Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 09 – L098A

Taimiyyah Zubair

Al-Anfal 1-19 Translation 1-19

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AI: Summary ©

The transcript discusses various false accusations against Yana deLuca, Catherine Yana deLuca, and Jacobana Yana deLuca. They also talk about Catherine's death by a man and the bounty she received. The segment also touches on a woman named Jacobana and her actions.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:02 --> 00:00:04
			Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
00:00:06 --> 00:00:22
			una Sanjana suta hit Karim amudha Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem. are
beshara actually saw that he will see the MD Washington Dr. melissani acabo de obon as you know,
00:00:24 --> 00:00:29
			lesson number 98 suta to unfurl. I am number one to 19
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00:00:32 --> 00:01:10
			yes aluna aka they ask you on about unfurl the war * say and fan, the war booty lilla he is
for Allah, what was soon and the messenger set the coup. So you all fear Allah, Allah will asleep
and you all reform make amends that that which is by nichrome between you all were ugly and you all
obey Allah Allah wa Sula, who and this messenger
00:01:11 --> 00:01:15
			in if kuntum you were mean once you believe
00:01:16 --> 00:01:44
			in never, indeed not but me noona the believers and levina are those who either when the Akira he
was mentioned, Allahu Allah YG let it trembled below home their hearts were either and when Juliet
it was read out, it was recited or lay him upon them as to who is versus that home, it increased
00:01:45 --> 00:01:52
			in belief, what are the and upon or behind the Arab, yet a worker loon they rely
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			and levena those who up moon they perfectly establish a salata the solar minima and from what was
aachener whom we have provided them you and Phil cone they spend
00:02:06 --> 00:02:27
			owner aka those whom they are a lot meaner in the believers have gone into the home for them. There
are certain ranks in the near or behind the Arab will not feel atone and forgiveness what is own and
a provision karimun honorable or noble
00:02:28 --> 00:02:51
			gamma just as a logical he took you out rabuka Europe, men from Baker your home bill help with the
truth we're in and indeed farrakhan a group of men from a remote meaning the believers like Gary who
surely once or dislike surely once were unwilling
00:02:52 --> 00:03:13
			yuja DeLuca they dispute with you fee in the truth bioderma after that debate Yana it was clear or
it became clear cut a number as if you sir corner they are driven either to a remote to death or
home and they jambu they were looking
00:03:14 --> 00:03:56
			what is and when you're at home he promises you Allahu Allah is the one of thought if attain the two
groups and the her that indeed it Lancome for you. What and there What do you all wish and that
indeed, viral other than that he possessor Ashoka T of the thorn, the guru, it is Luckily for you,
where you redo and he wants Allahu Allah, and that you should go he proves true and hepco the truth
be Kalamata he with his words, were Katara and he cuts their bureau route and Catherine of the
00:03:57 --> 00:04:11
			Leo hacker, so that he proves true and hepco the truth where you will later and he abolishes he
nullifies and when the false hood wallow, even if carry her he disliked allegedly moon the criminal
00:04:12 --> 00:04:59
			is when testily sooner you all were seeking help, or become from Europe, faster Java, so he
responded, welcome to you all. I need that indeed. I made the comb one who helps you one who
reinforces you be elfin with 1000 men from al-mulla aka the angels more define one after another
warmer and not jharna who he made it? Allahu Allah Illa except Bushra a good news. What and later to
my inner so that it becomes satisfied, be with it and will become your heart warmer and not
unnecessarily the help Illa except main from rain.
00:05:00 --> 00:05:58
			De Niro Allah Allah in the Lucha Indeed Allah Aziz and always Almighty Hakeem on Always, always, is
when you have a Sheikh, he covers you and murasa with the drowsiness and murasa with the drowsiness
I'm an atom as security men who from him were you know Zulu and he sends down are they come upon you
mean from a summer the sky, my water, liotta hirakud so that he purifies you be here with it where
you Heba and he takes away I'm confirm you register save a shape outline of the shape one one and
layer before so that he strengthens he ties up either upon glue become your heart where you serve
better and he makes her be he with it, have them defeat it when Yoshi he indicates or he inspires
00:05:58 --> 00:06:44
			rabuka your inner to al-mulla aka the angels on me that indeed I Marco with you. Better be too so
you all make for an Edina those who knew they believed so only soon I will cast fee in coleauxv
hearts alladhina of those who cafaro they disbelieved a robot that all the terror sub reboot. So you
all strike FOCA above our neck The Next Web reboot and you all strike main home from them cola every
banana and fingertips there Lika that be unknown because indeed they Shaku datafied they oppose
Allah Allah wa Sula, who and this messenger
00:06:45 --> 00:07:10
			woman and whoever you shocked it he opposes Allah Allah what a Sula who and His Messenger for inner
then Indeed Allah Allah shadow is severe under thought in the retribution then a comb that for you
all for boo so you all taste it we're under and that indeed lincare Farina for the disbelievers are
there but punishment and now of the fire?
00:07:11 --> 00:08:05
			Yeah, are you hurt or you and Medina those who knew they believed? Either when lucky Tom you all
met, and Medina those who care for who they disbelieved? zafran as an army or zafran marching
further than do not to Alou whom you all turn from them about the backs. Woman and whoever you want
to him, he turns from them. Yo ma even that day, the Buddha who is back in there except Motorhead
Griffon one who turns away in strategy literally dialed in for battle. Oh or Mr. Hasan one who
regroups one who retreats either to see attend a group for content in fact better he returned
builder then with anger main from Allah He Allah will not well and his abode Johanna his health will
00:08:05 --> 00:08:40
			be set and how bad and mostly the destination for them so not Dhaka to do home you all kill them.
When I can, but Allah Allah but Allah whom he killed them warmer and not ramita you through it when
ramita you through when our kingdom but Allah Allah Rama ki through when you bleah and so that he
tests and me Nina the believers, men who from him Bella and a trial has done a good in the law
Indeed Allah semitone always all hearing or the one all this all knowing
00:08:41 --> 00:08:51
			that a comb that are you all were under and that Indeed Allah Allah mu him one who weakens, gate
blocked l Catherine of the disbelievers
00:08:52 --> 00:09:00
			in a festive Do you all seek victory? The stuff they show you will seek a decision or you will seek
00:09:01 --> 00:09:35
			for court then in fact, J acoem. It came to you alpha the decision or the victory we're in and if
tentar who you all desist for whoever then it is best for you. We're in and if you do your return
narrowed we will return well then and never don't do it we'll have you on come from you fear to comb
your group shape or anything. Well Oh, even if guess what it was more or under and that Indeed,
Allah Allah ma with meaning the believers
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			boom you
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			una how por la
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			carry gamma
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			seen how
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			are you reading?
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			how far we can
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			leave a ship
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			la boo
00:12:06 --> 00:12:07
			boo boom
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			he is on hockey
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			omata Hayes and Isla
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			ma ma ma
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			ma si
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			What do you really mean? I mean
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			in a lot
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			boom, boom a
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			meanie meaning