Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 020E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 144-150
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The importance of following one's own desires and not giving up on others' actions is emphasized in Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to accept the truth and not become stubborn, as well as the importance of following people's beliefs and not just accept them. The importance of settling for good deeds and showing proper behavior is emphasized, as it is essential for achieving completion of the Islam course. The importance of showing proper behavior and not letting fear control actions is also emphasized.
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Whether in a data Ladino aiuto keytab. And surely if you give to the people of the book, because only I attend every single evidence every single time will listen to you, no matter Bureau Kybella they will never ever follow your Qibla wala INLA in is a combination of law and in law meaning surely and in meaning if so, surely if a data Hamza Yeah, you came to a Lavina O'Toole kita poor Olivia who Tokita the hood and nassarawa so if you give to them be Cooley, I attend every I remember that the word if it's used for reverse, for example, and I have the Quran, it's also used for a sign and evidence, a proof. So over here the word it means proof evidence, if you gave them every proof,
every sign that you could approve for what and evidence for what to prove to them, that the Qibla is supposed to be the carpet and not beaten, mocked us to prove to them that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is indeed the Messenger of Allah, that whatever commands there are in this religion, they are from who revealed by Allah, if you give them every evidence to prove that these commands are the very best, will listen to, you know, Allah says, Man who they will never follow cribbing attack your Qibla you try to convince them with every single proof, they will never be convinced. Why? Because when a person knows what the truth is, but he does not want to accept, he doesn't like it, then can
you convince them to do it, you can never convince them. Even if it becomes very, very clear to them. They will say I don't want to do it. For example, if a person has made up their mind, I'm not going to pray. And you try to convince them you try to explain to them look, you should pray because of such a reason. Because this and this reason, you give them one evidence after the other will they listen, they won't listen. There are some people who become so firm on the wrong ways that no matter how clear the truth becomes, they do not accept. And may Allah save us from becoming such people. May Allah save us that our hearts become like that so hard that no evidence, no proof, no advice,
nothing works. Nothing can affect.
I remember once I was in school, and it was time for Maghrib, Salah, and I got up to pray. And I told the people as well, one or two that you know, it's time to pray. So there was one person they're like, I don't pray. Not a Muslim. Yeah, but I don't pray. Okay. You're supposed to pray. They're like, I don't have to. I said, there's the washroom. Go do that. I don't remember how to do it. I'll tell you. Okay, fine. They got up that it will do. And then I said, Okay, pray that like, how many Rocard like three, they had forgotten how to pray even. So I told them that look, you have to pray. Every excuse debride. I gave them a reason. So alhamdulillah, they prayed. So everybody
found out that you know, Tanya made so and so person pray, and there was another person and they're like, she can ever convince me. I'm like, I'm not gonna bother.
There's some people you can convince them. There are other people who know what they're supposed to do. But they become so proud of their wrong ways that no matter what you tell them, what you try to explain to them, they will not accept to should you become worked up because of them? Should you? Should you make yourself go crazy because of them? No. The Prophet saw a lot as I was being comforted over here that you have done your job. If they don't accept if they don't listen, it's not your fault. You give them every evidence, every proof, they're not going to listen matter, Bureau Kybella that they will never ever follow your Qibla. So don't get worried about them. It's not your
fault. You're doing your best. This is just like, if you're trying to make children understand something, but they're not mature enough to understand. Should you expect them to understand you know, if you expect that a child should behave like an adult, you know who's going to be frustrated you who's going to be screaming you you know who's going to be pulling their hair, you and the child didn't even like what's wrong with my mother. Why is she going crazy? So there's some things that can happen and you should put your effort in doing that. But there are other things that won't happen. So don't get worked up about it. So whether in a title Ladino auto Kitab E. coli is a matter
of Iraqi will attack for Allah says Wilma enter and you are not going to be tabbing at all want to follow people at home their Qibla you are not supposed to follow their Qibla when they don't accept the truth, you are not going to compromise on the truth. You are going to stay firm on the truth. You know, sometimes you try to convince people to do something good. They don't listen. So then you're like, should I become like them? Should I change? Should I give up? No, you don't give up. You don't compromise because you are upon the truth. For example, you're out with your friends and you're like it's time to pray.
They're like, No, no, we're not going to bother. We're gonna pray later or they come up with excuses. So what should you do? Okay, fine, nevermind, I'll just go with them. No, you're not going to follow the people who are doing something wrong, even if they are the majority, even if they don't listen, even if they don't accept the truth, woman until the time you're in trouble at home, you're not going to follow their people or you're not allowed one member or go home. Why am I not bothering them, some of them are invalid. Some of them do not be cavalier in at all, one who follows they will utter the prayer direction of bout of others, meaning they don't even follow the Qibla of
one another who the people of the book, we know that the people of the book are mainly two groups that you heard and then a surah. So they have the same book, but yet they don't follow the same Qibla. within themselves, they are divided. For example, at that time, we learned that the youth when they would pray, they would face the market upside the west side of the beta Noctus. And the Christians when they would pray, they would face the eastern side of the beta mock this. So they prayed in the direction of the same masjid, the same place, but still they were divided. What's the purpose of saying this when they are not united themselves? Should you listen to them? Not at all.
First reason why you shouldn't listen to them is because you're not upon the truth. And secondly, they're not even United themselves. They're not even sure themselves. They're unsure of what they're on. What are in it Tabata, unwed home and surely, if you eat the Berta turbine, if you followed a white home their desires and what is the plural of power, if you follow their desires member the after Majah that has come to you what has come to you meander in of knowledge, what knowledge had been given to the Prophet sallallaahu Salam what knowledge the way the revelation the Quran, so after knowledge has come to you if you follow their desires in NACA indeed, you Yvan then let me
know volley mean surely among the wrongdoers you would be of those people who commit * * meanness florala volume. If you follow them after knowledge, then you will be committing a great injustice. You will be committing a great injustice. Imagine who is being told the prophet said a lot of times so what about us? If we know what we're supposed to do, yet? We don't do it out of the fear of people out of peer pressure, then are we not unjust? Yes. The question is, what kind of injustice is this? This is injustice against ourselves injustice against other people as well, injustice against Allah subhanaw taala injustice towards the truth, that you know what the truth is?
Yet you don't follow it yet you don't live by it, you start obeying other people. What do we learn in this verse, we learn a very, very important lesson. We learn that as Muslims, we are supposed to remain firm upon the truth, even if the entire world is going against, even if all the people are doing what is contradictory to it. They're doing what is different from it. And they're calling you to their ways to their desires. Are you going to follow them you're not going to follow them no matter what it is.
After a person has knowledge, then he is supposed to remain firm upon that knowledge. A person who doesn't know what does he do? He does whatever other people do. He imitates other people, for example, a child, he will see somebody yelling, he will start yelling, he will see somebody biting their nails, he will start biting his nails. He will see somebody running, he will start running.
Just yesterday, I went somewhere with my son. And I told him that look, this is the pavement. This is where we walk, we don't walk on the street. I was trying to explain to him we don't walk on the street. It's not safe. It's for cars. And all of a sudden he saw these two kids running on the street. And he ran on the street. I don't know what to say to him. I just told him don't run the street. It's not safe. And he saw somebody else running on the street. So he went. So children do this. People who don't know they follow others, they imitate others, whatever others are doing, they start doing the same thing. Who remains firm on their principles, the one who has principles, right,
the one who has some knowledge. So as Muslims, Allah subhanaw taala has established certain rules for us, and we are supposed to remain firm on them. And we cannot go on compromising just to please other people. Because if we start pleasing other people, will they ever be happy with us? No. Our goal in this life is not to please people our goal in this life is to please who Allah subhanaw taala. So this is something that is very, very important that we must remember in every situation. You know, in school, many times there's a lot of peer pressure, everybody's using a bad word. If you don't use it, you seem like naive or a person who doesn't know anything. So don't start following
other people blindly. When Allah has given you an alien remain firm on it.
Then we also learn in this verse about some people that even though they know about the truth, they don't accept it. If you give any sign to them, they will not follow your Qibla when we
Find out about the truth what should our reaction be towards it? Should we become stubborn? What should we do? What should be our reaction? We should accept it, we should not become stubborn on our ways. For example, if somebody points out our mistake, and we realize that yes, we were at fault, what should be our reaction? No, I did this because I forgot I did this because of such and such reason, give a long story, give excuses. There is no point in doing that. The best is that a person accepts the truth. Allah subhanaw taala says AlLadhina attina, who will Kitab those people to whom we have given the Book? Who are they that your hood and the Masada, you already foreigner who they
recognize it, they recognize who they recognize Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, they recognize the Quran, they recognize this Deen everything that the messenger said a lot of Saddam commands, they recognize him come a yachtie fauna just as they recognize a brunette home their own sons, just as they recognize your own children. Notice the word Yadi. Fauna, is from iron law, firm, modify, modify, is to recognize something by its signs to recognize something by its signs. For example, you go to a classroom, and it's for the children, and you're looking for your younger brother, what are you going to look for? We're gonna look at every single child is as my brother is my brother, no,
you're not going to do that. What are you going to do? You're going to think about what shirt was he wearing? Who's wearing a red shirt? Where's the red shirt? Okay, red shirt, that's him. Or you know that he's the tallest kid. So what you're going to do, look for the tallest kid. And when you see that sign, you know that it's your brother, even in that huge crowd, you will find him. So how will you find him? How will you recognize Him through His signs, this is what modify is. Modified, is also knowledge of something that is tangible, or recognition of something that is obvious. And it is something that can be perceived by your eyes, by your outer senses, your external senses, for
example, you see something with your eyes? You know it, you recognize it? Right? I'm on the other hand, there it is slightly different from our differ. It is to know about something that is intangible, like for example, a concept? Does it have a shape? Does it have a form? Like for example, fasting? Is it a box? Is it a room? Is it a cup? You can't describe it in a physical sense? Can you see it with your eyes? No. But where do you understand it? In your mind? So understand what modifiers modifiers much easier than the
modifier comes very quickly. You just look at the thing and you recognize that you don't have to study it. You don't have to observe it. You don't have to look at it for a long time. No, you don't have to test it. No, you see it and you know, for example, your brother, you see him with your own eyes, you look at the obvious signs. You don't have to go to him and ask him. So what's your name? If you do that people will be like, what's wrong with this person? Are you going to say to your brother, can you show me your hands so I can see you know how your fingers are? You know, my brother has those kinds of things. You know, your brother for God's sake, you're not going to do that. I'm
going to test him. Okay, let me see. If I give you an orange company, yellow cup, which one will you take? If you take the orange cup? That's my brother. You don't have to test him. You don't have to study him because it's so obvious. He's your brother. This is what modify is. So those people to whom we have given the book, meaning the Yehuda nasaga They have the Torah they have the Injeel they recognize Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam so easily, so clearly, without any difficulty through his obvious signs with their own eyes. How come you're already phono up and home just as they would recognize your own sons Obinna is a Florida even imagine the Arabs, they love their sons more than
their daughters. This was an Arab custom. And for a man to know his son, to be able to pick him out in a crowd was something very easy. The more you love someone, the more you know them. So for them to recognize their sons was not difficult at all. Likewise for them to recognize the Prophet salallahu Salam was not difficult at all. They just had to look at him and they would know that he is the messenger SallAllahu wasallam or to live in salaam he was Jewish. When the Prophet sallallahu Sallam migrated to Medina he heard him saying that oh people of Jerusalem, spread the salam to Claire mataram give food to people and pray when the people are sleeping, and you will enter
paradise in sha Allah. So when he heard that those were the first words he heard from the Prophet salallahu Salam, and you knew that he was a messenger. He had no doubt he recognized him immediately. He already funa hukum I already funa Obinna home. So why is it that they don't accept Allah says we're in a fairly common home and indeed a group from them funny because from the root letters foul cough Farakka is two separate so fatigue is a group that has separated from the rest of the people. A section two
So indeed a group min on from them what do they do lay up to Moodle help? Surely they conceal the truth? Yep Damona Kafta mean Katana to conceal their hide the truth? Well, homea are no more and they know, they know that they're hiding the truth or they know what the truth is and they're deliberately hiding it. They're deliberately concealing it. What truth is it that they were concealing what they knew of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam? Why were they concealing it? Because they didn't want to accept him? What do we learn in this verse that the Prophet saw a lot of Santa was very well known amongst the people of the book, they knew about his signs, then you had to
recognize him, and they did recognize him. But they didn't accept him on what he said, simply because it didn't like him. They didn't like what he said. And that is a reason why they opposed him. That is a reason why they criticized him. And that is a reason why they spread all this propaganda at the time of the change of the Qibla. Many times it happens that you do something, and people create such a big deal out of it. And they know what you're doing is right, you should be doing it for the sake of your family, for the sake of your children for the sake of your well being whatever it is, but there's such a huge reaction from the people, so much opposition, everybody's
talking about it. Then what do you do? get worried about what they're saying? Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet sallallaahu son about this so that he does not worry about the criticism but the objection of the applicator. When you know you're on the truth and people still oppose you. Don't worry. Don't pay attention to them. Because if you do so, only you will be disheartened only you will be worried. Allah comforts the messenger that unhealthful mill robic The truth is from your Lord. This command to face the Quibbler is certainty. It is a true fact it is definitely from whom middle up big from your Lord. Falada Conan. So never ever be let Hakuna This is the same word as
your cool new Taco calf well known. So let Hakuna never ever should you be noticed a noon shut that the indefinitely so don't you dare be never ever be minimum 13 of those who doubt mom 13 is the plural of mum, Teddy. And Mum Teddy is the one who has empty rock media meme raw. Yeah. That's the root meanwhile, yeah. The word media. What does it mean? What's the translation of the word room during those who doubt? So what does media doubt? Is there any other word that we read? That also means doubt? Ray that he Kalki tabla, Roy Buffy, rabies also doubt media is altered out. What kind of adult is media? Media is a doubt about something that is factual, something that is a reality. So
for example, sometimes children know that their parents are actually their parents. But just because the mother was upset, the daughter starts to feel very sad. And she's talking to her friends and she's like, you know, I wonder, maybe I'm adopted. People say that. If you think about it, the daughter looks so much like the mother the sun looks so much like the mother, they have their baby pictures. They know that they are the actual child, they're not adopted, but yet they start doubting. So this is doubt about what something that is a reality something that is factual. And it's also such doubt that leads to arguments meaning if you dwell on that doubt it will lead to
fights it will lead to discord it will lead to disunity. So for that Hakuna nominal monetary never ever be of those who doubt because this is a reality and you should not have any doubt about this reality. And if you dwell on it, then it will lead you to if they laugh to division. Let's listen to the recitation
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so if you follow their ways, after you know what the truth is, you would be of who you would be up to Lolly means It means Florida law Lim and what is injustice? Learners Knucks to fall short and given the hack of something or someone what is the right of the truth that it should be accepted it should be abided by
It should be promoted. But if a person leaves it, then is he falling short in his duty to the truth? Yes. For example, if Allah has given us a command, what is the right of that command that we should abide by? But if we disregarded just to conform with other people, that are we being unjust or unfair with the commands of Allah? Are we being unfair? Yes, Allah did not reveal the commands so that they should be disobeyed. Know, Allah revealed these commands so that we should abide by them. And when we know that it is from Allah, what does Allah say l Hakuna rahbek The students from your Lord. So every single command that is from Allah, what is it? It is the truth? And anything that
contradicts that? What is that? Falsehood? Whatever Allah told us, that is the truth, anything that contradicts that is what falsehood? So what Allah told us we are to live by what other people say what contradicts the commands of Allah? What are you supposed to do with them? Ignore them? When he Colin and for each? Would you have done an objective or direction? Who am I? Well, Leha he turns towards it. While he Colin, Colin over here means each person each Ummah, each community, every people, every person has a whichever, whichever, what do you think the root is? While gene has any other word from the same route, watch, watch his face, and which is the place the direction that you
have your face towards? For example, if I'm on my way to the end of the classroom, this is my which path? Why? Because my face is in that direction. So each person each community has a Widjaja who will Manuel li ha he turns towards it Muhuali This is from well lamea Muhuali is the person who does well law meaning the one who turns so who am Walia he turns towards it meaning he faces what does it mean? Every person every community has a purpose has a direction and they face it, they go towards it strive towards it. This witch hunt has been interested in two ways. First of all, that which is tangible and secondly, that which is intangible in the tangible sense. What is this? Widjaja? For
example, the prayer direction, Muslims when we perform the salah, do we face anywhere? No, we have a witch her. And when we are praying for Allah, we are supposed to face it. So this is tangible. This is physical. Likewise the you who don't know Salah when they're prayed, what did they face? What direction did they face towards beta knock this that was there with her. So likewise, Muslims, our rule is that we face the Kaaba, so don't be embarrassed about it. Every religion, every people have their customs, they have the rules. They have their ways. So likewise, this is our way. So what's the big deal? Because sometimes people get offended by these rules of ours, that why do you have to
face a particular direction? Why do you have to celebrate or eat at this time? You know, just celebrate anytime follow the solar calendar, don't bother following the lunar calendar, you know people get offended by that. So it's not a big deal. Well, he could learn when you return home only if we have our rules every people, every nation has their own rules. Secondly, whichever is understood in the intangible sense, meaning it refers to the focus, the purpose that every person, every community, every people, every family, every organization, every institute, every group of people has. If you go to a school, do they have a purpose? Do they have a goal, whatever focus on
what they do? Likewise, if you work at a place, do they have a focus or purpose? Yes, they do. So if you come here, do you think we have a purpose? Nothing. Anybody can come do whatever go whenever, no, we also have a goal. But it's our goal. On for all people in every hand and every heart. So every person, every place, every people, every community, they have their which have a focus that they're striving towards, that they want to achieve, that they're dedicated to. For example, if you ask a person who is studying in med school, what is their wish to become an engineer? No, it's something that's related to medicine. Similarly, if you ask a person who is studying math in high
school, what's your which I'm going to get married and have children? Good, but why are you studying math? What's the purpose? Are you going to do something with this knowledge? You have to write? Similarly, if you're asked, Why are you studying the Quran? what's your what's your goal? What's your focus? What's your objective? You said? Nothing, just like that. Is that is that a direction? Then you don't have a goal. If you don't have a goal, where are you going to go? You don't know your last. Every person must have their goals. They must have their objective or purpose, something that they want to
To achieve, and if you don't know what your goal is, then you're kind of wasting your time. And you're not doing something useful with the time and the life and the opportunity that Allah subhanaw taala has given you. So will he call in with you one on one? Well, Leah, every person has a widow, meaning you should have a widget that he should be facing. First of all hierarchy. So race towards what and hierarchy the good deeds. First, who is from estaba? Seen bear off subaqua is to go ahead. And Estelle Baca is to compete in getting ahead. When people are competing with one another, how are they running? Or how are they walking very slowly, taking a stop here dating a stop there is that
how they go? No, is stop a car shows speed. It shows yearning desire to do more to get ahead. It shows that a person doesn't stop, it shows that a person is not happy, he's not satisfied until he reaches his destination. So first stop the whole race in what in a hierarchy in good deeds. A hierarchy is a clone of hierarchy, and good things in good deeds. Every person has a goal, don't compete with others just for the sake of competition. Know, your goal, your race should be towards what towards good things. Many times it happens that for example, the person sees that so and so is making a video, you know, good video, they're doing that, too. Like, you know what I'll make a video
to Similarly a person sees another person, you know, they are writing. So you know what I'll write as well, they have a website, I'll have a website as well. They're going to this class, I should go to their classes where they have a phone, I should have a phone as well. People compete with others many times when, when they're just imitating them. They don't have their own goal, they don't have their own objective. Their purpose is just to imitate others. They're not creative. Their goal is not good deeds anymore. Their goal is to just get ahead of other people. Their goal is just to do as other people are doing. Such people are failures. Such people are losers, people who imitate others
what happens to them, they don't get anywhere in their life, because it's quite possible. They're imitating other people and what they're doing is not their strength. It's not what they're capable of doing. So they're wasting their time, they're wasting their energy. They could spend that energy and time in doing something much better, but they're not doing it. So as a result, they're wasting their time. And you know what happens? Their intention is corrupt. Their intention is not for the sake of Allah. They're doing what they're doing just to become famous, just to look good in the eyes of other people, just to be apparently successful as other people are. So when their intention is
not for the sake of Allah, then what happens they become failures. They are not successful. Allah tells us each person should have a goal, but your goal should be what imitate others know, your goal should be faster because hierarchies race in doing good deeds, compete, try to get ahead in doing good deeds. I want you to notice something faster, you call Hyatts. It doesn't say faster. Bill qu il fi rot or foster buco Phil, what if it was in Ohio, it would mean that speed up trying to get ahead of one another in getting to good deeds. And when you get there, then stop. And if it meant fee, then it will mean continue doing good deeds. It has not been mentioned. Why? Because a person
should never think that if he reaches somewhere, then he doesn't have anything else to do after that. No, you can never ever have enough good deeds. There's always more to do. You're supposed to continue until the end of your life until your last breath. Festival hierarchy never ever stop. And these good deeds are going to carry a lot of weight on the Day of Judgment. Think about it. If we miss out, if we ignore an opportunity to do something good, then you know what we're doing. We are settling with less. We think that it's okay to have less. Tell me if you're told at your workplace, do this one extra thing and you get 50 more dollars. What will you do? Like Sure, why not? You'll do
it. And if you're told just do one more extra thing, get $100 You're like, Yeah, sure. Why not? Just do one more thing you'll get $1,000 What will you do? You'll do it. Even if it's nine o'clock at night, you will say Yeah, sure. I don't mind. I want the money. I can never have enough. When it comes to good deeds, you can never have enough. So festival hierarchy. Keep going ahead. Keep doing good deeds. It's not enough. For example, when we are in this classroom, we're sitting we're doing something good. Well hamdulillah so when the class ends, does that mean that good deed ends? No. Another should begin, for example, as a class and it's time to clean up, prepare the place for
people to come and pray Salah
So what should you do? Yeah, I sat through the whole class. I've been here since 930 In the morning, and I have to go home and I'll do something. I'll just sit take a break through other people who were supposed to do it, it's their job. Should you leave out on the opportunity to do good? Should you settle with less, never faster, be equal hierarchy? race ahead. If you can get even one more turn, put it away, go raise towards it. And you know what this kind of competition the Sahaba had. You know, once there were these companions, who did not go out with the Prophet salallahu salam for an expedition, and their punishment was that nobody was allowed to talk to them. Nobody at all, even
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would not speak with them. Imagine 50 days passed by like this, and they were so sorry. They were doing Toba. They were doing so far they were praying to Allah for forgiveness. And then what happened that one morning, the Prophet salallahu Salam announced that the verses have been revealed concerning their Toba that their Toba had been accepted. So you know what happened? From mildly lower I know, I will buckle down but they ran out of the masjid towards the houses of those people. So, you know, one of the persons who was running, they figured out that another person had gone ahead of them. So you know what they did? They got up to the top of a hill
and they screamed out your Toba has been accepted. They want it to be the first one to announce that good news to them. They want it to be the first one to do that good deed. Faster vehicle Hi, Rod. Imagine Abu Bakr Omar was Illawarra in Houma, other companions, they were competing like this, what do we think somebody else will do it? You know, they're gone to tell them why should I bother? Other people are doing it. Know, a person who wants something, he doesn't settle with less. He doesn't think that he or other people are doing it so I don't need to do it. No, he will find something to do and when he will search Allah who will give him the opportunity. Never stay behind and doing
good. Always going ahead. And even if you think other people are doing it still go ahead you will find something to do. Allah says I never takuna wheresoever you will be a nama anyplace wherever wherever you will be yet to become Allah Who Jamia Allah will bring all of you Jumeirah, all of you, Allah will bring all of you were on the plane of Hashem on the Day of Judgment Jumeirah, Jamie mine, every single person no matter where he is, no matter where his body is buried or where his ashes have settled, or where his body has decomposed, no matter where he is, on what part of the Earth, wherever in the sea, anyplace what's going to happen. Each person is going to go back to Allah. And
when a person goes back to Allah, then what's going to happen, he's going to be asked about what he did, and he's going to be recompense for every single thing that he has done. So a person who's doing Festival will highlight in this dunya he will have a lot to show on the day of judgment. And a person who was like, the others will do it. Yeah, I've done enough. It's Okay, nevermind, I'm too tired. I've done enough, then what's gonna happen? He's gonna come with less and his reward will be less. A person who remembers death doesn't stop in doing good and a person who forgets his death. He stops he thinks he's done a lot faster. Mukul hierarchy no matter who you become Allahu Jumeirah in
Allah Allah aqualisa infer did indeed Allah is over all things buddied off del ra kodra. Quadra is the ability to do something. So he has perfectibility complete ability to do everything that he wants to. So if he wants to gather all of you together, he can it's not difficult for him at all.
What does this ayah teach us? That we should analyze ourselves? What goals do we have? What is our purpose? What am I doing and why am I doing it? Am I doing it just to please people? Am I doing it just to compete with others? That's the case that's wrong because Allah says first typical high rot Our goal should be our striving should be in high rot in doing good deeds for the sake of Allah.
Let's listen to the recitation.
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we learned that a person whose today is not better than his yesterday, and such a person is a loser. Your today should be better than your yesterday, you should have achieved something gained something that you did not gain yesterday. And you cannot gain something until unless you have a purpose. You want to do something. So at the end of the day, ask yourself What did I do? What do I want to achieve? Whatever my goal is, how close am I to it and how far am I from it? If you think about it, Allah tells us first of all,
Little hierarchy, raced ahead in doing good deeds not raced ahead in collecting dunya and doing worldly things. Because you know what happens when it comes to racing had to get dunya people get very active over there, she has a phone, I should get that phone, she has a plan and to get that plan, she's weighing that back up to get there. She's wearing that color, I have to get that she's wearing that a job, I have to get the competition competition all the time. Does that bring any happiness to you, you're always always dissatisfied, you're always unhappy. You always feel deprived no matter what you have. It will never ever bring you contentment. But when you're doing good one
after the other, it gives you satisfaction in your heart. It brings you happiness, that Alhamdulillah I did something beneficial. I did something useful. And in this dunya you know many times you could do great things, but then you like what next? You don't know what to do. And even if you know what to do, you can't be bothered many times, because you're like I've done enough. This is why people retire right? Even when they become very old and when they have a lot of experience till they retire. But when it comes to festival hierarchy, there is no retirement until the end of your life.
When a person is imitating others, he has low self esteem, he's not confident about himself. He thinks he has to copy others to be good. But when a person is creative, when a person is striving towards something that is higher than what happens he feels good about himself, he feels confident that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the command again to emphasize that no matter what the reaction is of the people, no matter how much they oppose you, no matter what they say to you, you have to face the Qibla you have to follow the Command of Allah because that is the truth. Woman Hazel ha Raja and from wherever courage the you came out ha ha Jean, any house any building, any city, any
place you came out of it. And now it's time to pray. For one leeward haka. So turn your face shuffle Masjidul haram, in the direction of the sacred mosque. If you think about it, this was mentioned before as well, wherever you are, where are you from our country, then you should face the Qibla the command has been repeated, and it will be repeated again. Why? For the purpose of emphasis, that this is something that we have to do, and to also show different scenarios, that whether you are at home, or you are traveling, wherever you are, you have to face the Qibla we're in the whole Helcom of Lubbock. And indeed, surely it is the truth from your Lord. Never be in doubt about it, when
Allahu be offered in a meta or maroon and Allah is not at all unaware of what you do. Previously, it was said on my ormolu now you Dharma known, whatever you do, Allah knows about it. So wherever you are, when you were praying, face to Kibler, also remember one thing, notice the word shuttle shuttle buses are how long? I remember when I was in high school, I think I was studying about angles. And you know, when you're studying in geometry that if you have your angle, for example, at 91 degrees as opposed to 90 degrees, and you draw your line, are you going to meet at the same place at the same destination know, the farther you go, the more far you will be from your destination, even from
the change of one degree, even the difference of one degree makes such a huge difference. So I thought that that time, you know, when I'm facing the Qibla, what if I'm like slightly on the other side, that I won't be facing the Qibla? That it's not like you have to make a straight line from where you're standing all the way to the Kaaba. And if it's a straight line, then you're facing the Qibla. And if it's even slightly sideways, then you're not facing the Qibla. It's not like that. So if you ever have that doubt, don't have that. What's the answer to that? The word shuffle. Shuffle is in the direction of not exactly. It's in the direction of, for example, we know that in this
masjid, we have to pray straight. But if a person is standing even slightly towards the right, slightly one angle one degree towards the right, sometimes it happens that you're standing in the role and the person standing next to you, you know, they're slightly ahead and the person on the other side is slightly behind. So you're kind of like at an angle trying to join the feet. So is your Qibla wrong? No, you are in the direction of so remember that rule. Again, while I'm in high school, college, the end from wherever you come out for one language hookah So turn your face shattered all mushy that haram in the direction of the sacred mosque. Again, it's repeated for
emphasis and also to show the importance of facing the right Kibler. Well hazemag content and whichever place you may be, Minh Hazel Gorazde, wherever you're traveling, wherever you're journeying towards, whichever place you come out of whichever destination you come out of. For hazemag account of any place you may be for what you Would you welcome chakra So turn your faces in that direction. Why? Why be so firm about the Qibla for various reasons. First of all, Li la Hakuna li Nasir Alikum, her JIA LI Allah so that not this is a combination of liso and that and La na
I saw that not your quarterly nurse so that people do not have or lay come against your budget on any argument Hoja had Jean Jean, we read the word or two had junuh. So the people do not have any argument against you. What does it mean by this? That people don't have anything to say against you that when you're at home, you pray in this direction. And when you're traveling, you pray in other direction. When you feel like it, you face the Qibla. And when it's inconvenient for you, you don't bother to find out. No, people should not have any argument against you. You have to face the proper qibla in the living of Allah womanhood, except for the wrongdoers amongst them. What does it mean by
this, that there are some people who will always find a fault in you, no matter what you're doing, they will find something to talk against you. They will have something against you, no matter what evidence you give to them, as we learned earlier. So no matter what you do, no matter how firm you are on your web, they will always come up with something to talk negatively about you. So don't care about them. Allah says Falletta show him so don't fear them. Instead, what should you do? Well show me and you should fear me. This is from the roof letters. Ha sheen. Yeah, from the word Russia and Russia is fear any other word for fear? Kovalev is also fear. Hush, he is different. Russia is such
fear that is based on knowledge. And it is such fear all someone whom a person thinks to be as great. For example, we of course you have Allah because we know that Allah is the Greatest. If a person has mushiya of their mother, it's because they know their mother is very strong, very strong willed, so they cannot disobey them. So it is out of the awareness of the others greatness. So Allah says, even if they may be very big, these people who oppose you, even if they're very powerful, and even if they come and attack you again and again, you fear them. No Filatov showhome never fear them. Instead, who should you fear will show me you should have fear of Allah. When a person
realizes the greatness of Allah, then he does not have the fear of people anymore. For example, if a person is in a place where nobody's standing up to pray, he is afraid of people what they will say, What will enable him to stand and pray, the fear of Allah that my Lord is watching me now and he will question me on the day of judgment. So when a person has a fear of Allah and the fear of people diminishes, it goes away. This is why Allah says falletto showhome will show ni take out their fear from your heart so you can have fear of Allah. Another reason? The second reason why we have to be firm on the Qibla the first reason was what Lee Elia Kunal Inacio alaykum Hoja The second reason
while he Oh Tim Minear materialet Come when he oedema oedema ta me me the man it man it ma'am is to complete and perfect something it man was che the completion of something when something reaches its objective when something reaches its final end. So what is it if complete? For example, when you started this course your goal is to complete the 30 Jews. So when you reach the 30 at the end of the 30 then is your course complete? Yes it is. So when the oedema so that I may complete near Mati my favor my blessing, which blessing is it that Allah subhanaw taala has given to this ummah, the blessing of the deen the blessing of Islam, the blessing of this religion. So become firm on the
Scribbler face, the Kaaba in your Salah, so that the religion may be perfected, because part of this religion is that the Muslims should face the karma in prayer. This is supposed to be part of the last of the final Shetty or the final law that Allah was going to reveal. So when the people will follow the law, when this command has come, then this will be a means of completion of the religion. Another reason why you should be firm on the Qibla Well, our Allah calm and so that you made that don't you may be rightly guided that they don't have Alia, when you will face the Qibla only then you are rightly guided if you don't face the Qibla Are you rightly guided? Are you on the truth? No.
What does it true that if a person does not face the Qibla deliberately, then he is not upon guidance, He is not upon the right way. facing the Qibla is a condition for the acceptance of prayer.
What do we learn in this verse? We learn about the obligation of facing the Qibla no matter where a person is no matter what place no matter what state. Obviously, I mentioned the exceptions to you earlier. Another very important lesson that we learn from this is that a person must implement the commands of Allah. And this can only be done when a person has fear of Allah. When it comes to obeying Allah, we should remove the fear of people from our hearts. A person might say how do you eliminate fear from your heart? Isn't fear natural? Yes, it is. But isn't confidence also part of your
feelings? Yes. So how do you replace fear with confidence? That you think about how small how powerless people are? And how great how powerful Allah subhanaw taala is, you think what will people do? What will they say maximum? What can they do to me? They will say something negative. So what? Listen one here out the other, don't we do so many things that we dare to do them even if people oppose we do it right, whatever we believe to be right we do it. So fear is replaced with confidence. The person who bows before Allah will be able to stand in front of anyone, and the person who buys before people, that he cannot stand before anyone, he will always bow before people.
He will have no confidence, nothing left and he will have no identity. If you think about the Scribbler, it's a means of unity of Muslims, isn't it so that wherever we are on this planet, we're facing the same direction. And when we face the qibla, remember, we're not worshiping the Kaaba, no, we're worshipping rock the handle bathe the lord of this house, Allah subhanaw taala. So facing the Qibla is something that is necessary. It is something that is important. It's a command from Allah, we cannot compromise on that. And if we start fearing people, when it comes to obeying Allah, then we cannot do anything in life.
I watched a video recently, there was a huge stadium 1000s of people I believe there was some kind of convocation over there some major event, and this person was standing in the field and he was praying slow now 1000s of people and he was standing over there, he came, he prayed salah, said Salam and went to his place for Latok showhome don't fear the more shoni fear me. Don't fear people fear Allah. When it comes to obeying the commands of Allah and more you will fear Allah, the more you will be able to obey Him.
Let's listen to the recitation.
Well, I mean, how you throw far
off will
help form your big one Allah who will be lost
will mean how you feel Faraja
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Sharp Oh, holy.
jazz tune in
shall we? Shall we Furla talk show more? Show me what?
Many, many?
Is there any person in this world who has not been criticized by people? Any person? No. From a child to an adult, an old person, a failure to a person who may be very, very successful. Even presidents aren't criticized? Yes, everyone is criticized for what they do. So who are people who are successful? They don't worry about the criticism of others. They don't give any importance to it. They do what they believe is right. They stay firm on it. And that is how they become successful. Similarly, if we want to become successful in our religion, what do we have to do? stay firm on it. People say whatever. They mock the joke their criticize. They say why you do this and
why you do that? Don't get affected by that. You should definitely know the answer to that. But don't get affected by that you lose your confidence. filat of showhome will shoni fear Allah will our look on that.