Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 001D Tafsir Al-Fatihah 4-7
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The Day of Recompense is a way for individuals to achieve success in life, rather than just trying to do everything they possibly can. The speakers discuss the various names and titles associated with the Day of Recompense, including the President's Day and the Day of Jury. They stress the importance of caution and understanding of the meaning of the Day of Recompense, as well as the difficulty of praying and the importance of showing appreciation for everything the person has done to make them feel good. The speakers also emphasize the need for guidance and the importance of remembering to stay away from small and evil behavior.
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Rahmani Raheem murli Chioma Deen, Master of the Day of Recompense. This is also why Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen Because He is the Master of the Day recompense. Maliki, as I told you is from the root letters meme lamb calf and Malik is used for someone who has complete authority, as well as ownership of something. So, what does it mean? That
the Malik is someone who is the greatest in rank in degree in power, there is no one who is above him.
You understand who is Malick, the one who is above all others, in importance in authority in power in excellence in virtue in every way. So Allah subhanaw taala he is the Malik of Yomi. Dean Day of Recompense what is the Day of Recompense It's the day of judgment, but tell me something is Allah subhanaw taala? Not Malik of dunya as well?
Is he not? Does he not own this dunya and those who are in it, of course, does he not have complete authority to do whatever he wants? Of course he does. So why is it said Maliki Yama, Dean? Only here?
Why do you think so?
Yes. Okay, good that we see a correlation between our minor Rahim and Maliki Oh Medina that you recognize your Lord as the one who is very merciful. But at the same time, don't forget that he is also the Master of the Day when you will be recompensed. Don't get deceived, because of his generosity like Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you will insert a maraca Robuchon Kareem that we see there in this dunya there are many people who claim to be Malik as well, isn't it? So many Malik, so many kings, so many leaders, so many people who have ownership of one thing or the other. One person is an owner of a huge piece of land, huge property and other person has a lot of authority. But we
see that all of this authority that people have in this dunya will finish
and the ownership of Allah subhanaw taala that will become very, very manifest on the Day of Judgment. The presidents of this dunya will not be presidents in the hereafter.
People who have property ownership today, they cannot carry on their ownership and property to the Day of Judgment
is in a tough? Why? Because on the Day of Judgment is dunya we finished a person may be the richest person in this world but on the day of judgment if he doesn't have good deeds, then what is he? Nothing. He has nothing. My honor I Nima Alia halacha nissle banya my wealth did not benefit me and my Sivan, my authority, I've lost it. So, the wealth the authority that people have in this dunya it will finish but on the day of judgment, only Allah subhanaw taala has authority and ownership will be visible. This is why we learn in the Quran in surah. Office IFF 2017 Allah subhanaw taala says that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will say liminal mole Kalia
liminal molecule, Yelm, To whom does molk belong to today? To whom does authority belong to today? No one will dare to respond. And Allah subhanaw taala will respond himself Lilla Hill were hidden or held to Allah, the One alcohol the irresistible. So on the Day of Judgment, his authority will be most visible, most manifest.
Because in this dunya, what happens is, we know that Allah subhanaw taala is the master he is the owner. Right? But we tend to forget that we tend to forget that why when we see the rich and the powerful in this dunya today. This is why when we see the rich and powerful, we get afraid of them. And we forget fearing Allah subhanaw taala which is why we obey them and we disobey Allah, isn't it? So? Think about it, isn't it so? So, Malik Yomi been Master of the Day of Recompense. Now the word a dean, a dean, what does it means recompense. The Day of Judgment has many different names. yarmulke Yama Acharya Al Aqsa, Yom will acid the last day Yom will hisab the day of accounting, a prog metal
Cobra Yom will hestra the day of regret. So the Day of Judgment has many many different names over here most of Canada uses the word Yomi. Dean, the word Dean is from Dahlia noon, Danna, Yardeni, and Danny Adina is to give someone recommends for what they have done. What is recommends payback. So if a person has done well, if a person has done good, you reward them for their good action. And if someone has done bad, then how would you
pay them back for their action with reward or punishment, punishment. So Yomi been it's the day when people will be rewarded or they will be punished and how will they be rewarded or punished according to their actions. If a person has done good, he will see that good. If a person has done bad, he will see that bad. If a person has done a little good, he will see that little good. If a person has done a lot of good, he will see that good. If a person has done a little evil, he will see that little evil. And if a person has done a lot of evil, he will see that too.
He will see that too. What does this ayah show to us? What does it show to us? Maliki yo med Dean? What do you think about Yoma? Dean? What do you understand?
That we should be careful about? Every action we do?
Every action we do will be paid for it. We will be held accountable for it. We will be recompensed for it. We haven't been sent in this dunya without any reason. We haven't been sent to this dunya without a purpose. Know Allah subhanaw taala questions us, Alexa will insert new a new traka Sudha into TMI a 36 that does man think that he will be left neglected. We no one's gonna hold them accountable for what he's doing, what he's saying how he's behaving.
Does he think like that what he thinks is wrong, because every single person will be held accountable for what he or she is doing. Therefore, we should worry, we should really worry about the words we say. We should really be careful about the actions we do.
We should be very concerned about how we talk to other people, how we deal with them. Because for every action, we are going to be recompense we're going to be paid for it.
So Maliki only Dean, Master of the Day recompense a year can boo you alone. We worship what a year can is 13 and You alone we asked for help a year connectable do, Nambu is from arriba and what does it revive that mean? Worship? In the other language, however, the word Reba it doesn't just mean worship. It has a very deep meaning. And the Rebbe, it means at the lone Lilla, to show humility, once smallness, before who?
Allah subhanaw taala to make oneself small, that I am nothing to humble oneself. I need you I need your help.
To make oneself small to humble oneself before Allah subhanaw taala This is what Ariba is. This is why scholars have said that arriba includes two things. First of all, it includes doing whatever that Allah has commanded.
And secondly, staying away from whatever that Allah has forbidden. Because when you obey Allah subhanaw taala. When will you do whatever that He has commanded you? When you make yourself small?
When you make yourself small, when you lower when you submit, if you say, No, I'm not going to do this, is that making yourself small? Is that making yourself humble? Not at all.
Sorry, by the includes two things, doing whatever that Allah has commanded, and secondly, staying away from whatever that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden, a yak and Naboo. And
just remember the word of God. When you think about the word arriba, of does use for a slave, who is the slave
and out is a slave or a servant who is owned by his master. He's not hired, but rather he is owned. Is there a difference between being hired and being owned? If you're hired, you can say I quit.
But if your own Can you say I quit? No, no, like some people that are very mean boss, and they're just waiting for the day when they can just go up to their boss and say, I quit. There you go. Give me a command. And I'll do it no, right. So a person who is hired can walk away at any moment, but a person who is owned a slave, he can never ever walk away. And a slave, what is his job description? Do whatever that the master has commanded. Whether you're tired, or sleeping, or hungry, it doesn't matter. You're going to do it.
As the master has said, Don't do this. You're never going to do it no matter who forces no matter who tells you.
So all of us are Who are you bad Allah, the servants of Allah. So if we are the servants of Allah and what does it mean we have to do? If Allah gives a command, what should our response be?
I'm sorry I find it too difficult. I choose not to do this. Can we say that? Can we there is no way we can say that because we are owned by Allah.
And you see just like a slave when he is owned by his master, he cannot hide from the master he cannot go anywhere he cannot because the master has complete authority over him.
Perhaps a slave can run away from the master, okay, but can we run away from Allah subhanaw taala we can never run away. Allah subhanaw taala challenges us in sort of acumen
to both human beings and the jinn. That if you are capable of getting out of the heavens and the earth and try, you can never do that. You can never do that it's not possible for you. So if we say, I choose not to do this, I'm sorry, I cannot follow this part of the religion.
You think you're gonna be left neglected? No. Allah has complete authority over us in this dunya and if Allah does not hold us accountable now does not recompense us for our actions. Now, he has Yoma Dean, when He alone will be the Malik Maliki OMA D whatever he decides on that day will happen. Our choice does not matter. Somebody else's request does not matter because he is Maliki OMA D this is why it's so important that a yak hon Do You alone we worship?
And remember that what does it mean to the Lulu to make oneself small to humble oneself before Allah? And this is why when we worship Allah subhanaw taala what do we do? We put the most honorable part of our body where on the ground? The most honorable part of our body? What is that? Our face? But to show humanity before Allah? What do we do? We put it where Feet Are, we put it on the ground? And we do this before who? A year cut? Only you only Allah subhanaw taala? Would we ever do something like that for another person? Would you ever put your head on the ground for another person? Even if somebody pays you you wouldn't do that. You're like, Why me? Who do you think you
are? Why do you expect me to do this? Don't walk over me? Isn't at all. We never ever like to humble ourselves before people. This is why a year Can You alone we worship. Now I told you that includes two things, doing whatever Allah has commanded and staying away from whatever that Allah has forbidden.
That's a bit difficult, is it not? It's a huge responsibility. It's something very difficult. This is why you see the next part of the eye. What a yakka mystery mean, You alone we ask for help.
We know we understand that we're only to worship you. We are to obey you, we are not to disobey you.
But as human beings, we are weak. And we need the help of Allah subhanaw taala. For example, when it comes time to pray, are we not supposed to get up and pray? Yes, because a Yaquina will do whatever Allah has commanded, do it. Allah has commanded you to pray right now. So get up and pray. However, you're in your nice and cozy and warm bed.
Who wants to get up right now? It's difficult. This is why iya can ascertain. So when you find it difficult to pray when you find it difficult to do anything of their religion, what should you do? Yeah, Allah help me.
Give me the ability. Give me the strength give me the courage. A yak on a serene, You alone we ask for help. And you see, rather remember that it doesn't just refer to rituals.
Or better worship doesn't just refer to rituals. It doesn't just refer to you know, performing the Salah, giving us a cat staying away from eating haram. No, or a bad includes every good deed, every good word that a person does in a way that Allah subhanaw taala likes him to do it. And he does it for the sake of Allah. So for example, you're coming here to seek knowledge, your God coming here, sacrificing your weekends, to study the book of Allah subhanaw taala? If you do it for the sake of Allah, then what is this act? What is this act? Are you bear worship? But is it not difficult to come?
To know? For some people that might be?
And it's quite possible that after some time, you might find it difficult? Right now, you know, you're in the mood and you're like, Yeah, I'm going to do this. But after some time, like, I have to do my college, my university, look after my home, whatever. It's too difficult. I can't do it.
It's quite possible that these difficulties come in the way so when these difficulties come in the way what do we do? Who do we turn to Allah? A year can history Yeah, Allah you help me, you brought me here. You take me through this. I cannot do it without your help. I cannot do it without your guidance. And this is very true. If Allah subhanaw Without his help is not there. We cannot do anything at all.
Little things would become
Impossible. Waking up in the morning to pray would become very difficult. Taking five minutes out from your daily routine would become difficult as we see it as difficult for many.
So what is a person able to worship Allah subhanaw taala when he has the help of Allah, this is why when you stand in prayer, and you say a year Konar Buddha what yeah can Esther in, say from your heart? You helped me Allah. Similarly, you want to memorize your lesson one lady, she raised her hand it took her an hour to memorize the lesson she might get disappointed one hour and there's only sort of Fatiha iya can isteri You alone we ask for help.
At these moments,
don't give up don't feel weak. Don't complain. But what should we do? Turn to Allah. Yeah, can a stirring a yak and I will do what you're gonna stir in you alone, we worship and You alone, we ask for help.
Now, if you notice over here, Allah subhanaw taala says a year. Now we'll do what a year can ascertain. The word Mr. * from our own well known and our own is help. And esteana is to seek help from someone to seek cooperation from someone for what in order to do something in order to get some benefit in order to ward off some harm.
We seen this idea a year canister in you alone we ask for help doesn't mean we cannot ask help from other people.
If we say yeah, can a strain you alone? We ask for help doesn't mean I cannot ask you for help. I cannot ask her for help for something that I need.
Is that what this means?
In a way?
It's a bit tricky.
It's the I don't remember is of two types.
Okay. esteana Seeking help is of two types.
One is
definitely a job that we have is to hand over your affair entirely to someone. So for example,
a person is ill, unwell, sick. So what do they do? They are looking for someone whom they can just hand over the problem to and they say you just cure me you just fix me. You just cure me you just fix me just make me better.
Okay? They don't rely on their own power. They don't rely on their own ability. They don't rely on anything. They just rely on that being that you fix me you make this better for me.
All right. Now this stuff we this kind of esteana is only permissible with Allah subhanaw taala
The second type of Astana
is moussaka, which is cooperation, that you ask someone to cooperate with you so that you and them together can accomplish something.
For example, I want to move this table and I realized I cannot move it myself. So I asked you when you to come to help me, cooperate with me so that we can do it together? Can we do this with people?
Yes, we can.
So in other words, when it comes to seeking help,
we ask people for help in the matters, that they can actually help us with,
you understand,
in the matches in which they can actually help us with, they're able to help us they have the ability.
For example, if a person is dead, they're in the grave can do anything for you. They cannot, who can do something for you someone who's alive someone who has the ability. So we ask people for what they can do. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala for what he can do and Allah subhanaw taala can do everything. So a year can has 13 years and our Buddha year can history. This is just like, for example, if you are sick, you go to the doctor
and you expect the doctor to diagnose what problem you're having and give you the medicine right now the doctor can give you the medicine but can the doctor cure you
cure is with who? Allah subhanaw taala only he gives it you understand? So this is a very important thing that we must realize because sometimes I know when we're sick when we're ill we just go to one other person just make me better somehow. And we teach it to our children as well. If they get hurt, can you make me better can you make me better realize that we cannot make other people better we can help them in some way. Give them a kiss, give them a hug, give them some medicine, right? But we cannot give the Shiva that is only with who? Allah subhanaw taala so a yak and I will do what he can to stirring
in a syrup on was to guide us to the straight path. You see, whenever we're in some difficulty. What do we learn in this ayah in the previous saya that ask Allah for help?
Make dua to Allah, turn to Allah. And what's the first two hours that Allah subhanaw taala teaches us? What should we pray for? He didn't slip
Often was taking the right path, the right way. The word ie the nose, from the root letters heard earlier from the word he died, and he died his guidance. And it means to show the way to point out the way to make the person walk on the way.
And make sure that they reach the destination.
For example, you're lost somewhere, you're going, and you get lost. You stop somewhere and you roll down your window and you ask a passerby, do you know where this street is the value? Go right, then go left and go here and you'll find your place? This is what just pointing out what the way is pointing out what you're supposed to do. Another person says, Follow me. I'll take you there. Is there a difference? Yes, for example, the GPS, what does it do? It tells you turn right in 500 meters turn left.
And it tells you again, and again to the point that it gets annoying sometimes. Right? So hedaya is what to make sure that the person reaches the destination. So when we say here, a dinner for Apple was talking, we're not just asking for Yala, tell us what the right way is, but rather give us the ability to be on the right way as well. This is why scholars have said that he died is of two types. One he Daya is off his shot to point out what a person is supposed to do to give knowledge to give information or in Arizona fair beneficial knowledge. And the second type of Hidayat Daya tofield to give the ability to do what a person is supposed to do, say for example, many times you know you're
supposed to be you know, you're supposed to do many things, but are you able to do it?
Not always. So he dies. One is to know and the other is.
So when we say the Nosferatu Mustafi. What are we asking for? Elmo, NASA as well as mo Foley. We're asking Allah subhanaw taala for beneficial knowledge as well as the ability to do good.
You understand? So at the end of fluorouracil, Mr. kamin aflofarm, was studying the right way was talking was from off well mean was the cream is that which is trade that which is a pride that which takes you to the destination? What's our destination? What's our goal, to get to Jana to earn the pleasure of Allah? So Allah tell us which way leads to your pleasure, and give us the ability to do that as well. So we're asking for,
or mo NAFTA, and secondly, Ahmed Saleh, remember these two terms? Are Elmo NAFTA and secondly, I'm also a lawyer. So, Robin was talking now what is the straight way? The straight way is the way that Allah subhanaw taala has taught the way that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed to His Messenger SallAllahu sallam, for example, in Switzerland Am I a 153? We learn one ahead as Rafi Mr keema tiberiu, who the messenger SallAllahu sallam was supposed to say that this is my way, which is straight, therefore follow it. So the way that the messenger SallAllahu wasallam lived according to the way that he taught, what is that? The straight path, what is the straight path, the way of the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the next day explains this very clearly about what the straight path is. It is slid off on levena Ananda Allah lay him The path of those people on whom you blessed. What is the straight path, the path of those whom Allah subhanaw taala blessed Ananda and unties from Nirma. And as you know that Norma is a blessing, but it is basically anything that improves the condition of a person, whether it makes him rich, or it makes him healthier,
or it makes him happier, which is why the word Nirma applies to good food, it applies to a good environment that a person is living in, it applies to wealth that a person may have it applies to family members, anything that improves the condition of a person. Understand that is what nirvana is. And over here, what's the blessing? Oh Allah show us the right way, the way of those people on whom you blessed. What's this blessing? This blessing is have been of religion. This blessing is not about dunya that shows the way of those people who became the richest in this world.
The happiest in this world know the way of those people on whom Allah subhanaw taala showed favour and disfavor is of Deen of Islam.
Allah subhanaw taala call this religion of Islam his Nirmal Aleo Mark Mottola calm, Dina calm. Today I have completed your religion for you at mum to Aliko near Marathi. I have perfected my blessing upon you. Nero Murthy. What is the Nirma of Islam this religion to Soraka Medina and Anita in the back of those people whom you are favored. And think about it, hood Allah subhanaw taala show favor to the one whom he is happy with is
So, so the path of those people whom you are happy with Hayden mobile VRLA him, not the path of those people whom you were angry. What have been the norm of those people who were astray? What does it mean to be RNA, hemoglobin, some other and other there's such anger that translates into taking revenge.
Such anger that translates into taking revenge.
Alright, or, for example, into giving punishment, because if it's on the part of someone who has authority, obviously it will be in the form of punishment. So googling him are those who earned the punishment of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala punish them. But remember that the holdup is not just that you're angry for no reason and therefore you punish the person? No, it is such anger that you have for someone when they have done something wrong, and they knew they should not have done it.
You understand? What kind of anger is
on a person who does something wrong? And they knew they should not have done it. You told them not to do it, you warn them, you made it very clear to them still to do it.
For example,
your father gets your cell phone, and he tells you you're only allowed to use these many minutes. Your bill should be limited to $25. It must not exceed $25. And what happens when the bill comes? Oh
$35 $50 Is he going to be happy or upset?
Upset? He might punish you and say that's it you cannot have your phone anymore.
Is that justified?
Is it justified? Yes, because he told you he warned you he made it very clear. This is what Orbis so now googling him are those who Allah subhanaw taala told what they were supposed to what they were not supposed to do. Yet they did it anyway they did the wrong they disobeyed and as a result Allah subhanaw taala punished them.
This is referring to all those people who have earned the punishment of Allah the anger of Allah, whether it was the people of New Harless Allah,
Allah subhanaw, Taala sent the messenger to them, they didn't believe in the messenger, therefore they were drowned. Similarly for their own and his people, they didn't believe in the messenger. They didn't follow. they disobeyed, the guidance was very clear. So they were punished. So it's not just one nation, it's any nation. But just think about it. We're not talking about you know, people of the past, let's relate this with ourselves, who is mcglue? Barley Him? Those who know what they're not supposed to do yet to do it? Anyway, those who know what they're supposed to do, yet they don't do it? Why does it bother? You do what you're supposed to you don't do what you're not
supposed to do by name opposite of that. We need to ask ourselves over here.
We need to question ourselves over here. Whatever I know about the commands of Allah subhanaw taala? Do I follow them?
Do I follow them if I don't follow them? What am I bringing upon myself? The pleasure of Allah, the anger of Allah, the anger of Allah.
So I want you to think about it. Do this homework, reflect, whatever I know.
Do I live by it? Or do I prefer my own desire over the commands of Allah? Because that's very dangerous. When a baleen a bad leader, those who are astray. Fidel. What does it mean by misguidance? What does it mean by baller? paren is when somebody
does something wrong, why out of ignorance, and they choose to remain ignorant.
You understand? They do something wrong, why? On the basis of ignorance, because they don't know. And they choose to remain like that they never bother to learn more. So I'll do by laying him Who are they? They know, but they don't do a volley. They don't know and they don't want to know. So who was successful at the end? Alladhina underly. So this is shows to us that there are three types of people. First of all, those whom Allah is happy with, who are the
those who do what they're supposed to do. Secondly, those who Allah is angry with who are they? Who are they? They know, yet they don't do. And thirdly, those who don't know.
And they choose to not know. What are we asking for the way of those people who Allah subhanaw taala is happy with and who are these people in certain Nyssa 69 Allah subhanaw taala says we're making you very low Rasul for Hola, Ikoma, Medina anomala who are laying him? Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, there will be amongst those people whom Allah showed favor. anomala Who are they? Who are they? The Iota elders mean in the beginning first of all the prophets, right? The stone, the prophets, obviously, who was Allah subhanaw taala
In a very happy with his prophets. For example, the prophets Allah Allah sent him he did whatever he was supposed to do. And this is why we learn in our planer qualcosa. Allah subhanaw taala rewarded him so abundantly. So first of all the prophets. Secondly, what's with the pain and the truthful ones? Thirdly, what shahada and the martyr is, those who die in the way of Allah and 40 will slowly Hain and those who are righteous. So such people are successful? And when we recite to the Fatiha, what are we asking for? That he or Allah? Show us the way of these people? Those whom you were happy with? We listened to the recitation one more time
in a show you bought
D a
dyno set off on a one stop being on sale
while you're
at the end of the surah we say I mean, what does I mean mean?
Oh Allah accept.
Oh Allah accept. So what is the show to us at the surah is also a Dora. It begins with the praise of Allah subhanaw taala Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. It reminds us of our end Maliki OMA Deen. It reminds us of the purpose of our lives a yoke and our Buddha Yeah, kindness study. And at the end, we pray to Allah that he or Allah, you show us the way you make us live on the way that you want that you like, that you are pleased with. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all of us, every single one of us the hedaya there
to be on Serato Mr. Clean and not just during but also I'm on and male last panels are to make us amongst those people whom he is happy with in this dunya as well as the hereafter. Subhanak Allah humo behind DECA Nisha, do Allah ilaha illa Anta Nesta Fuuka. One or two really Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh