Tahir Wyatt – How to Welcome Ramadan!

Tahir Wyatt
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AI: Summary ©

The importance of fasting during the month of anniversarying the birth of Islam is emphasized, as it is necessary for achieving goals and rewarding actions. The act is a natural desire for food and drink, and fasting is required for individuals who have a history of eating disorders. Prayer during Laila to Qatar is emphasized, as it is crucial for society, and the importance of forgiveness and praying is emphasized. The importance of pace during the worship of Islam is emphasized, and the importance of not drinking during the day is emphasized. The speaker also provides advice on taking advantage of wake-up times and having support, and recommends reading the Quran in Arabic and selling it.

AI: Summary ©

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			And Alhamdulilah
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			mother who want to stay in Ohio on a stove huddle When will the villa human surely unforeseen our
sejati Amelie Melina
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			Mayor de la hufa la medalla woman you little fella howdy Allah
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			wa Chateau La la la la la hula hula Shadi Cara was shadow Anna Mohammed Abu rasuluh yo yo holla
Deena an otaku la Haku Kati wala Mouton lava and tombs the moon yeah you Hannah Sakuraba como la de
holla communists in wahida holla Carmen has Olga bethanien humeri JAL and Cathy wrong manisa A tapa
la hora de de Luna v he was on hand in Allaha Cana la comme la Kiba.
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			Yeah, you hola Dena Amano, choco la kulu colenso de de
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			la cama de como que la comme de novo when you say la hora Sula, who falls in Lima, and my bag in the
cul de de de la, Ohio Have you heard the Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Machado moody
Matata, Hakuna Matata timbi de la COVID-19 de la calidad is enough to meet me back. Before we get
into the topic of the hookman it is imperative that we look at some of the etiquettes of Yeoman
Joomla and attending the national Jamboree. Juma because there are many incidents that occur and
have occurred in the past where people are actually talking during the hook by while the katiba is
talking. And if a person talks even if it is to say to the person sitting next to him, then he has
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			nullified the reward of his Joomla. It doesn't mean that he has to pray over again or praise door in
place of Joomla. But he diminishes his reward severely for just saying a small word to somebody
sitting next to him even if it's his child, so you need to be absolutely silent. on normal Juma when
the Imam is talking that goes for males and females young and old. However, there is an exception
for those who are working security, as there's a fatwa from the legend a diamond in Saudi Arabia,
where they have mentioned that those who are working security they have the right to talk because
there is the pros of that outweigh the cons. However, they should do it in a manner that does not
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			disturb the fatigue and those who are listening to the hook boss, if they're outside and they need
to direct people outside in a manner that does not affect the hook by the net is fine. That goes for
cell phones as well. You brothers should turn your cell phones on silent and listen attentively to
the hookman.
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			After that, and before again getting to the topic it is from the
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			great mercy of Allah azza wa jal
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			it is a favor that needs to be thanked by each and every one of us that we are here and dimensional
normal Joomla. And I say that because
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			it took a lot for many of you to get here for Joomla. You had to convince your employer that this
was something that was your religious duty, or you had to schedule your own schedule that is if you
work for yourself, you had to make Jomo Juma and coming to the club by a priority. And that is
something that each and every one of us should be thankful to realize that he blessed us to be here
and it's something that maybe many of us take for granted because we go to gym every week. But it's
not something to take for granted. It's something that we should be grateful to Allah Subhana who
would to Allah for that he has blessed us to be here today because there are other people that put
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			their work over Juma and they don't come to the Minister for Juma or whatever other thing they have
going on. And Juma is the second thought and whatever else they're doing is the first thought so the
fact that you are here today is a great Nima from Allah subhana wa tada a great blessing and favor
from him to Pena who attacked him and from the favors of allies who would gel upon this oma dome of
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
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			is that
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			the good deeds that a Muslim does are increased, multiplied 10 to 700 times as the prophets of Allah
it was some informed us. So every time a Muslim says sapan Allah
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			and remembering Allah subhanaw taala it's written down for him 10 to 700 times, every time he prays
Juma. It's written as if you have prayed 10 to 700 Juma, but if you commit a sin, then that sin is
only written as one sin and this is a favor from Allah subhana wa tada for this oma so that our
scales will be heavy in the law E to Allah on the day when we meet Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
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			That's important because this this activity badda this act of worship that is upon us now, that is
the last month of Ramadan which inshallah huzzah Allah will begin on Sunday will begin fasting on
Sunday tomorrow night we will begin praying a tarawih inshallah, after Salatin Isha.
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			This month it is upon us is the month of fasting and Evo hora de Allahu tion and who reported that
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azzawajal said kulu Amma Lebanese Adam,
Allahu in the psalm for in the holy war, enter Zb, every act of worship of devotion that the son of
Adam does his for himself. It's for him except for fasting. Fasting is for me, this is what aligns
with Joe says, fasting is for me, and I reward the fasting. This is collected by the memorable party
and another narration of that same study. The province of Lahore it was alum or was added has an A
to be actually am 30 her Illa said immediately Delfin except for fasting, so every good deed that a
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			person does is multiplied tend to 700 times except for fasting. Fasting is for me, and I will reward
it. And the scholars of Islam Rahim Allah they have different ways that they interpret this hadith
from those ways is that what does it mean that fasting is for Allah, it means that it is the act of
rabada that there is no react in it. There's no way to show off when you fast. Because fasting is
the intention of the heart. The word sown in Arabic means an insect it means to refrain from
something. So it's not like salaat when you're praying a lot everybody knows you're praying.
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			When you are giving the cat the people who are receiving this a cat they know you're giving the cat
when you are making hides, everybody sees you making hides when you're fasting who knows you're
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			Nobody only you know for a fact in terms of the human beings that you are fasting and Eliza gel Of
course, knows whether or not you are fasting, because a person it could be the daytime in Ramadan
and he could awake in a room by himself. He could have gone in a room by himself, eating some food
and come out and act like nothing even happened. Even when a person makes will do. He can swallow
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			and act like he's still fasting. So fasting is the one Rebecca that requires us to leave off
something to refrain from doing something. And this is a test from Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah
tells us that except for fasting, fasting is for me, and I am the one that rewards the fasting.
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			For this reason, we see that this month of Ramadan and fasting the month of Ramadan, it nurtures the
Muslim upon a class to have sincerity and all of the worship that you do for Allah subhanho wa Taala
and you have to keep this in mind as Ramadan comes that Ramadan is much more than simply not eating
or not drinking or not having spousal relations in the daytime. Ramadan is much more than that. And
this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an authentic howdy men lambing gadda
cola Zoo one lamb and a B he was john for a son in law he had to tune in yet Roca, CFE and yet Raka
Tama who was
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
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			Whoever does not leave or false witnessing any line and acting according to that and in decency,
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			then Allah has no need for him to leave off his food and his drink. Allah has no need for that. And
now we look at this Howdy, because Allah azzawajal does not need any of our worship in the first
place. He doesn't need any he doesn't need you to pay gains nothing. Allah azza wa jal has the
dominion of the heavens and the earth and if you fast it's not going to increase that and if you
don't fast, it's not going to decrease. So Allah does not need your fast in the first place.
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			But here the prophets of the law it was Selim is informing us of what the actual objective of the
fast is. So if you do not leave off line, and indecency, then Allah azza wa jal has no need for your
leaving off food and drink. And this is why one of the famous companions dabit ibn Abdullah, while
the Allahu taala and whom I said
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			Either Sumter
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			foliations sam Luca vobis Haruka Valley San Luca and KDB. While Murthy if you fast, then the fast is
not the fast of the stomach,
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			let your hearing fast. Let your sight fast, let your tongue fast from lying and sin. This is what he
said while the Allahu taala angle and this is prophetic advice
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			when you fast it's not enough that you wake up in the morning First of all,
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			and you eat a meal and then you don't eat again till if time but during the day you lie and you
watch things that are haram on the television on your on the internet and you listen to things that
are Haram. And you say things that are haram and you do things that are haram and then you break
your fast
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			and believe that that is what is required of you. That is what it means to fast and Ramadan that I
just don't eat or drink anything from sunup excuse me from dawn which is Salatin. Until but until
until sundown. And that was a slip for me that sunup to sundown because that's how some of the
literature says and that's a mistake. That many Muslims who read that type of literature fall into
especially new Muslims. We don't fast from sunup to sundown we fast from fudger until Mugler which
is dawn until Margaret. But the point here is that a person's site has to fast his hearing has to
fast because this is the way that we attain a taqwa. And this is why Eliza Jo prescribed the
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			fasting. He didn't prescribe fasting so that we can get hungry. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam told
us in a hadith Rupa saw him in law have Allahumma CME in Niger. Perhaps there's someone who fast but
he gets nothing out of his fastest up for hunger. But Allah azza wa jal doesn't want that for us.
