Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 047C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 93-97
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The speakers discuss the legality of certain foods, including coffee and tea, that lead to problems. They stress the importance of avoiding certain foods and acknowledge the need for a thorough investigation. The history of Halalism and its impact on human history is also discussed, including the transmission of messages and the use of words like "we" and "we are." The speakers emphasize the importance of following laws and following guidance for better health.
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Number 93
Kalapa McKenna Hiller Lee Bani Israel eel all food was lawful for Bani Israel you could look Bom Bom is my Jochen that which is eaten. Okay so everything that is eaten as well as my usual everything that is drunk meaning anything that is edible that you can consume that you can eat that you can drink. That's not poisonous, okay. And obviously what is allowed for us to eat the food that is halal. What is allowed for us to drink the drink that is halal. So cannot balmy, all food and drink, meaning everything that people are allowed to eat, people are allowed to drink by who? By Allah subhanaw taala. So all foods that are supposed to be eaten, whether it is plants, or it is animals,
all of them Allah says Ghana they were Helen lawful, hidden from halal. They were all lawful for who live Bani Israel for the children of Israel.
Meaning at the beginning, think about the history of Bani Israel. Where did they come from? They were the progeny the descendants of who we are Cooper is sulla. He was the grandson of Abu Ibrahim Hassan. So right at the beginning at the time of Ibrahim alayhis salam after him at the time of jacobellis Sinha after him when the Bani Israel they were in Egypt use of Isilon Was there much after that as well when the Coriolis silang was there. You're here listen, I'm still a man or listen, I'm the wilderness and I'm before them. So all foods, what were they? They were permissible, for who for the Bani Israel at the beginning?
INLA except the only exception was one man that food which have Rama he made haram. Who Islam as you know, is ill. Who is Israel? Not Bani Israel but Israel. Who is he? Your coop at a salon? Remember, in the explanation of the term Bani Israel, I told you that Israel eel was the title of your Cobra listener? It means slave of Allah. So all foods were permissible except for that food, which is straw eel, meaning your Cobra Lisara made haram on who are the NFC upon himself, meaning he made some food haram on himself. Why did he do that? Are we allowed to do that? Are people allowed to do that? The Prophet sallallahu sallam was not allowed to make food haram on himself when he said I'm
never going to have any again, Allah said limit to Henry MUMA 100 Allah who look why do you make forbidden what Allah has made permissible for you? So yes, this is an authority that people do not have. But your Coburn is Sam, it is said that out of another, a vow that he was fulfilling. Because of that he made certain foods unlawful for himself It is said that he was extremely sick, he had a particular disease. And he made a vow that Oh Allah, if you cure me, I will not eat such and such food. Again, meaning I love this food, I will give it up for your sake. If you cure me.
Now we learned earlier, you can never attain by it unless and until you give away what you love. Sometimes that means giving up something that you love to. So your Cobra restaurant gave up some foods that he liked, for whose sake for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And this was just a personal choice. He was not imposing it on others. This is just like you might say, I love tea.
And once I started having tea I wanted in the morning I wanted the afternoon I wanted at night every time I pass by Tim Hortons I want a cup of tea. Every time I see Starbucks, I want a cup of tea or coffee or whatever. And I think it's getting out of hand. So then what do you say to yourself, I'm not going to have tea, I've made up my mind. I'm not having it again. Because if I have one cup, which leads me to another, so you said that's it. I'm not having tea again. Now this is just a personal choice you're making you're not imposing it on others if you start imposing it on others then it becomes a problem. Okay, for example, you say to other people oh by the way, you shouldn't
have tea you know, it's very unhealthy you know, I don't even think it's like here it's actually hobbies. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us that when you have a morally he will cover is Allah has made hubba is forbidden for people to don't have D
you notice like some people what they do is if they start eating healthy, then they think that every processed food is halal.
Or they think
that drinking milk because some people say oh don't drink cow's milk. So they say drinking milk is not good. Eating meat is not good. You should be a vegetarian you should be a vegan and they start imposing their beliefs on others too, and they start looking down on others. This is where it becomes a problem.
