Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 054 Ablution Hadith 202 206

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The transcript discusses various narratives and references to the Hades, rainbow, and the rainbow's meaning. The speakers touch on various topics such as wiping over slippers, giving concessions, trusting others, and the use of negative language in political tweets. They also discuss the importance of wiping over feet and ankles, as well as removing and wiping a bandage. The segment also touches on the use of wiping over socks and the importance of wiping over ankles.
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
I'm about to belay him in a shavon rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish frankly so that he will certainly mg looked at me listening of Holy probenecid and
that I must say, lol whoa feign wiping over the hood.
What is huff
huff is basically anything that is worn over the feet that is made from leather.
cloth in particular is made from what material leather. It could be in the form of leather socks, it could be in the form of leather shoes, it could be leather slippers, okay, whatever you want to call it, but what's the condition that it's made of leather and when it comes to cotton socks or socks made from some other material that is known as job now wiping over leather socks. That is something that is proven from the sooner but wiping over job that is also proven from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
We learned that a Molina had been sure but he said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did will do and he wiped over his job and his shoes. This is narrative Timothy and it's a sorry Hadees so we see that wiping over cotton socks or socks made of other material is also a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Salah in almost a dictionary, it has mentioned that Jota means something that is wrapped around the feet.
It has been said that job is a thin cover for the feet that is made of wool. And that is worn to keep the feet warm. Because some argued that, you know, hopefully you need to wear them for the protection of your feet. But we see that protection of the feet is not just from you know sharp material or rocks and all of that, but it is also in order to keep the feet warm, and living in the side of the world. Sometimes it is essential to wear socks and it's not possible to remove socks all the time in order to do
so, wiping over cotton socks. This is also must noon. This is also proven from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in our own home. He said that wiping over the socks is like wiping over the leather slippers, meaning wiping over job is just like wiping over her face. And this has mentioned in Masonic even abee shaybah. Even hasn't, he said that wiping over anything that is worn on the feet of things that are permitted to be worn and which come up above the ankles. What's the condition
that they must come up above the ankles, so your ankle socks
you can't do Mr over them. They must come up above the ankles that's the condition. So this is sooner.
He said that whether there are slippers who faint made of leather, or they are made of wood or their socks made of linen, wool, cotton, camel hair, goat hair, you call it whatever material it is as long as the material itself is light Yep, it is pure, then it is permissible to do muster over them. And we see that wiping over the Sox 70 plus companions are reported to have narrated this particular action 70 plus companions. So what does it mean that this is
and what the what this narration would have added? It has been said minmatar Ouattara Howdy, Suman Kadam woman Benelli Lackey, beighton Watterson, iatan Shiva Aton will help almost her whole fame will have the belt, meaning that after the wet of Hades, the motivated ones are which ones the hadith of mankind a man cutterbar Liam with Ahmed and forgettable what are the who in and out? This Hi This has been narrated numerous times, many, many narrations, likewise, of the Hadees that are the wetter or which ones this one the wiping over the socks and we see that wiping over the socks. This is mentioned in the Quran and also mentioned in the sun. In the Quran. It's mentioned
indirectly in the verse one sahoo below Zico, abdulah. Come in and carving this, they're duking it out right, once the who below osako joola has also been read as of Julie come, if you read it as Julie cone, then it means wipe over your heads and also wipe over your feet. But we see that the sooner that specifies that in what conditions can you wipe and in what conditions should you wash, when is it that we can wipe over the feet when we are wearing socks, okay or shoes as long as other conditions are ultimate inshallah we will discuss those conditions and when is it that you have to wash when you're not wearing anything on your feet so then you have to wash so we see that this
matter is mentioned in the
Hold on, it's also proven in the suddenness. So, therefore, it is a completely correct, completely valid act. So when a person is wiping over his socks, then he should not feel that he is doing something that is of less importance or not correct or not as good. It is completely valid. It's completely correct. Because the reason behind wiping the feet right over the socks over the leather slippers, what's the reason to save a person from worship from difficulty? And we see that Allah subhanaw taala he likes that the concessions are taken by these elders that Allah loves concessions to be taken just as he hates sins to be committed. So just as Allah does not like sins to be
committed, likewise, Allah likes that the confessions that He has given that people make use of them. So wiping over the socks over leather slippers, this is a concession and it's completely permissible to do that. So what's the evidence of this? Had this enough us well known for legitimacy? You I never knew what happened. Carla had decennia Imran had the sunny abominably and Avi Salah method near Abdul Rahman on our Villa him near and what ansara didn't have he will call center and innovia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and know who must have idle who Fein will not have the luxury of Nero mala Salah or Mara angelic for Kala Nam either had data cache and Sarah done an
interview sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for let us learn who they are who bacala Musab Narok, bata Bharani Abu nobly another seller matter of Mara who a certain had the subwoofer color or model of delay.
