Al-Baqarah 177-182 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 177
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L024B
![Taimiyyah Zubair](
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The history and meaning of casualticity is highlighted, including the use of "mark centers for calculating taxes and setting reminders for others to remember." The importance of fulfilling promises in Islam is emphasized, along with the need for patientism and understanding one's own actions to avoid overwhelming expectations. The law of war, physical and mental pain, and loss are also discussed, along with the importance of praising good deeds and helping others. Regular prayer and patient mental health are emphasized, along with avoiding bad deeds and being opportunistic in pursuing good deeds.
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Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim
lesson number 24. So little bacala I am number 177 to 182
laser Billa. And to while Lu would you welcome tea barrel mashiki one Margaret mercury. righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, what I can know below, man M and A belaire. He will your will.
But true righteousness isn't one who believes in Allah the last day
and other things that are mentioned in the ayah.
At the beginning of this just at the beginning of the secondaries, we learned about the command concerning the change of the people.
And that command about the change of the Fiddler was given with a lot of emphasis. It was repeated many many times. Why? To make sure or to make clear to us the importance of facing the correct Tabler wherever we are, whether we are at home or we're traveling. No matter where we are, we must make sure that we face the problem.
And it was also made clear that merely facing a particular direction. Merely facing a particular Kibler is not enough, facing the Qibla is a ritual. It is a very important ritual, it is a part of establishing the Salah, so much so that if a person does not face the grand Qibla knowingly, then his Salah is not accepted. It is a part of sada it is a ritual. And it was also clarified to us that just merely facing a triplet is not enough. The Dean is not just about following rituals on the surface. It is not just about certain acts of worship, which are to be done. They're not just physical exercise. But rather Deen is about truly recognizing a loss
or being a loss of power without a wholeheartedly and devoting
everything that we have completely to a loss of data. This is the essence of the this is the essence of the commands that are Lost Planet Allah has given to us. We see that the Jews and the Christians, the previous oma the previous nations, they had also specified their own quibblers, the Jews, they would face the western side, the western direction, and the Christians, they would face the eastern direction, the Jews would face the Muslims, and the Christians would face the machine. And each of them thought that because they face the Muslim or because they face the Muslim, that is why they were correct. That is why they were the most righteous ones. That is why they were upon the truth.
And because they faced a particular direction. That is why they were rightly guided.
Because they were performing certain apparent rituals. That is why they were guided. This is what they thought over here. In the following verse, we are told about the meaning of righteousness, about the meaning of piety. What is righteousness? What is it to be upon the truth? Who is really pious, who is really upon the truth? What is really a good deed? Is it just about observing certain rituals physically observing certain rituals on the surface? Or is there more to the story?
Is righteousness only about performing certain acts of worship? Or is it about obedience to a muscle?
You see, rituals are very important, but they're meaningless. If a person does not have fear of a lot and love of Allah in his heart.
Similarly, if a person performs a Salah, and he makes very sure about where his hands are to be placed, and why he's standing and where he's under to be when he's under cooler and in such that that is important, but that is not the entire focus. The main focus is what that Salah is a meeting with a loss of in Salah a person should have who sure of Allah.
So Allah should take a person closer to Allah. So Allah is not just about a ritual that is to be performed physically. It's not just about that. So in this verse, we are explained, we are told about what the meaning of righteousness is. His righteousness, just about facing a particular direction in Salah is righteousness just about observing certain rituals physically, or is there more to the story, or does it include other elements as well.
So in this ayah
What is mentioned the meaning of righteousness, the meaning of piety, the meaning of being upon the truth.
Also, we learned that the change of Qibla, the command of the change of privilege, from beta martyrs, to the Kaaba was a change that was very difficult. For some people, it was very difficult for the people of the book, meaning they weren't ready to accept it, that the Muslims were facing their Qibla yesterday and other faiths in the Kaaba. And even for some Muslims. That command was very difficult, allows a panel data center where he and he explained to the believers as to what the wisdom was behind that command. And what was the wisdom for changing the Qibla to test a person's obedience to a muscle primadonna who is obedient to Allah. It's not just about facing the car, it's
not just about facing the bottom of this. It's about obeying the command of Allah. If Allah tells me to face the Kaaba, if it's the Kaaba, if Allah tells me to face beta blockers, I face fatal notice.
So the wisdom behind the command was to test the obedience of people. And we see that this is the essence of obedience to a loss of panel data, that a person is not just doing an action on the apparent but in the heart, what is he doing? He's obeying the law.
So the following verse explains this concept, and this idea is known as the iron bill. It is known as the iron, the iron of bare bare means piety, righteousness, and this one ayah. It's just one is just one verse. But it very comprehensively presents a clear picture of Islam. comprehensively, it presents what an overall complete and inclusive picture of Islam. It details every aspect of Islam very clearly. And if a person understands just this, one is, he will understand the message of Islam. He will understand what Islam is. Many times when we're doing Dawa, what do we do? When we're telling people about Islam? We think of many verses, or many, many aspects of Islam. But if you
focus on just this ayah it should be enough to explain to the other person what Islam is, what are the teachings of Islam? Because this ayah covers four main things. And what are they? First of all, it covers our core beliefs.
It covers the beliefs, what is it that we must believe in? Secondly, it covers everybody that what are we by that? worship rituals? Thirdly, it covers more ominous What are more ominous dealings with others. And fourthly, it covers of Lafayette, what are their manners and etiquettes?
So this ayah presents a very clear and comprehensive picture of Islam. And it explains to us what righteousness truly is, is it just about performing a ritual on the surface? Or is it about obedience to Allah soprano,
ladies laser,
beam is not righteousness is not by it is not. Laser is a verb. It has several forms, we have read the verb lay sets, which is a feminine of the word laser. There's also the plural form, which is lay soon. There's also less than, there are several different forms of the word later. Remember, I told you that the verbs in the Arabic language they're mildly and they're mobile, verbs of past tense and verbs of the present future tense, this verb in particular laser, it does not have modality It is only mildly it does not have a modality or form. It does not have a present future form. It only has a melby form, which is why laser is called farol. Notice what is napus incomplete. So it is
incomplete filled is incomplete word, because it only has the past tense, no present future tense. So les Silva Albin is from the root letters were rah, rah and which means righteousness, piety, kindness,
and it is derived from the word above, both with the fat house under their means land. What does that mean? land and land is the opposite of that is sea or ocean or water and bar is land.
The word love is also used for an open vast area, open country.
Therefore the word bid bid righteousness is
It has the meaning of vastness and variety. It has the meaning of vastness and variety. Just as the word bar is used for open land, open country,
there is a meaning of vastness and also an open ended a huge area of land, what do you have?
Nothing. What do you have,
you have a variety of different plants, you have trees, you have grass, you have creatures, you have birds, you have insects, animals, you have people, you have buildings, you have so many things, just imagine a huge piece of land, it's full of different different things. So, the word bid is used for a higher role Kathy, it means abundant, good,
it means abundant, good, a lot of good. So, bear is used for different and various types of good deeds.
What is it used for different and various types of good deeds.
And the word bear is also used for huge or big or great good deeds.
Just as there is a piece of land that has a lot of variety, similarly, there is not just about one type of good deed, you can also that bear is only to pray for our berries only to give soda for bear is only to speak the truth know
their righteousness is not just a one time, it is a many many, many, many different types. This is what Bill is.
Similarly, the word bear is used for huge great good deeds, big good deeds, not ordinary but big. So nice Elvira fighty or righteousness, meaning a good deed or a big good deed is not unto Alou, that you turn would you How come your faces by It is not just merely that you turn your faces towards what they will machete towards the east one lovely B and the West.
There were two Aloo is from the roof as well. And yeah. And would you is the plural of the word wedge, which means face and the band, notice the word is not payable, payable means before and payable means in the direction of
what does table me in the direction of the word Qibla is from the same root.
So it is not just that you turn your faces towards the mushnik or the muffling when insula.
Bite is not just about facing the east, or the west in prayer. But the question is that before also, we learned that lilla Hill machico will mockery to Allah belongs the east and the west. Over here, also Michigan roughly by mentioned, how come? Do you know Benjamin? North and South? They're not mentioned? Why? Because if you think about it,
the Qibla How is it determined?
How is it determined by knowing the rising and the setting of the sun, isn't it that's how you determine the Qibla The sun is rising, going towards this direction, which means this is the west or this is the east and then
where I am I face Northwest or northeast. So therefore, this is where my plan is going to be. So pimsleur is determined how with the directions west and east and not north and south. This is why my ship and mcraven mentioned also think about it Michigan, Muslim, Eastern West, they are the primary directions that are referred to globally.
You say the West and you say the East you don't say North or South? Generally what do you say, the west and the east. So this is one reason. Another reason is that the east and west are mentioned in particular over here. Because these directions were sacred to who to the People of the Book. They were sacred to the people of the book,
the Jews, they faced Muslims and the Christians they faced
What is the reason for revelation of this particular Ayah even our best fatherland who he said that this ayah was revealed concerning the Muslims.
It was revealed concerning the believers
that all our righteousness, all of it is not just in facing the people
It is not just in performing center. But there are more aspects of righteousness as well. There are more aspects of being bias as well.
The entire bid is not just insula, there is more beard as well. Others have said that this ayah was revealed concerning the People of the Book.
Because they would think that just because we're facing the machine or just because we're facing the Muslim, that is why we are righteous, that is why we are bias, but Allah says that no, piety is not just about facing a particular direction, by It is not just about belonging to a particular group. What is true piety, what I cannot Billa but by it is of who is of mn M and A biller is of the one who believed in Allah drew by it is of who have mn M and a bit of the one who believed in Allah. Now, this text over here, when I can build up men, I'm in a villa, this needs to be understood. Because if you translate it literally, what does it mean? But by it is who believed in Allah. If you
think about it, piety, righteousness is an action and man is a person. So how do you understand this? This has been understood in two ways. grammatically, this can be understood in two ways. First of all, it has been said
that what this means is we're lacking and Billa man and Avila, meaning, the true bit true righteousness is the bid of the one who believes in Allah.
It is the piety of the one who believes in Allah.
So is the piety. You can put this in brackets just before mine, because it is implied by the sentence, and it hasn't been mentioned, for the sentence to be more effective. So when that can be a little bit rude man, Elena Villa, the piety is piety of the one who believed in Allah.
Secondly, it has been said that and bear
over here, well I can build over this bear, it gives meaning of Allah.
It gives meaning of who, Allah,
Who is unbelt. Bob is one who does be
one who performs bit, one who is righteous. So I'll bear over here means righteous person.
Many times in the Arabic language,
a person is referred to by the action that he performs, that particular action is used, instead of the name of that person. Why? To show how much he does that particular action, how much that particular action is a part of him. He never leaves it.
For example, if a person is an audit, meaning the person is very just, he is called religion,
a man who is either a man who has either been justice,
but he is called Virgin Atlantic. Why? To show that he is extremely just to show that he is very just,
just as we say, Chief Justice. We don't say he is very just when we say Chief Justice. Why? Because he's supposed to be very just so many times in the English language as well or in the other languages that we use that we speak, instead of saying that that particular person is one who does this, what do we say that he is this? Why? To show how much he does?
Just as a person who is very brave, he's not said that that person is brave, what do we say? Not even like a lion? What do you say he is a lion? Why? To show that he is extremely brave. So over here, and bid means valve
and bar has been called bear. Why? To show that he does a lot of it.
That he does a lot of bit.
So true piety isn't the one who are the righteous person is the one who what does he do? First of all, he believes in a
man am and a biller.
The one who believed in Allah. The word eminent is from the fetters Hamza mean known as a man means belief.
It means literally a man means does the What does this mean
to confirm the truthfulness of something or someone
that is the literal meaning of the word email.
And when the word email is followed by be like over here, Mr. biller, it means to believe firmly in something. What does it mean? To believe in something with firmness,
do not have any doubts.
And it also shows the contentment of the heart of the person with believing in that particular thing.
That he is content, he is satisfied. He has truly accepted it and he has absolutely no doubt.
You know, when you're forced to accept something, sometimes you're shaking, and other times you're uncomfortable.
When you do want to do something, you're uncomfortable. So he man shows that a person has believed in something firmly and he is also very comfortable with what he has believed in. He doesn't have any doubts whatsoever.
So the one who believes in
what does that mean by believing in Allah? What does belief in Allah include?
It includes first of all belief in the existence of a Lost Planet.
Secondly, it includes believing in the elucha of Norse Pantheon, that He alone is the ILA. He alone is the one who deserves worship.
Thirdly, it is to believe in the robia of Amata. He is the rub. He is the Creator, he is the rosov He is the provider, he is the planner.
And fourthly, it is also to believe in the names and attributes in the asthma and suffered of almost.
So righteousness is not just about facing the east or the west. It's not just about performing rituals on the surface. But true righteousness is of the one who believes in Allah.
And he doesn't just say, I believe in Allah, but he is satisfied with the belief in Allah.
He believes in the existence of Allah. He believes that only Allah is the one who deserves worship. He believes that it is a law who created him. It is a law who provides him it is a law who decrees for him. It is Allah who plans everything in his life.
So we see that belief in Allah is not just a theoretical concept. It has a great impact on a person's personality. When a person believes in Allah, he prays to him, he trusts upon him, he sacrifices for his sake, he makes the art to him. he obeys him.
So the true piety is of the one who first of all, believes in Allah.
What else does he do? He also believes in what will Yeoman and the last day, what is the last day, the day of judgment, the hereafter.
And belief in the last day includes believing in everything that will occur after that.
Everything that will take place after that, from the grave, the bursa, to the resurrection, to the accounting, the hisar, to Jenna, to now everything that is included in the events that will follow after that.
So you also believes in the last day,
and why is the hereafter? Why is the day of judgment called the last day?
Because there is no day after that after that it is only eternity.
You can't change the date. You can't change the data for that after that it's only eternity doesn't make sense to change the date.
Changing the date now makes sense because time is limited. But then when it's eternity doesn't make sense. It's irrelevant.
So he also believes in the Day of Judgment, he also believes in the last day.
What does it mean by this? That he thinks of the hereafter to be the real abode, the real issue and not dystonia?
dystonia is only temporary. dystonia is not really a problem. dystonia is not really an issue. The main focus is what the hereafter
and he doesn't just have a belief, you know, that is just a theory.
theory. It's not just a concept that he is aware of No, it plays a role in his life. It affects how he looks at things. It affects the kind of actions that he does in the dunya.
That his focus becomes the year after, not the pleasure of dystonia. So he also believes in the hereafter. What else does he believe in one melodica, and the angels? Metallica is the plural of Moloch. And remember that there are different types of angels who perform different tasks. Some angels, they drive the clouds, other angels, they protect people, other angels, what do they do?
