Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 051A Translation Aal-e-Imran 156-168

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The transcript describes a group discussing various actions and emotions during a war, including a woman named Y Joy who died and a man named B factor who was punished for his actions. The group also discusses the origin and meaning of "meditation" and its relation to war, religion, and the use of the word "meditation" in relation to the concept of war. Several instances of COOs reciting verses from various sources, including Alaysha Hayley's recitation of the verse "has been killed," and Kfolio's and Leandra's deaths.
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Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Muhammad Avanos Sunday are a lot of Sunil Karim and my Bharat Farah with bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, rubbish Raheja Saudi were Sidley Andy Wagner appdata melissani Jaco holy probenecid Arima
lesson number 51. So earlier Imran is number 156 to 168
Yeah Are you her? Or you and Medina, those who are Manu, they believed law do not the Kulu you all be can Medina, like those who care for rue de disbelieved
will call you and they said li whiny him about their brothers either when Babu they traveled, they struck fee in an OB the land. Oh or Kanu they were Gaza fighters. Low if gammu They were in the NA with us MA Not mad do they died warmer and not Cote? Do they were killed? Leah jolla so that he makes Allahu Allah Velyka that has written a regret fee in Kaluga him their hearts well Allah Who and Allah Yoshi he gives life WA and you me too he gives that wala who and Allah Bhima with whatever Dharma Luna you will do mostly your own all results seeing
what and let in surely if total don't you were killed fee in severely way Allah He of Allah O or not dome Udeid Lama Farah tune surely forgiveness Min from Allah He Allah wa and Ramadan mercy Hiren are better mimma then whatever Yajima own they gather,
what are in and surely if Matome Udeid o or coetail tomb you were killed, la isla Surely to Allah He Allah to Scharoun you all will be gathered
for beamer so because of much rush Metin mercy, men from Allah He Allah linter you were lenient. Le home to them?
Well, no. And if Quinta, you were fallen, rough, harsh, rude Lalibela hard by the kalbi of the heart, LEM Fabu surely they would have dispersed they would have broken away men from Holika around you.
fairfull So you pardon on home from them was still fear and you seek forgiveness law home for them what and share with whom you consult them, fee in an MRI the matter for either so when our xenta you resolved firmly fat our can then you trust Allah upon Allah He Allah in Indeed, Allah, Allah, your Hibou he loves along with our Killeen, those who trust
in if young circum he helps you Allahu Allah Furner so not only but anyone who overcomes law comb for you were in and if you didn't come here for six you famine so who there is that? A lady who young soracom He helps you men from Baroda he after him were Allah and upon Allah He Allah fell yet our current so he should trust me known those who believe warmer and not gonna it was leaner begin for any profit on that your hula he deceives he acts unfaithfully he acts unfaithfully
woman and whoever yeah hello, he deceives X unfaithfully yet D He will bring he will come beamer with what
Allah He deceived Yoma en de LPO. Murthy, the standing, some then to offer, it shall be fully paid Gullu every nevsun soul ma whatever cassava it earned, while whom and they learn not use the moon they are wronged or they will be wronged.
If a man is then who it Tabara he followed completely the one pleasure approval, Allah He of Allah. Carmen like who, but he returned bissa hoppin with anger with displeasure, men from Allah He Allah wa wa who and his abode Jehanne Nemo is * will be sir and how bad I'll mostly the destination
whom they the Rajasthan have grades ranks in the near Allah He Allah will Allah Who and Allah bestow you don't always all seeing Bhima with whichever your maroon they do Laqad certainly men he bestowed favor, Allahu Allah, Allah upon almost meaning the believers in when Bartha he raised fee him in them Rasulullah a messenger men from and foresee him themselves yet Lu he recites are they him upon them at his versus what end user key him he purifies them, what and your ultimo whom he teaches them? Al Kitab the Book while Hikmah and the wisdom we're in, and indeed, can Oh, they were men from Pablo before Luffy surely in Berlin misguidance muy bien clear.
Why, what a ma when I saw that groom, it reached you
mostly Batoon a misfortune, a hardship. But in fact, a sub Doom you will reached, Miss lay her twice of it. Kingdom you said and now how? From where? Heather? This whole say, Hua it men from or in the near and Fujichrome yourselves in indeed Allah Allah Allah. Allah upon Cooley every che in think pudieron always all able, warmer and whichever Asaba calm it reached you it befell you, yo mama en de interCall it met Al Gemini, the two groups Febri Igni then is with permission Allah He of Allah, wa and Lea nama so that he knows and meaning those who believe
what and they are lemma so that he knows Alladhina those who Navajo they showed hypocrisy work ILA and it was said the home to them that I know you all come Kati loo you will fight fi in severely way Allah He of Allah, O or a different route you will defend Kalu they said, low if only now. We know Peterlin fighting, let tabernacle, surely we would have followed you. Home de Lille Kufri to the disbelief Yama even that day, a colorable nearer main home than them they'll Iman to the belief. Your colonna they say? Be FYE him with their mouths ma what? Lisa is not fee in Kulu be him their hearts will Allah Who and Allah Allah Allah who is most knowing Bhima with whatever you have to move
they hide and loving those who call you they said the one him about their brothers worth while. Cardew they sat down low if only upper Aruna they obeyed us man not Cotillo they were killed. Call you say further Oh, then you all Evert ward off. I'm from and fussy Calm yourselves and moda the debt in if consumed you were saw the team ones who are truthful.
Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
Yeah, are you
can let
him walk on what he is wanting.
He either of our movie lovely
Zelenka and then
Leandra Allahu Danica has
to be him all along you're here Are you with me? Allahu Bhima guna bouncy Wi
Fi savvy he will move to Milan out of fear onto Mina La
La now may not allow you on your own mean
what I don't know what you don't let Elon law he shown
me not law here
why don't
the law Vila booming how many there are 400 homeless dogs Masha with
the either as a worker
in law HOW ARE YOU
well as those
that let
me know what woman cannot intervene
or male with only a TV man or woman who
was known as
a homeless
man is dead already have learned a lot I
mean a lot on you on that level.
wabi sabi mosey home door Raja
the Lord Allah who will see you vie my
love Alderman not long meaning that he most
of us
who see him yet
he was at Kmart
mostly but for the
most income in Allah and Felicia you are the one
Lumia woman topology
meaning Alia lemon lady Nana
walking 1114 movies every evening
lonely you go free a woman
whom in whom
you're gonna be FYI he
gonna be my
lead enough on what he is wanting him to walk
in tomorrow