Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 034F Tafsir Al-Baqarah 256-258
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The speakers discuss the importance of guidance and following the guidance of Islam, as it is not a complete way of life. They stress the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions and avoiding false guidance. The importance of independence and the need for individuals to be independent is also emphasized. The conversation touches on the importance of avoiding confusion and misunderstandings, the need for help to survive, and the importance of bringing evidence and evidence more than just proof.
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim
lesson number 34 Swivel Bacara I remember 256 to 260
Allah says Allah Icaro haffi Deen there is no compulsion in religion. Law ekra a call is from Kafka and it is to force someone to do something that they don't want to do. So like Rafi Dean, Allah is telling us that there is no compulsion in religion, meaning if someone is forced to become Muslim, they don't become Muslim because they've been forced. Even if they say Allah, Allah Allah Allah, they're not Muslim because, like off a deen.
A person only becomes Muslim when they say with their heart. So now I call a fifth D. And like Rafi deen is also a prohibition that don't force anyone. Les Crawford, Dean, and Dean means Islam, religion, Islam, and the word deen is used for Amal for action. So worship, acts of obedience to Allah and also applies to the recompense for the deeds by for example, yo Medina de Arte recompence. So Lai Crawford D, when it comes to compulsion in religion, it could be of two types. One is that a person is forced to accept, despite their reluctance, despite their hesitation that they want to, but they're forced into it. And this is what is being forbidden over here. That don't force people
don't force them to accept when they don't want to insert the law, Shia. Allah says the messengers have a lot of send them in nama Anta with a kid less darling, they will say that you're only someone who reminds you're not to force people, you're not to control them.
And the second type of force is that when a person has accepted Islam, that they're forced to follow the rules.
When someone says that they're Muslim, then they are forced, they're obliged to follow the rules. And if they don't, then they're punished. And this kind of forcing, is that allowed or not?
It should be done.
This is just like, driving is a privilege. Is it a right? Is it a right? No.
Can you force someone to get a driver's license? No, you can tell someone for years, but if they don't want to, they'll never get it.
But once someone gets their driver's license, then do they have to follow the rules of the road?
Yes. And if they don't, will they be held accountable? Will they have to suffer the consequences? Yes. So likewise, no one can be forced to become Muslim, just as no one can be forced to get a driver's license, no one can be forced to become Muslim.
But once someone has a driver's license, someone has become Muslim, then they are required to follow the rules. And those in power are going to make them follow the rules. So for example, the police officers, the traffic police are going to make you follow the rules. And if you don't, you will be punished.
When you are Muslim, there are certain things that are expected of you just like from a driver, there are certain things expected of you. I mean, driver's license is only valid when he's on the road, when he's sitting in the house with the license, it's irrelevant. Likewise, when I'm giving you this example, then what it means is that as a Muslim, when you eat when you drink, when you work, when you spend your day and your night, then your Islam is irrelevant. Just as when you're on the road, then your driver's license is irrelevant. In the home, it's not relevant. But Islam as a complete way of life. You could also understand this as if a person is a Canadian citizen. If
they're not a Canadian citizen, they're not required to follow the rules of being Canadian citizen, but when they are, then they have to follow the rules, whether they're in Canada or outside of Canada. Even if they're outside of Canada, and they say something against the government or they try to harm the people of the country, or they don't follow the rules of being a citizen, then as soon as they're caught, they will be prosecuted.
So like Rafi Dean, there is no compulsion in religion. Many people misuse this verse And they say, like, if it didn't, don't tell me to pray, like or if it didn't, don't tell me to fast. Like if it didn't, don't tell me to wear hijab Don't teach me. I'm fine the way I am. But the fact is that les Crawford Dean, this is not forcing people to accept to become Muslim. Why? Because Allah says, the way in which the middle they certainly the right way has been made clear from the wrong way. guidance has been distinguished from misguidance what is rushed, rushed from the real letters Russian doll is the right and proper conduct and it's used for guidance and allay is the opposite of
that LaneWatch via error.
misguidance perversion misguidance that is with regards to religion.