They record the deeds of the people.
Other angels, they cover the gatherings of knowledge. What do they do? They cover the gathering of knowledge, and the greatest of all the angels jabril What did he do? He brought the way.
So the true righteousness is of the one who also believes in the angels. And the question is, what does he mean by believing in the angels, that a person believes them to be the servants of Allah, creation of Allah, a creation of Allah that obeys Allah, and that a person believes in all of them.
And he believes in Well, keytab and the book
and you remember that the word book Al Khattab over here is his engines. So it's not just about the Quran, or just a total or just the Injeel, but that he believes in all the books that Allah soprano data has revealed, there is not just about facing the mothership, or facing the machine, there is about having the correct belief, first of all,
so he also believes in all the books. Now what does it mean by believing in the books, believing in the fact that they are the truth from a loss?
and belief in the books includes implementing the teachings of the book?
Because you can't just say yes, I believe in it, but I don't follow it. No belief is to believe in something to be true, and also to act upon it, to implement it.
So the true righteousness is of the one who also believes and implements the teachings of the book. One begin and the prophets, meaning man, Amma, also in an OBE, the word number one is the plural of the word nebby. And maybe his prophet. Nobody is on the roof is known by Hamza number which means news. So a Navy is the one who conveys important news, relevant news.
It is also said that the word Navy is from the roof letters known Well, well from the word number, and number is used for a high place. So a Navy is someone who is of a very high status. So he also believes and then in between, he believes in all of the prophets, who were sent by a loss of panel data to inform the people of the truth.
If you notice over here, only a beginner mentioned, Russell are not mentioned,
isn't it?
Russell are not mentioned only the beginner mentioned doesn't mean believing the result is not important. Of course it is. The fact is that the word nebby includes both rasa and ambia.
It includes prophets and messengers. Some say that you can use either word to refer to or you can use Russell, you can use the word nebby to refer to any messenger any profit,
and others that there is a difference between Russell and a begin, but the word and to begin includes Russell as well. So first of all, the righteousness true righteousness is of who, the one who has the correct belief,
the one who believes in Allah, the last day, the angels, the books, and the prophets. Eman yet Arpita
that he has the correct belief as well. It's not incomplete belief. It's not a partial belief. What else does this person do? What else does righteousness include? Whatever manner and he gave the wealth. So secondly, he spends the world this is what righteousness is at an unmanned isn't the route letters Mean while land. Meanwhile land
and man is everything which a person is legally allowed to use and benefit from?
What is my everything that a person is legally meaning by law. He is allowed to use it and he's also allowed to benefit from it. That is what makes
Is it could be something monetary, it could be otherwise. It is also said that man is everything that has some value
everything that has some value, it could be money, it could be clothes, it could be food, it could be one's children, it could be a person's business, it could be a person's assets, it could be personal possessions could be anything, provided that it has value, and that a person is legally allowed to use and benefit from.
So basically the word man includes both cash money and it also includes the different types of things that a person owns kind.
So it includes both cash and kind.
Remember, man is not just money, it includes your clothes includes your stationery, it includes your house includes your car, every single thing that you own, that has some value, whether that value is five cents, or $5,000 whatever it is, it is mine. So Adam Allah and he gave wealth meaning he spends the wealth Allahu Bihi upon its love, upon his love.
Help, as you know his little fetters have ever and herb means love. What does it mean by Allah who be
Allah have been he has been understood in three ways.
First of all, it has been said, that Allah have been upon its love.
Allah gives the meaning of in spite of despite,
and hope, be he
the word he the pronoun he, it means it and it is referring to wealth, it is referring to money.
So he spends wealth, despite love for it,
he gives it away, he does not hoard it, despite the fact that he loves his stuff. He loves his money. He loves the things that he owns. But what does he do? He still spends it in the way of Allah.
If you think of it, a person loves his wealth most when he is in need of it,
isn't it?
You love it most when you are in need of it.
If you're very hungry, and all that you have is just a little bit of food in the refrigerator. And there are two people who are hungry. Your love for that particular food is going to increase at that particular time compared to your love for that food at some other time when you're not hungry.
So a person loves his wealth most when he is in need of it.
What does the bell do? What does the person who actually does bear What does he do? He gives it away despite love for it, despite his love for the world.
Because we learned earlier that when Medina Amano, a shudder herb Berlin,
those people who believe they're intense in their love for Allah. And so the love of wealth does not overcome.
And they give that wealth away in order to minimize that love.
In order to control that love, because the more you will hoard it, the more you will keep it to yourself, the love is only going to increase and once you give it away, that love is going to decrease. So antimatter Allahu be despite love for wealth, they still give it this is one meaning of this part of the ayah.
Secondly, it has been said, what Adam mela I know he'll be either over here gives meaning of for the sake of due to because of
and he'll be he the pronoun he. It refers to him meaning Allah soprano.
So he gives his wealth Why? Because of love for him, because of love for Allah. He loves Allah.
And because Allah has told him, Allah has encouraged him to spend his wealth, therefore, he spends his worth.
Allah promises and reward and he wants that reward. He loves Allah. He wants to get the pleasure of Allah He wants to get the approval of Allah. Therefore, he spends that wealth.
So he spends that wealth Why? Because of the pleasure of Allah. And remember, that when a person gives away something that he loves, for the sake of Allah, then he attains the love of Allah.
When you spend something when you give something away
Something that you really love. And when you give it away for the sake of Allah, you will get the love of Allah.
This is one way of looking at it.
The third way is that I know he'll be he Allah again gives meaning of because of do you do, and the pronoun he it refers to eata it refers to giving it refers to spending.
So he spends as well, he gives as well, why? Because he loves giving, he loves giving.
Remember that the pleasure, the enjoyment, the happiness that you get by giving something you cannot get it by taking something
and once you give one thing away and you really enjoy that ad, you want more and more opportunities to give more to spend more
whatever mela Allah hopefully, he spends well, despite love for wealth, he spends well, because of the love for Allah. He spends well, because he loves to give he is a giving person. He has an open heart.
Now the question is, where does he spend this wealth?
upon who what does the NSA
what is the NSA?
First of all, they will cover relatives, close relatives, though he is actually the winner after the Yeah, there's a noon but the noon is dropped, why? Because the Wi Fi and alcova are connected with each other.
There is a special relationship between the two which inshallah you will study at another time. But in order to keep that relationship the noon has to be dropped. Just as we had earlier about Bernie is slow. Bernie is actually Bernie. Remember, the word Bunny is actually Bunny and the noon is sharp? Why because it is bunny of a swan.
So similarly, this is the we which the we uncover. And the word really is the plural of zoo. It is a plural of Do
you have done the word Zoo before? What does it mean? possessor one who has. So they will cover an airport that is a little tougher that they will corba means those people who are close to you, those people who are related to you. And as we have learned earlier, that it goes up and down how many generations close relatives for generations. So that will cover he spends his wealth upon the close relatives. The close relatives includes parents include siblings includes children, it includes spouse, and over here, near relatives are mentioned first.
Before anyone else who has mentioned first, close relatives. Why are the mentioned first, because relatives have the most right upon us. Even when it comes to spending our wealth, who has the most right relatives. spending on any other person brings only one reward. But spending on a relative brings a double reward. As we learn from the Hadith that sadaqa given to the poor is a charity while the sadaqa given to the relatives is both sadaqa. And Selena, what the salami maintaining or nurturing relations. Why? Because they're the most deserving of you and your kindness and charity. So if you give some other conscious an ordinary person, yes, it is a good deed. But when you give it
to a close relative, there's two benefits, one for the charity. And second. Secondly, for maintaining ties of kinship.
