Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 018E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 129

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The concept of a messenger is discussed, including the importance of culture and language. The speaker emphasizes the need to teach the people what it means and use it to teach others. The importance of obeying the Prophet sallavi sallam's teachings and fixing one's house is emphasized. The use of the church's teachings and Islam in guidance is also emphasized. The importance of interpreting the Quran and memorizing the names of Islam is emphasized, as it is a guide that cannot be separated from the Quran.

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			Oh our Lord, we will see him and raise in them. What are their I ain't bother, but is to raise like
by bottle mouth resurrection after death, people who are in their graves will come out of the grave
raise out rise out of their graves, Saba is to raise but Baba is also to a point to send to
dispatch. So what are three him meaning send to them in them appoint someone amongst them amongst to
feed him him refers to their progeny, the Riga Tina, so far our progeny make an American Muslim and
that not a Muslim who has submitted to you send in them rasool Allah a messenger are so raw seen
love, a messenger mineral from among them, a messenger who is asked them, What does he mean by this
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			man has two meanings. First of all, a human being like them, not that an angel messenger is sent, or
a gene messenger has sent, because of a gene messenger will be sent the nobody would listen to him,
everybody would run away, then men home secondly also means from among their own people from their
nation. Not that he is a foreigner, whom they're not familiar with, whose language they cannot
understand whom they cannot understand fully. If somebody speaks your language, you know them. You
are familiar with them. You're familiar with their ways you know about their history about their
past? Are you not comfortable when they're telling you about something? Yes, you are. But if it's a
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			complete stranger, total stranger, than what will happen? Will you accept what they're saying? It's
quite possible, you don't even understand what they're saying. Because many times the second
language of a person is not that strong at it. And even a person learns a particular language, it's
quite possible he doesn't fully grasp the culture. And we know that culture and language are deeply
connected. So
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			rasuna Milham, a messenger for among themselves, so that they're comfortable with him, they're able
to relate with him, they are able to accept him, they are able to recognize him as a messenger. For
example, Muhammad salatu salam, was he a total stranger for the people of Makkah? No, they knew him.
This is why Allah says Malbun Messiah, he will come when Maha your Sahib your companion, your friend
has not gone astray. Why does Allah subhanaw taala call him your companion, because he lived amongst
them, they knew him even before prophethood. So when he claimed to be a prophet, it was definitely
easier for the people to accept him because he was not a stranger to them. And this messenger, what
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			should he do when he is sent to them? Yet to allay him if he should recite to them your verses yet?
luta lamb Well, tilava Tila was recitation. So he should recite to them I had to cure verses I have
to deploy that. I, what does he mean by this, that the messenger who is sent to the people he is
sent to convey a message to guide the people. And the first step to guiding the people is what?
Reciting the verses of Allah, reciting what Allah has sent, conveying what Allah has revealed.
Secondly, while you are living a homemade Kitab, and he teaches them the book, you only Muttalib
under your limited Divine Law mean, knowledge Talim to teach. So you are limited, He will teach them
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			al Kitab. The book which book is this, the Quran? So he will not just recite the verses, but he will
also teach The Book. What's the difference between recitation and teaching? Teaching is explaining
the text what it means, how it is supposed to be understood. For example, imagine you're sitting in
an English class, imagine you're in grade five, and somebody's being made to read a passage of a
particular book one of the students, so they're just reading, reading, reading, there's one word or
two words or one thing that you don't understand. If the teacher is a good teacher, what will they
do? They will stop the student and they will explain what that means. And then they will tell the
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			student to continue reading. Reading is delivering and Tallinn is worth explaining. Ultimately
consider the ayat of the Quran. Tila is for example, in salah or outside of Salah. But when it comes
to Tallinn, it means explaining the text explaining what it means. And this is the reason why Allah
subhanaw taala sent a messenger if you think about it, a lot could have sent just the book. The book
could have come down from the sky in a big light or something like that. And people would have known
this something special and they read the book and they find out okay, this is from Allah and this is
what we're supposed to do. That could have happened. Was it difficult for Allah? Not at all. But
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			there is a reason why Allah sent the messenger a human messenger
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			What's the purpose? What was the reason so that the messenger would explain the book to them. This
is what this means. This is what that means. This is what we're supposed to do. This is what we're
not supposed to do. This is the reason why Allah sent the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we learned
through the natural eye of 44, one Zollner he likened the CRO li to Bay Hill in Nasik, manos de la
la him. And we have revealed a reminder to you we have revealed the scripture on you, so that you
explain to the people what has been sent to them. The book could have been sent by itself, but Allah
revealed it on a human messenger, so that he would explain why your aluminum will keytab but not
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			just the book, he would also teach them what Hikmah and the wisdom Hikmah haircalf mean hikmah is to
play something where it belongs in the manner that is appropriate in the way that is best. What is
equal, to place something where it belongs to do something as it should be done. For example, in the
Quran, we have been told about what we're supposed to do. But when it comes to how we're supposed to
do it, every detail has not been mentioned in the book of Allah. The way of performing the good
deeds hasn't been explained in the Quran all of it. Know, when it comes to Salah, the command, it is
there many times of people salah, but is it mentioned in the Quran? How to Pray the method of
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			praying? No. Is it mentioned? Why very clearly? Obviously, not necessarily. So the messenger
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was his obligation? What was his duty? To explain what to do and
to explain how to do why? How the reason behind it as well in what way we're supposed to worship
Allah. So for example, the Quran, when we read it, when we study it, we develop the love of Allah,
we realize how important it is to obey Him. But then, when you want to obey Allah, you want to obey
Allah in every respect, in every action that you do. And where do we learn that way from, from the
way of the prophets of Allah Sena. When you get up when you open the door, when you do anything, use
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			your right hand. Anything important, use your right hand, step in Bismillah, stepping out say the
DUA eating say that you are after eating say that for every action, the Prophet sallallaahu Salam
told us how to do it in a way that Allah would like it. So an hekman What is it referred to the
Sunnah? The Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So by him and his sunnah this marina
the Sunday prayed with our theme Rasulullah minhang. First of all, the echolalia him epic. Secondly,
where your aluminum will kita thirdly, will Heckman you will also teach them the wisdom. And
fourthly, we use a key Him and you will also purify the user key is from zaika. Yeah, or well, on
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			the word does Kia. The words a cat is also from the same root, what does that mean? purifying your
wealth? How are you purifying your wealth by giving some of it in charity by giving it to those who
are deserving. Because if you keep all of what you own with yourself, and what's going to happen,
there will be no more Baraka, there will be no more blessing. And we see this for example, if you
store something with yourself, if you hoard it, you're not able to use all of it. What happens? It
spoiled. So how can you purify? How can you improve and grow the condition of what you all by giving
a part of it to those who Allah wants you to? Does kiya purification also means growth. It also
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			means growth to grow. So this Kia purification, it includes two things. First of all, a dudleya.
Clear to get rid, to empty out to get rid of all the bad things or the bad traits, the bad
qualities, the bad habits. The second step is to Halia adornment to make it look all nice and
beautiful. For example, if you want to fix up your house, what will you do? What's the first step?
Get new paint and start painting the walls? And then as you're getting rid of all the garbage, then
yes, the wall gets crashed? Is that the right way? No. What's the first step? Get rid of everything
you're supposed to get rid of. Why? Because if you don't get rid of the garbage, then you cannot
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			fully clean. So the first step is to clear when you're cleaning the floor. The first step is what to
lock the floor to be on the floor. Yeah, yeah, all the garbage is there, all the little little
pieces of food are there, take them up and nicely mop all the floor. So what's going to happen? All
the garbage is going to spread and stuck to the floor. So the first step is what to get rid of the
bad habits to get rid of the bad things. And secondly, to adorn it with good things. Because you
cannot just keep a place empty. If you want to fix up your house. You can't just throw everything
out. If you throw everything out. You have to bring something else as well because otherwise
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			House is not livable. So we use a key him and he also purifies the pupils what their manners, their
character, their habits, their way of life. For example, the way the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
brought, what does it teach us? That we don't lie, we don't cheat. We don't harm each other. We
don't abuse one another. We don't be harsh to one another. And this has been replaced with what with
good habits, honesty, truthfulness, sincerity, dedication, kindness, gentleness, where the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam forbade us from cutting relationships. He also commanded us to keep good
relationships, where we have been told to stay away from her, we have also been told to enjoy the
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			holiday, we have been told not to eat, not to make no get rid of bad and bring about the good or use
a key him. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he lived amongst the people, and he trained them he did
the tarbiyah in the true sense that they got rid of their bad habits and they developed good habits,
good way of life. In NACA antillas these are Hakeem Indeed you are or Allah Allah Aziz, the mighty
al Hakim, the wise, Isaiah is one of the meanings of diseases, then is an Urza or in xyzzy is a has
several meanings, one of the meanings is might and power. So he is a disease meaning he is good or
is, he is the Possessor of might and power, so no one can overpower him, no one can defeat him, no
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			one can render him incapable. In other words, he is the one who is perfect in ability. Why is this
name mentioned over here? Why is it Aziz mentioned over here? Because Allah Aziz is the one who is
able to send a messenger someone who is weak, unable, can they stand for more? No, they cannot allow
Aziz and Al Hakim while her keep her calf me. And Hakeem is understood in two ways, first of all,
the heck not. And secondly, though her come the heckler What does heckler mean wisdom, so unhappy
meaning the one who is wise? And secondly, how can what is her coming? Judgment ruling command law?
So the hook meaning the one who commands and how can the first meaning is the one who is wise, any
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			command that you send any verse that you reveal, whoever messenger you sent, there is always some
benefits and reason, some wisdom behind it, you are lucky we trust you. You choose the messenger,
you send him and you reveal whatever commands and we will obey you until the one who gives a
command. So all the love of the religion is from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala in Nikka, until Aziza,
Hakeem, what can we learn in this verse? First of all, we learned that people are in need of
guidance from Allah subhanaw taala. And this is the reason why Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers.
We learned in the previous verse that Ibrahim and Assam he prayed, we're ready now monastic and Oh
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			Allah, you show us how to worship you. People cannot come up with their own ways of worshipping
Allah. And we see that those people who have come up with their own ways of worship, what kind of
ways to to come up with ways that may be harmful ways that may appear to be crazy, may be no
spirituality in a person may not benefit a person may instead harm a person by for example,
sometimes we will say or read this particular sentence, this particular statement 100,000 times tell
me who has the ability to see something 100,000 times and if you reading it 100,000 times will you
be able to concentrate? Will you have any heart and the spirit involved in it not at all. Similarly,
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			other people have come up with some ways of worship, harming yourself torturing yourself, self
torture. So every command that Allah has given to us any way of worship, it is in our best interest.
So we ourselves cannot invent worship rituals. This is why Allah sent messengers. And this shows
that we are needy before Allah when it comes to guidance. So this is why Ibrahim is married, prayed
whenever I feed him Rasulullah we cannot do without messengers. And after Muhammad salallahu Salam
is any messenger coming? No. So can we do without the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Salam can we
do without his instruction, his guidance? No, we have to follow His ways if we want to be
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			successful. Then we Ultimen in this idea that everything that a messenger brought is of benefit to
people, because what is if the messenger said a lot of sudden brought the ayat the Kitab Hikmah
enters Kia is for the benefit of people. Of course, if you think about it, the messenger is the one
who taught the religion recited the verses. So when we recite do we
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			Not good reward? Yes. When we read and we understand and we improve our lives, are we not
benefiting? Yes. And just compare how the entire society changed after the Prophet sallallahu
sallam. Just think about how the society was before Islam and what it became after Islam. Before
Islam, the Arabs were like an unknown people. Nobody cared about them. Nobody bothered about
configures, who lived in the desert, there were spread everywhere that winds and those who were
living in cities, they were always fighting against one another, there was tribal warfare, all over
the Arab Peninsula, then they suffer from hunger, they suffer from drought, the separate from one
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			another attacking each other. They suffer from a lot of harm.
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			There was no structure in that land of government in that land, no one to protect the needy. And
this is why the miskeen, the orphans, they were the ones who were extremely deprived. Women were
harmed, abused, treated very unjustly, we see that children were buried alive, imagine buried alive,
you know, aborting a child, that's a different case. But when a child is living, breathing outside
in front of you, killing him, putting him in a ditch, and covering him with mud while he's screaming
and crying, until all the screams and cries, they become silent, robbery, murder, it was common
everywhere. And just imagine how within a period of 23 years, that entire place became so different,
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			a place where you could not live independently, you could not survive unless and until you had the
protection of a tribe, you could now go without any fear. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam one of the signs that he told one of the companions about was that a woman will come out of
Hera and she will be fully covered in jewelry, and she will come and perform the wife of this house,
and she will have no fear whatsoever. She will have no fear whatsoever. The four is impossible,
after Islam very much possible. So we see how the guidance the profit sort of artisan abroad was of
benefit to the people. So every single thing that the messenger brought is of benefit to us. So
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			never think that a sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a commander Allah has given could bring
us harm. Even if there may be a band or temporary harm eventually in the long run, it is definitely
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			Then we also learn this verse about the importance of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
we learn here that Allah sent the messenger while to teach The Book Your lemma will kita and we
cannot understand the book correctly. Until and unless we study it along with the Sunnah of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we cannot separate the two. We cannot separate the Sunnah from the
Kitab. Both of them go hand in hand. And if people say, well, the Hadees How do you know if it's
authentic? How do you know if it's correct? Well, if you doubt the authenticity of the Hadith, then
you may also doubt the authenticity of the Quran, because the same people who passed on the Quran
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			are the people who pass down the Hadith. So, the religion, it depends on these two sources, and both
of them have to be understood together if you separate the two, then the religion will be understood
incorrectly, it will not be understood in the right way. And these days, you will find many
interpretations out there. People are trying to prove that there are many, many ways of interpreting
the Quran. So interpret in whatever way that you can. The Quran is not a book of code that you
decode According to her, you understand? No, it's a guide that Allah revealed and he also sent the
teacher to explain how to understand that guide. So we have to keep both of them together. And these
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			days, especially you will hear you will see people interpreting the Quran in the most craziest of
ways. Just yesterday, I was listening to a lecture by this lady who was trying to prove that in
Islam, there is no concept of hijab I was like okay, let me see what she says. So I was listening.
And then she says that in the Quran, where Allah says that the women should cover their chest, their
bosoms, with their veil with their headscarves. That just means covering the chest. Please don't
tell me that in the time of Jerry Lee, the women walked around with bare chest. No, they had that
much decency to cover their bodies. And it's not possible that Muslim women until the Ayat of hijab
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			revealed they were walking around with their * bear. Is it even imaginable? Is it even
conceivable? It's not
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			and you're saying, the first mover city, they said it just means to wear modest clothing, decent
clothing, and this concept of hijab it came when the Muslims when they met the Romans and they met
different cultures and in their societies, women of dignity would cover themselves. No, even the Joe
Healy women would cover themselves and in the Quran
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			If you study the verses and you look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam it's very
obvious that hijab is a part of Islam. There is no question about that. So the moment you separate
the Sunnah from the Quran than a person is going astray, then he's not on this path anymore. And I
want you to remember this is very clearly where you are only Mohammed Al Kitab. Allah sent the
messenger to teach the book we cannot understand the book unless and until we look at the Sunnah of
the Prophet sallallahu Salah will you only moon will kita well hikma where you said kill him in the
current clauses of hacking. Then we ultimately in this verse, that whatever the messenger said,
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			allowed us and abroad, it improves the lack of people. The guidance of the prophets are
authoritarian, it improves what the lack of people, the manners, the etiquette, the behavior. Think
about it, the Arabs were the ones who could just kill one another at even the smallest of things.
But imagine when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, they became the most respectful, the most
honest, the most careful people. The Prophet said Allah Islam said in nama Bristow new Tamina
macadam, Al o'clock, indeed, I have been sent to perfect the best of manners the best of
characteristics. Then we also learn in this verse, how Ibrahim Al Islam is Merida listener. They
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			pray to Allah subhanaw taala by mentioning his names in the previous verses also we have learned
that how when they made the dua to Allah mentioned the names of Allah. In the context of Weber Rahim
indica enterprises will Hakeem Why are the names of Allah being mentioned? Because Allah told us in
the Quran, that for the level of smell persona for the rupee, her, Allah has the most beautiful name
so call upon Allah by those names. And whenever we made there are we should mention the names of
Allah meaning we should call upon him by his different names, and which names should we call upon
him by that are most suitable most appropriate for what we are asking for. So when they were doing
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			Toba, you said you are
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			when they were praying for a messenger they said you are capable you are Aziz you are Hakeem.
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			Let's listen to the recitation.
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			Young fellow EBO he
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			is married
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			the semi on Lolly
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			mostly Maynila
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			Lima laka. Arena as you can
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			see gonna want to
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			wobble walkie
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			talkie masuleh
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			kita Mehta, cane
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			mean, how many names are mentioned in these verses? What's the first thing that's mentioned? A Samir
and then I leave and then at the web, and then a Rahim. Then al Aziz al Hakim. Do you know the names
of Allah subhanaw taala. Not many people know so inshallah we should also memorize the names of
Allah Subhana Allah who will be handy Kenisha to Allah Illa illa Anta the Sufi Luca, when it will be
like a Santa Monica Rahmatullah Hebrew