Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 046C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 80-84
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The speaker discusses the importance of following the Prophet's message and the deeps of Islam, as it is crucial for achieving spiritual success. They emphasize the need for people to follow the Prophet's teachings and support them with evidence, as it is crucial to achieve success. The importance of belief and researching one's behavior is emphasized, and anyone who refuses to submit to Islam is going to end up harming themselves. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to be mindful of their actions and not associate them with their beliefs.
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What is 100? Allah who may 3 gonna begin and recall when Allah took the covenant from the Prophets, which prophets, all of the prophets before the prophets were sent to the earth, all of them were made to take this promise with Allah subhanaw taala just like all the people when Allah created other medicine and he took out all of the Urwa out of the souls of human beings, and he took a promise from them, which is known as odd, unless which inshallah we will study about later. And likewise, all the prophets before they were sent to the earth, they were made to take a covenant with Allah subhanaw taala and what was that covenant? That lemma? They took on blommer Surely
whatever surely whenever, whenever they need to come, I give you Minkee Tabin book where Hikmah and wisdom meaning whenever you are sent to the earth and you're made a profit, you are given
the Scripture and you are also given a comma what is Hikmah wisdom but it refers to over here judgment between people, okay, because the prophets were also given authority to judge between people like for example, so the men are listen and they will they listen, they will also judges, okay? They also made judgments between people, the prophets are a lot of animals so did that Musa listen I'm also did that which is why we learned about so many stories in which certain cases were brought to the messengers and they gave the answers. So, whenever the Scripture is revealed to you, and whenever you are given Hikmah, some Majah accom, then he comes to you, who comes to you for a
soul on a messenger. In other words, you are sent as a messenger. And then while you are a prophet, another messenger comes
in your lifetime, another messenger comes, if he does come, okay, and this surah Sulan, who does it refer to? It refers to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the last messenger, that if the last messenger were to come in your life, the Majah a camera Solon, and he massaged the Quran, he confirms the truthfulness of Lima, Morocco of that which is with you, and how does he confirm the truthfulness of that which is with you of the scripture that you have, first of all, by his statement, so for example, the Torah is revealed by Allah Injeel is revealed by Allah Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said that, didn't he? That's the belief that he taught us that Allah revealed all
of those scriptures. Yes, people change them. But that's another story. And secondly, he would do the steel how he would confirm the truthfulness by his hand by his state, that he would match the description that was given in the previous scripture. You know, if there's a book in which something is mentioned that such and such is going to happen. Now, when that event happens, when that event occurs, that event is confirming the truthfulness of what was mentioned in the book, isn't it? And if that event did not occur, or if it was different than that is not confirming the truthfulness of what was in the book. So when the Prophet salallahu Salam was exactly as described in the
scriptures, then he was Muslim, do
you understand he confirmed the truthfulness and was subdeacon how many ways in two ways first of all, through coal, through words through his speech, by saying that the Torah is true, the Injeel is true. And secondly, by his Hal, by his state, because that match the description mentioned in the book.
So whenever if he comes in your life, and he confirms the truthfulness of that which is with you, then what are you going to do? Let me know Nabil promise, that surely you will definitely believe in him to me No, no luck, though keep so much emphasis that you shall you will definitely you must believe in him that indeed he is true. And not just that, but Walton Sorona who and surely you will definitely help him from NASA. And again, Tokyo lamp noon butchered that, you will definitely help him you will assist him in his mission. Why will you believe in him because Allah sent him? Why will you help him? Because his mission is the most important. What is the mission of the last messenger
to establish the religion of Allah? Because after him, no other messenger is coming. And if the religion is not established, if the people don't
receive their religion, they don't understand it, they don't implement it, then people will be lost forever
then humanity will be misguided forever. So this is why all the messengers were made to promise that if during your lifetime the final messenger comes then you have to believe in Him and you have to support him Well done solando And this is the reason why restarted salon when he came for example, he informed those people who believed in him about the description of the last messenger so well that the Hawaii Yun What did they say for October now? Marcia who then they knew they recognize the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his people so well how? Because Eastern salaam, told them. So what a tongue Sorona who? Allah He said meaning Allah subhanaw taala set across.
Do you all acknowledge? Do you all agree? Question across from from across Africa and across is to acknowledge to accept to over? So do you accept it? Do you acknowledge this covenant? Will you abide by this? What has dumb and do you take Allah dally come upon this is three my burden being the burden that I'm imposing on you. What burden the burden of this covenant, the burden of this responsibility, because the word is so it is from Hamza Sodre. And so it is used for something heavy, that burdens a person and a responsibility is heavy responsibilities burden. You don't think, you know, you could be free, you have nothing to do and if somebody tells you to do something,
they've laid a responsibility on you. It is as though you have been weighed down by that responsibility. You can't carry on you can't continue because you have to fulfill that responsibility. So a curato customer Isla de Alikum is three do you acknowledge Do you accept? Have you taken on the weight of this responsibility? Will you abide by this? The messengers were asked by Allah Kalu they all replied a Quran. We acknowledge we accept meaning Yes, we accept this promise we will do this. If the viral messenger comes during our lives, then we will believe in him and we will support him.
Allah, Allah subhanaw taala set fresh who Then bear witness testify, meaning bear witness over each other. Or he started as the Lamb bear witness over moose oralism who started as a number witness over new Hallasan and all of the prophets were told to fish or do bear witness on each other, that every single one of you has taken this responsibility and has agreed to fulfill this covenant. What Anna and I Allah subhanaw taala is referring to himself that I am Maracle along with you minister hitting of those who bear witness meaning I am also a witness to this that you have agreed to this covenant and Allah subhanaw taala This testimony is sufficient work of Abdullah he Shahida. This
ayah has been interpreted in two ways. Some people said that Rasul refers to any messenger who comes during the life of the messenger who's present. So for example, Masada Suriname Haruna and s&m or Zachary Arliss, you're hearing this and I'm recited Sam, there will there be Samsung a man or listener, so they came at the same time. Okay. However, the description that has been given over here of the final messenger and the context in which this verse has been mentioned in the following verse also, this shows to us that it's referring to the final messenger, and yes, hello, Sue loan. It is not Kira, but it doesn't refer to any messenger, but it refers to the messenger, the one was
most important, because his mission was the most important. He was a last final messenger, and helping his cause was crucial. Helping his mission was crucial, because if he would not succeed, then humanity would be misguided forever, until the day of judgment.
And one more thing before we continue, is that when the messengers made a covenant with Allah, then they were made responsible for believing in the last messenger and also supporting you. Now, if the messenger was obligated to believe in Him and and support him, then what about the followers of that messenger?
Would they not be required? Of course, they would be also required to believe in the last messenger and follow Him. So that's the point of this is that every messenger made this covenant He agreed to this. And when he agreed to this, then His people, His followers are also obligated to observe this.
So when Musar SLM agreed to this than his people,
but also to do that when the scientists have agreed to this and his people were to do that, that during their lives, if Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam came and he is Mossad, if the signs are clear, then you have to believe and support him.
From Unto Allah about the learning, but whoever turns away after that, whoever turns away after that, after what, after this mention after this clarification, after all this detail that Allah subhanaw taala is giving, meaning whoever turns away from belief in Muhammad salallahu salam after the fact that all of the prophets were made to promise that they would believe in him and help him. If someone turns away, then for Hola, ecomo fasciae cone, then indeed it is those who are festival and who are sinful those who are crossing limits. So, in other words, all of the prophets and all of their followers were required to believe in Muhammad Sallallahu send a man help him. Now for mandala
Garda Dalek. Is it ever possible that a prophet of Allah who makes a covenant with Allah, he would turn away? No, it cannot even be imagined that a prophet of Allah would turn away. So who is Allah soprano on and really addressing over here, then the people, the followers of the prophets, that if anyone turns away, does not believe in the final messenger does not support him, then for Ole como festival, because even the prophets were required to follow Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam if he was to come in their life, which is why once when, or model de la or knew he had something from the Torah and he was reading it, the Prophet saw this and when he saw him, he got very upset. And he said,
Have I not brought you the baileigh nuclear meaning clear and evident truth? You don't need to read this and he said that if Musa came to the earth, he would have no choice but to follow me and resign his son and when he will return then what cheerier will you follow the show to your of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam when the Prophet saw a lot of sin and went for it through the night journey, and all of the prophets were also brought over there, then who led the prayers, the prophets Allah waters.