Many times will become very stingy when it comes to spending on our relatives. And by relatives. I don't mean distant cousins, or distant uncles and aunts, or great grandparents. I mean siblings, or cousins.
We see that children from the time that they're very young, what do they have competition. From the time they're very young, or she got this pen, I want this pen as well. She has a room of her own. I want a room of my own as well. She has a car, I want a car as well.
And then as children, they grow older as siblings or grow older. Even when they have entered the professional world. They have built their lives still there's a competition. They live in that area, they have this house, they have these many cars and we should also have these many cars. So when it comes to spending on our relatives, many times we become very stingy. Why? Because there is that feeling of competition. We want to have more than them.
Whether it is our siblings or cousins or uncles or grandparents or whatever.
And other times we dislike spending on other relatives Why? Because we've just never had any good relations with them. For example, sometimes it could be
Someone from the in laws. I can never give this to my sister in law, how is it ever possible? My brother in law, no way.
You can give it to donation, you can throw it, but don't give it to them. Literally sometimes we feel like that.
So, close relatives are mentioned first. Why? Because they have the most help upon us. And remember, that when a person spends on close relatives, then it actually leads him to believe it leads him to becoming a truly righteous person. And this concept of spending on the close relatives, leading to righteousness is confirmed by another eye of the Quran as well.
We learned earlier in one eye number 92 Allah, Allah says, lentinan will we ever had that on fecal matter? hibou never will you attain the good reward again you see the word bear has been used. Never will you attain albear until you spend in the way of a law firm that which you love.
And about this ayah we learn about the Sahabi embleton How will they learn?
It is said that
he was of the richest men in Medina. Some say that he was the richest man in Medina amongst the answer.
He was a richest man. Just imagine. Everybody knew that he was the richest man in Medina.
And the Roja which was a garden was the most beloved of his property. He had a huge garden. He had a lot of property and that particular garden, he loved it.
And it was situated opposite the mosque of the Prophet Coronavirus. And it was across the mosque of the Prophet subtle medicine.
The Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to enter it and drink from it Sweetwater when this idea was revealed that lanthanide will build a headset and fecal matter head wound that you will never attain bear until you spend of that which you love. Without her got up in front of Allah's Messenger and said, O Allah's Messenger, Allah says in his book, you will not attain righteousness until you spend in charity that which you love. And verily, the most beloved to me of my property, is my beautiful garden. So I give it in charity, and hope for its reward from Allah. Just look at him.
He heard and he did something right away. And he didn't just give some other property which he didn't like. He gave his most beloved his favorite property.
And he said, All as messenger, spend it wherever you like.
You spend it wherever you like.
ullas messenger appreciated that. And he said, that is perishable wealth,
that is perishable wealth.
I have heard what you have said, and I suggest that you distribute it among your relatives, what are the profits or losses and say to him, that you should distribute it among your relatives, Abigail has said, I will do so over last messenger. So I will tell her distributed among his relatives, and cousins. And the narrator said that, according to one opinion, the profit sort of Allison said that is perishable well, and according to another narration, that he said that is profitable wealth, meaning that is really going to bring you a lot of profit. And if you take the meaning of perishable, meaning this is going to end eventually give it amongst your relatives.
So we see over here from this Hadees, from this wave of Buddha, that when he wished to spend Something in the way of Allah in order to attain beer, what was he don't give it to who your relatives we spend on ourselves we spend in our childhood we spend upon our children, but when it comes to spending on our siblings, on our grandchildren or our other relatives, we feel that it is very difficult,
because there are some relationships that are dense, or there is a sense of competition between the two. But what do we learn from the Hardys that give gifts and spread love?
If our relatives are needy, then it becomes mandatory upon us to spend on our relatives. But it's possible that our relatives have more than us, or they don't need us to give sadaqa to them.
But still, what should we do? We should give them something that we have Ethel Nana Allahu be, give wealth, even if it's in a form of a gift, despite love for that wealth, despite love for that wealth.
So piety is not just about performing the celebrity face in the crippler by it is also about spending and spending on who spending on our relatives because they have
The most have upon us and spending our relatives requires more sacrifice on our part.
That is why it is a big good deed, it is a huge good deed. It requires more sacrifice. So spending on the relatives, also on who well yet Anna, and the orphans yet Emma is the plural of your team. And as you know, your team is literally the word your team is from Utah, which means to be alone. So your team is a child who has not yet reached puberty and his father has passed away.
Yet, Emma are children who have none to look after them, they have lost their fathers, and they're still very young, they're unable to look after themselves, they're unable to meet their needs to fulfill their needs to earn a livelihood. Why?
Because they have not reached the age of puberty, they're not able to work, they're still children.
So over here, who is the person who truly has who truly does bear,
the one who spends on the orphans as well.
We see over here, that first we were told, spending on close relatives. And it's not just close relative, it's close relatives, it's the will quarterback. So it doesn't just mean you give it to your cousins or your siblings, but it means you give it to you who all of your relatives,
and I'm sure you have any relatives.
And now we're told, spend on who under yet.
And then the Messiah came? And then so many more. So the question is, are there so many avenues or so many people upon whom a person can spend as well? I mean, how can he spend on so many different types of people? How is he meant to spend everything? or How is he meant to give to so many? We find it difficult to give to one person. But here we are being encouraged to give to so many people? How? How is the person really able to do that? Do you remember the meaning of atom Allah Allahu be
one of the meanings was that he gives his wealth because of his love for giving. Because of his love for giving.
When you give once, for the sake of Allah, and you see the happiness and the enjoyment that the other person gets, because you're giving them a gift, then what do you want to do?
You want to give again, and you want to give again, to the person who does bear, he just needs opportunities to give.
He's not looking for opportunities to not give, he is looking for opportunities to give, because giving once brings him so much pressure that he wants to give again. And he's never satisfied he wants to continue to give.
So therefore, so many avenues are mentioned over here. And so many other avenues are mentioned other places in the Quran to tell us that there's so many places or so many people upon whom You can spend. And remember that man includes everything, whether a lot, or a little.
Many times we go see a relative after such a long time, or one of our close relatives is going to see them is traveling to meet them. And we say okay, just give them my salon, or just tell them that I was asking about them. But if you send something small, even if it's something like a nice notebook, what does that show? What does that show that you care? You thought of them. And this is included in Atlanta Hopi, you just need an opportunity to give Remember, it doesn't have to be big gifts. Remember that? It doesn't have to be big gifts. It could be something small. But just give something you can buy good things even from the dollar store. Sometimes it costs only $1 and a few
cents more. It doesn't matter how they use it. I mean your responsibility is to give.
For example, there was a man who wants gifts other client secret. And he found out afterwards that he gave that to the car to a prostitute. And he tried giving it again and he found that he gave it to the thief and he gave it again ended up with a rich person. So of course you should be careful on where you're giving what you're giving to the other person makes them realize that they should also give or they should stop doing the wrong that they do. Because Allah is a provider.
So Adam, Allah, Allah who be to who the will Koba Welcome to the relatives, and also to the orphans.
One Misaki and those who are needy.
masakan is a plural of the word miskeen. And miskeen is from second what the second I mean to become still.
And miskeen is someone who is paralyzed by poverty, not in the physical sense in the metaphorical sense.
He is just stuck. He is unable to move. He is dependent on others, he is unable to fulfill his needs. He is immobile. He doesn't have freedom, due to lack of resources. People who have money, they travel, they go here and there, they go visit. But it Myskina someone who doesn't have enough money, he's not able to go around. So he is miskeen. And remember that miskeen is not just a person who is very boring, he doesn't have anything. miskeen is someone who has a need, that is unfulfilled. miskeen is someone who has a need, that is unfulfilled.
And that unfulfilled need has made him dependent on others, or that unfulfilled need has shattered his confidence. And he doesn't have the confidence to face other people. You see, some people have they don't have they will go and ask, they will go in back. And there are other people when they don't have they will still not go in back because of self respect, or something like that.
There's a heaviness that is mentioned in both Bukhari and Muslim in which the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, there are miskeen is not the one who goes around begging from people. And who can be turned away with a morsel or two, Just one bite of food, or two bites of food. That is not who miskeen is, or a date fruit or to
a mosquito is not a person who goes around begging from people. And he's not just someone who can be turned away with just one morsel of food, or one date fruit with $1 with 50 cents. No, that's not when miskeen is
a true miskeen is He who does not find enough to suffice him and he does not disclose his poverty, so that he might be given arms. He does not tell other people about his poverty that other people give him sadaqa. Nor does he stand up to beg.
So our miskeen has to be recognized.
And miskeen has to be recognized. And miskeen will not come and tell you I need this. But miskeen might say something like that he was unable to purchase food from somewhere or purchase a particular thing because it was too expensive. So what does that tell you? That even food he's not able to buy? So you're able to recognize the miskeen? How, through different signs. The one who really does bear or the one who is above? What does he do? He recognizes the mystery. He keeps an eye on the people who are around him not to invade their personal lives. But he is sensitive. He is sensitive. If you see someone who looks weak, who looks pale, who looks worried. He asks them, is there something
bothering you? Are you upset about something? Many times we say but Oh no. Everybody has their own problems. They shouldn't question other people about what they're going through. Just ask. You never know what that person is going through. Just ask and find out. There's no harm in doing that.
So miskeen is someone who has to be recognized, and the one who does bear recognizes him.
So Athan Malala who be who they will corba. While you're Damn, well Misaki.
Who else does he give his wealth to? webinars, Sibiu and the traveler
even means son, and a Savill means the way the path, the road, literally even a surreal means, son of the road.
What does it mean by that? This is not to be understood in the literal sense. Ignace Seville is used for a traveler. Why? Because he is on the severe, he is on the road, he is on the go. This is who administer Venus.
Remember that the words even meaning son and abou meaning father. These words are metaphorically used to describe someone who does a particular action and even have something and a boo of something means that he does that particular action a lot. Or he has that profession.
For example, a blue Raider or a learner. What does that truly mean? Father of the small kitchen doesn't mean literally no. But he loved cats and he was found with cats. He said that he would carry small little kittens in his sleeves even so because he loved cats and he was always found with cats. That's why he was given the name a Buddha. What was his actual name by the way?
So this is why he was good.
In the name of Akira, similarly, in English language, some people who are really interested in cars in mechanical things, what are they called? gearheads doesn't mean that literally their head is made of gears No, it means that in their head, all they can think of is gears, they're very interested in gears. So similarly eveness, a wheel does not literally mean son of the way, but it means one who is on the way. One who has been on the road, one who is on the road, one who is recognized by the road.
So many people that their family names based on what based on the kind of business that they've had, based on the profession, based on sometimes the origin, where they originally from the place that they're from.
So people do get these names, people who get these titles. So Edna Seville, literally means son of the way but it actually means a traveler.
So I'm gonna serve you. And also they expand upon the traveler,
who was the traveler referring to
the traveler has been understood in three ways. First of all, it has been said that it refers to a guest.
Because the guest, he is still traveling, he goes away from his house, he goes to another city or another country.
And then he is at your house, he staying with you. So he is still traveling, he's living out of his suitcase.
suspending on the guest, is also a part of
spending on the guest is also a part of it. Others have said that eveness reveal the traveler over here refers to the person who is traveling, and he passes by you as a traveler.
So he passes by your city, he's on transit, he makes a stopover in your city, just to take some rest, or just to fill up gas or just to get some food.
Who is he
giveness. Libya, traveler.
And others say that ethnicity refers to a person who wishes to travel. But he does not find the means to do so. He does not have the means to do so.
Sometimes people have to travel to go back home, because it's something urgent that needs to be taken care of. And they don't have the means to travel to Edna Seville also applies to that. So over here, they also spend on who the traveler and remember that the traveler does not necessarily have to be a poor person. The traveler does not necessarily have to be a poor person. It is a person who is traveling, even if he's a millionaire at home, but because he is traveling, he needs care. He needs your care. And you can express your care in any way, by bringing some hot meal, or making their bed or guiding them or telling them where to go. You can do that in several ways. So also
spending on the travelers. And also, sometimes if you're traveling together as a group, other people who are traveling are also traveling with you. And you think oh, I am a traveler. So people should take care of me. You should also take care of others. If you go get a T for yourself, you can also get a T for those people who are traveling with you.
So if let's say there's guest somebody lives in the same town, just 20 minutes away from your house and they've traveled to your house, even then they're traveling, they still deserve some kind of good treatment. At almanor Allahu
Allahu be despite its love, remember that when a person likes giving, and he just needs an opportunity to give. It's as simple as that. And this is what bear is. Bear is not just about focusing on certain rituals, but it is about finding an opportunity to just do anything that is good. What is it that I can do to please my
altar to who else was that alien and those who ask us that Alien is a plural of the website. And scientists from seen Hamza from the word to Allah which means to question
Who are the family? Those people who ask ask for what
any kind of assistance, any kind of help, whether it is money, or food, or glass of water? Any kind of help us actually.
And remember that a person can ask in two ways. First of all, literally, he can ask through words verbally. And secondly, a person can ask how through his state through the state that he is in through the state of need and destitution that he's in. For example, a person is suffering from a headache, or a person is extremely thirsty, and they're not feeling well. Should you Wait for them to ask you to bring water for them. Should you
Know, you know that they're thirsty, and you know that they have a headache and you know that they're not feeling well, they're not able to go down to the kitchen and get a glass of water for them. But isn't it that their state is demanding from you that you go bring a glass of water for them? It is. So a person could ask verbally, and also through his state
was settling. And also to those people who asked those people who question some people dislike being asked. They don't like it at all, if other people ask them. And if somebody dares to ask them. They think that these people, it's their profession, and it's their bad habit. And they're not actually needy. They're actually drug addicts. And if I give them anything, they're going to use it in the wrong way. So I'm not going to give it to them. And we become very annoyed and very upset with such people.
And sometimes people literally, they shouted them, or they speak harshly with them. But if you don't want to give something don't give it but what I must say Illa forgotten her. The one who asks you about something, don't reproach him. Don't rebuke him. Don't be harsh towards him.
Allah tells us in the Quran in surah baqarah iotc 63. The Colomer often will mafia rotten, hi Romans For the Catania to borrow her other guide speech and forgiveness are better than charity that is followed by injury, if you can't give charity, at least speak good words.
But from this, we cannot say that because a set Elinor mentioned, therefore you should ask.
Asking is something that is not liked in the
asking is something that is not like in a need, especially when a person asks only to increase as well. There's a hadith through which we learned that whoever asks people for their money to increase as well has asked for embers he has asked for fire. So let him ask for a little or a lot. It is up to him.
Because he's asking money for what? To just increase as well.
Many times, young children, and sometimes young people, older children as well. What do they do? They develop a habit of asking other people,
they won't spend their own money. But what will they do? They will make other people spend on them. If they're hungry at lunchtime, they will not go buy the food themselves. But they will ask their friend, can you please buy this for me and they have money in their wallets. They're not going to use it? Yes, it is kind of their friend buy the food for them. As long as there is a good agreement between the two. Sometimes you spend sometimes I spent that is understood. But if a person does not spend his wealth, and asks others to spend their wealth upon him just so that his wealth is not diminished, or just because his wealth can increase, that is something that is disliked in Islam.
Many times we find people who are young, and they're asking other people about for money for cash. Sometimes they're asking them for cell phones. Sometimes they're asking them for other things.
So, so as if for an extreme need, that is different, but otherwise it is something that is disliked. It is as though a person is asking for fire.
If a person has enough food for the day in the night, and you shouldn't ask other people for other things. But if somebody does ask you then what are you supposed to do?
what else what they report and also in the frame of the next the word record is the plural of recovered and recovered is from the root letters of the
alphabet literally means neck or shoulder. And recall the plural word is used for slaves. The plural record is used for slaves Federica means in the way of in the costs of setting the slaves free in freeing the slaves eradicated in order to free the slaves.
Now you might say all slaves don't exist today. If you want to free a slave, what are you going to do? Sometimes there are people who are imprisoned, or there are people who are prisoners or captives. And sometimes a bail has to be paid or something like that. So you can participate in giving for that. Similarly, a person could be caught up in debt, literally is caught up in debt and he's unable to get out of it. It's literally enslaved them. It's literally tied their neck. They can't move. They're not free at all.
Sometimes it could be an issue with regards to their immigration. They can't travel. They can't go anywhere. They're stuck. So you could help in some way. Strive for someone's freedom in order to free someone
with a low carb and also
In liberating the slaves
So, so far we have read about two categories. What are they first of all, and secondly, spending wealth. Now we see another aspect and what is that Riba? worship what I'll call masala any established the center meaning the one who does where is the one who establishes the salah and remember Salah over here includes father and Ethel. And what does it mean by establishing the Salah, fulfilling all of the conditions all the requirements all the prerequisites premium congregation, but it also includes praying the Salah as the Prophet sort of opposite in previous Allah.
Karma to Salah includes praying the Salah in the manner in the way that the prophets of Allah surronded solo camella A to Mooney Sunday, pray, as you see me praying.
So part of establishing the Salah is performing the surah as a prophet sallallahu Sallam performed
what is okay, and he also gave this oka? Who gave this the bath, the one who does bear
and the cat is obligatory charity is a cat that is weird. And it's given to specific deserving people who have been mentioned elsewhere in the Quran.
Giving the cat is also part of this. Many times, we focus a lot on giving sadaqa giving gifts. But when it comes to calculating the cat, or giving us a cat, we become very lenient.
Like Yeah, I'll just roughly estimate, I'll just roughly guess that I gave it about a year and a half ago, I think I should give it now. No, we should be very careful. That is okay. Give it at the right time exactly within the right period. And consider all of the different types of wealth on which there's a gap has to be given and calculated precisely. When it comes to giving tax or when it comes to calculating tax. We're so careful. We'll get an accountant when it comes to giving the counselor so casual will make it so easy for Attica and he also gave this
wonderful interview after him either to another aspect is now mentioned, which is of dealing with people more omelet? And what does that move for in a VR theme those who complete or fulfill their promise. Move forward is a plural of moving meme well fair, with a year at the end. Or if you don't write the year, then put two khasra under it.
And move in is one who does warfare. One who does warfare. What does warfare mean? To complete something to fulfill something.
When used for a promise, it means to fulfill a promise. When used for a covenant or a contract, it means to abide by it and fulfill it. So I'll move on those who fulfill their orders from newsletters I had either I heard whenever they promised those who fulfill their promises every time that they make a promise, every time that they engage in a covenant.
If you look at it with regards to the previous act of righteousness, they were mentioned in verb form. We read at a comma at almanor Allah who believed before that man m Annabella,
Amma Amana, we read atta we read a comma. And now we read move foreigner move on and begins with me which means it is a noun.
And also notice that add there a pharma minor all of these words singular he believed, he gave he performed over here move funa ends with wound What does that mean? It is plural. So we see that this is different one move one of him either. Why is this like this?
First of all, it is a noun. Why, in order to show a constant habit, a characteristic that defines a person.
When a noun is used to refer to someone, it shows that this is an action that they do constantly. That is an action that they do constantly. It defines them It defines who they are. So I'll move on meaning this is what they do every time every time they make a promise they always fulfill it. It defines the person who is righteous, the person cannot be completely righteous until and unless he fulfills the promises that he makes. Secondly, it isn't the plural form. Why? To indicate that the entire Muslim society the entire society should
fulfill their commitments should fulfill the promises that they make.
And also they think of it when you make a promise by default, other people are involved, the other party is involved.
So I'll move on and meaning both parties, they fulfill the promise. Because you can't do your job many times because it is dependent on who other people only when they do it, you can do it.
So I'll move on, both do it.
Another question is, I'll move on and bear it, which is this which promises this, this promise can be understood as a promise that they make with Allah, whether it is the arrest, in which the covenant was taken from all of the human beings, about who their Lord was, who was Allah subhanaw taala. And in the dunya, fulfilling that promise means believing in Allah and worshiping Allah.
And it can also apply to any other promise that a person makes with Allah, any promise? Many times we say that, oh, Allah, if I pass this particular test, if I get this position, I promise I will do this.
I'll move funa brrip you be there I do whenever they make a promise.
Secondly, it has been said that this promise refers to promises that are made with people, whether the other person is a Muslim, or not.
We say, oh, that person is not a Muslim, so it really doesn't matter. They're not a Muslim, so I don't have to fulfill my promise. I made an appointment yesterday, I don't have to push it on a Muslim who cares? No, I'll move on a beer to him. Either I do whether or not the other group, the other party is believing.
We don't insult Islam is 34 104 believe in either calamus oola. and fulfill every commitment, indeed, the commitment is ever that about which one will be questioned
commitments and promises, people are going to be questioned about them. So Islam is 34.
Now, sometimes you make a promise, and you're unable to fulfill it.
you're unable to fulfill it. And there is sometimes a genuine reason. For example, you booked an appointment, it is a promise, and you're supposed to go there. But you're just unable to go, you can't find a ride. You can't get there. What are you going to do?
Call them.
So if there is a promise that you have made, and you're not able to fulfill it, then what should you do? You should call it off. And you should make it known to the other group as well. Because it's not fair for the other person that they're waiting and waiting.
And it wastes so much of their time. It messes up their schedule.
We learn about the movement on who will be successful. And we know if the whole movement on the believers will be successful we learn about them will let you know whom the amenity him or her the MR own. And they who are to their trusts and their promises attentive. They're attentive towards their trust and their promises. And one thing that we can do to help us make sure that we fulfill our promises is that we can write them down any commitment you make any appointment, any promise, write it down, and set a reminder. Or ask other people to remind you do different things so that you can fulfill your promise. So fulfilling promises is a sign of a person's righteousness, because it
is a part of which
then Allah says wasabi, and those who are patient, Athena is a plural of saw
and forbid is one who does sub what the subdomain. Now you should know the definition of sufficient. Don't just say service. Don't just say patience. What does it mean? Have some nerves good to control oneself? To control oneself?