So we see here that Abdullah even Roma, okay, he said on Sardinia we were costs so he inherited from Southern Italy because I need to be a sort of lover and he was a lamb that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Mr. Harlan hoofing so in our moral dilemma I know a younger companion he learned from Saudi Arabia we will cause the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he wiped over his socks and that are De La Romana Ella Roma he asked her model below on her and relic about that he confirmed from his father that did sir they're gonna be will call say the right thing.
So he heard from saga Lilo or know that the profits or losses in and wipe over his socks. And he confirmed from his father or mother did the prophet SAW the loss of them do that? So for Paula, so remarkably low or no, he replied, not only narm Yes, that yes, it was a son of the prophets that allows them to wipe over his socks. And he advised him an aroma that either had data cache and said or done that when sad he tells you about something on an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the profits on aloneness and and then Fernandez Alon who later who then don't ask about it from someone else, meaning don't go on to others, confirming from them whether it is something correct or not.
We'll call them Musab Naropa Bharani abinadi, another sadhana and a certain color Amalia Abdullah, eating a similar narration is also found. So, we see here that the companions they were very well aware of this practice of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he used to wipe over his socks, it was a well known practice. And we also learned another important point that when it comes to religious matters, when it comes to religious matters, or whether it is a matter of a leader or it is a matter of like the beginning of the time of something for example, the month has begun the moon has been cited, then in that case, Hubbard warhead will be accepted. What does it mean by harbor warhead?
That one person is informing of it, so you will accept it? Okay, as long as a person is reliable, so for example, one person says that he saw the moon, then will you accept it? Yes, you will. Likewise, one person, reliable person, one companion is narrating a hadith. Will you accept it? Yes. Even if he's the only companion who narrated it Yes. Because he is a trustworthy person, he is a reliable person. In the Quran, Allah tells us that if a faster comes to you be number in then First of all, you know, if a sinful person comes to you with a report one person then you clarify you ascertain before taking action, why because that source is not trustworthy. But if there is a trustworthy
person, then the narration of one person is also enough. And this is what remodel the lower end what advice to sandwich like at the change of the wheel Qibla when a companion he came to a group of people who were praying and he said to them that I prayed with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam facing the Kaaba, so they all change in the prayer, accepting one reports, they didn't say no, we have to investigate more and more. We have to confirm from other people know, the testimony of one person will be sufficient that trust
other believers trust them. Unfortunately, these days, we don't trust one another. We don't trust the scholars, we don't trust anyone. Right? If a scholar has said something, we say, what's their evidence? Why are they saying this? What proof do they have? Yes, definitely, you should know about the proof, but trust them as well, especially if they have a reputation. If they are reputable, then accept them.
You may differ from them, you may not fully understand, but don't go on, defaming them saying negative spreading negative things about them. And the thing is that the more you ask and investigate, sometimes that puts you in more confusion, it creates more problems for you. We learned that the way of the companions was that when they saw the profits of the loss and them doing something they followed immediately, once the profits or losses and it was bring solar, he was leading the people in prayer and in his prayer, he removed his shoes and placed them on his left side. And the companions in the prayer when they saw him doing that they also remove their shoes and
put them on the left side. So after the prayer, the prophet SAW lots of them. I said, Why did you do that? They said we saw you doing it. This is why we did it. And he said who came and told me that my shoes had some impurity on them. This is why I removed my shoes you didn't have to. But for them, why is it that they did it because they saw the profits? That was efficient. So likewise, we also have to accept cover wide when it comes to religious matters.
Had this new holiday and how Ronnie you had done a laser and yahad necessary, uncertain Ibrahim, an airfare of new debating on earth of Nemo Vila Abele mahira Sharma, so urban Madeira he narrated from his father mohila even shorba and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that unknown who that indeed he Hello Julie Hagerty, he went out for his need meaning to answer the call of nature to use the washroom photographer who amarilla samaveda de la or new he followed him, be there within with a container for him. It was water. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam went out to use the washroom and with a little delay, I know he followed after
with a container of water. For some ballet he then he poured on him haina follow them in Hagerty, he when he was done using the washroom then he poured water on him so that he could wash his hands for the what but then the prophet SAW the lesson performed will do when Messiah and he wiped all her Fein over his socks. So we see that the profits or losses at him he wiped over his socks not to refresh will do but to perform will do.
Because using the toilet that breaks your will. So that means he had to perform
and in that he wiped over his socks. So this does not mean that wiping over the socks is only valid when you already have will do. No wiping over the socks is valid it is permissible when you have broken will do as long as the socks were worn when you had
when you were in the state of Florida. Then we also see in this Hardee's that photowalk ba one masa Ll cafe, the wording was a higher level thing that he wiped over his socks, this wording indicates that he wiped over them together. Not that he wiped the right foot first with the right hand, and then he wiped his left foot with the right hand. No. What we understand from this wording is that he wiped both the feet together that the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left hand. Now this is the sooner This is ideal. But for that you have to bend down, okay, or you have to be in a sitting position so that you can reach both your feet at the same time because you can't
lift both your feet together. Okay?
That you'd have to only one by one. So it's best but if that's not possible, but if you're not that fits that your hands don't reach up to your feet together at the same time. Sometimes it happens that when we're sitting for too long, we're not walking enough we're not stretching enough. As you bend down. You realize that reaching your feet is too difficult. So if that's not possible, then you wipe one by one, but the sooner is wiping both of them together. Right foot with right hand and left foot with left hand
have done a boon or even color had done a ban on yeah here on a be selama on Java live near me yet one Ricky and Bubba who borrow who I know that his father informed him that or an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam youngster who Idaho fame. He saw him wiping over his socks, whatever. We'll have Boucher data in Urbana, and you're here. So this is a well known practice of the prophets of the lotus Adam. So it's a completely valid act
had this
are then called a forerunner of the law called Parana Zara you are and you're here on Avi Salama, and Jennifer is near Imran and OBE, Allah, He said at nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that I saw the Prophet sallallahu wasallam em sahoo that he was wiping or Allah or the moment he will hopefully he, he saw the profits or losses in wiping over his turban, and also his leather socks, whatever who marked Madonna on your hair, and a bee selama on Amazon or AWS along with yourself.
So we see that wiping must, is over the feet, and also over the turban. It is over the feet as an over socks or leather shoes, leather slippers. And it's also over the Durbin.
Does this mean that if you're wearing really tight sleeves, you can't roll up your sleeves, because if they're way too tight, you can wipe over your arms, you cannot wipe over your arms, you can only wipe over socks and over the turban. Why? Because of the Iron Curtain wiping is only mentioned for the head and the feet. What's the reason? What's the wisdom behind the permission to wipe over what is worn over the feet and what is worn over the head and not being allowed to wipe over what is worn over the arms.
machaca difficulty right difficulty because a person will wear something on the feet or on the head out of dire need. For example, you will wear socks when you are cold. Or when you have to protect your feet, you will wear something on your head. For example, you're wearing a winter scarf, okay, or a big hat a winter hat that is covering your head, your ears, your neck, you know, you wrapped stuff around your head, the neck, or for instance, people wear the turban because of the heat, or not just because of the heat, but it's part of their dress. So it's out of a need. It's not out of fashion merely. So when we wear tight sleeves many times, that's just you know, because the sleeves
are tight, and we can't roll them up. So it's not really Allura. But we see that covering the head and covering the feet. That is a bola and this is why wiping over what is worn over them is permissible.
Now the question is what is it remember remember is that which is worn over the head, and it is wrapped around several times. And it's usually very long. So you're talking about a long piece of cloth that is worn over the head and it's wrapped around several times that is
now wiping over the turban that is permissible as we seen this hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did that. And when a person wipes over the turban, it will be on all of it, or at least a majority of it. Okay, not that a person just touches over the amount of barely no wiping over either all of it, or at least a majority of it. And it is Mr. hub, it is better that if the sides of the head and the back of the head or the front of the head are exposed, then a person also wipes over them along with the ears. But it's not a must. It's not a must. Okay, it's most the habits better, but it's not a requirement. Now, this leads to the question of wiping over a hat
or, you know, a cap or a skullcap you know that men typically wear when they're praying for that. Can you wipe over that? No. Why? Because it's not like an aroma at all. We don't have to wrap it. You don't have to tie it up. It's not difficult to put on. Right? In fact, it's difficult to keep it on. Okay, that is a challenge. But what about a winter hat that is wrapped around the head? I'm not talking about your modern hats, you know, that you can easily put on and there's a Velcro and that's it? No, in many places people wear like a thick scarf, they will wrap it around their head over and over again. So that falls in the same category as well as a turban because it's difficult to take it
off and difficult to put it on. Especially when you are making will do in cold then it's more difficult. So this is the reason why that it falls in the same category. Now what about the hijab?
What about the hijab? It is said that some scholars of the humblest school of thought they have allowed wiping over the headscarf but they have said that it is better not to do that.
It is better not to do that. Because when you're wearing a hijab, putting on the hijab, taking off the hijab is not as difficult as wearing a turban.
Isn't it so it's not as difficult. And if it is that difficult for you to put on your hijab, then there's a problem with how you're putting it on. Because you're spending way too much time on wearing the hijab. Okay, and your time should go in other things.
Now, the question is that if you take off your hijab, that your hair will be exposed, but the thing is that when you're doing well Do you also have to wash your arms and your arms are altered.
So you should not be making will do in a public place, because your arms are under your feet, according to many scholars are also our law. And when you are, you know doing will do you also have to wipe your ears. So, this is a reason why many scholars who have permitted wiping over the headscarf they have said that it's better not to do that. But those who do allow it. What's the evidence of that? The evidence is that some women from the companions, right they used to wipe over their headscarf. It is said that seven out of the lower on her used to do that. And if it is difficult for a woman to take off her hijab and put it back on because of the cold, or because of
some other genuine reason, then Okay, she may wipe over it. Like for example, a woman has a young child, she has to quickly do her will do. Okay, she's out. She's already wearing a hijab. And if she takes it off, Where's she going to put the pin, and you know, there's no place to put the hijab, the counters are all wet, there's no place to hang the hijab. If she puts it around her neck or ties it around her around her waist, then it might fall it might get dirty. So if it's really a difficult situation, she's not able to take it off, then in that case, you may wipe over and if she wipes over the headscarf, then she does not need to wipe her ears. Nor does she need to put her hand inside and
wipe over the hair. No wiping over the scarf is sufficient. But remember, it is only in in extreme difficult situations. Okay, not that you go to the washroom and you're like, No, I'm going to be too difficult to you know, take off my hijab accessories. Unfortunately, hijab that is supposed to cover the Xena has become a means of Xena. So we should be careful when it comes to this. The kind of mischief that the people experienced at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is very different from the kind of machaca that we experienced. I mean, I wish I was nothing compared to them. I mean, if they did wipe over their heads, it could be for example, if they were somewhere outside, and
let's say you face a tree and you're you know, kind of covered from the front and people are at your back and you manage to wipe you know to wash your arms by covering from your side. So if you take your hijab off, it will be difficult to do. So in that situation, okay, you're wiping over but it's in a difficult situation these days or handler wherever you go. They're women only washrooms. Right so you have that freedom to do will do in privacy. Bab either adhara Ridge Lee wahoo Melba Hirata button, either other holiday July he when a person entered his feet, into what? into the leather slippers into the socks, meaning when he wore socks, welcome out Paul Hilton. While they were both
clean, meaning the condition the condition of doing massage over socks is that the socks must have been worn at a time when the feet were clean. What does it mean by the feet being clean, that a person was in a state of will do so that is a condition had a boon or even had this as a Korea on Armageddon on arrival. What's up ngulia Avi, Allah He said, come to mind NaVi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Murphy suffering I was with the messenger of a loss of the lover insulin in a journey for way too. So then I Li n zero who Fahy so I went down in order to remove his socks. Why? So that he could wash his feet for color. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that whom I leave them on, leave them
for any alcohol to attain because I put them both on when they were both clean. So for NASA, I lay him so he wiped over both of them. So we see the condition of wiping over socks is that they should have been worn when a person has wood. Now there are many Hadees in which we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sometimes he washed his feet and other times he wiped over the socks. So this shows that what is it the virus another only washing the feet all the time? No, it devours sooner is that sometimes you're washing your feet and other times you're wiping over your socks. That is awesome. Now, this leads us to the question that is it better to wash the feet or is it
better to wipe
Over the socks, what is better? Or are they both equal? It depends on the situation of a person. Some scholars argue that it is better to wash the feet, that even if you're wearing socks, you remove your socks and you wash the feet, it's better. Why? Because the principle is that you wash the feet, and wiping over the socks is an allowance. So the principle is better than the concession. But others argue that no, wiping the socks is not any less because the prophets of Allah Islam did that. And if you did that, then it's it's an action that will bring a person reward. He's following the command of aligned His Messenger. So that is also great. And other scholars argued that wiping
over the socks is better than washing the feet. But if you look at it, what makes more sense is that it depends on the circumstances, the situation of the individual. And this seems to be the most correct opinion that if a person is not wearing socks, then what's best for him that he should wash the feet.
But sometimes we put the socks on with the intention that we don't have to wash our feet. Okay, that intention is not.
I mean, it's not that nice that when you can wash your feet, you deliberately put your socks on even in the summer and you leave them on in the night, so that you don't have to wash your feet in the morning. I mean, how difficult is it you're washing your face and arms anyway? And you should shower every day anyway. So what's the difficulty in Washington feet?
Really, what's the difficulty? Right, it's allowed, but you should not have that intention of getting away, you know, of trying to get away from washing the feet. And when you're washing your feet and remember that it is a clear on what it is more action, right? You're washing and with the water dripping down in Sharla. The sins are also falling off any place that we walk to, to yell at someone to fight with someone to do something wrong, inshallah, those sins are being washed off. And if a person is wearing his socks, then what's better for him that he should just wipe over the socks he should not take his socks off in order to wash them he should not impose difficulty upon himself
when Allah has given him a concession. If the socks are below the ankles, then you have to take them off because they're they don't meet the condition lahoma Conservatoire de la casa de la Sol in sunny la masa. Right? The person will get what he strove for. So for you on your part, it's not much effort, then what should you do that it's not much effort on your part to either remove the socks or wipe over them if you're wearing your socks already, it's better that you wipe over them because this is what we seen this and of the profits of a lot. He could have taken his socks off, somebody was going to help him I had somebody got down to that they could remove his socks for him. But what
did he say leave them on
leave the one I wore my socks my feet were clean so he just wiped over them. So when you don't have your socks on then you wash and when you have your socks on then what's the best thing to do? Wait for them. Sometimes there are so many people have to do will do and the salon has already started or it's about to start then be quick. Be quick and if you had you will do when you put your socks on then wipe over them. And when you're wiping over the new member, this is the Sunnah, so you'll get rewarded for following the Sunnah of the prophets on bison. And that is true devotion because that's what we learned earlier when it comes to Voodoo also, we see that washing once permissible
Washington permissible washing three times that is also good, it's permissible, it's better, but what's best that a person washes three times always know that sometimes once sometimes twice, sometimes three times because you want to follow the Prophet satellizer in the best way in every way. In this Hadith, we see that for wiping over the socks there is a condition and there are four conditions for conditions wiping over the socks. The first condition is that the socks should have been put on when a person was in the state of Florida meaning when he had wood which was discussed over here the second condition is that the socks okay whether they are made of cotton or leather,
whatever, they should be fine meaning the socks themselves should be clean. So, if you know some new jazza ended up on the socks, then you cannot wipe over them anymore You have to wash them off you have to and in order to wash them off properly thoroughly especially if it's cotton then you have to take them off and also they should be made of fire material okay they should be made off clean material and which material is clean rather which one is unclean, okay. So for example leather that is from animals which are held on for consumption, okay. So for example, thick skin so on and so forth. It should not be made at that level. Thirdly, that the Sox may be wiped over when a person is
performing will do after had a sort of meaning.
After minor impurity, not after major impurity when hosel is required, how does occur is when a person needs to do whistle in order to become clean. So, for example, if a woman was menstruating or a person is in the state of Geneva, then they have to listen. So they can't wipe over their feet, you have to take your socks off, and you have to wash your feet. But when it comes to headers, as a minor impurity person just use the toilet a person fast when then they can wipe over their socks. The fourth condition is that the wiping may only be done within the time that has been specified by the shittier, meaning there is a time limit.
And what is the time limit? For a resident meaning the person who is at home one day and one night? And for the person who's traveling, how much, three days and three nights? Why is there a difference between the resident and the traveler? Because the traveler is in more need
of wiping over his socks? Because at home, for example, what do you do? You shower daily, but sometimes when you're traveling, you don't have that chance, you don't get that opportunity. Likewise, when you're at home, you can wear fresh socks every day. But when you're traveling, sometimes you have your shoes on for 14 hours, 16 hours, 18 hours, sometimes over 24 hours of the flight is very long. So for that reason, it's up to three days, three nights. Now, this does not mean that for the resident, he can pray only five prayers. It's not five prayers, how much is it? 24 hours.
Likewise, for the traveler, it's not 15 prayers, how much is it? three days and three nights. And this is 24 hours beginning from when, from the time when you put your socks on or from the time when you first did must over the socks. The second the first time that you did must over your socks. That is when the 24 hour period begins. So for example, a person woke up in the morning, showered that will do and they put their socks on for fragile now they did their sada gametime for loja they still have their will do from fudger they pray their Salah these days it's you know acid comes in so quickly so the person managed to pray acid as well with that same will do okay. And then for malaria
they had to do fresh will do that for malaria they do fresh will do and then they wipe over their socks for the first time now the 24 hour period will begin. So now they can continue doing massage until when the next mockery prayer. Okay. Now the next day they have their socks on slept with them.
The next day at Moz live within that 24 hour period they managed to do massage over their socks. And with that will do they prayed Muslim, can they perish as well? Why not? They will do is still valid. They can prayer Isha. Let's say they didn't go to sleep, they want to pray some family can they do that? Let's say they didn't sleep at night during the night at all. They didn't break their will do the procedure. Yes, because it's not about being in the state of although but rather the action of wiping the action of wiping has to be done within those 24 hours. So you can play up to five to 15 fares almost more or less even as a resident same thing as a traveler, your period of three days,
three nights begins from the first time you do must not the time when you did will do but the first time you have to do must in order to do and you will do will last even though the time has expired, but your will do will last until there is some reason because of which the order will be nullified. Had this escalator up or whatever. So remember, it's not five prayers, but rather it is 24 hours. Now, some scholars they have said that there is no limit of 24 hours or three days. There is no limit. Some scholars have said that and they say that a person will do must as long as he has to as long as there is a little older, because the reason behind this allowance is what little necessity.
So as long as the ruler will remain, a person can continue to do.
So for example, some Muslims they decide to go to the North Pole. They decide to go to see the penguins in the winter. They want to go come on Muslim shirt, right? So let's say you want to go but it's minus 40 degrees. My
Is 80 degrees Celsius, not Fahrenheit, okay, it's extremely cold there. You think it's practical for them to shower after three days or to wash their feet after three days? Is it possible for them to wash their feet after three days? No. So they are in that state of the Aurora to wipe their feet. So for as many days as they're there, okay, they can wipe their feet unless they have to do to him, that's a different case of they have to reclaim and that's different. But if they can manage to wash their face and their arms, and rinse their mouth and clean their nose, and, and all of that, then they can continue to wipe over their socks, as long as a little rubber means, like, was a person who
is traveling and they get stuck on one of the airports, something happens with the flight, there are no showers there. And they feel that if they take their socks off, then it will be very difficult for them they are in a difficult situation. It has been three days three nights already they are not able to take their socks off. There's a genuine reason behind that. So can they keep their socks on and do much over them? Yes, they can. And this is the opinion of me and many other scholars that they said that the limit is not set but rather the limit is a little as long as it is there you will continue to fight once the rule is over then you want white rather you will take off your socks and
you will wash. Now, some have given more conditions. Some scholars have said more conditions such as what should be the thickness of the socks and the size of the holes, the type of sock okay, but these conditions we see they're not proven in the Quran or the Sunnah. And we are not allowed to make this hokum more difficult for the people. This is an allowance, a concession, and that should not be made difficult for the people. It has been said that when the profits or losses allowed people to wipe over their socks, then he knew what kind of socks people wore at that time.
