Ittebaa – The Intention – The Definition of Sunnah – 09th October 2012
Taimiyyah Zubair – Following the Prophets Path – 01

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The importance of following the Prophet sallama's teachings and following his teachings is emphasized in Islam. The Sun shar' teachings are discussed, emphasizing the importance of love, praising and following the Prophet's teachings. The importance of intentions and rewarding actions is emphasized, along with the importance of practicing good practices and avoiding mistakes. The Sun shar' teachings are discussed in a series of segments, including manners, actions, and actions of profits. The importance of practicing good practices and avoiding mistakes is emphasized, along with the importance of practicing certain practices and not just highlighting them in writing notes. The Sun shar' teachings are discussed in a series of segments, including manners, actions, and actions of profits.
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
How are y'all doing? inshallah we will listen to her right now. And I want you to sit still.
the camera
did it help you focus? Focus on the recitation. Yeah. Because when we are moving, we're doing one thing with the other with our hands or our eyes are going everywhere. And we're not able to focus on listening. Okay, so if we want to concentrate on something, then First of all, our body has to have who Sure? Okay, who sure is to be humbly submissive, when the effect of humidity is on the body so the body becomes still. Once there was a man he was praying for land he was, you know, moving his hand his beard, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that if his heart had harsher than the hotshot djawadi Whoa, then his jawara his limbs would also have Who? Sure so when a person is
focusing on something with his mind, then definitely his body will be in tune as well. And Sharma Okay, let's begin our new subject. Madonna Sally. Kareem and my birth father would be let him initiate ontology Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim. obis Valley sorry, were silly. Emily Wagner, aka Melissa Annie of Coco Lee probenecid.
Are you familiar with the name of Herbalife in Roman? Yeah, who was he the son of Mr. Ebner.
He was also a companion. He was a companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he was a very young man, when he saw the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was very young when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away. And that means that he lived for a very long time after his death. And he was one of those people who noticed things in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that perhaps others did not notice. Because children, they observe things very differently. They notice details that older people tend to neglect, they don't give much importance to and this is why it will motivate our on who he was once asked by someone that I see you doing four things. And I have not seen anyone doing
those things. I've only seen you doing these four actions. He said, what are they, he said, I have seen you that when you go around the garba doing flow, if you don't touch all the corners of the garba, you only touch two corners. And he said, I have seen you that you also put color on your hair or on your turban. And other people don't do that. Because I have seen you that you wear these particular kinds of sandals that others don't. And I've also seen you that when you put their hand for hedge you put it at the last moment and other people they put it on from much before. So even though I knew he explained that I touch only the two corners of the cover because I saw the profits
at a lot is that I'm touching only those two corners and not four. So if he touched only those two corners, I will also touch only those two. I put this color on my hair or my turban because that's what I saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doing, he said I wear these kind of sandals because that is what I saw the prophet SAW about instead of wearing, he was wearing these kind of sandals. So I wear these sandals as well. And I put the home right at the end because that is how I saw the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doing that when he would leave for Mina. That is when he would enter the state of your home. I'm telling you the story because I want you to realize how urban or middle below or who
he would follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
In the Quran, we are not told to wear those particular kind of sandals. In the Quran. We have not been told that when you go around the Kaaba only touch the two particular corners and not the other two. We have not been told when exactly to put the alarm on, right. But even our model did or no he did that because he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam doing it. He did it out of love, he did it out of respect. And he did it as a righteous follower as an obedient follower. And this is exactly what the subject will be about it Devourer of Sunnah, that is
The name of this subject that inshallah we will begin today. It devout, following the Sunnah, following the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The word etbr is from the root letter stare, bear rain, and heavier means to follow an 80 bar is to completely follow someone to follow someone exactly precisely, verbatim the way they have done something, you do it in the exact same way. Not less, not more, not any different.
It's like if you are told that your mother when she cooked, she put only one teaspoon of salt and if you're a good daughter, and you follow her way of cooking, what will you do one and a half teaspoons of salt? No, you will put exactly one not less, not more. And if you come up with your own ways, then you're not following the way of your mother. So it Devourer sin following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu ala, this is inshallah what the subject will be about. Now we see that amongst the Muslims, typically, there are two extremes found. What are those extremes that some people, they love the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a lot.
And out of that love, they cross all bounds. They don't consider him to be a human. They consider him to be some supernatural being.
