Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 059B Tafsir Al-Nisa 51-57
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The speakers discuss the concept of superstitions and their negative consequences, including evil behavior and the use of hazard. They emphasize the importance of avoiding fear and forgiveness before finding one's way, as well as the need to relax and forgive oneself. They also mention a recording of a song about a woman who is alone and worries about her feelings.
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Lesson number 59. So de missa, a number 51 to 70
along with our ILA Latina Oh tuna, Sliva mineral kitab. Have you not seen have you not reflected on those people who were given a portion of the Book? Again, it's amazing amazement is being expressed astonishment is being expressed that it's shocking look at their behavior, that on the one hand, they have the book. And on the other hand, you know, in a Bill jibbety, water hood, they believe in superstition, and in false god,
a person who has been given the book, it does not befit him that he believes in superstition, and false idols. It doesn't make sense. Because Eman and to hood, faith and superstition, they don't go together. They're completely opposite. And it's shocking when a person has the book. And then he leaves that and pursues other things. This is just like a person who has been granted something original who has something original. And then he goes on, after fake things, after cheap things, after things that have no value. It's amazing that a person has money. And on the other hand, he is not benefiting from that money. Instead, he is living at a shelter doesn't make sense. It doesn't
make sense that a person makes a six figure salary. And there he is driving a car that is 20 years old, that's have rested, doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense. So likewise, it doesn't fit a person who has been given the book that he believes in gypped and fatherhood. Now what is Jeep and what is the hood jipped is the name of an idol. Or some scholars said that it means magic. But if you look at the meaning of the word gypped, it means every useless thing, or matter that is void of good that doesn't have any good in it. So by itself, it is useless. It is fake, it is unreal, it is imaginative, and it doesn't carry any benefit in it. It's just a person's assumption. A person's
fear, a person's imagination, it's not real at all. And it doesn't bring any benefit to the person anyways.
So this is the reason why the word gypped is understood as superstition. So for example, what does superstition include? That if a black cat has passed, has crossed the street, that means something?
What's going to happen? Something bad is going to happen. Okay, this is what just a person's imagination. Is there any factor this? Is there any reality to this? Nothing at all. This is a person's assumption. And if he does not cross that path, he stays back, he changes his route, is it going to benefit him? It's not going to benefit him? Is it gaining anything? No. In fact, he is losing. So for example, in certain buildings and many buildings, they don't build or they don't call the 13th. Floor 13th floor, or they don't call the fourth floor, fourth floor. Why? Because the number 13 Or number four or whatever is considered unlucky. I lived in apartment building. And in
that building, there was no 13th floor, there was no I believe 23rd floor or 11, there was a couple that were missing a couple that were missing.
But it doesn't remove the 13th floor from the building does it? It's still the 13th floor, you can call it 14 You can call it 15, whatever you want to call it, but it's actually it's still 30. Because if you count and if you're teaching a child how to count, you're gonna say 1-234-567-8910 1112, skip 13 and go to 14 Doesn't make sense. It's still there,
isn't it? So it's imaginary. So when a person has such beliefs, superstitious beliefs, then this is what it doesn't fit a believer.
Yeah, she said that somebody passed a joke that you really think the devil can count. I mean, 13 is there it's there, if you don't call 13. It is still 30. So anyway, Allah subhanaw taala expresses amazement over such people that they have the book, they have knowledge. They have Iman, I mean, some kind of Eman at least they believe in Allah. They believe in the angels in the Day of Judgment, in good and evil. And still they believe in Egypt. What is toggled to who this false god, whether it's in the form of an idol or in the form of a human being someone who is worshipped other than Allah, someone who calls to his own worship, so they believe in Egypt and thought, What is this
referring to? The Jews of Medina. They visited the
Koresh of Makkah why to team up with them against the Muslims. Now the Mushrikeen they believed in powerboats, isn't it? They worship many idols, many false gods. And they also had many superstitious beliefs. That for example, if a bird flies in this direction, then such and such will happen, or if a bird flies in that direction, then such and such will happen. They had such superstitious beliefs. So, the Jews, they went to them, they visited them, they teamed up with them against the Muslims, so that they could together harm the Muslims in Medina. And in their talks in their conversations, they actually approve the ways of the machine, and they praise the ways of the machine as well. And they,
on the other hand, denounced Muslims, they denounced Islam. Allah says it's amazing. On the one hand, they have the book on the other hand, the believer in Egypt and thought, were cool Luna and they say, Linda Nina Carvalho to those people who disbelieve that how would I be is mean the disbelievers those who don't believe in Allah. These people are there are more guided from hedaya There are more guided Mina Lilina Manu than those people who have emailed me none the Muslims, Sabina and in way. In other words, the Jews said concerning the machete cane, that you guys are better guided. You guys are on the right guidance compared to the Muslims, you are far better. Now
if you think about it, if you compare the belief of Muslims of the musty cane and of the hood, which two faiths resemble more Islam and Judaism or shake? What is more similar Islam and Judaism, right? Because the Michigan they did not believe in any of the messengers. They did not believe in any of the books. But the Jews at least believe in the messengers, some of them at least, they believe in some books at least, but the machine did not at all.
So what do we see over here, that in belief, they were closer to Muslims, but for the sake of political alliances, for the sake of worldly gain, and the hatred and bias against the Muslims, what happened? They said something that contradicted their own faith. They said something that contradicted their own faith.
And sometimes this happens, that when we want to displease someone, satisfied them make them happy. Then we say some things which are clearly against Islam. Sometimes people want to defend Islam, they want to show that Islam isn't really all that bad. And in that, what will they do, they will misinterpret the verses of Quran. For example, recently, we learned about the verse in which the disciplining of the women is mentioned that how different ways are to be adopted and find any worldly buena. And you will see that many contemporary scholars, they will say that over here, well, three wounded doesn't mean to strike, it means to travel away, to leave the house to go away. This
is how they interpret it, because they don't want to show that Islam is evil. But when you actually study the verse correctly, when you look at the context, when you keep everything together, then does it not make sense? Yes, we discussed everything in detail. And we learned about when it is allowed in which situation and how it is allowed, and to what extent
that we learned about the four wives issue. And people will say things like, Oh, no man can never marry a second wife unless and until he takes permission from the first wife. They just like to add these things to make it look a little better.
But who are we to say such things? And we go on contradicting ourselves contradicting the Quran. I remember I watched a video clip once of a woman who was a Muslim, and it was clearly saying, well, there's no hijab in Islam. And the woman was like, Well, do you not read the book? And she ran out the verse absolutely *, which clearly mentions the hijab. And she's like, are you not sincere to your own faith? Like what is this? So this kind of attitude is very pathetic. Allah says Allah Tala Elan, Medina autosleep A miracle. It's amazing. Look at these people, they're contradicting themselves. On the one hand, they have the book. On the other hand, they believe in Egypt and
fatherhood, it doesn't make sense. And then they say to others, that all you guys are much better than Muslims. You guys are much better than the original Islam. They say such things to others whereas in reality there are far from right guidance. Allah says Allah Iike Nadine and Larina whom Allah such people, Allah has reality curse them. Allah has cursed such people. They're far from Allah's mercy. When my yellow and Allah Who and whoever Allah curses fell untouched Allah Who knows Lila then you will never ever find for him a helper. You will never find for him some
One who can help him that person is on his own. Nobody can help him.
But typically people say such things contradicting themselves into the why? To get the help of others to get the support of others. But how long can you have their support? Perhaps until your last breath once you die, then what? You can reject parts of the Quran you can reject the Sunnah you can reject the Hadith. But then what? What about the hereafter who's going to save you? Who's going to help you fell ontology della Hoonah Sera. Now before we move on, remember that superstition? This is something that we're not allowed to believe in. We as Muslims do not believe in superstition, what is superstition? By the way?
What do you understand? superstition is
something that is invented. Okay, how else do you understand it?
Belief that has no reality is basically when you believe that a certain event or a certain object,
the presence of something, the happening of something will cause good or will cause evil.
You understand? A certain event or an object, its presence or it's happening will cause evil or will cause good.
Right? Now give me examples of superstition because we have to know so that we can avoid it. Yes.
They believe that these kinds of dolls can hurt people. Okay, what can a doll do?
What can a doll do? I mean, you can throw it? You can burn it. You can throw it off the 13th floor and nothing's gonna happen. Yes.
That if I step on a crack and break your mom's back. What does that mean? That if you step on a crack, then your mom's back will break. The law honey number four mother? Yes.
Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Friday the 13th does an unlucky day. There's something very common. I have a very interesting story, but it's a personal stories. I'm not going to share with you. Should I? Okay.
My daughter.
She was born on the night of Friday the 13th
at one o'clock,
so the doctors or the midwives and whoever was there, they were like, Oh, thank God, it's not in the Friday the 13th Thank God it was after 12 It became 14 Saturday the 14th There were so grateful. I was like what are you guys talking about? I almost wished that she was born before 12 o'clock. So I could prove to people that look I mean, everything's good. Hamlet Allah. Somebody else raise their hand? Yes.
Yeah, they will send these emails with a story about an evil murderer and evil case. As I get these many seconds quickly press forward otherwise, somebody's gonna come and attack you.
That in the Sierra, we learned that when the prophets have lots of them son passed away, at that same time was also an eclipse. And the people said that it's because of the death of the son of the Prophet salallahu Salam. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam completely rejected that no, this is an Ayah from the Ayat of Allah, it doesn't happen because of the death of someone or the birth of someone. Right? Yes.
The two sisters should never get married to two brothers because one will be happy and the other will not be happy. At the same date, or someone wearing black should not come to the wedding or someone who is divorced should not come to the wedding. Or someone who's a widow should not come to the wedding. Or someone who doesn't have children should not come close to that bride.
This is what superstition. How do you know? Yes.
Okay, crossback something to do with the ghost you guys go to high school. You know the story? Yes.
Yes, exactly. palmistry horoscopes, everything is part of jipped it's basically saying that because someone is born on a particular day in a particular month, that particular day of the year, this is the reason why certain things will happen in their life or certain characteristics they will have right? You say that an event or an object will cause something good or cause something evil? Yes.
A black dog Yes, the Prophet saw a lot of them describe it as a shaytaan and Chaillot does not mean that he is the devil in the form of dog. But remember that word shape on is also interested in someone rebellious so the black dog in its nature is typically more rebellious compared to other dogs. Doesn't mean it's a devil. Yes.
Really? Okay, a married in which you look at yourself. Don't dare break it because for seven years you'll have bad luck. Yes.
Oh, what a bride throws her bouquet and the first bridesmaid who catches the flowers. She'll get married next. Okay. Yes. Okay, it's considered bad luck for
The bride to see the groom before the marriage. I mean, what kind of things people have invented? Right? Yes.
Okay, they say that when a woman is pregnant, then she should be around people who are very beautiful.
Yes. Why? Because that child of the womb is going to take effect is going to take reflection of the people who are around.
You don't people said that to me. Honestly, people said that to me that, you know, make sure that you're around very beautiful people because then your baby will be very beautiful. And if you're around, who are you to say someone is beautiful or ugly, everyone is beautiful. So, this is superstition. Remember, that all evil all good comes from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala if he decides for something good to happen, it will happen and if he decides for something evil to happen, it will happen. So, ultimately, Allah is the one who decides, so, we should fear Him and we should ask him when a person believes and superstition that what happens he becomes very weak. Then he becomes
afraid of a cat and he becomes afraid of people around him and he becomes afraid of a glass breaking in a toilet flushing and number.
So anyway, the prophets had a lot of said them, he said, Valerie Yaffa to what to do with Burkle mineral gypped or Yafa, bulk mtrr All are gypped what is reefer EF is Durmand fade from the name or sound, or the direction of the flight of a creature. The name of a creature the sound of a creature that the crow is going and the cat is meowing and the dog is barking and the donkey is whatever during okay? And because of that something's gonna happen. something's gonna happen now.
Okay, or because the bird flew in a particular direction, okay? Bark Bark is to throw rocks to determine fate. So for example, people toss coins, good luck or bad luck. If it's the side, then it's good luck. If it's that side, it's bad luck, okay, three out of the yellow bad omen like blackout number, 13, broken glass, whatever. So all of this is what gypped and it is all forbidden.
