Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 009B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 40

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding Islam's teaching and its impact on the world. They touch on the actions of Jesus and the spread of messages through media, including the implementation of Islam as a Christian religion and the spread of messages through media. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from past experiences and not committing mistakes. They also discuss the history of the word "brahams and the importance of fulfilling God's promises, not letting fear and fear control who we are."

AI: Summary ©

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			Okay, are the mundaneness Shivani rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim at the very beginning of the
Quran, we learned about two ways, the way that leads to Allah subhanaw taala. This measure sauropod
Medina and I'm Darla him and the other way, which is of those who don't attain Allah subhanaw taala
is pleasure, whether they are muddled or they are a baleen. So it has been clearly established at
the very beginning of the Quran, that there is only one way of guidance that there is one way that
is correct, that is right. And if we want to be those who are successful, ultimately Hoon in this
world and in the Hereafter, then we have to follow the way that Allah subhanaw taala has shown to us
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			and we have to leave all other ways, because all other ways there end is what failure loss in this
world as well as the hereafter, whether it is the way of Alladhina Cafaro or it is the way of the
moon African or it is the way of the fossil clean. There's only one right way and this fact has been
clearly established. And then Allah subhanaw taala invites all of mankind to his worship. Yeah, a
uns, or boo are back home. worship your Lord. Why worship your Lord because that is the purpose of
your creation, as it was illustrated by the story of Adam and his salaam as well. In the following I
add we will study about the Bani Israel eel. The following verses are addressed to the Bani Israel
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			eel and Allah subhanaw taala is specially inviting them to the worship of Allah to following the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In the previous ayat we have learned about two things. One,
the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada that Allah alone deserves worship. And secondly, believe in the
messenger SallAllahu wasallam and following Him as well following the Quran. So after inviting the
entire mankind, Allah subhanaw taala especially invites to the Bani Israel to his worship and to
believe in the messenger SallAllahu wasallam. The question is, Who are these people who are Bani
Israel? And why is Allah inviting them calling them separately? Why is it so? The Bani Israel have
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			you heard of this term before? Are you somewhat familiar with it? The Bani Israel are the
descendants of the or QUB or the Acela? Who is your Kubernetes into the sun off is how are they
Cena? Who was the son of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam.
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			Remember, we learned at the end of the story of Adam release Allah that Allah subhanaw taala said
when he sent Adam and her workboats to this world, that for in my theatre company who the film and
TV are who they are, for now, hopefully I lay him well, I hope Yes or No. Allah subhanaw taala said
that he would send guidance, Allah would send guidance and what is that guidance, Revelation to
messengers, the books that Allah subhanaw taala sent. So Adam really salaam who was he, Abul Bashar
he was a father of mankind. And after him, Allah subhanaw taala sent many messengers to the people
of this world. Why? Because every now and then, people lost guidance, how they went astray. They
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			started worshipping idols, they started to forget what Allah subhanaw taala wanted from them, they
started to forget the purpose of their creation, the purpose of their lives. So this is why Allah
subhanaw taala sent many many messengers Amongst them were who knew early salaam you know, why know
her listen and was sent because the people started worshipping idols, knew how to Salam similarly,
Idris are they Salam, similarly, Jerry Burlison am who their listener all of these messengers were
sent. Why in order to guide people. And then finally Allah subhanaw taala all to send who Ibraheem
Alehissalaam after Ibrahim alayhi, salam, all of the messengers who came were from his descendants.
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			So you understand, Adam, Melissa after many messengers came, but then Ibrahim alayhis salam, after
him. All of the messengers came from WHO? His children his descendants.
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			Ibrahim, Hassan had two sons who were prophets, which ones
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			is my elearning is an app and is how are they Salam is my elearning son, who was he? He was the one
whom Ibrahim when Islam settled in Makkah in Arabia, with his mother, I remember the story when he
was a child, and he was thirsty, he was crying, and his mother was looking for water hijab and she
ran from Sofia tomorrow looking for water and then eventually she came back and she found a spring
was flowing from beneath the feet of Israeli Learning Center. So he was in Makkah, and he lived
there. He grew up over there he married over there and his children. They are known as you can say
the Arabs, not all of the Arabs, but you can say that his children were who? The Arabs they are
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			known as bunu Ismar. Eel the people of Arabia.