As a personal choice, if you stay away from something, that's okay. But again, you should not make it haram in the sense that if you are ever in a situation where you have to drink somebody offers you a cup of tea and they made it themselves at least have a zipper to come on at least have a sip or two they made it for you. They went to Tim Hortons and brought you a cup Have a sip, give it away to somebody else after that but have a sip at least.
So don't make it haram literally. But your Coburn isn't he decided not to have certain foods. Okay? So at the beginning, what do we learn? All foods were permissible for Bani Israel? There were just a few things that jacobellis Saddam stayed away from. All right. And all of this was meant commonly before and tuna Zahra Torah, before the torah was revealed.
When was the tonal revealed on who on which Prophet?
Musa alayhis salam and when was it revealed? When many many years after your Cobra Lucena.
We're talking about the Bani Israel being in Egypt for many many generations until fit our own enslave them. And then Allah subhanaw taala said Musa listen am to free the Bani Israel, the Bani Israel left Egypt and when they were in the desert, that's where Allah subhanaw taala sent the thorough so that's when the law came in other words, and when the law came, then the Bani Israel were told this is permissible for you and this is not permissible for you.
All right. So over here what do we see that the Bani Israel eel were given the laws of haram and halal how gradually This is just like the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam also they were given the laws of halal and haram how gradually in Makkah, people were Muslim, yet they were drinking alcohol. You know, in Medina, the Companions would get together in the houses of one of them, and they would have alcohol parties.
Literally, this was something that was allowed for them.
And then the consumption of alcohol haram they were revealed, and one of the companions he went, do those companions are actually drinking alcohol and he told them, if somebody had alcohol in his mouth, he spat it out. If somebody had the cup to his mouth, he didn't drink it. This was their reaction. So anyway, the point over here is that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that the law was given to the Bani Israel gradually as well, just as it was given to the OMA of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
will say, to be Torah, Allah, say to the Bani Israel, that bring the Torah tell the Al Kitab, bring the book, follow her and then read it, meaning recite it yourselves, find out yourselves isn't this mentioned in the Torah that everything was permissible at the beginning and then later on when the torah was revealed? Then the law was given? I mean, it's a fact. Read it yourself and then you will see that the laws of Halal and Haram are mentioned in the Torah. And those laws were not given before the Bani Israel before the Torah came, what did they do In Kuntum, Saudi clean if you are truthful, in your claim?
Now this ayah was revealed in response to an objection at the Bani Israel you made that the adult Kitab made the son of the Prophet salallahu Salam that you say you are on the same religion as that of Ibrahim Maria Sena that you say that Allah the one who sent revelation to your Cobra, listen to Musa RSM, he is the one who has sent revelation to you. So if that is the case, that means our religion is supposed to be the same because the source is the same. So if our religion is supposed to be the same, then why is it that you have different dietary laws?
Why is it that some things that we consider haram, you consider halal? And some things which we consider halal? You say they are haram? Is that so? Is there any difference between the Jewish dietary laws and Muslim dietary laws? Is there a difference? Many differences? Can you think of some
what are some of the differences
that you Jews, they have wine alcohol, but Muslims don't It's haram for us. camel meat is something that they stay away from.
Fat of animals they cannot
monsoon there. Okay, on particular parts of the body of the animals. So they have stricter kosher laws. All right, and you know about having different foods together at the same place something to do with dairy and meat. I don't know the details but so they have certain things haram which are halal for us. And we have certain things Halong, which are halal for them.
So these differences are there. So they came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and said, You say that this religion of yours is a continuation of ours, it's the same, but how come the dietary laws are different? So they came up with this objection. And they said that it's not possible that Allah would tell us something is halal, and he would make it haram on you or he would make something haram on us and then later he would make Halal on you.
Because if Allah made something Halal at the beginning, and later made it haram, if he changed the law, meaning if he abrogated the law, then what you're implying is that Allah is playing with us that sometimes he makes something unlawful. Other times he makes it lawful? Do you see what I mean? Do you see their objection, that you're saying, Allah is just playing with us this religion is just a game.
And Allah is above that.
Likewise, I said, if you're saying that Allah has changed the law over time, then you're implying that Allah did not know of some benefit some reason before and then he came to know later.
So he changed his mind narrow the villa that he didn't know before he found out later.
And Allah is above that, because he has all knowledge.
So in other words, they were saying that there is no necessity, there is no abrogation, that this is the main point. Okay. They said, there is no abrogation within the Sharia, and also of one Sharia abrogating another. So this was their claim. Allah subhanaw taala revealed this is saying, challenging them to bring the thorough and find out for themselves. That were the laws not abrogated before. Yes,
of course. And we see this, that at the time of Adam Arneson, and some things were permissible, which were made forbidden later on.
I mean, if you think about it, how what was in a way, she was created from the body of adolescent you could say that she was his daughter, you could say that all right. Likewise, other monosodium Hawa their children, they would actually marry one another. And this is something that is not allowed today at all. Correct.
So why is it that Allah subhanaw taala change the law something that was allowed before became impermissible later or vice versa? Why?
Why do you think so? Because
the situation is different.
At that time, the children of Adam and Islam if they did not marry one another, then human race would finish completely.
And today, if siblings started marrying one another, that would lead to many other problems and vices, all right.
So the situation is different. This is why the laws were different.
At the time of Ibrahim Renison, um, the situation that the people were in was different at the time of jacobellis Anna the situation was different later on, it changed.
And this does not mean that Allah did not know No, he knew, but he is a Rahim and he is Al Hakim, he only commands that which people can do, which is possible for people.
For example, at the beginning,
when the Prophet salallahu Salam came, alcohol was not made forbidden. Why? Because if it was made forbidden right from the beginning, it would be very, very difficult for people to accept Islam or to even practice Islam.
So what happened when they were strong in their faith in their European then later on? Allah subhanaw taala made alcohol haram.
So the inner strength of the Sahaba was so much that as soon as they found out, they just spat out the alcohol which was even in their mouths. So they were ready to take that they were willing to accept that law.
So over here, Allah subhanaw taala response to the objection of the Bani Israel that no NUS happened before to NAS happen before to the laws have changed as the prophets came. They brought the same message, but the laws were slightly different.
All right, the laws were slightly different. They all brought the same message, but the laws were different. Likewise, if Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has come
He has brought the same message, but the laws will be different because if people are in a different situation now, all right. Now you might say well, 1400 years of first Bisons, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam game things have changed a lot. So shouldn't the law be revised? No, it cannot be revised because we only has the authority to revise the law. Allah soprano 30. And the reason why it will not be changed is because Allah knew that these changes will occur. But still, the law of Islam is applicable, it is still applicable, it is still possible to live according to Islam,
to live according to the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has given. And if you think about it, after the Prophet salallahu Salam, after his time it is when the course of human history changed completely. Before that, if you think about it in history, people were just on the religion of their kings. Before that, you see a lot of polytheism but later on, after that, the people have changed. They were more into science, into discovery into medicine, so on and so forth. Allah subhanaw taala knew that these changes were going to occur.
Likewise, we see that before people were all scattered over the earth, hardly any communication but after the time the prophets have a lot of sediment says no, the world has become a global village, right?
So the major changes that occurred were always before and after the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam there haven't been much major changes. This is the reason why the law is the same, it is still applicable. So Allah says in quantum Saudi clean if you're truthful, bring the Torah and read for yourselves find out for yourself from an IF thorough on Allah Hincapie, but then whoever fabricates a lie against Allah, if the light from loot lifters failed all Yeah, it is to invent something and it is to invent a statement or a claim and ascribe it to another person. So basically to say that so and so said something whereas he never said it.
So, whoever invents against Allah ally meeting he says that Allah made something halal, whereas he did not. Or Allah made something haram which he did not mimbar the Delica after that, meaning after the proof has become manifest, then formula equals honeymoon, those people are the wrongdoers. Now, what do we learn in these if we learned that Allah subhanaw taala can declare whatever he wants to be lawful, and whatever he wants to be unlawful, the authority is with him.
Then we also learn in this verse about the fact that those who claim that there is no abrogation, their claim is false. There is abrogation in the deen and there is wisdom behind it, there is benefit behind it.
