Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 008C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 31-39

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the concept of "has been revealed" and the use of "has been revealed" in various ways. The importance of fearing one's behavior and expressing one's will in public is emphasized, as well as the use of "by the way" in religious practices and the need for the holy eye to be at the fore. The transcript also touches on the historical context of Islam, including the creation of "marissup timeline" and the use of "angels" as a base for the creation of Islam. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized, and the use of "has been revealed" in various ways is emphasized.

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			Now to prove to the angels that human beings have some good in them as well, that Allah has given
them freewill ability to learn ability to make choices and with that, they can also worship Allah.
So Allah subhanaw taala prove that to the angels how that were unlearned. And he taught who taught
Allah dodge Annamma your unlimitedly Marinela me is to teach to give knowledge, how gradually in
stages just as Nasrallah what is necessarily gradually sent down? I lemme gradually teach your
course thoroughly Malema. You're a libertarian into Aleem will Quran what is it? Gradually learning
the Quran step by step one after the other. So, I lemma he taught who taught Allah subhanaw taala
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			dot who?
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			Allah subhanaw taala taught Adam and his sunnah Adam, it is utter it's from the root Hamza dal meme
from the word ummah. And oatmeal is a color between pure white and dark. Like it's not very light,
it's not very dark, it's somewhere in the middle beige of white, you know that there are different
levels and if you think about it, human beings, this is how they are. It is also said that Adam is
Adeem Adeem is used for the surface of the Earth, the crust of the earth. So Adam and Hassan was
called Adam why because he was created from mud. So anyway, Allah subhanaw taala taught them earlier
salaam what Al USMA the names USMA is the plural of Islam, and what does this mean? Name? So he
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			taught him names Konoha all of it. He taught him all of the names, which names names of what things
it is that that refers to certain objects that were there and Allah subhanaw taala taught or the
medicine and the names of those things and what were these objects What were these things? These
were things necessary for human beings to live to survive what they are exactly Allah Allah we don't
know. So there were certain things and Allah Tala other medicine and the name of those things and we
think about it name of something names of things what does that make up language? So Allah Tada
Melissa language names of things. Some of them are all the whom he presented them out of the rain
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			well DoD he presented those things before who Island Mala ICA before the angels and then for kala he
said I'm the only you inform me I'm be Oh, never never is important news. Amaya alone or an in?
Never Ihlara leam never important great news, relevant news. Amber is to inform I'm the only you
inform me you tell me what BS may hurt will II with the names of these hula? Hula is a plural of
Heather. Heather means this and her hola ie these. So he said to the angels, you inform me. You tell
me the names of these things in quantum Saudi clean if you're truthful. So the cleaning supplies are
enough solder, solder cough, so to speak the truth. So if you're truthful in your claim that human
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			beings are going to cause bloodshed, they're going to create disorder on this earth. And if you
think that you know very well about the fate of these human beings and tell me the names of these
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			Why did Allah subhanaw taala do that? Why is he testing the angels in this way? To show to the
angels that you don't know everything. So you cannot say that human beings are going to be all evil.
Just as you don't know the names of these things. You don't know about the fate, the future of human
beings? Follow? They said, super Hannukah the response of the angels what was that? Subhanak
exalted? Are you perfect? Are you glorified? Are you? Why do the angels say that?
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			That Oh ALLAH perfect Are you you would never create something without a reason without some wisdom
behind it. That if you've created human beings, yes, we know that you created them for a just cause
you created them for some wisdom that you know Subhanak a glorified Are you and we do not object
rather we surrender. glorified? Are you learning Mallanna we have no knowledge in learner or lantana
except what you taught us. We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Imagine the angels
are saying this despite the fact that the angels are close to Allah. They say we have no knowledge
except what You have taught us can any human being claimed that he knows about everything that can
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			any human being claimed that he knows about what will happen to you in two years. What will happen
to you in a year who will you marry and when you will die. No human being can claim that if he
claims that he is a liar, because the angels who are very close to Allah What do they say? We do not
know except what You have taught us. And they say in NACA indeed you under you alone and I believe
you are the one who knows you are the All of us all knowing all of us are knowing about what about
the past the present the future, and you are al Hakim
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			You're the ones who was most wise. Hockey was from the letters haircalf mean from the word hikma and
ACHEMA means wisdom that there is some wisdom why you would create human beings. So super Hannukah
perfect Are you we do not object at this decision of yours and we know that there is a reason why
you did this. What do we learn in these verses? That we see that Allah subhanaw taala favors or them
or the Sunnah above the angels? How? By giving him knowledge, which he did not give to the angels?