Remember that it is all forbidden. From history, the lines of your hand are a particular way then because there's such and such will happen. Right? Or horoscopes. This is also gypped. And we stay away from all of this. Stay away from it. If you want something to happen, please ask Allah. If you don't want something to happen, please ask Allah to save you. Really? I mean, going to people who can read your hand and who can tell you the future having a beret tell you or I mean, this doesn't make sense. Who made you who has power over you who has power over everything? Allah Allahu Allah Manaea anima out later when I worked here, Lima Renata, when I am further jet demon culture, that we
watch all of this on television, on, you know, in movies and stuff, and then we actually start believing in it. So stay away from such things as well. Allah says, Allah whom the slave woman al Mulki? Or do they have a share of the Dominion asleep? portion, minimal dominion, what a small prefer to the monk of Allah, the heavens and the earth and everything that Allah owns basically everything that exists. So these people who are jealous, because basically, if you think about it, what was the problem that the Bani Israel had with the prophets of Allah said, with the Muslims, it all boils down to what jealousy they were jealous that he was an Arab, and he was chosen as a
prophet, they wonder that the prophet should be far among them. They couldn't accept that an Arab would be a prophet.
And because of this reason, they rejected him. They refuse to accept even though everything made complete sense. And this is the reason why they went made friends with them, which again, do harm the Muslims together. So their problem was jealousy. Allah says, do they have a share of dominion? Meaning do they have any share over the milk of Allah? Do they own the Earth? Do they own the sky? Do they own the moon? Do they own the sun or something? Because of which they think of themselves as very great? Because Jealousy is a result of what thinking very highly of yourself, thinking that I am the best, and I deserve the best and nobody's as good as I am. And everything good should be with
me and nobody else should have anything good but me. If there is beauty, I should have it. If there is money, I should have it. If there is a degree, I should have it. If it's beautiful way of talking. I should have it. Anybody else? No, nobody should have it. And then people cannot even tolerate that somebody is wearing the same dress as them. Right and they will start fighting with them. They're become so jealous, then why do they have the same thing as me? Why do they have this that I have? This should not have it? Allah says why are they jealous of
levelness Lieberman Al Mulk, what do they think of themselves, for either layer you doing a nurse and Akira, if they really possessed it, if they really own something of the dominion of Allah, then these people would not give to the people, even as much as in a piece. What is an appeal is from noon, kufra and Nakara is to take, and Nikita is a small.on, the date seed. Again, the date seed.
First we learned about fatigue fatigue is a thread. Now, over here what is mentioned Nikki and Nikki is a small dot, which you cannot see in this picture, unfortunately, because it's so small that you see on a date seat, can you please turn the light off so that it's more clear? Yeah, you see that?
You probably thought it was something abnormal with the seat. Okay, but it's actually there in the seat. Now, next time that you're having the date, please, I wish I had as many dates as the people are here. And I would have given you dates. And I would have asked you to open it and see the nuclear. It's a small dark, literally on the date seed. Perhaps in your groups tomorrow, you can bring a few and share with your friends as well. Okay, can you all do that? In groups, please bring some dates and open up and eat them and also see what's inside. So look at the Nokia. And look at the 14. Allah says they would not give to people even as much as an occasion. They would be this
stingy, they will be so miserly because someone who has jealousy. In reality he is arrogant, and in reality is also very selfish. And he doesn't want to give anything to people. Because of you think about it. The Prophet salallahu Salam, he was an Arab, but he was the first prophet from amongst the Arabs. Bani Israel had so many messengers from among them, but they couldn't even tolerate one error Prophet, no way they can even tolerate that.
Allah says Amir Soluna, NASA. Now Allah says it very directly, or are they jealous of people? ilm, Tahoe, Mala humming fugly over what Allah has given them of His Bounty? If Allah has chosen a messenger than its Allah's blessing upon him, it's Allah's decision. So are they jealous? Are these people envious, that Allah has chosen individual as a messenger? Allah has given him a blessing. If that's the case, then fucka Taina, then in fact, we gave Allah Ibrahim the family of Ibrahim Al Kitab, the book while Hickman and the wisdom meaning that this is not the first time that the descendants of Ibrahim have been granted prophethood have been granted a book because you remember
from the descendants of Ibrahim were who Bani Israel and Bernice married, but Israel. Many books were sent and hikmah hikma gives meaning of Prophethood over here, that many were made prophets are among the Bani Israel. Allah has done this numerous times before. So what's the problem? Muhammad saw a lot of cinemas also descended off Ibrahim Where are they now who milk in our Lima and we gave them a credit Dominion a great kingdom. Look at the kingdom of Solomon or Islam of the water isn't what great kingdoms, Allah subhanaw taala give so many blessings.