Typically, people wear socks that are thick, sometimes thin, sometimes they are worn out. from certain areas. Sometimes there's a hole. Sometimes they're two holes. Sometimes there's a small hole. Other times there's a big hole. But a sock is called a sock even if it has holes, even if it's thin, even if it's made from cotton, or some other material it is called sock. So this is why some scholars have said that even if the sock has holes in it still you can wipe over those socks.
Okay, you can still wipe over them. And you can only imagine that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, especially after the hijra. One battle after the other what struggle the believers were going through the reception from so much poverty that they did not have enough oil to light candles, and if they had enough, they would have eaten that oil first. And remember that expedition in which, when the Sahaba went their socks, their leather socks got torn so much that the battle was called by that name. I don't remember the exact Arabic term but it was identified by the fact that their socks got torn and they were worn out. Okay, so a sock, you can continue to do
massage over it as long as you will call it a sock. And as long as you will feel comfortable wearing
fur, there is no harm if there's a hole in the fox you can still do muster over them. Some scholars have also said that the material does not matter. Meaning even if a person is wearing socks made of glass or wood or plastic, even that is permissible. But others have said that no it should be such material that is breathable. Okay, like leather or leather to some extent is leather socks, or cotton or something like that. But if it's completely plastic or glass or wood, the No. Not that we have wooden socks or socks made of glass.
Skin socks, you mean really fine stockings.
Their socks? You call them socks?
Even if they are very fine. It's okay because they are considered socks. But the thing is that why is the person wearing them? Is it the ruler or something else? If it's the ruler, then okay. But if it's not the ruler then I mean you are your best judge, you know your situation better. Now, one more question is that when you remove your socks does your widow break?
Let's say you did judo
you put your socks on your will do broke next time you did what do you did must over the socks you wipe over the socks. Now you remove those socks is your will valid or not.
Some scholars have said that your widow still remains Why? Because what nullifies the will do is not the cutting of the hair, the trimming of the nails, the removal of socks but what nullifies will do is other factors, other things so this is
Just like if a person has long nails that it will do and they cut their nails, now fresh part is being exposed, you don't have to wash that your wound is not nullified. Likewise, I said that if a person is wearing socks that it must over there remove their socks, I mean, they don't have to wash their feet, because when they did will do their work, it was complete. But other scholars said that, no, it does invalidate the why, because wiping takes the place of washing. And if the socks are removed, then the purity of the feet is no longer valid, the purity of the feet was based on what wiping off the socks. But once you remove the socks and the feet are no longer pure, and the feet
are no longer pure, that means your will do is not valid anymore. And this was the opinion of she has given us
any other question, any concern
that when you're wiping your feet, then you have to take fresh water, meaning you have to wet your hands. Again, just as for wiping the head, you have to wet your hands separately, and then wipe your head then again, you have to wet your hands and wipe over your feet, or your socks. When it comes to wiping the feet, it will only be on the top, not all around not at the bottom, but only on the top. And remember that famous statement of value of the low or no, that if the Dean was based on logic, then you would have to wipe under the socks under the feet. Okay. But the fact is that you have to wipe on top and not under.