They think that he naroda below is God that he deserves our salute that like Allah subhanaw taala deserves to do that we pray to Him as we pray to Allah. Right. So these kind of beliefs and practices that are common amongst many Muslims, but the same Muslims, they love him, but they don't know how to follow him. They don't follow His ways. If you ask them about the sooner the practices of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they don't know much, or they don't do much, even if they do know. They don't act much, but they might be aware of what the prophet sallallahu Sallam did, what his habits were, but they think it's okay for them to not follow him. And the only thing that's
necessary for them to do is to, to show to express their love, by ways that may even be inappropriate, whether it is by getting others or it is by, you know, singing songs of praise and adoration, celebrating his birthday, whatever it may be. But this is a common thing that is found amongst the Muslims. And we see that on the other hand, there is another extreme, which is that people belittle the way the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they say why do we have to follow another human being? So what if he ate with his right hand? I feel comfortable eating with my left. So what if he when he stepped into the washroom he stepped with his left foot? And first, why
do I have to do that? It's more convenient for me to step in with the right foot, right. So, there are other people who go to the other extreme, that they fall short in giving due respect to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they do not give much importance. But we see that there has to be a balance between love and obedience. Rather, the balance is the combination of love and obedience, that a person has love for the profits of them. But at the same time, he also obeys and follows his ways. Because what is love without obedience? If you tell your husband I love you, and he says, Please iron my clothes for me. He says, No, no, do it yourself. That's not love. That's not
true love. That's just fake. That's a stock. Right? What is true love, a combination of both love and obedience. And when it comes to loving someone truly, wholeheartedly, then obedience is easy. You don't have to think twice, it comes naturally. You naturally tend to obey the person whom you love, you naturally tend to follow them without even asking you for something. This is just like if your mother asks you to bring her a cup of tea. Right? And you know that she likes to have tea in a particular cup. Will you ask her? Should I bring you tea in that cup or any cup? No. Or will you just bring tea in any cup? No. If you truly love her, you will give importance to her preferences.
Correct. You will not have a problem bringing tea for her and when you do bring it you will bring it in her favorite cup even if it was dirty, you will hand wash it you won't wait for it to go in the dishwasher and come out clean the next morning. No, you'll hand wash it, you will dry it and then you'll bring her tea in that it's not difficult. So love and obedience they come together. Love is genuine when there is obedience and obedience is genuine when there is love. So, this subject we are going to study. Why? Because after a loss of penalty
Who are we to love and obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we cannot truly love Him and OBEY Him. Unless and until we find out about the importance of loving him and obeying Him and how in what ways are we to follow him. So after the Quran, the next important thing is what the Sunnah of the prophet SAW.
And this is the reason why the subject is being taught to you at the very beginning of your course when you haven't even completed one just 100. Another subject has already been introduced. Okay, chapter number one, Amelia. Amelia is the intention. Can anyone guess what the root letters are?
noon? Wow. Yeah.
The Yeah. What is the intention? from the root letters? noon? Well, yeah, is the word Noah. And Noah means the seed or the pit of a fruit?
For example, you eat a date. And in the middle, what do you find in the center? The seat? You have a mango? And what do you find the center?
The seed, the pit? Right? You have a beach? What do you find in the middle? The seat the pit? Now, if you put that seed or that pit in the ground, what's going to happen? If you put it at the right time in the right type of soil? What's going to happen? It will grow? Is the seed visible? Once it's in the ground? Is it visible? No. Where is it? It's under the ground? It is hidden, but it is there? Correct? And does the seed have an effect on the type of plant that will grow? Will it Yes, if you put a date seed what will come out? What will come out at a plant, right? If you put a mango seed what will come out a mango plant. So depending on the kind of seed will be the plant that grows out
of it. Correct. So Nia, the intention is what is buried, where in the heart It is hidden. It's not visible, but its effects are aware on the actions. If the intention will be there, then the action will also come and depending on how the intention is the action will be. Now right at the beginning of this book, there is a whole chapter dedicated to intention. And you will find this in many many books. For example, if you open to hear Buhari, right at the beginning, Mr. Bukhari mentioned the Hadees about intentions, many other books you will open them and this is the first thing that you will find. Why? Because just as the seed is the foundation, if you don't have a seed, you won't have
the plant to start the process of growing the plant, what do you have to put in first, the seed Likewise, when we are studying, whatever we are studying, whether it is Hadees or it is about the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam anything that we are studying the foundation is what intention, in fact, anything that you do in your life, what is the foundation of that the intention, the reason why you're doing it? Correct. So, at the beginning of the book, we are reminded to correct our intentions to correct our intentions, that whatever we are going to do, we do it for the right reason for the right purpose, and what should that reason and purpose be? What should it be,
to earn the pleasure of Allah, soprano tarina that if we are studying this, we are studying this Why? Because we want to better ourselves so that we can attain the pleasure of Allah, we are studying this so that we could strengthen the knowledge that we have of the dean so that we can actually serve the dean, right? We can defend the D we can live the dean. So the intention is critical. It is very, very important. This is why it's clarified right at the beginning. So the intention precept one, intention is the basis of reward for deeds. intention is the basis of reward for deeds, the author, he is proving this point. And in this book, and in many other books that you
will study in this course in Java. You will study books that are authored by a cabal, Killarney, okay, these books were originally in Urdu and they were translated from Urdu into English. And you will see that the style of this book is such that you know, paragraphs and paragraphs and have not been written okay. Basically the author is proving certain things with the help of texts from the Quran and Sunnah. So he will mention a statement and then he will provide evidences supporting it from where from the Quran and from the Sunnah. So this is why
It's very important for you to attend the class. Because if you miss the class, what's going to happen? You won't be able to figure out what's being mentioned here. Okay, what's being explained over here? What's being proven over here? So the first thing that he mentioned is that the intention is the basis of reward for deeds. Correct intention, great reward, corrupt intention, no reward. And Bobby Roby Allahu
Allah, he said, Samir to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a call in the mail. armello Binney yet we're in a radical liberal in Manoa. From an candidate hedgerow to illa dounia you say boo her Oh, a llama Athenian Keisha Sahaja to who in Omaha de la Rosa who Buhari you, let me translate it for you on what is unmin. From meaning this has been narrated on the authority of Wu, Omar
Abdullah who I know he is as a hobby, Allah, He said meaning Romo below or in who said, that's a mirror to submit to what do you think it means? I heard because Sameera right, so Samir to I heard Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, does this need to be translated? yaku he says meaning I heard him saying what was the prophets? Allah said I'm saying that in
indeed not but marylu the actions? What's the singular?
On the knee yet with the intentions and the yet plural of knee? Yeah. What's the root
node Well, yeah, good. So, indeed, actions are according to the intentions were in them and indeed not but luckily for every employee in person, for every person is man that which Noah he intended. So, every person will get what he intends famine. So, whoever cannot It was here july two who His hedra His migration Illa to dunya world meaning some worldly benefit you sleep with her, he attains it
oh or either to employ it in a woman, young kid who her he marries her. So he migrates he does the hedgerow, why, to get some worldly benefit, or he migrates from one place to the other why, so that he can marry someone for his or her to who So, his his or his migration will be ILA to man that which Hydra he migrated la he to it. In other words, his his role will be to that which he wanted. So his reward will be based on his intention. He migrated to get some worldly benefit, he will get only that he won't get reward for doing his right in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. No. Likewise, he migrated to just marry someone. So when he gets there, okay, he'll get the reward of
marrying whomever he wanted to marry, with he get hassanal Will he get reward from Allah subhanaw taala for making that shift from one place to the other? No. Which kind of a choice is acceptable to Allah, the hijra that a person does for the sake of Allah to earn the pleasure of Allah, Oh Allah, I'm leaving my house. I'm leaving my place. And I'm moving from here to another place Why? Because I want to please you whether it is to seek knowledge, or it is to you know, benefit someone or it is to practice the deen more easily whatever the reason may be, okay, but the ultimate reason is to please Allah soprano. So let's read the reading translation of this Hadith, or whatever the hotel
the lower end who narrated that I heard the messenger of a loss of the lover to send them saying deeds depend upon the intentions, every person will get the reward according to his intention, one who has migrated for worldly gain will get it meaning you will get the world one who has migrated to marry a woman than his immigration will be for what he immigrated for meaning you will just get the woman and no reward from Allah subhanaw taala What is this how these show to us that any action that we do any action, it has some intention, some reason behind it, whether it is the action of eating or it is the action of talking to someone or it is the action of buying a particular thing, or it is
the action of taking a particular class, or it is the action of seeking knowledge praying Salah reciting the Quran wearing the hijab, whatever a person
And does there is some reason behind it, isn't it? For example, you go somewhere. Why? Because your mother wants you to go. What's your intention to make your mother happy? Okay, that's your intention. Okay? You put on some clothes, because you feel that everyone's gonna like them, and you're gonna get a lot of compliments and you're going to stand out and you're going to look good. And you're going to fit in, okay? That's the reason or that you want to show to someone that look, I have these clothes as well. Okay, so what's the intention? What's the intention? Show off? Okay?
A person is buying something, okay? They don't really need it, or even if they need it, but they're buying it. Why? To show that, look, I have this much money, I can even afford this. Or that I don't have a problem spending this much money. What's the intention, showing off again, a person is eating something he's eating so that he can have the energy for the rest of the day, so that he can work better, he can be productive. So what's the intention with the intention to be productive, to be useful to be beneficial to have something achieved at the end of the day, so that he can actually please Allah subhanaw taala. So we see that the reason why a person does something is his intention.
The reason why he does something is his intention, the purpose behind it, the reason that is in the heart of the person, okay? This could be good. And it could also be that,
when is it good? Okay, when it's for Allah. But if you think about it, when you are, for example, eating, right, so that you can have energy so that you can have a healthy body, you take care of what goes into your mouth, with that feeling is not that conscious in your mind that I'm doing it to please Allah? Is it every time you eat? Is that what you feel? No. But if you ever ask yourself, that, why am I eating healthy? Why am I eating nutritious food? What's the answer that you have, so that I can be a healthy person so that I can make something of my life. So then ultimately, it is for the sake of Allah. So remember that the good intention that you have for Allah, sometimes it is
very clear in your head that you're doing it for Allah. And sometimes it's not that clear in your head. But in either case, in Java, it is accepted. In either case, it is good. Because a believer whenever he does something good, his ultimate goal is unless
the other kind of intention is what bad, for example, showing off an intention to disobey a law that a person deliberately, you know, leaves they're solid, doesn't pray that you answer back to someone because like, yeah, you know what, I'm gonna say this really harsh statement to them, so that they feel bad about themselves. So pride that a person wants to show to the other the look, I'm so great. That's the intention to show one's greatness to others. any immediate game? So for example, a person gives a gift to someone, but what's the intention? I'll get something back. They're not doing it for a lot. They're doing it to get something back. So which deeds, which intentions are acceptable?
Which intentions matter? are useful, beneficial, the good ones, right? Ultimately, for the pleasure of Allah.
And which intentions ruin a person, destroy a person waste his life, Which ones? the bad ones, because no matter what grade of an action a person will be doing on the outward if the intention is corrupt, that for example, the person who's reciting Quran to show that Oh, look, I can recite so well. That's the intention to show up to impress other people, then no matter what grade of an action on the outward it is, because the intention is corrupt, what's going to happen, that action is useless. So over here, as we begin the study of this book, we need to ask ourselves, why are we doing what we're doing? Is it just to satisfy some person? Or is it to gain knowledge that we can
prove to others that we're very knowledgeable? Or is it to better ourselves to improve ourselves? to please Allah subhanaw taala? To serve the deen to benefit the deen what is the intention? Next Hadees Avi hooray Raja Ravi Allahu anhu Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in aloha Alejandro Illa for Rico warm welcome. we're lacking young little in our kulu become what our medical Muslim. What does this mean to you well Muslim
or away from rewire, rewire narration Roja he narrated, who narrated this Hadith, Muslim, meaning he recorded this hadith in his collection. The
Previous Hades was taken from where? So he, Buhari. This Hadith has been taken from where the Sahaba of Muslim. Okay.
Abood, I don't know where and who narrated that the messenger of a loss of the lover to send them said Indeed Allah does not look at your faces or your wealth but he looks at your hearts and your deeds in Indeed, Allah Allah lair not young little he looks nuts All right. So Indeed Allah does not look at in our sewer he come either to sewer he comb your faces or your appearances select Florida, Florida, not so long with a scene. That's a chapter of the Quran. This is sutra the appearance the shape the form the face of a person were unwelcome or your wealth and your wealth meaning he does not look at your faces, nor does he look at your wealth and well is the plural of man. When lacking
but young blue, he looks at illa cannubi. Come to your hearts what our money come and your actions group is a Florida and Florida.
A lot looks at your heart and your actions. What do you look at? Yes, anything that comes before your eyes? That's understood. But let's say there is a you go to somebody's house. Okay? You walk into their house? What when you look at everything in anything.
Hmm, what whatever you find interesting. Okay. Whatever you find important. Whatever you feel is important. For example, you love artwork. As soon as you walk into their house, they take you into their guest room, and you're sitting over there. Obviously, your eyes will notice the artwork on the walls, right? If you're not that interested in artwork, you won't even notice it. Correct. This is just like children, when they were somewhere and they love candy, or they love chocolate, they will notice that before they notice the carrots and the salaries on the table, isn't it? What do you love? What do you like, what you find is important to you, we'll look at it. And what you turn your
eyes away from.
from something that you don't like something that you don't bother too much about something that's not that important to you. Something that you don't feel is that valuable, that important? Then you don't even bother looking at it. For example, if something does not belong to you,
okay, it's somebody else's, and it's sitting on a desk, will you bother to look at it to take care of it to look after it? No, you like, whatever is belongs to somebody else? your jacket? Is there, somebody else's jacket is there? What jacket? Will you look at and be attentive and be careful about yours? Because it matters to you? Right? Likewise, you buy something for example, you buy a phone, and it comes in a very lavish packing. Okay, very detailed packaging. What will you do? keep staring at the box? Oh my god, how many corners? Is it? No, you're just gonna open it up, throw away the wrapping, and you're gonna get to the phone. Because that is what is important. So in this hadith we
see what is it that Allah gives importance to? And what is it that he does not give importance to do things Allah does not give importance to what are your appearance and your wealth? And there are two other things that Allah gives a lot of importance to and what is that? your heart and your actions? Why doesn't Allah give importance to our appearance, our wealth? Why not? Because he gave it to us in the first place. He's not in need of it. He doesn't want us to give him anything in return, like give him any wealth or any money or any anything like that Allah is Allah zap the provider. Right? So when he gave us what we have, he's not interested in the things that we have. Okay.
What he wants to see, to look at is our actions, what do we do? Okay, another reason why Allah does not look at our wealth, our appearance is because eventually what's going to happen to our appearance, our bodies will age, they will deteriorate, our beauty will disappear. Eventually our body will be put underground, and eventually it will disintegrate. Eventually, it will turn into dust. And on the Day of Judgment, we will be resurrected. And on the Day of Judgment the bodies will be recreated.
So this body is not of much importance. In other words, it's going to go away. Likewise our wealth what happens to that either it will break or we will lose it or it will become outdated, right or it will become spoiled or it will end up in the junk.
yard, or it will be inherited by somebody else something or the other will happen and eventually the day of judgment will come when everything that's on the earth is going to finish could luminar layer
it adequately above the conductor when the earth will be powdered and crumbled, crushed. So what is your crystal matter? You know, what does your scratchproof screen of your phone or your iPad matters, it doesn't matter. Allah gave it to you in the first place. And eventually, these things are going to go away. Well, Maddie come in near Martin, Femina, LA, whatever Nima whatever blessing you have is from Allah, he gave it to you in the first place. Right? Likewise, our bodies who made them
lococo people who knew Mahatma Gandhi creates you in the wombs of your mothers, he made us.
He created you in stages. So eventually the body, the appearance, the beauty, as well as the wealth No matter how much no matter how precious no matter how valuable it is, eventually it will finish what will last what will remain? What remains, the deeds that have been recorded?
The deeds that have been secured, they will remain forever, while bethia to slowly hurt.
What remains are the good deeds. So Allah does not look at our forums or our welds, but what does he look at our hearts and our actions? Why does he look at the heart? Because in the heart is the intention? So with what intention? Are we doing something? Why does he look at the actions because that is what we have produced? That is what matters. So ultimately, what we need to focus on is what does give me more money, just beautifying our skin our appearances. No, our main focus should be on what on our actions on the state of our heart. Just as we focus on our physical cleanliness, we don't want even one, you know, deficiency in our body or one thing that could make us feel
embarrassed before people we keep checking mirrors, and I've seen people you know, they keep looking at their phone, you know, checking is their hijab perfectly fine. Is their face fine. Are their teeth, okay, is their nose okay? Is there I make a fine? Is it smudged from anywhere? They're constantly looking, constantly checking? Or is it doesn't really matter? A lot? Isn't that impressed by our beauty? You want to please Allah, you have to do some good deeds, and you have to do them with the right intention. So this action that we were about to do, of studying about the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam this should be done how, with the right intention, so that it is
acceptable to a lot older. Yes, I want to learn about the sooner that I can follow it to. I can be one of those people whom you love, and our actions that whatever we learn, should not just remain in these binders in our notes, but that it comes into practice that we have something to show on the Day of Judgment, because this binder, this notebook, these sheets, what will happen to them eventually, what will happen, they're not going to be useful for very long. What's going to matter is what what you get out of it and put into practice. You know, these just that you have right now you're writing your notes in them. such perfect, beautiful notes, right?
After a few years, you will wonder what do I do with these jewels? I'm done with the course. I've taken all my tests. What should I do with these *?
Some people, they shred them, others, they keep them, right? But what matters most what you have learned and put into practice. So this book also whatever we are learning, we need to put it into practice and
that's one chapter number two, there are only four Sunnah, the definition of sin there and if einval offer, what does the word mean? precept number two, the literary meaning or the linguistic meaning of the word Sunnah is the way or the fact whether good or bad. This is the literal linguistic meaning of the word asunder. What does it mean? The way the path whether it is good or bad, doesn't matter. Okay? That's the literal meaning of the word. What's the evidence for that? This Hadees I'm a big hater of the Allahu anhu. Allah He said, Allah Sula, Hassan Allahu alayhi wa sallam a woman Send us a letter and say he atone for romila Bihar Bardot, Ghana la he withdrew when Mr. ozeri human
lady onion, amin ozeri him shea butter well who IGNOU murgia Abu hanifa probably the one who he narrated that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man who center center, he said
As an example, he began a practice of subnetting a practice away for only lobby hair. So it was acted upon by the who, after him, Canada who it will be for him a drew its reward, meaning whoever started doing something good, he will have the reward for doing that good deed will miss Lou oh god him and equivalent to their rewards whose rewards of those who followed him, okay, because he initiated a good practice. Okay, after him, people continue that practice. So this person will get the reward for what he did. But because others kept doing that good deed even after he was gone, he will get their reward as well. He will get their reward as well. Min lady from other than meaning
without, and that young Casa it reduces Min udim from their rewards shayan anything at all mean those who follow that good practice afterwards, they will also keep the reward, it doesn't mean that the reward will be transferred to the one who initiated the practice No, both will get the reward. Okay, woman and whoever suddenly saw nothing. Whoever initiated a practice, say yes and that was evil. For Amina, we have the who and it was practiced, it was done after him cannot lay he was rule. It will be on him what withdrew its burden mean the burden of sin will be on him. Why? For having done that that action will miss lozada him and equivalent to their burdens of whose burdens those
who followed him in that bad action mean lady without a yen Kusama ozeri, him she without their burdens being reduced, in the least
running translation, whoever starts a good act and after him it was acted upon meaning it was followed, then for him will be his reward and the reward of all those who followed him in that act without diminishing from the reward. And the person who starts a bad act and it was acted upon after him. Then for him will be his burden and the burdens of all those who followed him in that act without diminishing anything from their burdens. Even manager This is also a collection of heavy narrations. So this had this was taken from there. So in this Hardee's, you see that the word Sunnah has been used, two words have been used. Sunita has an earthen and so Nathan, say he atten and what
do these words mean in the text? Practice way back. Right? So nothing has nothing a good way. A good practice. Can you think of some good practice that someone initiated after him it was done.
Adam alayhis salam, when Allah subhanaw taala created him and he blew the roof into him. It started coming into his body had down when it reached his nose, he sneezed and he said Alhamdulillah
and Allah subhanaw taala said to him, your homework Allah. So till today, whoever says and 100 Allah upon sneezing, who gets the reward for it? You get the reward for it for saying it, but who else gets rewarded for it?
You get your reward that's inshallah secure, but because other than Islam was the first one to do it, you will get their water every single person who ever says Alhamdulillah upon sneezing. Good Practice, he initiated it sooner than say he at an evil practice.
An example someone initiated
the first murder, the first murder, obviously, he killed his brother. Right? So he is the first one to kill a human being. So after him whoever kills whoever murders that murder Yes, he will get the sin of his committing that evil deed. But the first person who initiated that evil practice will also get that sin.
So this hadith has been mentioned over here to prove that the word sin that means what does it mean? A way or a bath? Okay, a course a practice a manner of doing something. Okay. And we see this word appearing in the Quran as well. A lot of penalties as soon as Allah He. This is the way of Allah. It's mentioned in certain areas of I 62. This is the way of Allah meaning this is the way that Allah deals with people. This is what Allah does. When people do such one and 30 the sooner they lay the dealer and you will never find for the Sunnah of Allah
Any change in meaning this is exactly how I deal with people who behave in a certain way.
It is also that the word sooner from the root see new noon are derivatives, which means that when things go very smoothly, like water flowing in a creek, just imagine a small stream and water is flowing in that. Is it continuously flowing? Is it. Yes. Is it flowing smoothly, easily? Yes, it is. So, sometimes called sooner Why? Because there's repetition, right? There's continuous action, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he repeatedly perform certain actions, for instance, even remotely low or no, he said that he saw the profit subtle instead of wearing those particular sandals. So he repeated that action many times to the point that even remote notice that the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam ate with his right hand to the point that other people notice that. Right? So this is the reason why it's called Cerner. And it's also repeated after him, isn't it? So? He did it many times. And after he's gone, still it is being repeated again and again. All of us eat with the right hand. That's what we're supposed to drink with the right hand and not the left because that is the Sunnah of the Prophet salado.
And when something flows smoothly, easily, what does that mean? And how does that relate to the son of the Prophet sort of understand that when you follow it, your life will become easy. People think that if they follow so nothing will become too difficult for them burdensome, all I have to eat with my right hand, oh, I have to step in with my right foot in first, I have to put the right sleeve on first. People think that it's difficult but in reality, their life becomes easy. You know why? Because when a person follows the way of the profit sort of all the sudden, then there are two benefits. A Allah would love him. And when Allah will love him, Allah will help.
So life will become easy.
Okay, and be everything that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did, was the best way of doing it.
For example, when he prayed, he performed Salah in the best way.
When he made the law, he made the law in the best way you open any Muslim door? Can you ever come up with a door that's like that? However, you know, we think what should I say? How should I make? What words they use? We just sit there just contemplating words don't flow out of our mouth sometimes. But when you read the Muslim dog, like this is exactly what I wanted. This is exactly what I wanted to say. So whatever he did, however, he did whatever he said was the best. So this is how your life becomes smooth.
This is another
preset number three in Islamic law, meaning in the Sharia. The word Sunnah means the way of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, technically, when you refer to the word sooner, you're not just talking about any ones where you say, Oh, this is my son, that when I eat, I eat with my left hand. No, it's my own sooner. No.
When you talk about Santa, in the Islamic sense, it refers to the way the manners are who the Messenger of Allah sort of already
understood pneumatic and probably Allahu anhu. Allah, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from unbeliever antonetti, Felisa Mini, Allahu Bukhari, you and I seven Malik he narrative that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Furman so whoever wrote the but he turned away on from Cincinnati, my way Felisa, meaning that he is not from me, he does not belong to me.
And it's a romantic narrative that the messenger sallallahu Sallam said, Whoever turns away from my son does not belong to me. Now in this Hadees the word sadhana refers to what? The way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and Paul had a name Abdullah him near ofin. kala, he said, so late to confer Ebner, Burson allergenicity, for Cora Avi Fatiha to kitabi Allah Liana mo a nurse una for her, even Abdullah him and he said that so later I performed Salah hongfa behind Abner Burson, even our best well we know who
our legend as a thing on a janessa meaning I performed the funeral prayer behind him even our best So in other words, even our best was leading the funeral prayer for Cora and in the funeral prayer he recited the fatty hydro kita the opening of the book meaning he recited Soto Fatiha infanatil janaza and afterwards Allah He said, Liana whoo
recite it sort of Fatiha insalata janessa y Li Allah mu so that the people know and know that indeed it so Nutan it is a Sunnah. What is the Sunnah, through sight through the Fatiha in salado janessa in the funeral prayer. So we see that in the statement of the prophet SAW a lot of the word sooner was used for what his ways and according to the understanding of the companions as well the word Sunnah was used for what the way of the Prophet sallallahu It was
his manners, his practice. Now when it comes to the ways of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the actions the practice, in precept number four, we learned that there are three types of Sunnah. Okay, when it comes to his manners,
there are three types. When it comes to his Sunnah. There are three types.
First of all, assume that Allah Alia, a sonata Alicia, what does that mean? The sooner that has to do with the coal of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So in other words, the sayings, the statements of the profit.
So the first is assume nothing only Yeah, the sayings the statements of the profits of
a sonata fairly Yeah. The second kind is as soon as well, fairly. Yeah. The deeds and the actions of the profits of the buyer, the seller. And the third kind is a submitted, Doc Really? Yeah. What does that mean? The approvals of the Prophet sallallahu where do you send them? What are they? Let's look at them one by one.
The first is as similar to earlier
so preset number five the sayings of the Messenger of Allah for the lover to send them they are referred to as a signal Kalia. Here is an example on who they will be Allahu anhu arakata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam initially Aparna yes the hanadama Allah youth gosman la here la Ottawa who Muslim?
