Taimiyyah Zubair – Ramadan with Quran (Juz 14)
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The Noble century is a period where people are taught to be aware of the holy grail and the importance of learning from the Bible. The negative impact of negative language and negative emotions on regret and fear, as well as the negative impact of Facebook's actions, including disrespecting people and causing annoying behavior. The importance of protecting one's protection and not disclosing one's true intentions is emphasized, as well as fulfilling obligations, avoiding immorality, and giving gifts to createful moments. The segment also touches on the negative impact of using negative language, such as negative emotions and negative thoughts, on society and the natural processes that occur in the body.
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
our Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam. ala rasulillah Kadeem rubbish, finally a Saturday where Sidley Emery, was loaded up data. melissani Yakubu Kohli, along with Maddie Colby was sadly Sani was sued Sophie moto Colby emini, Arabella alameen
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran in nahu, local earn on Karim, that indeed it is a noble Quran meaning this Quran is very noble, it is very honorable, it is very respectable. And the mufa serum say that the word Karim, which is generally translated as noble is a comprehensive word, which is which describes something that is being praised. And the Quran is Karim because it contains what is worthy of praise. It has guidance in it, light, clarity, knowledge, and a lot of wisdom. So the people of understanding they take evidence from the Quran, they derive rulings from the Quran, people who are wise derive help proof and evidence from the Quran. And a person who teaches manners
meaning a person who teaches others, they also benefit from the Koran and gain strength through the Quran. And every scholar gains the foundation of his knowledge from the Quran. So the Quran is very generous in its benefits. And then the Quran is also called Kareem, because contrary to other books, and especially other scriptures, the previous scriptures, the call on can actually be learned by the old and the young, those who are very intelligent, and those of us who are average, and a person is also able to memorize the Quran. This is how noble the Quran is. And it is said that if a speech is read again and again, then the listeners get bored of it, and they begin to view it with little
importance. The ears also get weary of it. But the Quran is Karim it is honorable. So even though a person recites it a lot, it's it's frequent recitation does not diminish its value. And referring to the Quran repeatedly does not make it old and worn out and irrelevant and boring. Nor do the listeners get bored of it, nor does it become heavy on the tongue. Rather, it remains fresh for every moment, every era and everyday. mellow soprano data allow us to benefit from the Quran. And may our ears and our hearts never ever get bored of the Noble Quran. I mean, just number 14
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim surah 200 and if lamb raw Tikka Ayatollah kitabi will call Ernie Moo bean. And if lamb raw, these are the verses of the book and a clear Hold on, perhaps those who disbelieve will wish that they had been Muslims, let them eat and enjoy themselves and be diverted by false hope. For they are going to know when it is said that they will wish those who disbelieve will wish that they had been Muslims. When will this happen? This will happen at the time of their death, when they will see the reality of what they had been denying all along. And at every stage thereafter, when they will meet the consequences of their denial. They will regret over their
disbelief that we wish we had not denied. We wish we had believed in Allah. We wish we had obeyed Allah so that we would not find this humiliation and punishment now, and especially when they will see the Muslims whom they look down upon and ridiculed in the world. When they see them entering paradise, then they regret will increase even more. See, the fact is that when people will enter *, after some time, those with a man among them will be taken out of *. So we learned that Allah subhanaw taala will allow the prophets the righteous the angels to intercede for them. So any person in whose heart is faith, that is equal to A denounce a coin, or even half of a dino half a
point. And then we also learn about an atom is smallest end meaning very, very tiny amount of faith. That person will be taken out of *. So at that
Time, those people who had no emotion at all will be filled with regret that we wish we had also believed, so we too, would have been taken out of *. You see, denial is something that has never benefited anybody. If momentarily a person feels good in themselves by denying someone's rank that Allah subhanaw taala has given them or refusing to give what is do want them, then eventually, a person is brought to their knees, to face the truth, and accepted. We learned this in the story of use of a center. When his brothers refuse to see the good in him. Eventually, they were forced to see it and acknowledge it. So in the hereafter also, those who lived in denial of the truth in
denial of Allah, no matter how confident they are right now, no matter how pleased they seem right now, eventually, they will be filled with regret. So two threats are given over here them home, that first of all, leave them let them be. And then the second threat is given first cell fire and a moon that soon they will know. So how could the life which is in between these two threats ever be pleasant? But why is it that they're so distracted right now, on the day of judgment, they will be so regretful but why is it that right now they don't believe? Why don't they get it right now? What is it that turns them away? It is yet kulu where tomato, where you hear him will ml it is they're
eating, they're enjoying themselves and their long hopes, meaning they're too preoccupied with the present life. So it has become their ultimate concern. And if they do have any plans, goals, or dreams, they are for long, worldly life, and they are for worldly things. They have unrealistic, unending expectations in this life, that a person fulfills one desire, one wish, and then they have another three. No matter how much they get, the more they get, they want even more. So they have the desire to live longer and healthier and safer lives, that they enjoy what they are in forever, so that they keep pursuing worldly goals and pleasures until they have exhausted their lives, and they
have run out of time. The thing is, that no matter how much of this world a person enjoys, no matter what a person accomplishes, in this life, its reality is that it is in meaning it is not meant to last, it is like melting ice that a person wants to enjoy forever, it is not possible. So if a person focuses on fulfilling their desire only, then remember that there is no mountain of gold that can fulfill the desire of a human being. Because we've learned that if the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would like to have two more valleys. And we don't know Hades at the heart of an old man remains young in two respects, his love for the world and his incessant hope, meaning his ummah.
So when a person has such expectations of this world, among meaning incessant desires, then it has an imbecile he said, ma altana are doing an AMA in a ser Allah, Allah Allah, that the servant never extended his worldly wishes, except that his actions became corrupt. So when a person makes this world his ultimate concern, and he just wants more and more and more over here, then such expectations and hopes and desires, make them forgetful of the Hereafter, that a person does not think about the hereafter they don't prepare for it. So we learned from these verses, that seeking worldly pleasures, living in worldly comforts, and not preparing for the hereafter. This is not the
way of those who seek salvation in the hereafter. So we must make use of today, not for the fulfillment of desire, but to prepare for what is coming ahead.
Woman a hologram in Korea tiene Illa, one of her keytab Omar loon, and we did not destroy any city, but that for it was a known decree. And this is for both individuals and for nations, that for everything, there is a time limit, no nation will proceed its term, nor will they remain thereafter. And they say all you upon whom the message meaning the Quran has been sent down. Indeed you are mad. Why do you not bring us the angels if you should be amongst
truthful unless pelotonia response. Matt Nunez Illumina Ecotec inlab will help one I cannot even mumbling we do not send down the angels except with truth and the disbelievers would not then be reprieved, meaning then they won't have any more extended time. in unison avec la. What in Allahu Allah have you loon? Indeed it is We Who sent down the Quran And indeed We will be its guardian. Remember that Allah soprano Tata is the halfhill, meaning the Guardian, the preserver of the Quran, so he will protect it against any change any alteration. We see that every scripture before the Quran was changed by people. Why? Because it was people who were entrusted with it. And this is
mentioned in the Quran. Bhima starfield lumen kitabi la, they were entrusted with the book of Allah, meaning they were required to guard it. But the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala has taken the responsibility to guard it and to preserve it, meaning he will ensure that it is not changed, that it is not edited, that it forever remains perfect, because it is the word of Allah. And it is not just preserved in writing, but also in memory in the chests of so many people. So this is a proof of the truthfulness of the Quran. It is a miracle of the Quran. The preservation of the Quran is truly a miracle. You need the fact that it was revealed to an unlettered nation, where only a handful
people could read and write, were writing materials were next to nothing. And were Muslims were under threat from the very beginning. And its revelation was spread over 23 years, yet the poor and survived Yes, it was not lost, it was preserved. And today it is in the hearts of so many people. Why? Because Allah soprano tada has preserved vocal on it is Allah who has taken the responsibility to guard it for as long as he intends as he wants people to benefit from it. But remember, that close to the Day of Judgment, the Quran will actually be removed from this earth by Allah subhanaw taala. We learned in a hadith when they use law or like a tabula rasa vagenda fee Laila tip it in
one night the Quran will be taken away. For now Yup, coffee will have the mean Who are you? So not even a single verse of the Quran will be left on earth. So it is necessary that we benefit from the Quran today. We learn it, we memorize it, we teach it to our children. And this should be a part of our family. Any don't just be satisfied with some people knowing the Koran with the Imam of the masjid, you know, knowing how to recite the Quran beautifully, because as we can experience these days, and each person is only able to benefit from the Quran as much as they know it. Any we cannot. We cannot recite the Quran and Sunnah unless we know it. And so if this is a huge wake up call, that
we better strengthen our connection with the Quran, we better learn it for ourselves, we better make it a priority for ourselves. Don't just be content with you know, praying behind people who recite the Quran beautifully. You deserve to recite the Quran beautifully as well. And you might say that I have a horrible voice. I never learned it in my childhood. How can I learn it right now? Well, the Quran was revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, when he was 40 years old, that is when the revelation began when he was 40. There were people among the companions, who were not Arab, whose first language was not Arabic. And the Quran is the word of Allah subhanaw taala. And it is
for all people, it is for you and I It is not just for the perfect for those who are Arab, it is for all of us. So every single one of us deserves, that we that we spend time with the Quran learning its words, learning its meaning, memorizing portions of it, so that we can benefit from it, because this is truly a blessing. And a blessing of Allah should not be taken for granted. And we had certainly sent messengers before you among the * of the former peoples and no messenger would come to them, except that they ridiculed him. Thus do We insert denial into the hearts of the criminals, they will not believe in it. While there has already occurred, the precedent of the former peoples
and even if we opened to them a gate from the heaven, and they continued their into ascent, they went up to the sky themselves, they would say our eyes have only been dazzled. Rather, we are people affected by magic, meaning these people have made up their mind that they're not going to believe so no matter what miracle they're shown. They're not
I'm going to accept because if they needed a miracle than the miracle of the Quran is ever clear, and we have placed within the heaven, great stars meaning in the sky, Allah subhanaw taala has placed Budaj stars that are very bright and very visible, and we have beautified it for the observers how caring is Allah Subhana Dada, that he has made the sky, beautiful for us, so that when we see it, we can see beauty. And we have protected it from every devil expelled, except one who steals a hearing, and is pursued by a clear burning flame, meaning the shout out to the devils they actually go up into the skies in order to listen to the conversations of the angels, because when
the last panel tarla, gives certain commands to the angels and the angels, they discuss them amongst themselves, because when the commands are being given, angels are overcome by the fear of a law. So then later on, they confirm with one another, they ask each other so as the conversations are taking place between the angels, the jinn try to go up and listen to them in order to find out about the matters of the unseen about the news of the future. So when they try to do that, then they are struck by what by these shooting stars as mentioned over here, and the earth we have spread it and cast there in firmly set mountains and cause to grow there in something of every well balanced
thing. And we have made for you there in means of living soprano law, look at the variety of creation that Allah subhanaw taala has placed on the earth as sustenance for us as a source of benefit for us. And we have made for you there in means of living and for those for whom you are not providers, meaning there's so much creation that lives on the earth and human beings don't provide for them, we don't sustain them. It is Allah subhanaw taala who provides for them
and there is not a thing but that with us are its depositories. What Eman Shea in, in their in donor has no any everything. Its treasures are with the lowest bar. And this idea is so comforting. Because anytime we feel like you know I don't have this or I don't have that, or we begin to feel worried that you know it's been so long and I still don't have such an such blessing. Maybe I'm not going to get it. No, remember that Allah subhanaw taala his his that he his treasures are vast and there is not a thing except that Allah soprano Tata has its has its depositories, meaning its treasures there with him. What am I known as zero who Elizabeth Carter Mr loon, and we do not send
it down except according to a known measure. This is what we fail to comprehend, that Allah subhanaw taala has the things that we want, whether it is you know, knowledge or it is children, or it is health or it is wealth, whatever it is that we desire, Allah subhanaw taala has that he's capable of giving it, he doesn't have a shortage of supplies. He doesn't have any limit in his ability. No, he has a lot to give, he is capable of giving. However, he has set it decreed time for everything. And unknown measure also for everything, meaning according to his wisdom, and according to his knowledge he gives to his servants. And sometimes what happens is that a person wants something immediately or
at a certain time, but they're not given that particular blessing at that time. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala knows when that particular blessing is best for the person. And other times what happens is that we desire certain things, but we don't get them. Why. And we learned that when a person prays for something and he doesn't get exactly what he asked for Allah subhanaw taala gives them something else. And there's different substitutes that Allah subhanaw taala has. So why is it that Allah subhanaw taala does not any fulfill every single wish and desire of ours in this life? Because then what would be the difference between this life and Jenna. And secondly, the thing is,
that if everyone was given everything that they wanted in this life, then this earth would be a complete disaster, because we see this that people become very abusive, very abusive, and they become very corrupt, even with the little that they have. So imagine if people get everything that they desire, then what would become of this world and we have sent the fertilizing winds and sent down water from the sky and given you a drink from it. And you are not it's retainers meaning people don't
have control over rain and Alhamdulillah we don't have control over rain. Because if we did, then again this this world would be a mess, the things that we do have control over, look at the chaos that we have created in the world. So there are some things that Allah subhanaw taala has taken out of our control. What in the No, no, no he when we meet, when I know where the throne and indeed It is we who give life and cause death. And we are the inheritors will have other alumni almost duck demeanor, men come, what are the alumni Mr. Clean, and we have already known the preceding generations among you, meaning those who came first. And we have already known the later ones to
come, meaning those who will come later on in this world. And indeed, your Lord will gather them all together, whether they came early in the world first or later, the earlier generations or later generations, all of them, Allah will gather them. Indeed, he is wise and knowing. And we did certainly create men out of clay. This is the origin of human beings of the morning, Sam, the first human was made of clay. But what kind of clay was it? It was from an altered black mud, meaning clay that had been sitting wet for so long that it began to decay, it turned black and smelly. So this, you know, our origin is something that we need to remember, so that we stay humble, so that we don't
become proud of ourselves. And the gym we created before meaning before human beings from scorching fire, and mentioned when your Lord said to the angels, I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black mud. And when I have proportioned him, and breathed into him, of my created soul, one of two female ruhi Then what should you do, then fall down to him in prostration, not to worship him, but to show him respect, to understand that the human being has been given privilege over the rest of the creation.
So we see that even though the origin of human beings is decaying, altered mud, Allah subhanaw taala has still honored the human being, by putting the rule, the noble rule the soul into the human being. And this is what Allah subhanaw taala describes as a rule Hey, my rule, meaning the special rule that Allah created, and when something is mentioned this way, my soul, my servants, Allah's house, he this is a way of giving that particular object that particular creation, honor above the rest. And this is why we see that the angels were actually commanded to Prostrate to Adam, after the soul was breathed into him, one of us to FEMA rohi, fuck our owner who Saturday meeting after the
soul has entered the body, then you prostrate to him, not just when Adam is still a body, no, after the soul has been admitted into the body. So we see that this is what makes human beings better than the rest of the creatures. And the reason why Iblees was jealous. So we see that the route that we have the soul, this is from who this is from Allah subhanaw taala and its nourishment is also from Allah, its life and its satisfaction is in turning to Allah, in loving Allah in submitting to Allah. And this is why in the month of Ramadan, we are trained to focus not on the body, but on the soul. And this is why we feed the soul in the month of Ramadan. How with the Quran, because the Quran is
nourishment for the soul.
So the angels prostrated all of them entirely, except a blease Abba. He refused to be with those who prostrated. Allah said Oh, please, what is the matter with you that you are not with those who prostrate, he said, Never would I prostrate to a human whom you created out of clay from an altered black mud. So at least belittled human beings, because of the origin of human beings. We learned that at least actually used to be very righteous. But remember that Allah tada does not accept the apparent piety of someone. Allah subhanaw taala examines the heart. He tests the state of the heart. He wants the taqwa of the heart, the piety of the heart. And remember that the reality of the heart
and its weaknesses in their hidden, their concealed and tests, reveal them. Tests bring those weaknesses to the surface. And this is the time when we must acknowledge our weaknesses and secrets.
forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for them, because remember that Allah subhanaw taala, when he puts us in a test, it is not to set us up for failure. No, it is to show us our true selves, so that we can improve so that we can purify ourselves. I mean, if you think about it, other than is that I'm did not really need that prostration. Right. It was a test for those who were asked to prostrate to him. The angels did not have the choice to refuse, but at least did. And a police refused. So we see that many people you know, they're very nice in general normal circumstances, but when their ego is attacked, then that is when they get triggered. So we see that it believes his pride, he thought
very highly of himself. That is what surfaced when he was commanded to Prostrate to Adam or any sin. So remember,
it is our responses, our words, our actions, that show whether we are humble, or we are proud. And remember that when it comes to pride, then this is something with which a person cannot enter Jannah It is only with submission to Allah.
It is only with submission to Allah, it is only with humility, that a person will be qualified to admit to enter into paradise. So this pride needs to finish and these tests, you know, they they allow us to see ourselves and and that is a reminder that you know what, I should be humble over here. So Allah subhanaw taala said, then get out of it, for indeed you are expelled, and indeed upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense meaning forever, you are deprived of Allah's mercy. He said, My Lord, then reprieve me until the day they're resurrected. Allah said So indeed you are of those who are reprieved, meaning your request has been granted, you may live and you may have
freedom to do what you want, until the Day of Judgment until the day of the time well known meaning the time that is known only to Allah subhanaw taala. So we see that at least got what he wanted. But in fact, this was not beneficial for him. What was beneficial for him was to repent, to seek forgiveness. So we see that the acceptance of his request actually became a further problem for him. So this is why we see that, you know, sometimes when our wishes are not fulfilled in this life, perhaps Allah is protecting us from our own evil. Caught on a baby might have way too many he blamed Allah. He said, My Lord, because you have put me in error, I will surely make disobedience
attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all. Any This is displaced aggression, right? Instead of taking responsibility, it bleeds became vengeful, towards not just Adam, but all of humankind. It's like, you know, some people, they've had a bad experience with a certain individual, and they hate all human beings. They've had a bad experience with a person wearing hijab. So they dislike all people wearing hijab, they've had a bad experience with, you know, a woman, so they hate all women, right? They've had a bad experience with someone of a certain ethnicity. So they hate all people from that particular ethnicity. So you need This is unfair, and this is also shaytani. Any
Iblees blamed Allah subhanaw taala first, and now he's executing his revenge against Adam, as if he's blaming Adam as well. That Because of you, I was because of you, I failed. And so look at his evil any, it exploded, that any Look at his anger, and his vengeance that he wants to mislead all human beings. And he said, look as a human, none of whom fill out. I will beautify for them on Earth, beautify what for them, the glitters of this world, I will make them attractive, so that they get so busy with worldly life, that they are not able to obey Allah. And then secondly, that was a no no, yet the only I will beautify for them sin so that they will sin even though they know what
they're doing is wrong, but they will find seem to be attractive, except among them, your chosen servants in their eba come in human meclizine. You see miraculous is the thing which is pure from any mixtures. Pure, honest people who are sincere, those whose intentions are sincere, whose actions are also good. Then such people are chosen by Allah, meaning they're saved by Allah. So it is a floss. You bring about sincerity in your action, and then you will be rescued by Allah subhanaw taala Allah said, this is a path of return to me. That is true.
Meaning the way of if Laos is the way to Allah, indeed My servants, no authority will you have over them, except those who follow you have the Devi ators. So who are Allah servants who hold on to his rope, the Quran, who's one side is with Allah, and the other is with you. So hold, so hold on to it. And indeed * is the promised place for them all. It has seven gates, for every gate is of them a portion designated as the little law. He * has eight gates, and sorry, hello has seven gates, as we see here that has several to avoid. And for each gate is decreed. It is decided as to who is going to enter help through it.
Meaning which level which section and how they're going to end up in. And this will be according to the crimes of people. So we learned that Hippocrates will be in the lowest level of health,
in and with the pain, indeed the righteous, those who lived carefully, they will be within gardens and springs, having been told, enter it in peace, safe and secure. And we will remove whatever is in their chests of resentment, meaning any little resentment, bad feeling that they had in their hearts for each other, that will be removed. Why, so that they can be brothers in gender on thrones facing each other. Because if you have any resentment in your heart for someone, that even if they're in front of you, you cannot look at them in the eye, you cannot make eye contact with them. When there is bad feeling in the air, then you cannot truly enjoy. So this is why before people agenda enter
agenda, their hearts will be cleaned. So we learned in a Hadees that the believers after being saved from the Hellfire meaning after crossing the bridge overhill they will be stopped at another bridge between any before agenda. And that is called a controller. The name of that group that place is called a controller. And over there, mutual retaliation will be established among the people agenda meeting before the agenda there will be a sauce and what is the sauce that if someone has hurt another, then they will have to make up for it.
So that justice will be established. And then their hearts will be cleansed and purified. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said either who the boo, boo, when they are cleansed and completely purified, then they will be admitted into Jenna, what a relief. And for this you see it is important that we start practicing forgiveness right now. We don't bear resentment in our hearts for other people, because this is something that will delay entry into paradise. And what if any, that resentment is something for which we lose our good deeds. And it's also important that right now we don't do things to hurt other believers because on the Day of Judgment, any they will demand
revenge. No fatigue will touch them they're in nor from it they will ever be removed. This is happily ever after Nabhi everybody me and another photo, Rahim inform my servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful, what and our lobby who we are that will leave and that is my punishment, which is the painful punishment. So Allah forgives, therefore rejoice, and he also publishes therefore fear. This is why we should neither despair nor become fearless. We learned that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to some of his companions and they were laughing. So he said by the one in whose hand is my soul, if you knew what I knew, you would laugh little and
cry more. And then he left. So people began to cry. Allah subhanaw taala revealed His messenger that O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why did you put my servants in despair? So he went back to the companions, and he told them, receive good news. do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. So we see that we should always remain between fear and hope. And we should also give that same message don't make people so fearful of Allah that they begin to despair, they begin to think that they will never be forgiven. When a boomerang Lavie Ibrahim, and inform them about the guests of Ibrahim. When they entered upon him and said peace, Ibrahim said indeed we are fearful of
you. The angel said Fear not. Indeed we give you good tidings have learned boy, we learned
Earlier that when Ibrahim are listed I'm serving them food and they refuse to eat it. That is when Ibrahim or they sent him felt afraid. So then the angels told him that we are the angels of your Lord and we have come to give you good news of the birth of a child. That child is going to be our lean, knowledgeable learned. He said, Have you given me good tidings? Although old age has come upon me then of what wonder Do you inform me What kind of news are you giving me? How is this even possible? Ibrahim in Islam was old, his wife was old. So any hearing this that Ibrahim I said I was gonna have a child this receiving that news itself was so shocking. It was so any almost
unbelievable. And this is what you need. A lot of people also feel that you know what now I'm past 30 now I'm, you know, almost this age and now perhaps this is not going to happen. He have hope in Allah. Allah Uber shuttle NACA will help. They said we have given you good tidings and truth, fanatical meaning Can you clean, so do not be of the despairing. And we see over here that sometimes, even the most believing sincere servants need reassurance. Ibrahim lsmw had no despaired of Allah's mercy, but he needed reassurance. So he said, and who despair is of the mercy of his Lord, except for those who are astrea. So this is why no matter what, we should always have great
expectations from our Lord. always expect the best from him. Ibrahim said, then what is your business here are messengers, meaning, meaning you must have come for something more than just giving me this good news. They said, Indeed, we have been sent to a people of criminals, meaning to carry out punishment upon them, except the family of loot. Indeed, we will save them all, except his wife, Allah decreed that she is of those who remain behind. And when the messengers came to the family of loot, he said, Indeed, you are people unknown. So we see that neither Ibrahim or Sam nor loot are useful and recognize the angels. Why, because the prophets of Allah are human. And they did
not possess knowledge of the unseen. They said, but we have come to you with that about about which they were disputing, meaning your people didn't believe that the punishment would come. And now we have brought it and we have come to you with the truth, meaning for real, and indeed, we are truthful, this is going to happen. So set out with your family during a portion of the night and follow behind them, meaning the Prophet of Allah, Lutheranism should walk at the back, and his family should be in front of him. And let not anyone among you look back and continue on to where you were commanded. So you've seen as mentioned here, when I enter fitmin, come ahead and once you
have left, the none of you should look back, keep going where you have been commanded to go, do not turn back, why, because the one who looks here and there is not able to focus on his goal. And the one who looks here and there shows that you know, he is reluctant, he is not fully convinced, he is hesitant. And here any This was from Allah subhanaw taala. So why look back at looking at people who are being punished will bring about feelings of pity for them. So Whose side are you on, and also when you are moving towards the future, the next goal, then don't keep looking back. Because if you keep looking into the rearview mirror while driving, you won't be able to focus on what what is
ahead of you, you won't be able to look in front of you. And especially when you have left something for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala then don't keep looking back at it. Don't grieve over it. Because when Allah subhanaw taala when you have left something for the sake of Allah and Allah will certainly replace it with something better. So look forward to what Allah is giving you.
were called Eva la he barely call. And we conveyed to him the decree of that matter, that those sinners would be eliminated by early morning, and the people of the city came rejoicing loot earlier Sam said, Indeed These are my guests, so do not shame me and fear Allah and do not disgrace me because the men, they wanted to end.
Enjoy these, these guests that had come. So he said, Have some higher any peace or my guests. Don't do harm to them, and fear Allah do not disgrace me. They said have we not forbidden you from protecting people, meaning don't bother to protect these guests from us, hand them over to us so that we can do whatever we want. So this shows that these people didn't just commit heroin acts. They were also violent. Allah How would I even fit in
until fairly lean a little earlier Sam said these are my daughter's meeting. If you wish to marry them, go ahead if you would be doers of lawful marriage by your life. Indeed they were in their intoxication, wandering blindly, meaning their lust was uncontrollable. So the shriek sees them at sunrise, and we made the highest part of the city its lowest, and rained upon them stones of hard clay, indeed, and that are Signs for those who discern. And indeed, those cities are situated on an established road, indeed, and that is a sign for the believers. And the companions of the thicket. Were also wrongdoers, so we took retribution from them. And indeed, both cities are on a clear
highway. And certainly did the companions of the mood, deny the messengers, they lived at a place called a hatred, and we gave them our signs, but from them they were turning away, and they used to car from the mountains, houses feeling secure, they felt so secure in their lives, that nothing is going to happen to us that if the wind blows, we will hide in the mountains. for another two months I had to most behaved, but the shriek sees them at early morning. So they were destroyed by a loud noise. So nothing availed them from what they used to earn one Maha lacuna summer where it will, warmer baina humor in love will help and we have not created the heavens and the earth and that
between them except in truth in this world is not for playing an amusement. It is for a adjust reason. And indeed the hour is coming. So forgive with gracious forgiveness fostered by his self help Jamil. Earlier, we learnt about subbrand Jimmy, beautiful patients, and here we learn about SFX Hello, Jimmy, beautiful forgiveness. And what is that? If forgiveness and pardon in which there is no display of annoyance or anger in a burqa who will Halekulani? Indeed your Lord He is the knowing creator. When it NACA Subbu Amina metheny, wonderful and and Arlene And We have certainly given you a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seven of the oft repeated verses and the Greek Koran. What are
the seven oft repeated verses it is the verses of Surah Fatiha, which are verses that are recited in every soldier in every locker. In fact, if you don't recite it in your soul, your soul is not valid. So, the fact is, that certain Fatiha is such that you cannot repeat it enough. It is meant to be repeated again and again and again. In Salah we repeat it for Shiva, we recite it and the great Quran, meaning if the opening of the Quran the big the beginning of the Quran is worth repeating. Then what do you think about the rest of the Quran? It is truly a great quote. So when Allah subhanaw taala has given you the blessing of the Quran, which is better than everything else who
will hiatal min Maya jamaa own, then what is it that benefits you? If Allah has given you the Quran then what should you do? Latin would deny Naik do not extend your eyes to word what to word that by which we have given enjoyment to certain categories of the disbelievers, meaning do not look here and there from what Allah subhanaw taala has given you focus on the Quran, not on the worldly enjoyments that some people have been given in this life. Why? Because the Quran is better than everything else that people have. So don't be in all of the money that people have gathered, of, you know, their wealth off what they're enjoying. Don't be in all of that. And don't keep looking at it.
Because if you keep looking at it, remember what the eye admires the heart desires and shaitan beautifies this world for us, so that a person forgets the hereafter and and begins to feel greedy for this world. So you see what so so you see over here first, the blessing of the Quran is mentioned that it is worth repeating over and over again. And then it is mentioned, don't look at the enjoyment that certain people have been given. Because that enjoyment is temporary. It is not everlasting. And it is less than the blessing of the Quran. And then it is said well, Phil, Jenna Hakka Lee, well, Arthur has an IRA him was fifth Gen hacohen momineen. And do not grieve over them.
Meaning the people who are just busy in enjoying themselves in this world. Don't grieve over them that they don't believe so don't waste your time over them. And sometimes we make this mistake
People, especially on social media, you know, we're just concerned about looking at what others are doing. So okay, now they went here, and now they're eating this, and now they're wearing this. And now they're dressed up like this. And then we start judging people and we start commenting over everything. Well, Who told you to go look at that in the first place? Any Willa Latin would deny, make, don't don't stare at what people have been given. Don't look at it. Don't distract yourself from the Quran, from the blessing that Allah has given you to what others are enjoying? Yes, of course, you should do a murder murder with no human could but only when you're in a position to do
that. And the problem is that when people give, you know,
unsolicited advice all the time, then people get very annoyed by that. So whatever has an ally him any if it really hurts you to see someone doing something wrong, then First of all, don't waste your time looking at every photo that they've posted, and every story that they're sharing that Okay, let me see what other sin they're committing. Because nobody appointed you as a guardian over them. What you should do is that you make law for them. And whenever there is an aneurysm, don't just witness you know, waste your time grieving over them because that's not going to help anybody. What you should do is, well, Phil, Jenna, hi, Colleen meanie lower your wing, to the believers, meaning focus
on the believers. Be compassionate towards them. You see the things of this world? They are beautiful, but the Hereafter is more beautiful. So yes, this world is attractive, but don't be completely impressed by we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given a silk garment as a gift. And the people began touching it with their hands. And he they were they were admiring it so they wanted to touch it. You know, sometimes it happens that you see something with someone and you like it so much. You want to touch it, you want to hold it in your hand. And this is very normal. And he chose that you admire it and it's it's okay. For the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said at that time, are you amazed at this? So the companion said yes, he said, the handkerchief upside even more, in general are better than this. Any the handkerchief that saw them or others given in general that is way better than the silk that you were admiring. So anything in this world that you find beautiful, whether it is you know, someone's jewelry, or their nice clothes or their nice hair, or you know, their beautiful makeup or, or whatever it is that they have the food, etc, any okay? It's normal to feel attracted towards it and admire it. But remember the blessings of gender at that time. And ask Allah subhanaw taala for that, because Allah whom Allah
arratia induration Akira will love there is no true life, but the life of the hereafter. We learned that a Buddha will do love Warren who was once planting the sapling. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam came by, and he said, Oh, they know what are you planting? And he said, a plant for me. You need a sapling so that it can grow into a tree and I can benefit from it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, shall I not tell you of a plant that is better than this? He said, of course, although sutala he said, say Subhana Allah will have the De La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, for each one is a tree that will be planted for you in general. So instead of just focusing
on worldly beauty and worldly things, and just admiring, you know what other people have focused on deeds that will last forever. And, unfortunately, our problem is that we have made even religious, you know, the practices as times have, or as, or as, you know, moments of worldly decorations. You know, for example, when it comes to the month of Ramadan, sometimes our focus is more on Ramadan decorations, the clothes that we're going to be wearing, and the food that we're going to be eating, and the way we're going to be decorating our house. And there is less importance that has been given to ibadah. So we need to balance that out. And we need to pay more attention to what's going to last
forever. And then it is said well with Jenna Heckle and many lower your wing to the believers. You see, hofland Jenna is when a flying bird lowers its wings. And why would a bird lower its wing in order to descend in order to land? So now it is no longer up in the sky, distant and high. So how often is the opposite of being arrogant? So lower your wing to the believers means that be humble with them. be welcoming, Be kind, be gracious, don't be harsh and arrogant towards them. Because the believers, you see they were already weak. They were mistreated by the people of NACA, so you'll be humble with that.
them so they feel at ease around you, meaning let them feel safe around you. And really this was the case the Prophet sallallahu. wasallam was definitely very welcoming. So much so that everybody was welcomed around him. The companion said that people were not pushed away from him, lay you define who nurse. People were not pushed away from him. And he himself would approach the people and the prophets of Allah Who are the center, especially paid attention to those who were weak in the society. He would visit people in their homes, especially when they were sick. And he would also perform their funerals. When people were traveling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would be
in the back in order to support the week so that they don't feel that they have been left behind. He will also let people ride with him and he was so approachable. He would make the offer them an ethical dilemma and who said Can an abuse of Allahu alayhi wa sallam Allah Haman, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very merciful. He was very kind. So he would listen to people, he would fulfill their needs. He didn't mind going into any alley of Medina, any area of Medina to listen to people and to help fulfill their needs. He helped them he cared for them. Remember, there was a companion by the name of Geneva de la Mourinho, he was any hunchback and the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he got him married. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proposed on his behalf so that jlabel jlabel would have a wife. And then we learned that Janae babe, once he participated in one of the battles, and after the battle, the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz, and and told the companions that are you missing anybody? So they went and checked the dimension or so and so has died, and so and so has died? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, that, is there anyone else? And they said no. And the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I said, I am missing donabe. So, the companions, they went to look for him, and then they found him. Any, the thing is that the
jeleva was like a nobody, nobody even noticed him. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam noticed him, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he made sure the Geneva gotten married. And then when Julian was killed in one of the battles, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he made sure that he was found at that and that he was buried properly. And the Prophet sallallahu Ortiz and him carried his body and he said, that he is for me, and I am from him, meaning he is mine, and I am his soprano la wellfield. Jenna haka live, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was truly like that, and say, indeed, I am the clear Warner, just as we had
revealed scriptures to the separators. Who are they, those who have made the Quran into portions, meaning they believe in what they like, and they leave the portion which they don't like they reject it. So this kind of attitude towards the Scripture is not correct. So by your Lord, we will surely question them all about what they used to do, then declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists Indeed, we are sufficient for you against the mockers, who make equal with Allah, another day it but they are going to know and we already know that your chest is constrained by what they say. You see, the Prophet salallahu, Artesia was mocked at people denied him, falsely accused
him, they misrepresented him. And any person would feel distraught, would feel distraught by this constant bombardment. So Allah subhanaw taala comforts him that we know what they're saying, we know how you feel because of what they say. So then, how do you help yourself? First step be behind the Arabic, what could mean has sadly been two things are mentioned over here. First of all, do this be of your Lord, exalt Allah with praise of your Lord, and secondly, be of those who prostrate to him. So this is one of the best ways of dealing with anxiety, dealing with stress, you see, there are things that we can change. And there are things that we cannot change. When it comes to the
unchangeable things, for example, what people do, we don't have control over it. So we have to accept it. But then there are things that we can change and that is what we can do. So we must focus on that. So change the changeable and accept the unchangeable. So what changes can you bring in this situation where people are saying hurtful things to you do this B and B with those who do such them? First of all, do this B. Why does B because it is the remembrance of Allah. And the remembrance of Allah certainly brings intimate man to the heart, it brings contentment to the heart allowability delay to my Roku, so your heart will feel at ease by making the case we learn specifically soprano
law he will be handy he he This is
Something This is a vehicle that helps against fear that people have of darkness, fear that people have facing the enemy of spending money, any any kind of fear anxiety that a person has, they should increase in saying Subhana Allah, He will be harmed the heat. And then secondly, communists, Argentine, be among be of those who makes such the to Allah, meaning, pray together, pray together, because the benefit of praying together is that you actually end up praying them. You see, even these days, when you're at home, make it a point to pray, for example, pm will aid the total prayer with your family. Because then you will actually end up praying, if you tell yourself that you know
what I'm going to pray to the court on my own, it's quite possible that after four, you fall asleep, but when you're praying together, then you actually end up completing the entire setup. And then when you pray together, this gives you an opportunity to bond with like minded people. So you're no longer alone in your sadness. And when you're praying, and you're making such that communist saggi been such that as mentioned over a year, in such that you are close to your Lord, and you make this be in it somehow PLR and even draw in an image Vicar in it, and that will also bring comfort to your heart. So this is how you deal with hurtful words, or the anxiety that people feel because of the
things that people say. And these days, you know, especially with the current situation, any there's so many disturbing, you know, news that we hear almost every day. And if we keep talking about, you know, okay, this is what's happening in this country, and this is what happened in that country. He This can cause a lot of anxiety. So how do you deal with that? focus more on the remembrance of Allah and now that it's the month of Ramadan, focus more on praying Salah, especially in the night, where Buddha burka and worship your Lord had died to Kalia pain until there comes to you the certainty and what is eliakim death because death is certain. So worship your Lord, until the very
end of your life. So worshiping Allah subhanaw taala is a lifelong matter. It's not something that we do only when when we're younger, or only when we are in the month of Ramadan, but it is throughout our lives
sooner than the * is also called pseudo to narrow the pseudo of blessings. Because many blessings of Allah subhanaw taala are mentioned in the sutra. Remember that when the loss of Hamlet Allah mentions his blessings to us, it is to help us see those blessings and recognize them. Because only when a person recognizes a blessing, and recognizes the giver of the blessing, this is what produces feelings of love in the heart feelings of submission and obedience towards a loss of private power. And this is what leads to sugar. This is what leads to gratitude. So it is part of the perfection of Allah subhanaw taala his blessings, that he hasn't just given us blessings and then just left us
know, he has given us blessings. And he also tells us about those blessings. So that we see them, we remember them, we acknowledge them, so that we can be grateful for them. And this shows us that in general also, we should mention, we should talk about the blessings of Allah not to you know, make people feel bad, but to bring about feelings of sugar to bring about feelings of gratitude Bismillahirrahmanirrahim amarula he fell at the star g Lu super Hannah who What are are my usually Khun, the command of Allah is coming. So be not impatient for it. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with him. The command of Allah is coming, the day of judgment is coming. So be not
impatient for it. Because for everything is a set time and remember, no situation in this life is permanent. It will change but how we respond to it is what remains permanent. Unit zero minute equitable rule Haman Emery he are now Manisha luminary body and the rule of no hula ilaha illa Allah for the Khun, he sends down the angels with the inspiration of his command, upon whom He wills of his servants, telling them, Warren that there is no deity except me. So fear me. We see that in sort of the narrow the suta of blessings. The first blessing that is mentioned here is of Revelation, the Quran, the fact that a lot of sense inspiration on the Prophet
He chooses. So we need to understand that yes, Allah subhanaw taala he has given us many blessings. But there are certain blessings which are better than others, there is the blessing of life of the fact that he created us. Then there is the blessing of material things, worldly things, health, food, etc. And then there is the blessing, which is for the heart, and this blessing, Revelation guidance. This is something that's going to outlast outlive this world, meaning it is going to be a cause of permanent eternal blessings. So learn to see things as they really are. Because sometimes, you know, we we become very eager for certain worldly blessings. And we feel very proud if we have
them. And if we don't have them, we pity ourselves to death. So recognize the worth the value of each blessing.
calaca somehow wacky will Allah will help Darla, I'm usually Kuhn, he created the heavens and earth in truth. Hi is he above what they associate with him? He created men from a sperm drop, then at once he is a clear at versary soprano law people argue about everything, even about Allah subhanaw taala and the grazing livestock He has created for you or humans, in them his warmth from their skin and fur and wool, and numerous benefits, food and clothing. And from them you eat. So we see that there that the blessings that Allah has given us any. It's not that one blessing, that one thing one object is a blessing for us in only one way. No, these are, you know, multi purpose things. So for
example, animals that are mentioned over here grazing livestock from them, and either so many blessings that we enjoy, not just the food, the meat, not just the drink the milk, and not just differ, but also, you know, leather, and you need there's so many blessings. So sometimes we are very limited in our perception. We think that a certain thing is a blessing and only one way but you don't know in how many different ways it is a blessing for you. What he had to learn and for you in them is the enjoyment of beauty when you bring them in for the evening. And when you send them out to pasture, meaning livestock when you take them out in the morning when you bring them back and
they follow you. They're so obedient to you. And as you see them, just in looking at them. There's so much beauty. So we see that animals are not just for food, but they're also for beauty. You you feel like you feel a different kind of a blessing. When you have a pet and it follows you around the house with the middle of color comb, and they carry your loads to a land you could not have reached except with the difficulty to ourselves. Indeed your Lord is kind and merciful. So Pinilla one animal, and so many blessings. And he created the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and as adornment, and he creates that which you do not know. Meaning he creates other means of
transportation for you, which you don't know right now, because they will come later. Or meaning there are other blessings or other animals that are lost pounds, God has created other creatures that Allah has created and you don't even know that they exist. He said, Pamela, every so often we find out about the discovery of a new species, a new kind of a frog, a new kind of an insect, any Allah has created things that we don't even know about. So when Allah subhanaw taala mentioned these blessings to us, especially the blessing of animals, any What does that show us that these are blessings which we should use carefully, properly. And we should also be thankful to Allah subhanaw
taala for them, and we have to be considerate of these creatures are there for us to use not to abuse, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said right on these animals when they're healthy, and leave them healthy also, meaning don't use them to a point that they are any emaciated and they are, you know, completely destroyed. And don't make them chairs for yourself that you make them stand and you sit on them
and upon Allah is the direction of the right way and among the various paths are those deviating and if he will, he could have guided you all. It is he who sends down rain from the sky, from it is drink and from it is fully age in which you pastor animals he causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grape vines, and from all the fruits indeed and that is his
For people who give thought again, so many different blessings resulting from what from one thing rain and he has subjected for you the night and day and the sun and the moon and the stars, all are subjected by his command was a hollow tomb be empty indeed in that are science for people who reason. So we see that stars you need the sun, the moon, all of these celestial bodies up in the sky. These are not independent of Allah subhanaw taala. They are Musa hora to be empty, they're subjected to his command, just as we are. So the stars any day don't determine our fate. stars are assigned for us a means of navigation on Earth, but they don't indicate our future to us. So
horoscopes etc, remember these are not from Islam.
And he has subjected whatever he multiplied for you on the earth of varying colors. Indeed, and that is a sign for people who remember and surprised a lot, because it is spring right now, we can see different colors in trees in plants in grass, and it is he who subjected the see for you. So pianola See also has been subjected for us how so that people we are able to sail on it, we are able to dive into it, we're able to make use of it, even though the sea is so massive to eat from it's tender meat. So people we are able to fish and eat that meat and to extract from it ornaments, which you wear pearls. And you see the ships plowing through it. And he subjected it, that you may seek of his
bounty, you're able to travel from one place to another coast to coast, and perhaps you will be grateful. So this is something we need to think about being able to travel, being able to go overseas, whether it is for business, or it is for making money, or it is for you know, meeting people, any these are all blessings of a lot that unfortunately, a lot of us take for granted. And now that we're not able to travel around and now that, you know the economy is getting affected. This is when you know we're getting pinched. So this is the time to humble ourselves before Allah subhanaw taala and show even more gratitude, we need to thank Allah subhanaw taala and even for the
pearls that we were one coffee aldila whsc. And he has cast into the earth firmly set mountains, lest it shift with you and made rivers and roads that you may be guided meaning through the earth so that you're able to reach different places on earth, meaning there's a natural pathways, natural roads, so that people are able to explore different places reach different places, and landmarks so that people can navigate through the earth, they know where they are. And by the stars, they're also guided. So on Earth. Indeed there are landmarks landmarks, so that people have a sense of where they are. And if they feel completely lost, like for example in in the open desert where there's no
mountain or tree, then how do you figure out which direction you're going and look up into the sky at night and the stars will tell you so many it's amazing mountains and oceans and any rivers and pathways, you know, gorgeous, and even stars all of these massive creatures are subservient to Allah subhanaw taala so the question is, what about you and I? What are we doing? FMA your local command layoff Look, I fell out of Cologne, that is He who creates like one who does not create, so will you not be reminded? And if you should count the favors of Allah, you could not enumerate them. Why? Because within every object or multiple blessings, multiple usages, multiple benefits for us. So
then how could we ever list even the number of blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us I remember once in a in a class, we came up with the idea that we will count we will list the blessings that are mentioned in the Sula and I tried to do that and honestly I couldn't because there were so many every I I would get stuck. I would try to go faster, but I couldn't go faster. Because within every verse that is mentioned in the suta there is multiple blessings. So what interrupt do near matola Hello out there so you cannot count them. So Allah subhanaw taala does not ask us to count the blessings. What he wants from us is gratitude for blessings in the Lahore fudo
Rahim Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, will know who you are Aloma to soluna mentor linoone and Allah knows what you conceal and what you declare he knows all of your sins, yet. He keeps giving you
When livina do una Min donella and those they invoke other than Allah, they create nothing, and they themselves are created. So we see that all of these blessings are mentioned over here. Why? So that we recognize the perfection of the Creator, we recognize his generosity, and we recognize the fact that he is one, there is in reality, only one God, not multiple gods
and worten are here, they are, in fact, dead, not alive, and they do not perceive when they will be resurrected. So anything that is worshipped besides Allah, any it is creation, it is created by Allah, and we see that they are dead, end their life lists, or if they are given life right now, they will eventually become dead. So why would you dedicate worship to them? ILA who come in are who were hate. Your God is one God, but those who do not believe in the hereafter. Their hearts are disapproving. And they're arrogant. They don't want to accept the oneness of God. They are persistent, very arrogant about believing in multiple gods. assuredly, Allah knows what they
conceal. And what they declare, indeed, he does not like the arrogant. This is arrogance towards Allah soprano Tada. And Allah does not like arrogant people. Even people do not like arrogant individuals. So if we want a lot to love us, we have to get rid of his thick bar. And when it is said to them, what has your Lord sent down? They say legends of the former people's stuff that a lot when they're asked about the Quran, that what is the Quran? They say it is just stories. That's it, but as the column really all stories, no, it is not it is way more than stories. And even if there are stories in the Quran, are they just Legends? No, these are true stories, real stories that are
mentioned in the previous scriptures as well. So it's factual. And these stories are not just for entertainment, therefore lesson. So these are legends. These are any the Quran is more than just stories. So they say that the Quran is legends of the former peoples. This is the response of those people who don't understand what the Quran is. This is why they don't value it. And by such statements, what do they do? They go astray, and they lead others astray. So it is said that they may bear their own burdens, and full on the Day of Judgment, and some of the burdens of those whom they misguide without knowledge. Why? Because the person who calls others to error will have to
carry the burden of their sin also, not just his own sin, but their sin also, unquestionably evil is that which they bear, those before them had already plotted. But Allah came at their building from the foundations. So the roof fell upon them from above them, and the punishment came to them from where they did not even perceive, meaning the people who plotted against the truth, what happened, they became victims of their own plots. The punishment came upon them at a time and from a place when they were they felt very secure. Then on the Day of Resurrection, he will disgrace them and say, Where are my partners for whom you use to oppose the believers? Those who are given knowledge
will say, indeed, disgrace this day and evil are upon the disbelievers. Who are they? They're the ones whom the angels taken death, while wronging themselves and who then offer submission all their life, they were committing injustice, they were committing sin. And then when they see the angels at the time of death, they play all innocent. So they offer submission, saying we were not doing any evil. But yes, indeed Allah is Knowing of what you use to do, you can't lie. So enter the gates of * to abide eternally they're in and how wretched is the residents of the arrogant, how wretched. Remember, we seen these verses, that the punishment for a criminal begins from the moment of death
onwards, and this is mentioned in Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that when the angels come to take the soul of an evil person, they they say, Come out or impure soul that inhabited an impure body come out, blameworthy and congratulations, because you will be receiving boiling water and particulate matter and other forms of punishment. And this has continued to be said until the soul leaves the body. So remember, death is not termination. It is not termination. It is not resting. No
This is now the beginning of a new life in which there is either punishment or reward. So remember with death, punishment begins, just as you know, people are, you know, we are in the world, but we feel the heat of the sun, the sun is miles away. And just like that, when a person is in the grave, and if they're worthy of punishment, the heat of * will reach them. So the punishment will reach them even before they enter *. When did he ever Billa
workiva de la Vina taco and it will be set to those who feared Allah mother ends a lot of book home. What did your Lord send down? When they're asked? What is your opinion of the Quran, they say that which is good kalu Hira. The Quran is all good. For those who do good in this world is good meaning unless Pantera will bless them with good things in this life, alone less than with a man and other blessings. And the home of the Hereafter is better. And how excellent is the home of the righteous gardens of perpetual residents which they will enter beneath which rivers flow they will have their in whatever they wish, Thus does Allah reward the righteous.
So we see here that the reward for righteous servant begins from the moment of death, as it is mentioned in the next ayah and Medina totowa Humala equal to taiyi been the ones on the angels taken death being good and pure, the angels will say, peace be upon you enter paradise for what you used to do for what you used to do. So we learned that a righteous person, when the angels of death come to Him, they say, yeah, a year to hang up soon, they say, Come out also and so welcome, oh, good soul, that lived in a good body, enter praise worthy and receive the good news of mercy and fragrance and a lord who is not angry and this has continued to be said, until the soul leaves the
body and in the Quran, we learn yeah a year to have enough sudomotor my inner era de la la, la Leah to model the year for the holy fear a body where the Holy Trinity, the good news is given at the time of death, and the reward begins from that moment onwards and this will be perfected, where in Jeanette are the in gardens of perpetual residents, and what kind of a place is that it is a place where they will have whatever they desire, whatever they wish for, the thing is that as human beings, we really have too many wishes. And our desires are endless. And this world is such that any This is a place where our desires cannot be fulfilled, they can never be fulfilled, because you
cannot get everything you want over here, but there is one place where all desires will be fulfilled and that place is Jenna with a comfy helmet. And also calm you will have in general whatever that your souls desire, while a comfy hammock to their own you will have in general whatever the to ask for. And remember that in general, there is no waiting even meaning just when a person wishes for something desires for something before even he makes a request for it places an order the wish will be fulfilled in this world what happens you can skip the dishes but you have to wait for the delivery.
In general we learn that a person will wish to eat a bird and he will immediately find it in his head prepared and cut up even cut up carved. So that any there is no effort now that the person has to exert he just has to enjoy instantly. In another headies we learned that one of the people of general will ask a lot to allow him to farm to cultivate the land Hello sprint I will ask him are you not living in the pleasures that you like? Meaning Why do you need to you know
have plants and agriculture any Why don't you have everything that you need? He will say yes but I like to farm I like to cultivate the land you know some people that just love gardening
like for example there's you know enough food Mashallah that is available, you produce but still people like to grow their own tomatoes and you know, vegetables etc. So, in general also a person will wish for that. The Prophet sallallahu already said and said that when the person will be put will be allowed, he will sow the seeds and plants will grow and become ripe, ready for picking and so on until they will be as huge as mountains within a moment. Honey, the harvest will be so much within a moment. In this life. What happens when you plant something and then you have to take care of it. You have to work on it every single day. And then finally after many weeks, sometimes many
months and sometimes many years. Then you see the harvest
So, a person in general, any you will wish to farm, and immediately when he will start he will see the results right away. So there is no waiting in general, we learned that when a believer will want a child in general, he will enter the child will be conceived and born and grown up in a short while, according to his desire in this life, what happens, people have to sometimes go through fertility treatment, and then they have to wait through the pregnancy, and then finally the child is born. And then the first few months are so difficult, and then eventually when the child is able to sit up, you know, respond to you, then you start enjoying that cute stage. But then very quickly, as
the child begins to crawl and get into your stuff, and then you know, then there is another challenge, so pound Allah. So in general, remember, every single wish will be fulfilled, whatever that wishes. So this is why we should aim for agenda, because you see, almost primarily says the Latina SLP had the Hindu Nia has Santa, for those who do good in this life will be good. However, when Adele hit it hide the home of the Hereafter is better. So don't just aim for, you know, worldly blessings. Don't just ask for that. ask Allah subhanaw taala for permanent blessings in the home of the Hereafter, which is better than it is said, do the disbelievers await anything except that the
angels should come to them, or there comes the command of your Lord. Thus did those do before them and Allah wronged them not, but they had been wronging themselves. So they were struck by the evil consequences of what they did. And were enveloped by what they used to ridicule. And those who associate others with the law say, If Allah had willed, We would not have worshipped anything other than him. Neither we know our our forefathers, nor would we have forbidden anything through other than him again, they blame Allah. And remember, we discussed this earlier that just because Allah, Allah has allowed something, it doesn't mean that he approves of it. He has given freedom to people
as a test to see what they will choose to do. So don't blame a lot for your choices. Thus did those do before them they're presented similar excuses. So is there upon the messengers except the duty of clear notification, and we certainly sent into every nation a messenger saying, worship a lot and avoid Paul hoot. And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was deservedly decreed. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers, even if you should try further guidance? Indeed, Allah does not guide those he sends a straight and they will have no helpers. So if we want guidance, we have to take the first step, we
have to desire that guidance we have to ask for it. Because some people you know, they look at such verses and they say what is my fault? Or what is such and such person's fault if Allah does not want to guide them? No, Allah has offered guidance to everybody. And he This is why he created people on FIFA. He has put all of these signs he has given all these blessings he has revealed. Scripture is he has sent prophets, he has offered guidance. Now it is up to you whether you accept or not. So if you turn away, then Allah is not going to force a person to be guided. And they swear by Allah, their strongest odds that Allah will not resurrect one who dies any there are people who, who are so
strong, so adamant about their disbelief, they're so confident in their denial. But yes, meaning why would Allah not resurrect, he will resurrect the dead, it is a true promise binding upon him, but most of the people do not know it is. So he will make clear to them the truth of that wherein they differ. And so those who have disbelieved may know that there were liars, indeed our word to a thing, when we intended, it is sorry, indeed our word to a thing, when we intend it is but that we say to it be and it is con fire code, and this is how easy it is for Allah subhanaw taala and those who immigrated for the cause of Allah, after they had been wronged, we will surely settle them in
the world in a good place. So this shows that when a person sacrifices something for the sake of Allah, that sacrifice is temporary, any that separation from what you like, is momentary, because Allah subhanaw taala will replace it with something better, this is his promise, but the reward of the Hereafter is greater, if only they could know that is the real reward. And that is what we should be aiming for. You see, for example, if a person is fasting, when you're fasting, you're not able to eat, but what does that mean are you never going to be able to eat again? No, you break your fast and then with a little bit of food that you eat, you feel so satisfied. You feel
So good you feel so nourished and humble in that and just like that, when a person leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will not leave them empty handed. This is any how almost Pandora has, has created the the creation, right? We see that, for example, when a child is born, the umbilical cord is cut off, and that umbilical cord was the one source of his end sustenance. But then after the child is born, the child is given the mother's milk, any double supply now, and then when the child is no longer able to have the mother's milk, then there's food and there's a drink, there's solids and there's liquids and there's different flavors. So again the food, the food sources are
multiplied. And then when a person leaves this world, then remember that for agenda Allah has made eight gates. So anything that is taken away from you, remember, what you get will be doubled, it will be doubled. But for that a person must have Eman and taqwa and ersan and do what is within their capacity. So when a jewel haloti Akbar, lo can we are in a moon, if only they knew.
And levena sobre la la Bohemia tower Kowloon, there are those who endured patiently and upon their Lord, they relied upon Allah Subhan and tawakkol this is necessary. You see, any sometimes when a person gives up something for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it is painful. And over that pain, a person needs something. And then there's fear that what if what if I don't have anything in the future now, so for that you need to work on you need reliance on Allah subhanaw taala that if Allah gave me before, he will give me again, I don't need to fear and you know, there's different types of digital one, which is for those who you know, leave a city a place like the Muslims left MCI, they
went to Medina, that is digital, but then there is another digital also a binary digital, which is to leave something sinful, to leave what is unlawful by for example, a bad habit? And yes, it is scary, it is frightening, it is painful, but the results are worth it. And levena sabato where a lot of Bohemia telecom token they put their trust in Allah, and we set not before you accept men to whom we revealed our message. So ask the people of the message, if you do not know. And who are they? It is the people who have the Scripture, Bill by yet it was zooboo we sent them with clear proofs and written ordinances. And we reveal to you the message meaning your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, we revealed the Quran to you why that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them, and that they might give thought. So we see here that Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also instructed him to show people how to follow it. lead to bacon alumnus his responsibility was to clarify to the people how to follow the Quran. And how did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam do that? He explained it through his words through his actions through his approvals, etc. And so the explanation of the Quran is in the Hadith, it is in the statements and the actions of the Prophet sallallahu were to set him because after all, he was the
embodiment of the Cologne. So we cannot correctly understand the Quran simply by looking at the word meanings of the text. No, we have to see how the Prophet sallallahu where it is and I'm explained it how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam acted upon it. One is that a person interprets the Quran based on you know, their own understanding, okay, Mashallah. You may be very knowledgeable, you may have a lot of, you know, experience, you may be very well read, you may have a lot of knowledge of Arabic language, etc. Excellent. But who is more knowledgeable of the Quran, you are the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You see, the person who was given the Quran is more knowledgeable of
the Quran than we are. So this is why we cannot give preference to our opinions over the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. When it comes to the matters of the religion, remember this was his duty. This was his obligation to make the message clear to the people.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that when it is something to do with your worldly affairs, you know best about it. But when it is the matter of religion, then refer to me. Then do those who have planned evil deeds feel secure that Allah will not cause
The earth to swallow them, or that the punishment will not come upon them from where they do not even perceive, or that he would not see them during their usual activity. And they could not cause failure they could not escape them. Or that he would not seize them gradually, in a state of dread, where there is a gradual decline, where something dreadful is coming closer and closer and closer as you see it. This is so scary. You see, there was a day when we heard all there is a new virus. And then we heard Oh, there's so many people that were infected. And then we heard that, oh, it's reached such and such country. And then we heard Oh, there's a lockdown in such and such country.
And then we know there's a lockdown where we are also, Kenny it's getting closer and closer and closer. This is where we ask Allah subhanaw taala for protection, or that he would not see them gradually. But indeed your Lord is kind and merciful. This is why we should make there are a lot of women in the room to be coming so well in aromatic what the * will your alpha tick? What Fujairah a theocratic Would you marry sahab like that, Oh Allah, I seek your protection from the decline of your blessings and, and your protection, and I seek your refuge that your protection of me is changed and the suddenness of your punishment and all that which displeases you. Have they not
considered what things Allah has created, their shadows inclined to the right and to the left prostrating to Allah, while they are humble, and to Allah prostrates whatever isn't the heavens and whatever is up, and whatever is on the earth of creatures and the angels as well. And they're not arrogant. So we see that sajida honey, this is something that the entire creation does all of them prostrate to Allah. And if people don't prostrate to Allah, their shadows humble themselves before Allah soprano Karla. So what should you do? What should we do? We should also make such though, in fact, such that is one of the most beloved actions near la soprano part one of the companions asked
that which deed is most loved by Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, RNA can be calculated sujood that make frequent prostrations to Allah for you will not make a single such that without it, raising you a degree and removing a sin from you because of it, meaning for every such that your level is raised, and your sin is erased. The angels who are not arrogant before Allah, how are they, they fear their Lord above them, and they do what they are commanded. So these are the angels. And this is why when we recite this ayah, or when we listen to its recitation, we should also make such that such that if Tila to be among those who are humble before Allah, and Allah has
said, Do not take for yourselves to dailies, and if two is not allowed, this means more than two is not allowed either. Why? Because he is but one God, so fear only me, and To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And to him is do you worship constantly, then is it other than Allah that you fear? Women becoming their Metin, feminine law, and whatever you have a favor, it is from a law. Then when adversity touches you, to him, You cry for help. soprano Allah, in blessings, you forget a lot, and in difficulty you scream out to him. Then when he removes the adversity from you, at once a party of you associates others with their Lord, meaning you begin giving credit to so many
different people and medication and systems etc. and you forget that it is a lie. In reality, you protected you who saved you who brought you out of this difficulty. So they will deny what we have given them. They won't even recognize the giver, than Enjoy yourselves, for you're going to know this as a threat. And they assign to what they do not know a portion of that which we have provided them by Allah, you will surely be questioned about what you used to invent. This is what they dedicated to their idols who have no reality whatsoever. And they attribute to Allah daughters Exalted is He and for them is what they desire. And when one of them is informed of the birth of a
female, his face becomes dark covered and gloom and he suppresses grief, he hides himself from the people, because of the ill of which he has been informed. Should he keep it in humiliation, or bury it in the ground, unquestionably evil is what they decide a stock metal. And he this is the this was, you know the behavior of some people amongst the Arabs, that they would assign daughters to Allah subhanaw taala they would say the angels are loves daughters, but they never want to daughters for themselves. If any of them had a daughter, he would be instantly upset.
And embarrassed and you would think about any Should I keep this daughter alive or should I kill her? This is what they would debate. This is what they would think. And this attitude is being condemned over here that do not dislike daughters. Remember, the believer loves the gift that Allah subhanaw taala has given him. The believer is pleased and happy with the decree of Allah with the decree of Allah and having a daughter is not something disgraceful. In fact, it is a privilege because there are so many virtues associated with raising daughters, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said do not dislike daughters left to carry will Burnett do not dislike them. And some
people any they give preference to their sons or their daughters, even in treatment. So in a hadith we learn whoever has a female child, and he does not kill her, does not disrespect her, and he does not treat her poorly and does not favor his son over her than Allah will make him enter Jenna. For those who do not believe in the Hereafter, is the description of evil, meaning what terrible things they do, and for Allah is the highest attribute and he is Exalted in Might the wise and if a lot were to impose blame on the people for their wrongdoing, he would not have left upon the earth any creature, but he defers them for a specified term, and when their term has come, they will not
remain behind an hour, nor will they proceeded. So we see that because of
because of oppression, people become worthy of punishment will be other Billa Allahumma ignoramus alquiler raffia, and we see that if people were punished for the wrongs that they do in this world, the creation any Not a single creature would remain alive on Earth. So we see that a man once said that indeed, the oppressor only harms himself of a wood edit of the law Mourinho he said this is wrong. A bird in its nest, dies because of the oppression of the oppressor, meaning the effects of injustice are far reaching, they go beyond the oppressor. So there are many who suffer because of load. This is why we should keep seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. And they attribute
to Allah, that which they dislike, meaning they dislike daughters for themselves, but they attribute that to Allah, and their tongues assert the lie, that they will have the best from him. assuredly, they will have the fire, and they will be there in neglected left and abandoned by Allah. We did certainly send messengers to nations before you, but shavon made their deeds attractive to them. And he is the disbelievers ally today as well. And they will have a painful punishment, he will be their ally because they obeyed Him. And we have not revealed to you the book except for you to make clear to them, that wherein they have differed and as guidance and mercy for people who believe. And Allah
has sent down rain from the sky, and given life thereby to the earth after it's lifelessness indeed, and that is a sign for people who listen, you see sound the sound of rain is heard. And indeed for you in grazing livestock is a lesson we give you drink from what is in their bellies between excretion and blood, pure milk palatable to drinkers and it's amazing. The other any it's all fat, flesh, blood. And yet there is milk coming out. And that milk is white, and it's any it's it's coming out from the cow and inside of the cow, there is so much other stuff. And there is no traces of the excrement or blood in the milk. It's so white, so prevalent, it's a miracle,
we see that there is no food that suffices better than milk, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said I know nothing that suffices in place of food and drink except for milk. This is why there is reward for giving milk to others any as a gift or as a charity. This is one of the best things that that a person can give. In return the three things are not to be returned a pillow meaning bedding perfu and milk we learned that we know that if somebody gives you a perfume, you don't reject it, but we also in the same Hadeeth has mentioned milk and bedding also any if that gift is given you don't refuse it. We also learned that whoever gives a gift of silver or of gold or gives milk to
someone to drink then it is as though he said a slave free soprano low any This is a form of charity that many of us are unaware of. And so we should make it a point that wherever we are able to, you know donate milk to people who cannot afford it. Children you know who are malnourished and you make sure that you contribute in this regard also, because remember that freeing a slave any it is a way of freeing yourself from help. And this is an opportunity that we don't have today. So we should make use of this operation.
Unity and give milk to people who are unable to afford it. Or even if people are able to afford it if you're able to, for example, do someone's groceries and you know you pay for the milk. So this is one of the best gifts that you can give someone one of the best forms of soda and on drinking milk we have been taught to draw we should say Allahu Abadi cannot feed he was in a man who that Oh Allah bless us in it and in an increase it for us and from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines, you take intoxicant and good provision, and he This is what you do. Indeed, and that is a sign for people who reason well, Oh, hello, Booker Ilana Hill, and your Lord inspired to the be meaning Allah
is the one who trained the honeybee. And what did the honeybee do, it's working away so obedient, what is the command that Allah gave to the bee, take for yourself among the among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and in that which they sorry, take for yourself among the mountains, houses, meaning make your house where somewhere up in the mountains and also among the trees, and in that which they construct meaning in in the buildings that people make. So first, the hive should be at the right place, it should be secure, then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down for you and we see that the honeybee does not fly at random, it flies in a very
particular way. So its flight is also determined by Allah. There emerges from their bellies a drink varying in colors, in which there is healing for people honey, indeed and that is a sign for people who give thought amazing such a tiny body and this honeybee does such amazing work which is only possible at the inspiration of Allah subhanaw taala You see, we learn that honey bees must gather nectar from 2 million flowers to make one pound of honey.
And one bee has to fly about 90,000 miles which is basically the distance of three times around the globe to make one pound of honey and the average bee will only make around 112 of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. You just think about that. One 12th of a teaspoon. That's the honey that one bee will make in its entire life. It visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip and any it can fly so fast. So panela such a tiny creature working so hard and making all this honey why we see the bees actually make more honey than they need. And this shows us that they make this honey for who for us fee Shiva only ness in it is healing for people. It will I am sad that honey is food, it
is medication, it is drink, it is sweet dessert, it is ointment and it is delightful.
We learned that in Hades healing is in three things drinking honey, the glass of the copper meaning cupping, and catheterization with fire but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade that. Indeed, and that is a sign for people will give thought Kenny learned from the honeybee from its work, and we learned in Heidi's of the believer is like the honeybee that it does not eat anything except what is good and it doesn't produce anything except what is good. And it's also very careful meaning when it eats when it takes you know, for example pollen or nectar or whatever that it eats from flowers, and when it lands, it does not break the flower and it does not ruin it in any way.
So, this is how a believer should be use, but do not abuse right use carefully be ethical. So we see that cattle produce milk and then what people make as mentioned that from the different fruits people make, this one has no good provision and also intoxicants and the honeybee is mentioned that the honeybee produces honey. So the question is what what is it that we are producing with the resources that are Lost Planet Allah has given us how useful are we for the people? What is it that we're making? Or are we just consuming, consuming and producing nothing.
The honeybee is so useful that the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm actually forbade the killing of bees. So if a honeybee any if you're scared of it, then move away but don't kill the poor be and Allah created you, then he will take you in depth and among you is He who was reversed to the most decrepit old age, so that he will not know after having had knowledge a thing. Indeed Allah is Knowing and competent. Any in old age sometimes because of dementia for example, a person cannot remember anything. So they're completely dependent on others. After having
So much independence. They're financially dependent. They're physically dependent, they're mentally dependent. And he and this is something that we should ask Allah subhanaw taala, to protect us from. And if ever we see someone in a state like this, someone, sometimes our loved ones are suffering from a state like this, and we should treat them with a lot of mercy. And we should pray for them, Rob Bell hamdulillah that Allah have mercy on them. And Allah has favored some of you over others in provision. So sometimes within one family, there's such a huge difference. Some people are so wealthy and others are not. But those who were favored, would not hand over their provision to those
whom the right hands possess, so they will be equal to them they're in, then is it the favor of Allah, they reject any as people you would not want those who are lesser than you financially to be completely equal to you? This is not something that you would accept. So then why is it that you put the creation at the level of the Creator, and Allah has made for you from yourselves mates, and has made for you from your mates, sons and grandchildren, and has provided for you for the good things than in false or do they believe and in the favor of Allah, they disbelieve? Subhana Allah, any spouses are mentioned over here, the fact that you have your children through your spouse's. And
this shows us that we must value any A man must value and be and be appreciative and be grateful for his wife. Sometimes what happens is that, you know, people love their children, but they mistreat their wife, people love their grandchildren, but they mistreat their daughter in law, any, how is it that you love these children, but you don't love the source from where the children came? The the very place where the child was born from any was was developed, any How is it that you love the child, but you love you dislike the mother of the child, and they worship besides Allah, that which does not possess for them the power of provision from the heavens and the earth at all. And in fact,
they're unable, so do not assert similarities to Allah. Indeed, Allah knows and you do not know. So do not go on describing Allah as you please. And don't set up equals to him. Allah presents an example, a slave who is owned and unable to do a thing, and he to whom we have provided from us good provision, so he spends from it secretly and publicly, can they be equal Praise to Allah Alhamdulillah. But most of them do not know any of this is the difference between people of different social status, then there is a huge difference between the creator and the creation. So how could you worship the creation?
And Allah presents an example of two men, one of them mute and unable to do a thing. While he is a burden to his guardian. Wherever he directs him, he brings no good is equal to the one who commands justice while he's on a straight path. Is there any similarity? Is there any game you can play to be the same? They're not, and to Allah belongs the unseen aspects of the heavens and the earth. And the command for the hour is not, but as a glance of the eye or even nearer, because sometimes the glance also takes a moment. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent, and Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mother's the womb is mentioned here, not knowing a thing, and he made for you
hearing and vision, which are the windows to the heart and intellect, that perhaps you would be grateful. So how can you not have regard for that womb? So he, this shows us that we must have respect for our mothers, and be good to them? Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up, except Allah, indeed, and that are Signs for people who believe so look at the creation, reflect on it and learn from it. And we'll that'll do a lot more in who said that we left the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while he not a bird would fly in the sky, except that he would mention something to us of knowledge regarding it, meaning there was a
reflection, and there was something to learn. So contemplate, don't just overlook these amazing things that are around you. And Allah has made for you from your homes, a place of rest of hamdulillah and made for you from the hides of the animals tents, which you find light on your day of travel, and your day of encampment, because a lot of Arabs that were Bedouin so they would travel around, and they would have to, you know, pack up their homes and travel with them. So these homes were or these tents were easy to take around. And from there wolfer and hair is furnishing and enjoyment for a time when the time is INA hain, not forever. This is why we should not get too
attached to the things that we have in our homes. Sometimes what happens is that we purchase a couch or something and we love it so much in it
God forbid if a child spilled something on it we get so upset. Any of these things are a source of enjoyment, but they have any a limit. And Allah has made for you from that which He has created shadows and has made for you from the mountains, shelters, and has made for you garments which protect you from the heat and garments which protect you from your enemy in battle. Thus does he complete his favor upon you, that you might submit to Him. So use these blessings and show gratitude to a law. But if they turn away, then only upon you is responsibility for clear notification. They recognize the favor of Allah, then they deny it, and most of them are disbelievers. Remember, on the
day of judgment, we will be asked for aina Shaku Alec, where is the gratitude for this? When Alice Pousada gave you all of these things? What did you do, and mentioned the day when we will resurrect from every nation a witness, then it will not be permitted to the disbelievers to apologize or make excuses, nor will they be asked to appease Allah. And when those who wronged see the punishment, it will not be lightened for them, nor will they be reprieved, they will not be pardoned, or just allowed to go away. And when those who associate others with the law, see their partners, they will say Our Lord, these are our partners to you, whom we used to invoke besides you, meaning these are
the beings that we use to worship. But they will throw at them the statement indeed you are liars, meaning we never asked you to worship us. We are not gods and they will impart to Allah that day, their submission, meaning they will try to somehow try to please Allah by surrendering completely, and lost from them is what they used to invent those who disbelieved and averted others from the way of Allah, we will increase them in punishment over their punishment for what corruption they were causing, and mentioned the day when we will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves, and we will bring you as a witness over your nation. And we have sent down to you the
book as clarification for all things and as guidance and mercy and good tidings for the Muslims.
In the La Jolla little Bella idol, when your son when he thought he will Koba when her and in fashion, he will moon curry will barely hear a local La La cantera cologne. Indeed, Allah orders, justice and good conduct and giving to the relatives. This ayah is the most comprehensive idea of the Quran, three commands are given and three prohibitions are given. The three commands are what First of all, Allah orders you to do our other to be just, and this is referring to the obligations, meaningful fulfill your obligations, because that is what maintains justice and balance. If only one person is fulfilling their duty, and the other is not doing their part, then there won't be any
justice there won't be balanced. So our other justice is that each person focuses on their obligations and fulfills them. And then his son, your son, is to do the recommended deeds, meaning what is preferable, even though it may not be obligatory, and when people focus on your son, then this compensates for where they have fallen short in their obligations or for where others have fallen short in their obligations. So do listen. And then specifically, eat out a little quarterback give to the relatives, any out of all the ways in which you could be good to your relatives, especially spend on them, give them show them favor, because charity begins from those who are
closest to you. So give them something and when you will give them something then Allah subhanaw taala will bless you in your wealth as well in your life as well. The thing is, we find it easy to give gifts to our friends, but when it comes to relatives, we become a little stingy there. But Allah orders us to give to our relatives. So let us obey this command of Allah. And Allah forbids immorality, shameless things and bad conduct and oppression. These are things Allah does not allow. He admonishes you, that perhaps you will be reminded will obey the law he either had to and fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it and do not break old after their confirmation while you
have made a law over you a witness Indeed Allah knows what you do. So do not take false oaths just to get some benefits and do not be like she like the woman who untwisted her * thread after it was strong. There was a woman It is said that she had some you know, mental issue. So all night long she would spin the wheel and make yarn and in the morning she would break it all up. Any sometimes people undo their own work they destroy their
own work, instead of building one another, sometimes people bring each other down. Any, as individuals, people do this, that they have worked so hard for something and then they destroy their own work because they're very angry. So person is very upset and they take a computer and throw it down any a strange expression of anger. So don't Don't be so foolish that you destroy your own work with your own hands. And then sometimes as groups when people are working together, we should be supportive of each other not that one is working so hard and the other is working hard to bring him down, build each other up, don't bring it don't bring each other down. Taking your oats as means of
deceit between you because one community is more plentiful in number or wealth than another community, Allah only tries you thereby and He will surely make clear to you on the Day of Resurrection that over which are used to differ. And if Allah had willed, He could have made you have one religion, but he causes to stray whom He wills and guides whom He wills, and He will surely be questioned about what you use to do. And do not take your old as means of deceit between you meaning don't swear Olds to deceive others are taking unfair advantages. Why? Because then yes, you will suffer you're the sin of your crime. But there is another impact of this, lest a foot slip
after it was once firm, meaning now there will be mistrust. Now that relationship is ruined. Now the person who thought you are Muslim, and you're supposed to be honest, is now going to believe that all Muslims are dishonest. And you would taste evil in this world, for what people you for what people you divert it from the way of Allah and you would have in the hereafter a great punishment, and do not exchange the covenant of Allah for a small price. Indeed, what is with Allah is best for you, if only you could know whatever you have, will end, but what Allah has is lasting, and we will surely give those who were patient their reward, according to the best of what they used to do. So
remember, whatever we have in this world will eventually disappear. What we deposit with Allah will remain, and the dunya is little, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam compared the likeness of this world of the hereafter. He said, it is like that of one of you dipping his finger into the seat, let him see what he brings forth, and you just to drop, this is this world compared to the hereafter. And whatever is left of this world is also very little. This is why focus on what is eternal, focus on what is better, whoever does righteousness, whether male or female, because there is no gender discrimination. While he is a believer, there is a condition, we will surely cause him
to live a good life, and we will surely give them their reward in the Hereafter, according to the best of what they use to do so the one who does good is not deprived. And what is the good deed that leads to a good life in this world and in the Hereafter, it is your connection with the Quran. This is why so when you recite the Quran, first seek refuge in Allah from shavon be expelled. Why? Because Satan interferes with the recitation of the Quran so that you don't recite correctly, you don't reflect on it, you don't pay attention. And then you forget about it, you don't act upon it, so that you don't recite any shaitan is after you trying to distract you. So when you say our auto
biller, this is a way of cleansing the mouth, and this is the way of keeping champon away. And if this is the case with the recitation of the Quran, that what do you think about other good deeds is shapen not going to try to distract you and try to, you know, corrupt it for you, so you don't benefit from it that much. This is why it's necessary that we keep asking Allah subhanaw taala to protect us from the evil of shaitaan. Indeed, there is for him no authority over those who have believed and rely upon their Lord. So when you say, when you say are, oh, Bella, this is a way of putting your trust, placing your trust in Allah subhanaw taala. His authority is only over those who
take him as an ally. And those who through him associate others with Allah initiate on does not have power over those who remember of law shavon has power over those who abandoned the remembrance of Allah. And when we substitute a verse in place of a verse and allies most knowing of what he sends down, they say you are but an inventor of lies, but most of them do not know. Say, the pure spirit has brought it down from your Lord in truth to make for those who believe and as guidance and good tidings to the Muslims. So the Quran is wrong. It is food for the room. And the angel who has brought it is also rule headquarters. And we certainly know that they say it is only a human being
who teaches the prophet and there were people who said that there was there were some non Arab, you know, slaves.
in Makkah, for whom the Prophet sallallahu Ernestina had learned all of this, tell them the tongue of the one who they refer to as far as meaning they barely know Arabic And this Quran isn't a clear Arabic language so eloquent. How is it possible? Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allah, Allah will not guide them, and for them as a painful punishment, they only invent falsehood, who do not believe in the verses of a law and it is those who are the liars, whoever disbelieves in a law after his belief, except for one who is forced to renounce his religion, while it is hard to secure and faith, any only verbal only external, in the heart is still a man. But those who
willingly open their chest to disbelief upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment. That is because they preferred the worldly life over the Hereafter, and that Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. So we see the huge mistake that some people make where they prefer worldly life over the hereafter. And remember, when a person seeks worldly benefit, even when they're doing something good, then it's any it really is pathetic or deliberate MOBOTIX said, How many a great deed is reduced to nothing because of ill intention? Any because the intention is bad, something that was so rewardable becomes useless. In fact, it becomes a source of punishment.
Because we're in America Lymbery in a manner where each person will get what they intend. Those are the ones over whose hearts and hearing envision Allah has sealed and it is those who are the heatless assuredly, it is they in the hereafter who will be the losers, that indeed your Lord to those who emigrated after they had been compelled, and thereafter fought for the cause of a lion were patient. Indeed your Lord after that is Forgiving and Merciful, on the day when every soul will come disputing for itself and every soul will be fully compensated for what it did, and they will not be wronged. So proud and let each person will fight for itself on that day. And Allah presents
an example a city which was safe and secure. Amina tan multielement ineta. Notice Amman, security safety is mentioned before it may not. Amman is to be safe and ultimate Nan is to be satisfied because of having plenty. But safety's mentioned first, before the abundance of blessings. Because of there is no safety. People cannot enjoy what they have. They cannot be content they cannot be satisfied. So these people were safe, and they were secure. Its provision coming to it in abundance from every location maka, but it denied the favors of Allah so Allah made a tasty envelopment the clothing of hunger and fear for what they had been doing. You see lieberson jewelry will have Libous
clothing is something which is visible, it's all over you. It's your identity. So they were covered with and they became visibly poor and afraid. Why? Because of their comfort. They're in gratitude and their denial. So we should ask Allah subhana wa tada for safety. We should make Toba to Allah from our in gratitude, and we should replace our in gratitude with sugar because sugar is truly a huge blessing.
And they're had certainly come to them a messenger from among themselves, but they denied him. So punishment overtook them while they were wrongdoers, then eat of what Allah has provided for you which is lawful and good and be grateful for the favors of Allah. If it is indeed him that you worship. He has only forbidden to you that animals blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is forced by necessity, neither desiring it nor transgressing its limit than Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful, and do not say about what your tongues assert of untruth. This is lawful and this is unlawful meaning those meaning don't go on
making these claims yourself to invent falsehood about Allah. Indeed, those who invent falsehood about Allah will not succeed, it is but a brief enjoyment and they will have a painful punishment. And to those who are Jews, we have prohibited that which we related to you before, and we did not wronged them thereby, but they were wronging themselves, and he was because of their own wrongdoing, that good things were made unlawful for them, then indeed your Lord to those who have done wrong out of ignorance and then repent after that and correct themselves. Indeed your Lord thereafter is Forgiving and Merciful. This is so encouraging that okay, even if a person has suffered now, because
of their in gratitude and because of their own wrongdoing, there is always a way back as long as you're living, you have the option of turning back to Allah, making Toba making a slur and take the example of the righteous before. Indeed, Ibrahim was a comprehensive leader.
He was an Omar Omar is actually a nation. He's called a nation. Why? Because he was a nation on his own. He accomplished what a nation would accomplish. He was devoutly obedient to Allah inclining toward truth, and he was not of those who associate others with Allah shakeela Lee under Rumi, he was grateful for his favors so proud of law. If you think about it, about him, right, he said, I lived a life of great difficulty, great sacrifice, yet he was grateful. So gratitude does not depend on the presence of abundant blessings, or having things in your life as and when you wish. Gratitude is a disposition, it is the ability to see a less favours in the situation that he has put you in.
So he was grateful, Allah chose him and guided him to a straight path, and we gave him good in the world and indeed, in the Hereafter, he will be among the righteous, then we will reveal to you to follow the religion of Ibrahim inclining toward truth, and he was not of those who are associated with Allah said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to follow his example. We have to follow his example as well. The Sabbath was only appointed for those who are different over it and what was a Sabbath, that good things were not lawful for them on a particular day on the bunny is sloppy. And indeed, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they
used to differ. invite to the way of your Lord, meaning to Islam. How with Hickman with wisdom, why, because all people are not the same. Some people need logic. They need deep points, so call people to Allah by presenting solid evidence, wisdom. One more, we're able to have fun and good instruction. So there are other people who need things that touch their heart. So use effective stories examples, encourage them by mentioning virtues and rewards, and giving warnings by mentioning punishment. Mo, or little Hasina, which I did humility here is and argue with them in a way that is best because some people have questions they need to discuss, so discuss with them, but
in the best way, don't turn it into heated arguments.
Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from his way and he is most knowing of who is rightly guided. And if you punish an enemy, punished with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed, meaning if you must retaliate, then retaliate fairly, don't become the aggressor, in taking revenge. But if you are patient, it is better for those who are patient. So we see that there were times when the Prophet sallallahu already said he took revenge for the sake of Allah. But he gave preference to patients. So he said, Now Spiro will honor our people, we will be patient, we will not take revenge will spit women sobre Luca Illa, billah and be patient and your patience is not but
through a law and do not grieve over them and do not be in distress over what they conspire. So subban can only be from Allah through Allah. So ask Allah for somebody because he is the one who gives it. A person can only be patient, by Allah, they'll feel by the ability that a lot of gifts and submit is only somebody any real suburb is when it is when it is done for for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and that is what allows a person to be patient because they're able to put their trust in Allah, that Yeah, Allah, I will bear this difficulty and I expect the best reward from you. Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and those who are doers of good in the Lucha Marilla Dena
taco one levena, who mercy known. So if we want the help of Allah, then we need to have these qualities we need to have suberb we need to have patience, and specifically, we need to have the poor and
because the one who fears Allah and obeys Allah who listens to Allah, then Allah also helps him and the one who is who does exam meaning who does good, uses the blessings that Allah Allah has given them. They are grateful for those blessings that Allah subhanaw taala also helps them and increases those blessings for them. Will us allow us to be grateful to be patient, and to be among them were soon I mean, sabbatical loving will be handed a shadow La ilaha illa Anta a stone Furukawa to be in a Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh