Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 062D Tafsir Al-Nisa 101-102

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of praying for oneself and avoiding harm is emphasized, as it is mandatory and mandatory during travel to England. The speaker emphasizes the need to practice praying for oneself to avoid harm, as it is an obligation and mandatory. The importance of praying in a serious way and not doing a jammer is also discussed, as it is necessary in graduation or a war scenario. The importance of praying in a situation where one is unable to carry their weapons is also emphasized, and the importance of not losing one's child while holding their child in a situation is also emphasized.

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			We'll begin from either 101
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			What either load up don't fill early, and when you travel through the earth Fellay Sara Lee come
Juna one, then there is no sin on you. Meaning there is absolutely no harm. You don't need to feel
guilty. When undock Sue, that you shorten municipality from the prayer Duk soo from the root
letters, BB sobre Cassara Yong Su Casa is to shorten something, it is to reduce something. So Allah
says over here that there's no harm that when you're traveling, then you shorten the prayer. We
haven't been given the option of leaving the prayer. All right. Why? Because salah is something that
is mandatory, you have to pray, no matter where you are, no matter what situation you're in, when a
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			person is supposed to pray, when the time of prayer enters, then he or she has to pray. But when a
person is traveling, sometimes it's not feasible. Right? For example, you're at the airport, and the
sun is setting at that time, and you have a flight to catch. If you start praying, you're Muslim,
then you miss your flight. And if you don't pray your Muslim, then you're going to miss your mother.
So in this situation, what should be done? Leave the prayer, because that's what many of us do. If
ever we are in a situation where we're not able to pray immediately, then what do we do we leave the
prayer, but we see that leaving the prayer is not an option. When a person is traveling, then what
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			is he supposed to do? Duck Sue, you shorten the prayer? So for example, where you have to pray for
units of prayer for units of Salah for Raka so for example in Zoho then you shorten it to how much
do for us are also for is reduced to two ratio also for is reduced to two. McRib? How do you shorten
three? Raka? You don't shorten them? What about Fajr? Do doc are how do you shorten them? You don't
shorten the because if you shorten them then what kind of Salah would that be? All right? So when
you're traveling, Allah says there's no harm if you shorten the prayer in 50 them if you fear 15
from Cove, if you fear and you have dinner come that he will put you to trial, meaning he will put
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			you in difficulty he will disrupt you who are living AHCA follow those who disbelieve if you fear
that they're going to disrupt you, meaning they're going to attack you when you're praying. So it's
better that you shortened the prayer for your own safety. In al Katharina indeed, the disbelievers
can hula come they are for you are the one will be in a clear enemy. Now remember, this verse was
revealed at a time when the Muslims of Medina were always under attack, they always feared the
threat of the enemy. If there was a person who by chance even went a little away from the
population, that's it, he would be attacked, Muslim blood was very cheap. And the thing is that
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			every time the Muslims would travel, go outside of Medina, there would always be a risk of getting
attacked by the enemy. So this is the reason why it has been mentioned over here that especially
when you fear the enemy's attack, then what will you do? You will shorten the prayer. But remember
that the verse was revealed in that context, but it's not just limited to that context, which is why
we see that whenever the Prophet saw a lot of them traveled afterwards, whether he feared the enemy,
or he did not whether Muslims were secure, or they were not, whenever they were traveling, what
would they do, they would shorten the prayer. So we see that initially, the allowance was given why,
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			because of security issues. However, later on, even though the Muslims were in peace and security,
still they were to shorten the prayer. And when it comes to shortening the prayer in your travel,
remember, it's not an option. What is it? It is an obligation, it is mandatory. So when you're
traveling, don't think that you'll be more pious if you pray for the Cara. No, you have to pray to
if you perform more than do you're actually disobeying Allah. Why? Because when Allah and His
Messenger have told us to shorten the prayer, then what should be our reaction Samina will aterna We
hear and we obey.
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			And this is why we see that one of the companions he said that I prayed behind the Prophet salallahu
salam for the Zohar and also prayers in Mina when the people were many and also very safe, and he
prayed to Lucara
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			imagine at Hajj, how many Muslims were present 1000s and 1000s Okay 1000s and 1000s of Muslims were
present at had to deal with it
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			And they were also very secure. There was no fear of any enemy. But still the profits are a lot.
It's in them. He led the people in prayer and how much did he pray to record each? This is why he
said about the short term prayer that it is so Dakotan the Sadhak, Allahu Bihar Aleikum for Akbar
louzada Kata who, that this is a charity of Allah for you. This is a gift of Allah to you. So accept
it. You had a question, sister.
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			Okay, is it while you are traveling or when you are traveling? I understand your question. The
question is that, for example, you're taking a plane to England, from here. So the flight is about
how many six to eight hours, five, four, something like that. Okay. So you're traveling from here to
there. And when you get there, you're gonna stay there for two weeks, and then you're gonna come
back. So are you supposed to shorten the prayer only on the plane? Or are you supposed to shorten
the prayer for the whole time that you're away from home?
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			Okay, three days? Anybody else? Yes. 19 days? Yes. 15 days? Anybody else? Yes. A week. Anybody else?
Yes, three days, okay. You see all these different opinions. You see that? Now we see that the
Prophet sallallahu sallam, he traveled at different times for different lengths of time. And
whenever he traveled, he shortened his prayer, to the point that even if he went for a day, it was a
day's journey, he went and he returned the same day, still, he would shorten the prayer. So this
teaches us that you shorten the prayer, when you are traveling, the whole time that you're
traveling, even if you go somewhere, for example, the Prophet saw a lot of sin and went to Makkah,
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			stayed there for 90 days and shortened a prayer throughout his stay over there. So it doesn't
matter. There's no minimum number of days that has been specified. Okay, there is no minimum number
of days that has been specified. We see different different opinions, because they're all based on
the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam, which tell us about when he traveled for a certain number
of days, he shortened the prayer. So this teaches us that whenever a person is traveling, whether he
struggle for five days, 10 days, 20 days, what will he do, he will shorten the prayer for the entire
length of time that he's away from home. And we see that some companions, they stayed, for example,
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			unnecessarily lower, and he stayed in a sham for two months, for two months. And he prayed casul
prayer for those two months, those entire two months, what did he do? He shortened the prayer. Why?
The reason was that he did not know when he was going to go back when he was going to return. So if
you go somewhere, and your tickets are booked, you're going to England, you're going to come back
after two months, you're staying there for two months, okay, you're going to go to London, you're
going to stay there for two months. Then when you get there for your trip there, you're going to
shorten the prayer. Once you get there, you don't need to shorten the prayer. Okay, you will pray as
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			you normally do. However, once you get to London, you're gonna go to Manchester, and you're gonna go
to Glasgow, and you're gonna go all over, you're constantly traveling, then in that case, what will
you do? You will shorten the prayer. Likewise, if you go to England, and you say, Okay, let me get
there. And I'll see when it's best to come back. You don't know when you're coming back. It could be
one week could be three weeks could be one month could be two months. So when you're uncertain about
the length of your journey, then what will you do? You will shorten the prayer until you are
certain. Okay, so yes, you will find out some scholars say 19 days, some say 15 days, some say three
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			days. But the fact is that when a person is traveling, he is traveling. When you're away from home,
when you're away from your routine, you're busy doing so many things that obviously it will be
difficult for you to pray for units of prayer at a particular point in time. So this is an ease of
facilitation that Allah subhanaw taala has granted to this ummah. So what should we do? We should
accept it.
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			Also, remember one more thing about the distance.
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			Let's say you say I'm going out with my friends to Richmond Hill from here, and we're gonna go eat
there. And then we're going to come back, it's going to take maybe four or five hours in total.
Okay, for example, although you shouldn't be spending that much time for just eating anyway. You
say, Okay, I'm gonna go so it's going to be Muslim inertia, let's say so. So am I supposed to
shorten the prayer or not? Okay, another question. I'm not giving the answer right now. Right.