He said that the messenger sallallahu Sallam said indeed the shaitan Yes, the halo he considers permissible meaning he enjoys when you consider something permissible you do it right. So, he considers permissible for himself what a farmer the food which food.
The one that unless on which not youth got it was not mentioned is Mullah. Here I lay the name of Allah was not mentioned upon it. So in this Hadees we see a statement wordings of the Prophet satellite is a statement that he said, found the statement, what do we learn about the prophets on line seven, that before he ate what would he say? Bismillah because if you don't say Bismillah, then shavon will consider that food permissible and he will eat out of it. So from the statement you learn about the statement of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of saying Bismillah before eating.
precept number six, any deed of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is referred to as a sin Natal fairly Yeah.
Here is an example. I normally up rashidun Robbie Allahu Allahu Allah, He said Canada sort of on his on a log or do you send them are you so we so fufen either cumnor this filati for it is the wainer kabara or whoever they would normally machine he said that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you so we he would straighten? Silvana our roles in our home now when we would stand listener for the prayer for either so when is the webinar we were straightened meaning our rules would become straight kabara then he would say that the cubbies so in this Hadees we learned about the action of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which action that before leading the prayer he would make sure that
the rules are strict that everyone is standing shoulder to shoulder for the foot no person is standing you know in front of the other person sitting next to him Nope, straight rows. This was his action. So from this Heidi's we learned about and now I'm an action of the prophets of Allah. precept number seven. The approval of the tacit approvals of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I refer to as a sonata Priya.
Here is an example that are in place of near I'm going to call it he said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam orogeny when you suddenly bother for like the superhero Kartini for color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fled to superhero cotton for Colorado, in Neelam a confer later la Kartini and Latina cabela Houma first
A lady to whom l Anna, for sakata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, hello wahoo a Buddha would pay subnormal. He said, The Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam he saw. So, he saw who saw Rasulullah the messengers of Allah said himself, hello, Julian, amen. You suddenly he was praying bother after so that the Supreme the morning prayer Which one is that? The budget prayer? What was he praying that man he was praying to locals. So after performing the budget he was performing to Morocco for color so he said, who said Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that similar to the prayer of a superhero the morning are just look at them. They're just doodle
cards. And we have already paid those to the cards in congregation. So what are you praying now?
For color Raja Lu? So the man replied, in me indeed I lamb akun lamb not a con i was meaning I did not synlait do. I did not pray. A rocker artanis the two rockers and latini those two which cabela Houma before them to meaning before the font, the to center, I did not get a chance to pray them for slow lay to human. And so now I have prayed them to. Now after the fault, I am praying the sooner because I didn't get a chance to bring them before. So first cerca de. So he was silent who Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his silence meant approval, that it's okay. It's okay for you to do that. Because Technically, the rule is that when Salah has been established when it
has begun, then there is no other prayer except for that either. oprema de sola follows whether to England mokuba. So for example, you go to the masjid and the man has already said Allahu Akbar. And you say, Oh, I didn't get a chance to pray my son, then what do you do you pray your son and then join the gym? I know, you're going to join the gym immediately. But because you missed it before now, after the salon, what are you going to do? You're going to say afterwards. So in this hadith we see the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not say to anyone, that if you miss your Sunnah before the fall, then you say them after he didn't say that? Did he do it himself? Did he do it himself? No, he
didn't do it himself either. But what happened here? he approved when somebody else did it.
So this is also awesome. So in summary, what do we learn that the sooner is the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It includes his words, his actions and his approvals.
Okay, his words, his actions and his approvals.
There's a final note at the end, that all these subnets are equal, and have a legal status in the Sharia. What does it mean? That all these three types of Sunnah are considered the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu ala. So for example, if a person does something that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did, is he following the sun?
Yes. If he is doing something that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam instructed, is he following the sun? Yes. If he's doing something that he approved of, is he following the sun? Yes. Would it be acceptable? Yes, there are levels which inshallah I will tell you in our next class, but which one is greater in rank? Okay. Is it the words? Is it the actions or is it the approvals? Okay, now, I want to give you some homework Can I give you can I, okay. If you open the first chapter, chapter number one, the intention, the second Hadees
the second Hadees is a short. Yeah. Okay. I want you to practice reading it in your group time. Can you say? Can you do it in Shaolin group time? And when you're saying it, remember, these were the words of the prophets that a lot of them said. So you want to say them to inshallah will end over here subchronic alarm will be handy Ganesha La ilaha illa Anta the softly Luca wanted to be like I said, I'm already from what I heard. Aloha.