What does it show that the one who has knowledge, his status is superior to the one who does not
have knowledge? That the one who has knowledge his level, his rank is superior? So Allah subhanaw
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			taala give knowledge to other medicine which he did not give to angels. Then we also learn this
verses about greatness of the angels how that when they confessed or when they surrendered before
Allah. They didn't give an explanation. They didn't argue they didn't say why are you asking us
because you never told us? They didn't say that to Allah subhanaw taala don't ask us because you
never informed us know, they immediately surrender Subhana lair in Milena in Atlanta I lived in in
Nikka Anthon or Lima Hakeem. So then Allah said to ya, oh, Adam, I'm back home. You tell them oh,
Adam, you inform them and I'm the same route as I'm the only new one bear Hamza. So Allah told Adam
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			to inform the angels have what? Be a smash him with their names? Because when the angels were asked,
they said, We don't know. So Allah told Adam or listen, I'm gonna You tell them the names of these
things for them at home. Then when he informed them when Adam informed the angel to be as mad at him
with their names. Then Paula, he said Allah subhanaw taala said lm a con Did I not say Allah did not
a call I say a call us from the root letters cough. Wow, lamb very good, same route as Callooh your
coluna peeler, Carla. He said, Allah Mercola calm Did I not tell you Did I not say to you that in
knee or alarm, or indeed I know, labor summer word, the unseen of the skies, while earth and the
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			earth did I not tell you that I know everything that is hidden in the heavens and the earth and the
sky is on the earth, meaning that Allah's knowledge is complete. Remember that the Word of Life
applies to anything that is hidden, that is hidden from our senses, hidden from the sense of human
beings. If you think about it, there are certain things, certain places, certain beings that are
hidden from us. And there are also certain times that are hidden from us, for example, the past is
it hidden from us? Can we see the past? Can you roll back in time and see what happened 20 years ago
at this place, you can't do that? Can you move to the future? You can't do that. So when Allah says
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			that I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth, what does it mean? I know everything that is
within the heavens and the earth and I know everything that ever happened in the past now in the
future, in the our level labor Samoa it will Earth and Allah says what are normal and I know
multiple Duna what you reveal to the donors from the root letters bad and while we do to reveal to
disclose something is from the word bad idea. And bad idea is used for desert. If you think about it
in a desert, everything is visible. There is no mountain there is no tree there is no building. It's
plain, it's flat, you can't hide anything. So Madam Luna, whatever you disclose whatever you reveal,
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			what are condemned and whatever you were duck to moon, you conceal that tomatoes from the root
letters gaff, the meme, Katana and Katana is too high to conceal something. So I know what you show
and what you don't show. I know what you say, and what you keep in your heart. I know what you
express and what you keep within your heart.
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			I know everything you can't hide anything from me.
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			So Allah subhanaw taala said in the animal labor summer worth you will also aroma to be Duna when I
come from Dr. Moon, what are the angels reveal? What did they express? That why would you create
someone who's going to cause bloodshed? And what did they hide? What did they conceal? That our
worship should be enough? Some things I said very directly and other things they implied. So Allah
says, I knew everything. You can't hide anything from me. So what do we learn in this verse? That
Allah subhanaw taala encompasses everything that knowledge, he knows the wisdom behind why something
is happening. Many things may happen in this world and we don't understand why. How could Allah
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			allow this to happen? But remember, there is a reason there is
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			some wisdom behind it. When we see injustice when we learn about injustice being done to little
children, innocent people, we wonder why is it happening? Remember, there is a wisdom.
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			Allah knows it's not hidden from him. It's not that he's ignorant about it. No, he knows very well.
And what we keep in our hearts, what do we express? He knows that too. So we should be careful about
what we keep in our hearts. And what we express. Sometimes, we say certain things and sometimes we
don't put remember that Allah knows about everything. One of the sisters from your class, she asked
me that in her school, they have this club in which you know, people go and basically they vent you
know, if they're holding a grudge holding some feelings inside and they want to let them out. So
they let them out. How do they let them out that they write them down in a journal, nobody reads
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			that journal, but they write it down.
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			Just because when you write it down, you feel kind of relieved. So he was asking me, Is it okay? I
said, Yeah. Because whatever you write is going to be written in your book of deeds. And Allah knows
about what you're writing as well. So be careful not to write anything that is wrong. Anything that
Allah would not like anything that Allah does not approve off. Some things we can do in secret,
other things we do in public. Some things we hide, something we don't hide, but remember, whether we
hide or we don't, who knows? Allah knows and we have learned earlier we're going back to him when
we're going back to him. We should fear him because he's going to hold us accountable. Okay. We will
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			listen to the recitation of these verses and then we will continue keep your juice or you must have
before you and follow along when you follow
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			in karate in Niger, fill up the hottie you
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			all owe
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			me you see duty. Why is because Dima our national lucid will be handy. Why national lucid be
Hobbesian deca, this will order in ni
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			B only BS Ma.
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			Shanky Paul
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			SMA on all the LM
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			ne ye Bas, do you want?
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			Do you want
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			to go do now?
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			To Moon
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			Did you notice how when Allah subhanaw taala told Adam or sunnah to inform the angels about the
names. He informed the angels immediately. Imagine if we are called we're invited to say something
before other people. What's our reaction? No. I don't want to I'm shy. But we don't see that. In
other words, he wasn't too shy, that prevented him from obeying Allah subhanaw taala what Allah
tells us something, then we have to be obedient immediately. And when we are told to share some
knowledge that we have with other people, then we should not feel shy over there because that
shyness is bad shyness. Remember, there's two types of shyness good shyness and bad shyness. Good
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			shyness is what makes you shy of doing something wrong. Bad shyness is what makes you shy of doing
something good. So other person did not have the Chinese he went immediately and he told the angels
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			let's continue. What is canal Mala? ICA this doo doo? And recall what does it mean with Kuru? I want
you to remember is this word, because it will come many, many times. Recall when this happened, what
that what is gone now when we said meaning ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said, By the way, called now, we
said, who does we refer to? Allah subhanaw taala. But don't we know that Allah subhanaw taala is one
way ahead ahead. So how compliant is being used for Allah Plourde is used for more than one. It's
out of respect, the royal we honor you see, in certain languages, Arabic is one of them, and I
believe we'll do is also one of them. That when you have to refer to someone with respect, even if
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			it's yourself, then you don't
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			Don't use the singular pronoun but rather use a plural pronoun. You don't say I but rather you say
we, you don't say you one person to the other you say you all why? Until respect to show the great
status of someone to show that they're very loyal to show their greatness. So many times the plural
is used for Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran why? For royalty? So anyway, what is canal Mala ICA
when we said to the angels meaning after either medicine was created, this incident happened that
Allah taught him the names and then he proved to the angels that you don't know everything. So the
angels accepted the decision of Allah very willingly which they were accepting before as well. So
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			after that, what happened Allah said to the angels was duly Adam, all of you prostrate to Adam, was
to do is from the letter seen gene that from the word such that sujood what the sujood mean
prostration it is to put your forehead on the ground, before the one whom you are honoring and
respecting. This is what sujood means. sujood does not mean record, what does record mean to just
bow down? Okay. So do this work to place one's forehead, on the ground in front of the one whom you
are showing respect to or love, adoration, etc. And Allah subhanaw taala has differentiated between
Racor and sujood. Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah Fatiha 29 There are home Hello Karen. So Jada
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			Can you see them bowing down as well as prostrating ROCOR sujood are mentioned separately. In
sweetheart Jaya 77. Allah says Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu your Kuru was doo doo doo Recor and do
sujood which shows that there is a difference between ROCOR bowing down and sujood prostrating the
angels prostrated before Adam, Allah subhanaw taala told them not just about down but to fully
humble themselves, but therefore head on the ground before Adam what is called an eyelid Mala
egotist, Julie Adam, but obviously, we know that the such the was not such the off worship, okay,
but rather it was such that to show respect to greet, it was a gesture of humility of salutation
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			exaltation. So what happened for Sasha do all of them frustrated, all the angels Prostrate and look
at the word fell for means so meaning the next immediate reaction of the angels was that they
frustrated Allah commanded them, and they're frustrated without question without delay. This is the
obedience of the angels to Allah subhanaw taala national Sabir behind this will help remember this
be prompt obedience prompt worship. In many cultures, people are required to bow down before others
even today, when you go up on a stage for example, you are required to bow down before others. Is
that permissible or not? Remember that it was practiced previously it was permissible for the people
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			before which is why we learned that use of Ernestina when he became the King when he was on his
throne with his parents. Everybody frustrated, right? It was permissible before but now it's not
allowed. The Prophet sallallahu explicitly told us that it's not permissible. So we're not allowed
to bow down or prostrate before others. Okay, such that Andrew core is exclusively for who? Allah
subhanaw taala question where the angels worshiping Adam medicina? No, they were not. Who are they
worshiping by making the such that Allah Subhana Allah
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			says that to another is not allowed. But over here they were prostrating to Adam or listener. But in
reality, it was an act of worship to Allah because it was done in obedience to Allah. Similarly, we
see that killing someone killing an innocent person, a father, can you just slaughter his child?
It's wrong. It's not allowed. It's a major sin. But when Allah told Ibrahim Al Islam slaughter your
son, was that a major sin then? No, it was an act of worship. So there could be something that is
forbidden otherwise, but if Allah told us to do it, then what is it an act of worship? same was the
case of the angels. So all of the angels, they're frustrated immediately, in their beliefs except
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			for a bliss,
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			a bliss, are you familiar with that name, you should be because he is very familiar with you.
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			It believes chief shaitan the leader of all Shailene the head Satan, from the root letters Balamb
seen some scholars say, an herbal OSA is to despair and Iblees has despaired completely of the Mercy
of Allah. If he wants he can repent, if he wants, he can seek forgiveness from Allah. When he does
not he as despaired of the Mercy of Allah. This is what he believes is
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			And he wants to same for us. He is our enemy. So in that he believes he believes refuse to prostrate
it either them or they said, Baba Why did he refuse? How did he refuse Allah says Abba Abba from
their letters Hamza? Yeah. And other is to refuse to do something to turn down a request or a
command, decline, reject refuse. Allah commanded prostrate. He said, No way. I'm not going to
outright refused.
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			And what's that Kabara is that well, a calf Bara kibble arrogance, to think of oneself as very great
and to think of others is very low. To reject the true thinking of oneself is very high belittling
other people. This is what arrogance is stuck. Pereira he became very proud. He thought too highly
of himself. He thought it did not be fit him to prostrate before Adam is stuck. Bara. He was
arrogant were Cana and he was middle caffeine of those who disbelieve what does it show to us?
Gopher? What is disbelief? disobey? Does the bliss not know who Allah is? Does he not accept the
fact that Allah is the Lord? Of course. But yet he refused to obey even that a scuffle? What kind of
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			menial caffeine? He was a dose of disbelief. What do we learn in this verse? The superiority of
other miRNAs sunnah over the angels, and by extension, the superiority of who the righteous and
knowledgeable servants of Allah above who, the angels, the jinn, the entire creation, or the
Renaissance had knowledge, Allah made all of the angels Prostrate to him, to declare that his level
was higher, his level was greater, he was more superior. And we see that even today, when a person
goes out in order to gain knowledge, you know, what the angels do? You know what they do? They lower
their wings. They lower their wings in humanity. Before who, the one who goes out seeking knowledge,
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			because Allah told the angels Prostrate to Adam, he has more knowledge than you respect him.
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			And this shows to us that if someone is a possessor of knowledge, then we should have respect for
them. And if somebody has even a little bit more knowledge than us, then we should show respect to
them. Unfortunately, what we do is we think, oh, this person, yeah, I know what she was before. I
used to know her back then. We grew up together, we're just best friends. And we belittle other
people. This is not right. The fact is that you're not just respecting that person. In fact, you are
respecting the knowledge that they possess. So the angels are made to prostrate to other medicina
matures his superiority of the angels because of the knowledge that he possessed. Then we also learn
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			that he believes he was there. He refused to prostrate to other Marisela when he refused to
prostrate to other words, that I'm one such that what was his fate? Gonna mean? Caffeine. Amazing.
He refused, he became a caffeine. Allah commands us that we should make such the to him, we should
pray for Allah. And if we refuse, Abba, we're stuck or if we refuse, then how can we think our fate
would be different than that of a bliss? A bliss refused one such though two other than Allah. Then
what would be the case of the one who refuses many many sujood to Allah subhanaw taala. One such
that he refused and look at where he ended up, and we think it's okay to leave one Salah to leave
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			another Salah to miss one prayer to delay another one to neglect another one. What are we doing?
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			Think about it. Look at where IBLEES ended, because the refusal of one frustration, every
frustration is important, because if refused, if ignored, if not done, it can be very, very
detrimental. It can make a person a loser in this world and in the Hereafter. And you know, the
scholars have said that a person who does not pray, who does not pray even if he claims to be
Muslim, he's not a Muslim. Daddy Posada the one who abandons the salah deliberately, intentionally
willingly, consciously. He's committing an act of gopher.
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			There is something very serious but unfortunately we don't give much attention to it. We think it's
okay. It's not a big deal. It's a matter between me and my Lord. Yes, exactly. It's a matter between
you and your Lord and this is why you should prostrate to him. What did we learn about what the
Queen what is their quality? Up Munna, Salah. They established a Salah Because salah is the hack of
Allah, it's the rate of Allah, when Allah gives you 24 hours to
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			Live, to breathe to enjoy. Can you not make time for frustration before him? You have the energy to
walk up and down the stairs to run and to talk and to do so many things. But when it comes time to
pray, it's as though you have no life, no energy left in you. This is not fair. He created
everything in this earth for you. And you cannot take out five minutes for him. Are you really that
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			This is not right. We handicap ourselves. We give ourselves excuses. I'm too tired. I don't have the
energy. Really? Question yourself really? And ask yourself IBLEES rejected one. One Search there.
How can I reject
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			when the son of Adam prostrates to Allah IBLEES cries He weeps. He weeps he cries that look, I
refuse once after. And this is where I've ended up and he's doing one search that after the other
the human being and he is coming closer to Allah.
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			We are so greedy for our rights. I am a Canadian citizen. This is my right. I am a mother. This is
my right. I am an employee. This is my right. We know about all our rights, how much money we should
be getting from the government, how much ability we have to do something or not do something. We
fight for our rights, we will go get a lawyer defend us. But when it comes to the rights of Allah,
it says though they don't matter. That's not right. And we're now fic has double standards. A
believer does not have double standards. Now you may know or honeycomb had terrible, ugly, ugly you
may have Boolean FC what does that hotties show that a believer does not have double standards?
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			How can you be so selfish about your own rights and not be concerned about the rights of Allah?
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			So anyway, Iblees What did he do? Abba was stuck vara What can a menial caffeine? What else do we
learn from this that a bliss he has in Him? Many, many evil traits? Many, many evil qualities like
what? refusal to obey EBA so if a person refuses to obey who is imitating he believes that a person
says yeah, I know I'm supposed to but I'm not going to make me. This is what refusal to obey. And
secondly is stickball arrogance. IBLEES has arrogance. And if a person is arrogant towards
worshipping Allah, then whose footsteps is he following
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			a bliss? That's exactly what Satan wants you to do. Follow him so that you end up where he is going
into hellfire.
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			IBLEES has evil characteristics and we should not have them we should stay away from them,
especially those of refusal to obey and arrogance. A believer is not like that. Either our listener
he came up and he gave the names off the things to the angels, the angels, they immediately
frustrated. Then we also see that it believes he is off the caffeine so we learn about what Gopher
is go for is not just ignorance, what is it? Denial, even if it's based on knowledge?
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			Now question, Who is it bliss? Is he a fallen angel? Was he an Angel before and then he became evil?
No, it believes is a gene. Remember, there's one creation of Allah who are the angels and other
creation of Allah who are the jinn and other creation of Allah Horta, human beings, other many
different other creatures of Allah. The Jinn of the jinn is who he believes. Where do we learn this
from Allah subhanaw taala says words of God I 50 what you call L Mala equitas, Julie Adam Foster
Jeju Illa Iblees, Kana Meenal Genie, he was of the jinn.
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			It is that that is a jinn. But when Allah subhanaw taala commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam,
he was also given that command. Why? Because he was in the company of the angels. He was amongst the
angels. Why was he amongst the angels because he was apparently very righteous and very obedient,
very devout. Don't say if this person does not bring a bliss, this person has a belief no similar
traits that a person is following the footsteps of a bliss. Okay. So anyway, Iblees is a jinn and he
was in the company of the angels because of his apparent righteousness and obedience and worship.
However, this test clarified his reality. difficult situations they prove what you are, your insight
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			comes outside. Allah already knows what you hide inside. But in difficult situations, your insight
comes outside. So I believe it was very arrogant. We learned in southern Israel is 61 what it called
Nandlal Mala equitas, Julie Adam Mufasa. Jeju Illa. Belize call us to drymen Haluk the cleaner.
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			He said, Should I prostrate to something that you've created from clay? I'm not going to do that. In
another verse in total Arafa 12 We learn that
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			call it an Ohio man who halacha nema nerim wikiloc The human cleaning. I am better than him. You
created me from fire and you created him from mud. Fire is better than mud. I'm not going to
prostrate to him he refused.
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			Was it acceptable? There wasn't gonna be no caffeine. We see that there are two ways displayed
before us very clearly laid out before us the way of the angels and the way we police the angels.
They're also made to realize their anyway mistake when they said to Allah, that why would you create
someone who will create facade and cause bloodshed? What was their reaction when Allah subhanaw
taala proved to them Subhana Galera Malena in Loma Linda, humanity surrender, confession acceptance,
but she lon Oba what's the Quran, what kind of mineral caffeine after this, what happened? Allah
subhanaw taala he says what Khulna and we said, Yeah, Adam, Adam, asked, Can you let us go unseen
00:31:01 --> 00:31:16
			calf noon second, sukoon it literally means to become still and so go in is to have the structure
and quality Ozcan you live you dwell Muskan is home. Because Muskan second is where you live in
00:31:17 --> 00:32:10
			So Allah told Adam, that you live you dwell, and you was Oh dukkha and also your wife, you and your
wife, both of you live where Elgin Indigena in paradise, both of you live in paradise, who is the
wife of either Melissa Hawa, how would you write her work her? Her, not her her? Well, I live Hamza
Okay. However, so Allah subhanaw taala told both of them live in Jana with Jana is this doesn't mean
any garden or is it Jana to hold? The knuckle hold that and of eternity? Where are the Melissa and
his wife were made to stay? Question. If a person enters genital hold, what do we learn he will
never come out of it. Called enough IAVA. They will abide they're in eternity. But we learned that
00:32:10 --> 00:32:14
			other many salamanders, his wife eventually they were taken out of Jana. So what happened there?
00:32:15 --> 00:32:42
			Because no one will leave Jana after the day of judgment. The one who enters Jana after the day of
judgment and they will never leave either an SLM in his wife they enter genuine before he when
people came to this world and they were there temporarily. Why did Allah subhanaw taala have them
there anyway to honor them to let them enjoy before they were sent to this dunya was gone and there
was a logical Jana
00:32:43 --> 00:33:09
			people say that oh other Melissa made a mistake. You know, if that didn't happen, all of us would
have been in Jana. You've heard that? Yeah, it's not true. Because Allah sent Adam and his wife into
Jana. For some time anyway. It was to honor them to respect them because what did we learn earlier
in Niger? I don't feel Irby Khalifa. He was supposed to go on the earth anyway. So he was in Ghana
for some time, temporarily just as a part of honoring him
00:33:10 --> 00:33:48
			Wakulla and both of you eat cola cola is from their letters Hamza kefla. Apple and Apple is to eat
cooler this is a command you to eat Why is it YouTube because of the olive fatty and daphnia both of
you eat men have from it meaning from Jana, how laden freely abundantly Raha from the letters ra
Elaine de And Robert is that which is easy perfuse in abundant quantity and that which is also easy
for you to get. So there's a lot of quantity, it's plenty and at the same time, very accessible and
also very very enjoyable.
00:33:49 --> 00:34:16
			Eat freely in general eat whatever you want, without any restrictions without any limitations
without any difficulty. You know, sometimes you're eating something but it's difficult to eat it
you're eating something and later on you suffer the consequences that occur then. And Ito Hazel from
wherever she toma both of you will meaning anytime anyplace anything you want to eat go ahead eat
it. You don't have any restrictions any place anytime.
00:34:17 --> 00:34:59
			This is Jenna haters it DOMA however they were told to allow the Kaurava but do not even go near the
crowbar cough rubber curb curb is to be near leather Kaurava don't go near at all. And notice the
Elif at the end that near both of you don't go near her the shutter this one tree. The tree was
specifically pointed out to them. This very tree don't even go near it. Which tree was at Apple tree
we don't know. It was a tree of Jannah Allahu Allah must be good. That's what we can imagine. So
anyway, the tree was pointed out this tree don't even go near it. Why? Because if you do for the
corner, then both of you become an ally.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:44
			I mean of the wrongdoers, Lauren of law Lim and who is Lolly one who does little injustice when a
person disobeyed Allah who is harming himself but the coulomb in Allah mean? What do we learn here?
That first of all, how Allah subhanaw taala favorite Adam and how what? That he honored them, he
made them preside he made them dwell in Jamaica for some time, so that they could enjoy for some
time. Then we also see that Nikka marriage is an ancient practice. It's a natural practice. Allah
did not send them to Jana alone. He sent with them or they salah, his wife, however, because it's a
natural practice, it's an ancient practice. And we see that Allah subhanaw taala like this even for
00:35:44 --> 00:36:22
			his prophets, we learn instead of the large Ayah 38 wala Coda also now Rasul Allah made public our
John Allah Who as virgin, but totally Yeah, that Allah said many messengers, and he made for them
spouse, as well as children. They had wives and they had children, they were married. So what do we
learn? Marriage is a normal preferred practice. It's something that is liked. There is no
righteousness in not getting married. There is righteousness in getting married. This is what Allah
subhanaw taala likes as well. By the way, before we continue, where did her work come from? We
learned about the creation of other religion and where did she come from? That's not mentioned here.
00:36:23 --> 00:36:59
			We learn from the Hadith that Allah subhanaw taala created her work from Adam from his rib, what
does that show to us, that human beings are from one another? Allah subhanaw taala did not take one
soil and from that he made Adam and a different soil and from that he made her work so that there
will be one man species and one woman species. No, he made Adam and from Adam came, how, so that we
are together. There is no competition between men and women. But unfortunately, we think if I want
to be successful, I have to compete against the men.
00:37:00 --> 00:37:45
			So either Marissa from him, her work was created. This is where her work came from. Now another
lesson that we learn is that Allah subhanaw taala has made everything permissible for us except
certain things that he has prohibited, and the majority of the things are permissible, and only a
few are forbidden. The entire Jana either in a salon was told eat whatever whenever freely, no
restrictions, only one restriction, one tree, that's it one tree. Similarly, we see everything is
halal for us, only a few things are haram. And why is that? So? Because that's what a test is about?
The test of life is about. If there were no restrictions, then there would be no tests, there would
00:37:45 --> 00:38:03
			be no challenges. And we see that there are some things which are within our means within our
ability that Allah has forbidden on us why to test us. If we weren't able to do them, there would be
no test. But unfortunately, we look at Islam as Oh, everything is forbidden, except for such and
such. It's actually the other way around.
00:38:04 --> 00:38:32
			And we do present Islam like this as well. And we tell our children Oh, only this this this this,
this is halal. Everything else is haram. And the children become like, you know, this is not fair.
This is no fun. There's a story of once when a little girl she was with her parents in an awesome
country, and whenever they would go for groceries, she would want to buy something which would be
sometimes how long? So she began asking about everything is this how is this Hannah? said once you
picked up an apple is this Hello.
00:38:35 --> 00:39:06
			Anyway, we also learn in this idea that with regard to the tree, what Allah subhanaw taala say,
don't even go near the tree. Stay away from it. Don't even go close to it. Why? Because if you go
close to it, you're going to be tempted. You're going to be tempted. This is why wrong things don't
even go close to them. Get them out of your life. Get rid of them completely. Because if you even go
close if you even go near eventually you're going to do it. Well at Aqaba the Chateau Rockfort
Hakuna Minato Alamy.
00:39:07 --> 00:39:54
			Further Lahoma shaitan as Allah as a legendary letter zylab lambs lol in general is to slip to
commit an error and as Allah is to make someone else commit an error. So shaitan made them both
commit an error for as Allahumma Shavon. Who and Huma what does that mean both Adam and Hawa Who do
people generally blame her well, the Chi caused them to eat of the forbidden tree, but what do we
learn? A bliss deceived both of them. He caused both of them to slip on her from it meaning from
paradise for Roger Houma, and then he got them both out Accra. Jehan rajim. Cluj we have done this
word earlier mimma from that which Karna both of them were fee in at Cana is the dual of Ghana. So
00:39:55 --> 00:39:59
			both of them they were in Jana in so many blessings they were enjoying and shaitan Oh,
00:40:00 --> 00:40:46
			viously he hated that. He became a caffeine his reality was exposed because of Adam. Adam, he was
made superior to a bliss at least did not like Adam at all. He wanted him to get out of Jannah so
this is why he made them disobey Allah as Aloma shaytaan or unhealthy. Raja whom I mean Makana fi,
woke call, and we said meaning Allah subhanaw taala said it beautiful. All of you can tell. It'd be
through her Bell, who boop and who is to go down. Allah said all of you get down all of you. Why all
of you, it's referring to who Adam Hawa as well as Iblees. So a beautiful all of you get down.
Meaning from Jana down to the earth, Baroda calm some of you bout from the root letters but are in
00:40:46 --> 00:41:23
			the same root as the word Baroda. So Barbu calm some of you labor are then for others or do one
enemy, get down from Jana, go to the earth and some of you are going to be enemies to the other.
Who's going to be enemy to who it believes is the enemy of man, both man and woman. And Allah
subhanaw taala explicitly mentioned that in the Quran in surah, chapter six in the shape on the
Komodo one shaytaan is an enemy to use a take him as an enemy, treat him as an enemy. Don't think of
him as your friend. So don't listen to him. Don't get deceived by him. So borrow the company borrow
them, or do
00:41:24 --> 00:42:02
			what is it show to us. That other one is Salam and Hawa they were in Jannah and by this incident
that happened, it was made very clear to them who their enemy was. This is perhaps one of the wisdom
as to why Allah placed Adam in Jannah for some time shaytaan caused him to commit an error as a
result of blessings were taken away they were sent to dunya imagine if you suffer loss because of
someone do you hate them? Yes. If somebody tells you to do something, and you end up suffering at
the end, what do you say I'm never going to listen ever. So when this happened when this incident
happened, or the Renison, and he knew he should better not listen to chiffon ever again.
00:42:03 --> 00:42:07
			He should be careful he should be on his guard. And we also need to be in the same way.
00:42:09 --> 00:42:53
			welcome Phil all the end for you in the earth. Get down to the earth and for you in the earth is Mr.
Calderon a place to stay? Was the cough cough rock Corolla Corolla is to become stable to settle
down somewhere. So most of the call a place to settle down. So in the earth you will settle in the
earth you will live while Mata on matar. Meantime find enjoyment in the earth you will enjoy until
when Isla Hainan until a time has been higher known meaning you will not stay and enjoy in this
world forever. But for some time, until your life is over. What do we learn in the cya the truth on
the thieves people just as he deceived our father either money center. How, by whispering to us by
00:42:53 --> 00:43:31
			telling us to do that which Allah does not like. We learn in total Aarav and in surah Taha about how
shaitan tempted Adam and Hawa to eat or the forbidden tree we learn for what's what's the delay you
shaytaan who shaytaan whisper to Adam Paula yeah Adam who he said oh Adam Hello De Luca, Allah
shadow to hold the one will kill Leia Bella, should I tell you about the tree of eternity, and a
kingdom that will never perish? Meaning if you eat of the fruit of this tree, he will never die? He
lied to Adam. We don't know about that. Some people say bliss came in the form of a snake. We don't
know about that. The Quran and Sunnah are silent about that, but we do know is the chatline whisper
00:43:31 --> 00:44:11
			to Adam and Hassan was was just as he whispers to us. And he said, Oh my God, if you eat up this
tree, you become eternal. You'll never die. You live here forever. Who doesn't want that? Everybody
wants that either, and instead of your standard to eat of it. So shaitan tempts us the same way he
tempted our father. Why? Because he wants us to disobey Allah so that we can earn his wrath. Then we
also learn that disobedience to Allah causes loss of blessings, downfall, our blessings are them and
how we're in Jannah when they disobeyed Allah, all those blessings were taken away from them. So if
we feel that some of our blessings have been taken away, reflect perhaps we did something to disobey
00:44:11 --> 00:44:28
			Allah, so seek forgiveness, repent to Him. Then we also see that human life is not possible except
on this earth because Allah says welcome Phil earthly Mr. Cullen, you're staying on this earth.
Human life is not possible on moon, Saturn. It's not possible anywhere else except for this earth.
00:44:29 --> 00:44:37
			And we also learn that human beings do not have eternity in this life. Because Allah says Ramadan in
our hands until the time not forever.
00:44:38 --> 00:44:59
			So what happened and further look call them so Adam received the Laqad lamb Coffea Luca, luckier to
meet literally means to meet and the Lucky is to receive how to receive something happily to receive
something to take something willingly, so tilaka Adam
00:45:00 --> 00:45:45
			Received he took willingly What did he take willingly mill rock behave from his Lord kalimat in
words kalimat as a Florida Kalama Kalama is what a word kefla meme a statement. So Adam received
very happily took very willingly from Allah certain words, which words, the words with which he
begged Allah for forgiveness, the words with which he asked Allah for pardon. And what are these
words? Do you know about the DUA that other money sunnah made to seek forgiveness? It's mentioned in
total Orloff. Rob Bunnell alumna and fusina Oh our Lord we have wronged ourselves what a lump off
Ilana and if you do not forgive us what are Hamner and have mercy on us then Hakuna nominal ha
00:45:45 --> 00:46:34
			serene then we will be of the losers. So these words Allah thought Adam Rene Salam, amazing, we make
a mistake. Allah gives us the ability to repent to Him. We make a mistake. Allah also teaches us how
to repent to Him for whatever or Li and then he turned to him and mercy. dabba from the letters that
Welbeck Toba literally means to return to go back, Roger and Toba with respect to a human being is
when he repents to Allah and Toba with respect to Allah subhanaw taala is when ALLAH turns in mercy
towards his servant. So over here, Deborah Lee Allah turned in mercy to them or the Sunnah. What
does it mean by that, that Allah accepted his repentance? He accepted his apology he forgave him for
00:46:34 --> 00:47:20
			taba LA. Why did Allah forgive Adam or in Islam? Did he not disobey Allah? Yes, he did. So why did
Allah forgive him? Because in who, indeed he heard the word love. He is the greatest acceptor of
repentance. And he's also overhanging the web from the root letter style well by the same root
letter as dabba and tell him where to work. There's emphasis in this word, it shows one Who accepts
repentance, for what for great sins even. And he accepts repentance again, and again and again, from
not just one person, but for many, many people think about it, how many people commit sin, how many
people repent to Allah, Allah accept, so repentance, he is the worship and he's Rahim. What do we
00:47:20 --> 00:48:02
			learn in this verse? The great favor of Allah subhanaw taala on our father, other one isn't and when
he inspired him as to how to even repent, how to even seek forgiveness. And then when he accepted
his repentance, and this is by extension, a favor on us as well. That the door of doba the door of
repentance is always open. Remember, no matter what you have done, no matter what sin no matter what
crime you have committed, you can always always turn to Allah, seeking His forgiveness, as long as
it is done before that, because Allah is the word. Remember the case of the person who committed 99
murders. And then he went on and killed another person. And then he was told to seek forgiveness.
00:48:03 --> 00:48:15
			And he was forgiven. He died on the way as he was traveling to another place that was a sober, he
felt guilty. He wanted to be clean, and in the way his death game and which angels took his soul,
the angels of mercy.
00:48:16 --> 00:48:56
			No matter what sin a person has committed, it doesn't matter. The door of Toba is always open
because Allah is the web. He is Rahim. And one of the best ways of seeking forgiveness is using the
words that Adam earnest and I'm used, because his apology was accepted. And these words were
inspired by Allah, Allah taught him how to seek forgiveness. And then we also learned that Allah
accepts repentance. Allah says in surah earlier Imran I 135 what many of you do know but Allah Allah
who can forgive sins but Allah meaning no one can pull now we said meaning Allah subhanaw taala set
it up to him in her, all of you get down from it. If you think about it, this was said earlier as
00:48:56 --> 00:49:21
			well. Get down from Jana and go to the earth wasn't it said earlier? Yes. So why is it being
repeated? To show that the forgiveness did not mean that they could stay in Jenna forever. Either
Melissa and her wife were forgiven, but that did not mean they were allowed to stay in Ghana
forever. No, they were meant to go down to the earth. So this assumption that people have if they
didn't make a mistake, we would be in Jannah it's wrong.
00:49:22 --> 00:49:59
			Because Allah set for the second time we chose that yes, they were forgiven. But still they were
supposed to go to the earth. So one Lambeth woman her Jumeirah, we said Get down from it altogether,
meaning all of you go down to the earth for ima. So whenever ima gives meaning off, whenever Yeah,
the when it comes to you? Yeah, the N Hamza? Yeah. At a tea to come. So whenever it comes to you,
what comes to you, mainly from me Hoda guidance whenever guidance comes to you from me. How does
Allah send guidance to mankind by sending messengers revelation books
00:50:00 --> 00:50:47
			So whenever guidance comes from me from into VR who day so whoever follows My guidance the bureau
Thurber or to follow whoever follows My Guidance fella, how often I lay him welcome years I know
they will have no fear, nor will they have grief. They will have no fear. First of all, how what is
holy cow fat, fear, fear of something harmful in the future. So those who follow the guidance of
Allah, those who are obedient to Allah, Allah says they will have no fear, meaning when they're in
Jannah, they will have no fear of ever being expelled from it. No fear of any blessing being taken
away from them. Well, I homea has an own he has a release from prison has a known and Hosen is grief
00:50:47 --> 00:51:35
			regret, they will have no grief, no regret, no regret no grief over what? over what happened in the
dunya. They're satisfied. They're happy with what they have gained, satisfied with the reward that
Allah has given them. So what do we learn in this verse, that the one who follows the guidance of
Allah, then what is his end result? No fear, no grief, no regrets, happiness? What Destroys
happiness? What kills it? Fear and grief, ruins it in Jannah, no fear, no grief whatsoever. But on
the other hand, when Medina Cafaro, as for those people who disbelieve like your bliss, they refuse.
They don't believe they don't obey. What cause the Boo because the goo is from calf dal, but what
00:51:35 --> 00:52:22
			does it mean? To lie and cadaver is to call someone else a liar? To declare something else as a lie,
false, deny or reject? So we're comfortable and they deny what do they deny? Big Tina, our I had I
had this Florida idea. What is i? Verse? What is the verse? Verse of the Quran? And what is the
verse of the Quran, the Hadith the guidance that Allah has sent. First we learned about the fate of
who those who follow that guidance. Now we learn about the fate of who those who disbelieve in and
reject the guidance that Allah has sent. So when Medina Cafaro workers there will be a Tina, hula
Iike those people are as horrible now as herb as a plural of saw him and who saw him companion saw
00:52:22 --> 00:53:01
			her Samba, Samba is companionship. What is sort of a companionship to be in the company of something
or someone. So they are us have their companions they're in the companionship of who and now of the
fire, meaning they will remain in the fire. They are the inmates of the Hellfire. They will be in
their home fi hat and they will be in it Holly Dawn once abiding, eternally, call it doonas applaud
of harlot highlanda never coming out of hellfire. Two ways have been put before us very, very
clearly. Those who obey Allah, those who disobey
00:53:03 --> 00:53:55
			those who accept those who refuse those who prostrate those who stand arrogantly the example of Adam
the example of angels is of what acceptance repentance, confession, the way of iblees the way of
those who deny the versus reject them. What is their way of arrogance refusal? And the end is also
different. Those who obey submit their and this law half what is unknown? And the end of those who
are arrogant. What's their fate? Willa eco equals Hobnob humpy her Holly don't. So we have to decide
where do I want to go? Where do I want to go? What do I want to be my destination? Whatever I
choose, that's how I should behave. And if I tell myself I want to go to paradise but I act like
00:53:55 --> 00:53:58
			like a bliss and his companions then I'm deceiving myself
00:54:00 --> 00:54:01
			that's the sort of the recitation
00:54:02 --> 00:54:02
00:54:05 --> 00:54:06
			you get is Julie
00:54:08 --> 00:54:10
00:54:11 --> 00:54:16
			you believe was that I can I mean if hearing
00:54:20 --> 00:54:25
			them was spoon that was a joke engine cooler
00:54:26 --> 00:54:32
			than tuna. Wala taco rather head he showed
00:54:33 --> 00:54:44
			me no body mean as a lung machine Are you born one? Raja maca Aniki
00:54:46 --> 00:54:52
			beautiful bearable community bow be Nadu? Well, I can fill up the moussaka
00:54:54 --> 00:54:58
			ina hain. Better luck for
00:54:59 --> 00:54:59
00:55:00 --> 00:55:00
			Be here
00:55:04 --> 00:55:05
00:55:07 --> 00:55:08
00:55:11 --> 00:55:14
			home in Germany in
00:55:17 --> 00:55:18
			the hood
00:55:30 --> 00:55:32
			on Larry like
00:55:33 --> 00:55:38
			movie Tina hula girls
00:55:42 --> 00:55:49
			boom t have Adi whole channel we will end over here
00:55:51 --> 00:55:56
			Subhanak Allahumma VMDK Nisha de la ilaha. illa Anta Mr. Federica want to break