Another question. You say I'm going to Hamilton. Okay. I'm going to Hamilton for the whole day with
my family. We're going to go have some fun at one of the parks over there. So we're going for a day
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			and we'll be back by the nighttime. So are we supposed to shorten the prey when we're there?
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			Okay, another question. I'm going to Ottawa. Okay. And I'm going to stay there for two days, and I'm
going to come back. Am I supposed to shorten the prayer or not? Okay. But you say no, but I'm taking
a flight. And it takes what? Half an hour, one hour maximum? How long does it take? Not too long. So
still am I supposed to shorten the brain? The thing is, that when you leave your house, with this
realization in your mind, I'm traveling, okay? I'm traveling, which means that you will back
something with you for the trip, for the journey, whether it is some food, or some snacks, okay? Or
you will make sure that you fill your car with gas before you go, and you make sure everything is
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			ready. And then you leave the house, even if you're going for a couple of hours. What is it? It is a
journey? It is a journey. Okay? And how much distance distance again, there is no minimum number of
kilometers or miles that are agreed upon by all of the scholars. Why? Because the prophets not a lot
of them went in different journeys, the lengths were different, the distance was different. And he
prayed possible. Okay, so at the end of the day, the distance doesn't really matter that much. What
matters? Is that are you taking a trip? Or are you just running an errand? Okay, are you taking a
trip? Or are you just running an errand? Is it something routine? Or is it something out of routine?
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			So for example, for me to go to Richmond Hill, you know what that means? I have to pack an extra bag
of clothes for my kids. Okay? Why? Because they might need a change, they might spill something on
their clothes, it's a long drive, I'm gonna have to pack extra toys and extra snacks for the drive.
Why? Because it can take up to hour, hour and a half, two hours to get there. So for me, it's like a
journey might as well be staying there for the night. All right. And also, there's something very
unusual for me. So if I were to go there, I would pick us up. Because it's something unusual for me.
All right. When I go there, I go with the mindset of this is like a trip for me. When I go to
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			Hamilton, even for a day, again, I have a whole bag full of stuff for the kids, which I would not
have if I were going to a restaurant or to a park locally. Okay? Likewise, you fill up your gas, you
make sure everything is there, and then you sit out of the house. So it's not about the number of
days that matter. It's not about the distance that matter. What matters is, you know best whether
it's a journey, or not, whether it's a trip or not. And again, the journey may be very easy. You may
just go you know, drive to the airport, sit on the airplane, half an hour, 45 minutes flight, you
get to your destination, you have your meeting, you do your work, and by the nighttime you catch
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			another flight back home. This may be very easy, very easy, but isn't it out of routine, isn't it
something puts you in that mindset that this is a journey. This is a trip that I'm making. So
because of that reason, what will you do? You will pray? bustle salah. All right. Now one more
thing, when it comes to Casa also is to shorten the prayer. There's one more thing that you have the
option of doing when you're traveling which is a jammer. What does a jammer mean to join the prayers
as well? Which prayers Can you join together?
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			Zoho so you can join another group Russia you can join? What does that mean? That from the time that
Lord enters until the time that also ends.
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			From the time the lava enters until the time that Oslo ends, this whole period of time. You can pray
Zoho, also together shortened at any time whenever it's easier for you whenever it's feasible for
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			All right, likewise militia Maghrib and Russia when you join them, what does that mean? That from
the time that McGraw begins until the time that Russia ends, anytime, during this period, you can
pray Maghrib Isha costal and Gemma okay, this also you can do and this we find in the Sunnah of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but remember that when a person is traveling costs of fossil
shortening the prayer is mandatory.
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			When it comes to joining the prayers, is that mandatory? No, it is an option. It is an option you
can do that.
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			All right, it's not mandatory. However, it is an option.
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			What either contra fee him now when other matter concerning Salah and when you are amongst them, oh
Prophet salallahu Salam when you are with the believers, meaning you're traveling with them for a
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			Aloha masala Mata and then you leave them in the prayer, then how should you lead them in prayer?