Now, what do we see here? That when a person becomes jealous, then you know what happens? He doesn't even see the blessings that Allah has given him that you hold were so jealous of the fact that Muhammad saw a lot of sin had been made a prophet that they forgot about all the prophets that had gone from their lineage
from the Bani Israel
doesn't happen with us. Then you just don't like the fact that your sister has a nice blue hedgehog, and you forget all the three blue hijabs if you have
you just can't die that she has that nice new one. And you forget everything you have.
Little children have this problem. That if a child sees a slice of pizza, and there is a piece of you know, some vegetable or some pepperoni or something that he wants that she wants, he will forget the two slices that are on his plate and He wants the one that his sister has. No I want that one.
I want that one. The cups are the same. No, I want the orange one. I don't care if my blue cup is full. And if it has chocolate milk, no I want that orange cop that my sister has even if it's empty, I don't care I want that one
has blinds you.
It blinds you. It doesn't let you see what you have. It doesn't let you be grateful. It doesn't let you be appreciative. And basically hazard is what ingratitude. And this is the reason why hazard is.
What a major sin. It's forbidden. It is haram. We're in
Not allowed to be envious. It is something that is not allowed. What is hazard by the way, a hazard is that you dislike that someone has a blessing and you want them to lose that blessing.
You don't like the fact that someone has a blessing, you want them to lose it. You want it for yourself. You don't want the other person to be better than you. But the fact is that Allah is generous he gives to so many he gives so much to so many. How much can you take? How much can you eat? How much can you consume? How much can you have? There is a limit to what you can enjoy in this dunya this is why this dunya is dunya. Gemma is Jana, because the over there there is no limit.
So Allah has given so much to people, how much can you have? It's like you said, nobody need no no all this beats us for me. How much can you eat?
How much can you how much can you stop yourself with really.
So hazard is something that is very harmful. It is ingratitude. It is something that is very lowly. And it's a major sin. The prophets of Allah Islam said Do not hate one another, nor envy one another, nor shun one another will slaves of Allah be brothers. In another Hadees we learn beware of envy, because it consumes good deeds just as fire consumes wood,
barbecue season, wood is consumed by fire very quickly, just like that your hard earned good deeds are finished because of hesed because of jealousy,
because of being unhappy with the decision of Allah.
And there is no benefit and hustle. If you think that if you analyze hazardous work that you don't like the decision that Allah has made, you have a problem with Allah's decision, isn't it? And if a person has a problem with Allah's decision, then what can he do? Where can you go? What's going to happen? Only he's going to suffer, right? If you count your blessings, if you remember your blessings, then you're humble and grateful.
And when you're humble, then you can tolerate that yes, other people have also been given something by Allah.
So look at the blessings that Allah has given you. This is the cure. And when a person has has said that you know what? He is in misery, when you're jealous of someone that who's suffering, he you are suffering, the other person has no idea
isn't it? They have no idea at all. That you are so jealous of their outfit, they're having a good time.
And they're you are constantly thinking oh my god, she has this outfit. What is your what's your what you're suffering, you can be happy. The jealous person is an unhappy person.
unhappy person, ungrateful person. And it leads to many other evils because if there's jealousy in the heart, it's going to show through words, it's going to show through your attitude. It's going to show through your actions. And it only leaves a person in Hassan and that desire off more and that feeling of regret. And that feeling of you know that self pity a person is always suffering from that he can never be happy. So what's the solution then? What's the cure?
Look at the blessings that you have been given. And make dua to Allah to clean your heart. We learned earlier but Allah we use a key Manisha. ask Allah to clean your heart to read your heart of jealousy to help you overcome that. And also, one more thing that you can do is fast the three white days. What are the three white days when the moon is full? Okay, the lunar month? Which dates are they? The middle of the month, right? So fasting these three days, in a hadith, we learned that it removes the rancor from the heart, the ill feelings that a person has against others.
Jealousy is what like you have ill feelings against other people, right? It's very similar. That's of the same nature, where it's connected to it. It's either a result of it or it will lead to it.