So all of the prophets were required to follow Him, then their nations were also required to follow him. And if someone doesn't follow a common first cone, then they are those who are crossing limits. And this means they're committing copper because major fist is to commit disbelief because you're getting out of the limits of the folder Islam. For all Aiko, Mufasa cone, Allah questions of Elena de la jolla moon are the seeking of Deen other than the deen of Allah. When they're turning away from belief and Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Then what are they going for?
What do they want? What are they accepting? Is it for then later? Besides other than Deen Allah, the religion of Allah, yerba Hoonah they're seeking from Bell lainnya are they seeking a religion other than the religion of Allah subhanaw taala what is the religion of Allah? The religion that he has revealed? And by the way, the word deen is from Dalia known, and the word applies to Jezza recompense and it also applies to the condition for that recompense, meaning action. So the word applies to action. And its recompense. And the dean is what the religion is what action based on which will be judged, based on which will be recompense in the hereafter.
So the in refers to the shittier the Lord that Allah has revealed because we are commanded to abide by it, we are commanded to act according to it. So are they seeking a deen other than the deen of Allah? Why does Allah subhanaw taala call the Shetty or the deen of Allah? Why? Why is Islam called the deen of Allah, the religion of Allah. You know when you say this is my religion, it means you practice it. But what does it mean? I mean, we have to pray and Allah is God. So why is it called deen of Allah?
Because this is the deen that has been revealed by who? By Allah. This is the deen that was brought by all of the prophets of Allah.
This is the way of life. This is the law that he that Allah has legislated for His servants. Allah calls it his religion because he has legislated it. And it also shows its importance that
This is the deen of Allah, meaning this is the only beam that is acceptable to Allah. This is the only Deen that Allah will accept. And it also shows that this is the only thing that is correct.
That is best for humanity that is best for the creation that is in their best interest. This is just like the body that Allah has made for you. If you say no, I want to get rid of this hand that I have. And instead I want a plastic hand.
What hand is better for you? The plastic hand or the hand that Allah has made for you. Somebody says, I don't like my legs, I'm gonna get them chopped off, and I'm gonna get fake legs.
What's better for him?
The legs that Allah has given him or fake legs.
Somebody says, I don't like my eyes. So I'm going to get them removed. And instead I'm going to have something else installed. If someone were to say that, what's best what Allah has created? Or what we can make ourselves, tell me. If we were to say, get rid of all this oxygen somehow suck it out, get rid of it, change it to something else. Replace water with coke.
What is better for us to use all the time water cook water. If we were to say, I don't like oxygen, we need some other kind of guests to breathe. What's best for us oxygen or some other kind of gas to breathe? Oxygen? If we were to say, No, we're not going to live on the earth. We're gonna go live on some other planet. Can we survive there, we can't even read there. So what's best for us what Allah has made for us, you know why? Because he made you when he made you, he knows what's best for you. And he has provided that for you in the physical sense, as well as the spiritual sense. He has provided you your physical nutrition, and also your spiritual nutrition. And if you turn to anything
else, if you turn to something different, then you know what you're going to suffer. You're going to suffer, you are harming yourself, you're depriving yourself you're being unfair with yourself. If you were to chop off the beautiful functional hand that Allah has given you, that works perfectly fine, and you replace it with something different. You're depriving yourself of the freedom that you could have of the things that you could do.
Your hand can touch and sense but a fake hand cannot do that. It cannot.
So when Allah has made you, Allah has provided you he knows you. Likewise, he has also legislated Allah for you a way of life that you should live by. And if you turn to something else, then you're harming yourself. This is why Allah says Allah Dini Lehi yerba Hoon.
They're seeking a religion other than the religion that Allah has led to slaughter. How crazy is that? How foolish is that? How illogical is that? How could you turn away from Allah
she got hurt, and so love for the church. And now she has to wear a denture and so every time she needs him to get her to her into the cannula, like what Allah has given us, we take for granted because there's like ease in it, you know, and every time she eats, she can't enjoy the food the way she used to, because she has to take out the denture then put it back in. And if there's
something as small as teeth, the teeth that Allah has made for you, if they break or for some reason, they have to be pulled out and they replaced with a denture.
Can it ever be the same? No, never ever. It can never be the same. So when in our physical bodies, we experienced this that what Allah has given to us what Allah has made for us is best than how is it that when it comes to faith, when it comes to practice when it comes to law, than we think what is legislated by Allah is not best for us.
No, it is best for us. If Allah de la hiya boo, is it other than the religion of Allah desire? When a who a slum while for him has submitted one a who a slammer? What has submitted for him alone? Manifest summer where do you want all whoever that is in the skies and the earth, meaning everything in the heavens and the earth? Everything has submitted to Allah alone. How has it submitted? The one willingly walk out of hand and unwillingly, whether they like it or they don't whether they have a choice in that matter, or they don't have a choice in that matter? Me?
Breathing in the heavens and the earth has submitted to Allah, though I'm thought well, I mean, to do something willingly, obediently, voluntarily Gohan, exact opposite Kathrada to do something hatefully grudgingly reluctantly.
So whether the creation likes it or not, whether they have a choice in that matter, or they don't have a choice, still, they are submissive to Allah.
Now think about it, the angels that are in the heavens, the trees that are on the earth, the mountains, the clouds, everything they have submitted to Allah. And, by the way, a slammer. Islam over here is the county Islam, the Kadri, Islam, this is literally that they have submitted meaning they do whatever Allah orders them to do. And Sharon the law, there are some people who do that. And those people also will refuse to follow the law of Allah, their bodies, are they not submitted to Allah? Have they not surrendered to Allah? Yes, they don't have a choice in that matter. Somebody doesn't believe in Allah or doesn't accept the religion of Allah. But when the body becomes sick,
then has the body not submitted to Allah. It has. They don't want the body to submit but they're helpless. Wallah who are slimmer man for summer were 31. Who ever anyone that is Nevins in the earth has submitted to Allah. The Lord can walk upon that Allah knows what is best for us. This is just like a person who may have serious heart disease and needs a serious surgery. And he said to the doctor, no, no, I don't need it. You doctors don't know anything.
Who knows better? The doctor knows right? And that patient if he decides not to go for that surgery, he's going to end up harming himself. So Allah knows better Wallah who Aslam a man for summer what you will argue for and work on everything in the heavens and the earth has admitted to him willingly and unwillingly.
Now in the earth, a lot of creation in the skies also a lot of creation. In certain Israel, I have 44 image che in India, you Sabir behind the everything glorifies Allah. So the Nahal I have 48 Oh ALLAH Amuro Ilana kala kala women che in yet a failure or we learned or who are any Amin was Shema it is to Jeddah nila, the shadows, Allah says are frustrating to Allah the shadows of everything right and left frustrating to Allah.
So, everything by choice or without choice has surrendered to Allah in sort of the Lord i 15. Well Allah He has to do man for summer what you will have the Thorin workout on what you lay, he will do your own and to him they will return.
Meaning in this world, during this time, they are submissive to Allah. And when their time ends, then they return to Allah and no one other than Allah. He has absolute authority over the entire creation in this world, as well as in the Hereafter. And if you think about it, what la Tarun if you don't submit Now, eventually you are returning to Allah.
Eventually your body is going to die and your soul is going to leave and you will go back to Allah. So don't you worry about that. Aren't you concerned about that? Don't you fear that?
How much can you avoid the deen of Allah? How much can you for some time but eventually you're going to him, there is no escape from Allah, but to Allah, what you lay your own. So people, if you don't accept the deen of Allah, then remember, your body is submissive. Then remember that everything in the heavens and the earth and there are many creatures who are already submissive to Allah. Allah does not need your worship. When you worship, you benefit yourself. And it doesn't make sense that you have submitted to Allah Coenen then why don't you submit to Allah Shavon when physically you are submissive in the sense that your body can only operate in the way that Allah has decided. Then why
don't you operate in other ways the way that Allah has legislated? It doesn't make sense what you lay your journal. Let's listen to the recitation. What in the long
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so the same Lord who has created us Who has created the heavens and the earth to has absolute authority over us over our bodies, our circumstances our life our death, he is the one who has sent the messengers. He is the one who has sent Mohamed Salah Julio salah, he is the one who has sent Islam as the dean. And if a person turns away, then he is only
he's only harming himself because ultimately, all people return to Allah. Now, in the covenant that Allah subhanaw taala took from all of the prophets, we learn that the status of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was very high of the final messenger. He was a very important messenger. And like I mentioned earlier, why because he was the final messenger, Allah subhanaw taala sent new holy Salam, the first messenger who brought the message of hate. Allah is the one who chose Ibrahim Redis Anna who sent Musar lesson I will send a starless, Anna. And finally, at the end, he sent Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to conclude the guidance that he had sent. And this guidance is preserved for the
benefit of all humanity. And if anyone turns away, saying that he was an Arab, that he was not sent for us, or there's this thing that I don't like, or this thing that I don't agree with, then Tibet, only he is harming himself. Then we also see that believing in the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, is something that is the only way to success. Now, if all of the prophets were to believe in Him. And if anyone would turn away, he would be a festival. That means if a person rejects Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, then his religion, his faith, his actions will not be accepted. So it is crucial.
It is of utmost importance to believe in the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And believing in that means believing as well as supporting two things, the messengers were required to do believe as well as support.
Now, the prophets, they were not present when Muhammad salallahu Salam came, but their followers were present, right there, OMA, that was still there. And we see that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was supported by some people, those people who believed in him, and we call them the Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how did they help him? In what way? How did they assist him? They gave him food and water, they gave him money. They built a nice house for him, they provided him servants, that he could live a very comfortable, happy, easy life. Yeah. Or they just praised him in front of his face and class.
They helped spread the message of Islam. And that began how, by suffering with him,
when the Prophet salallahu Salam was in Makkah, and he was abused, and he was persecuted, and he was boycotted, then the people who believed in him suffered along with him.
When the Prophet if someone waged war against him than those who supported him, they defended the prophets of autism. And it didn't matter whether that individual was a man or a woman, you know, but over model,
one of the Sahaba, one of the female companions, how she participated in battles, defending the Prophet salallahu Salam, at the Battle of warhead. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that people were trying to attack him. Wherever he looked, he saw
anyone dared to come and hurt the prophets of Allah Islam, she would come and give it and she came with several wounds. Imagine a woman
so they help the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
And then when the Prophet saw a lot of said and passed away, was that the end know the
Sahaba they didn't stay in Medina, you know, they left Medina, they went out in order to call people to Allah in order to spread the message. And here we are, we think we believe in the Prophet sallallahu said, and we will sing some songs of praise when his birthday comes. And yes, we love Him and we're supporting his mission. Is that it? Is this the way we support the mission of the messenger? No, this is not the way the mission of the messenger is supported.
If we want to be of those who Allah subhanaw taala of praises, who are the actual followers of the Prophet, then we need to support the mission of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam we need to be of who the unsalted Allah
the unsalted Allah, just as the Hawa Yun said, We are the unsalted Allah, because there is no other way to success. The only way to success is to practice has been to be of the Rabbani to worship Allah and also to spread the same teachings. And you can't do that except by fulfilling the mission of the messenger by helping him.
Allah says Allah say, and Nabila, we believe in Allah proclaim this. Let this be known that you Muslims, and Nabila, we believe in Allah in His existence in his lordship in the fact that he's the only one deserving worship in his names and attributes that he is one we believe in Allah. Why am I on zilara Lena and we believe in all that has been sent to us whether it is the Quran or the Sunnah, all that has been revealed, woman on Zillow, Allah Ibrahim and all that was sent down to Ibrahim the Helene of Allah, the Ebola Gambia what was he given sarahfey Ibrahim as mentioned into the najman total Arla what is smarting all that is marine was given what was he given? We don't know. But we
believe because of Allah said he gave him something, whatever it was, we believe in it. What is how? What was he given? Again, we don't know. But whatever it was, if Allah has said he gave him something we believe in that were Kob ner Qube again whatever he was given we believe in it. Well, Isbell who are the about the prophets are among the Bani Israel for among the descendants of jacobellis Salam, WA oto Musa where he is and we also believe in all that was given to Musa and Risa. Notice on Zillow has not been said OTL what was Musa given? And what was the recite given only scripture know along with scripture, they were also given many miracles for example, Musa listener,
the miracle that the staff would perform the stick that he had. The glowing hand is our lesson on many, many miracles. So everything that Musa and Risa were given one of the Yun and the rest of the prophets, middle of being from their Lord, we believe in everything. Learn who fudgy Cobain and I hadn't been home we do not discriminate, we do not differentiate between any of them to fabrico from the freak foul drop off. Meaning we are not biased in our belief that we believe in one messenger and we disbelieve another or we believe that Musa was a messenger but Allah did not give him a scripture, no learn Ofori Kobina Aha, the main home, we believe in all of the messengers equally.
We believe in Musa alayhis salam just as we believe in Muhammad salatu salam we believe in recite listen I'm just as we believe in no harness and all the messengers we believe that Allah subhanaw taala sent them yes there is a difference in their status for Bala Baba whom Allah about but we have to believe in all of them. Learn Ofori Kobina I had a man whom when a hula hoop Muslim on and we are submissive to only him. Only Allah, we submit only to Allah and no one else we don't submit to our desires. We don't submit to our biases that just because there is a Prophet from Arabs, we're not going to believe in him. No, we submit to Allah, not our wishes, not our biases. We devote our
worship sincerely to him.
Notice it hasn't been said. And we also believe in whatever will be revealed after us. Because there is no scripture that's going to come after the Quran. The Quran is the last and final scripture. Now what do we learn in this verse? About the obligation of iman? In who, first of all in Allah, secondly, in what ever that he has sent, and thirdly in whoever he has sent, whether we know or we don't know.
And if a person rejects any scripture, or any messenger, then his Iman is not
because we are to believe in all and everything, all that Allah sent, and everything that he revealed. Then we also learn in this verse about the obligation of submission to Allah alone, that we are to submit to Allah and all. This was the message of the prophets. And this is what we need to do to submit to Him alone, not to a human being, not to a prophet, think of him as God, not to a scholar, no, only Allah.
But does this mean that we don't listen to other people at all, that somebody's studying us, please bring me a glass of water? Or somebody's telling you do your lesson. You say, no, no, I only submit to Allah here.
What does it mean by submitting to Allah alone, that when it comes to arriba, we only worship Allah. When it comes to a command that Allah has given then we obey Him, even if other say, do something else.
So if somebody tells us to do something that contradicts the Command of Allah, then we don't listen to him. Rather, we listen only to Allah subhanaw taala because left our liberal cloak, females later called call it there is no obedience to the creation in disobedience to the Creator. One of the scholars, he said something very beautiful regarding this matter,
that it is not obligatory for a person to obey his parents
with regards to a matter that benefits him and does not harm the parents, meaning if the parents are stopping a person from doing something. Let's say the mother says, Son, don't go to the masjid. It's very cold, don't go for the sunset. Yes, it's cold, but I can wear my jacket and I can sit in the warm car and I can drive the weather conditions aren't that bad, I can go.
So in this case, should he listen to his mother or not?
Know why, because when he disobeyed the mother, then he is benefiting himself by fulfilling his obligation that Allah subhanaw taala has imposed on him, going to the masjid, praying and Jamara. And at the same time, his mother is not going to suffer.
Okay? But if the mother says, Son, don't travel, because I need your help. I have my doctor's appointments. I need your help. Don't travel to the other city to attend the class. Because I need your help right now. Then what should the sun do?
Then he will stay, he will listen to the mother. Why? Because if he doesn't listen to her, then she will suffer. He will benefit but she will suffer.
So yes, we have to look what is in my benefit? How can I do something that Allah will be happy with? Right? I want to do that. But if your parents, your elders, your friends, your relatives, they're stopping you. Then will you stop? No, you will only stop if they will suffer
if they will suffer great harm. And I'm not saying suffer as they will miss you. And they'll say oh please don't be away from evil for five minutes know when they will really suffer.
When the home was still warm, because we are to submit only to Allah. And another important thing we learned here that in everything that a person does, whether it is cold, or feral or dark, leaving something saying something doing something leaving something person must keep asking himself is this in submission to Allah? Because we Muslims that's what we say when a hula hoop Muslim on we submit to Allah we submit to Allah, if you are Muslim, you submit to Allah, but are you really submitting to Allah?
Are we really submissive to Allah? Because we say we do. But are we actually submitting to Allah? In the words that we're speaking in the actions that we're doing, or in the actions that we're not doing? Because sometimes we tend to deceive ourselves that we say yes, I'm being a very good person. I almost am I submit to Allah. But are we really where are we submitting to our desires? So keep analyzing yourself, keep checking yourself, because a Muslim is Rabbani he worships the lob. He lives according to the commands of Allah and he submits to Allah. And if we have not become Rabbani, then we have not earned the fruit of all of the study.
Let's listen to the recitation
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