This is basically referring to a similar state of danger that when the Muslims are traveling
somewhere there is danger. There's fear of enemy, you know fear that they will attack or for
example, Muslims are in battle and the battle is going on and on and the time for prayer is about to
end. So in that case, what are the believers supposed to do? Are they supposed to delay their
prayer? leave their prayer? No. Even in the middle of the battle, even when a person is running to
save his life? Even in that situation, when the time comes, he has to remember a law.
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			You might say this is strange. Why? Come on a person is in danger. His life is at risk. Why does he
have to stop and pray? Why? Why do you think so? Why is it so important?
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			Yes, it is the right of Allah but your life? Come on. isn't that important? Yes.
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			Okay, Allah can save you is
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			Allah give you your life? So you have to remember him even if your life is at risk. Okay. Anything
else? Any other reason? Yeah.
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			Okay, you are out in the way of Allah. So how can you forget him? How can you forget him? The thing
is, that this shows to us how important prayer is, how important Salah is that even when a person is
in battle, even when a person fears the attack of the enemy, even at such a time, he cannot leave
his prayer, then what about when he's just feeling a little tired at home? Can he leave the prayer
then? No. What about when he's just sitting with his friends sipping on tea? Can he leave his prayer
then? No. What if he's in the middle of a movie? And there comes my so then what is he supposed to
do? What is she supposed to do? Keep watching, keep watching, keep watching and pray later, when the
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			time is up? No. What if they're in the middle of the game? And they're about to hit high score or
whatever? Then again? Can they leave the prayer at that time? No, they cannot. This shows to us the
seriousness of prayer. That whether you're at school, or at work, in the middle of a class, in the
middle of an exam, no matter where you are, what you're doing, when the time comes to pray, you have
to stop everything and Allah first, you know, in Salah when you say Allahu Akbar, what does that
mean? Allah is greater, greater than what anything that's going on in my life right now. Then this
movie, I'm watching and this game I'm playing and then this exam, I'm writing this shopping that I'm
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			doing, no matter what I'm doing, Allah is greater, he is more important. So this is a reason why I
will stop everything and pray now. But Allah subhanaw taala when he has obligated the salah on us,
he has also made it possible for us to pray. And this is the reason why there is a particular way of
praying in the state of fear. Did you know about the Salah to hope, the fear prayer. There is a
particular way of performing Salah when a person is in the state of fear, meaning he fears that his
life is in danger. He cannot leave the prayer he will shorten the prayer because obviously he's
traveling he's out somewhere. And what will he do? He will pray in a particular way how that method
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			is described over here. First of all, we learned over here for a compiler Homer salata that even if
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			the Muslims are in the middle of the battle, there is great danger. Still, they will pray how in
congregation, they will still pray in congregation together. Again, what does this do to us the
importance of praying in congregation especially for the men, that when they are two men present
somewhere, then they cannot pray by themselves what do they have to do pray together one has to lead
the other has to follow even in war for account Allahu salata. You lead them in prayer, how will
that be performed photocopy then it should stand from pm who should stand by if I don't agree with
men whom from them Martha with you. So basically, the group of the Muslims who have to pray together
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			but they are in a state of fear, what will they do? They will divide up into two groups. Okay, they
will divide up into two groups. One group will stand and pray behind the leader behind the Imam.
Okay. When this I was revealed behind the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And when they are praying
behind him, what will they do well yet who do and they should take
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			asleep at the home their weapons, meaning as they're praying, they will actually carry their weapons
with them.
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			They will not put them down. Why? So that the enemy that's watching knows that these people are
prepared. Because otherwise if they see that, oh, they're busy, frustrating and they don't even have
anything to defend themselves. So what will the enemy do come and attack and finish off the Muslims?
Correct. So this is a reason why, in the fear prayer, what will the people do? They will actually
carry their weapons. Generally, when you're praying, are you allowed to carry things? Your handbag?
Or your phone? Or your wallet? Can you hold it? No, you can't.
