Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 020B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 142
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Salam Alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu you have your nice clean and crisp fresh juices with you. Under that, where's your just one? Where did you put it? Is it still in your bed? Okay, when you go home? Where are you going to put it? On your night table? Why are you going to put it there? Because you want to repeat it. So you can refer to it again and again, who's going to put it on the bookshelf right in the corner? And then forget about it. Many people do that. You know why? Because in this course, you go through one Jews after the other. And by the end of the course you have 30 Jews, I mean, who's gonna keep 30 Jews in their night table? It's not possible, right? So remember
that the Jews that you're studying, don't put it away somewhere that you cannot even access it again, you cannot even look at it again. If you don't open it, if you don't repeat it, what's going to happen? You're going to forget it. And is that the right of the Quran? Not at all the Quran should be remembered and not be forgotten. And
she's saying that she has problems sleeping at night. So whenever she's not able to sleep, she has her laptop on the side and starts listening to something beneficial, like a lecture or recitation, and it helps her and she's also able to sleep quickly. Alhamdulillah so if you have the Quran close to you, then you can actually use it, you can actually read it you can actually refer back to it. But if you put it away on a bookshelf down in the basement or in the corner of your rooms that you cannot even access it, then it's going to leave you you will leave it and it's going to leave you and we don't want that with the Quran. We want to stay with the Quran inshallah. Let's begin our new
lesson. Our new Jesus. Jesus number two, lesson number 20 Surah Al Baqarah is number 142 to 152 say you're gonna suffer her Amina nurse, very soon. The foolish among the people, they will say something who will say a super hurt the foolish ones. What will they say? They will say Mao Allah home and capability him will let you can or lay her What has turned them from the Qibla that they were on. The Muslims were facing a particular Kibler when they were praying Salah and now they're not facing the Qibla anymore. So the foolish people will say What has turned them what has made them change their Quibbler How come they're not facing the same Qibla anymore. In other words, the
foolish people, they will object at this change. They will spread propaganda on this change. They will create a lot of chaos, they will create confusion, they will create doubts amongst the people against to against the Muslims for the change that was brought in the way that Salah was to be performed. We learned in the first Jews about abrogation remember, NUS what is known as abrogation that Allah subhanaw taala would give a particular command and then after some time, he would change it how either in command or inverse or both, or vice versa, meaning only the verse and not the command. So basically, we learned that in the shittier when the shittier was being revealed when the
law was being revealed to the Prophet salallahu Salam, there was abrogation and we discussed the benefits. What were the benefits, for example, ease for the people. So there were many benefits behind that. One of the commands which was abrogated was regarding the Qibla. What is the bla bla bla is prayer direction, the direction that you face when you're performing the salah. Can you face anywhere when you're praying Salah you can't you have to face the proper tabler at what direction should you be facing towards Kaaba towards Makkah that has to be your tribler so we learned that in Makkah when the Prophet salallahu Salam was still there before the Hijra. The Prophet salatu salam
and the believers when they performed the Salah, they would face the Kaaba, what direction would they face, they would face the karma when they will be performing the salah. And we learned that 13 years after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam received prophethood he migrated to Medina because of the opposition that he faced, who was in Medina, the year who the Bani Israel were there and who are Bani Israel. They were the al Qaeda. They were the ones who were the followers of the Torah. So they were the believers of their time before the Prophet salatu salam came after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam given they were no longer believers. Why? Because they were supposed to believe in him and
when they did not, they were no longer the Muslim ummah. However, we learned that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam migrated to Medina, he specially invited them to Islam. Why? Because they were the ones on the truth previously, so they were deserving of being invited to the truth again, and this is why we learned about so many verses in sort of dakara inviting the Bani Israel directly to the acceptance of Islam to the acceptance of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and following him. But what happened? Did they believe? No they didn't. Did
They respond. No they didn't. Did they accept him? Not at all. Instead, they tried to kill him. They spread propaganda against him. They tried to harm the Muslims. They tried to harm Islam in many, many ways. So anyway, when the Prophet saw a lot of sin and migrated to Medina, Allah subhanaw taala commanded the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Muslims that when they perform the salah, they should not face the Kaaba rather they should face beta mock this. Where's beta mock this in? Palestine? Why obaidul Mock this why Palestine, because that is the direction that the Bani Israel used to face in their prayer. That is the direction that the Bani Israel used to face in their
prayer. The question is, why would Allah commanded them to follow them Qibla as Bani Israel when Bani Israel were not on the truth, it was to show to the Bani Israel that this messenger has brought the same message. He is from the same Lord that you believe in. He is in continuation of the same messengers who were sent to you previously. So it was to show to the Bani Israel that he is not different. He's not an Arab sent to another people. No, he is also supposed to be a messenger for you. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was required to face beta Democritus. Now there is one problem in Medina. If you face beta mock this, then MCE would be behind you. If you face beta Mathis Maka
will be behind you. in Makkah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would pray in a way that he would have the carbon in front of him and in the same direction, beta Noctus would also be there. Now if you look at the map, do you see maca? above that? Do you see Medina and if you go all the way up, you see Jerusalem. Now when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be in Makkah, he would face the Kaaba in a way that the cover would be in front of him. However, if you go farther, what would be there he would be facing in the direction of Jerusalem, direction of Bethel muchness. So he could pray in the direction of both the Kaaba and Baitul macness. But when he got to Medina, he was told to face only
by the muchness, so when he was facing with a mock, that's what was behind him. Maka, the Kaaba was behind him. And you can imagine anyone who has seen the Kaaba, who has worshipped Allah subhanaw taala. Over there, how much attachment he has to that place? I mean, Makkah, do we have any property over there? Do our grandparents live over there? And were we born there? Did we live there? Did we go to school there? No. But just because we face that direction when we pray Salah how much we love that place. How much attachment we have to that building that simple building. So when the prophets of Allah sent him when he went to Medina, it was difficult for him because he was not in Makkah
anymore. He could not see the Kaaba regularly. And secondly, it was even more difficult for him because he was not to face karma anymore he was to face only by to mock this. It was a huge test for the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well as for the rest of the believers. But look at their obedience to Allah that they still faced Baitul muftis, even though they wanted to face the Kaaba. So then what happened after 16 or 17 months that the Prophet salallahu Salam was in Medina after that Allah subhanaw taala abrogated that command. And what does that mean that the Muslims were no longer to face faith on muchness rather, they were supposed to face the Kaaba, why? Why is it that the command
was changed? And again, it was changed why? Why would they do face Kaaba now? The reason was that as we learn garba was the house of Allah that was built by WHO, Ibrahim and even before the bunny sloth you. So it was the original place of worship. It is said that the angels were the first ones to construct the Kaaba, either many Salaam and then after the front of new Hala Sinha, who renovated it, who reconstructed it, Ibrahim and his sinner. So all of the profits from Adam and esalaam to the final messenger all of the profits, what direction did they face in prayer? The carpet? That was their Quibbler from the beginning, and we learn in the Quran in surah. Allah Imran Allah subhanaw
taala tells us that in a world debate and will the early Nancy Lulla de Baca Surah Al Imran I 96 that indeed the first house that was built for the people so that they worship Allah is which house the one that is in Makkah. So the original Qibla was which one? The Kaaba. But we know that over time, the Bani Israel when they had the religion, what did they do with it, they changed it, they corrupted it, certain difficulties were imposed on them because of their crimes because of their sins. So this is why the Qibla was changed from kava to Baitul macness And this is the reason why the Jews that you who they would face better marketers in their prayer whatever kind of prayer they
performed, what direction did they face vital matters? It is at that 1300 years after Ibrahim Ernest and I'm so in other words 1300 year
is after the Kaaba was built based on mock This was built. When was it built 1300 years after Ibrahim ran his center. And after that after beta mock This was built after some time, the yoo hoo this started facing Bethel muchness in prayer. They didn't face the carbon anymore. Instead, what is the face and prayer by to Marcus. So what do we see? The original Qibla was always the Kaaba. So the final messenger who was sent to complete and perfect the religion, what was he supposed to do? Face which scribbler the original one, right. So this is the reason why the command was abrogated. Initially, the Muslims were told face by to mock this, why to incline the Bani Israel to Islam to
make them realize it's your messenger. And then when they did not follow Him when they did not accept him, it was made very clear to them, you follow Him or you don't you follow Him or you don't he is the right messenger. And he was told to face the original Qibla so that the religion will be completed and perfected. So when the Crippler was changed when there was the willow Kibler, when the Qibla was changed the hood, they created an uproar, they reacted very severely. So when the Buddha was changed, Allah subhanaw taala revealed a forewarning for the believers be prepared, there is going to be a lot of negative reaction from the people. So this verse is in preparation for the
Muslims. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Say Akula so for her Amina NAS, very soon the foolish ones from the people will say, notice the word say a Kulu the scene at the beginning when it comes before a verb like your Kulu first of all, it gives a meaning of future to it. A little bit of grammar over here, there are two types of verbs in English, past, present and future. In Arabic you have two types. First is Mowgli. Mowgli is fast. So for example, color color he said, phyla he did. And the second type of verb is fairly magalia Madonna is used for present as well as future it can be used for either for example, your Kulu Kulu can be translated as he says meaning he is saying right now,
and it can also be used for he will say in the future, fair methodic can be used in two ways it can be used for present it can also be used for future however, when the letter seen it comes before fairly Medallia. So over here you have Sir, your Kulu then the scene, you know what meaning it gets to them without her it specifies the meaning of future that in the future, your Kulu he will say so, say a Kulu you will not translate it as soon he says rather you will translate it as soon he will say another benefit that the scene gives is that a chose that in the very near future not sometime after a few years. After centuries. In the future. No, it means very, very very soon. So it gives
meaning of course. And thirdly it also gives meaning of certainty meaning certainly this action will take place So sir, your Kulu certainly will they say Have no doubt about this reaction. Don't be unsure about it no be certain this reaction you will have to face say a Kulu sufa Amina NAS, and the word super hat. This is the floor love Sophie. Sophie from seen for her suffer her. What does the fire her mean? Foolishness. There are two reasons behind foolishness. If a person is acting foolishly, there could be two reasons behind that. A, he doesn't know.
The other day I was at the store. And this lady was standing there and she's just staring at me. Everywhere I went, she followed me. And she's looking at me and I was like, Okay, what did I do? Do I look kind of weird? Do I look funny? What's happening? So she's following me. And she's looking at me everywhere that I went. So this other lady came up to her. And she was her daughter. And she said to me, my mother is from Bosnia. I thought she wasn't a Muslim. She said, My mother's from Bosnia. She's also a Muslim. So she's very happy to see you. And she said salaam to me. That's the only thing I could understand. And then everywhere I went, you know, the lady kept following me. She kept
looking at me. And the daughter was like, Please don't mind you know, she's different. And I understood completely, you know, from the country from the background that she has the culture that she has a sight to. She came from no problem if you go into the personal space of somebody, but in this country, if you touch somebody if you come very close to him, like excuse me, keep your distance. So it doesn't mean that that person is foolish.
But the reason is simply they don't know what the rules are, what the etiquette is, what the protocol is of the society that you're living in. So there are two reasons for foolishness one a person doesn't know. And the second is lack of intellect, that even though a person knows, he still doesn't get it, so for example, a child, you tell him to properly he still starts fidgeting, getting up moving around in the chair, sit properly, don't you know? And you ask him, What did I say? And he will say Sit properly. But still, he will not sit properly. Why? Because his uncle, his intellect is not mature. He's still a child. So there are two reasons for foolishness, a lack of knowledge, B,
lack of intellect. These super high Who are these people? Why are they called foolish? They're called foolish because they are objecting. They are criticizing the Command of Allah. They are criticizing the religion of Allah Domi who criticizes generally people who are educated people who are very intellectual, they have the capacity to criticize and other people who are not that advanced in their thinking. They just accept whatever is given to them. This is what we think, right? But what do we learn here, that the person who objects who criticizes the religion of Allah than that person is foolish because either he doesn't know their religion. He doesn't know the
greatness of Allah. He doesn't know our smallness. He doesn't know our role, our focus our purpose in life, or B, even though he knows his intellect is still not mature. He still thinks that he's better he's more intelligent. He's more knowledgeable compared to Allah subhanaw taala compared to His Messenger, compared to the deen of Allah. So this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala calls them a super high se Akula sufa Amina NAS very soon the foolish ones from the people they will say this and we learned earlier that who is the foolish person, the one who turns away from the religion off Ibrahim earn a Santa will may yellow bar miletti Ibrahim Illa man Sufi Hanif sir. So a person
who does not have the attitude of submitting to Allah than that person who is he foolish. So your Kulusuk for her Amina NAS they will object they will say Mao Allah whom What has turned them? Well, lamb Yeah, well Allah you will lead to turn away. So what has turned home them and who does whom refer to the believers, the Muslims, who has turned them on people look at him from their pillar, they will let him Qibla Qibla is the direction that you face, the prayer direction. It's from the root letters off Balamb pible is before Stabler is in front of you, it can't be behind you. It can't be on your side. It has to be in front of you. So What has turned them from their Qibla? Which
Riblah allottee that which can oh there were I lay her upon it, meaning the tablet that they were facing previously. So what is this referring to? Based on McCullers? The Muslims were facing vital matters. The EU who objected that when Africa in the hypocrites they objected than What has turned them from the Qibla that they were facing previously? How come they're not facing Betamax anymore? Why are they facing the Kaaba now? Why is it that their religion keeps changing? Why is it that these commands keep changing? Why do you think they were saying this to create doubts amongst the people to mock at the religion to mock at the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that these people don't know
what they're doing one day they face this direction and the other day the face that direction so they can't be on the truth don't pay any attention to them. Allah says such people are who are super hot so what's the response that you should give to them? You should say um The reason was that we were supposed to inclined the Bani Israel to accept Islam but they didn't accept Islam. So we're going back to the original Qibla give them a whole explanation give them a whole lecture. Allah says Paul say to them lillahi for Allah is to Allah belongs what? Al machinic Well McRib the east and the west machine rock off the place of Shahrukh McGriff, raindrop at the place of Guru, so Mushrik east
and Maghrib, west to Allah belong the east and the west. What does it mean? What it means by to Allah belongs the east and the west is that the entire world all of the directions whether it is north, south, east, west, all of this is whose property Allah subhanaw taala if Allah told us to face east yesterday, he can tell us to face west tomorrow. So it is his decision. It is up to him, Whatever He commands us, all places, all directions, all things belong to Allah.
And Allah has full choice he has complete authority to decide what direction we face and what direction we don't face. Lilla Hill machico Well, Marguerite, this is the response that you should give. Yeah, the Maya Shah, He guides whomsoever He wills illustrata muster theme to the straight way. What does it mean by this, that Allah guide whomsoever He wills to the straight way? Remember that he Daya had Alia This is of two types, one is a freedom and the other is off tofield. One is that Allah gives knowledge to someone and the other is that Allah gives the ability to do something good to someone, a person may know a lot, but as they have the ability to do good, not necessarily.
So yeah, they may SHA, Allah gives knowledge and Allah gives Sophia the ability to do good to who, to whomsoever He wills, to where illustrata was talking to the Straight Way, meaning Allah is the One Who commanded that face the Kaaba, this direction decision. And this command came from who Allah and everyone did not have the ability to follow the prophets of Allah certain at that time. Some people, they became shaky. They said, This doesn't make sense. How come the laws The commands are being changed again, and again, there has to be some problem. This cannot be the true religion. So some people that started doubting the prophets of autism, they weren't given that they'll feel the
ability to follow him to remain on the straight path. So who is given direction? Only the one whom Allah wills? Who is given the ability, only the one whom Allah wills, yet the my Yasha illustrata muster team?
What do we learn in this verse? That we must have no doubt at all concerning any command? Anything that comes from Allah subhanaw taala? whether it makes sense to us, or it doesn't make sense to us, we should not have any doubt about it. It will lead to Billahi rot, but it doesn't mean we don't think about it. We don't try to understand it. No, definitely, we should try to understand it. But if it's beyond our understanding our comprehension, we're unable to fully grasp it, then what should we do? Accept it as it is? Has it ever happened with you that, for example, in math class, or in physics, or in chemistry, there was something that you just couldn't get? And you're like, why is it
like this? It doesn't make any sense. And you argue with your professor, you are you with your teacher? And what do they say you can't change the rules. You can't change them. You just have to accept them as they are. And once you accept, it gradually becomes easier and easier. A day comes when you finally understand it. Another very important lesson that we learned this verse is that Allah guides whomsoever He wills to the straightway every person is not guided, Allah decides who should be guided, who should not be guided. The person may say, I'm not praying for Allah. Allah doesn't want me to pray. Can you say that? No. Who does Allah guide, the one who wants to be guided?
The one who wants to be guided, Allah guides him, Allah never leaves him astray. Look at the stories of so many companions. I can't get over the story of Salman of Pharisee. Isn't an amazing look at where he was in Persia. And look at how he went from one place to the other one person to the other. But he wanted the truth. Allah did not leave him, Allah made him find the truth, Allah made him reach the truth. So who does Allah guide? The one who wants to be guided? Who does Allah give for him to the one who wants to have understanding? If a person doesn't want to understand Allah will not force him to understand another very important lesson that we learned this versus that whoever
objects at the commands of Allah subhanaw taala, then who is he? Foolish? He is not an intellectual, he is not a person who has a lot of understanding rather, who is he? A foolish person? maturity, being an intellectual, isn't what? submitting to Allah subhanaw taala and objecting at the commands of Allah, what is this? Immaturity This is foolishness. Because look at where you are and look at who you are. And look at who Allah is. What are you Who are you to object at the commands of Allah? You're nothing. You're just a human being one person on this earth with limited mind limited abilities. How can you challenge what Allah is saying? How can you object at what Allah is
commanding? You cannot, you are in no position at all to object at the commands of Allah. So if a person thinks that he can object, then he is in reality, a foolish person, he's not an intellectual at all. Another important lesson that we learn is that if those who object at the commands of Allah are foolish, then should we pay heed to what they say. Should we be worried and concerned about what they say? No. Have you ever come across a person who is mocking you for no reason? You know, objecting to for no reason.
Everything you do everything you say the start criticizing you. And you've asked someone you know, how do I deal with this person? What do they say to you? Ignore them. Don't give any importance to them. Don't even bother listening to them. They send you an email, don't read it, they send you a text, don't bother reading it. They talk to you. Go away. Wait a half hour who will Gehenna Carlo Salama, peace, stay where you are, I'm off. See you later. So if anyone is behaving it directly with you foolishly with you. What are you supposed to do? Ignore them don't give any importance to what they say. So similarly, when people object at the religion of Allah, what should we do? get worked
up about it? start doubting ourselves, start feeling bad, no, ignore them, ignore them if they don't know. Clarify to them. If still they persist, then just ignore them don't give any importance to what they have to say. Because if you start getting there, if you start getting involved in it, then you will start doubting yourself you will have no confidence left. So ignore such people. Another important lesson that we learn is that if any person argues with regards to the deen of Allah, if any person objects at the religion of Allah, what should our response be? The Allah Who Masha Kolmogorov Allah owns everything. He can command whatever he can decide whatever. We are in
opposition to object.
machinery for now worried the.