So fasting will actually help you. It will, it will clean your heart. It will help you control yourself. It will make you more grateful it will make you focus on other things. Because when we are jealous, you know why we're jealous, because we're looking at little little things in life. Or this hijab, or this spin or this pen or this cup or this color these little things and doesn't make a difference. Whether you drink in an orange cup or a blue cup doesn't make a difference. Doesn't make a difference, but you're just jealous because someone has an orange cup. I mean, what a better thing what a little thing it is that it will lead you to hazard. Right? It will put you in misery. So you
need to have a higher goal. Basically, you need to have a higher goal. Like they say you need to grow up,
isn't it? You need to grow out you need to focus on more important things in life. So when your focus becomes something else, then the hazard also goes away then you're not jealous
If somebody's driving a nicer car if somebody has a better pair of glasses, or if somebody's got more marks than you know, you have another focus in life for men home so from them, man I'm gonna be he is one who believed in it in what in the book that Allah revealed meaning from among the people of the book are some who overcame that jealousy, their ego and they accepted the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Some believed in him womanhood, and from them Hmong Sudan, who is one who was who stayed away from it sada to stop so they stopped from it. They stopped from him, they didn't believe in Him, meaning their jealousy prevented them work if I be Johanna mosseri law and someone
who does not overcome this jealousy in this life, then what will happen? Then sufficient is Hellfire as a blaze, the fire of jealousy belongs in the fire of *. If a person does not overcome it, now, it will lead him to the fire of *. Remember, no person is born pure of heart. Allah says in the Quran for Allah Maha Fujimura what Akua Allah has put in your heart, good as well as that you have the potential to good, you also have the potential to do that you have been born neutral, you can go this way you can go that way.
But what does Allah subhanaw taala say? Called the F la Harmon zek
the one who purifies the nerves, then he has succeeded. You have the potential to be jealous. You have to overcome that jealousy. Once you overcome it. You are successful. What are the harbor man the SIR the one who doesn't purify the soul? He's ruined he's destroyed.
So this jealousy is also a test. We have to overcome it. And when we overcome it, then we are successful if we don't overcome it, that this is something very dangerous. Woke up Abby Johanna macera Euro sufficient is Hellfire as a place Allah warns in AlLadhina kufan Biya Tina, don't think that disbelief is something small. This Jealousy is a cause it's leading to disbelief. Those who disbelieve the Ayat of Allah Sophos li him now, very soon we shall burn them in the fire.
How much how will they be punished? Coup lemma every time Nellie judge Judo every time their skins are roasted through but the Nahum julu them Ira we will replace their skins with other skins
Judo deplore enough jailed Jeem Landal and jailed is your skin
and this beautiful skin you have this is what jailed is nobody just is from New Law jeev and knowledge is basically when something becomes right. So for example, a fruit becomes ripe when it becomes ripe, it has become soft, meat becomes tender. When does it become tender when it has cooked through? When its fork tender, it's cooked through you can just break it apart very easily. You can do it very easily. This is what knowledge is.
Now the jujitsu what does it mean? That when the fire has completely burned their skins certainly such that the skins have become roasted, like literally disintegrating falling apart, then is it going to stop there? Is it going to end there? It's not going to end there.
If a person gets burned in this life,
eventually what happens he dies right? If the burning does not stop, eventually it will lead to death. Eventually there is a stop there is an end to the pain in this life. But in the hellfire, there is no end there is no end. Every time the skins are burned through. Allah says we will replace them but the now we will replace them with other skins. Their skins will be restored will be put back they will be given a fresh set of skin. Why Lea the local or the so that they taste the punishment? They experienced the punishment in the Lucha canner Aziz and Hakima indeed Allah is Ever mighty. And why is He is mighty.
So fear him.
Fear Him. We are so afraid of human beings. We're so afraid of human beings, that we immediately fix ourselves. We do something that we find so difficult even why out of the fear of human beings. There are people who hate to wear seatbelts, but they will put them on why because of the fear of police officers.
The fear
fear of people makes us do that which we dislike. But the fear of Allah should make us overcome that which is difficult. Jealousy. You may believe in that you may think it's not a problem, what's the big deal? And V grudges in the heart? We may think well, what's the big deal? Oh, Allah will clean Allah will forgive me. You know, I pray I do this I do that Allah will forgive me.
But this is something serious. In Allah Cana Aziz and Hakima is, Hakeem he is wise. So don't have any objection to this punishment, because he knows what he's doing. If he has made this decision, it's based on his wisdom.
Jealousy when it comes to matters of dunya look at people who are lesser than us that you're grateful. When it comes to matters of the look at people who are higher than you so that you can go farther, you can go higher.
Don't compare yourself with people who are less than you impiety because when a person belittles the bean, when a person does not give due importance to it, when a person does not adopt it, the way it should be adopted, then the consequences are very, very serious. Imagine jealousy, let people do disbelief and disbelief is not something small.
In Alladhina, Kufa will be at no self honestly him now look at the word Sophos Liam Nava very soon we're gonna burn them in the fire. Couldn't get nobody to do Doom but the noun dilute and Layla. Every time their skins are roasted through birth through falling apart. We're going to replace them with another set of skins via Google or other so they taste the punishment. In Allah Cana Aziz and Hakima you cannot escape. One Latina Amano on the other hand, those who believe well I'm it'll slowly help and they do righteous deeds. Sanofi long Genet. We will admit them into gardens, that dream and tactical and how underneath which rivers flow.
You have to experience the garden in this world, before you can enter the Garden of the hereafter. What do I mean by that? When a person overcomes jealousy, when a person cleans his heart, when a person, you know makes his heart spacious that he can accommodate others he can tolerate others, then he experiences such happiness and comfort and joy. Only then he can enter the Jinn of the hereafter.
You have to overcome the evil now so that you can get there later. Because if you get to Jana with an evil heart, I'm sorry people will not be allowed to enter Jannah with bad hearts with corrupted hearts.
So the person who frees himself of jealousy he's really enjoying freedom. It says though he's in a garden, he is enjoying himself he is happy.
So in the hereafter Son of the Moon Jana Daydreamin 30 on how holiday in a FIFA the abiding there in eternally the home via US Virgin Mobile ohana. And for them they are spouses that are clean as well. They will have partners who are clean, clean people deserve clean friends, clean partners. And what does it mean by clean partners clean spouses clean in the Northwest physical as well as in the spiritual sense in the emotional sense in the mental sense psychological sense that their hearts will be free of envy. Their hearts will be free of grudges and jealousy. You know, if you have a friend or if there's a co worker, someone who lives with you, your sibling, your spouse, even your
parents, even your children, even if they don't forget the past, meaning if they don't forget what you did what you said in the past and life becomes very miserable with them. Because it will keep reminding you Well, this is what you say, Well, this is what you do. Well, this is what you always do. Life becomes miserable.
So for such clean people Lavon v hat as well as your muta Hara, one of the humans will learn Lalibela and we will admit them into a deepening shade Lily shed wali volleyball is that which gives Lil vollum Love what he'll is that which gives little so we will enter them into a shed that gives shade. What does it mean by this into a shade that is very comfortable. That is complete. That is deep. That is cool.
Because if you are sitting in shade, but still it's very humid, or still you end up in sunlight, or you end up getting hot than that shade is not comfortable, isn't it? It's not comforting. It's not good. You don't enjoy yourself over there. So Willans La Nina shade giving ever shading and this is telling
Thus about the perfection of the beauty of Jannah. And how a person will feel completely satisfied and completely content and completely relaxed in Jannah. But you cannot relax there. Unless and until you relax your heart now. You have to come down now you have to forgive now.
She said she read somewhere that somebody had written that I forgive, and I let go of a prisoner and I realized that that prisoner was me.
I had imprisoned myself when I did not forgive someone. Because who was I arming myself. When I forgave someone I actually freed myself.
One of the pillows linens Leila, the little of Jana is ever shading, ever comforting, so vast that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, in paradise there is a tree under the shadow of which a rider of a fine and swift footed horse would travel for 100 years without covering the distance completely. So vast, so huge, so spacious is Jana.
You make your heart spacious now,
and Allah who will provide you space later. It may be difficult, you may feel claustrophobic you may feel people are in your face,
putting their nose in your business all the time, but be accommodative. Be tolerant, be forgiving, and be patient and Allah will give you all the space that you need.
Let's listen to the recitation
Allah Tala
Otonashi Meenal kita mean Gmail ball Tyr Hulu way up on any levee in Africa oh
man who's ever been
law all want me
a lameness label
lucky for either you tune in at all a mere soon
football thing
Moroccan all the fishermen
being here in
region MSRE all in a lady in guff Oh,
Tina selling funnels me him now. So funnel slaying in
June or
June Oh then
a long ago now Aziz and Hakima Levine
he had the Santa
sun or Delfino Moon
Holly de
la Moon field
one who do feel alone