Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 007D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 28-29

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The concept of "medicals is discussed, including the ability of Islam to bring life and death and the potential for conflict between humans and their environment. The importance of Islam's ability to give life and death and the "verbal" experience is emphasized. The segment also touches on the benefits of showing one's love for others and avoiding negative comments. The segment emphasizes the need for people to acknowledge and appreciate Islam's value and avoid negative comments, as well as strong acceptance of Islam as a means of building a strong network.

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			Allah subhanaw taala says cave at UC Furuno belay he gave her how kafer is a question. Hello, how
could you How is it possible? How and why? The Quran? Allah He, how could you disbelieve in Allah?
Why would you disbelieve in Allah? What reason do you have to disbelieve in Allah will confirm I'm
whatton While you were dead, and what an unwed is a plaintiff may yet from the root letters
meanwhile, have you heard of the word moat? What does moat mean? That's my hit is one who is dead,
one who is not alive, what is mode? Mode is separation of body and soul. We human beings, what are
we? We are made of body as well as rule. When both of them are joined together a person is alive.
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			And when they're separated, is a person alive then? No, he's not alive anymore. So mouth is what
separation of body and soul. So what comes from I'm worth and you were dead? What does it mean by
this? You are nothing. You are not living. Nobody knew you. You had no life. You never walked on
this earth. You are not born. So quantum I'm worth and you were dead. You are nothing. Who gave life
to you for here come, then he gave you life, for here have yet yet Higher, higher that is life.
Don't get confused with the word yesterday. Yesterday is also from the ruler is higher. Yeah, but
the main word is higher. And higher means shyness over here is higher tone higher is life. So for
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			our hair comb, he gave life to you how that he brought you into this world? But are you going to be
in this world forever? No. So may you meet to come, then he will give you death. When your term is
over in this world, he will cause you to die. And then some may or he'll come and then he will bring
you to life again. When in the hereafter on the day of judgment, He will resurrect you, you are
dead. Allah gave you life on this earth, you will die again. And then he will give you life again.
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			double that Double Life. But then when he will bring you to life again. Will you die after that? No,
some are elated your own then to Him you all will be returned to Jerome Raji Marine, Roger, Roger is
to go back to where you came from. We came from Allah, we will go back to him. Why will we go back
to him so that he may recompense us for our deeds? What do we learn in this is that amazing is the
case of the one who disbelieves in Allah. It's amazing. It's shocking. It's surprising. Why? Because
a person who disbelieved and Allah, he should think about where he came from, where he is headed to.
He was nothing, Allah made him he is living eventually he will die and Allah will resurrect him. How
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			can you deny Allah
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			amazing is the case of the one who rejects Allah subhanaw taala it as though he's not using his
mind. He realizes that he was nothing he realizes that he will not be in this world forever, yet he
rejects Allah. Surprising. Pay for the corona belay, welcome to him I'm worth and for here calm. We
also learn the saya that Allah subhanaw taala is perfectly able, how that he is the one who gives
life and He is the one who gives death. Think about it. A human being that did not exist before
Allah created him. And when he blew the room into him, that same human body, it's estimated that the
human being, he speaks, he sits, he stands, he walks he moves around, he does so many things. Why?
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			Because of the life that Allah subhanaw taala has put into him. What does it show the perfect
ability of Allah subhanaw taala and the same human being he will cause today and the same human
being he will cause to live again. It shows the perfectibility of Allah subhanaw taala. Then we also
learned from the CYA, that Allah alone can give life and death. Then we alter in this ayah about the
evidence of resurrection, evidence of the hereafter. In the previous verses, what have we learned so
far, about the Oneness of Allah, the fact that Allah alone deserves worship. Then we have also
learned about the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that if we want to follow the guidance
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			that we have to follow his example. We have to follow his sunnah. And now over here, what are we
being taught about resurrection? The hereafter, that you cannot deny the Hereafter? And it's logical
if you came from somewhere
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			And obviously you're headed towards the destination. If you are living in this earth, you eat your
drink, you can be good, you can be evil, then there has to be some consequence. How is it possible
that two people that live completely different lives, they just end up as dust decayed bones? Is
that just is that fair? It's not fair. Isn't it that people fail all the time that this is not fair.
I am so good to them. And they are so harsh to me. This is not fair.
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			Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is most just when he has created us when he has given us free
will when he has given us the ability to do so many things that are good and evil, he is also going
to recompense us for it in the Hereafter. And in this ayah that very fact is being proven that how
can you deny Allah when you're going back to him? Allah says, who Allah Rehana kala Ko, he is the
one who has created for you. Meaning Allah is the One who has created for you.
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			After telling us that He is the one who is able to give life and cause death, he is the one who has
also blessed his servants with many blessings. And what are they that Allah is the One who has
created for you and your refers to who all of you human beings and NASS,
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			what is he created for you man fill or the whatever that is in the earth Jumeirah altogether all of
it entirely. Jamie marine Junker all of it, every single thing that is in this earth on this earth,
Allah has created for who for us, let come and you see this lamb over here Lacan, this lamb is
understood in two ways. First of all, Lamb of EVA permissibility, meaning Everything is permissible
for you.
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			I will explain this later.
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			And secondly, the allele of reason meaning everything he has created for you, because of you for
your sake, so that you may benefit you may use it. What is it show to us that the most important
creation on this planet is a human being. Everything else has been created for his use for his
benefit. So that he can live he can thrive, he can have freedom, he can eat, he can construct, he
can be happy, he can rejoice. Everything in this world has been created for our benefit. Kala kala
ko Marfil or the Jumeirah, Jumeirah, what does it mean? Every single thing whether it is trees, or
mountains, or rivers, or seas, or animals or birds or insects, everything is for us for our benefit.
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			In other words, the human beings have the most right to this planet, more than any other creature.
Obviously, it doesn't mean that we abuse things that are on this earth No, but that we have the most
right compared to any other creature. So who I love the Halacha chromaffin of the Jumeirah sama then
what does it mean by summer for my kids the meaning of sequence of events, like previously we
learned, he gave you life, then he will give you that, then he will give you life again. So over a
year, He created everything in this earth for you. And then after creating everything in this earth
for you, what happened is Stella eat a summer is the word from the letter seen while Yeah, it's the
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			well is to become even to become straight to become equal with something. It's also for when a
person has settled on a vehicle, for example, because he's balanced, he's not falling on one side or
the other. He's balanced to become equal to become leveled. But remember that when the word is the
word is followed by ILA, do you see the word elite over here? It gives the meaning of paying
attention towards something directing one's attention towards something intending towards it. So
Mister where He directed Himself to or he intended to do what? The last summer do the sky? So after
creating the earth, then he paid attention to the sky and the sky at this point, how was it? Just
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			smoke Doohan as Allah tells us in the Quran, and then when he created the sky, how did he create it
for so well, when NASA were from the letter seen? Well, yeah, we have done the word Salah on
earlier. What does it mean by select one? Same equal, so we're to make equal. So somewhere Hoonah he
leveled them. He made them into what sub XML word into seven skies. So my word is a plural of
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			We're talking about back then when Allah created the earth, when Allah created the sky, initially,
how was it just smoke? So Allah made it into
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			Oh, seven skies for so where Hoonah savasana word. And all of these guys, how are they? leveled
proportioned? So total milk that he is the one who has created the sky, Blue Bell ca one on top of
the other. That one is exactly what the other not that one is breaking through the other notice
perfect balance and harmony.
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			Now the question is, what are the seven skies? We only know that beyond this Earth space, isn't it?
That's what we have learned in science. So what does it mean by seven skies? Does it refer to seven
heavens like paradise? No,
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			we learn that Allah subhanho data has created seven skies, one on top of the other. What we see from
this earth is the lowest sky. The first one, the lowest one, beyond that are more that we cannot
reach that we cannot encompass in our knowledge. If we want to get to the moon, it'll take so long
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			if we want to get to the sun, impossible for us, if we want to go beyond this galaxy, this tiny
galaxy of ours, impossible for us.
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			Allah knows what all he has created. We have limited knowledge. So what is our reaction when we
learn something in the Quran? Amana was sat down. We don't say what does it mean by this? How come?
I never learned this in science class. Now we don't say such things. This is not the way of the
believers who submit to Allah. So for someone who has Sabah, Samoa, he level them into seven skies.
Allah says we're who will be cliche in our Aleem, and he is of everything all knowing, every single
thing Allah subhanaw taala is Knowing of it are the in from the root letters are in love name. And
this word I believe it gives a meaning of one who is always all knowing not just one who is
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			knowledgeable. But one who knows everything. Everything from the mosquito to the seven skies.
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			Imagine how tiny a mosquito is. And imagine how vast how huge how massive the sky is. The universe
is. An Allah knows about everything in between as well. Who who will be conditioned in early? This
is his knowledge. This is his power. This is his creation. What do we learn from desire? We learned
this idea about the favor of Allah subhanaw taala upon His servants. What favor that he has created
everything in this earth for who? For us, which means that everything has been created to serve us.
For example, the sun is a benefiting us. Yes, we get light from it, we get heat from it, we get
vitamin D from it, we get food as well. Because if the sun did not shine like it does, would there
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			be plants? Would there be animals? Where would we get food from? We could not live in this world is
in itself. Similarly, are the clouds serving us? Yes. The rain? Are the plants serving us. Yes, food
for us. And also our animals that we consume that we use metals, different minerals that Allah
subhanaw taala has placed in this earth? Are they benefiting us? Yes, directly or indirectly? What
about the places on this earth that no man has ever seen? Is it serving us in some way? Or the
other? Yes, it is. Directly or indirectly, this earth has been created for our benefit. So should we
use it? Yes, we should use it, obviously, in moderate terms. And this means that we don't abuse it.
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			This means that we're not excessive.
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			Now, should this world serve us? Or should we be serving this world?
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			What Allah has created? Should it serve us? Or should we be serving what Allah has subjected for us?
How should it be that these things are serving us? Not that we are spending our worry and our time
and our efforts in this looking after this dunya
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			think about two dishes are made. Why? So that we can use them? Not so that we cry and weep over
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			Do you understand what I mean? That if one breaks, it's as though a part of our heart has been
broken, that if one gets cracked, it's as though our heart has been cracked, that we make it into
such a big deal.
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			If we lose something, it's such a big deal. That our time our energy is just going into washing them
and drying them and you know, making them shine and placing them in the glass cabinets for people to
see. And every morning we wake up and we count them and then we dust them.
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			Is this what we were created for? Everything was created for us and we were created for who
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			Allah subhanaw taala I'm not saying don't wash your dishes, wash them, use them, but don't obsess
over them. I'm not saying don't work and don't get money, no do that. But that should not be the
purpose of your life. But it's unfortunate that a child is barely in middle school and he's been
questioned. So what are you going to become when you grow up? Are you going to become a doctor, an
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			a garbage man.
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			People are taught from a very young age, that you are deserve this world.
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			We are not deserve this world, this world is to serve us. These things are to serve us. It should
not be our goal.
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			In principle, everything that Allah subhanaw taala has created in this earth is permissible for us.
What does it mean? Everything is permissible for us to use to consume unless otherwise specified. So
for example, you cannot question is maple syrup halal or haram? The Sahaba never had maple syrup. So
it's not halal. Can you say that? No. In general, everything is permissible unless specified
otherwise. For example, all animals we can eat them unless Allah subhanaw taala has told that this
this this this animal you cannot eat for example, pigs, dead animals, animals with nails, sharp
nails and sharp teeth.
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			Everything is halal unless specified otherwise.
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			All right, this is the general principle.
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			Because Allah subhanaw taala says over here, what lady kala kala ko Mathilde of the Jamia era.
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			Why do you think Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about this, just so that we may know that
everything was created for us?
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			Yes, so that we become more grateful and we become more obedient. All of these verses what are we
being told to do?
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			Worship Allah, remember, it began from there. Yeah, a uns or widow Rebecca, this is an entire
discussion that has been continued from there.
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			So when Allah tells us that everything in this world he has created for us, what does it mean that
we should increase in our worship, we should be more grateful to him. That imagine there's so many
different foods that you can eat so many different things that you can see so many different
fragrances that you can smell and enjoy. And Allah says for you, everything has been picked out,
selected, made perfectly made beautiful for you, custom made suitable for you.
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			If you think about it, if somebody gives you a gift, why are they giving it to you so that you come
closer to them, you have a good relationship, you are nicer to them, you are happier.
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			When Allah subhanaw taala has given us all of this, it is so that we can come closer to Him, we can
worship him more, we are more grateful to him. Because even if Allah did not give us anything, we
would still be required to worship Allah, it is His favor, that He has given us all of these things
so that we are naturally inclined towards worshiping Him. But it's unfortunate that we forget the
one who has given everything to us. And we are lost in the things that have been given to us. Just
like a child who's given a gift. He doesn't say thank you. Tears up the bed, opens up the gift gets
lost in it. And you as a parent feel so embarrassed that he didn't even thank the honor of the
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			uncle. Isn't that so childish? Isn't that not acceptable? It's not acceptable. So when Allah has
created everything for you, you enjoy you benefit, then what does it mean? You thank him, you
worship Him?
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			And then at the end of the ayah, Allah says, well, we'll be cliche in early. What does this mean
that Allah has knowledge is all encompassing. Allah knows about every single thing that includes us,
what our hearts conceal what We reveal what we say, what we do, what we eat, what we feel everything
about us around us. Allah knows about it.
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			Why do you think Allah subhanaw taala is telling us about this,
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			so that we become conscious of him. If Allah knows everything, that it means that we should be
careful, careful with regards to our speech, careful with regards to our actions, careful with
regards to our feelings, because Allah knows everything. And when he knows everything we learned
earlier, we're going back to him, he's going to question us, he's going to recompense us. So if
we're going to be questioned and recompense we better be careful about what we're doing, because we
cannot hide from Allah.
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			Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
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			the law, long
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			battle was
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			will help boom your walk being what
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			DB just
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			wanna you know be in London sassy
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			as you follow while you see dune as
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			it can cause you
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			gave that duck foreigner bill you want
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			me to come
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			call her
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			will be correlation in
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			like I mentioned to you that everything is halal unless specified otherwise. So I'm not saying eat
anything everything No, you have the Quran and Allah tell us that for example, eating pork is not
permissible drinking alcohol is not permissible. Eating such animal to eat other animals is not
permissible, then that's how wrong okay, but in general, everything is permissible. We are allowed
to use it. Is it clear to you Don't misquote me Don't misunderstand me thinking that everything is
allowed. It's not okay. Everything is unless specified otherwise.
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			Okay, question Allah has commanded that we must join what He has commanded us to join. So for
example, ties of kinship, similarly, bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood. But what if there is a
person who is not a Muslim?
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			We are human beings. After all, we need one another. We see one another. And we should acknowledge
the presence of one another as well. For example, greeting other people. Is it something necessary?
Yes, it is. It's a moral act. If you don't greet someone, the other person will feel threatened by
you that she saw me she didn't say anything to me everything, okay. She's wearing that hijab and she
looks more and more religious. I wonder what's going on. I wonder if there's a security risk. So you
should come out come across as a good person anyway, just because they're not Muslim doesn't mean we
can treat them however we want know. Remember, I told you that a smile did on her when her mother
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			came, she was a normal Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her to give good ties with her
mother. So even non Muslims,
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			someone who's a non Muslim, as long as they're alive, you are supposed to be good with them, you are
supposed to greet them, you're supposed to show your concern and pray for them. But once they die as
a non Muslim, then you don't make dua for them. Allah subhanaw taala did not allow that for his
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			When they're alive, we should be very good towards them, and we should really care for them. So many
people accept Islam. Why because the good behavior of others. If you really care for them, be good
to them while they're alive, do something for them,
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			so that you don't have regrets when they have passed away.
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			There could be some friends or some family members who pull you away from your religion who don't
let you practice your religion who discourage you. For example, your uncle who always makes fun of
your hijab, your aunt, she dislikes the fact that you study the Quran, for example, or that you're
praying salah? What should you do then? But off from them? No.
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			There's a hadith I'm paraphrasing it. A person who lives amongst other people, bears their evil is
better than the person who cuts off from people lives by himself and does not have anything to
tolerate or be patient about.
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			One person is us cut off from everyone isolated himself. He doesn't get bothered by anybody at all.
He can do whatever he wants in his niche in his home, in his nest, all alone cut off. And there is
another person who is amongst people. He is being patient, he has the COA. He is forgiving other
people. Is he earning more reward? Yes, he is. Think about it a person who is alone, is he getting
any reward No. Only for the good things that he's doing. But when you're with people, you have many,
many more chances of earning reward. But obviously a person has to be strong over there.
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			And remember, I mentioned to you earlier that one is
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			To completely cut off from the other, and the others just maintain ties with them. If somebody has a
bad influence on you, you feel that every time you go to them, you visit them, you start using bad
words, you start watching movies with them that are not good. Or you start saying things that are
not appropriate you feel you get influenced by them, your children get influenced by them. Again, it
doesn't mean you cut off from them, but you can limit your interaction with them. All right. Any
other question? Okay. They don't insult you, but they insult your religion. In that case, when they
start insulting the dean, you get up from there, you leave. You show your disapproval. It doesn't
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			mean again that you cut off from them, you go visit them, but every time they start saying something
negative, get up, leave. This is what Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran.
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			If you cut off ties with other people, just because they're bad to you, then how can they get
influenced by you? You understand? This girl was telling me the other day that she visits one of her
aunts who has a young daughter and her aunt is not practicing at all, but she visits her just to
maintain ties with her. And she said that when once you visited and her daughter, little girl she
was going to start eating so she said to her say Bismillah to the girl said what is Bismillah? What
does it mean? A child six years old or something has no idea what Bismillah is. This is one of the
basic things that Muslim children are to be taught. She had no idea. Now if this sister says that,
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			oh, my aunt is not practicing if I go there and when I start doing bad things. No, she should not do
that. She should strengthen herself. She should go there and be an influence to them. They also have
a right
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			anyway, we should end over here because 100 There's a lot of discussion to do on this topic, but
inshallah as we study the Quran many things will come up Subhan Allah whom will be handy can or
should do Allah ilaha illa Anta Mustafa Luca we know to be late.