And then we also learn in these verses, that whenever people object they criticize, then how should you respond with evidence with evidence Allah subhanaw taala says, Tell them bring the Torah and read for yourself.
So if people have a question, they have an objection, don't just go on giving your own opinion, your own explanation, talk with evidence, give proof.
Because what is more acceptable to people what you're saying, or a fact and evidence, obviously in evidence that is more convincing.
Likewise, we also learn from this is that when the truth becomes clear to a person, then what should he do? He should accept and not remain stubborn on his falsehood going on and fabricating lies about Allah subhanaw taala.
Both sadaqa Allah say that Allah has spoken the truth concerning what?
Concerning which matter, concerning the matter of NUS abrogation in the shadow air, that laws that Allah subhanaw taala revealed they abrogated one another,
but not just in this matter, say that Allah has spoken the truth with regards to every single matter, meaning everything that Allah has informed us off that Allah has revealed in his book, what is it, it is the truth? It is a fact
you know, when you're trying to research something, you look at different things what so and so has said what is written in such and such book, what is reported in such and such website, whatever, you look at different resources, and some resources are reliable and others are not. And even those resources that are supposed to be reliable, sometimes you have doubts about them. But what if it's not true? That feeling of mistrust, you know, you don't know who to trust and who not to trust?
Because even the most knowledgeable the most sound
People can make mistakes can be in error. But what do we learn here that we can accept with closed eyes? Anything and everything that Allah tells us? There is absolutely no doubt about it. You know, right at the beginning of the Quran, what do we learn that you can Kitab loughrea Buffy there is no doubt in it. It's factual. So Allah says, All sadaqa Allah say that Allah has spoken the truth.
And notice over here the prophets are a lot of Saddam is being told to declare this meaning to affirm the truthfulness of Allah subhanaw taala. If he is commanded to affirm the truthfulness of Allah, then what are we supposed to do? We are supposed to do the same, that Allah has spoken the truth. Let me tell you an incident. In the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala told us about honey, that fish in it is a cure for people. Okay.
Once a man came to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he said that my brother is extremely ill, what should I do? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, give him money. Allah says, for us, you're giving money. So that man went and gave money to his brother, and his brother got more sick. So he came back to the Prophet sallallahu. And he said, My brother's more sick. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah has spoken the truth, and the stomach of your brother is lying. Go give him money again. So he gave him money again, and then he was fine. Because sometimes it happens that when you're sick, and you're getting treatment, then you get worse. And then eventually you get better. So the
Prophet sallallahu sallam said Allah has spoken the truth if Allah has said that honey has cure then it does have cure honey cannot make your situation worse. It cannot make you more sick, because Allah has said that it is cure. Now person might say but you know, some people may develop allergies and so on and so forth. So for them honey is not suitable. Why? Because these days, honey is not pure honey. Okay, money that you buy from the grocery stores is not always pure. Likewise the environment has changed. This is why you have to be more cautious. But honey that is pure, then use it. Okay, so Allah says, All sadaqa Allah say that Allah has spoken the truth. So anything that
Allah has informed us off in his book, whether it is a matter of history, or something about the state of people, something about the future, something about the hereafter, something about the reality of the hearts of people, whatever that Allah has informed us off, what is it? It is the truth? So have no doubt. How is it the truth?
Because Allah has said it. And Allah says woman, us the Quran, Allah He had DISA who can be more truthful than Allah in speech, meaning no one else can be more truthful than Allah in speech. Because one can speak the truth when he knows reality. And Allah, He is the one who knows the unseen of the heavens and the earth. So all sadaqa Allah say that Allah has spoken the truth for Toby Rumi Letta Ibrahim Maha Hanifa. Therefore follow the religion of Ibrahim on s&m Who was Hanif Womack can Amin and was shaking and he was not of those who associate partners with Allah. Allah tells us follow. All of you follow notice but w RU. Allah subhanaw taala gave the command of the prophets are
a lot isn't as well interrupted Nahal Iowan 23 Allah says, Some o Hanaa Ilica and Debir middle letter Ibrahim we have revealed to you that you should follow the way of Ibrahim and over here, Allah tells all the believers it who all of you follow. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told to follow Ibrahim Christendom and we believers are also told to follow the mullah of Ibrahim or listener. The question is what is Mala? Mala? Is the sheer era that a messenger teaches to the people the way of a messenger of a Prophet that he has taught to the people and obviously he got that way, that knowledge from Hope. Who's the source? Allah subhanaw taala. So the way of Ibrahim,
what does it mean by this? Follow the way of Ibrahim medicina, meaning do what he did. Do what he did believe what he believed in practice what he practiced, but the bureau militar Ibrahim, and what was the way of Ibrahim? Hassan if you summarize it, if you sum it up? Allah tells us it is Hanif or being Hanif and what is Hanif, unswerving meaning
I met in unconditioned being away from every kind of ship while my condominium was seeking he was not of those who do shake. Now why does Allah subhanaw taala dollars to follow the wave Ibrahim has set up because like I mentioned earlier, the Jews they said we are on the religion of Ibrahim. And whatever he ate, we eat whatever he did not eat. We don't eat that either. So we are on his religion, Allah subhanaw taala refuted that claim that no, you are following the Torah which was revealed much after Ibrahim Reddy Sinha.
But you have to follow Ibrahim alayhis salam in what in creed in faith.
When it comes to dietary laws, when it comes to other practices, you have to do what has been revealed in the Scripture. What has been brought to you by the messenger who is before you. So when we are told to follow Ibrahim on Islam, it doesn't mean that we are to follow the same shoddy or the same law. What it means is that we are to follow in beliefs
and what was that belief of the hate? Now remember, that the previous messengers, whatever laws that Allah subhanaw taala gave them, okay? And the law that Allah has given to us, it can be divided into three types. Okay, when compared the laws that were revealed before and the law that has been given to us it can be divided into three categories. First of all, those laws that Allah has given to us which contradict the previous shadow, meaning they're different. So, for example, some things were made unlawful for Bani Israel by you bought some good things are made unlawful for them. But are they lawful for us? Yes. For example, camel meat, they would stay away from fat, they would stay
away from all right, but we are allowed to use it. So in this situation, what are we need to do when there is a contradiction? Then what are we to do? We are to follow the law that Allah has given to us.
The second category is of those laws which don't contradict that are according to our wishes here.
For example, in a hadith, we learned that there are 10 acts of fitrah which include what trimming the nails, okay for men trimming the mustache, removing pubic hair, keeping yourself physically clean, alright, and some other including circumcision for men too. These are 10 acts of fitrah. Right. And that Ibrahima has said I'm also did them
Ibrahim Renison and also did them, we do them. And he did them too.
So these laws, what are we supposed to do? We are supposed to follow them.
The third category is of those laws which
are not mentioned in our Sharia. Okay, they're not given in our Sharia. But they're mentioned in the previous meaning our Sharia is silent concerning it.
It doesn't contradict, and it doesn't confirm.
doesn't contradict and it does not confirm meaning our Sharia is silent about it. So for example, in the Quran, we learn about the stories of the people of the past, for example, Medea Moroni, sunnah, that how she kept a fast all being silent, meaning that she was told do not speak to anyone.
This is just for one day. All right. And there are other things as well, that we'll revisit. And it's a reminder, this and under the previous prophets that they're not mentioned are shady or shady or silent about it. Many things we find out that that happened previously, but there is no mention of it in our law. So in this case, what are we to do? Some scholars said that we don't do it.
We don't do it because if it was allowed for us than Allah would have told us and when Allah is silent concerning that means we don't do it.
But other scholars said that no, we do it. Why? Because Allah says in the Quran that Allah Eiken Medina Had Allah for be who they are who Mahkota they follow them.
So we will follow the previous Shara air, but only those matters in which there is contradiction that our Sharia contradicts the previous law. There we will not follow. All right. So if there were certain foods that were halal,
okay, but Allah has made haram now. We will not eat them. If there were certain foods that were haram. Now there are halal we will eat them. All right. That's listen to the recitation.
Cool Nope.
All In One is all in one as
soon as
to see if
you can
income we'll move on
further law Debbie owning
a honey
gun I mean
now we say that the Bani Israel they will always look down on who on the Prophet sallallahu sallam, on the Arabs, saying that you are the unlettered ones, no scripture has been sent to you, they will not ascribe any importance to them.
And why was it because they believe they were the chosen people, Allah subhanaw taala sent prophets to them, send scriptures to them.
And over here, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that no guidance did not start from you. They thought the whole process of revelation guidance Everything started from them. They were the first ones Allah subhanaw taala negates this concept negates this belief of theirs and says in oh well of eighth and indeed the first house that will the island Nast that was placed for the people that was made for the people was which one Lulla de Baca is surely the one that is at Baca. Meaning the first building that was ever constructed for all people to come and worship Allah subhanaw taala over there was which building the one in Jerusalem? No, it is the building the structure that stands in
baka baka meaning Makkah. So which structure is it? The carrabba
So don't think that it all started from you and you are the most important ones know that oh, well a beta and beta, beta is house. And the house over here refers to house of Allah and House of Allah doesn't mean that Allah lives there narrow the villa. It's called House of Allah because it has given importance that building is given a lot of importance by Allah subhanaw taala. Why, because that is the place where people come and worship Him. So in other words, the first mosque, the first structure where people got together to worship Allah was which one at Baraka, the word will there is from the root letter as well both are in and what are is to put down to play something. And notice
the word Lin nurse, a nurse means zoo, all people all mankind, not just the Arabs, not just the descendants of Ismar, eel or SLM. But even the descendants of Israelite you, even there used to come to worship Allah were at this house.
And this is a fact they used to come to worship Allah at this house and later on, when the way to mock this was constructed at the time of Solomon early sunnah. And because of the persecution, that the who would face the difficulties that the whole Kitab faced and they lost their original Dean, they lost the book, everything that is when they lost this practice as well, of going to Makkah to worship Allah subhanaw taala over there, because many changes were made to their the so this is one of the things that they stopped doing. So it was made for who all people I will that are below one who he asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, O Allah's Messenger, which Masjid was the first to be
built on the surface of the earth. And he replied, and Masjid how long? It is said that the first ones to construct this Masjid was who? The angels. Allah ordered the angels to construct this masjid, meaning the Kaaba, and then it is at the other morning Salam reconstructed it and then it is at after the time of new Hudson and the flood. After that it was reconstructed again. And then again, we learned that Ibrahim realism is smart enough listener we learned earlier what El Faro Ibrahim will cover either middle bait. Remember that I that Ebrahimian is Santa was lifting up meaning he was raising walls on the foundations that were already present. So the structure was
there. Over time. It went into ruins but the foundations were there and Ibrahim Renison and reconstructed the carbo on the same foundation. So, the first house that
was ever constructed for the people to come and worship Allah is the one at Bucha meaning the house in Makkah, as in the Kaaba burqa is one of the names of the city of Makkah.
It is one of the ancient names of the city of Makkah. And Baca some people say that it is actually maca, the Maharaja the place from where the letter meme comes. That is the same as the mythology of the letter but meme and they come from the same place. And in some dialects, they interchange meme and Baba in Arabic. Alright, so this Emeka, baka, same thing. Right, maka and Bucha. Same thing, this is just like in the English language also, in different accents. people pronounce certain letters differently. I mean, people who are Scottish or Irish, sometimes it's difficult to understand their accent even because they're saying the same words, but they pronounce them so
differently. Right. So, Baca, maka, same thing, other said that no, there is a difference in the meaning. And they say that Bucha is from the root letters back half Caf. And it means to rip to break to destroy something.
Okay to rip to break to destroy something. And the city of Makkah is such that if you want to go there, then literally you get ripped up, you get torn, you get physically exhausted. And obviously these days, it's much different. But before when people had to travel through the desert, have you ever traveled from Mecca to Medina?
Have you in a nice air conditioned bus or in a car? We were sipping on cold soda or what? Imagine if you were not in that car, and you were walking on that sand. Just imagine how difficult that journey would be. Sand, rock heat, and when people would travel to get to Makkah they will be literally destroyed, ripped up, ripped apart. Their shoes ripped up their clothes in tatters. I mean, it was such a difficult journey.
