Al-Baqarah 177-182 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 180-182
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L024D
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The legal framework for making a will is discussed, including the importance of giving instructions to family members and avoiding DACA. The speakers emphasize the need for proper behavior and avoiding mistakes to avoid future mistakes. They also discuss the meaning of "will" and "will change" in Islam, citing the importance of forgiveness and distributing one's estate. The segment provides information on the rulings of inheritance and causes, including a book and stock broker.
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We'll begin from Iowa at
quotevalet can either How about I had a common modes
prescribed for you, when death approaches any one of you is what? That in taraka Hi, Ron, if he leaves behind any wealth,
and what is meant by wealth,
a huge fortune, a great amount of wealth than what is prescribed upon the person, it was a year there was a meeting he should make a will, he should make a request for who
live validate well according for the parents, and for the close relatives, how should you make the will Bill Maher roof in a manner that is approved, and this is how can I remove the pain it is mandatory upon those people who have DACA.
So, we see over here that we learnt about this idea that some scholars consider this ayah to be abrogated by the idea of Eros, which is in Surah to Nyssa. The Eye of neurod specifies the certain the specific heirs, and also their specific shares. And this was revealed that the beginning other scholars say that no, this is not abrogated, but rather it is specific it is muscles to certain situations. What does that mean? That in certain situations, a person should make a will, concerning what he is leaving behind. And what is that certain situation, when a person is leaving behind himself a huge fortune.
And in such a situation, he shouldn't just leave as well for the heirs, but he should also request some of it to the relatives, or do some other good way. Because it's a great amount of work. It's a huge fortune.
Also, if you think about it, this is also applicable in another situation, where for instance, a person is living in a non Muslim land, and where the law of the land is that if the person dies, his property, or his estate is not necessarily going to be divided according to the Islamic law.
So what is he going to do, he's going to leave it to the people, after he dies,
what is he going to do, he should make a will, while he is alive, that when I die, my estate should be handed over to such and such person who should divide it who should distribute it, amongst my heirs, according to the Islamic law.
So this ayah we see it is still applicable, and especially to those people who are living in a land that is not Muslim, in a land where the Islamic law is not applied.
Because if you think about it, we as individuals, we still have to follow the commands of Allah, especially over here Allah says How can I learn with the pain, it is incumbent it is mandatory, it is necessary upon those people who are
and also we learned that when a person makes a once a year, it can be regarding his well, and it can also be regarding any other responsibility or any other matter that he wants to instruct his relatives about.
For example, if he intends to bequest, a portion of his wealth for a particular cause, then how much should it be, it should not exceed one third, remember that it should not exceed one third, it should be one third or preferably less than one third.
And if a person leaves behind him a particular responsibility or a particular task that he was taking care of, he should also tell his family about that, that it continues after he dies.
And also, a person can in his will, he can instruct his relatives with such instructions such as when I die. I should be buried in such and such place. When I die, then don't wait. Don't cry too much. Don't scream, don't have certain ceremonies, which are incorrect. So a person can make these instructions as well as a part of his work.
And we learned from the Hadith, that if a person has anything that is worth bequeathing, then he should not spend two nights without having his will. Ready.
Was panda says fun but then a who Barden SMU? Whoever changed it, after hearing it.
Whoever changed what after hearing what.
But then uh who the pronoun it over here refers to the will it refers to the we'll see and the word but that is from newsletters back then. But there you will deal with a deal to change something to alter something
So whoever alters there will see
who is going to alter the overseer.
Either it's going to be a witness who was present over there, when the dying person was making his will. Or it could be the trustee, the person who has been given the responsibility to execute the will.
So, man, but then who? Whoever changes the will?
And how can the will How can they will see or be altered?
It could be altered by addition, or deletion. For example, a person wills that particular property of his should be given in the way of Allah. And the witness says, two properties, he didn't say just one properties or two properties. So, he changes the will how, by adding something to the will,
or by deleting something from the will, he says, Oh, no, no, he said, not 100%, only 50% of this particular house, are of this particular account, or whatsoever.
And sometimes, that deal of the will can also be done by hiding the will completely.
For example, people find the will they find it written, but what do they do, they completely conceal it.
Why, because it is in favor of someone else, it's not in their favor, they're not going to get a share. It's against their wishes, it's against their desires, therefore, they completely hide the will.
So whoever changes the will bother man after semi or who he heard it, somehow, from some means to listen to something. But over here, it doesn't just mean that he heard the will, meaning he heard the dying person make the will. But rather what it means is that he is sure he is certain about what the will was.
Because when you listen to something, when you hear something with your own ears, what happens you're certain about it.
So whoever is certain of the will, and he changes it after that. And he could be certain of the will, either by hearing it, or by reading it. So in that case, if the will is altered, what's going to happen?
For in Nevada indeed not work and remember intimate gives meaning of only it gives the meaning of only is moveable the sin of it the sin of what the sin of changing the will, is upon who are the Nadine Are you but they don't know who it is upon those people who change the world. It is not on the person who has died. The sin is on who the people who have changed the way
it is on the ears, it is on the people who have changed the way
we learn even our best way to learn who he said that the dead person's reward will be preserved for him by a loss.
For example, the dying person he says that when I die, make sure that you don't celebrate any wrong practices, after I have died, or when I have died, then make sure that you give some of my property in the way of Allah is adequate to the poor and needy.
So he commanded or he instructed something good to be done.
So the reward for that instruction, he's going to get it even though that particular instruction was not carried out,
the reward for the dead persons will will be preserved for him with a loss of penguin. And the same is acquired by who, by those people who change the world. by those people who alter the way
in aloha Simeon are the Indeed Allah is hearing. And he's also knowing, what does it mean by this, that Allah has heard the will of the dying person,
he heard the word and he is arleen meaning he knows what action was taken by the heirs of the dying person. What did they do? Did they executed properly or did they alter?
Now the question is, why is it forbidden to alter the way
Why is it forbidden to alter the way what happens? injustice is done. For example, the person has instructed that a part of his wealth must be given in charity. So that help becomes a rule. It becomes the poor people it becomes the needy people and when the needy are deprived of their share, what is that? That isn't justice.
So it is forbidden, why? because it leads to injustice.
And sometimes, it deprives people of that which is their share of their share. So therefore also it is forbidden
from half a mimosa then whoever feared from the
Now over here in the following if an exception has been made
an exception to what
an exception to altering the will, or changing the will, that has been made by the dying person.
What is that exception
that Furman hoffa whoever feared, who does who refer to
who can refer to the witness, the person who is present over there the time that when the dying person is making his will,
it can refer to the scribe, it can refer to the executor of the will the person who has been assigned to execute the will. Similarly, it can apply to the heirs.
So, whoever feared, whoever was afraid, whoever was concerned may musen, from the muslin
the word moves and what does it begin with? Me? What does that mean? It's a noun and here in particular, it is one that is doing the action. So, mu sin is one who makes the one who makes the
one who gives the was the so mu thing is the bequeathing The one who makes the request, the one who makes the testament, the one who makes the will.
So, whoever fears from the Muslim What does he fear from the Muslim gentlemen of Islam?
partiality, a mistake, a deviation, a bias or a sin?
The word jennife is an array of letters g noon,
and jennife is the opposite of hanifin.
Remember, Honey, what does Hanif mean? to incline from wrong? To the right,
whenever to incline from wrong to the right. And Jennifer is the opposite of that, what does it mean to incline from? How do they have to incline away from the truth to that which is not true?
It is also said that jennife is unintentional mistake. It is to unintentionally become biased. It is to unintentionally deviate from that which is right.
And Islam, which is mentioned afterwards, gentlemen, oh, it's mine. It's mine is do incline away from the truth how intentionally deliberately.
So, whoever fears from the Vaquita, any kind of bias, any kind of mistake, whether it is deliberate, or not?
What does it mean by this?
Imagine, a person is dying, and they're making their way.
And they say, give half of my welcome charity.
What is that?
Is that permissible? It's not permissible, it is incorrect.
So that is what it could be jennife it could be is, it could be because the person doesn't know. And it could be because a person knows. But he doesn't like his heirs, and therefore he says, give half of my wealth and charity will give all of my wealth in charity.
So imagine a person is dying. And this is the type of will that he makes. Or what he does is that he wills all of his wealth, all of his estate, to one particular son, and deprives his daughter,
people do that. They put their entire wealth, they put their entire estate, in the name of one particular heir to particular heirs, and they deprive everybody else of the share of the inheritance.
So in such a case, what should be done
for us law have a new home, that if he made reform between them, who made reform between them,
the one who is present over there, man, hoffa The one who feared
so it could be the the scribe, it could be the witness, it could be the lawyer, it could be the air, it could be any other person who realizes that the person who's making the will, he is making a mistake. So if he makes his law between them between who who does them refer to them refers to the two concerned parties, who are they, first of all, the Muslim, the one who is making the will. And secondly, the heirs are the beneficiaries, those who benefit those who get a share from the will that has been made.
So if the second person is a third person, what he does is that he makes reform between the two, for that is morally, that there is no sin upon him. And remember that these errors, these mistakes, they may occur out of kindness of the heart, sometimes, like a person really has a very soft corner for the poor people, or he loves a particular son. And he doesn't like other children because they're very disobedient. So it could be out of the kindness of the heart. And sometimes it could be without even realize without even thinking people make such mistakes.
So in such a situation, don't just leave him to make the decision, try to reform?
And how is the person going to reform? How is he going to make the Islamic? First of all, if the dying person if he's still alive, he should tell him, No, what you're doing is wrong. Instead, you should do this. So first of all, if the person was making the will, if he is still alive, if the weather is still alive, he should tell him of the mistake. And if he has passed away, then what should he do? He should advise the IRS, he should advise those people who are responsible for executing the will, for dividing the estate. But he should make Islam.
And remember that Islam has many benefits. Why? Because first of all, the leader, he will be saved from committing a sin, He will be saved from committing a sin.
And secondly, the heirs, they will not have any enmity amongst themselves, because the will is just
and remember that if a person makes a will, that is unjust, there are terrible consequences for that.
There's a hadith that is reported in Muslim Abdullah Zack, in which it has been said that a man might perform the works of righteous people for 70 years. The person, he may perform the acts the works of righteous people for 70 years, he has lived a life of righteousness 70 years. But when he did, did his will, he commits injustice. And thus his works. And with the worst of his deeds, the final, the last deed that he does, is the worst deed and he enters the fire.
On the other hand, a man might perform the works of evil people for 70 years, he lives a life of injustice of sin, but then dictates adjust well, and thus ends with the best of his deeds, and then enters Faraday's.
So just imagine,
if a person at the time of his death, he makes a will, that is unjust, that is bias that deprives people have their right. What is he doing? He's making a huge mistake. So you're benefiting from the world that he's making? Shouldn't you help him? Should you remind him in such a situation?
Because many times in these situations, people become very emotional. And despite knowing what is correct, they don't do it, because they're overcome by their emotions. So at this situation, the listeners are the people who are present over there, out of their sincerity and well wishing for the dying person. They should remind him they should correct him.
And if he has died already, then once they come to know the truth, they should follow the truth. They should follow the laws of a muscle
let's listen to the recitation
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law has me on Ani Vernon hoffa.
Forgiving and Merciful. How is he Forgiving and Merciful? How is this relevant in the context? He is forgiving, and merciful. And this is why he has taught us these. These exceptions. He is forgiving and merciful to those people who rectify hoodoo Islam.
So when they do Islam, then what happens? They're not at fault. When they make the reform when they correct the situation, they're not at fault because apparently it might seem on my brother changing the world that is wrong. They're not changing the world. They're doing it according to the instructions of the last panel.
And that is why in such a situation a loss of pride are less forgiving and merciful towards them.
Sometimes when people are alive, they distribute their estate or the property amongst their children or amongst their is. Remember that even in such a situation a person should not be biased. A person should be just amongst all of his children and ears. Remember that once there was a person who has
Time The Prophet sallallahu Sallam who gifted something to one of his children.
And his wife said, that I will not accept it unless and until you ask the prophets of Allah, suddenly this is permissible for you to do so that you're giving only to one, and not to all.
And he was advised by the prophet sallallahu wasallam, that he must be just with all of his children.
So even during your life, if you divide your estate, if you divide your property, then you must be fair, you must be fair with all of the children you must give equal. And after that, and a person does not have any choice with regard to that it is going to be distributed according to the laws that Allah has given.
You will notice that in sort of Baccarat, there is a lot of just a glimpse of the laws and the details that come later on. Because it's the introduction is the beginning of the Quran. We have so many questions. Were very curious. Okay, what about this? And what about that? So all of these basic basic things I mentioned sort of the back and the details come afterwards.
And with regards to the rulings of inheritance, and also as we learned about crystals, In this lesson, there is a book Manhattan Muslim. It is by Abu Bakar capital ad, and it is available in English. And in the Volume Two, there's a lot of detail on both the topics inheritance and causes.
subclinical Maha mubychem deaconess Chateau La ilaha illa Anta, a stockbroker wanted to really I said, I'm already cool.