Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 18 – L185E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the potential consequences of eating with people infected with the coronavirus and the responsibility of society to involve people in activities that are not directly related to their natural tendencies. They emphasize the importance of respecting older people and respecting women, as well as the negative impact of blind people on society. The discussion also touches on cultural practices, including the responsibility of older people to respect women and avoid embarrassment, the use of "ma'am" and "monkey" to describe women and children, and the importance of giving keys to your best friend and not sharing them with anyone.
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Allah subhanaw taala says laser Ll airmar halogen. There is no blame upon the blind. Ama from Little Tetris. I mean, yeah armia Yama to be blind. So there is no blame on Who? The blind person. There is no restriction on him. There is no blame on him. If he eats with other people, if he eats in somebody else's house, if he eats with people, or if he eats separately, what are either ology halogen? Nor is there any blame on Who?

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The name person?

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Any blame for what if he eats with people? If he eats in their house, or he eats inside his house, or he eats in privacy, there's no blame?

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What are Ll Maria, they have Raj nor is there any blame on the sick, that he eats, in somebody else's house, that he eats with other people? There is no blame.

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If we see over here, who is mentioned, the blind, the lame, and the sick,

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you can categorize these people as Who? The disabled or the handicapped.

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Now, these people are mentioned first, that can a person eat with them or not? Can such people eat with normal people or not? Can they eat together at the same table or not? Or are there some restrictions? Are there some rules? What do we know?

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There is no harm. There's no restriction people can eat together. So apparently, it seems as though there is nothing wrong with eating with them. But what does it show to us that how Islam views the different types of people that exist in the society?

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Because typically, what happens just because someone is sick, what are they told, You can't eat with the rest of us? Just because someone is handicapped, their child is handicapped, they're not invited to a wedding. They're not invited to a party. But what do we see that when it comes to eating, everybody has a share. Everybody has an equal status.

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There is no blame on the blind on the lame on. Also the sick if they come and eat with other people. There's nothing harmful in that.

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Now sometimes what happens

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if there is a blind person, he cannot see. It's possible that when he's eating, he eats in a manner that may cause distress to other people. Like, for example, when we're eating together, for example, from the same plate, what rules are we taught that we must eat from what is in front of us, isn't it similarly, we should not take two things at a time and eat them like for example, if there are a limited number of pieces of meat in a sauce, then we should not take two or three for ourselves. And there are so many people, and there are only a few left, you understand you should start with one. Or if there is plenty, then you can take two. And you know that this is sufficient for everybody.

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But if there is limited amount of food, and there are many people to eat, then we're not allowed to take a lot. But it's possible that a blind person cannot see. And as a result of that, what does he do, he takes two or three pieces of that particular food. And as a result, other people get upset. And there could be other things as well. Like, for example, in the manner that he's eating, perhaps he dropped something, perhaps he dropped some food on some other person. So there could be such instances where other people they are distressed because of such people eating with them.

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But what do we learn from here?

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That the disabled, they have a right on this food as well.

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That just because someone has a disability, and they may cause some Distress, they may cause some awkwardness. This is why you don't invite them. This is why you don't let them eat with you. No, you have to invite them and you have to make them eat with you. There is no harm for a person who can see if he deliberately, you know, eat from what is not in front of him, but what is in front of the other. If he deliberately takes the food of somebody else then he is at fault. But a blind person if you make some mistakes such as this, he is not at fault, because now you can live along with Epson Eliezer

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so this is the case with the blind. But what about the person who is unable to walk? It's possible that they're on a wheelchair.

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Now if they're in a wheelchair

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Or if they have to be held by others to come to the dinner table to, you know, fill up their plate, and to make them sit in a particular place, it's possible to take a lot of room, it's possible to take a lot of your time, isn't it? So, similarly, if a person is sick, they may take a lot of your time as well. They may have certain restrictions, some dietary restrictions, because of which they may question you, did you put this in this food? Did you put that in reading that food? Right? So when they asked such questions, don't get irritated, don't get agitated, and think I'm not calling him the next time. Or don't say to them, please go and sit there, I would bring your food to you.

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Don't be harsh with them. Because there is no blame on such people. If they eat with the rest of the people, they should be made a part of the society, it's the society's responsibility to take care of them to involve them. We cannot separate such people.

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And we should keep in mind the disability of others, that if they eat a lot, or the manner that they eat is causing distress to you, the way that they carry themselves causes the distress to you. The way that they speak, maybe causes you distress, don't get upset, be tolerant, be tolerant.

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It's possible that, for example, a woman has a handicapped child, he's in a wheelchair. And it's possible that it's very difficult to feed him that as you're trying to feed him, it's possible that he throws the food on the floor. Now, just because of such accidents, you will not call them No, because many times it is seen that such people are completely cut off, even from their families,

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it's gonna take them too long to come, we're gonna have to entertain them separately. Similarly, when it comes to old people, even they have certain restrictions, they have certain disabilities. Because of that people find it a burden to feed them. People find it a burden to involve them in their family dinners, in their parties in their get togethers. But we see that it's the responsibility of the society to involve such people in such activities as well, especially when people are eating together. So liaison alarma, how much What are you how much what are alone manually? How much? What does it show to us?

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The beauty of our religion,

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the beauty of our religion,

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that just because a person is handicapped does not mean they should be excluded from everything.

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Rather, they should be kept as a part of the society.

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And many times it happens that people who are disabled, others laugh at them, or others pass such harsh governments, that they feel so bad, that they decide that they're not going to go to such places anymore. They're not going to go to weddings anymore.

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It's possible, right? That the parents get so upset the way that their disabled children are treated by others, that people are constantly staring at them. And they're constantly questioning, and they're constantly laughing. This is very inappropriate. Many times it happens that, you know, for example, if a child has some disability to go to school, other children make fun of them. We learned that Imam Bukhari once he was taking the Hadees, from a mohawk this who was blind. And in the way that the muhaddith was speaking, the blind had this. Remember how he found something that was a bit strange, so he smiled a little bit. And he got so worried afterwards, that this would be considered

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as liva. I smiled at something he does not know. And it was as though I was making fun of him. So he went and sought his forgiveness, that Please forgive me.

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We have to be very, very careful.

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People are disabled children are disabled, and the way we treat them the way we talk to them, the way we consider them as complete outcasts. You sit here, please don't come here. I'll bring your food to you. Just tell me what you want. We have this, this, this this. I'll make your plate and bring it to you. This is not right.

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I remember once my grandmother visited me and my mother told me that when you take her for groceries, take her with you. Don't just go buy stuff and bring it home to her no dicker with you so that she also gets to decide what she wants to eat. And when you take on your buying fruit and vegetables, don't just make her stand there. And, you know, take the bag and start filling the stuff yourself. No, open the bag, put it in front of her, let her choose what she wants and let her put it in the bag herself.

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Because this is a part of respecting the elderly.

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This is a part of involving them in what we do. We tell all people, you sit at home, done what you want, I'll go buy it for you.

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And they're restricted to the house. They don't get to go anywhere. Because of that they get upset. And when we speak to them. We say why are they so annoying? It's possible they haven't left the house in many many days. Put yourself in their position if you're restricted

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The house for five days in a row, how would you feel

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frustrated, children get so upset if they're not taken out.

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And just for the sake of our own convenience, our own convenience, we don't take them out. Because we will have to walk slowly, we'll have to get a wheelchair,

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we'd have to park the car very close. It'll take us very long to do groceries, don't do these things with our children. Don't wait. We take our children to so many places, it takes very long, but we do it anyway. Because we love our children, then what is it that when it comes to older people, we don't have even a little bit of tolerance. Not even a little bit.

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Exactly that I'm going to learn who said that teach the women the soul. Why? Because women are generally the ones who come across such issues more compared to men. Like for example, if you're ever having, you know, a family dinner or something, the husband will say, you decide who's coming. Or they will, you know, do Shura with you and collectively you will decide who is coming who is not coming. So keep in mind that these people also exist in the society. If you're calling an older person, don't think oh, because of them, I'll have to change the menu, I'll have to make something extra because they want some soupy thing, or they want something that's very light and flavor. And

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because of that I'll have changed my menu such a burden. No, it's not a burden.

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It's your responsibility to involve them to take care of them.

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The disabled, the week, the sick, it's our responsibility.

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And many times what happens when people they're making fun of one another, they use such things such as you're blind, you're so old, you're crippled, they will use such words just to laugh at one another. But this is very offensive, very offensive.

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Because someone who has a disability, you cannot make fun of that. Even if somebody does not have a disability and you're calling them that name, then it's because you consider it to be funny. It's not right. It's our responsibility that we must keep these people as a part of the society and we must consider them as normal people, normal people.

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Firstly, who is mentioned the disabled, because many times are considered as outcasts. And they should be involved in the society.

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One or the other and physical. And there is no blame on yourself either. No blame on yourself to do what?