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			Which profits came from bunu Ismar you after Ismar elearning salaam, Norma
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			messenger came from the children of Ismar elearning salaam except for Muhammad Sallallahu. And he
came after 1000s of years 1000s of years. Now, on the other hand, was who is how are you Salam is
how Kurdistan, the son of Ibrahim Al Islam, the other son, where was he? He was in Palestine, and
his son Jacoba at his son Adam had 12 Sons of these 12 sons was also use of artisan now these 12
sons, they are who, originally Bani Israel because your covert Islam their father, his title was
Israel. His title was what Islam you say his sons the 12 sons, what were they known as Bani Israel?
But not just those 12 sons, their children and their children for generations and generations and
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			generations until today? In fact, who are they? Bani Israel?
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			Now the Bani Israel eel among them, which messengers came Musa alayhis salam that would early salaam
Sulaiman, Ernie Salam, Zachary RNA Salam, Isa Ali Salam, you're here any Salam, all of these
messengers were from WHO? The bunny is right you? So you see on one hand, Bunny is Mario which
profits game only one the last messenger on the other hand, the bunny is Surah eel how many
messengers game 1000s and 1000s it is said about 4000 messengers were sent to them. According to a
statement about 4000 messengers were sent to them. And this is why the Bani Israel eel were very,
very special people how that they were children of who prophets. Just imagine they were the children
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			of the prophets of Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala sent many messengers to them, he sent various
books to them. Musa al salaam, what did he bring the Torah, the wilderness and and what did he
bring? There's a boat, or a side hustle and what did he bring the Injeel. So imagine many books were
sent, many messengers were sent, and they were very special people, Allah subhanaw taala bestowed
many special favors upon them. When fit our own had enslaved all of them, Allah sent Musa al salaam
to free them, so that they would be saved Allah cause the entire sea to split in half. Isn't that
amazing? Does that happen today that the sea is split for people? We've never seen it, you cannot
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			even imagine it. Similarly, when they were in the desert without any food or water, Allah subhanaw
taala says man and Salwa upon them special food from the heavens, and there were many other
blessings that were given to them. But why? Why is it that Allah subhanaw taala chose them? Why is
it that he sent messengers from among them to them? Why is it that he sent so many books to them?
Why not some other people? What was so special about them? Why them because Allah gave them the
responsibility to convey the message to the rest of mankind as well. Allah chose them send
messengers to them, send books to them, why? So that they would follow the guidance and they would
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			also tell other people about it. But what did Bani Israel do? What they did was, they eventually
stopped following the guidance that was sent to them. They drifted away from the religion, and they
considered the deen to be exclusively for themselves, which is why they stopped telling the rest of
people to worship Allah subhanaw taala. You understand what they did? They were told to convey the
message. They kept it to themselves, and they thought very highly of themselves. We are chosen
people. We are special people. We are the children of the prophets. We have the books and the rest
of the people. They're illiterate. They know nothing. They're going to hellfire. And we are the best
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			of all. Do we think like that today? I think we do. Because it said that we think we are the best.
And we don't care about the rest of mankind. We don't care whether they're going to *, whether
they're going to suffer the punishment of the grave. Leave them just mind your own business. Be
proud of being a Muslim and don't care about the rest of the people. This is exactly what the Bani
Israel did.
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			So what did Allah subhanaw taala do? Then? He kept sending messengers again and again and again, to
remind them of their purpose to teach them but what did they do? Some messengers they denied other
messengers they killed and the final messenger that was sent to them from their lineage was who
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			the Bani Israel. What did they do to him? They tried to kill him. They tried to kill him. And then
that was it. No more messengers were sent from among them. No more books were sent specially to
them. For 600 years, the Bani Israel waited and waited, who's gonna be the final messenger for 600
years, no messenger was sent. And finally Allah subhanaw taala sent who Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
but not from Bani Israel. He was from who Bani Israel
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			they're ill.
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			They were taught to convey the message to the rest of mankind, they didn't do it. So Allah took that
responsibility away from them and he gave it to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and he was sent as a
messenger to all of mankind, which is why we see that today. Muslims are not just a one race. We
don't share the same lineage. No, we share the same faith, but our backgrounds are completely
different. But we see that the Bani Israel, the Jews, the Jewish people, what did they do? Who were
they they just shared their lineage and their faith, they did not tell any other people about it.
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			Now, who are the Christians? The Jews are who Bani Israel and who are the descendants of your covert
Islam? Who are the Christians? Where do they come from? There are those people who believed in every
Saracen recited Islam when he came those people who believed in him, what did they do? They did not
just keep the message to themselves but rather they spread the message to other people as well. Do
non bunny is slightly leads as well. You understand? Up until now the religion was limited to the
Bani Israel, the Jewish people, those who believed in eerie silence and under said no, it's not just
for us, it's for all of mankind, to the spread everywhere. So that is where the split came. There
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			were only the Jews. Now, there was a branch of the Christians the Jews continued in their own ways
rejecting recited sunnah. And then finally Allah subhanaw taala sent to Muhammad Sallallahu.
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			Now, the Jews and the Christians together, they are known as who? A Halal Kitab
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			what does it mean by Al Kitab? People of the Book? Why are they called people of the book? Because
Allah subhanaw taala send books to them. The Jews which book did they follow the Torah? The
Christians, which book did they follow in addition to the Torah, the NGO, right. On the other hand,
the Arabs they were known as Oh, Miyun here would only you means unlettered people, illiterate
people. Why were they known as unlettered people because they had no divine scripture? Until Allah
subhanaw taala sent the Quran for all of mankind.
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			I'm clarifying all of these terms for you because I'm going to use them a lot in the following
verses. Okay, in the next few lessons, we're going to be using these terms a lot. So I want you to
know the exact background the exact meaning. A quick review who are Bani Israel, descendants of Jaco
Burnie Salaam? In other words, they are the Jewish people. On the other hand, the Christians who are
they those who followed the service and who believed him and followed him together, the Jews and the
Christians, they're known as a hook it up? What was their responsibility? Why did Allah subhanaw
taala choose them, to follow the guidance and to also convey this message when they didn't do it,
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			than Allah took that responsibility away from them, and he gave it to the prophets, Allah, Allah
Islam, who performed that task in the best way. And after him who was responsible to convey this
message forward, all of the Muslims, including you and I, so keeping this background in mind, we are
going to study the following.
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			Now, in the following, I remember that many things are mentioned. First of all, the body is sorry,
you are being invited, being addressed directly. Allah is reminding them of the blessings that He
bestowed on them in the past. And at the same time, they're also reminded of the many crimes that
they committed. Why is it because the Quran is anti semitic, the Quran is against the Jewish people.
Is that so? That's not the reason. Think about it. How would you correct someone? If somebody is
making a mistake? How do you correct them, you make them understand about all the good that has been
done to them, you remind them and at the same time, you also make them realize about the wrongs that
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			they're committing. For example, if a child is not studying properly, the mother says, Look, I don't
ask you to do any housework, nothing at all. Yet, you don't study, I will pay for your feast. I will
cook anything for you, I will buy you anything. Just study. So we see that the mother is reminding
the child of the favors and at the same time reminding him off the mistakes that he's making, that
you didn't study then you didn't study then yet you didn't do this yet. You didn't do that. Why? Is
it because she hates the child? What's the reason to correct him? This is why Allah subhanaw taala
addresses the money is right in this way in the Quran. And also their mistakes, the mistakes of the
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			Bani Israel committed are preserved in the Quran. Why? For us to learn lessons from that when we
study these verses, we don't say oh, how corrupt were the Jewish people will look at them. Look at
the crimes that they committed look at how ungrateful they were. No, we will not study these verses
in this manner. We are going to study these verses keeping our eyes fixed on who? ourselves this is
what they did. Am I doing the same thing in any way? Am I making the same mistake? Am I being
ungrateful in the same way? So their crimes are preserved in the Quran? Why? So that we take a
lesson from them? We don't
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			To repeat those mistakes, we don't commit that
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			the Jewish people are, you can say, in a way a race as well. They are originally from the land of
Palestine originally, because jacobellis animals were in Palestine, and in order to be off them, you
have to be born amongst them. And if you convert, it's a very, very long process and it's very
complicated, but generally, it doesn't happen.