Because he told us in the Quran, yeah, you will Idina Avenue quotevalet como cM kyma kuchibhotla
dinniman callicoon la la comunidad chacun. O you who believe fasting has been prescribed for you as
it has been prescribed for those who came before you. Perhaps you may attain taqwa so that you can
attain taqwa and what stuck with me. We usually translated as the fear of Allah. But tuck was much
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			more than that it is to worship Allah upon knowledge, hoping for his reward and to live off this
obedience to Allah upon knowledge, hoping for his reward. So taqwa is closer to what we would say as
being conscious of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And in fact, if a person fasts correctly,
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			and he leaves off,
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			lying in disobedience to a loss of Hannah who were to add, then he will be more conscious of Allah.
During his fast, he will be more likely to do those things which are pleasing to Allah subhana wa
tada and leave off those things which are displeasing to Allah. Why? Why is that? Because a person
allies with Joe created us with a natural desire for food and drink. That's a natural, a baby comes
out of its mother's stomach. Wanting nourishment is something that we are creating.
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			Likewise, a person has a natural desire at a certain age to procreate.
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			What do you do during the daytime of Ramadan, you leave off those natural desires that you have, by
leaving off those natural desires willingly,
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			willingly leaving them off. You are saying to Allah subhanho wa Taala that you will leave off those
other aspects of disobedience which you don't naturally crave. But that's your lust and your desires
and other things that society may have around you create that desire inside of you, but they are not
natural desires that Allah subhana wa Taala has created you upon so this fast, when we leave off
food and drink those things that we naturally desire, then we are more likely to leave off the
disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala with those things that we don't naturally desire and as the
month of Ramadan is coming, I want to remind myself and the rest of you who are listening with some
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			reminders inshallah to Allah that are practical that we can take with us to prepare properly for
Ramadan which we only have one more day to get to and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us from
amongst those who reached the month of Ramadan while we are healthy and in good, amen.
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			The first thing is that fasting is obligatory, it is a pillar of Islam. And it is obligatory upon
every Muslim who is sane has reached the age of puberty.
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			It is not traveling, and who has the ability to do so.
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			Now, this is something that may seem obvious to most people, we know we all have to fast as Muslims.
However, this issue of the age of puberty is important. Because many of us, especially those of us
who come from this society here, and we're raised in the United States, then we look at adulthood as
being 18, or 21, or whatever the numbers they put on it. But we need to understand as Muslims is
that once your child reaches the age of puberty, then he is responsible, the angels are recording
his or her deeds, one on the right, and one on the left. And those deeds are being recorded, and
they will be held accountable in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala, for that.
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			So we should start treating them as kids, oh, he's just a kid. And it's a long day. He doesn't need
to fast. Even if he has not reached the age of puberty, the same way we train our children for
salaat is the prophecy Sonam instructed us, when they reach the age of seven, tell them to pray,
when they reach the age of 10. If they're still not praying, after three years of training them,
then there is time for physical discipline
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			at that particular point, that they are physically reprimanded at the age of 10. The same thing when
it comes to fasting, when the children reach the age of seven, encourage them to fast. And if they
can't fast the entire day, then let them start the day with you at fudger. And go to where they
can't go anymore, and then build them up. But do not wait until your child and subpanel especially
with the girls who usually reach the age of puberty before the boys don't wait until your child has
reached the age of puberty. And then all of a sudden, now you tell them, you have to fast, you have
to fast because it's the month of Ramadan, and they don't have any experience fasting, and then they
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			come in. But the day is long, it's 16 hours of fast and it's hot, and it's human.
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			And you've done a disservice to that child. Because once they reach the age of puberty, they are
accountable for their deeds in Islam.
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			And so we need to start raising our children as young men and women stop treating them as kids their
kids into when
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			treat them, treat them as young adults because once they hit the age of puberty, they are
responsible. The second thing that I like to mention is that we should all be aware of the virtues
of the month of Ramadan.
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			This month of Ramadan is a month of forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala month of mercy. And all
of us, without exception, have things that we need to be forgiven for.
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			We've done things and if you think that you haven't done anything wrong, then that is a sin in and
of itself.
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			Because you think that you're purer than what the angels
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			so Subhana Allah we all have things that we need forgiven. If we don't take advantage of the month
of Ramadan to do that, then when when do we take When do we start? You see the non Muslims they'll
make new year's resolutions
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			on the 31st of December, and by the second of January, they're out the window.
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			They wanted to lose weight and on the first on New Year's Day they were taken out.
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			But as a Muslim Allah as it were just handled scientifically they say that it takes 21 days to
create a habit.
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			The month of Ramadan is 29 or 30 days
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			and we can create the types of habits in Ramadan that are pleasing to Allah Subhana Allah that will
take us to gender as some of the some of us to say a salon praying will take you halfway there
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			and fasting will take you to the door that is the door of gender and sadaqa will allow you to enter
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			Ramadan is a time to build those habits that the evening lady Tana will continue with us until after
Ramadan as some of you have experienced this some of you at the beginning of last Ramadan had a goal
you want it to do you want it to pray every night for example tada we and then after Ramadan you
continue to pray with him. You continue to pray the night prayer all the way up until this year or
until this Ramadan so you create habits during Ramadan but there be a delay to it will last with you
until the following Ramadan until you meet Allah subhana wa tada and this is an important point
because none of us know when
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			That meeting is going to come and we shouldn't treat Ramadan as just something like okay I'll get it
together next Ramadan
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			you might not have it next Ramadan that brother that you guys buried in this city two weeks ago he
didn't make it to Ramadan May Allah subhana wa tada Have mercy on him, but he didn't make it to
Ramadan. But he was a sharp and he was right there
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			and then all of a sudden a heart attack and he wasn't even 50 years old. So the point is that we
don't know if this is going to be the last Ramadan or not. And so we need to take full advantage of
the opportunity that Allah subhanahu wa tada has given us too fast this month of Ramadan and to
stand in prayer and that's my third point. And that is to make every effort to pray. Tada we, every
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			The Prophet it is Salatu was Salam said men karma, Ramadan, men karma Ramadan, amen and YT Sabha,
who fear Allah who massacred them in them be whoever stands in prayer for the month of Ramadan,
Allah will forgive for him everything that has proceeded from his sins.
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			Just for standing the month of Ramadan, how long is total we're 45 minutes an hour
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			for 30 nights 29 nights to have all of your sins forgiven.
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			So this is something that every Muslim should strive to do to pray totally every night in Ramadan.
However, however, I recognize that there are some of you who work early.
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			Staying in the masjid late may not be feasible for him.
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			Or some of your schedules, if you stay late, you might miss the whole whatever the situation may be,
you have to be the one to weigh your own situation. But I will say this, and this is something that
is from the from the subtle understanding of Ramadan. Ramadan is about the last 10 nights, the first
20 days of Ramadan, our prep for the last 10 we need to get this concept down. Because in those last
10 nights, there is a night that is better than 1000 months. And it's called Laila to Qatar.
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			And you would be unwise to go all out during the first 20 and burn yourself out. And then the last
10 you're just waiting for the eat.
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			That would not be wise. And so Muslim has to pace himself and recognize that the races run at one in
the last lap.
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			So pace yourself. Ask Eliza gel for his aid and assistance in helping you to pray the nights of
Ramadan and to fast during the day. This is something that's very important. But you may find that
practically you can't really do that. So space it out. But during the last 10 nights you need to go
all out. And the Muslim Subhana Allah as we find many people, they take vacation days for whatever,
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			for whatever family vacation, they want to two weeks off of work. So they can go on a family
vacation to whatever probably do something that's not permissible for them to do anyway.
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			Or for their anniversary or whatever else people celebrate. But when it comes to the last 10 nights
of Ramadan, nobody thinks in advance. Let me see if I can get those days off of work so that I can
spend those days in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and spend those nights and the worship of
Allah subhanho wa Taala because it's one night Laila Takada, teittleman elfi Shah is better than
1000 months, the worship that you do and that night, there is no other night like it in the year and
the one who is deprived of worshipping Allah azza wa jal, and that night is the one who is truly
deprived of kulu curly hair that was stuffed with a lovely welcome and Columbian festival in the
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			Hall of Fame.
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			hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa barakaatuh Nabina Muhammad Anwar Ali was
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			the last thing that I mentioned inshallah tada so that it can be fresh.
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			That it can stick in your minds is that the month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran. Allah azza
wa jal said, shuttled on my line, and are the only reveal for the month of Ramadan in which the
Koran was revealed
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			and being the month of the Quran
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			It's important that we understand how those Muslims who are successful before us used to live.
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			The Prophet alayhi salatu salam,
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			or rather, Eliza Joseph says in the Quran makalah rasuluh. Era be in a coma, tougher to handle
Khurana Matura.
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			Allah Eliza just says in the Quran that the messenger said, oh my lord,
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			the people, my people have taken the Quran and abandonment, they have abandoned the Quran.
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			And to clarify what that means. The scholars of Tafseer say that whoever does not read the entire
Koran not who doesn't pick up the Quran, or some, whoever doesn't read the entire Koran, at least
once a month has abandoned the Quran.
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			See, what happens a lot of time is we come to our Ramadan. And that's when we read the Quran. We
read the Jews every day and we think we're doing something
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			but that's, that's normal. That should be normal behavior for the Muslim. Because the Quran This is
not some inspiration given so called inspiration for Matthew Mark, Luca Now the word of Allah.
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			This is not some letters that Paul wrote.
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			This is the word of Allah. And the virtue of the Koran upon all of this speech is like the virtue of
a law over his creation.
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			And so the Muslims life has to revolve around the Quran, the speech of Allah subhana wa Tada.
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			Therefore, it is critical that in the month of Ramadan, that the Quran be with you.
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			That it is something that you that you use your hours of the day, there's no such thing as being
born in Ramadan, it's impossible.
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			Because if you are awake
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			and you are not doing something tending to your family or doing those things, those that you should
be reading the Quran as much as possible. And when we talk about reading the Quran, the Quran was
revealed in Arabic, and the reward that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam talked about when he said
for every letter that a person reads, he gets 10 rewards. That is talking about reading the Quran in
Arabic. Some of us have been Muslim for 20 years for 3010 2030 years or even longer, and still have
not learned to read the Quran in Arabic.
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			And that's okay, let it pass passed.
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			However, you should not let this Ramadan go by, except that you make an effort and effort in
earnest. To learn how to read the Quran in Arabic, it is really not that difficult. Well hamdulillah
these 28 letters, you learn them and you learn how to put them together two ways. Usually, I'll
carry the note on here. This is a Oracle card but the idea and we have brothers we learn how in this
community and in other places in the city, who will take the time to teach you that be in the left.
And if you take a step towards a larger Adel, Allah will take more towards you. And if you walk
towards Allah, Allah will run towards you know that, know that you have to make that first effort
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			though, you have to make some effort to learn how to read the Quran.
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			If that simply is not feasible for whatever reason, don't let that deter you from reading the
translation of the meanings of the Quran.
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			And when we land humbly we also have now available in the English language and abridged version of
Tafseer to be caphyon that will help you to further understand the meanings of the Quran. The point
is to use the hours of your day in Ramadan, listen this, this has to be your goal to read the Quran
as much as possible. And if you were the type that used to read, for example, a juice a day then
don't do that this Ramadan at least finish the Quran once and the first 20 days and once in the last
one and last 10
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			That way you have finished twice. And then the next time Ramadan comes around, you increase in that
because you have been reading the Quran all year. This Quran, the Quran, the speech of Allah
subhanho wa Taala unchanged, unadulterated. This has to be part of the Muslims life. We've gotten
caught up into a whole lot of other things. And we read a whole lot of other things. And we read all
types of social media and news and make the Koran part of the law. I'm not saying you can't read
that. But that's not your priority as a Muslim. The Muslims priority has got to be to what what did
Allah azza wa jal read
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			That box is perfect for so it can sit on a shelf
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			so can sit on a shelf and collect dust.
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			What did he reveal it is profit. The main objective of the profit idea selected was selling was to
pass that message on to the oma.
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			And then we just let it sit, or we only visited in Ramadan. And then we read a juice a day and we
really think we're doing something Muslims, this is not appropriate. This is not appropriate manner
in dealing with the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. We asked Eliza Jill to aid us in reading his book
and implementing it.
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			And closing in the last piece of advice in shall altana practical advice is to make sure that you do
your best to have some horror every day. So horror is very important.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to sahuaro for inadmissibility Baraka eat the meal of
support that pre dawn meal, because in it is Baraka. Okay, now, this word bucha. A lot of people use
it to mean reward, but that's incorrect. The word for reward in Arabic is
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			I want I want reward for this. Now I want baba baba can means Baraka means that something is
established, and it grows. And it's the crop man who was yet that something is established and that
it grows and develops. So when the prophets of Allah it was sent him said that this meal is blessed
it is Mubarak there's Baraka in it. And means that even if it's a little bit that it is established
inside of you and it grows, so that a Muslim and you can you can verify this for yourself.
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			When you eat the hood and Ramadan.
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			Mashallah, unless you throughout the day, you might start feeling a little hungry and tired but
you're not starving.
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			on regular days like today, you eat at seven o'clock, eight o'clock in the morning by the time you
start. You feel like you have to have lunch. You need a break. But it Ramadan is different when you
eat that so there's Baraka in it. So make sure that you make every effort to wake up on time and
have support because the prophets of the lie that was sent him encouraged us then he mentioned that
in his barking we ask a lot of junk to make this the most blessed and productive Ramadan ever. For
all of us and for all of the Muslims allama bolivianos Medina shout out Ramadan when Allah elkie me
was young, that have been in our livina kulu Vina wadena Sula, Salam