always us. This is why this Ramadan pray to Allah to save you to protect you from the evil of your knifes because you're nothing stops you from the worship of Allah. Think about it when you're sleeping and you have to get up to pray what stops you? What stops you from getting? Is somebody holding your blanket down? Not letting
you get up? Has somebody tied you to the bed? Are you attached to the bed? Is there a Velcro like you're stuck to the bed? Are you glued to the bed? Nothing? Has somebody said that if you get up you will be shot dead? No one then what is stopping us? Us right? It's our ego our knifes that stops us from obeying Allah. This is why Allah says yeah, you harness all mankind. Khadija a combo ha No Mila become a clear conclusive proof has come to you from your Lord what is boron from Bala hair, but I elbow is to be manifest to be manifest when something is clear. But he is to be white, bright, brilliant, shining. When something is like this, you can't miss it. And from this the word Baja is
used for an evidence a proof that solves the argument that removes doubts. So this Quran is what a conclusive proof any question you have the answers are there any doubt you have? It will remove it. How important is it telling me to refer to the Quran again and again and again.
When you see that you're not stopping you from being Allah, then you need the Quran. You need to review the Quran you need to read the verses of punishment the verses of reward to give you the strength to overcome your soul
So yeah you're nervous for the Jacumba Hana what become a conclusive proof from your Lord has come to you. Well and Zelner la con Nora Medina and we have sent to you a clear light new what is new light? And this light is muy bien muy bien biannual even more clear, you can't miss it. It's clear light and what does light do? It enlightened it removes the darkness. So any ignorance you have any thing that is unclear in your mind any doubt that you have, the Quran will remove it, it will dispel it, any fear any worry, it will remove it, because in the darkness you're also afraid. Correct. So this Quran will remove those fears it will enlighten you it will show you the way when Zelner la
Komuro Medina, so hold on to it. Read it, read it again. Review it, recite it, listen to it. Never ever leave it because as long as you hold on to it, you will remain on the right path. What do we learn worth thusly? We'll be happy to lie Jimmy All right, hold on to the rope of Allah for your own good for Amma Lavina ermine obey Allah He asked as for those people who believe in Allah, where a person will be he and they hold fast to him, they believe in Allah and they hold on to him. What does it mean by holding on to Allah, holding on to his rope?
Trusting upon him relying upon him seeking help from him, why does some will be first Are you the healer whom feel mighty men who, then such people he will admit them into mercy from him, meaning he will admit them into his special mercy will Ferb limb and also favor, meaning he will give them special favor, who? Those who believe and hold on to Allah, how can you hold on to Allah by talking to him by seeking His help, by listening to him. There is a two way communication that has to be there. When you want to listen, when you want to take guidance from Allah, you have to read the Quran. And when you want to talk, when you want to express you have to do the you have to make dua.
So both of these things have to be present in your life, Quran and vicar in order to hold on to Allah, so those who hold on to him, then such people will be admitted into his mercy and special favor, He will protect them, you will guide them were de la slaughter, Mr. keema. And he will guide them to himself on a straight path, he will keep them on the right track. And this is a big reminder at the end of the surah that hold on to the Quran, if you want to remain steadfast. And finally, there's one verse which told us about the law of inheritance, you might wonder law of inheritance all of a sudden, what's the relationship here? At the beginning of the surah laws were given at the
end of the surah. Again, ALLAH is given why for further clarification, this verse talks about the case of Calella the person who doesn't have a sentence or descendants, right? And the inheritance concerning such a person was mentioned before. But Allah is giving more detail. What does that prove that any confusion you have any matter that is unclear, you will find the answer in the book of Allah, you just have to refer to it again. You just have to read it again and you will find the answer. Allah says yes, stuff Tunica. They request you for a legal ruling called Allah who you've deconflict Allah say Allah gives you the ruling concerning the colada who is gonna know father and
grandfather no mother and grandmother no children, no grandchildren.
This person in the middle one halacha. If a man dies and the word Imran, the feminine of that is imra Have you heard of the word imra in bra a woman Imran men so if a man halacha meaning he dies, laser the who what? And he does not have any children. He doesn't leave behind any children. What a who walked on the only air is who a single sister one sister, fella and your spoon and for her is half half of what Mata aka the entire estate that he has left behind. What if it's a woman who has died? Who doesn't leave behind children or parents second case has mentioned which is Wahiawa. Yet ISA and he will inherit from her from who from his sister in law Mia Kula wallet if she does not
have a child. So the second case if of a woman who is a Calella, who doesn't leave behind parents and children whose only heir is a brother, one brother, so that Brother How much will he inherit the entire estate of his sister for in Canada, and if they two were meaning the heirs of the Corolla, they were in
In a tiny there were two sisters because this is female, right? So if he leaves behind two sisters, and this means two or more, in the case of one sister, how much will she inherit half? In the case of two or more fellow human then for them meaning for both the sisters or for all those Sisters is a thorough Thani, two thirds of what Mataranka have that which he has left, meaning two thirds of the entire estate is that which the sisters will take what in can or what if they are brothers, who the heirs, Regina men, one is seven, and there are also some women, meaning he leaves behind brothers and sisters, more than one brother more than one sister. So that's the leaves behind two brothers
three sisters, Three brothers five sisters, than in that case by the Daiquiri than for the male, meaning for the brother is myth Lu equal to help will insane the share of two females, meaning every brother will get twice the share off every sister. So basically, four cases are mentioned over here. First, it leaves only one sister, what does she get half of the estate? Second, she leaves only one brother, what does he got the entire estate. Third, he leaves two or more sisters, they will share in two thirds of the estate. He leaves brothers and sisters than each brother will get a share that is double of the sisters share. So these are the cases of the color Allah. Allah says you obey you
know law hula comb, Allah is clarifying this to you. He's making it clear to you. He's giving you all this detail. Again. Why until they loo lest you go astray, lest you become misguided. He's saving you. This is why he's telling you these details. Will Allah who became militia in early him and Allah is Knowing of everything. He is the source of knowledge, he is the source of guidance, whether it is law, social law, family law, whatever kind of law it is, whether it is the problems in your life, personal issues that you're facing, personal struggles that you're going through, whatever it is, He is Knowing of everything. So when he knows everything, then guidance should be
sought from who him answer should be taken from who from Allah. And with this we reached the end of Sultan missa so the Messiah is also known as pseudo to the other or Rama we learned about the commands at the beginning and commands at the end. In the middle. There's so much emphasis on Justice Justice with who the people who are around you, and also with this Deen that you believe in Allah, His Messenger, his book, justice, give them their right the messenger has come believe the Quran has come believe obey. Because the thing is that we can only establish justice in the society, when we can establish it in the home.
We can only give the heck of Allah when we give the health of the people around us. Because this is an attitude right? We can only be fair in the society when you can be fair in the home. So this is why the laws pertaining to family life are mentioned in the Surah in so much detail, because the training begins from where from the household. If a person cannot be fair with their mother, how can they be fair with a stranger? It's not possible. So may Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to take the best from the surah to act upon it. This is that we become a lossy Hoonah filler in not just people who have surface knowledge but to our deep who don't just know but they also implement
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Subhanak Allahumma Ibraham they're gonna show you a La ilaha illa Anta the stuff we look at one or two, we like assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh