Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 014D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 87-91
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the history and use of Islam as a means to achieve their goals and dreams. They share examples of how Islam has been applied to their lives, including the implementation of Islam's holy month as a timeframe for achieving Islam's status. The use of language and language is also discussed, including the use of "has been," to describe the beast's beast, and the use of honoring messengers as a means of protecting actions. The conversation also touches on the history of Islam, including its use of language and its potential for false accusations and false accusations to assert Islam's legitimacy. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a book and a video about a woman named Makkah.
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Let's continue what I call the entertainer Musa kita. And certainly we give to Musa alayhis salam, the book, which book was given to Musa Sinha, that a lot. Why was it given? Was there a need? It was a means of guidance for them. You know person might say why were they given the torah? Why were they given all of these obligations? You know, it only made life difficult for them. Just like a person might say, why was the Quran given? Why have we been commanded to pray five times a day? Why do we have to wear hijab? Why do we have to earn only halal? Why do we have to eat only Halal if all of these commands were not given life would be so much easier? People wonder like that, right? Why does
Allah subhanaw taala give us certain commands? Why? So that we're successful in the hereafter in this world? Because if we were allowed to follow our desires, do whatever we wanted, would we harm ourselves? Like for example, if we were allowed to kill whoever we wanted to who would be alive today?
If we were allowed to insult other people who would be safe today, if we were left to following our own desires, then we would harm ourselves. This is why Allah subhanaw taala gave us certain guidelines, that if we did not have this guidance, and we would have no purpose, no goal and human beings they crave purpose they need to have a goal. If any person is sitting idle at their home, useless, they feel so useless, they want to do something even if it means reading something or working for somebody else. People do not like to sit empty handed. When Allah subhanaw taala has given a certain command certain obligations this religion gives us a purpose. And Allah subhanaw
taala did not create us dislike that Allah questions as a for her Civitan and nama halacha Komaba were unknown Elena Leto Jerome, do you think that we created you in vain just out of play and that you will not return to us? No. We have been created for a purpose so we can fulfill that purpose. Allah subhanaw taala sent the guidance to Musa our listener he gave the total for who for the Bani Israel so that they could live by that guidance. What cofina And we sent in succession remember the he after him build muscle with the messengers of failure is from the root letters of farewell. And kung fu is used for the backbone. If you look at the backbone, the spine it's made of small small
bones, the vertebra and all of them are connected with each other as soon as one ends, the other follows over there. So, a finer is to send in succession. As soon as one goes, the other comes as soon as one leaves the other comes. So coffee now we sent in succession mimbar, the after him after who? After Musa Sudan but also with the messengers whistle is the plural of Rasul, Rasul one messenger Rasul messengers. What does it mean by this, that Musa Salam was given the book? The bunny is right you they lived by the book, when Musa alayhis salam died, Allah subhanaw taala sent another prophet to them so that they would have a book as well as a prophet. They would have a lot to follow
as well as a leader who would guide them and constantly Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers so that there was no time when Bani Israel had no messenger. No, always, always a messenger was present amongst them, guiding them, telling them what to do, telling them what not to do, showing them the way leading them through their difficulties. Walk a final member of the Hebrew so this was a huge favor of Allah subhanaw taala on the Bani Israel. They weren't just given a law, they were also given a leader to be present at all times. So for example, with us with the Muslim ummah, we haven't given the Quran and for the Sahaba who is the Prophet salallahu salam to lead them today what do we
have the Quran and we also have the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam preserved for us to show us what to do, what not to do, and how to do. But just imagine if there was a leader present at all times. As soon as one goes, the other comes one day as the other comes, wouldn't this be much easier? We have the sooner Allah subhanaw taala did not deprive us, however, read makes it much easier for a person to have a leader who was present. So this was a huge favor of the Bani Israel. It will offend everybody but wasn't one messenger after the other was sent to them. Can you think of some messengers who were sent to the Bani Israel after Musa Lisanna the courier Alyssa your hair
listener restarted Sudan was the last passenger sent to the Bani Israel before him. The Wilderness Anna so we want our listener so many messengers were sent to them. And then finally the last messenger sent to the Bani Israel was Who are you sorry listener. So Allah says what, Dana and we gave to her isa or Eastern escena ignem, Odium the son of Maria or ISA son
of Maria in the Quran is the same as always mentioned like this. He said the son of Maria why? Because he did not have a father. He only had a mother, sir isa ignore Maria and Allah subhanaw taala mentioned him in this way to show that he was not the son of Allah. No, he was the son of Maria, not the son of Allah. So we gave Teresa and Imodium Alba Hinata clear signs but you know the support of by Hina and by Jana is a clear evidence, something that is clear in itself, and it also proved something. So we gave him clear signs clear by unit. These were units were clear in themselves meaning obvious to people and at the same time, they also clarified the truthfulness of
Rhys Harless Salam in his claim of being a prophet of Allah. What were these clear evidences that were given to our listener? That was the miracle that he were given by Hinata refers to two things over here. First of all, Shari, and secondly, Coney. Shari meaning the book that he was given which book was given in jail.
And secondly, Kony, meaning miracles were given to him what miracles were given to him. He spoke as an infant, just imagine a baby talking. If a baby spoke out, you would say it, there's something special about this baby. So people knew from the very beginning that he was not an ordinary person. He was indeed the Messenger of Allah. So these signs that proved his prophethood what are the miracles were given to him, that a person who had died, he could give him life by the permission of Allah subpanel data, he could raise the dead, from the graves and also from outside of the graves, heal the sick, a person who was a leper or born blind, different diseases, he could heal them by the
permission of Allah subhanaw taala and the other miracle that he would make a bird out of clay and he would blow root into it, and it would fly, it would come alive with the permission of Allah subhanaw taala. So resign is Santa was given many miracles, and all of these miracles they were evidences of his prophethood of his truthfulness. So what are they Nerys of pneumonia, we'll begin so what does the unit refer to? First of all, shutter Eva Unit and secondly, Konya unit Cherryville unit or which one's the book that he was given the Injeel and secondly, Kony, meaning miracles were given to him. So what are they Nerys of pneumonia MALBA unity what a year donor who and we assisted
him we strengthened him Bureau Hill kudos with the pure Spirit A Year dinner Hamza? Yeah. A year that you are used to to eat is to help someone to assist someone was summer Bernina Herbie aid in the sky, we have constructed with strength. So a the strength power, how do you help someone with the power that you have meaning a loss of power to help resign a sinner gave him strength through who Bureau Hill are those with the pure Spirit raw spirit and this is from off del cine. You may have heard of the term a good way to look at this. What does it mean? Muscle oxides by tomoka does and what is alkaloids? Palestine it's the Pure Land and in it is the mask that is very sacred is the
place of worship of Allah subhanaw taala which is very sacred, very pure. Now the word it means to be pure. We have read earlier when no no sub bit will be handy Kawa, no cut this hula no odd this of that scene same route. So Rochelle goddess who is Rahel goddess what is the pure Spirit? This pure spirit refers to Gibreel the angel Jibreel and why is it that he was called Rural goddess in the Quran and the Sunnah. Do you think angels are pure? Yes, because they don't commit sin like we do. And especially Gibreel was called through her quarters because he brought we used to purify ourselves. He brought down at the command of Allah, the revelation, the books, and with those books
with that revelation we purify ourselves. What a year the Navajo Biru helpers Allah assisted recited Sudan withdrew her goddess at many occasions. Throughout your ERA surrounds life, he faced many difficulties, opposition from the Bani Israel, a lot of difficulties. And Gibreel is the one who assisted recited Sara continuously from the beginning till the end, just like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did, he faced many challenges. Of course, he did, for example, at the Battle of whether there were so many people against the Muslims who had come Muslims were only 300 And how many were the Michigan 1000. But in that battle, the angels also fought on the side of the Muslims against them
which they came. Similarly when the Prophet sallallaahu son was sitting once and Yahoo they decided to kill him. Angel Jibreel came and told him to move to leave immediately. So what a year now who would have called this Allah subhanaw taala *
Sorry Sorry listener through brutal produce through the angel Jibreel Why is he sorry listen, I mentioned here in particular, because he was a last messenger sent to the Bani Israel. First Musa al salaam then in the middle so many messengers and then restart listen. Allah says with the Bani Israel Alpha cool lemma did De Pere then Calama every time every single time Jouko he came to you, who came to you or suelen a messenger, every single time that a messenger came to you Bhima with that which Latha Hua and forsaken your soul did not desire letter who or how well yeah, however, is the desire of the soul. So every time a messenger brought to you something that you did not like,
every time a messenger brought to you something that you did not like, what was your reaction is stuck bottom, you became proud, calf Bara is about to be arrogant, meaning you refuse to obey the messenger, you refuse to listen to him. For example, Musa al salaam told the Bani Israel enter the city, Allah subhanaw taala is commanding you that you enter the city Yes, there will be hardship you have to fight the people but you have to enter what was their reaction? We're not going to go fight Musa you and your Lord go you fight you clear the way and then we will come is talk about you became so arrogant every time you were given a command that you did not want to follow you were so arrogant
you refuse to obey the messenger you acted so proudly is that bottom and as a result for for the icon so a group meaning a group of the messengers Cadabra to you denied you rejected you beleid Canada calf they're from Kevin what does it mean to lie? And cadaver is to declare something as a lie to declare something as a lie. If somebody tells you to do something and you say no, this is okay rejection refusal. But if a person says no what you're saying is wrong. Then this is absolute denial. Ahsoka debitum You did not just disobey the messengers, but you call the messengers liars, you refuse to even acknowledge them to be messengers, for example, resign as salam when he taught
them when he instructed them. What did they do? They refuse to believe in Him, the debitum They called him a liar. And this is why they help the Romans or they instigated the Romans to kill him. So let's talk about them for your conquerors who were for econ and a group of the messengers that are thrown you are killed. Dr. Ron after alarm cuttle they went to the extent of even killing some messengers Zachary Arneson, um, yeah, hairless and they killed them. Many other messengers they killed. Why? Just because they did not like previously we learned that whatever they liked off the Scripture, they followed whatever they did not like they left it. They believed in parts and they
rejected other parts over here. What do we see? If a messenger told them what they did not like? They were so arrogant that they denied the messengers and some other messengers they went to the extent of even killing them
for failure can cause Everton warfare you can talk to loan notice the words over here cadaver tone, this is past tense and Takata loan This is present and future. Because the bottom is past and talk soon is present. It's very muddled here.
Now, the bunny is trying to yesterday denied the messengers who came to them. But why is Dakota lune in present? You know why? Because at the time when this was revealed which messenger was amongst them, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and they tried to kill him several times, not just once, several times. So this killing messengers, this is still a habit amongst you.
A verse might say that, didn't they also reject the Prophet sallallahu sallam? Yes, they rejected Him but what is worse? Rejection are killing, killing because killing is a result of rejection. It's going a step further. So for for recon cadaver. Don't wait for recon. Dr. Arun, this is your attitude towards the truth. What you don't like you oppose or call you and the same in the Bani Israel coluna Hall. Our hearts are wrapped up. Palooza Florida called and golf. What does that mean? My whole world is the plural of Olaf, Olaf and Olaf line amfa is something that is in wrapped around which is a cover that is inside a case something that is inside a case something that is wrapped up.
So they said Our hearts are wolf meaning our hearts are covered up. So in other words what you say doesn't enter our hearts. They said this mockingly as an
excuse for not believing in the Prophet salatu salam. You know, if you tell somebody, all the evidences, the truth is made very clear to them yet they don't accept what's the reason? Because they don't want to. But as an excuse, what do people say? Like for example, they know they have to pray, but they don't want to pray. So what do they say? You know, Allah doesn't want to guide me. Or they say, I'm just an evil person and maybe I'm meant to Window fire. Maybe I'm not supposed to be a good person. This is what an excuse because when the truth is clear, and the person does not want to follow it, there's no reason. So he will come up with an excuse, blaming Allah subhanaw taala this
is exactly what the Bani Israel did that yes, we know the messenger is true, but we don't want to accept him. We don't like him why? Allah has wrapped up our hearts. The truth doesn't enter our hearts Hello Buddha hold. The word hold has also been understood as a whole of an Aleph is understood as Oh are you meaning containers vessels? So Kelowna halls, meaning our hearts are contained, meaning they're full of knowledge. Our hearts are already full. We don't need you. We don't need you. Oh, Muhammad Sallallahu said we don't need this Quran. We don't need to follow this. Like many times people say I'm very happy the way I am. I don't need to pray. I don't need to do
this. I don't need to do that. I'm very happy the way I am. So they have said this as an excuse. Illumina Allah. Allah says No, Allah never wrapped up their hearts. The reason why they're saying this the reason why they're doing this is well rather learner who Allah Allah has cursed them be covering him because of their disbelief. What does learner mean curse and curse learner is to be distanced from the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala to be distanced from the Mercy of Allah Subhan Allah Allahu Allahu buco free him rather Allah has cursed them because of their disbelief, disbelief and who in the messengers, but lanang Allah who be Kufri him for Kalina Umino. So how very little is
that they believe, for kalila Malka, Lila's little and when Mark comes it is emphasizing the littleness so how very little is that they believe me their email is so less that it's almost not there for Cadila may
or very few of them believe for kalila you mean on let's listen to the verses and then we'll go over the lessons
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Be good free barley.
We're seeing these verses that Allah subhanaw taala had sent many messengers to the Bani Israel to guide them constantly. And this was a special favorite that Allah bestowed on them. In South America. I have 44 inner Angelina Dorothea who don't want Oh, yeah. Como be Hannah Yuna Latina. Assalamu Lilla Lena heard who were Bernie Yuna. Well, how about that we reveal the Torah in which was guidance and also light. And the messengers, the prophets who were sent to the Bani Israel they used to judge according to it, they used to command the Bani Israel according to it. So there were many prophets that were sent to the Bani Israel after Musar Islam to constantly guide them.
Secondly, we learned these verses that the angels they are given many responsibilities and all of the tasks that are pointed to the angels is to assist to the messengers of Allah, to help the messengers of Allah who are here, the now who be to help others. Then we also are in these verses at some people, despite seeing the truth very clearly, they don't accept it. Why do they not accept it because of their pride, because of their arrogance? And what's the reason that they don't like it? And when they don't like it, they go to the extent of opposing the truth, opposing the people who tell them the truth, to the extent of even harming and killing them because of their own arrogance,
but who do they blame? Allah subhanaw taala they blame Allah Allah has not guided us, Allah doesn't want good for us. A person should take responsibility for his own crimes. Allah says but Allah, Allah be suffering. This is a result of their own Cofer. Allah has cursed them because of their own Cofer kalila. My own.
Let's continue. Well, Mr. Jia Anchieta born and when there has come to them a book, meaning now that a book has come to them which book is this
The Quran previously with the Torah with the messengers that were sent to them what was the reaction of great pride, believing parts of the book rejecting other parts of the book? And now that a book has come to them the Quran what is their reaction? That this book that has come to them it is from Allah and it is Musa Deacon it is one that confirms the truthfulness of what Lima Mara home for what is with them? What was with them? The Torah, the Injeel and the Quran confirms the Torah and the Injeel how that the Torah and the Injeel were also from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala so the Quran is Musa Calima amerihome and the Bani Israel eel before this Quran came to them, what was their state
that were Kano, and they were meaning they used to mean kabru Before Abu off Balamb What did they do? Yes, stuff the Hohner Allah Allah Dena Cafaro they were seeking victory against the disbelievers yesterday Hona is from fair her
fair the her for what does that mean? For her is to open grammar fair to her but fat also means to be successful to have victory conquest for Makkah, what does that refer to the conquest of Makkah, the victory over Makkah, so far is victory. And it's tough to hire stuff the hero is to seek victory to pray for victory. So the Bani Israel yield before the Quran came before the messenger came, what was their state, they used to seek victory meaning they used to ask Allah for victory against who Alladhina Cafaro against the disbelievers who are AlLadhina cafardo, the Mushrikeen of Arabia. I told you earlier, the three Jewish tribes resided in Medina, and they had problems within themselves
and they also had problems with the Arab tribes. They went to war with them. They made alliances with some tribes and they went to war against others. So there were issues and the Bani Israel they used to boast to the Mushrikeen that you know what our last messenger is going to come our savior is going to come very soon the time is near and when he comes, we're going to be victorious and then we're going to defeat all of you. Today we are the minority. Only a few of us left over here. Yes, you are the people of this land. You are the original people of this land and you are more in number. We are lesson number we are in minority but you know what, very soon our last messenger is
going to come and we're going to be victorious over all of you. What can human capital yesterday Hoonah Allah Latina Cafaro so who are AlLadhina cafardo The Moshe king of Arabia. So this is how they were before the Prophet saw a lot of sudden came. Allah says fella merger. So when it came to them, what came to them more often what they recognized awful, I ended off to recognize something. How would you recognize something by its clear signs? For example, if you have a pencil case and the person sitting next to you as the exact same pencil case or the exact same cell phone, how do you know which one is yours by its signs? For example, you know that on your phone? On the top right
corner there is a scratch. So when you look at the 214 Okay, this one is why to recognize something by its clear signs for the merger Houma or phobic then when it came to them, what came to them what they recognized very easily very clearly. The Quran, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because we know in the Quran, you are the foreigner who can I already foreigner Obinna, on the recognized him as well as recognize your own children Cafaro will be Furlanetto Allah He said the curse of Allah, Allah caffeine upon the disbelievers. Why did they not believe in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam? What was the reason? Despite having recognized them? Why did they not believe it
was pride? Just as previously if the messengers told them what they did not like what prevented them from following the messengers. Pride is stuck bottom.
Similarly, over here, pride came in that how can we believe in an army messenger? We were supposed to fight against these Arabs and defeat them. And now if we believe in an army Messenger, then we and them become the same.
You understand? Before they were boasting, looking down on the Arabs and now the messenger comes from the Arabs. They were arrogant again. Kaffir Ruby. This is why Allah says Allah Allah to Allah here al caffine just as previously their ancestors were cursed because of their comfort. Likewise these people also got curse because of their Cofer. Allah says bit summer how evil is that? Which Bitsa PESA means how bad how terrible How bad is what is total will be he and foster home this whole themselves for and for Splore enough naps and estado what's the route letters she
You know, yeah, they gave up themselves for what? For worldly advantage. So Allah says bit so much Toby and Fusa home how terrible it is that they have sold themselves for meaning they gave up their akhira. For what? For worldly benefits. How petty is that? How meager is that bit so much thought OB and foster home? And what is it that they're doing? When they're selling themselves when they're giving themselves? They're losing themselves? What is it that they're doing? How is it that they're doing it? A yuck photo that they're disbelieving, be mad and then Allah with what Allah has revealed? There disbelieving what Allah has revealed. Just imagine Allah has revealed something and
they don't accept it. What's the reason? billion out of rebellion Boolean bow line? Yeah, volume literally means to desire something. Yerba Hoonah doubly, what does it mean to desire? When a person desires something when he likes something? If another has it, how does he feel jealous? And if a person likes something, does he want to have it? Yes. Will he cross bounds? Will he commit transgression to get a hold of it many times? So this is why the word bully is also used for jealousy and it's also used for transgression, rebellion, so they disbelieved in the messenger in the Quran, despite having recognized out of what bullying out of jealousy. What was that jealousy?
What was the problem? Why did they have that jealousy? On that unit zero Allahu, that Allah has revealed min fogli he out of his bounty out of his special favor, or that my shirt will mean everybody upon whomever He wills from His servants, that Allah has sent down the Quran out of His Bounty fuggle is from the root letters fell dog lamb and what does it mean? A fever, a gift, an extra favorite that is given to someone. So Allah has revealed out of His Bounty, on who upon whom so ever He wills from His servants are you bad is a poor enough of all people are the servants of Allah. It doesn't matter which tribe a person belongs to which nation a person belongs to, which
country he comes from. It doesn't matter all are the servants of Allah. And Allah can choose whoever he wants for his special favor. What does this funnel refer to? This refers to the Quran, the special favor of the Quran. Allah can give it to whomsoever he wants. The bunny is you were no special people anymore. Previously, they were given privilege but now they had lost that privilege. So Allah could give the Quran to anybody and the Chozo Muhammad Sallallahu
DOKO Quran is indeed a funnel. This religion is indeed a great favor of Allah. Allah says in the Quran, there could be fogli Allah he will be Rama T for Bidadi cavallier. For who that say out of the bounty of Allah because of it and His mercy, they should be happy that Allah has given them the Quran, who will hide them in Maya Marone it is better than whatever they can gather in Surah Yunus ayah number 58. So the Quran this religion is truly a huge blessing. And Allah can give it to whomsoever he wants.
Just as the Bani Israel were ungrateful for whatever they were given, the advantages were taken away, it was given to who that favor was transferred to, to the nomination. I just read a story recently, this woman who was wearing her hijab, and she was wearing a niqab in fact, and she went to this grocery store and she was buying her stuff and this girl at the counter, you know, she was going through the cash for she got very upset with this to Joby girl. And she's like, you know, we have a lot of problems here because of you. You wear this hijab, this niqab and because of that we have so many problems if you want to show your religion if you want to prove your history, why don't
just go back to your country. And as girl who's talking is also a Muslim, but she's not wearing hijab nothing. So this Maccabi girl, she lifts up her veil, and she's a white woman with blue eyes. She goes, this is my country. And this is my Islam.
you when you came here, you left your Islam and you know what we took it from you.
The religion of Allah is a favor, Allah can give it to whomsoever he wants. If we think we are the only deserving people on this planet, then our pride will bring us down. Allah can take this fuggle and give it to somebody else. If we don't value this religion, this Quran, Allah can give it to somebody else. Look what happened to the Bani Israel. They thought they could do whatever they wanted. Allah took that privilege away from them, and he gave it to that rumination that unlettered nation. Allah can give his favorite whomsoever He wants a unit Allah him and fugly Allah Mejia shout when everybody to the Bani Israel Allah says Ferber will be holed up in a hot tub. So they returned
with anger upon anger battle battle Oh Hamza, it is to incur something to bring something upon oneself
To make oneself deserving of something, they returned with anger upon anger caught up is such anger that translates into punishment to because of their coffin, because of their pride because of their rejection. Allah subhanaw taala was angry on them will have been or they'll have a notice of an Allah although they did not just incur the anger of Allah upon themselves but also the anger off people. Allah was angry with them, and people were angry with them. They were punished and the suffered again and again and again. Repeatedly in this world, for that will be a lot of internal Hado will caffeine and for the disbelieve, resist or that bummer he'll a humiliating punishment
moodiness from the real letters how well known Hone, and what does he mean? To be small, so to be humiliated? Will caffeine or double Maheen for them as a humiliating punishment? If you think about it, punishment is itself very humiliating, but it humiliated them even further. In the hellfire, people will be humiliated, insulted when they will beg to be taken out. They'll be told if Sophia were allowed to call the moon to stay in there and don't even dare speak to Allah. Don't even dare make dua to Allah. When Allah called you you refuse now you don't call Allah so what is caffeine or dab them Mohit? Let's listen to the presentation while
he moves
fell out on Long Island fidi big Sam ash Toby
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movie what do these verses show to us? That a person should accept the truth when he sees it? Generally people what do they focus on who is saying it instead of what is being said the Bani Israel were doing the exact same thing. Instead of looking at what was being told to them, they said, Oh only messenger rejects.
We should look at the truth and not the person who's saying it. Accept it, judge the truth by the truth itself not by the person who is presenting it.
And if a person does not accept it, then he includes the anger of Allah the anger of people in this world and a humiliating punishment in the hereafter will either appeal Allah home aminu and when it is said to them believe me when it is said to the Bani Israel believe believe in what be my answer Allah in what Allah has revealed. When they're told believe in what Allah has revealed, what is it that Allah has revealed the Quran? What was their reaction? Carlu they said, Nope, me No, we only believe be my own Zilla in that which was revealed or Elena upon us. We only believe in what was given to us. Meaning we only believe in the scriptures that were sent to us to the Bani Israel to
us, not to me, not the unlettered people, not the Arabs. No, we believe in what was given to us. Yes, this Quran may be true. However, it's not meant for our sets for who the rest of the people. We we only follow what has been given to us. What does it show? Pride? Are you that special? That every time a special invitation has to be sent to you? Isn't it amazing? They would say no may not be well on zilara Lena we only believe in what has been sent to us where Karuna and Allah says they disbelieve Bhima in that which is what houbara well Raia beyond it meaning whatever is other than it so they reject the Quran? Well, whoever while it is Al Huck it is the truth. While the Quran is the
truth and it is most obvious it is one that confirms the truthfulness of Lima Mara home of what is wisdom. The Quran is the truth they know they should accept it, but yet they don't accept it, saying that we only believe in what has been sent to us. Allah says okay, if that is true that you only believe in what is sent to you call then you set them for Lima. Then why Lima? Lima is a combination of Li and Ma Li for Mao what meaning for what reason? In other words why
I for Lima so why Dakota Luna? You all kill Why did you kill? Gambia? Allah, the prophets of Allah. Umbria is a Florida newbie. A newbie is from the root letters known by Hamza from never what does that mean? News? And Nabhi is the one who gives very important news. So why did you kill the prophets? Ambia? Allah, the prophets of Allah Makapuu before in quantum of meaning, if you were truly believers, if you say that you are only required to believe in what has been sent to you, then why is it that you killed the messengers who were sent to you? If you were believers in them? You say you believe in what was sent to you know, you didn't believe in that? Because if you did, then
you would not have killed the messengers that were sent to you. How is it that a person claimed to believe in the messenger and also kill him at the same time? No, this is not belief. So in other words, their excuse is being rejected over here. You say you only believe in what has been sent to you? No, you never did that. So this is just a mere excuse. And this excuse is not acceptable at all. What do we learn in this verse? That As believers, we are required to accept the truth? We are required to accept the truth, even if it comes from those who are other than us. Sometimes it happens that a person clings to his mother of his school of thought that, for example, they will
say, you know, I've been raised as a Hanafi. I've been raised a Shafi. So we're Hanafy This is why we pray in this way. You know, my mother taught me my teacher taught me this is what we do. Yeah, I know the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam says that you're supposed to pray differently, but you know, this is what we were taught. So you know, we will stick to our ways, and we're not going to follow anybody else. Know, when it comes to the deen, what are we to look at? The truth? And we're supposed to accept it. We cannot say, since this is not from my school of thought, since this is not from my teacher, since this is not from my mother, I will not accept it. No, we should not be
this rigid.
Because at the end of the day, we have been told to follow the deen and not a particular school of thought, tell me which mother did the Sahaba follow? What was their religion? The religion that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told them? Who was their Imam who was their leader, the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So for us also, our email is who Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, but ever he commanded us wherever he told us where to accept it. Our Imam should not be the people who came after him, it should be who? Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam because this was a problem in the Bani Israel. They were very proud of themselves of the group that they belong to. And this is why they look down on others.
If anything comes from them, we're not going to accept it if something comes from ourselves, we will take it but this is also a lie, because I never did that. Recitation will either be
on all or no mean aubema.
Foreigner all
give me one line lessons that you learned the harmful effects of pride that even in this dunya a person is humiliated, he is disgraced. That we should have respect for other people's property as well as their lives as well as their honor. We should not abuse the blessings that are given to us we should not become proud of them because they can be taken away from us. That whatever you gain in this dunya will not be helpful in the hereafter. worldly things cannot benefit us in the hereafter that we should support one another instead of going against each other. Just because we disagree with one another doesn't mean we kill one another.
picking and choosing from the religion is equivalent to following your own desires. And this is something that we should avoid. Because of a person is picking and choosing in reality he's following his desire. He's not following the religion. Stop making excuses for not following the truth. Just do it. Don't kill yourselves meaning all of yourselves. Accept the truth even if it's coming from the mouth of the person whom you don't like. Because sometimes if somebody younger than us, tells us something we don't want to hear it. Inshallah we'll conclude over here Subhanak Allahumma we have the Kenisha de la ilaha illa Anta Mustafa
going to be like I said I'm ready for life