So, the right way has been made clear from the wrong way
after learning the ITIL kursi is it not clear that who is God and who is not? Is it not clear? Yes, it is. It's very clear. So when the truth has been made distinct from falsehood from the wrong way from misguidance, then people should not be forced. Upon realizing the truth people should accept and submit with their own will. And if they don't, it's their choice. This is why law equal half a day. And when the truth has been made clear, you don't need to force anyone.
Lie Crawford do cut the vegan rush to mineral vein. The question is how is guidance made distinct from his guidance how?
in several ways, first of all, Allah sent the Quran to clarify guidance from his guidance when a Zilla legal cavity began and the coalition intro to Nicola 89, that Allah sent the book as an explanation for everything. So in the Quran is very clear what is right what is wrong, what is guidance? What is misguidance likewise, through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
instead of the novela 44 Allah says, What Angelina alayka they need to be gentle in Nassima Anusara in a in the messenger salatu salam, he clarified the Quran, he clarified what is right what is wrong, what is guidance, what is error.
Likewise, we see through the way of the Prophet salatu salam, his manner, his his practice, in his manner of worship, the manner of him dealing with people calling people to Allah, even that made very clear that he was upon guidance, what he was calling to is right. And what he's calling people away from is wrong.
The people when they saw Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, when they read his story, when they read his example, they know that this man was not misguided.
Likewise, through the way of the companions, the whole affair, the other companions as well, the right way was made clear from the wrong way, the right way became clear from the wrong way.
This is why the people who say that Islam spread by force by the power of the sword, this is a false claim. This is a completely false claim. Because when people accepted Islam, they knew it to be the truth. They recognized it to be the truth.
And you know about the stories, the stories of so many people who knew that it was a truth yet they avoided it, but for whatever reason, and eventually they did surrender they did submit and they were happier. They were more successful than so at the vegan of wishto min Elaine,
Allah says familia corbetta hood, so whoever denies the thought who
the hood is from the reflectors thought Lane Yeah, and thirdly is to cross limit Stoian rebellion.
Fall hoots is a term that is used for anyone, for any slave because everyone is a servant of Allah, for any slave that exceeds the realm of servitude to Allah, that goes out of the bounds of servitude to Allah.
Whether it comes up in the form of a false god, or a leader who is followed, or someone who is obeyed.
So basically, anyone who does not remain a servant, gets out of the bounds of servitude to Allah, and comes out as someone who is worshipped someone who is followed, or someone who is obeyed three things, someone who was worshipped, followed or obeyed.
This includes the shaytaan This includes idols, even this includes anything that is worshipped besides Allah, anyone who calls to other than Allah, anyone who tells people to disobey Allah, anyone who does not allow people to obey Allah, what is that? What is that? It could be at a very large scale, it could be used at a very small scale.
At a very large scale, like for example, shaytaan Iblees. At a very small scale. For example, if a person is not allowing someone to pray, not allowing someone to do something, right, then they're becoming like a thought vote.
So Allah says, whoever disbelieves in the thought, what does it mean by Cofer thought, that a person does not worship it, a person does not obey it does not follow it does not listen to it.
Because the old is calling to disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala He is calling away from Allah. And we are to go to Allah after knowing Allahu La ilaha illa who, so for my yak forbartha What were you mean biller and he also believes in Allah, then this person forgot that in fact is Thumbsucker he has held on to what is he holding on to
Do biller or whatever was called with the most firm handhold? Is Thumbsucker from EMC uncuff, Musk, um, sequel, one inserra can be my roof, what does it mean to hold on to something? And is stim sack the extra letters give extra meaning. So is Thumbsucker. It shows that he has firmly held on to he has a very firm grasp is Thumbsucker. And what is he firmly holding on to a little more that is a loose or a little more from the letters I know well, and what is used for a handle or a latch that a person holds on for stability. So for example, you're going in a bus and you're standing, there's no seat, what are you going to hold on to? What are you going to hold on to, and your own walk? Because
if you don't, then as the bus turns, you're gonna fall you're gonna get hurt. So this is an old one.
But sometimes some handles that you may be holding, they break or they snap. Why? Because they're weak. But Allah says that this person who disbelieves in the tall hood and believes in Allah, then he is holding on to the robot that is a was all was calling from the roulette as well. So cough and whisker is that which can never ever break. Extremely firm, extremely strong. Sam root as the word me Selke covenant firm covenant and was all extremely firm unbreaking that can never break.
So the one who believes in Allah turns to Allah leaves all false gods then he's holding on to the most firm handhold and this handhold if he holds on to it, Allah says learn for Sama, Lucha learn never infrasonic any breaking law for a meeting this. This handhold is never ever going to break. It's never even going to crack. in Assam fell slowed mean Fussel.
Fossum is a crack in something. And a crack means that very soon that thing is going to break. So this handle is never ever going to break. What does it mean? What does this refer to? What this is telling us? Is that when a person gets rid of shit from his life, only then can he depend on Allah. When a person shuns everything that goes into disobedience to Allah, everything and relies only on Allah, then his Iman is strong. And then his Eman will never ever break Lenfest llamada so this URL what that was, was referring to event that will never finish that will never break the Inilah. When when a person gets rid of schicke and turns to Allah.
So in other words, you have to get rid of light Allah from your heart, in order to turn to Allah fully.
When you want to turn to Allah when you want to worship Allah, what is it that stops you? What is it that prevents you? Sometimes it's your desires. Sometimes it's the people, sometimes it's the things that you own, sometimes it's the peer pressure.
So all of these things are what like right Allah other than Allah, and they're calling they're pulling you. You have to shun them. I'm not saying that leave everything and everyone go live in a cave? No, what I'm saying is that you have to disobey them when they're calling you to disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala you're not going to listen to them. Only then can you fully turn to Allah. You have to get rid of layer Allah, from your heart to have Allah. Human beings by nature. They're dependent on others. Human beings cannot be independent. When we're young, we depend on who, our families, our friends, when we're older, we depend on our spouses, when we're even older people
depend on their children.
And if a person feels that, oh, I don't need my spouse, I can live on my own, then who does it depend on the government? It's a misconception that some women have that, oh, I don't need my husband. I can survive on my own. And they get rid of the husband and they're like, Oh, where do I live? Okay, let's get some help from the government. So you're depending on the government now. Let's get help from the parents. So the point that I'm making here is that people by nature are not independent. They need to rely on something on someone for help for care for assistance. And the only perfect Being who is able to take care of you to help you who will never ever abandon you is
who Allah soprano.
He is the one who will never disappoint you. You expect from your parents a time will come when you will get disappointed you expect from your husband, a time will come and even he will disappoint
You you expect from your children a time will come when they will even disappoint you, you expect from the government, a time will come when the government will also disappoint you, you expect from your money, even that will disappoint you.
Nothing is worth relying on. Nothing at all. The only being who is deserving of this, that you rely on him, you turn to Him you expect from him, you hope from him is only Allah subhanaw taala This is why you should love him the most, and pray to him the most and beg him the most and not others. And if a person does that, then Allah says, fuck on the stump suck up your own water was poor, he's holding on to the most firm handle. Then such a person will remain stable. No matter what he's going through in life. No matter what he's going through in life. He will remain stable because he knows Allah is there he is Alhaj he is Alka you. He's always available. He's never too busy for me. My
husband gets too busy for me. My parents got too busy for me. I have no money, but only Allah can provide for you. And learn for Samana her will Allah Who Samir and Arlene look at these names Allah Samir, he's hearing he hears you when you call upon Him, and His early him, he knows what you're going through. So the one who recognizes Allah, only he can believe in Him. And such a person does not despair. He knows that there is a Lord who will never abandon him, who will not leave him. So we see the though hate the belief in the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala it gives a person stability in life, it gives a person firmness in life. This is what gives a person confidence. And always,
whenever something is calling you towards itself, that you disobey Allah and you listen to them, or you please them and ask yourself, is it as powerful as Allah? Is it as great as Allah? Is it as Alhaj? Is it as Allah You know, so does it deserve or does Allah deserve my obedience? Only Allah? This is why Allah says, Allah who Allah EULA Dena,
Allah He is the friend, the protector of those people who believe. While he from wild lamb. Yeah. he befriends them, he protects them. He helps them who those who believe one of the fruits of Eman is that Allah guides the believer.
Human beings by nature, they're dependent on others. Human beings cannot be independent. When we're young, we depend on who, our families, our friends, when we're older, we depend on our spouses, when we're even older people depend on their children.
And if a person feels that, oh, I don't need my spouse, I can live on my own, then who does it depend on the government? It's a misconception that some women have that, oh, I don't need my husband. I can survive on my own. And they get rid of the husband and they're like, Oh, where do I live? Okay, let's get some help from the government. So you're depending on the government now. Let's get help from the parents. So the point that I'm making here is that people by nature are not independent. They need to rely on something on someone for help for care for assistance. And the only perfect Being who is able to take care of you to help you who will never ever abandon you is
who Allah soprano.
He is the one who will never disappoint you, you expect from your parents, a time will come when you will get disappointed. You expect from your husband, a time will come on even he will disappoint you, you expect from your children a time will come when they will even disappoint you. You expect from the government a time will come when the government will also disappoint you, you expect from your money, even that will disappoint you. Nothing is worth relying on. Nothing at all. The only being who is deserving of this, that you rely on him, you turn to Him you expect from him, you hope from him, is only Allah subhanaw taala This is why you should love him the most and beg him and not
others. And if a person does that, that he realizes Allah is there, Allah the greatest one is there.
Yes, I have no control over my situation. But Allah does. Yes, I am unable. I am limited in my strength in my ability, but Allah can help me. Allah can save me. So this person can survive. Allahu Allah, you Latina. Manu, you read your womb, He takes them out mean Illuminati Illa know from the darkness as to the light.
A person is in darkness. Allah takes him out and brings him into the light. But who the one who has Iman,
what is this little mat? Different types of lymphoma, different types of darknesses? It could be ignorance. It could be sin. It could even
Be disbelief.
Ignorance, a person has no idea how to even worship Allah how to even please him. A person doesn't know what the Quran says. But he has the desire he has that Iman, Allah will give him the ability to understand. Allah will give him knowledge you're gonna do him in automatic Illinois. A person is in confusion. What should I do? Should I listen to him? Should I listen to her? Should I do this? Or should I do that? Allah will guide him you're at your home in alumasc, Allah will take him out of that confusion and bring him into light so that he can see things clearly. He knows what to do and what to avoid.
But this guidance is for who those who believe, who have that seed of fate,
that burning flame of iman, as long as it is burning, Allah will guide him.
A person might say, but those who disbelieve How does Allah guide them to fate?
The fact is that every person who was born is born on what fitrah the nature of belief and Allah every person has some kind of faith in God. And yes, eventually it weakens or become stronger. But the main lesson is that those people who believe who turn to Allah who expect help from him, that Allah does not abandon them. He guides them. He takes them out of confusion. Why am I yet tequila, Elijah Allahu Maharaja, Allah will make a way out for him. When we say dinner Serato Mr. Team, Allah guides us
so that a person was ignorant before and Allah gives him knowledge our man can have eaten the one who was dead for are here now so we give him life. What your Allah Allah Who knew Ronnie MCB even nurse, a person was completely ignorant had no idea. Allah gave him knowledge.
And on the other hand, were Latina cafardo Those people who disbelieve in Allah Olia who matar who their friends are the thoughts
and what terrible friends to have their friends or thought who and these thoughts what do they do? You read you know, whom may Mina, Nori Illuma the exact opposite.
These thoughts, they take them out of light into darkness. A person had knowledge, but then he becomes like an ignorant one.
A person was righteous and then he becomes a sinful one.
