Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 016D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 109-112

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The history of Islam has changed with the arrival of Islam, including the use of Islam for personal political gain and the negative impact of sexualization. The importance of patient behavior and avoiding accusations of faulty behavior is emphasized. The need for evidence and patient behavior is emphasized, along with the importance of showing one's actions and words to receive reward and avoid distraction. The importance of self improvement and bringing oneself to thepp is emphasized.

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			Anything you'd like to say before we continue
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			that she's saying that somebody would ask her questions about you know if our religion says anything
about the dinosaurs, and they asked many questions and she tried to answer them but didn't really
get anywhere. If you think about it, yeah in the Quran and the Sunnah the word dinosaurs has not
been mentioned. But what do we know that Allah is the Creator and He can create anything and
everything he wants to? And we know that we're not the first creation, Allah Who created many things
before and he can create many things after us. So when we believe in Allah subhanaw taala is our
Haluk then it's okay. It doesn't matter whether dinosaurs were mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah are
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			not it doesn't matter let's continue number 109 What the cathedral mean allyl Kitabi many from the
People of the Book wish well the doll many from among the people of the book they desire they wish
they covered low yo dude come if only they could turn you back here we'll do an RA dial dial rod is
to turn something back. Read that apostasy that when a person was a Muslim and then he leaves Islam.
So to turn something back person was a Muslim you accepted Islam or he grew up as a Muslim and then
he leaves Islam to turn something back. So many of them desire that if they could only turn you back
men by the Imani come after your email and after your having believed go far on into disbelievers go
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			far as a poor enough Cafayate. They really want that you don't remain a Muslim anymore. They want
you to leave your Islam. They just wish if you were not Muslim, they wish there was nothing known as
Islam. They wish there was nothing such as Muslims they wish there was nothing such as the Quran
they wish there was nothing such as the shitty era This is how much they detest you Muslims is the
sandwich they test your religion. What the cathedral min al Kitab yo yo Duna ko member the monocle.
kufan we see that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam many, many people accepted Islam.
People who were Moshe Keane who worshipped idols. Now there were Muslims praying to Allah azza wa
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			jal only him and this was a big problem for who those who did not like Islam. For example, The you
that that time the Bani Israel who lived in Medina, they did not like Islam. They did not like the
Prophet salallahu Salam and they did not want anyone to be a Muslim even if you think about it,
someone who believes in Allah, someone who believes in Allah like the you who did at that time, they
believed in Allah they believed in the prophets, they believed in the Day of Judgment, they were
supposed to be the believers of their time until the prophets that Allah said them Kim, someone who
believes in Allah What is he wanted others should also believe in Allah. Now, the people who are
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			worshipping idols previously are now worshipping Allah alone. But look at their jealousy, look at
their envy, look at their hatred for Islam, that they don't want. Such people who are worshipping
idols previously to be worshipping Allah alone. They don't appreciate the good that they were doing
simply because they dislike Islam. What the cathedral mean original Kitab low you do not remember
the Manickam Kafala and this is what they want. They don't like you as Muslims, they don't like your
Islam. Allah says, what's the reason has seven out of jealousy has seen that and this hazard this
jealousy winner in the unforeseen it is from themselves it is from their hearts, it is from within
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			themselves. What is jealousy has said is to wish it is to desire that the blessing that the other
has is taken away from him that he no longer has it. If you find somebody having something that you
want, what should you desire, then okay Allah has given to him or Allah alto, please give it to him.
But if a person wishes that they should lose it, for example, they have really nice shoes you wish
that they are ruined. Somebody has a very good position at work and a person desires that they get
fired. A person has really good health and a person who wishes that may become sick. What is this?
Jealousy? What is jealousy that you wish that the person who has been given a narrow moat that namah
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			that blessing is taken away from them? They lose it? So likewise the adult Kitab they were envious
of the Muslims. What blessing were the Muslims given blessing of Islam our fate the last messenger
the last book after whom no messenger was gonna come after whom no Sharia was going to be revealed.
They were envious and they wanted that that blessing be taken away from them what the cathedral mean
al Kitab yo yo would do not come in by the mannequin Kufa Ron has other men are in the unfussy him.