And it's best that you wipe only on the top and not under because you have to follow the sooner and how will you wipe starting from the toes, I mean, make sure that you wipe the front, you wipe all of the top part of the foot basically,
the ankle socks No, because they don't cover the ankles, the condition is that the socks must cover the ankles. Okay, because washing the ankles is a condition they're part of, you know, the part that has to be purified. Likewise, when you're wearing socks, then the angles also have to be covered. I can't say which one is better. But what makes more sense to me is the opinion of
that the wiping it replaced washing. So when wiping was removed, that means washing is not there. So that means the foot is not clean, it's not here anymore. So we've learned about wiping over socks wiping over their emammal or the headscarf and now the wiping over a bandage what is ruling concerning that we discussed this earlier as well. And it was mentioned that wiping cannot take the place of washing likewise, washing cannot take the place of wiping unless there is some evidence to prove that. So, when it comes to wiping the head wiping the feet over the socks, there are evidences to prove that
what about wiping over a bandage. So, for example, if you have a bandage on your arm on your face or on your foot and you want to wash your foot then what should you do in that situation
remember that a bandage will be worn will be put on the body when there is a need. And a need does not just mean there's a cut and it could mean you know like a particular a fracture or even a broken bone or sprained bone. Likewise, some heat pads are also put onto the body right there are different kinds and for healing purposes basically. So, that is also included in this a cast often would count when it comes to a bandage regardless of why it is worn all these reasons that we discussed right now, some bandages are such that you have to put it on okay in the sense that if you remove it and you wash that wound, the wound will get infected, then what's best that you have to keep it on. So,
some scholars have said that in the case where the wound is such that you can not remove the bandage then you will keep the bandage on and what will you do, you will wipe over.
But other scholars have said that no you will do either tiamo or you will wipe over but when you look at all the evidences although the evidences are weak, but there's so many that the scholars have suggested that it is permissible that you wipe over the bandage as long as the bandage is necessary in the sense that you need to put it on then it does not matter how big it is. It does not matter how thick it is. That does not matter. So even if it's a whole ghasts over a fracture that a person is wearing, then he can wipe over that entire arm. Okay, he can wipe over it. This is what the scholars have said and if it is a small cut, and you can remove the bandage and what are you
supposed to do?
Wash. Okay, then you are supposed to wash.
Hannah, can you wipe over that? No, the fresh henna, not the henna design that remains on your skin after washing off then I know the henna that you have to remove because it's a barrier
Even if you're the bride, even if it's eight The next day, it's not a Lula right, it's not a necessity a dire need. Okay? So it's the same thing that it's such that the skin has to be covered, it cannot be made wet, right, otherwise the wound will get infected, otherwise, the infection or the skin disease, it will spread. So in that case, whatever part you can wash, you have to wash and the rest of it, either you can wipe with your right hand over, or if there is a bandage, then you can wipe over it.
You can keep a nice clean plant in your house, okay, you can even do it from dusty rocks. You can even do it from dust that has collected over your windows.
They might not want to that's a different case, but you can even get sand. Okay, just go to Canadian Tire or something, get some sand, keep it in a packet, I've seen what some people have done is that they've made like a small pillow. Okay, and with sand in it. And as you you know, as you move it around in your hand, some sand will definitely come onto your hand. So you can just use that
we studied about that earlier, when it comes to nail polish on the nails then, because it is a lot of area that will be left unwashed, then you cannot wipe over it. And it's not a ruler, it's not like a bandaid or something. So in that case, she has to remove the nail polish and she has to wash and then run up to the grocery store or send somebody chip it off. That will be difficult.
What will be easier is that a friend or a relative can be asked to quickly go to a pharmacy and 100 these days, everywhere. Even the dollar store you can find a nail polish remover. Right? So just remove it quickly do will do and put it back on for the rest of the day. No, it's not like socks, like I said, for the socks and for the turban. The evidence are there for the wounds or when there's a necessity to wear a band aid or a cast or whatever. Again, the evidences are there even though they are weak but there are so many that because of that scholars have allowed wiping over the band aid. Okay, but not nail polish.
We have because the evidence is of that are weak of saying that you can wipe over the band aid. The evidences are many but they're weak but because there's so many This is why the scholars have said that it's okay to wipe over a bandaid
or to wipe over the infected skin or the wounded skin. Okay. Is it clear No.
jello will conclude here.
It's a practical long we'll be heavily conditioned with a ton of stuff we're going to be like I said, I'm really cool.