A person was guided and he becomes a misguided one. A person was right in what he was doing, and now he is wrong in everything that he's doing. Why? Because he did not do cover off the hoods. He befriended the thought who those who are calling to other than Allah He responded to them he listened to them. So his result is up Juna home in annuity ala Lumad Hola, IQOS Harbin na homefree Holly dune those are the Companions of the Fire and they will abide there and eternally. So the one who attains the recognition of Allah is the One who realizes the greatness of Allah and this person, in times of difficulty in times of ease in normal circumstances. Also, who does he turn to Allah?
Who is his priority Allah and when that is the case, Allah will help him through his life. Allah will help him through all the difficulties he will lead him to the best way, even when there's so much confusion.
And on the other hand, those who get distracted those who look and turn to other than Allah, those who love others more than they love Allah, then they are in a great danger and what is that? That the little that they know? They will not act on it? The little good they do? They will soon leave it will take us Habana Humphrey Holly dune
let's listen to the recitation of these
it gonna be whatever he was Domina lower than a full ball. What do you mean?
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The thing is that we as human beings need Allah subhanaw taala. We need him, like I mentioned earlier that we are not independent, we need to depend on someone who is greater. But the fact is that Allah is the only one who can protect us and save us. He is the only one worthy of being dependent on.
Somebody was sharing with me that our bodies even, are not in our control, that we human beings are so weak, we are so helpless, that we don't even have any control over what's going on in our bodies. Now this is the body that we see. This is the body that we feel. This is the body that we can touch we feel we have control over. What about the rest of our lives? What about the rest of our circumstances? We think we have control over that. No, we don't. Who's helped do we need the help of Allah subhanaw taala.
So we need a law.
And either kursi proves that to us that we need a law that we cannot survive even without him. We can live a life okay, but we can't live a good life. We cannot live a peaceful life. We cannot live an enlightened life unless and until we turn to Allah. So those who turn to Allah, Allah is there Wali, Allahu Allah you Latina, Manu Ukri Joan Mina, Lulu, Mattie Illa news. And well Latina Cafaro earlier one of the hood Ukri Jr, whom in annuity
Allah equals Habana on via Caledon.
We listen to the recitation again
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now, we will learn about some examples, Allah subhanaw taala gives us three examples in the following verses which clarify how those who believe in Allah are guided and how those who disbelieve in Allah, they are misguided. Those who believe in Allah, no matter what doubt what question comes to their mind to their heart, Allah subhanaw taala will still guide them. No matter what they go through Allah will guide them Allah will not leave them. But those who disbelieved those who reject no matter what is made clear to them, no matter what sign is shown to them, no matter what evidence is presented to them, they do not get guided. Why, because they are relying
upon to whom and to whom it will lead them astray. Allah says alone thorough Illa lovey Have you not seen at the one who have you not reflected on the one who had Jaya Ibrahim had he disputed with who with Ibrahim? Are they Sunnah
the word had just is from the root letters hygiene gene from the word Maharajah and Maha is argument to argue to dispute with someone any other word that comes from the same root. Hodge, you may wonder what's the connection Hijjah had just literally means to intend to aim at. And when you go for Hajj, you have an intention you aim at what the Kaaba the Mina was deliver or offer. So you perform the ritual that certain places at certain times and in argument what happens in Mohajer what happens people what is their goal? I just have to defeat the other person. No matter what argument I can come up with. I have to defeat them I have to prove them wrong.
So Allah says over here, have you not reflected on the story on the case of the one who argued with who with Ibrahim are they Salam and what was the argument about Philip b be concerning his Lord, meaning concerning? Allah subhanaw taala who is this person? This person he was Nimrods num roots you
In Arabic it is with the Fatah on the new num, Ruth. And nonroad was the king of ancient Iraq in Babylon. You were talking about 1000s of years ago.
And Ibrahim and s&m He spoke to him, giving him Dawa, calling him to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala alone.
Because when you realize the greatness of Allah, then you call others to Allah. So when Ibrahim Al Islam gave him the Arwa called him to the worship of Allah, this man argued with Ibrahim, that what is this Lord that you're telling me about? Who is this God that you're telling me about? Because Nimrod, he considered himself to be God. In ancient times, you'll see this in many cultures, in many civilizations, that the king was also God. The king was not just a political leader, but also someone who was worshipped by people, people frustrated to him. People asked him, just like for their own for their own was he considered God? By the People? Yes. So likewise, Nimrod was also
considered God, because earlier, the kings had complete control over their people. The people had no freedom of thinking, freedom of expression, nothing whatsoever. Whatever the king said, they obeyed, they blindly followed. And sometimes people were threatened, they were made to fear the king that if you disobeyed and such, and such will happen, you will be killed, or these idols are going to harm you. Just like for their own, what did he say? Another book on will are no people I am your greatest Lord. The people of our own they were polytheistic they worship multiple gods, but they believed for their own to be the incarnation of some god of the sun god or something like that. So likewise,
Nimrod also was believed to be God, by His subjects. So when Ibrahim Al Islam called people to the worship of Allah and we would obviously did not like that, you know, somebody is talking about something different, how dare he, he's going to corrupt the rest of them. He is going to corrupt the thinking of the rest of them. He's going to make them rebel against me.
So he had Jubilo haemophilia B. What was the reason that Neru dare to argue with Ibrahim Rana Sinha concerning Allah? The reason was um, that Atal Allahu Allah had given to him Al molk, the kingdom. This man named Ruth, Allah had given him kingship. Allah had blessed him with a very high position in society, he was the king. And because of that great position because of that great status, he was deceived into thinking that he was the most powerful person, there was no one more powerful than him.
And sort of their luck is six and seven, Allah says color in Al Insana, layout Oho. Allah who still Hoonah that, indeed, the human being he rebelled. Why? Because he thinks himself to be very rich and self sufficient. You know, people they say, I don't need to pray. I'm fine. I'm okay the way I am. I need something. I'll go work. I'll make money. I'll get it myself. I don't need to prostrate before God. People don't go for Hajj. They don't go for umbra. Why? Because they think they're perfectly fine. They don't need to beg Allah for forgiveness. They don't fast. They don't give charity because they think they are okay. So what causes a person to rebel thinking that I am great thinking that I
am powerful.
So likewise, num, Ruth was deceived by his kingship by his authority.
So in his argument, he said if Karla Ibrahim when Ibrahim alayhis salam, he said to them, Ruth, that Rob Be my Lord is a lady, the one who you ye he gives life where you meet to and he also gives that name Ruth said, I am God. Ibrahim and Islam is trying to prove to him that no, God is Allah. And Allah, my Lord is the one who gives life and also gives death and Unum. Ruth can't do that. But I'm rude. What was his response? Bala, he said, earner or he will omit I give life and I give death. Look at how proud he was. That he said such a statement that no no it is me who gives life and who gives them? Whereas in reality, who is a hate? And are you only Allah subhanaw taala Why did them
rude say this that I give life and death It is said that he had two prisoners come in one of them he had killed and the other he spared his life. So he said look, I gave life to one of them. And I gave that to one of them I have so much power or that he said this lie to deceive people that no no when people live when they die, it's because of me my power. He was deceiving others. Obviously it said many lies to deceive the people. So he said no he will meet. This is just like for their own. He said Ma I live to loco Manila Henry. He said
All my people I do not know of any god except for myself. The only God I know is me.
So I'm rude altar said no, he will omit
Ibrahim alayhis salam said this man
it's useless trying to argue with him. So he gave him another evidence. Paula Ibrahim, Ibrahim, listen I'm set for in Allah then indeed Allah yet de he comes bishops with the sun at our be means to bring so yet the bishops meaning he brings the sun, middle Mushrik from the east. Allah causes the sun to rise from the east. And if you say you're a God, then 50 Then you should bring the * middle Margaret from the west.
If you say your God, then you will bring the sun out from the west.
So num, Ruth for Boo heeta latika. He was dumbfounded. He had no answer. He was made speechless. Like to say in Britain. He was flabbergasted Bolita bear had that. And what he did is from birth, and that is to be overwhelmed that when a person is shocked, he is astonished. He is bewildered, and he saw shocked that not even a word is coming out of his mouth. So for Boo heeta Lyrica is like his jaw dropped. And he's like, What do I say now? He didn't know what to say. He couldn't defend himself. He had nothing to say to Ibrahima. Listen, um, to refute his argument for Bolita la vie Kapha. Allah the cover the one who disbelieved resume. Number road, he was shocked. He was made
speechless, he was unable to comment. Allah says Willa hula, they will call Muslimeen and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
What do we see over here?