And you know what this is not out of blindness Allah says when worthy after math evasion Allah who
will help after the truth has become clear to them. The beginner vejo known to become clear, after
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			the truth has become clear to them, meaning they know that he is a final messenger they know they
know the truth yardie fauna hokum ARD fauna have been our home mimbar the meta Jana the home will
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			So what should you do? If somebody doesn't like your Islam, they hate you for your religion, they
discriminate you because of your hijab because of your faith. So what should you do at that time? We
generally try to defend ourselves. What else do we do? We want them to be more jealous of us who
will show our blessing even more to them. We want everyone else to turn away from them. We want to
fight with them, we want to confront them. We want to argue them. For example, if somebody is
discriminating us, because of our age, if we say, yeah, you have a problem with my hijab, I don't
have a problem with your shorts. We try to argue, isn't it? We think that we should know the
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			sentences that we can belt at them, we can shoot towards them as they give us those glares for as
they argue with us. But you know what, this is not the solution. It's quite possible that they're
behaving that way because of ignorance. And if you react towards them harshly, you know what's going
to happen, they're going to turn away from Islam even more. Because many times such people behave in
this way out of ignorance. Over here in this IRA, we learned mimbar DeMatha you know, the home will
help the Jews at that time they were doing distinguished Akina that time they were praising the
buffet thought a lot of time despite the fact that the truth was clear to them. But today, mesdames
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			that happens. People are reacting based on their ignorance. What's the solution that Allah gives to
us far fall was for who forgive ignore, forget what they're doing. Just ignore them, just pardon
them, because they don't know any better. Or even if you fight with them, even if you argue with
them, it's gonna get you nowhere. So you just be patient, you forgive them, you ignore them, and
preserve your reward. Far for was for her. For our for is from arraign. Far well off. What does that
mean? It means to forgive someone and was sought for how soft also means to forgive someone. But
what's the difference between the two? Does anybody know? What they're awful means and what soft
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			means? The difference between the two
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			is to not punish somebody. And seven is to turn away to completely ignore the literal meaning of the
word are awful is to erase? What does it mean to wipe off? So if somebody has done something wrong,
but you wipe it off, what's going to happen? You're not going to yell back at them. You're not going
to fight with them, you're not going to argue with them. You're not going to confront them. What are
you going to do? You're going to not punish them for the wrongs that they have done. This is what RF
means. Docomo? Asada Arleigh them do not punish for the wrong that the other is doing? And soft,
soft for her soft. Are you familiar with the WhatsApp page, turn the page. Sorry, to turn away. In
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			other words, to not even make the other person feel bad about the wrong that they're doing, to
completely overlook to completely turn away or love from the wrongs that the other person is doing.
For example, you go somewhere, and you know that somebody's giving you those licks because of your
hijab, and you can just feel them. And as soon as you get to the desk of the cashiers in front of
you, and you're talking to them, and they're being referred to you being rude towards you. One way
is that you can say, Why are you being so upset? And the other is just ignore pretending that
nothing's happened. And if you ignore it, pretend as if nothing's happening, you're a smile at them.
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			You say thank you. You say please have a nice day. Bye. What's going to happen? What are they going
to think? Oh, she's a normal woman. Yeah, she speaks English. But if you start arguing, and you
confront them, what's going to happen? People are going to say yeah, and other Muslim fighting.
These people have no manners, they go to the cache and this is what the start doing. What's the
solution? Ignore forgive. Just ignore what the people are doing Mind Your Own Business far for was
for who Barden overlook mind your own business. Imagine the prophets are a lot of Saddam was in
Medina, the Muslims were in Medina and there comes a yahoodi man and he says Arina are foolish one
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			or stupid one. Idiot. This is what he saved the prophets of Allah. So imagine a letter of the law
and who was he? Someone who's very tough anybody did say at and that's the profit side of autism,
you will be ready to just finish them. Not a matter of law or and who alone many have have they had
great love for Islam. They had a sense of ownership. So if anybody did anything wrong, they wanted
to stand up for themselves. What does Allah say to them? Ignore don't say anything, don't fight with
them. Why? Because it's not going to get you anywhere. Hotter yet the Allahu be empty until Allah
brings about his command until Allah brings about his decision. And soon it happened. Initially, the
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			muscles were told to be patient and eventually what happened. They were told to fight against them.
They were told to take revenge and see if things happen when there was treachery when there was
betrayal when they
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			Hold up the media helps other people fight against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when they attempted
to kill the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when they insulted Muslim women, then revenge was taken from
them eventually had to lobby only until Allah commanded them. But until that time comes, what are we
supposed to do? Be patient and that is what the Muslims were told to do. farfel was for her had
diety Allah who be only in Allah Allah militia encoded and then why trust Allah, Allah is capable of
everything, he can change their hearts, He can make them understand you. He can change the entire
situation in Allah, Allah, Felicia encoded, so you behave properly. Why? To get the help of Allah?
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			Because if we become harsh and rude, and abusive, then we lose the help of Allah. Remember that
incident when that Bedouin man came, and he put his shawl on the neck of the Prophet salallahu
Salam, and he was trying to strangle him, and he was saying, Give me Give me the wealth, whatever he
was demanding, and similarly was being abusive. Prophet sallallahu sallam was patient, he was have a
bucket of the Learn, he was silent initially and then he stood up and he answered back, he stood up,
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam left, he left, and welcome to the Learn Jose, what happened? Oh,
Prophet, this man, he was being so abusive. I was silent until I was silent. You said nothing. As
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			soon as I spoke up, you left. What was the answer that was given, the chip on came and when shaytaan
comes that I don't stay there. When we become abusive, then the help of ALLAH does not come any more
than shape on comes over there. And when shaytaan comes over there, then measures will not improve,
they will only worsen.
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			As long as the person is silent, then Allah appoints an angel to take his side to speak up against
to protect him, but as soon as a person starts to charge in his hand and the hug of Allah goes away,
in these situations, it's imperative that we remain patient that we remember in Allah Allah, Felicia
included and remind yourself I am doing this for Allah, Allah will protect me. And Allah tells the
believers will Kamal salata and establish the salah, what is the Katha and give this a cat prayer
Salah gives a cow, meaning focus on what you're supposed to do focus on performing the obligations.
Typically what happens whenever we find out that somebody is being jealous of us or is trying to
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			harm us, we try to take revenge and we forget what we are supposed to do. What are we supposed to do
perform Salah gives us that we forget our obligations, and we get distracted by such fitness. Ignore
the fitna and focus on your applications. Well, thema, salata will add to the data, one or two
optimally and fusi, common Hidin and whatever you send ahead of good for yourselves, well not to cut
the motocaddy look after me at the myocardium with demons to send something forward to send
something ahead to advance. So whatever you send ahead, meaning in the hereafter li unphysical for
yourselves and forces the poor enough naps means I didn't have good being a good DD or do and you
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			send it ahead for the hereafter for yourselves that you do more in the law you will find it with
Allah that you do while gene than whatever it is to find something so any good deed you do its
reward you will find tomorrow. So don't miss out on doing good today. Because of the distractions
that other people create for you. Don't get diverted, don't get distracted, focus on the good
because you don't want to regret in the hereafter. Some people they waste their time they waste
their energy they exhaust their energy on what confronting other people worrying about what other
people are one way What should we do focus on ourselves some people constantly are focusing on other
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			people, this person has this fault they should not say this they should not do this, they should not
be like this. They should do that instead. What are we supposed to do? keep our eyes on ourselves.
And when we keep our eyes on ourselves, then we will focus on doing good. Well Kamal salata will act
as the cat woman to continually unphysical men Hanan that you do who are in the law, you will find
it with Allah. And notice how it has been said you will find it with Allah that you do who are in
the law. Obviously all reward comes from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala so what is being said you will
find it with Allah is not understood. First of all to show that whatever reward comes from Allah is
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			great because Allah is great, whatever comes from him is also going to be great that you do who are
in the love, like in the Salah, we make dua fulfill Lima fill Latin men are Indic that Oh ALLAH
forgive me, grant me forgiveness that comes from you. Because forgiveness that comes from Allah is
great. So first of all, to show that the reward is great, and secondly to show that the reward is
secure. It is preserved it's just waiting for you that you do we're in the law in the lobby met our
muddling of asleep. Indeed Allah is Seeing of whatever you do the math on my Luna Dharma Luna imeem
law, any action you do any real
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			action you show any word you say any way in which you behave, who is watching you, Allah is watching
you. You see, what are we supposed to do? Instead of looking at other people, we should be looking
at ourselves. Instead of working, trying to show the faults of other people we should be working on
improving ourselves. And this can only happen when we remember that Allah is watching us. If a
person ignores himself and looks at other people, Allah is watching him What a fool is looking like.
We should focus on ourselves. From the beginning of this lesson, this is what we see at the
beginning. What were the believers told that do not say Ryan O'Connell, do not change yourself. You
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			may talk about the faults of others, you may talk about the wrong things that other people do, but
it's not going to get you anywhere, nowhere. Change yourself, change your actions change your words,
that is what's going to benefit you. And then Allah says we'll call you and they say, layer the
whole agenda that you hold on the Nosara they would say that layer the whole agenda, yada yada,
there ha the whole the whole is to enter somewhere. They say that never will he enter paradise in
that except mankind or whoever is who then owner thorough, except the one who is either Jewish or
Christian. Who then is a ploy love her it? And Asara is a Florida Nasrani. So they would say that
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			none can enter Paradise, unless a person is either Jewish or he is Christian. Allah says Tilka
Amanda, Johan these are their wishes. These are their false hopes. Amani diploma, Omnia, these are
their false hopes this is not a reality. These are their false passions called say how to go Hannah,
come bring your evidence, how to is a combination of her and to have and to have is for alerting
somebody like we've seen Heather? How are you have so high is for alerting someone and
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			you are bringing Hamza so how to bring Hana calm your evidence by hand is from the root letters bow
Raha and it's used for an evidence of proof that is final. And that finishes the argument. So
basically, it is a final argument that remains undefeated.
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			Call her to Khurana come bring your evidence, you say that none will enter paradise except for the
one who is Jewish or Christian. What's your proof for that in quantum Saudi 18 if you are truthful,
so the thing is apply enough Saudi we see that many times people they have false assumptions, when
it comes to the matters of religion, false beliefs, for example, they will say no, you say the name
of Allah 700,000 times and then such and such will happen. You say yeah, for the 50,000 times and
such and such will happen. What's the evidence? Nothing. Many times people have false concepts,
false beliefs, false practices that they have based on what their Amani what should we say how to
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			better handle crime in quantum Saudi to bring your evidence if you are truthful? Because in the
matters of religion, we cannot invent things. We cannot make things up. We learned earlier that the
law belongs only to who Allah he decides he commands He prohibits. We are no one's to interfere in
that. Who will enter paradise Allah says Bella, instead men, a slimmer watcher, who the one who
submits his face. Islam has seen law mean, and remember the meaning of Islam. Muslim? What is it
used for? A camel that has completely surrendered to its master, a camel that has completely
surrendered to its master. So you can see the animal that is huge. The camel that is huge, and its
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			rope is in the hands of a person who is much smarter than him. Much lighter than him much weaker
than him. But the camel has surrendered completely to the master. So wherever the master takes him,
a camel goes, he doesn't object that is a good camel. And if he resists, if he stops, if he fights,
then is that a good camel? No. Who is Muslim? The one who is completely submissive to Allah subhanaw
taala. So the one who surrenders who completely submits what is his amid, watch her watch? While
Jima is the face of the person. What does it mean by this? He submits his face entirely. How can you
submit your face entirely? If you put your face down before someone? If you put your head down
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			before Allah, then what does it mean? That you are completely obedient to him? You're completely
showing your humility before Him. Wherever person only says that, yeah, I'm submissive. That doesn't
really show it until he puts his head down. And also the Think about it your face, what does it
have? Start from the top what's behind your forehead?
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			Your Brain, come down your eyes. What do your eyes do? See? Come down your mouth. What does your
mouth do? Speak? Speak what? What's in the heart? Go on the side, your ears. What do your ears do?
They listen. The one who has surrendered his face to Allah will think we'll decide what Allah likes.
We'll see what Allah approves off. We'll hear what Allah approves off. We'll say what Allah likes.
When asked Lama, where do you hold Allah Lehi, the one who submits his face to Allah when he submits
his entire being his entire self to Allah. So he doesn't listen to what Allah does not like he
doesn't say what Allah does not approve. He doesn't put in his head but Allah Allah like, No man,
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			Aslam, Elijah, who will Allah Whoa, more sin, one more quality. And he's also Mr. Sin. Who is more
sin, the one who makes his actions beautiful, the One Who beautifies his actions. So he's also Mr.
Sin, then this person, Allah says fella who are you who are in the rugby, so this person will have
his reward with Allah, a reward that is great and a reward that is secured whenever how often I lay
him Allah homier has unknown and such people they will not have any fear nor will they grieve. No
fear about the future. No grief over the past. With a hope and Orlean Willa home. Yes, I know. This
verse tells us who is going to join who is going to paradise. The one who focuses on other people
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			are the one who focuses on himself on improving himself. The one who is looking for the faults and
others are the one who is looking at his own faults, the one who is trying to forcibly change other
people or he's trying to change himself, the one who guards his eyes, the one who guards his ears,
the one who guards his mind, the one who guards his mouth, and he's careful, he's mindful of Allah,
and he also does your son that person is going to paradise. Such a person would have no fear and no
regret. And if a person listens to what Allah does not like says what Allah does not like, then will
he have regret? Will he have regrets? Of course he will, in this world and in the hereafter. You may
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			have experienced it. If you argued with someone. You said something nasty to them. At that time.
Yes, you felt very proud of yourself, but later how do you feel horrible? Later, you only have
regrets. If we want to be free of fear and regret, then we better SUBMIT ourselves entirely not
partially to Allah subhanaw taala that's listen to the recitation. What that Kathy
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			little kita
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			Kusa on Hassan
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			nine the
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			for stuff all day long and money in the long
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			Monday demons fall
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			warmer to the moon
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			the mall in Las
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			Vegas we walk on
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			do you look
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			at Bella
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			see no
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			don't be
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			don't be me you.
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			In all of these verses, we learn a very beautiful lesson. There are times of conflict. At times when
we are facing the hatred, the enmity, the harm, the injustice, the oppression, the abuse of other
people. We feel that we are the victim and other people are harming us. What are we supposed to do?
What's the solution that Allah gives to us? reform yourself, keep your eyes on yourself because the
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			more you look at other people, the more you highlight their faults, the more hurt you will be. The
more you recount the wrong things that they have done, the more sad we will feel. What are we
supposed to do? Look at ourselves, focus on the hereafter, focus on preserving your reward with
Allah. And Allah will give you satisfaction and contentment and peace. And if we keep thinking about
others, then neither will we be happy, nor will we let other people be happy. So the solution to
conflict is self improvement. That is the solution. That if you have your eyes on yourself, then you
will look at your faults and you will busy yourself in improving yourself. But this doesn't mean
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			that you become passive about the wrongs that other people are doing that you don't accept that
other people are being unjust. Of course, they are being unjust. Of course they are being unfair.
But you see there are some situations when you can stand up for yourself and there are other
situations when you cannot stand up for yourself. In Medina initially for Muslims, they could not
fight against the Bani Israel, there was no way there was no way they could do that. So at that
time, there were too far who was far out so that you can be satisfied at heart, but eventually they
could stand up for themselves. So Allah told them to do so. So every person situation is different.
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			Until that time comes when something can happen. What are you supposed to do? Be patient and focus
on yourself, forgive the faults of other people. And also, if you think about in these verses, we
are being told to focus on self improvement. When you focus on self improvement that makes you
happy. When you try to improve yourself, you feel confident you feel like a better person. For
example, if you want to improve your Salah and you memorize one surah you memorize another Surah I
don't remember anything wrong things about you, but what is going to bring you happiness. The fact
that you're memorizing the fact that you were doing something beneficial, the fact that you're doing
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			something productive. This is why Allah says we're famous for lateral actors, the Kawamata Kadima,
the unphysical, menghitung, 32, who are in the log, the list is endless. It's never ending. You can
do whatever you wanted to improve yourself. That is what will bring you confidence and happiness.
People will be the way they are you can't change them. Tell me Isn't it difficult to change
yourself? Of course, that how do you expect other people to change us because you're telling them
we're not going to so accept reality? Focus on yourself instead of others. Inshallah we will
conclude over here, subclinical long will be harmonica Nisha de la ilaha. illa Anta the stock we
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			will go into like Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh