Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 018C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 125-126

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The transcript describes the history and significance ofielding Islam, including the use of "has been said" and "has been said" in the language, the importance of cleanliness, and the need for safe living conditions. The speakers emphasize the importance of fulfilling conditions, making proper decisions, and not hesitate to make the right choice. The transcript also touches on the importance of safe and secure environments for individuals to avoid harming others, and the need for healthy living practices.

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			Was it bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. We'll begin from item number 125.
We're in John Little beta my saboteur Lee Nursey where I am now. And remember when we made the house
al beta the house, we made it as a Muthiah baton as a place of return for who? Lin NASCI for all
people what Amna and also a security meaning a place where the people were secure, which houses this
which URL bait is this? This beta refers to beta Allah, the Kaaba, where is it in Makkah in the area
of hedges. The Prophet saw our son was being told that remember this mentioned this to the people
that when we made the house mean the karma, the beta law, and we made it what my Sabbath alumnus or
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			alumna, what is it mean by Mesaba my father is from the route that is sir well, and so literally
means to return to fall to put one thing on the other to go back. So for example, your soap your
clothes, what do you do with them, you fold them, so Mesaba is the place of return it is merger
metabo a place of return meaning a place where people keep returning to they keep going back to what
does it mean by this that we made the beta law Mirtha bottlenose, the house of Allah acaba it is
metabo Lynas in two ways. First of all, it is metabo Lynas that people return to it from all places
on this earth, how physically meaning they keep going back to it with their bodies. So, for example,
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			a person was for ombre, he comes back home and he goes again for Hajj, and he comes back and then he
goes again. And then he goes again as many times as he is able to, there are so many people who go
to Macau once, and they want to go again and again and again. And some people they make it their
habit that every year or every other year, every five years whenever possible, they will definitely
go to the house of Allah, how physically metabo it's a place of return. How many other places are
there in this world that people return to like the return to the Kaaba? There is no other place like
that. People will go visit a place once and they will say yeah, I've seen that place. But hardly
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			hardly anybody will say this about MacArthur. Yeah, we have been there once we don't need to go
again. No, it's a metabo Lin nurse. And its ultimate favour that people return to it not with their
bodies but with their Kulu with hearts. How was that? That every time we stand in prayer, no matter
where we are on this earth? Where do we turn to? What direction are we facing? The Qibla? Where's
the Qibla? It is the Kaaba. So every time we stand in prayer, and we figure out where the Qibla is,
what comes to our minds what comes to our hearts, the Kaurava debate Allah is there any other place
that people think about every single day, five times a day, no other place? So who has made the beta
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			llama Thaba of Lhasa panel Donna has made it and also it is what I'm now Amman Hamza me noon, and
then is safety, security. So Allah made the house safe and secure, meaning a place where people's
properties their lives are also safe. Any person who goes to the Haram, we are not allowed to harm
them. We are not allowed to abuse them. We're not allowed to harm their property, nothing at all.
And we learned that even in the time of Jehovah, if a person met the killer of his father, even in
the Haram, he wouldn't touch him. He wouldn't do anything to him. So even the greatest criminal
would be safe in the Haram because it's a place where anybody and everybody are safe. Nobody is to
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			be harmed. Nobody's property is to be harmed. Nobody's to be abused in any way. So who has made this
about the haram? Allah subhanaw taala? What is jurnal beta metabo li NASCI were unknown. When it's
not just that the people are saved, but even the trees, the animals, the creatures over there, even
they are safe, you cannot even harm them. What they do and you all should take Allah commands us
that you should take men from Maqam Ibrahim, the standing place of Ibrahim Musa Allah a place of
prayer. What is MACOM? Cough well mean camellia como it means to stand. And this word that you see
over here MACOM it is the place of standing. What is it? The place of standing? So the standing
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			place of who of Ibrahim or in Islam? What is the standing place where prohibited Islam it is
understood in two ways. First of all, in the general sense, any place where Ibrahim Al Islam stood
and worshipped Allah, whether it was around the cover, or it was at Mina, or it was at Arafa or it
was Atmos deliver. Any place for Ibrahim or Islam stood and worshipped Allah, what is that MACOM of
Ibrahim are the same because it's
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			Standing place. So Allah tells us did that place as what masala what is masala a place of prayer a
place of worship? So in the general sense wherever Ibrahim or listen I'm stood to worship Allah what
should you do? You should also stand there and worship Allah and that is exactly why we go for Hajj.
That is exactly why we stand at our offer. We stay at Medallia we stay at Mina. Why because Ibrahim
and Islam also worship Allah over there. So what didomi MACOM Ibrahim Abu salah. Secondly, in the
specific sense, what is this MACOM Ibrahim, the standing place, Rahim. It's that place where Ibrahim
and Assam stood in order to build the Kaaba. It is a place where he stood in order to build a karma.
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			We learned that there is a particular rock on which Ibrahim Ernest and I'm stood and by the isn't of
Allah, that rock would go up and down so that Ibrahim Al Salam could construct the carpet because
obviously there were no ladders there was nothing in which Ibrahima isn't good go high up and then
build the walls of the carpet. So that was the makan where he stood and Allah cause that stone to go
up and down. So that place where he stood, take that place as a masala as a place of prayer meaning
as a place of performing Salah and this is why when we performed a thorough whether it's normal or
hedge, what are we supposed to do after that we're supposed to perform to Dakar salah, where by the
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			Maqam Ibrahim Melissa, you may have seen in many pictures there are people who are praying very
close to the Kaaba right by them a comment Brahim and maqam. Ibrahim, now it's encased in glass so
that people can see it inside that how the rock even has the imprints of his feet embedded in it
till today. So Macomb Ibrahim take that place as a place of Salah because that is a place for
Ibrahim worshipped Allah. That is a place where he stood and he built the carava. What does it show
that Allah appreciated the efforts of Ibrahim Al Islam so much that He has commanded the last OMA to
not forget those places to stand there and worship Allah just as Ibrahim stood and worship Allah?
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			It shows how much Allah like the worship of Ibrahim or the Sunnah. What does he know me McCormick
Ibrahima masala with regards to the macabre humorless and I'm wearing the imprint of his feet are
there with regards to that we're just supposed to go and pray by that site and not to touch it and
seek Baraka through it or go around doing the wife No, we do the wife only around the Kaaba, not
around anywhere else. Inshallah, we will learn that from the verses that are coming. Why hidden Illa
Ibrahim, and we commanded Ibrahim or his salon, I hate the means to take a promise. But when the
word or he that is followed by ILA to see the word Allah over here, it means to command to give a
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			very important will see it to give a very important instruction to someone. So why are he denied
Illa Allah command and give a very important instruction to Ibrahim, what is married to Ibrahim on
Islam as well as is married or his Salam? Why both of them? Because when Ibrahim Edison was
constructing the Kaaba, who was with him, his son is married, is married early Sudan. Where was he?
He grew up in Makkah. So when he grew up, Ibrahim Hassan was told to go back and when he went back,
Allah subhanaw taala, commanded that he should construct a carver over there. So when he was
constructing the Kaaba, who was helping him, his son is married. So both of them when they were
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			building the Kaaba, Allah commanded them that I'm the hero of it, that both of you should clean my
house for Hera for * Ra, this is a command and notice that Olivetti and this is for dual for
daphnia. Both of you should clean. What does taharah mean cleanliness? So both of you should clean
they t my house, meaning the Kaaba, notice how Allah calls it my house, what does that look call it
his house, to give honor to that house? Not that Allah needs to live now with the villa no beta law.
Why is it called beta law? Because that beta is being honored in this way. This is just like the
sheik ammo that was sent to people. Allah calls it NACA to Allah the she camel of Allah because
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			Allah sent it to similarly beta Allah, it's the place where Allah is to be worshipped. So on Tahira
Beatty clean my house, from what? From two things physical impurity and intangible impurity.
Physical impurity, what is that? What is physical impurity? Any filth? Remember, mud is not impure.
Okay, we think dust or mud is dirt. And that's why we call it dirt. It's not dirty. Mud is not
dirty. It's clean, which is why we can also perform the emblem with it. It doesn't mean that it
should never be dusty and no, if it's made of mud now you see marble floors over there. But there
was a time when there were no marble. It was all much that doesn't mean get rid of all the mud. No.
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			What does it mean by this? What is physical impurity, meaning anything that is unclean in the
physical sense. For example,
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			Nobody at all should use the washroom over there. No. Similarly, when a person goes into the Haram
then how should you go in clothes that are clean? Because if your clothes are not clean, then
obviously that place is gonna get dirty as well. So physical impurities, get rid of them in the
Haram. Secondly, intangible impurity, what are intangible impurities? Meaning it's not physically
something that is dirty that has germs on it? No, it's something that you consider dirty you
consider bad? Like, for example, and action, that is not good. You say this is bad action. Does it
have germs on it? No. Why do you say bad action? Because it's not good. It's filthy. It's impure.
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			It's unacceptable. So what are some of the examples of intangible impurity I can think of something.
For example, worship of idols, worship of other than Allah. This is something that is not cleaned is
something that is impure. This is why we learn that Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, that
after particular time in the life of the prophet Sallallahu, Salah after that the mushy Keane were
not allowed to enter the huddle, because of the machine would enter they would come with their shell
key rituals, right? With their polytheistic rituals, and all of them are unclean, and even
physically, in a way they're unclean because they involve a lot of filthy things. For example, when
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			they will slaughter their animals for their gods who would slaughter them and pour blood and just
leave it there. Similarly, people if they consider a particular animal, holy, they will use its
urine to bless themselves. It's intangible impurity, as well as physical impurity involved in that.
So I hit all Beatty to hit all Beatty get rid of all physical impurities, as well as all intangible
impurity, there should be nothing filthy in the house of Allah. Why? Because it is the place of
worship. So clean it for who, for the worshipers? Which worshipers look for if in Athena, if Venus
is a poor enough to laugh, it's from the letters fall Wildfell, Botha, your TOEFL is to go around.
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			And the laugh is what to go around the Kaaba. How many times do you go around the Kaaba when you're
doing POA seven times. And notice how it has been said on Tahira Beatty. Lifta iffy to where people
do to laugh only in the house of Allah around the Kaaba. In other words, you cannot do the wife of
anything else. You're only supposed to throw half of what the House of Allah Nakama Ibrahim, not
anything else. And you can only do for WAF were in beta law. So if a person says okay, I'm in
Canada, I want to do the lab. So let me start walking this way. I know the Kava is on my left. So
let me start walking this way. And yeah, I will take a huge circle of the entire world. That's not
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			the world please don't go on that journey. Secondly, it will not have any religious significance
whatsoever. Because the left has were only in Bay T only in the masjid only in Masjidul. Haram. So
even if a person does the left outside of Masjid Al haram wouldn't be accepted. No, you have to be
inside. It has to be in the masjid. So the people are going to come and do the laugh. If the machine
is dirty, then how can they do if they cannot do it? Just imagine if you go to the haram to worship
Allah and you find the place filthy. Will you want to worship Allah over there? No. If you have a
bad experience over there, you will remember it, it will be very difficult for you to go back. And
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			this is why May Allah bless all those people who clean the Haram, who are cleaning the haram 24/7.
They don't stop anytime. Anytime you go to the Kaaba, you will always find people in uniform, busy
cleaning, constantly cleaning. And that's one of the most honorable, honorable jobs that a person
can ever have. Cleaning the house of Allah. Imagine Allah told His Prophet Ibrahim to clean the
house. And we think that if we ever have to clean the masjid, we are being humiliated. Not at all.
This is not humiliation. This is an honor that Allah bestowed evil to Abraham or listener. Many
times it happens that will go to a masjid or you go to an Islamic Center, and many people want to
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			volunteer over there. And if somebody is given the duty of making sure things are clean, they think
that they haven't been valued, that they're being humiliated in this way. This is not wrong. This is
something that is creately rewardable. We learn about this woman who used to clean the masjid of the
Prophet sallahu wa salam, we should just come and clean the Masjid. Why? Because people used to
worship Allah over there. And when she passed away, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not see him
for some time. He asked, where is she? The people said, yes, she died. So we buried her. And he
said, Why didn't you tell me? So he went to her grave and he prayed for her. What was special about
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			her the fact that she cleaned the Masjid? So never ever looked down on it. And never ever think that
you have to be given a duty in order to clean the Masjid. No, you can even do it otherwise. I'm not
saying that go up in the janitor room wherever you are in a masjid and start going through their
stuff and ruin their order. No. But I mean is that if you ever see something dirty anywhere, pick it
up clean it. Don't
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			But somebody else will come and do it because the moment we save somebody else will do it then who
does it? Nobody does it. So whether you see a tissue fallen in the classroom or something in the
cafeteria, remember this is all must be a place where Allah is remembered a place where Allah is
worshipped. So to hear or bathe in a tie in with our caffeine, our caffeine is applauded enough. Our
give our Give an Hour Okay, fine. Kapha This is from the word erotica. Have you heard of the word
erotica? What is the article? When a person goes to the masjid secludes himself in order to worship
Allah? So erotica is what? When a person goes for a retreat where in the masjid so he stays in the
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			masjid during the day during the night. He doesn't go to the mall. He doesn't go out to the streets.
What what does he do? He stays in the masjid and what is he doing? Sleeping? Is he there to sleep?
To have fun with all the friends and play different games, foosball and all of that. What is a
person supposed to do in your ethika? Worship Allah vicar, Quran? So those people who come to do the
wife in the masjid those people who do here tick off in the masjid, what, who cares to do the Rooker
plural of rakia who is rakia? One who does ruku and sujood Porlock surgit one who does such the Hawa
Luca and sujood those people who are performing the Salah, because when do you do to court and when
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			you do such that when you are standing in prayer, right when you're performing the Salah, so clean
the masjid for who those who provide those who Errotica if and those who do recover and to do with
me and those who perform the salah what leuchars to do
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			that listen to the recitation what you
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			see what I
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			mean Navami ebuild on Hema
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			while he
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			here on BT alone on here on at all, if you lucky fino going smooth.
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			If you look at this, I have first thought if Feanor mentioned then Aki Feanor mentioned and then
azucar sudo they're mentioned a fight if penis florala But if those who do power, what's the best
action that you can do in Baitullah the best good deed for you know that if you're in the home, and
you've prayed your folks Allah, now you have the option of either doing POF or sitting down reciting
the Quran or standing up and bring knuffel Salah what's the best that you can do? The laugh, this is
why the wife has mentioned first and then our caffeine, caffeine has mentioned. For what is to be
done only in Baitullah. Here at decaf can be done in any masjid. And look are sujood this can be
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			done Salah can be performed were anywhere because God literally allowed domestica to hold on the
entire Earth has been made the place of worship for this ummah. So if you perform only in the huddle
ethic, if you perform in any masjid and Salah you perform anywhere, even in your house, or even on
the street, or even in a mall, anywhere you are. Air takeoff is in a masjid, it's not in the house.
Even for the women, if they wish to do your takeoff, they have to go in a masjid. It doesn't mean go
sit in the men's section. But in a women's section, wherever the arrangements are made, you have to
do it in a masjid. And if a person does not find such a place, then he's not obligated because
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			they're at the Golf is not mandatory. This is just like a person says that I would love to do the
work. But I can't go to Macau because I can't afford to kind of do it here. You can't do it here.
For certain acts of worship, there are certain times and there are certain places and you cannot do
them in other places you cannot do them at other times. When it comes to everybody. There are
certain conditions that you have to fulfill. So if a woman does not find a mustard where there's a
woman's facility where she can do her ticket, then she doesn't have to do it and inshallah for her
Nia and her great desire inshallah Allah will reward her. So what did we learn in this verse? First
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			of all, we see the Great Mercy of Allah when he made the house, not only am Atharva, but also in
Amman, because the beta is a place where people will return again and again, imagine if it was not a
peaceful place. Imagine if wars could be run in those places people could fight against one another
in that place when people go there. Know, if people find out that, for example, in Pakistan, there
are a lot of killings going on and so on and so forth. Even people who belong to Pakistan, they will
not go why because they're scared. Similarly, if a person is from Egypt, and they know that there
are uprisings going on over there and the government is not stable, even if there's a wedding in the
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			family, will they go only if they have to, because they're terrified of going back because it's not
safe. Imagine if maca was so unstable, would people go there? Nobody would go there.
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			So it's a huge blessing of Allah that he did not just make the house of Allah in with Abba, but also
a place of security. That we also learn in this verse that a masjid should be a place that is secure
and safe. And each and every one of us is responsible for making the masjid safe and secure. This
means that when we are in the masjid, we don't do anything to harm another person to harm their
property at all. Because if people are harmed in the masjid, then tell me where will they be safe?
In the masjid at least we should have fear of Allah and we should respect one another, we should
care for one another. And this means that if we're in the masjid, we don't abuse the masjid, we
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			don't abuse the people of the masjid. And if we're in the parking lot at the masjid, we don't hit
anybody else's car. And if we did hit anybody else's car by mistake, then we take full
responsibility, and we go and apologize. The Baitullah is a place that is also Amman, and no other
place in this world is as secure as mugger if you are in any city of this world, you walk out of
your hotel at three o'clock in the morning, and you're all alone. Would you ever dare to go? No way,
especially in a place where you're not originally from you're not that familiar with the place?
Would you ever dare step out of your hotel. Never. For when it comes to Makkah, when it comes to
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			Baitullah, there are women who will go alone, even at 2am There are people everywhere, even on the
street, there are people lying down, but you feel safe and secure over there. This is a special
mercy of Allah so that you are able to do arriba over there peacefully, because until unless you do
it by the peaceful you cannot enjoy it fully. You can't have sure that when it comes to beta law,
remember that it's not beta law, the house that we worship, but in fact, who that we worship, fully
are Budo rubber has a beta lord of that house, meaning Allah, we're actually worshipping Allah and
not the car with the car is just like a place where people are united, a place where people are
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			focused in one direction. And if you think about it, the house of Allah, it's the most simplest
structure that you can ever have. Almost simpler structure, doesn't have a dorm doesn't have pillars
on the site, just a cube and that's it. Simple, plain, no fingers on it, no statues on it, nothing
like that just plain. And that is something that helps in concentration in prayer.
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			Another way how the Baitullah is a place of security is that despite the fact that people speak all
different languages are from different backgrounds, different parts of the world. When they perform
better they perform it together. And in this way, there is a certain piece that everybody feel the
person next to is a complete stranger, total stranger but still you feel comfortable standing over
there because you know that everybody is there. Why? To worship Allah.
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			Another very important thing that we learn in this verse is that when a person does something good,
then Allah rewards him abundantly for his action. Ibrahim alayhis salam when he was tested by Allah
with some karma, Allah said to him that I will make you an email. And how did Allah make him a
demand that all the people are told to follow his example and all the people who go for Hajj or
Umrah or for the left, what are they told to do with Dido and MACOM Ibrahima masala? That when you
are there you worship Allah who are Ibrahim worshipped, you worship Allah in the way that Ibrahim
worship, you stand and trade where Ibrahim has been putting so much effort in order to construct the
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			garba look at how Allah appreciated the efforts of Ibrahim Al Islam. He not only made him an ima but
he told the people to worship Allah in the same way. Another important lesson that we learn is that
when it comes to the house of Allah, it should be kept clean, which means any Masjid should be kept
clean, and it should be kept safe and secure. Any mustard should be kept clean because Allah
commanded Ibrahim listen, I'm to clean the house. Let's continue. What is called a Ibrahim and
remember when Ibrahim alayhis salam said arbitral Oh my lord, you make Heather Ballard and this city
valladon Balamb dal is used for a city a place where people are living. It is McCann Muskaan a place
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			which is populated a place where people are living whether that city is small or big, it doesn't
matter. So when Ibrahim Addison I'm pray to Allah make the city army non safe and secure. So Ibrahim
Al Hassan was the one who made dua that the city be safe and secure and Allah answered that Tara
Raja Al has a ballot on Amazon. And he also made two other words and you provide roseraie cough
Allah who is dwellers meaning the people who are in the city provide them with what manner Thammarat
of the fruits, some rot is a Florida Samara, man, whoever I'm gonna he believed men home from them
Billa he will Young will, whoever have them believes in Allah and the Last Day, Ibrahim has sent me
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			to do us over here after he completed the construction of the Kaaba, because when he completed the
construction, the cargo What was the purpose that now people are going to come here and worship
Allah. He was worried that this is a place in the middle of the desert. This is a place which is
completely empty, desolate. If people come here
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			Will they ever feel secure? And what if robbers come and attack them? People's lives are in danger?
How will they come and worship Allah? If you ever go to a place that's empty? Don't you feel
insecure? And if you go to a place that's busy, that's for how do you feel? You feel secure. So
Ibrahim, Hassan was worried that this place is in the middle of the desert, people will be insecure.
So first of all, he made the ratar O Allah make this house make the city, a safe place, a safe place
for all those who come and worship Allah here. Secondly, he made dua that those who live here, those
who come here, they be provided with a summer odd. You may say why? Because it was in the desert,
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			which trees grow in the desert. Hardly any which crop can grow in the desert.
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			You can't have agriculture in the desert. So the people who come there who live there, what will
they eat from? How will they survive? So he made the raw that Oh ALLAH provide them with fruits. And
this is amazing. You go to Makkah, and you will find fruits of every season, you might say, Yeah, of
course we get that even in Canada. In winter, you can have strawberries in the summer, you can have
oranges, you can have every fruit in every season, how to trade. But think about it 50 years ago,
even 20 years ago, 100 years ago, was that the case over here? Not at all. But in Makkah from that
time 4000 years ago, there were fruits of all over the world in Makkah when people came from all
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			over the world to Makkah in order to worship Allah they brought with them things that they would
want to sell and amongst that was what food as well. So what is oke Allahu he prayed that what is
the Home Minister Murat? I remember I was very young and I went for Umrah. I went with my family and
I went from Pakistan and Pakistan. At that time strawberries were like, hardly there. And I really
walked into our hotel room and there we saw a fruit platter strawberries. I was shocked in my
strawberries really. But it was amazing. This is the blessing of Allah. This is the acceptance of
the DUA Ibrahim arnesson and also Carlo Minetta Murat but he made the out over here that it only
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			provide who man Eminem in whom Allah he will only provide those people who believe in Allah and the
Last Day Why did he put this condition only the believers because when he made to our women's
reality that also made my children Imam Allah said that my promise is not for who for those who do
so. So Brahim and Assam he quickly learned the lesson that I want to make dua should only make dua
for the righteous for the believing people. But Allah correct him again over here. Carla, Allah said
woman Guevara and whoever disbelieves for all material who then I will definitely benefit him for
how long Carnelian a little or material will meantime or in Mata Mata is all the things of this
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			world that people use that people benefit from whether it is food or furniture or housing, clothing,
anything necessities of life. So those are disbelief, Allah says for our material, I will benefit
him he will enjoy this world. But how much Carnelian a little, because eventually either those
blessings will finish or that person will finish his enjoyment will only be a little when he dies,
his enjoyment is going to end his enjoyment is going to finish a person who believes in the
hereafter What does he think that when I die, that is when the enjoyment begin. Have you ever
thought about that? When a righteous person dies, that is when the enjoyment and the pleasure
00:28:31 --> 00:28:44
			begins? In this world, he's not enjoying. He knows he's been tested. He's working he's striving
hard. This is why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that a dunya sigil movement
00:28:46 --> 00:29:33
			that this world is essentially a prison for who for the believer, a Jana for the disbeliever because
he enjoys a lot in this world. But then when he dies, then that's an end to his enjoyment. This is
why Allah says for all material kalila soon after Rahu then I shall compel him toward Rahu that I
shall compel him toward rah rah. But what does that mean? Burr is to harm somebody. It is to compel
someone to do something that they consider harmful, that they don't like they consider dangerous. So
I shall compel him I shall force him to Isla or they have been to the punishment of the fire will be
so mislead and what a terrible and it is what a terrible destination it is. Notice the word of
00:29:33 --> 00:29:59
			toddlerhood that I shall compel him. Nobody will willingly go to hellfire, obviously, but those
people who are guilty, they will deserve to go to hellfire and they will be made to go there. It's
just like in this world. If a person is a criminal, he has done something wrong. Will he ever
willingly go to the prison? Never. He will never go willingly. But doesn't mean he should not be
sent to the prison just because he's being forced. No he should
00:30:00 --> 00:30:38
			Besides because he's guilty. Similarly, nobody would want to enter hellfire, but just because they
don't want to enter doesn't mean they will not be entered they will still be made to enter because
they are criminals they are guilty. This is why Allah says some of Babu Illa Allah now and the
punishment of the fire will be sell mostly what a terrible destination it is mislead is from Saudi
of mislead is a place where something ends up where something ends up so mislead destination, what a
terrible place of ending up. Imagine a person goes through the difficulties of this life. He lives
so long, going through one phase after the other, and then he dies. And then he's in the grave. And
00:30:38 --> 00:31:17
			then on the day of judgment, such a long day of judgment and eventually where does he end up in the
hellfire? What a terrible place to end up at. Imagine if you're traveling across the continents. And
it's a very long journey. Imagine you have multiple stopovers and every stopover you have to stay
over there for hours and hours. What keeps you going? That finally the end is good. And when you
read you're good and whatever difficulty that you have suffered in that entire journey. You forget
about that difficulty? Yes. You wonder was it worth it? You say yes. But if a person ends up in a
terrible destination than what bits and mislead a person goes through entire life the day of
00:31:17 --> 00:31:27
			judgment the birds up and where does he end up in hellfire a bit sad mislead recitation? Well in
Bala EBO he did.
00:31:28 --> 00:31:30
			Better than me.
00:31:40 --> 00:31:44
			All our women Cathar off that little met.
00:31:48 --> 00:31:49
00:31:51 --> 00:31:53
			Inner Being
00:31:56 --> 00:32:00
			will be mostly.
00:32:01 --> 00:32:42
			So what have we learned in this verse? That in this world, every person enjoys whether he's a
believer or a disbeliever because Ibrahim Hassan made dua that was Allahu Minas Emirati man and a
man whom Billa he will yo Mala can only give to the believers. But Allah says, I will also give to
woman kufra for all material who kalila and for a short while, and a little enjoyment, but then
eventually there is punishment. In this world, everybody enjoys. Just because somebody is having a
good time in this world doesn't mean they're good person, not necessarily because a righteous person
and a sinful person both enjoy the benefits of this world. But the Agora is only for who it is only
00:32:42 --> 00:33:26
			for those who are obedient to Allah. We learn in this verse, that no matter how righteous a person
may be, no matter what high level he has attained, still, he needs to make dua to Allah. Ibrahim
alayhis salam, he was made the Imam of all people but yet look at him, is he making dua? Is he
praying to Allah? Yes, he is. So no matter how wretched a person may think he has become, he still
needs to make dua to Allah. He still needs to humble himself before Allah. This is why we see that
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did he make Torah? Of course he did. Have you seen that book, which
has a collection of Miss noon duras so many there are. Where does it show how much do art the
00:33:26 --> 00:34:07
			Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to make. For example, before the Battle of blood, how he stood in
prayer for so long that his shawl fell, and Abu Bakr was wishing the prophets of Allah Azza would
stop now. But he kept making dua, he kept making Dora. So we all need to make dua to Allah. Then we
also learn in this idea that we need to make girl in order to get what we want. A person might say,
I don't need to make dua because whatever Allah has decreed for me, it will happen and whatever
Allah has not decreed for me, it will never happen. Think about it, is that logical? You say that
yes, I am preparing for the test. If Allah has decreed that I should pass the test I will pass and
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			if Allah has decreed that I should fail the test, I will fail. So why bother making dua? Have you
ever felt like that? Have you ever thought of this that I don't want to make the rod because you
know, Allah has maybe he has destined something else for me, or whatever he is destined is going to
come to me anyway? What's the answer to that? Do I can alter change destiny You can also change
fate. Dua is a means of getting to what Allah has decreed for you. There are is a means of getting
to what Allah has decreed for you. The House of Allah, Ibrahim and Islam pray that Allah make it
safe, and Allah did make it safe. He made there are and Allah did make it safe. If Dora did not have
00:34:49 --> 00:34:59
			any effect than Allah would never ask us to do dua, because it would be useless act. If it did not
have any effect. If it did not have any consequences. Allah would not ask us to make Torah
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			But if Allah has asked us to make the right choice that does have an effect, this is just like a
person says, I'm not going to eat. If Allah wants that I should stay alive, I will live even if I'm
the most hungriest person in this world. And if Allah wants me to die, then I will die even if my
stomach is full to my mouth, okay, don't eat and what's going to happen? The person will die
eventually, because what is the means of staying alive, eating. So eating is a step is a part of the
process to keep you alive. Similarly, dua is a part of the process of getting what Allah has already
destined for you. Dora is a part of the process of getting what Allah has already destined for you.
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			This is why make dua always make dua never think there's no need. Because if there was no need,
Allah would never tell us. And we see in the Quran, Allah has mentioned many stories of the people
of the past, that when they made dua, Allah accepted their Dora. When they prayed, Allah accepted
their prayers, and Allah responded to them. So their daughter was a means of getting to what they
wanted. This is a very important lesson that we must remember. Then we also learn in this verse
about the compassion that Ibrahim alayhis salam had for all believers. That how he made Doral for
all people who were to come and live in that city and all people who were to come and worship Allah
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			over there, because he's making the law that oh Allah make this place safe make this place a source
of risk, a place where people are given risk, don't let them go hungry. It shows how much compassion
he had for the rest of the believers and we should also have that. Then we also learn how much other
proper etiquette Ibrahim or s&m had, how quickly he learned lessons. Previously, we learned that
when Allah said that my promise is not for those who do wrong than when he made the right he said
only for the believers. But Allah subhanaw taala corrected him again, but it just shows how quickly
he learned. This is why Allah says what he did, but Allah Brahim or booboo can imagine further Mahan
00:37:06 --> 00:37:29
			any command any instruction, whether small or big that Allah gave him what was the attitude of
Brahim or the center. He accepted and obeyed promptly. And that's the same attitude that we should
also have many times we say Oh, not a big deal, not a big deal. No, it is a big deal because who is
telling you Allah is telling you and if Allah is telling you that that is definitely a big deal.
Let's listen to the recitation.
00:37:30 --> 00:37:44
			Yeah then he is more QUnit materiality and non duality, more money from one to Kumar
00:37:48 --> 00:37:49
			what double
00:37:50 --> 00:37:53
			Drizzy enough so none
00:38:01 --> 00:38:01
			foul ha
00:38:04 --> 00:38:10
			home your home was even better
00:38:19 --> 00:38:21
			done all
00:38:24 --> 00:38:25
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			all I want you to be at all
00:38:34 --> 00:38:38
			warning me What do
00:38:42 --> 00:38:42
			you want
00:38:46 --> 00:38:47
			me email
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			me is
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			here on BT
00:39:03 --> 00:39:07
			here on BT early on in
00:39:10 --> 00:39:11
00:39:13 --> 00:39:16
			Mod what a baller you belong here
00:39:21 --> 00:39:23
			zoom level means
00:39:24 --> 00:39:25
			team and
00:39:30 --> 00:39:33
			all our men cuts out off that little
00:39:34 --> 00:39:35
00:39:38 --> 00:39:41
00:39:42 --> 00:39:43
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			will be selling mostly