Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 050E Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 153-155

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the negative impact of actions and mistakes made by individuals and their parents on children, as it can lead to damaging behavior and harm to others. They stress the importance of forgiveness and avoiding mistakes to avoid future negative consequences. The speakers also touch on the consequences of actions and mistakes made by individuals and their parents, including the need for guidance and protection from the person and their parents. They emphasize the importance of seeking forgiveness and avoiding mistakes to avoid future negative consequences.

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			bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim
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			is those that read Duna remember when you were climbing when you were ascending to sorry Do not do
that or saw during the from the word sir roots or the we just climb up to ascend. So remember when
you were ascending ascending what the mountain in order to flee from the battlefield when the
machine attacked again from the rare you were just running away climbing. Wala Toluna and you were
not looking aside I had in honor anyone tell Warner from the rule letter Islam Well, yeah, and lay
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			lay what does that mean to turn to bend the tongue or the neck? The bending of the tongue is to
twist and distort the words yell Warner elsina, to whom Bill kita, remember,
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			and lay of the neck is to turn it in order to look who's beside you, who's behind you. So you were
ascending the mountain you were fleeing in the distance, and you were not even looking back at
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			Because Behind them were who was chicane who were coming to attack them. So they were just fleeing
for their lives. And as they were fleeing, they weren't even looking back to see Does anyone need my
help? Is any Muslim in danger? Where's the Prophet saw a lot of center where the wished you can know
you were not concerned about anything but your own safety. You are not worried about anyone but
yourself. What was Sulu while the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had a rule come he was
calling you feel Huracan behind you. The prophets of Allah certain from behind you he was calling
you. But you were not even looking back.
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			Has this ever happened with you? That you're just running or walking away and you're not even
looking back at who's behind you who's fallen? Who's hurt.
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			You're just worried about yourself, not caring about anyone. Sometimes that happens. And we're
walking, you know, rushing towards the cafeteria, because we want to get in front of the line. We
want the pizza before the pizza runs out. And we don't care if we've pushed into someone bumped into
someone stepped on someone's foot, you know, knocked over somebody's book. We're just going going
going, what drives us? The love for the pizza, our hunger.
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			Now imagine if somebody is after you to get your life? How will you run?
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			In a similar manner, right? You're not going to look back at anyone again. Don't think negatively
about the Sahaba who were the human beings. So they were running in this manner while the messenger
SallAllahu Sallam he was calling them from behind? How? Then he said, he lay URI by the law. He lay
here about Allah come to me, or servants of Allah come to me, where are you going? Where are you
rushing? Because when the Mushrikeen came, the Muslims, many of them got frightened, and they just
ran in order to save their lives. And where was the prophet salatu salam at the foot of the
mountain, right? And when he called the believers a layer about Allah, You know what, he took a huge
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			How did he take a huge risk? Because when he said come to me, and the Mr. Keane also heard him, and
when they heard him, they knew where he was. And they went to him, and they started to attack him
and the people who were around him. And at this point, when everyone was running away, the Prophet
sallallahu sallam was actually left with only nine companions. Nine companions, seven of them were
unsought, two of them were more hygiene. And seven companions were killed one after the other, the
unsolved and the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam at one moment he was left with only two people who were
there, they will have been Obaidullah and Sargon will cos two companions were left with the Prophet
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			sallallahu Sallam and imagine the rest of the Muslims are either running away or they're fighting
them wish to gain and the prophets Allah Lawson is left alone with only two people to guard him.
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			So Allah reminds the Muslims remember when you were running away you left the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam in so much danger? What was Sulu Yeah, the route config o'clock home. But what happened? You
did not respond. He was calling you and you did not respond for a Thurber comb. So he recompensed
you from the words the web what the celeb mean, recommends that when someone has done something,
they're given equal of that in return or similar to that in return. It's from you know, the word car
was always from the same cloth. So Clothes, clothes, what do you do? You fold them? You divide them
into half and you fold
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			Right. So likewise a person doesn't action and he is given the exact or similar for what he has done
so because of you're running away from the Prophet sallallahu said I'm leaving him undefended
leaving him unprotected. For a Fabrikam he recommends to you with Luhman Vela men, what does this
mean? Sorrow, upon sorrow, grief over grief, loss over loss, Misery over misery, alum What does love
mean? Grief, distress, pain affliction. And it is basically the construction in the sadness that a
person fields because of something harmful that has happened to him.
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			So he gave you lum becoming Now one big a mint This bear is understood in two ways. First of all,
it's understood as bad meaning Maura along with BARDA after Isla on top of so one after the other
along with coupled with that one loss, one sadness was followed by another one on top of the other,
the next one was worse than the previous. And what happened? How did the suffer one become that they
didn't just lose five people 10 People know, they saw their companions falling one after the other,
one on top of the other, then we see that they were all wounded, injured so badly, you know, if
you're wounded and just your head, even that itself is painful. But imagine the leg, the back, the
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			head, the neck all over, they were wounded. And on top of that, some were wounded so severely, like
for example, that hurdle the lower arm who I mentioned yesterday, that his hand, his fingers got
paralyzed for the rest of his life. Right? Likewise, Milan, Milan, one Tsar with another that they
heard that the Prophet saw a lot of sudden had been killed, the rumor had been spread. Likewise,
when the saw the Prophet sallallahu said he was injured he was wounded. When the Muslims were trying
to ascend the mountain, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was so weak and exhausted, he could not climb
up a huge rock. So one of the companions, he kneeled down, and the prophets are a lot of them
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			stepped on him, and that companion rose up and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got on top of the
mountain, they had to physically lift him up. I'm behind now imagine the Sahaba are watching this,
how sad they must have been feeling that this is what we did to the Prophet sallallahu Why did we
leave our positions? Why did we run away? Why did we not respond to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
Harmon bIllahi min and common becoming bad secondly is understood as bad of suburb meaning cause so
he gave you one because of the harm that you caused to others.