On what? On obeying Allah? What else staying away from disobedience and on the decree of Allah, on the decree of Allah.
So far between those who are patient, I see a civilian again Explorer. And again, it's a noun, saw a bit is one who does such
if you look at it, all of the acts of righteousness mentioned thus far there about giving, giving wealth over here. sovereign sovereign is about accepting. It is about burying it is about tolerating.
Somebody says harsh words to you, you tolerate them, somebody who's rude to you. Somebody does an action that is very hurtful. You accept it tolerated, even though it is very hard.
And when does the person have to do some fill back in the day
authority the word but set is from the roof veterans bare hands FC.
And But sir is understood in two ways.
First of all, it is said that but set is shit that will fuck.
What does mean poverty? And what does she mean? severe. So she doesn't fucker is extreme poverty, extreme dependence for the same word is the word books which is used for poverty, but books just poverty but sir extreme poverty, hunger.
Secondly It has been said that but sad is physical suffering, it is physical pain, because many times extreme poverty leads to physical suffering.
Extreme Poverty leads to physical suffering,
all the worries all the concerns, they give a person a headache, if a person is ill, he's not able to get some medication, if he has a problem, he's not able to solve it. If it's cold, he's not able to get a nice winter jacket.
So, extreme poverty leads to physical suffering. So those who are patient at the time have, first of all poverty, and secondly, physical ailment.
So for example, if a person has a headache, a person has a fever, his leg is hurting, his hand is hurting, what is he going to do?
What the server me not complaining, because server is, first of all, on the decree of Allah,
if a person starts to complain is oh my god and this and that, and he's shouting, and is yelling and screaming. And he has the headache himself, but he's giving it to others. That is not sufficient.
What else is included in such at that time,
continue with the act of worship, to the best of your ability that is offered. Many times, we just need the slightest excuse to give us a pass to not do what we're supposed to do. slightest excuse. I was just very tired and sleepy. And I couldn't go further we.
The other day, I went for a walk to the masjid. And I was amazed that at the time of Botswana, everybody was there. And as soon as a thorough week began, one person is lying down. Now the person is just sitting. Now the person is just standing. Other people are walking around. Why when I asked, or I have headache, or I'm not feeling well, or my legs are hurting while your legs are hurting, and you have the strength to stand and talk to your friends. And you don't have the strength to stand in throw rissalah sobor at the time of birth set is to continue to do the good that you are able to do to the best of your ability.
Many times we're looking for excuses, the slightest thing and will leave the class a slightest thing and we won't come to class, we'll skip, we won't go to the groups. It's the middle of the class. And I'm just very thirsty, or I just need to go see I just need to go stretch and we leave the class and we miss out quite a lot of stuff that's important.
But sad. There is physical hurt, it is difficult. But what is to continue the good that you're doing.
We have the strength to do other things to have fun to watch TV despite our headache. But we don't have the server to learn our lesson.
I'm sure that watching something on the TV or checking your email to the computer is going to bring more stranger eyes compared to trying to memorize the lesson.
But sir, physical hurt and suffer on that needs to continue the good that you're doing to the best of your ability, obviously, what the law and also at the time of the law, the law is on the roof letters blah, blah, blah, borrow. And borrow means harm or loss. It is said that the law is mental pain and torture. It is emotional hurt.
So basically the law is any circumstance, whether it is illness, or sickness or other people's bad behavior, or the situation that a person is in that brings him mental pain, mental torture, emotional hurt. That is what the law is. And others say the law is illness. It is disease because with disease with sickness, what happens? You also feel very low and down and demoralized. Isn't it so? So some of them the law is what? That if a person shouts at you, the person doesn't listen to you. He doesn't understand you. Or they're doing things that doesn't make sense to you. They extremely annoying what is 7200
yourself from reacting negatively.
We're Hainan bugs and also at the time of war, at the time of extreme hardship. Hina means time and the word vets is from the same root letters as the word bessette Burnham's se
and buts is a combination of physical and mental pain.
And otherwise the word Butz is used for war. It is used for battle.
So we're Hanan butts and at the time of birth, is understood as during war or during battle. Because if you think about it, during battle, a person needs to do more suffering.
Because there is fear, there is physical hurt, there is grief, there is worry, there's anxiety, there may be hunger, there may be fatigue, but at that time, suffer is do not become weak, or to not leave the battlefield. Hmm.
And if a person does not do suffer at that time, what is he going to do?
Just imagine a whole army standing at one person side screaming or crying, I'm scared, I don't want to go, what is he going to do? He's going to be demoralized himself. And he's going to demoralize everybody else, which is probably why women are not to go to battle.
Similarly, if you see his blood, or a person being killed, and he starts screaming, that's not subject to savina. Also in we're Hanan butts and also during battle.
And we can relate that's to be a very extreme or severe situation that we may be in. May Allah protect us. But if a person is in a situation, that is literally like a battle for him, that other people are opposing him so much. He's facing so much hostility. He's facing so much hatred of others, despite the fact that he is right. So at that time, also doing sobre
la Cala Nina Sadako. They're the ones who have spoken truth, who does refer to those people who do bearish? Those people who do bid. They're the ones who have sort of code. So the code is from set and what does it mean to speak the truth? So how have they been truthful? How have they been truthful,
in their claim of piety, in their claim of righteousness?
Because righteousness is not just doing one particular action and just sticking to that righteousness is about looking at the many different opportunities and availing them as well. This is what beer is, this is what righteousness is.
So like alladhina Sadako. And remember that Amen. Faith is about this the number the literal meaning of the word email, what does it mean to speak, to confirm the truthfulness of something?
So, like alania sodoku, meaning they are truthful, in their claim of being believers, they are truthful in their claim of being believers. For example, if you hear the weather forecast, that there is going to be a storm or there's going to be snow, what are you going to do? Don't forget, if these people are just talking, they don't know what they're saying
that what you're going to do, and you're going to walk out of the house without a winter jacket without snow shoes unprepared for the weather, is that what you're going to do? Now? You might not even leave the house. Right?
So when you hear that news, and when you take appropriate action, your appropriate action is confirming that you believe in the truthfulness of that news.
So similarly, when a person says that I believe his actions are going to prove if he really believes and what are those actions, some of them are mentioned in this I
would like alladhina Sadako. They're the ones who are truthful, meaning they're the ones who have been truthful in their claim of being believers.
Allah as messengers, they convey the truth to people. The prophets are a lot of them conveyed the Quran to us. The news has been given to us. What are we supposed to do?
Just say I Okay, fine. No, prove it through actions until the actions don't change. The man is just a claim. A man is just words. Real Eman. True Eman is when a person's actions change.
And over here, Allah says Allah Allah Dena Sadako, who is saying that they are the ones who are truthful. They're the ones who really prove their demand through a loss of planetary
allies of witness to their email, to the correctness of their email, to the truthfulness of their email, look at the certificate that they're given. Allah is saying they are the ones who are truthful. They are the people who will be successful,
what will occur and those human matakohe is there who
Is there who have the code? So what do we learn? That the core leads to bear?
The core, fear of Allah leads to righteousness. And if a person wants to have the core, what should he do? According to this ayah?
He should do bit
because when a person does his actions, what does that show that he has the phone and the call leads to more beers?
You know, when we learned that the Quran is a guide for who for those people who have the Holy wonder how can I have the call? Yes, we understand what the cause we understand the concept of the harbor, how can I develop the code in myself.
So these are some of the things that we can do to develop the code in our hearts. Let's listen to the recitation of the site
Ladies and
be a woman man or
kieta v one v.
One Masaki.
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Righteousness or piety is not just about doing certain actions on the apparent is not just about facing the east or the west belonging to a particular group. But true righteousness is of the one who has the correct Eman deals with the people properly gives otherwise well, and he is a HELOC, in his manner, in his dealing, also he is good.
Because righteousness is not just about one aspect of a person's life.
It covers a person's entire life, from his heart, what he believes, what he thinks, what he does with his money, how he looks at other people, how he deals with other people, whether Muslim or not. That is what righteousnesses this is what Dean is.
So what have you learned from this idea
that we should look out, we should keep our eyes open for the needs of other people.
We should be sensitive to how other people are, recognize their needs, and help them to the best of our ability.
And this is presented to us what your son is, but even at the time of hardship, not give up in your turn to Allah.
Sometimes when we're doing a particular good deed, we think that only that good deed is important.
The Jews thought facing the mother was the most important thing. The Christian thought facing the machine was the most important thing and they weren't hacked. Why? Because they belong to that group. And because they did that particular action. Similar similarly, we think that just because we're doing a particular action, that is the best good deed that we could ever do, and if somebody else is not doing it, they're bad. They're missing out. Yes, they are missing out on something that is good, but the dean is not just about one act of worship, there is variety, remember the meaning of bear from birth bar has a lot of variety, a lot of things and this is what bear is as well.
And being is not just about rituals or ritual acts of worship. But there are other things as well other aspects as well which are included in the the
a simple things such as fulfilling promises. And notice the word for that is mu foo in a variety and the plural has been used because all of the Muslims must do this. And noun has been used to show that this is the sign this is a quality that defines a person. And as Muslims are we known today.
When we belittle good deeds, then what are we doing? We are depriving ourselves of other good deeds as well. And sometimes we don't know which could lead is really going to help us which could lead is really going to save us from the hellfire.
Many times we say oh Tara we prayed snowfox son man
It's nothing. It's voluntary, okay only for apparently to operate tomorrow, I won't pray today, which you never know which pm of yours which such though of yours Wits allow viewers knuffel, or yg vorfeld could really be a means of salvation for you.
And when we do good deeds, especially when it's upon other people, it shouldn't be just with certain people only. But it should be with everybody. For example, if you make a promise whether with a child, or with somebody older, it means you should fulfill it.
Similarly, when it comes to giving a sadhaka, when it comes to giving a part of your wealth, it shouldn't just be to those whom you like those who are related to you. But it should also be for those who are your team, orphans, needy, travelers.
And all of these good deeds are mentioned over here on the apparent they might seem very difficult, they might seem very challenging. But one of the things that we have been told is such.
And when person continues, when he's that first when he's constant, then Allah gives him more trophy. Just try praying to more thoroughly, you never know, you might be able to pray all, just try this keep striving.
And hope love is very deep. One of the first things that was mentioned was my beloved one, Leo Miller, the last day, because when a person believes in the last day, what it means is that that is his goal, that is his destination. And he prepares consciously for that. And when he is preparing consciously for that, then all of these goodies are mentioned over here and others as well, they become easier, they become more important, they don't become insignificant, each good deed becomes significant than
and when it comes to the problems of other people, we should help them. When it comes to our own problems, we should be patient.
And when a person does bit, it takes out the love of dunya from his heart.
And we should be grateful for the trials that we go through are still less or insignificant compared to problems that other people are going through. And only when you look at problems in this way, then you can look beyond yourself.
Many times we get stuck in just our own problems. I don't have this, I'm going through this problem. And that person is making my life a misery and I cannot live in this situation anymore. Things have to change. And we just focus on ourselves. And when we focus on ourselves, then we close the bed, then we close the doors to bed.
And when you look beyond yourself, then you find so many opportunities to do good.
Then you don't just look at yourself. You look at other people as well who are suffering, you gain support and encouragement from the patients of others as well. But if they can do it, you can do it.
And the message of this is the essence of this ayah is that the deen is a way of life.
Deen is a way of life.
It's not just about performing rituals, but it is a way of life.
And the is broken down in a very interesting way. First, we're told what righteousness is not then we're told what righteousness is. And then we learn about the result of righteousness.
And we should pray to a loss of control to give us motivation to do
so we see over here that at one end is with aka human matakohe. And at the other end, the city would like Alina sodoku. But will it come with a motorhome? So on one side there is the quad. On the other hand there is there is truthfulness? What is it that connects the two
bears righteousness
bear is what you need to prove your Eman true.
And bear is what you need to develop the core. Bear is what you need to develop the core.
And when you give something for the sake of Allah something that you love, then in return you get the love of Allah.
Many times when it comes to giving, especially within relatives, we only give to those whom we like those whom we are more friendly with. And we ignore those whom we don't like. So we are biased. But over here, the will cover has been used. The plural form has been used to tell us that each and every relative is important. Whether you like them, or you don't like them whether you get along with them, or you don't get along with them.
And remember that giving to relatives is not just about giving sadaqa to them when they're poor. It's about giving mal to them anything even if it's as a gift. Let's listen to the recitation
a woman man or
kita b1
was slogging
about fulfilling promises
of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam let imana lemon law amanatullah who there is no Eman for the person meaning he doesn't have any man who the person who does not fulfill the amenities that are given to him who does not safeguard the amenities that are given to what is in America a trust, somebody gives you something to keep for some time, and you're supposed to return it to them. They've entrusted that particular thing to you. So a person who does not guard the amenities that he's given, who does not return the amanat. He does not have any Eman
while a dean, and there is no Dean Lehman Lera data who, for the one who does not fulfill promises, there is no Dean, he does not have a dean, who, the one who does not fulfill promises. And over here we learn well move forward, we are the either or do those who fulfill their promise, every time that they make a promise. So we should fix the reputation that we have made of breaking our promises of going against our word. Because a person who does not fulfill his promise, he doesn't have a dean, his Dean is not acceptable. His claims of being righteous are only words, they're meaningless.
And many times when we're suffering from something, if it's a headache, or problem or something like that, we think that gives us permission to stay away from the good that we can do. That gives us the permission to be harsh. That gives us the permission to be rude to shout back to do whatever we want, and to not do the good that we must do. But we learned about so many people who despite the difficulties that they suffered in their lives, which are much more intense and greater than ours, they're doing much more than we do.
They're doing much more than we do. We learn about people who are physically disabled, but still they have memorized the Quran, who are physically disabled, but still they go to the mosque to pray. They still perform the Salah, we just need a slightest excuse to sit and pray or to not pray.
So what Sabina filbert said what the law, we're Hainan bas and remember about sovereign, that the one who tries to have Subhan Allah gives himself
and a person who does not even try, how is he going to get some of them
you try and Allah will give you the field.
So the main lesson of this is that our eyes should be open, we should be looking out for not just a particular type of good deed, but any opportunity to do good. Whether it is making the bar or is doing good to other people, or being good to a traveler just asking them how they are, how their journey was, how they came or giving something small, to a friend or relative. We should keep our eyes open.
You know we should be like opportunists, any opportunity we have, we should avoid it. Because no good deed is insignificant. Every good deed is valuable.