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			Inshallah many questions that you have will be clarified as we study
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			or the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Yeah, Benny Asad eel, or
children of Israel eel. Yeah, what is the Amin? Oh, this has helped me that just as we learned,
yeah, uh, Johan NAS, yeah, Bani Israel. Allah is calling them he is addressing them. The word bunny
is actually Bernina Bonnin. They're supposed to be a noon at the end. Okay in the original spellings
of the word, but the noon has been dropped. Why? Because bunny is being attached with a sloth you
those of you who are familiar with raffled off la those of you who don't know, think of it as if I
never said anything. Okay. So yeah, Bunny. Bunny is the plural of Eban and what does even mean, son,
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			and bent is daughter, Bernie sons, sons of who is straw eel, who is Israel? Israel eel was the
lockup, it was the title of who we are Cooper at his salon. And Israel eel is actually a Hebrew
word. It's not an Arabic word. It's actually a Hebrew word. And what does it mean? It has said that
it means our Abdullah, slave of Allah Israa gives a meaning of slave servant an eel is in place of
Allah. So it's raw eel, servant of Allah. It is an opinion. Okay? So it's like you who was he your
Kubernetes Salam, Bani Israel, you what does it mean sons off Yaqoob and Islam, but was it only men?
Was it only boys from his descendants? Obviously, there had to be some women otherwise I would the
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			generations continue. So why is money only used because we see that the word bunny is used to refer
to it Babila a nation, a tribe as well. For example, it is said by new asset by new asset does not
just refer to the males of that tribe, but rather the entire tribe. Allah subhanaw taala calls human
beings Yeah, Bunny Adam or sons of Adam doesn't mean only sons. No, it means children. Okay? So when
the term Bani is being used for a group of people, like a tribe or a nation, then who does it refer
to the men as well as the women amongst them? Because if you think about it, how does the lineage
continue through through the male through the Father? For example, whose last name do you get? Your
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			father's not your mother's? Okay? So yeah, Bani Israel eel, oh, children of Israel eel, who are
these when he is not you? It is referring to in the context, the Jews, as well as the Christians at
the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you might say, but we learned that Bani Israel is only
for Jews. But why Jews and Christians because at that time, while the Prophet sallallaahu Salam was
alive, and in Medina when the surah was revealed, who was present in Medina, only the Jews, only
Bani Israel are mentioned why because only the Jews were present in Medina. At the time when these
verses were revealed. There were three Jewish tribes residing in Medina, but in the lead been okay,
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			no car been Carozza these three tribes were residing in Medina. The question is why were they
residing in Medina, in Arabia when they were originally from Israel, Palestine, because they knew
that the final messenger was supposed to come. And according to the description that they had in
their books, he was to come in a place that is like Medina meaning the description that they had
found was exactly of the city of Medina. So this is why they went to Medina and settled over there
in hopes that the last messenger would come from among them, so they were expecting the final
messenger. So Allah says, Yeah, Bani Israel, oh, children of Israel, eel. Kuru near Mati, remember
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			my blessings, remember My favor, which favor allottee underlay comm which I bestowed upon you with
guru. Guru is from that calf raw, Vic. What does the mean? Mention? Like for example, we're doing
the chroma lots of Panatela what does that mean? You're mentioning his praise His glory. Okay, the
dimension, dimension something where? At the tongue or in the heart
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			But the word they could also means remember what was forgotten. Recall, bring to mind what you're
not thinking about. So you were not attentive of it before and vicar is to remember it, recall it,
think about it. So old guru near MIT, remember, bring to mind my fever near Matthias from noon, I
mean Nirma What does never mean? Blessing favor. So remember My favor. But remember that the word
near Ma, it appears to be singular. However, it's one of those words in the Arabic language that may
also give the meaning of plural in certain contexts. You have what? Singular? You have daphnia what
is destiny? I told you earlier, duel it refers to do you have jumper plural, and then you have an
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			innocent gents. What is it some gyms isn't gyms can be used for singular as well as plural. It's
like a generic word. It can be used for singular as well as plural, it appears to be singular, but
in some contexts is may give the meaning of plural. So neuroma T doesn't mean one blessing that
Allah gave to them. What does it mean? All of the blessings that were bestowed upon them. So
remember, my blessings, which I bestowed upon you allottee that which a neuron to an unto I blessed,
same route noon, I mean, I lay come upon you. What does it mean by this allottee and unto alaykum
meaning. It's the blessing that I gave, especially to you the blessings that I bestowed only on you,
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			and I did not give to anyone else but you blessings that were exclusively given to you. And allottee
and do I like meaning only Allah bestowed those favors upon them, they could not have gotten them
from anywhere else. Which blessings are these that were given to Bani Israel? These blessings are
many, many blessings. Numerous blessings were bestowed upon the Bani Israel. If you think about it,
we can categorize them in three ways. First of all, worldly blessings, worldly blessings, like for
example, wealth, Sulaiman or Islam. When he was the king, and the Prophet of Bani Israel. The many
Israelis were very wealthy, very wealthy. When the older Islam when he was looking again, they had a
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			lot, a lot of worldly blessings, wealth as well as kingship authority, that imagine the Prophet of
the time was not just a prophet, but he was a king. And imagine they had such a huge empire, such a
huge area in which they lived peacefully. And at the same time, they also had many, many conquests.
Secondly, after the worldly blessings, religious blessings, many prophets were sent to them, books
were sent to them. Allah subhanaw taala told them about the purpose of their life. Just imagine in
the past civilizations, nations, they have struggled to find out what the purpose of life is, they
have done one thing after the other trying to figure out why we are here what we're supposed to do.
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			And this is why so many philosophers came about and so many theories and so on and so forth. But
imagine the Bani Israel had it all along.
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			Isn't that a huge blessing? It's a huge blessing, the blessing of religion, the blessing of Eman.
Similarly, they were given one other type of blessing, which was the special favors that were
bestowed upon them just because they were the chosen people. For example, they were all enslaved by
their own. But Allah sent His Prophet to save them. They were in the desert hungry, thirsty, Allah
sent men and so upon them, so many blessings were bestowed upon them. We learned in total man either
I remember 20 Allah subhanaw taala says what is called a Musala call me he yeah cone with Kuru near
Matala. Here I lay comb Musala Sam said to his people, the Bani Israel that oh my people, remember
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			the favorites of Allah upon you is gyla Feeco Ambia when he made amongst you prophets, religious
blessing, what gyla ko Maluka and made you kings worldly blessing, what? To whom, and he gave you my
alarm. You had a mineral, Allah mean and he gave you what he did not give to anyone from the people
of the world, special blessings bestowed upon them, just because they were the chosen people. So
Allah subhanaw taala is telling them Obon Israel, remember My favorites upon you? Why is this being
said? Why would you tell somebody remember the favorite that I've done to you? Why, in order to
bring about feelings of gratitude in them in order to make them grateful? So Ogura near Mati, what
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			does it mean? Be
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			Be grateful for the blessings that I have given you. Remember them, remember the blessings, meaning
be grateful for them. And remember, remembering includes remembering it and once done, remembering
it in one's heart, and showing that you remember the blessings out by the actions that you perform
so through your lamps, because remembering the blessing is in fact, gratitude. So you express
gratitude how either at your tongue by saying Alhamdulillah or in your heart, when you're
overwhelmed with the feelings of gratitude, or through your limbs when you obey when you do what
you're supposed to. So we've got on EREMA, T allottee. And anti lay calm, I was taught only upon you
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			I did not give it to anyone else, but you only I gave them to you, you could never have attained
them yourselves and let the unarmed or lay calm and then Allah Allah says to them, what Oh fu
welfare, yeah, whatever, whatever it means to fulfill something, whether it is a promise or a term
that you have committed to it is to fulfill it to not give less do not fall short. So I will fool
all of you fulfill what should you fulfill barra de my covenant,
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			I inherit the covenant promise, which is made in order to fulfill in order to live by so oh phobia,
the fulfill my promise. And if you fulfill my promise and I took from you, then what will I do? Oh
feet, I shall fulfill goofy. Also from the same route wildfire. If you fulfill your promise, I will
fulfill Bira DICOM. With your promise you fulfill my promise I will fulfill your promise. In other
words, you do what you're supposed to do. And when you do that, I will do what I'm supposed to do.
Oh phobia it goofier article. The question is, what is this promise referring to? What is it that
the Bani Israel promised Allah they would do? And what is it that Allah promised Bani Israel that he
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			would do in return? We learned about it in through the ADA is number 12. Allah subhanaw taala tells
us that well according to the law, Mitaka Bani Israel, that certainly Allah took the covenant from
the Children of Israel eel, whereby Phnom in whom was near I shot on Akiva, and we raised among them
12 You can say leaders we appointed amongst them 12 leaders why in order to guide them, we'll call
Allah Who in the Marquam and Allah said I am with you, meaning my help is with you. I promise you my
help my assistance when on the condition that let in write this down a condor salata you establish
the prayer. Secondly, what datum was Zeca and you give this occur. Thirdly, what momentum Bureau
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			solely and that you believe in my messengers, fourthly, was up to move home and that you assist the
messengers and fifth will occur up to Mala called on Hasina and that you give to Allah a good loan
meaning you spend in the way of Allah. This was something that the Bani Israel were supposed to do,
pray, gives a cat believe in the messengers, support them spend in the way of Allah. So Allah is
reminding the Bani Israel fulfill your promise, you promised me that you are going to believe in my
messengers. So believe in who the final messenger that has come to you believe in who Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam believe in Him, follow Him and worship Allah in the way that he tells
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			you to. O fo, B or D. And if you fulfill your promise, I will fulfill mine off EBR DICOM. What was
the promise that Allah made in return with them? In the same way I made at number 12? Allah subhanaw
taala says Luca fear unknown comes so you can firstly that I will forgive for you, your sins, your
mistakes, any errors you make, I will forgive them. You pray, you give the cat you believe in the
messengers. You support them, you follow them you spend in the way of Allah and Allah will forgive
your sins because after all, we're human beings, isn't it? No matter how much good we try to do, we
fall short. So I will promise them that He will forgive them their sins. And secondly, while an
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			auditory learner can Jeannette integrity mentality * and hard and surely I will definitely admit
you into paradise. So five things they were supposed to do, and Allah subhanaw taala promised and do
things in return. What forgiveness and Paradise so Allah is reminding them fulfill your promise. Do
what you said you would do? What a yay for her bone. And only me? Yeah, remember the word a yaka.
yaka only you a year Yep, only me for her booni So you all should fear me. Notice the word for
Boonie. It's a combination of three words for so it'll help woo
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			Have you fear and then you see the noon at the end? It has a casserole under. Do you see the
Cassandra knee is actually me, meaning me. But the yeah has been removed. Why? Just to make it
easier for pronunciation so far her bony? So you all fear Me and who does me refer to? Allah
subhanaw taala the word it'll have always on the root letters that I heard about what, what? And
what does that mean? extreme fear should that will have such fear that makes a person anxious and
that makes a person careful as well. Such fear that makes a person anxious as well as careful. So he
becomes very careful about what he does. He becomes very attentive, very careful. So what he Yaya
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			forebode only fear me, meaning only fear Allah concerning what concerning the fulfillment of the
promise. In this IOCC three commands are being given to the Bani Israel. First of all, Allah tells
them, remember the blessings that are bestowed upon you. And this teaches us that what are we
supposed to do? Forget the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us? Should we? Should we take them
for granted? No. If they are told, remember the blessings. Then what are we supposed to do? Remember
the blessings as well? And just as the Bani Israel were given worldly blessings, religious
blessings? Are we not given the same? Think about it? The fact that you're a Muslim? Isn't that a
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			huge blessing? It's a huge, huge blessing. You know how valuable how precious Iman is. You know how
precious it is. On the Day of Judgment, if a person were to offer the entire Earth's fill of gold,
imagine the entire Earth made of gold and everything in it of gold as well. How much money is that?
You can't even comprehend it. If a person were to offer this much money on the Day of Judgment, so
that he is freed from the hellfire, it will not be accepted.
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			On the other hand, if a person comes with La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, He will be
admitted in paradise. Just imagine the weight of la ilaha illa. Allah is more than the entire Earth
Spin of gold. This is Iman, this is how valuable it is. This is how precious it is. And Allah gave
it to you, to many of us for free. We perhaps never even asked for it. We were born in a Muslim
family raised in a Muslim family. Ask those who were not born in a Muslim family, what struggles
they go through to find the truth, to accept it, to live it? We face no challenges. The only
challenge we face is perhaps ourselves. It's a huge blessing. So with Caronia Modi, we should not
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			forget this blessing. We should also remember the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us worldly
blessings, religious blessings, the blessing of Eman, the blessing of a healthy body, the blessing
of food, the blessing of safety, security, countless blessings. And we should remember that only
Allah has given them to us. If we tried anything in this world, we could not have obtained those
blessings unless Allah gave them to us. Because allottee and our own to our Lekha. And remembering
the blessings means what being grateful for them. Secondly, the bunny is trying to work commanded to
do what fulfill their promise, so that Allah will fulfill his promise with them. Similarly, we see
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			that Allah has commanded us with many things as well, hasn't he? Like, for example, as Muslims, we
are required to do certain things, we are required to stay away from certain things. This is exactly
what the religion is about. So do what you're supposed to do. And Allah will fulfill his promise,
which is a forgiveness, and reward and Paradise. What do we think, be a Muslim? Meaning to say that
I'm a Muslim, know that I'm a Muslim? And that's enough, I should be going to paradise. But what do
we learn, oh, phobia, you have to fulfill the promise. You have to live as a Muslim. Prove that you
are a Muslim. You're supposed to do what Allah commanded you. When you do that, then you get buried
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			as you don't get buried as just by your whims and desires and wishes and hopes. No, you have to do
something, oh phobia or the OVB article. And the third thing that's mentioned in this verse is the
third thing that the money isn't recommended to do is what the fear Ooh, Allah subhanaw taala. Why
fear only Allah? Because what's the challenge? What's the difficulty that we face in obeying Allah?
In fulfilling our promise with Allah? People? What are they going to say? Oh, they're never gonna
allow me to do this. They're never gonna let me do this. How can I do this in front of them? We are
afraid. But Allah says fear only me. When it comes to the religion. When it comes to the matters of
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			the Sharia. We're only to fear who Allah subhanaw taala
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			What a year for a baboon. Because in bottleshop, bigger Lesha did. The punishment of Allah is the
Greatest is very severe. On the Day of Judgment, law, use your coworker who had no one can give the
punishment like Allah gives. Meaning the punishment is the most severe there is nothing comparable,
nothing comparable. So this is why a year for HUBZone only fear me only fear Allah. Now, does this
mean we're not allowed to fear other things? Who fear spiders? Many people do. Doesn't mean you're
not allowed to fear spiders. You're not allowed to be afraid of the dark. You're not allowed to be
afraid of lizards and snakes and lions death. Is this what this ayah means? Ie if our baboon fear
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			only me and fear no one else. You see, people have fear which is natural. It's normal. It's natural
to fear, for example, a dog like your dogs. Anyway, similarly, snakes, and okay, anything that's
harmful for you. And this is natural. We learned about Musar listener, that when he was in front of
the magicians of fit our own, and magicians did through all of their sticks and ropes, and the turn
into snakes. Imagine you're standing in front of you 1000s and 1000s of snakes, wouldn't you freak
out? Of course. Musa alayhis salam we learn in the Quran for Odessa, Phoenix, Hiva, he felt fear in
his heart. The Prophet of Allah was afraid. Ibrahim I listen, I'm also was afraid when the angels
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			came to him in the form of people that he did not recognize. It's normal to have this fear. Which
kind of fear is wrong, the fear that prevents you from obeying Allah,
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			the fear that is more than your fear of Allah. Just as when it comes to loving Allah, we should love
Allah the most more than anything, anyone. Similarly when it comes to fearing Allah, who should fear
Allah the most? So what uh, yeah, I have I have own only fear me, meaning do what I have told you to
do. So basically, in this verse, the Bani Israel are being invited to do what if you summarize, if
you look at the message, what's the message of this verse, that they're being invited to believe in?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? And that's exactly what Allah subhanaw taala mentions very
clearly in the following verse.