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			So you caused harm to the profits, all of a sudden you caused him hurt. Allah gave you home too.
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			And there were many sad things that happened at the Battle of Earth. One of the things that happened
was I shut the door on her she knows this is reported and Behati that when the movie came came from
the rare okay, then what happened there were Muslims on the other side. Okay, now basically, you can
see their positions had been swapped the mustachian were on the other side and the Muslims were at
the foot of the mountain but now the Michigan came from the mountains and now they were at the foot
of the mountain and the Muslims were on the other side. And the rest of the Muslims were still at
the foot of the mountain around the Prophet saw a lot and others were ascending and the Muslims were
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			on the other side where the machine where previously it is said that someone yelled out loudly that
watch for the machine behind you. So they turned back and they thought that those who are coming to
us are emotionally keen but there were some Muslims who got trapped because you can imagine there
were several roles or people right so the some Muslims got trapped there were Muslims at the far
end, which she can hear and more Muslims in the middle. So there were some Muslims who got trapped
in the middle but as they turned back
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			they were facing who other Muslims. Okay, the Muslims were in the middle, they turn back and they
were facing Muslims in the middle. So imagine like one army here one army here. But there were
people here to imagine if you guys turn back Who are you going to face the people over here? Right?
So when the turn back didn't look who was right behind them, they just started fighting and killing.
It's like, you know, when you're just defending yourself, you don't even look at who's in front of
you sometimes.
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			And they actually ended up killing someone Muslims. Muslim Muslims ended up killing other Muslims.
For example, we learned that her they follow the law and who he caught sight of his father Alia man
about to be
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			killed by other Muslims. So he said, all servants of Allah beware. This is my father. What are you
doing? Because people were also shielded right on their faces. So you couldn't see the face of every
person. So he said all servants of Allah beware. This is my father. This is my father. But they did
not part with him until he was killed.
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			They did not part with him until he was killed, they accidentally killed him. So They funneled it
over and who he said, May Allah forgive you. May Allah forgive you.
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			Because it was an accident. Even accidentally, if you kill a Muslim brother. It's a great loss. Oh
man below me. You know, like one thing goes wrong and so many things go wrong after that, like a
domino effect. So that's exactly what happened. One thing after the other was going wrong. It was
getting worse the situation was getting worse every moment. Why? Lee kala Zeno, calm, well, Asaba
calm so that you do not grieve over what has slipped you and what has afflicted you. Meaning you
don't grieve over what you have lost and over what you suffer. What does Lee Kala means so that not
meaning ALLAH afflicted you with one sorrow after the other, so that you become strong hearted.
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			Okay, and you don't grieve over two things. First MEF ethical factor from the letters farewell to
vote when something passes away when something slips away, when something escapes your hand, so you
lost many things. Now imagine they lost some booty that they had collected. All right, but you think
that they would grieve over the booty that was lost when they realized they had killed the father or
they felt a little worn who accidentally No way, they would get over the loss booty very quickly
because the other loss was so great. Likewise, if someone was wounded and injured, but when they saw
the profits that allows them wounded and injured, you think their own loss matter? Not at all.
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			When they heard that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was dead, they forgot about the death of their
own brothers. The death of their father is the death of their tribesmen. So each loss was greater
than the previous. And as a result, they got over their losses quickly. And at the end of
logarithms, the best news of the Prophet SAW 1000 was still alive, which made them forget everything
that they had suffered. So our Allama factor come Secondly, well, Emma Asaba come Asaba from Moose
Liba, suffering, affliction. So you don't even grieve over what you have suffered.
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			This is just like, if you are sick,
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			then every moment is spent with so much difficulty,
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			isn't it?
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			But if your child is sick, then you end up forgetting your own sickness, don't you? The mothers
know, they're smiling, because they know exactly what I'm talking about. This past week, my daughter
was sick, and I was also getting a little bit of cold. And you know, my head was hurting, my nose
was runny and I was getting chills. But because of my baby being unwell, I kind of forgot about my
own illness. I forgot about my own illness, I was only worried about my daughter. So one difficulty
after the other is actually beneficial for you.
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			gives you strength gives you strength, which otherwise you wouldn't have. Why is it that mothers who
are sick, they will still cook, they will still make their kids lunches, but the daughter or the son
when he gets sick, it's like the whole world is upside down. Isn't that so? Like some people they
make their sickness such a big deal. Can you pass me a tissue? Can you bring me a tissue box? Oh my
God, my head is a big complaint. Like, there's no end. But the mother when she's sick, I have to
deal with it. Nobody's home. Everybody's at school or work. And there she is cooking herself. Even
with that headache even with that fever.