That nonroad Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with kingship? Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with the opportunity to be guided even how that Ibrahim or his sunnah he is the one who called him to Allah. But because num route was the route himself,
he made others worship him. He made others obey and follow him. And he listened to Thor hoods.
As a result, no matter how clear the truth was to him, Did he accept it? No. Did he accept it? Not at all.
Why? Because those who turned to the hoods, they are misguided. They could be ignored. They could see the clear light, they could see the plain truth, but yet they will not accept it. Yet they will be in darkness, because the truth will take them out of route into darkness.
So those who don't want to accept the truth, they will come up with the most useless arguments, the most useless proofs and evidences. So that the truth even though it is clear, they don't accept it. And the same was the case with a number rude. But we learned a very important lesson from the example of Ibrahim Al Salam over here. That when he was calling them rude, what did he call him to? Allah subhanaw taala. When we are doing Dawa to people, we start with refuting people's practices and people's culture like this Halloween that you celebrate. Look at you what are you doing? You're being so foolish, you know, you should be a Muslim. That's not the way to do Dawa. Likewise, we fall
into random interfaith debates and dialogues. We talk about women's rights issues. We talk about equality of men and women in Islam. And we try to convince people that the inheritance system of Islam is the best.
But you know what, even if you make them understand that Islam is the best religion, if you don't make them understand, though hate they're not going to accept. When doing Dawa, you have to call people to Allah. Ibrahim and Islam did not discuss any political or social issues with him that you are oppressing the people and you are harming the people. And you're lying to them. And you're deceiving them. You're not God. No Ibrahim Pennisetum didn't do that. Ibrahima Sam got to the point. Allahu La ilaha illa. Who and this is exactly what people need to be called to.
Many times parents are worried about their children are people are worried about their friends. Young people are worried about their friends that my friend doesn't want to pray. She doesn't want to fast she's doing this wrong. She's doing that wrong, no matter what I tell her she doesn't listen. You know why? Because the belief in Allah is weak. There is no realization of Allah's greatness. So when a person will recognize Allah, Allah hula Illa Allah who then everything will follow after
Ibrahim Khurana Sinha in the way that he argued with Nam Ruth, he was so wise
He didn't degrade him. He didn't humiliate him. He didn't talk in a demeaning way at all. No, he made him use his mind that my Lord is the one who gives life and give that he didn't say, Oh, you don't give life and you don't give that. He said that my Lord is the one who brings a son from the east. You try to bring it from the west. So our purpose should be to make the other understand the truth, not to defeat them not to insult and humiliate them.
Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we're God whom bility hear us and that when you argue with people argue in a manner that is Eisen in a manner that is best, because the moment you start attacking people, then they become defensive. So don't attack make them question, make them think. So for example, this Halloween, don't tell people or you're imitating the kuffaar and you're doing something haram and all of that. No, don't say that.
Make them question. What are we doing in this? We're dressing up like, which is like animals. were begging before people make them use their own mind. So they realize themselves, Oh, this is not worth my time. They realize the truth themselves. The one who will want the truth, the one who will genuinely seek the truth, he will find it and the one who does not want it, then you're not held responsible for them.
Also, another important thing that we learn here is that when someone gets stuck on small issues like is getting off track is going off track right you're mentioning something in a particular way and they miss understand you deliberately or they give it another meaning like Ibrahim Edison when he said Allah gives life and death he didn't mean that he spares the life of some and he kills others. No, he meant something different. But numb rude. He put it in a different way, the refutation that he gave it was a completely different thing. So when people are going off track, then what should you do? What should you do? Get stuck in that? No, switch, bring another proof.
Bring another evidence because it's not worth your time. And if you get stuck on that first thing, then you'll get nowhere at all.