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			What about a tissue in your hand? Can you hold it? No, you can't. You can put it in your sleeve or
something but you can't hold it in your hand. Why? Because in the Salah, your limbs have to be
humble before Allah, in your Salah, your entire body has to be submissive. And if you're carrying
something that your body cannot be submissive, okay, you cannot move properly. But in the fear
prayer that people will actually carry their weapons for either sogetsu then when they will do their
Sajida so they were standing by and the prophets of Allah was in the student TM, they did they
record the god up, they went down to such that they perform their two prostrations, then what will
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			happen, familia Kulu then they will who the people who are praying behind the Prophet salallahu
Salam, they will go minhwa EComm they will go behind you why, in order to guard the Muslims.
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			And while that de and it will come who will come by if I don't offer the other group, which other
group Lemieux salute who have not yet prayed. Because remember, I said that the Muslims will divide
into two groups. One group is praying behind the prophets a lot is carrying their weapons. Okay, but
where's the other group? What are they doing? They're guarding the Muslims whether from the front or
the back or around from wherever necessary. They're guarding the Muslims who are praying. So those
who are praying will perform wonder Carl behind the leader and then they will go and take the place
of those who are guarding and those who are guarding what will they do now they will come from you
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			Solu mark then they will pray with you. How will Yahoo do and they will take their precaution in
approaching in getting into the rose will actually hit the home and they will also carry their
weapons. What do we see over here that is so important to pray behind one leader one email to have
one congregation that even in the middle of the battle would have been easier to just let some
people pray first and the other people pray later know what has been said one Imam and what will
happen first group will pray Wonder Girl and the second group will pray second regard behind the
Imam they will take turns okay, how that the email after he will perform the first record he will
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			pause meaning he will not continue in his Salah he will wait he will wait until the army can switch
spots. Okay, when the rules are formed, then he will continue. So when he will say the salon he will
have performed to the cart? Correct. But the rest of the people how much have they performed wonder
car each? Correct. So what will they do? After they have performed a wonder car, they will get up in
order to perform the second record.
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			Okay, so each group gets to pray one record with the EMA. And the second record, they will pray
themselves individually. This is just like a congregation is going on you come and join them. All
right, you pray to the car with them through the car with them and whatever that you've missed. What
do you do? You make that up later. Okay, so they will make that up later whenever it is possible for
them either immediately or after a few minutes when they've gotten to their positions whenever
possible wherever possible, they will perform their second record. Now this is one way of performing
the fingerprint. Another way is that the EMA will pray for the cars in total, but the people will
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			prefer to own a car each behind him. So for example, the Imam will perform to the car and in that
the show hood when he's sitting. He will not get up until the rest of the people have come when
they've switched spots. Okay, when the group has gone groupie has come on the group he has come then
he will stand up and he will lead them in prayer. Okay, do Monica so at the end everybody has prayed
to each but the EMA has prayed how much for now there are many other ways of performing the fear
prayer as well. But essentially we see the main thing is that everybody gets to pray behind the Imam
either all of their salah or bar
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			Have their salah, but everyone gets to pray behind the email. And one thing we see is that while
they're praying behind the email, what do they have to do? carry their weapons, they still have to
take their defense. They still have to be alert, because this is an exceptional situation. Why?
What's the reason? Allah says what the medina cafardo Those who disbelieve their love they really
want louder Faloona if only you would neglect from orphan ln phylum waffleh negligence, if you will
only neglect and as they have become your weapons were on TRT calm and your baggage. I'm Dara
florala, mudhar, meantime, that they just want you to be neglectful of your weapons and your stuff
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			for just a moment. And then what do they want? Fire me Luna Aleykum then they attack you may let
them we're headed a single attack and finish you off. Your Madonna for me. mela mela 10 same route
Mimi Anam and mail is to incline and Mela, Allah is to attack. So they're just waiting for that one
moment when they will see you negligent and they want to attack you and finish you off right there.
And then and this is what happens. If you want to defeat someone, then what do you look for? Which
moment do you look for when they're not paying attention, any game, any sport, any competition, this
is what people are looking for, when is my opponent negligent for even a moment so that I can get
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			the better of him. So this is reason why Allah tells the videos that they have to be very cautious
at this time. What I do now how are they cope and there is no sin on you. In if cannot become there
was with you other than some hurt me. Matan because of brain matter is rain and other you know means
hurt. What does this mean? That if you are troubled by rain, that for example, it's raining heavily.
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			Okay, it's raining heavily. You are soaking your clothes, you're getting heavy. And at the same time
you have to carry the weapons, it's going to be very difficult because weapons aren't light. Isn't
that so? You're not light. So they're heavy. So there is no harm on you. If you are troubled by
rain, oh, come to Marga or you are sick, medulla, Florida of Medina. And because of that sickness,
you're not able to carry those weapons in prayer. So there is no harm until the RU SP article that
you put down your weapons the Laroux from well Daraa to put them. So what does this teach us that
there is no harm, that it is not an obligation to carry the weapons. Okay? It's just being
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			proactive. Okay, so if for a reason one is not able to carry, there's no harm, it doesn't mean that
his Salah will be invalid. All right, well, who do hit the rock on but still ALLAH says, take your
precaution meaning Be smart. Be careful, be attentive, take your precaution in Allah, indeed Allah
or the little cafeteria or Deborah Mahina He has prepared for the disbelievers. What are the Mahina
humiliating punishment? Because if you think about it, these were the people who were harming the
Prophet sallallahu Sallam attacking the Muslims were their own blood relatives, whom they recognize
to be truthful and honest people, but still, they wouldn't spare their lives. They wouldn't spare
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			them anywhere. They just wanted the Muslims to be vulnerable, so that they could just go and attack
them and finish them. So in this situation, what does Allah subhanaw taala teach the believers that
be attentive and be careful? And this teaches us a very, very important life lesson. And what is
that, that even though you trust in Allah, you hope that he will protect you, you want that he will
safeguard you, but still what do you have to do? What do you have to do? You have to be smart, you
have to you know, put your own effort in in order to defend yourself
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			and a person has to take precaution. So trusting on Allah does not mean leaving any kind of
precautionary measures. No, you have to take precautionary measures and you also have to trust and
Allah, both of them go hand in hand. Another very important lesson we learned over here is that when
a person is praying salah, then they can carry something that is a source of defense for them. That
is a source of protection for them. Okay? Or if it is something too precious, that if it is left,
then it will be lost. It doesn't mean that you carry your bag when you're praying because you love
your bank.
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			It doesn't mean that you carry your phone, or that you carry your wallet or you hold your glasses in
your hand. No. It means that you
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			carry something that's too precious that if it is left it will be gone. Can you think of something
or someone?
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			Like a child of yours? You're at a masjid. Okay, there's elevators over there and you know that your
son loves elevators. Okay, what's gonna happen? He's gonna say mom's praying, Ron.
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			Ron, will you be able to focus in your prayer? Not at all. You can lose your child. So in this
situation, what can you do? Hold our child?
00:30:29 --> 00:30:54
			Okay, hold your child, you can do that. There's no sin on that. Even if it means you're performing
go to court in an awkward way. And you're holding your hands in class in an awkward way. Yes.
Because you can't let your child go in that situation. This is why, you know, when children would be
crying, women were allowed to hold their children in their sauna. Why? Because children are
precious. Okay.
00:30:55 --> 00:31:22
			That's all Alaikum I just want to say that when my mom went to Omar Al years ago, about 16 years
ago, and my brother was still under the age of one, what she did was that she took a piece of cloth.
And because he was still a toddler, he would like to crawl everywhere, obviously. So what she did
was she took a piece of cloth, she took one and and tied it to her ankle and took the other end and
tied it to his ankle. So he would still call around, but he wouldn't go anywhere. She couldn't see
00:31:23 --> 00:31:46
			But if somebody doesn't have a piece of cloth with them, or you know, they have even child
restraints, right. So if a person doesn't have that, they can't hold it and they have to hold their
child. You know, for example, you start the prayer and then it comes to your mind. Oh my god, there
was an elevator there. He's gonna go down the stairs. He's gonna take the elevator. So grab him.
Don't let him go. It's perfectly fine. No sin.