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			Isn't that so? Why? Because one must Liba makes you forget the previous mostly.
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			Right one problem makes you forget the other problems.
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			If your house is messy, your bookshelf needs to be rearranged your laundry needs to be done but you
have an assignment due next morning. Will you care about the laundry?
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			You won't
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			and if you didn't have that assignment you you'd be like panicking that How am I supposed to do this
I'm supposed to you know wash all this I'm supposed to iron all this and you're so worried about
when you have another problem to deal with you forget your previous problems. So the kala toxin or
Allameh Fattah calm while Emma Asaba calm well lo hubby rhombi mathema Loon And Allah is Aware of
whatever that you do. So what does this teach us? That the more you suffer the stress
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			longer you become, but how do we look at these situations, we think
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			this is not fair.
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			And we stress out, and we panic and we complain, and we get upset and we get frustrated. And we're
like, I can't deal with this, it's too much.
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			And we do on every little thing. And we complain, and we express our anger over every problem. But
this is something that will not make you strong, it will actually weaken you even more,
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			isn't that so it will weaken you even more. If you get burnt on your hand, one burn is very painful.
But if you get another burn, then you forget about your previous burn.
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			But if you sit with your hand, I am burned, I am burned, I am burned. And you just look at the burn,
look at the burn and worry about it and stress about it, then what's going to happen, that burn is
going to be like 50 burns. But the reality is that the problems have come in order to make us
stronger. So accept it, embrace it, deal with it.
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			Okay. And if life was easy, you know, sometimes you say why can life be easy for me? Like really?
Why can't everything be simple for me? This like, you know, so and so has it so easy, and so and so
has it so simple. You know, my sister lives in Saudi and she's got two maids. And here I am. I am
the Maid of the House. I'm this and I'm also this and I'm also that, you know, you will never become
stronger like that. If Allah is putting you through a certain difficulty, it's for her reason to
make you strong. Because comfort makes a person weak.
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			You know that. Too much comfort makes a person weak
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			than a person cannot deal with life's challenges.
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			Which is why mothers will baby their children too much. Then their babies remain babies forever.
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			And when their children's babies come, then the grandmother has more babies to deal with. Because
their daughter is still a baby.
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			Right? So life is tough. It is difficult. Allah sends difficulties our way to make us stronger. So
embrace them, accept them, deal with them, so that you can be ready for the next level.
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			For example, if you don't accept the difficulties of high school, can you deal with the difficulties
of university? Can you deal with the difficulties of workplace you can't?
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			Each level prepares you for the next.
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			That happens with new mothers that when they have their first baby, then everything is sterilized.
Everything is clean in the house. Everything for the baby is absolutely clean, germ free. But is
that good for the baby? Is that good for the child? No, it's not good for the child. A child has to
be exposed to some germs so that their immunity becomes stronger. Otherwise the next time a stranger
will come they didn't wash their hands. They just touched the baby's cheek and the baby will develop
a rash I'm not saying keep the baby in unhygenic places but that you relax a little definitely Mapa
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			so anyway, difficulties in life they're meant to make a stronger soul let's accept them and deal
with them so that we are ready for the next level. If you don't pass one level you will fail at the
next one to
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			sama Angela Alikum then he sent down on you member the homie after the hum what did He send down on
you? I'm gonna turn peace security and mana from Hamza me noon. Which is security safety it's the
opposite of hope.
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			Before they were afraid, so afraid that we're running away without even looking back to see who's
calling them who's falling who's dying, didn't care about anyone. And then Allah replace that fear
with what with security and this security it came in the form of norrison slumbers sleepiness nor OS
no nine seen what does that mean drowsiness now our son is a person who is very sleepy that he's
yawning you know, every few seconds. It's like you can't carry a conversation because you're yawning
and not answers. Basically when you do sleepiness, your senses, they become weak. So you can't keep
your eyes open. Somebody says something like huh, what did you say? Right? So this is not us. Such
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			drowsiness that, you know, if you're holding something, it falls if you're sitting and you're trying
to control your neck, your neck falls,
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			or you fall
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			or your pen, the pen that you're writing with it false. And then when you reveal your translation
like what happened to my notes, why are there like lines everywhere, but
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			because your pen failed so many times. This is your awesome drowsiness, sleepiness, so much sleeping
as your senses become weak.
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			So Allah symptom, this neuron was on the believers after fear. And this was like security. This
brought them a sense of security. Why? Because when you're sleeping and you forget everything,
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			right, then you forget everything. But when you're wide awake, then everything bothers you.
Everything frightens you every movement, every sound, it freaks you out. But when you're sleeping,
when you're sleepy, then what happens? You relax, your mind gets to relax. This happened twice, at
the Battle of once when the Muslims were fighting. And secondly, after the fight,
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			firstly, when the muscles were fighting at the battlefield of Buddha, he said, I was one of those
who were possessed by a desire to sleep on her birthday. On that day, my sword fell off my hand
several times, imagine, wish the king are coming to get you and your sword is falling off your hand
several times, again, and again, it fell down and again and again, I picked it up. It's like you're
sitting in class again and again, your pen slips and again and again, you pick it up, your neck
falls, and again and again, you straighten it up.
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			But we see that it kept her relaxed. Because I will tell her, he is the one who shielded the
messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam by his body and use this chest to protect him against the enemy
arrows unnecessarily lower and will relate to that on her day when people dispersed off the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam and will tell her was a skillful sort of Archer, who would pull arrows so much
that he broke two or three bowls that day. He shot so many arrows that he broke two or three bowls
that day, when a man passed along with a quiver full of arrows, the prophets of autism would say
spread the arrows to a brutal how many give them to tell her because he's shooting them so well.
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			It's like, you know, when you've had that power nap, you're so fresh, that it's as if you've slept
the whole night long.
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			So this was a means of security, for who for some companions. Then secondly, it happened when, after
the prophet totalizm had withdrawn the Muslims to safety in the valley, or
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			whatever happened over there, that the Muslims actually fell asleep. I mentioned already they
actually took a short nap. And this alleviated their fear and re energize them.
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			Imagine how exhausted how tired they must have been. And if they had stayed awake, they would have
been blaming and arguing. It's like at night when everybody's sleepy. Then what happens you get into
arguments, you're grouchy or cranky, that says if everything is biting you everything is poking at
you. You can't tolerate anything when you are tired. And once you slept and then you wake up, then
you are fresh, you're relaxed, you're more tolerant, you can deal with life's problems. So it
reenergized them and it also relaxed them. It also relaxed them. It's like at night before your
exam. You're reading through your notes going through your book and you're just panicking, panicking
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			panic. You're like, you know what, I need to sleep you put everything away, you go to sleep, and
then you wake up and the state of your heart is slightly better.
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			It slightly improved.
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			And this sleepiness, Allah says yell shelter if at a minimum, it overcame young share from
Washington, which is to overcome ln Shinya it covered who not everyone, but only a group from you.
Certain Sahaba, who remained with the Prophet salallahu Salam who remain obedient to the prophets on
a lot of them throughout the battle. They were blessed with the security, but others will block a
photon and another group what happened with them? Uh hum. Matome and foster home. Their souls
worried them a Matome hammy meme ham, which is to be distressed. And it also means to intend to
worry to be anxious. So they were so anxious, so distressed, so preoccupied and concerned with
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			themselves, that they couldn't rest at all. When a person panics too much, then can he rest? Can he
take a break? Can he relax? Not at all. The other day, I went to somebody's house and we just call
them and said, you know, we're coming over Is it okay? And they said, Yeah, sure. So we went over
there. They were so happy. They said you know what, whatever you come, come in this way. Don't give
me surprises. Always. Don't tell me a week ahead because that whole week, you know that it goes in
anxiety. Isn't that so? That if you know somebody is coming in 10 days, that each day you are
counting right?
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			And then you worried from before, okay, I'll go for groceries on this date. And I'll cook this on
this day and then I'll cook this on this day, and then I'll defrost the sun at this time. And then I
will cook this at this time that I will set the table at this time and I will clean the house at the
start. You can't do anything else, because you're anxious. Correct. But when you get a surprise
visit, then you're relieved of that anxiety. So anxiety is something that preoccupies you so that
you can't focus on anything other than a hammer at home and foster home. What were their anxious
about their own deliverance. They didn't care about anyone. They didn't care what the Prophet saw a
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			lot of them didn't care about the Companions, they were just concerned about themselves. And because
of that they were unable to fall asleep. A believer in times of stress relies upon who Allah and
because of that he remains calm.
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			But a person who has weak faith in Allah, he's the one who becomes very anxious. He's the one who
starts to panic. Everything becomes a huge problem for him.
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			So the next time something becomes stressful for us, always, always make dua to Allah subhanaw
taala. And like we learned yesterday the DUA Robina fildena, the Nova Nova Astrophotography and
Marina with her bit Aqua Domina one sadhana I'll call McAfee make dua to Allah and that will relax
you Allah basically Lehi, that my angel Kulu
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			it is with the remembrance of Allah that the hearts find peace, because when we bury can stress out
too much, then we don't just affect ourselves. Who else do we affect everybody in the house, from
the children to the husband, and they're like, when is this weekend class of yours going to be over?
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			Right? Because they don't like that you're freaking out. You're not eating properly, nobody's being
fed properly. The house is such a mess. They don't like that. But if we relax, take a deep breath.
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			Plan out what you have to do go step by step, then you won't stress out. And even if there's a lot
of work to be done, there is a mountain load of work still if you trust upon Allah, then you will
relax. You will calm down.
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			But if you don't then a hammered home and foster home and this leads to yellow Nona. Billahi. Ladle
Huck, they were thinking about Allah something that is not right, meaning something that they should
not be thinking.
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			Then when a person stresses out too much is too anxious. Then what happens to Athan puts negative
thoughts in our mind about to Allah
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			that a person begins to think why am I bothering studying the Quran? This is getting too stressful.
This is getting too much to deal with my children are getting neglected. My husband's getting
neglected. I am suffering. Why am I doing this YOLO Nona. Billahi. Ladle Huck.
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			One Naja Haley Yeah, the assumption the thought of Jaya Helia de Helia means ignorance. So what is
wonderful Jaya Helia it is the lung of the people of God. It is the thought of the people who are
ignorant, ignorant of who Allah, Allah subhanaw taala because those who know Allah, recognize Allah
are aware of his names and attributes, then no matter what happens, they will still trust in Allah.
They will still expect help from him, they will still know that Allah wants good for me. If this is
not working out there must be laid. It must be a shortcoming on my part, Allah is helping me
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			because some people at the Battle of war had at this point, they were thinking about going and
joining Abdullah bin obey and asking him to make a deal with them we stick into that their lives
could be saved. Imagine our beloved obey the treacherous men who betrayed the profits of artists
that have left the hypocrite. This thought crossed the minds of some people let's go to our beloved
obey Let's run to Medina and ask him to strike a deal with a Luciferian so that we are spirit and
they don't come after our lives. Imagine such a thought came? Who would think such a thought someone
who does not know Allah? One ninja helliya The one who does not know Allah turns to other than Allah
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			at the time of distress. But the one who knows Allah turns to who? Only Allah at the time of
distress. The one who does not know Allah, He says, Oh Allah, why? Oh Allah, where are you? Oh
Allah, why don't you listen to me? Well know what's happening. And the one who knows Allah
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			that he says, Oh Allah, I know you're watching me. I know there is heightened this. Oh Allah you
helped me.
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			You know, recently, when I was in Pakistan, I was visiting somebody and they were just complaining
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			However, the political situation the economical situation is so bad in the country. And they were
complaining about something that they had gone through a very miserable experience. And they said, I
don't know what's wrong, Allah doesn't even listen to us anymore.
00:30:15 --> 00:30:52
			And that statement like It shocked me that how could you say such a thing? And I said to that person
that when do we listen to Allah? That we expect Allah should listen to us? Because look, the
statement that is mentioned over here your coluna they say hello and I'm in Allah Marimon che? Do we
have any say in the matter? Meaning Will we ever be heard by Allah? Will Allah ever hear us? Will
the prophet ever listen to us? Hello nominal agreement shape Do we have any say over the affairs? So
who thinks such thoughts? Those who don't know Allah one Naja helliya.
00:30:54 --> 00:31:04
			So the one who has studied the Quran, the one who is learning the Quran, the one who believes in
Allah, He does not entertain negative thoughts about Allah.
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			He does not entertain negative thoughts about Allah. Even if he cannot understand why something is
going wrong, why he is suffering from a tragedy, even if he cannot understand he trusts Allah. He
knows there must be clear, he knows there must be some wisdom.
00:31:24 --> 00:31:43
			He doesn't turn his back to Allah to the deen of Allah. Rather, he runs to Allah even more. He
embraces the path of Allah even more, he walks up on it with more effort, he strives on it even
more, he doesn't abandon that way.
00:31:44 --> 00:31:56
			Cool, say in Umrah indeed the matter could lol Allah, Allah of it is for Allah. Meaning, who do you
think you are? That you say? Do we have any say in anything?
00:31:57 --> 00:32:22
			You're just a person. The entire affair belongs to Allah, it is his decision. Who are you to say, Oh
Allah, why are you doing this to me? Oh Allah, how can you allow this for me? Who are you to say
you're just a person, Allah made you Allah gave you everything, and he can take whatever he wants
back from you as well. All in all umbra. Kula hula. And really think about it. If we're upset with
Allah over something that has happened. What can we do?
00:32:23 --> 00:32:45
			What can you do? Can you do anything to change the situation? You can't? If you're angry as to why
your hand got burned? What can you do? shriek yell, curse. Is that going to make a difference to the
pain? Nope. Break a dish? Is that going to make a difference with me? Yeah, let your husband or your
children is that going to make a difference? Nope. Nothing's going to change.
00:32:46 --> 00:32:50
			So you know what, your frustration is only going to make you more miserable.
00:32:51 --> 00:32:59
			Turn to Allah so that you can have some peace and calmness and you can expect some reward from him
for what you're going through.
00:33:01 --> 00:33:28
			Allah says, your phone if he unfussy him, they hide in their hearts, your phone or from coffee
Hearthfire which is to conceal they conceal in their hearts, Mela, you were doing an ACC what they
do not reveal to you. Right now they're only saying hello nominal agreement. Che Do we have any say
in the matter at all? The reality is that in their hearts is something that is much worse, and
they're not seeing it.
00:33:29 --> 00:33:58
			When a person says negative things about Allah, about the deen of Allah about the people of the
dean, then that's just the surface. If you dig deep down, there's much more, you know, corrupted
matter inside. There is much more negativity that is inside, that a person is trying to hide is
trying to conceal. But at times of stress, what happens that erupts and it comes out.
00:33:59 --> 00:34:37
			This is just like if a person pretends that they're very happy with an individual, that they love
them, they respect them. They can pretend for some time, but the next time they're stressed out,
what's going to happen, they're going to give it to that individual, then everything's going to
spill out even something that happened five years ago. Right? So when a person says negative things,
it means that there is negativity, where inside, it's inside, and it will come out eventually at the
timer stress. So check yourself that in stressful situations, what do we say?
00:34:38 --> 00:34:57
			What do you say? What do you want to say? Like for example, sometimes some women when they get
upset, they said, I don't think I need my husband. I don't think he deserves any respect for me.
What has he done? Nothing. You know what that means? In the heart. There's no love. There is no
respect, and it's very sad
00:34:58 --> 00:34:59
			that such feelings exists.
00:35:01 --> 00:35:42
			If the man is unjust, that's a different thing. Okay? But likewise, friends, coworkers, siblings, at
the time of argument at the time of stress what's happening what's being said? That is what is on
the inside. You'll find a fee unfussy him Mariela, you will do no luck. Your Karuna they say low
cannula nominal Emery che only say that if we had any say in the matter in the affair which affair,
no matter of this war Malpelo Delena her who now we would not have been killed over here. They say
if we had a choice, we would not have been killed over here. Meaning if we had a choice, we would
not have come out for the battle, we would have stayed, we would have gone back with our beloved
00:35:42 --> 00:36:02
			obey, we would have stayed in Medina defended from within, we were forced to come out. This is just
like if someone failed at something, then what do they do? They tell their parents, you force me to
take math. You force me to take science subjects, you force me to go to university, I never wanted
to become a doctor. It's your fault. Really.
00:36:03 --> 00:36:27
			The parents who paid for your education, who said just study will give you whatever you need. Just
focus on your studies. It's their fault. It's not their fault. They gave you everything you wanted.
And if they're pushing you to do something great in life, it's for your own good. But how sad it is
that many kids what do they do? They turn and they blame their parents.
00:36:29 --> 00:36:30
			It's your fault.
00:36:31 --> 00:37:18
			This is what some people did at the Battle of ohada as well, that it's the fault of the prophets or
a lot of Saddam that we have lost today that so many of our people have been killed today. Allah
says all say low contem if you were feeble, you take them in your houses. If you stayed in your
houses Florida bait, then what would happen? Let baraza surely he would have appeared from bow ra ze
which is to appear to come to view, he would have appeared he would have come to view who Alladhina
those who could Ybarra lay you will kutlu on whom cotton was decreed what the scuttle mean, killing
death. So those who were destined to die this day, they would have come out of their houses in
00:37:18 --> 00:38:08
			Amador dairy him to their dying places. Maharajah is the plural of mob Jr. from the letters Lodgy.
Marine and ledger is to sleep to lie down on one side in order to take rest. And mug jar is the
place of sleeping like for example a bed. But over here Medaka does not refer to beds, but it refers
to dying places meaning the very places where they were supposed to die. because sleep is like that,
isn't it? Sleep is like death. So even if you stayed in your houses, the people who were meant to
die this day would have come out of their houses and died in their spots. Why? Because death was
decreed for them at that place at that time. And this is a reality. Someone who was meant to die
00:38:08 --> 00:38:13
			somewhere dies, they cannot avoid that death.
00:38:14 --> 00:38:31
			Somebody told me a story about how there was an aircraft which basically, you know, landed in the
mountains somewhere where there was an accident, it crashed into the mountains and all the people on
the flight died. And they had said that at the airport there was a man who had almost missed that
00:38:32 --> 00:38:43
			who had almost missed that flight. But he argued and argued and rushed to the airport and said
Please let me go Please let me go Please let me go he rushed through. And he actually got the
flight. And he died in that flight.
00:38:45 --> 00:39:06
			He did not avoid his death because it was meant to be at a particular time at a particular place. So
never think that just because so and so made this decision. This is why we're suffering, know what
you're suffering, you are meant to suffer anyways. Like for example, a financial loss.
00:39:07 --> 00:39:24
			Just because you suffered it in the path of Allah does not mean that you would not have suffered it.
If you had not been in the path of Allah. If a person thinks, Oh, my car had an accident, because I
was going to the masjid. I shouldn't have gone to the masjid and my car would have been saved. You
know what, you could have had that accident in your own driveway.
00:39:25 --> 00:39:39
			Doesn't it happen with people they're pulling out of the driveway and others come in? bang into them
crash into them? Doesn't it happen? It happens when your car is safely parked somewhere somebody
else comes in? ruins their car. It happens with people.
00:39:41 --> 00:39:59
			So basically, we should never think that if something has gone wrong, it's because we did something
we shouldn't have done. No. If something has gone wrong, if there is an accident if there is a loss,
it was meant to happen. It was too
00:40:00 --> 00:40:02
			creed. It was written from before.
00:40:04 --> 00:40:54
			Allah had already decided it. So don't blame others. Don't blame other people. The decisions that
were made no. Well yeah, Batali Allahu Matthews, what do they come? Why does Allah cause this to
happen? Because Allah is testing you, but what is in your hearts? On the apparent everyone can say,
I love Allah, I trust Allah. But then in a stressful situation, that's when the reality comes out
and what is really in the heart, trust or something else love or something else, dependents or
something else? Because like I said earlier, at times of difficulty, that is when the reality comes
out. Well, you might have some Fe Kulu become into that he may purify what is in your heart, purify,
00:40:55 --> 00:41:42
			you might herself and Demetrius meme household which means to refine to purify, because when you go
through a difficulty, then you realize your faults, right? You realize your shortcomings your
weaknesses, and only then can you fix them. If you had not gone through that difficulty, would you
have realized your fault your mistake? No. You wouldn't have for example, we learn in the Quran,
while cowardly, menial highs beautiful they suppress their anger. But unless you go through a
situation where you get angry, how can it be known whether you control your anger or not? Allah will
put you in that situation to test you. And then you realize that I do not control my anger I do blow
00:41:42 --> 00:41:42
00:41:43 --> 00:42:25
			when you realize that then you start working on yourself. Then the process of refinement begins
because unfortunately many of us think we are good I control my anger I am patient I forgive I smile
always I don't stress out I don't panic I stay relaxed. But then when we are in a difficult
situation that's when the reality comes out. So while you might have some if you could Rubicam wala
who are Limon vida de su and Allah is Knowing of what is in the heart, meaning Allah does not need
to test you, he tests you for your own good. Allah already knows what is in your heart, but he tests
you that you may realize and you may find yourself and you may fix yourself. So at the Battle of
00:42:25 --> 00:42:36
			warhead, really, people got to recognize themselves. Just like when you go through a difficulty,
what do you develop self awareness.
00:42:37 --> 00:42:42
			You cannot have self awareness until you go through some problems in life.
00:42:44 --> 00:43:16
			You cannot then Allah says in the ladina indeed those people who the well low income who turned away
among you the one low, they turned away, men come among you from what? From the fighting. The
Prophet salallahu Salam was calling them come to me Oh servants of Allah but they turned away they
ran away they fled. When Yeomans de cultura Moroni on the day that the two groups met in the call
from lamb coffee are lucky to meet Jamar on the two groups meaning one of them wish to gain one of
the Muslims basic its friends the day of war.
00:43:17 --> 00:43:31
			Why did they run away why did they turn away what caused them to turn away in nama? Indeed, not but
it's the Zillow home was shape on shape on caused them to slip from ze lamb lamb Zilla, which is to
00:43:32 --> 00:43:39
			So shaitan caused them to slip, meaning they came under the effect of Shantanu was was sad that day.
00:43:41 --> 00:43:57
			This is just like, there was a situation where you got angry and you ended up blowing up you ended
up saying something nasty because you were very furious. Why? Because Shavon whispered into your
head, say this
00:43:59 --> 00:44:18
			or Chandon puts negative thoughts in your head so that you become more furious. You remember the
mistake that the person made five years ago, as if it's happening right in front of your eyes, and
you blow up and you say one thing after the other and you physically abuse and you smack and you
pinch or whatever, this is what you came under the influence of shape on
00:44:19 --> 00:44:47
			when a person does something wrong, then he has come under the influence of shape one. Why? Why is
it the champ on one and you lost? Why ye Allah says be birdly Mirka Sabu because of some things that
they have earned, because of some sins that they have committed, meaning they did something wrong in
the past, which made their Shavon strong
00:44:48 --> 00:44:56
			so that the next time Allah tested them, their shape on one and the last B BB Lima, cassava
00:44:57 --> 00:44:59
			one aka the alpha log, we're on whom
00:45:00 --> 00:45:30
			But Allah reassures that Allah has forgiven them meaning all the Companions who participated in the
Battle of Earth in the love of foreign Haleem Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and forbearing he's very
tolerant. If someone disobeys us, we don't trust them anymore. We don't give them a second chance
but Allah is forbearing he forgave the companions and give them many more chances in the future in
Allah phoron Haleem let's listen to the recitation of these verses
00:45:31 --> 00:45:32
			to Sueno now
00:45:43 --> 00:45:44
			warm warm
00:45:46 --> 00:45:48
00:45:55 --> 00:45:56
			alien Kayla
00:45:58 --> 00:45:59
00:46:06 --> 00:46:08
			will law hobby
00:46:13 --> 00:46:13
00:46:25 --> 00:46:27
00:46:30 --> 00:46:33
			what all excited to
00:46:43 --> 00:46:43
			be on
00:46:47 --> 00:46:48
			Youku Luna
00:46:52 --> 00:46:54
00:47:01 --> 00:47:04
			your phone Effie
00:47:07 --> 00:47:07
00:47:10 --> 00:47:12
			your pool owner allows
00:47:15 --> 00:47:15
00:47:22 --> 00:47:24
			to feeble your teeth
00:47:29 --> 00:47:41
			Ilan Omar Gerring wali Tani along mafioso. Dorico moily informality who become wall Long
00:47:43 --> 00:47:43
00:47:45 --> 00:47:46
00:47:51 --> 00:47:52
00:47:53 --> 00:47:54
00:47:57 --> 00:47:59
			Shavon OB
00:48:01 --> 00:48:08
			one up on the lawn, in law, how often?
00:48:13 --> 00:49:01
			In many things that we do, we end up making mistakes, right? Like, for example, we are volunteering
somewhere and we do something wrong. A relationship like between a husband and wife, between
siblings between parents and children. One person says something they shouldn't have done, you yell
at someone the way you should not have yelled, You said something harshly you should not have said
you did something you should not have done it. Why? Because Shavon overpowered you at that time.
What is it that gave shape on the strength over you? The mistakes that you made in the past? So
basically, the sins that we commit the new banana, what is Serafina? What do they do? They weaken
00:49:01 --> 00:49:30
			us, and they strengthen the shaytaan against us, the sins that we commit, they equip the shape on
and deprive us of any equipment against the shape on. So the next time we are in a vulnerable
situation, who wins, shape on wins. So what does it show that sins have consequences? What kind of
consequences not just physical pain and punishment know
00:49:31 --> 00:49:37
			the consequences of sins are also that change on becomes victorious over a person.
00:49:38 --> 00:49:52
			He makes a person commit more wrong than a person is led to another sin. After the previous one sin
keeps on leading to the other and this is a result of what a person's own wrongdoing
00:49:54 --> 00:49:59
			in numerous design Lahoma Shavon no be Barbie Monica Sybil. And when a person has led to
00:50:00 --> 00:50:40
			One thing after the other than this itself is a punishment. This is the reason why What is necessary
is stuff we learned yesterday that would be human, what did they do? At the time of conflict, they
sought Allah's forgiveness. So Mistakes happen check on become stronger, we make another mistake,
but what is necessary, seeking forgiveness? And as long as a person is seeking forgiveness, then
when aka Darfur and then Allah will also Inshallah, pardon him. And we see that twice in these
verses, Allah mentions this, that Allah has pardoned the Companions, Allah has forgiven the
00:50:41 --> 00:50:45
			Yes, it was a mistake. Many mistakes happen. Imagine that killed another Muslim.
00:50:46 --> 00:51:06
			Imagine they abandoned the Prophet salallahu Salam, they ran away from the battlefield, despite the
fact they knew nobody is allowed to run away from the battlefield. It happened, mistakes happened.
But then what has to be done, turn back to Allah. Seek His forgiveness and Allah will forgive
because He's forgiving and tolerant.
00:51:07 --> 00:51:12
			Then this I also shows to us that shaytaan interferes in the good that we do.
00:51:13 --> 00:51:43
			Any good deed that we tried to do shaytaan interferes in that tries to make us do something wrong in
it. Like for example, a person is praying Salah what will happen shaitan will put what's what's in
the heart, so that a person starts talking to himself or herself, a person who is reciting the
Quran, and then what happens Shavon interferes in the recitation. So that a person when he
misunderstand something, you know, develops a doubt, starts to question
00:51:44 --> 00:51:54
			does not trust what Allah subhanaw taala has said, this is Shetlands interference. This is why by
the Kurata Khurana for steroids, bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.
00:51:55 --> 00:52:13
			Any good deed that you tried to do over here, the Sahaba they were in jihad, but still Shavon
interfered. So this is why two things are very important in whatever that we're doing. Keep seeking
Allah's forgiveness and keep seeking His protection against the Shavon
00:52:15 --> 00:52:56
			these two things will lead you to your success. What seeking forgiveness and seeking protection with
Allah against the Shavon. You know, we learned the door yesterday and the ending of that door was
one so now, how will caffeine help us against the disbelieving people? Now, you might say but I
don't have any disbelievers to be, you know, I'm not confronting any I'm not you know, facing any
disbelievers. So, this door is not relevant to me it is still relevant to you because caffine in the
scholars is that this includes three things. First of all, it includes the knifes of the person, the
soul of the person, the desires of a person, why? Because the desire the nups, if it is not correct,
00:52:56 --> 00:53:38
			then what will it do? It will tell a person to do evil in enough salad amount autumn Bisou it
commands a person to do evil, it will prompt you to disobey. So you need Allah's help against your
own self. Secondly, caffeine includes the shaitan because shaytaan is a caffeine Abba was stuck
bottle were Kana me no caffeine, he is a caffeine. And thirdly, it refers to the people who are
caffeine, who reject Allah who disbelieve in him who pose threats to a person in the way of Allah.
So you need the help of Allah against all these three, yourself, your shaytaan and also the people
who come against you.
00:53:39 --> 00:53:45
			So these if they guide us, they illustrate to us the way to success and the way to failure.
00:53:47 --> 00:53:57
			So that every step we take, we take it carefully, we reflect on ourselves. So that every work every
deed, every action becomes successful at the end of the day.
00:53:59 --> 00:54:42
			Because she upon is Catherine, this is why Allah says seek protection against him with Allah
subhanaw taala. So anyone who's there to get you whether it's your enough social bond or another
individual, then seek Allah's protection against them. In Japan is the most experienced catfish, or
hit the most experienced golfer he knows really well how to lead people astray how to make people
fail, and he's after you to get you. So seeking protection with Allah against him. And not to
seeking protection but staying away from sins as well. If you saying if you disobey the noob Israa
then you're strengthening your shaper. You're saying yeah, go ahead, take a spear against me. Take a
00:54:42 --> 00:54:43
			weapon against me.
00:54:44 --> 00:54:47
			We're putting ourselves in difficulty each time we send
00:54:48 --> 00:54:59
			to the help of Allah comes to those who deserve that help. May Allah subhanaw taala make us
deserving of his help and everything that we do Subhanak Allah who will be humbly Kenisha to Allah
Allah Allah
00:55:00 --> 00:55:03
			In this topic we're going to make some really cool