Because it's in the middle of the desert, Allah subhanaw taala could have made Makkah elsewhere too. But he decided this place because only the very sincere ones will decide to come there. You know, a place that is very beautiful, a place that is very comfortable. Anybody can go there. But a place where it's difficult to survive.
Where it's difficult to spend every minute. Only those who are sincere will go there. Only those who deeply yearn will go there. Likewise, it is said that it's called Bucha. Because it crushes the tyrants, meaning people who are arrogant elsewhere, people who are very, you know, oppressive, maybe when they come there, even they are broken up. And you see this at hutch, you know, tall, huge men that may be very well off back home. And what do they have on them? Just do plain white sheets. And what are they wearing on their feet?
Rubber slippers, no socks, no fragrance. Nothing fancy. Right? And people get humbled over there. People feel that humidity over there. So people who are arrogant and proud and very powerful elsewhere. in Makkah, they become like this. So this is why Baca is called Bucha. And this city Bucha. This name is actually also mentioned in the Bible.
In Psalm 84, verse five to seven it is said, Blessed are those whose strength is in you who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca. They make it a place of springs, the autumn rain also cover it with pools, they go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appears before God. So, in these verses also the references to pilgrimage that people would undertake to the city of Bucha. And if you think about it, Hajj is not just around the Kaaba, but also outside right you have to go to miss deliver to Mina right to our offer. So they passed by the Valley of Baca and the spring the water, what is that referring to? Zum zum All right. So this
is also mentioned in the Bible. Allah says that the first house to be built for worship of Allah so that people come and worship there is the one at Bucha and Allah says it's mobile rockin its blessings. Mobarak from Bella calf baraka and what does Baraka mean?
Something that grows, becomes abundant in its benefit, it is great, sometimes it increases in its quantity as well. So for example, you have one bottle of water. Okay, and you
Say there's a lot of Baraka in this bottle because Hamdulillah you were sipping from it the whole day. But by the end of the day, you still had that bottle. And it's not like you're feeling thirsty. No, your thirst was quenched. You were sipping throughout the day. And still you have that bottle. You have some water left. So what do you say there's so much barakah in this. All right. Or, for example, you have some money. You said there's so much barakah in this because you were able to do so much with it. All right. So mobilock is that which is full of blessings, the city of Mecca, Allah says it is Mobarak Baraka has been placed there. What benefits does a person find in the city of
Makkah? what faith does a person find from the city of Makkah? When he goes there, he sees that yes, there's a lot of good here. He experiences that goodness. Anyone has gone for Hajj or Umrah
so tell me what Baraka is in the city of Makkah. First of all, there's a lot of baraka and people.
Okay, when you see 1000s and 1000s of people, crowds and crowds is going in, in in in into the Haram you would think that there would be no space left. But even when the doors are closed, and if a person managed to get in somehow he will find a spot to pray.
Alright, so anyway, the baraka that a person experiences in Makkah.
To summarize, there are many spiritual and material benefits in Morocco.
For instance,
when a person goes for Hajj, and if he performs Hajj, staying away from sin, okay, no, Rafi has no Vasu Nadal in Hajj. Then he goes back home as clean as the day that his mother gave birth to him. Meaning he goes back home, absolutely free of sin, free of sin if his heart is accepted
it as though he was just born.
So he can start all over again.
All his previous sins forgiven of this as Baraka, this is a huge benefit, a huge blessing that all of the sins of a person are forgiven. Another benefit. Another highlight is that when a person worships Allah subhanaw taala over there, then the reward for that is multiply. You could pray Salah at your home and you could pray Salah by the Kaaba, which one is more rewarding the one by the Kaaba. There's baraka and reward.
Likewise, if a person gives sadaqa over there, it's much better if a person fasts over there much better. This is the reason why people strive to go to Makkah in the month of Ramadan.
Another benefit another thing is that we see that this provision is brought there from every corner of the world.
Every corner of the world you see risk being brought to Makkah Well, the fact is that nothing grows there. Nothing grows there yet. It's full of food. It's full of anything that you want that you need, you will find it in Morocco.
I know of people who actually go to Morocco so that they can spend some time you know, during row worship Allah's Panther, but they can also do some of their shopping, because they said the best stores are there. Many stores are there. And it's true. I mean, it's sad. You don't like the idea of going all the way there. You have only a few days, a few weeks and you'd spend that in the mall as opposed to the haram. It said, but people do that. And in fact there is no sin in it as long as a person is spending most of his time worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. Okay benefiting from the place that he's at? Because Allah says that what is the word? Right, take that with you. And there's no
harm in earning dunya over there too as long as a person's main focus is Riba.
Likewise we see that it is Movado cow that it is
a source of water a spring from which 1000s and 1000s of people drink daily, some bathed in it
and some put it in huge water cans and take them across to another corner of the world. Have you ever seen a HUD flight coming in and you see all those water cans zum zum that people are bringing in you know a friend of mine. She lives into book okay in Saudi Arabia. And what they do is that every other week or whatever, they try to go to Makkah to do
the Gaussian camera they take with them huge water cans and they go fill them up and they bring back their water and they actually drink that water and cook with that water zamzam
other water that's
They're, you know, they're using the washroom whatever but in the kitchen, which water is used, ZamZam has like Subhanallah and it's been there for 1000s and 1000s of years. Yet it hasn't finished. This is baraka. This is baraka.
It's Movado cow, that prayers are answered over there. People have so many neurons and they go they do Umrah. They will do hajj and they make Torah and they see that their drawers have actually been accepted. What they asked Allah for in that place, Allah responded to them. So it's Mubarak in that way to a person can earn benefits of duniya Ohana regardless of what time of year it is. It's Mubarak, its blessing because the Prophet salallahu Salam was raised over there. So Movano can that city is Mobarak and not just mobile app, but it's also well who then and a guidance for who Lilla Allah mean for the people of the world? Meaning it is a filler by which people are guided, it is a
source by which people are guided. How is it that people are guided through Makkah? How that people go there to do Hajj? People go there to do Urmila people go there to worship Allah subhanaw taala they pray they worship the supplicate. And then what happens? The rest of their lives are changed. Have you ever heard of someone who went for Hajj and then they changed? They went for a run and they changed? Yes, it happens with many people. Many times it happens that people go there. And then, for example, a friend of mine once she told me that she started wearing hijab and when she went for Hajj or Umrah she said that she felt very uncomfortable because there were so many men everywhere, that
you feel awkward and she would look over her face a little. And she said as I got to the airport, you know, I decided I don't have to cover my face anymore. So she took her in a bubble. And she said, I used to cover my face around the Kaaba so why not here?
And why not elsewhere? And that moment she decided I'm going to cover my face too.
So it happens with many people some people go for Hajj, they don't have a beard min. Right. And for the days of Hajj, they're not allowed to shave. And then after that, they say okay, this much hair has come I might as well keep a beard.
So it happens with many people. People go there, they feel that they're hearing the Quran in taraweeh the Imam is reciting the Quran everywhere you hear the Quran for I don't know what this means, and they make a promise. I'm going to go back and I'm going to study the meaning of the Quran.
So there are many examples of how when people go to that place, they increase in their guidance on their return from their
Imam Buhari, he went for Hajj, and he decided to stay in Makkah to study the deen. He was 16 years old at that time. He decided to study he learned more and more a hadith his brother went back home but he stayed there. There are many people who went for hajj who went for Umbra sat in the company of the scholars, and that is what changed them for the rest of their lives. So who then it's a source of guidance. Lilla Allah mean for the people of the world meaning all people all mankind benefit from this place. It becomes a turning point in their lives. It becomes a new beginning. It's a place from where he Daya emanates, people go there for Hajj or Umrah and they increase in the
righteousness, they develop such good habits. You know, for example, a person goes for hombre and the whole time that he's there, he's worshiping Allah, the time between the prayers, he's sitting making doors, reading Quran and when he comes back, he tries to keep that routine. So we're who then later on Amin