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And the crew member you take home that you eat from your houses. There is no harm there's no blame that you eat from your houses will you disappear, love by now, what does it mean by this that you eat from your houses?

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Obviously, there is no restriction on a person that he can eat from his house. Basically, the detail is mentioned at the end of the ayah. That whether you eat together or you eat separately,

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you understand whether you eat together or you eat separately, meaning you are allowed to eat however you wish inside your house without permission of others.

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Like for example, if you want to eat something, the food is on the table, your mother has cooked it you don't need to ask her mother, can I eat this? The husband does not need to ask his wife can I eat this? No, the food is kept on the table. It's understood it's for everybody.

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So there's no blame on you that you eat from your houses and your houses has been said, because it includes two meanings. First of all your houses includes like for example, if a person has multiple wives and you will have multiple houses.

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Secondly, your houses also includes the houses of your children.

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Because under will maluca li abacha, you and your wealth belong to

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your father. So a father he can go eat from his house as he pleases. And he can also go and eat from the house of his son or his daughter as he pleases.

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Similarly, a mother

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You understand?

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Because sometimes what happens in many cultures, it's considered wrong that you go to your son's house and you start eating without permission. It's not wrong. A mother, a father, they have this permission, they can go and they can eat whatever they wish, without permission.

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But obviously, remember, there is this concept of maruf. Whatever is acceptable.

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Like for example, if you know there's something on the table, some things on the counter, like for example, there is a fruit bowl with the fruit on the counter. If you go to your friend's house, you can just pick a banana and start eating it. Like for example, somebody invited you, you only eat what they have put before you, right, even if there's food that's outside, but if you go to your own house if a father goes to his son's house,

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If a mother goes to her daughter's house, she can eat that. You understand?

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Now it doesn't mean that she can open up the freezer and take meat and take it to her own house. Or she doesn't go for groceries and rather she comes in, opens up the refrigerator and takes whatever she wants. She goes to the pantry and take whatever she wants. So there is no blame if you eat from your children's house, I can eat freely without permission. No, remember, there's something known as my roof. What is acceptable?

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what is acceptable?

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Now before we continue, since all of you are grilled, sitting over here, if your mother in law comes to your house, she opens the fridge to eat something she's hungry, or she wishes to make her tea. Don't mind why?

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It's her son's house. her son's house, she gave birth to him. She raised him up she prepared him and now you're enjoying the benefits

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when she comes to you and have a cup of tea, let her feel relaxed don't make her feel awkward. Go out of this place this is my space No, let her relax.

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So and that crew member you take home then overunity ever equal or the houses of your father's What does it mean by that? Bad father's your father your paternal and maternal grandfather? uncles are not included over here Why? Because you mentioned that so oh boo TV. So for example you go to your grandparents house can you eat without permission over there? Yes, you can.

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Can you eat individually or can you eat with everybody? Of course you can you can eat freely.

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You go to your parents house you're married you live separately you go to your parents house? Can you eat freely over there? Yes, you can. Do you need to take permission about everything from you? Don't you understand?

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Just remember the concept of maruf remember the concept of maruf it's possible that in certain places, some things are considered okay like for example you go to your in laws house, it's understandable you can go open the fridge even you could cook whatever you want. Nothing wrong at all. But if you go to your grandparents house after like 10 years, and all of a sudden you're opening the fridge and you opening all the kitchen cabinets and you're pretending as if it's your own house, they might feel a little awkward. Who could eat what's on the table without permission you can eat the fruit you can take the water You don't need to take permission for every little

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thing. Just remember model of what is acceptable.

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Then after about who else is included Oh booty Omaha to come or the houses of your mother's. Now, why are the mothers mentioned separately?

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First about are mentioned and then Omaha can mentioned separately.

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Okay, so for example, if the Father has more than one wife, or if the parents are divorced, the father has a separate house, the mother has a separate house.

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Similarly, because Abba and Omaha they're mentioned, right. So one is the house of your immediate parents. The other is a house of your grandparents paternal and the other of your maternal grandparents. Right. So that's why there's a difference.

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Oh boo, the Atlantic or the houses of your brothers, Aquinas, Florida.

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And this includes your full brother or half brother, oh boo to Hawaii calm or the houses of your sisters, Florida, both. But remember that if your sister is living with your in laws, then you can't just walk in and do whatever you want. Because it's possible that more than hurts the other people who have more authority.

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So a lot of

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now, in certain cultures, it is disliked to eat from your sister's house, or it is disliked to eat from your daughter's house. or parents they don't feel comfortable eating from the house of their children.

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This is not Islamic, necessarily.

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This may be culture, but it is not imposed by our religion. Because over here, what do we learn? It's perfectly fine.

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Oh boo, Dr. Mommy come our mom is a Florida farm, who is on paternal uncle obesity or medical? Who has

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paternal aunt obesity who alikum Hall who is her

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maternal uncle, oh, booty Holla Holla Holla maternal ah.

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So there is no blame on you. If you go to these people's houses, you eat with them separately, or together. You eat with permission or without permission. Because these are your closest relatives, you can eat from their homes, because their homes are like your own homes. They're your close relatives.

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And many times what happens

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these relations in many cultures, these people who are related in this way they're living together in the same house. Isn't it so?

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You may have seen in many cultures that happens the grandparents, the parents, the children, right. And for the children, the uncles, the aunts are all living in the same

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But remember that in the Arab society, especially at that time, each couple would live separately.

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You understand?

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And a person would also keep his wife separate, each wife would have his own house. So yes, there is a very close relationship between you all, when you go to somebody else's house, although they're very, very close to you, right? They're very, very close to you. Because they're your close relatives, it's okay for you that you eat from their house without permission.

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It's okay that you eat from their house without permission.

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Or Ma'am, alecto mufaddal? Are those houses, those places whose keys or whose treasures you own. Nevada is a plural of Mr. And Miss that is key. But Nevada is also used for treasures.

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We're in the home of Fatiha laby layer llama Illa, who some of it in that context are known as both keys as well as treasures. So what does it mean by this? Oh, mama Toma Fatiha, who those places whose keys you possess, or whose treasures you possess, meaning those houses those places that are under your care.

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You are responsible to take care of them to look after them.

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Like for example, you're traveling, what do you do you give your house keys to your best friend. You don't have any relatives in town. So you give your house keys to your best friend. He is supposed to come and check. Make sure everything's okay in the house. So let's say as soon as you leave, he comes to your house, and he realizes you're going for a month and the fridge is full of food? Is he allowed to take that food to his house? Or should he leave it there thinking oh, I'm not allowed? He can take it? Can he eat over there? Of course he can. Because he has been given the keys. He hasn't been given the keys just to keep in his pocket all the time. No, he has been given the key so that

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he can take care of the place. So if he goes take care of the place, and he finds some food, he gets hungry, he is allowed to eat.

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Similarly, if for example, a person is working at a particular place, a person is working at somebody's house. Now he's working. And if he gets hungry, if he gets thirsty, can he go take a glass of water? Does it need to take permission?

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does need permission? No. He can have it.

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Similarly, if there's food out on the table, can he take that? Can he eat it? Of course he can.

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Similarly, if a person is, let's say, a gardener working in somebody's orchard, he gets hungry. And the origin of dates can have some dates. Yes, he can. Can he eat them there? Yes, he can. Similarly there's a water stream. Can he drink of it? Yes, he can.

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Similarly, if a person is looking after somebody, sheep,

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now he milks them he gets thirsty. Can he have a sip or two? Can you have a class or something? Yes, he can.

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But remember, again, it has to be maruf.

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It's not that, like, for example, a person,

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whatever fruit that he's picking from the orchard, he eats some of it. And he says, Well, I'm allowed to eat it without permission, I might as well take it home. You can't do that. Similarly, you're working somewhere, and they put a fruit bowl and you eat one banana, then you eat another banana, then you eat another banana, then you eat all the grapes and eat all the strawberries. You say I'm allowed to eat without permission? No, it should be with Marlo.

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You go to your uncle's house. And you say I'm about to eat without permission. So you start eating everything. And then when he comes home whatever snack was prepared for him, it's finished because you ate it.

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This is not appropriate. So remember mouth? Also do you recall or your friend? Meaning or the house of your friend you are allowed to eat from his house? And remember somebody has Who?

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a very close friend

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because it's from sleep and surplus from what truthfulness one was very true. Very deep in his friendship. Do you like best friends? So if you go to your friend's house, and you want water, you're not going to say Oh, can I have some water? Could you please give it to him and pretend like a guest? No, don't do that. Because if you pretend like a guest, they're gonna feel awkward, like What's wrong with you? You see the glasses over there. You helped me set up my kitchen. You know where the glasses are, you know where the jug is? You can have it.

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So when there is that relationship between you and someone, when there's that friendship and that understanding, then you are allowed

An-Nur 58-64 Word Analysis and Tafsir 61

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