Tahir Wyatt – How to Prepare for Ramadan!

Tahir Wyatt
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The importance of praying for God's
anx nonetheless and not just for pleasure is emphasized in various segments of the conversation. The speakers also discuss the benefits of fasting, including gaining health and character, achieving goals, and finding one's own success. They emphasize the need for preparation and control in order to avoid accidents and blessings in Islam.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:06 --> 00:01:03
			Mohammedan Illa Nakamoto who want to start you know who when I stopped poodle when I was below him
is surely unforeseen I will see you at our Marina Mia de la for them with another woman your little
fella ha de la Chateau La La Hua the hula de cada Machado Ana Mohammed Abu rasuluh yeah you holla de
una mano taco la Hakka to call it what are the moon Illa and to the moon? Yeah you Hannah su taco de
como la de Hala Kakuma Nasim. wahida Hala caminhadas o jaha. Westerman. humare Jarl and Cathy wrong
monisha otakon la hora de tu ser una de Waal Arnhem in a law How can an equal mckeeva yeah you hola
Dena Amina taco La La kulu Colin city de
00:01:04 --> 00:01:16
			la Kumar Morocco philippou become one may use a la hora Sula, who fukada phazzer fosun alvina my bad
for inositol Cunha de Kitab la
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			well hiral howdy howdy Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shot one more image to ha wakulla
modesetting bidda wakulla beatin balada wakulla de la la la so my bad
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			Allah azzawajal tells us in the Quran
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			kuliah iva de la Dena s of Radha and fusi him la takano to Muhammad in LA
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			in a la Hey yo fueled Zulu by Jamia in the hoo hoo over for him and this ayah in the Quran, Allah
subhanahu wa tada says, say, oh my servants Oh, my believing servants.
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			Kalia Eva, the alladhina Ashraf, who Allah and fusi him, all my servants who have transgressed upon
themselves. Let's go to morality law, do not despair, from a laws mercy. Indeed, a law forgives all
sins in who who Allah for him indeed it is he who is the Forgiving and it is he who is the merciful.
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			is for those who have messed up who have made some mistakes
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			and who want to rectify those mistakes
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			is cooked by is for those who want to race
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			to the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa Tada.
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			It is for those who upon reflecting over their actions, recognize that there are things they need to
do better.
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			Those who are searching for loss of Hannah who were to Allah's mercy, so that they can become better
service of Eliza juggling so that they can build a stronger and more noble character.
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			And the loss of Hannah who were to Allah has blessed us to be two weeks away from Ramadan.
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			Only two weeks, the month that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about it. Either john or
Rama one foot he had a Bible Jenna
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			wholecut avana Sufi de Tisha teen and this authentic hadith collected by an image Bukhari and
Muslim. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If Ramadan comes, the doors of Jenna are
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			and the doors or the gates of * are closed. And the shell team the devils are chained. Now all of
us every single Muslim is in need of strengthening his relationship with Allah subhanahu wa tada
with his creator, because the creator only created us for one purpose, and that is to worship him as
a loss of power without upsetting the Koran woman, Jean Nolan's in early Abu Dhabi that I have not
created gentlemen kind except that they worship Me and brothers and sisters in Islam. This This
right here is one of the greatest blessings that Allah subhana wa tada has bestowed upon us, as a
side note has nothing to do with Ramadan specifically. But the fact that we know why we're here.
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			You cannot imagine especially for those who grew up
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			as Muslims cannot imagine what it's like to live and not knowing why you're living, what is your
purpose on this planet? And this is from the greatest blessings of Islam is that Allah subhanho wa
Taala defines for us our purpose. And so everything we do in life is meaningful. But sometimes the
Muslim may go astray or leave that path or become negligent or forget why it is that Allah subhana
wa Taala created him.
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			And so Allah subhana wa tada blesses us, blesses us with these opportunities to come back to him, to
repent, to look for his reward, and to approach him with a clean slate to have our sins forgiven.
And Ramadan is one of the greatest times for that.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Men sama Rama Varna, Eman and yt. Sabha houfy Radha
who met him in WMD. Whoever fast in the month of Ramadan
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			he man out of faith and Allah subhana wa tada and truly for him alone. When he sat up and and
seeking for his reward, then he will have his past sins forgiven.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said men camara, Medina, he men and yT serba who for
whom at the moment MD, whoever stands in the month of Ramadan,
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			out of Eman faith in Allah subhana wa tada is seeking his reward he will have his past sins
forgiven. What does it mean to stand in Ramadan? Many of the scholars Amendment No, we don't have a
whole lot others have said that that means to pray totally, to pray the night prayer in Ramadan. But
it goes beyond that because Allah Subhana was at his mercy is is infinite.
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			The prophets of aloha there was some settlement calm Elena tell Qatar Eman and YT Sabha Academy's
MD, whoever stands on Laila to Qatar, out of faith in Allah and seeking for his reward, then he will
have his previous sins forgiven. That's one night. One night, that if you are blessed to stand and
that night, Allah subhana wa tada will forgive you of your previous sins.
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			And so these affairs that we talked about fasting, praying, these are means by which Allah subhanho
wa Taala expiate our sins, and all of us
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			have things that we need to be excavated from our records, to be expunged.
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			We need that record to be wiped clear.
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			Before we meet Allah subhana wa Tada. You can think about it yourself. Right now. You ready to meet
Eliza Joe, the way you are right now? Would you rather meet him with a clean slate? You see,
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			many of us would not want to stand in front of a jury.
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			If we had committed a crime, knowing that they know that we committed that crime because the verdict
is guilty. You don't want to stand in front of the judge.
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			And you know, that the judge knows that you committed the crime.
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			But what about standing in front of alimony? Who you the one who knows everything? What about that
day, and lots of how without it says about that day.
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			che de la him several whom?
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			To whom the man can we are alone. He says until they come to it meaning the hellfire.
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			Their ears will bear witness against them. And their eyes will bear witness against them. And their
skins that you load will bear witness against them for that which they used to do. Now just imagine
standing in front of a judge not in front of allies. But in front of somebody who doesn't have to
talk to you. He can make your eyes talk
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			and your eyes will tell them what they saw that night.
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			Or your ears or your skin.
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			Color Lulu julu de him Lima shade to Medina, they said to their own skin why is it that you are
bearing witness against us color I'm talkin Allahu Allah de m Taka coalition. They said that Allah
caused us to talk the one that has caused everything given everything the ability to talk. He's the
one that caused us to talk
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			and took on a lot of that the intercooler Shay will who are Chanukah Kamala Mara, Georgia He created
you in the beginning and to Him you will return
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			call Allah azzawajal after that after that Allah subhana wa tada says my quantum test at Runa and
yes, Heather Aleikum semacam whatever. sobre como la rue de como la Donna
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			Allah Allah mukaiyama tamiu
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			after that I was paired with Allah says,
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			You did not use to hide your sins, you did not use to protect yourself from sin, lest your ears and
your eyes and your skins bear witness against you, but because you thought that a lot didn't know a
lot of what you were doing.
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			And so, as Ramadan approaches,
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			and we think back to the things that we have done,
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			then we know that we need the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And this month,
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			is that month, that we have to strive to have our sins, xv because the prophets of the lie they were
seldom informed us that allies would freeze people and saves them from the fire every night in
Ramadan, every single night. And for that reason, the profit some of it was some climbed up on the
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			And he said, I mean,
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			I mean, I mean,
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			and so we said to the process of aligning with Southern, certain member, you climbed up on a member
for cooked I mean, I mean, I mean, and you said I mean I mean I mean, for what reason, he said in
the gibreel attorney jabril came to me
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			and he said to me, when other aka shahara Ramadan, felon new foreign law who for the Helena, Idaho
law call me for calling me for call to me. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that jabril
came to me.
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			And he said,
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			Whoever reaches the month of Ramadan
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			and is not forgiving in that month and he enters into the * father may Allah distance him say me
and the prophet SAW you saw them set me
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			How unfortunate is the one who jabril it is salatu salam, the angel and the prophets of Allah they
were selling against against this person to distance him from the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada
because he didn't strive in Ramadan, to have his sins forgiven, but no one should think for a
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			That fasting in Ramadan is simply something to make you hungry, or something that you should just
abstain from food and drink. And that's the end of
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in a hadith collected by the man in the sack, you have
a new magic
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			book beside him in
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			lace, Allahu Allah, Allah who may see me in the jury, perhaps someone will fast. And there is no
outcome from his fast except that he gets hungry.
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			Except that he's hungry. And the promise, like Sam said in that same Uber car even you saw live in
lane, la hoomin salvati in the tab in the Sahara. And perhaps someone will stand at night and pray
and he gets no benefit. There's no outcome from except that he's tired.
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			So we should make sure that the outcome of our fast is not simply that we get hungry during the day,
even though hunger. Hunger has its benefits, actually. Mm hmm. Rahim Allah tada mentioned that
hunger makes you empathize with the needy. So people who don't have as it as allies have a job who
has given you that food and that drink and he is the one that has required you to refrain from it
and many times, you do not recognize a nygma a blessing of Allah subhanho data until it's taken from
you. You don't realize freedom until you're locked away. You don't realize the blessing of just
breathing until something happens and you go to the hospital and you see people who cannot breathe
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			without a without a geohazards enough so the breathing machines the oxygen machine
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			so yes, hunger does increase you in your thanks for loss of Hannah who would Tana or should at least
increase you in your Thanks for the food that Allah subhanahu wa tada has blessed you with just as
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			curbs lust and desire. All right, and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam instructed
the young men. He said, Yeah, Mashallah Chabad. Minister, I'm in Kumasi at affiliate has over a
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			woman let me associate Friday he was sown in the hula hoop.
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			Oh, young men, those from amongst you who have the ability to get married, then let them get
married. And for those of you who don't, then let him fast because it is a protection for him. You
see, the body has natural desires and natural cravings. And so if it's naturally busy with hunger,
then it takes it away from the craving of lust and desire that may lead to the harm. So hunger does
have some benefits.
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			In and we see that the shape icon actually enters upon the person from two different ways. Okay, so
we have the shape time that comes to the person by way of shubo hat or doubts and the cure for that.
And the cure for that is authentic knowledge, sound knowledge based on the book of Eliza Magellan,
the son of the Prophet said, although it was on them, but she thought may also come from the angle
of shahadat desires. And one of the best ways to curb that is through fasting, because you develop
the ability to restrain yourself and to control yourself, even from those things that your body
naturally desires. So fasting should prevent you from doing the Haram. And if it doesn't, then there
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			is a deficiency in your fast and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either
Cana yo moosonee I had he come for the office What is up?
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			But in Serbia who I hadn't, oh cartella hufa neocell in ni mo saw him and this hadith is collected
by Al Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if it is the day that one of
you is fasting, then let him not be in decent, let him refrain from indecency and arguing, and if
someone curses him, speaks ill about them or katella who or even fights him, then tell him I'm
fasting. Tell him I'm fasting and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and another
authentic hadith Melania de Kola Zhu will lamina be he was Jehan, Felicia de la he had to yerba Amma
Hua Chava the province of aloha day was sent him said, Whoever does not leave off lying
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			in Ramadan. And while he's fasting, and acting according to those lies, and ignorance, then a law
has no need for him to leave his food and his drink. Some of the scholars of Islam the early
scholars of Islam, said that this Hadees is a de Lille, that who ever lies and Rama bond, then he
will have no reward for his fast.
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			Not a big lie.
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			The little white one,
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			any line it will diminish, not diminished but totally erased the war the reward for one's fast but
just think about the heartbeat anyway. It says that a lot doesn't have any need for him, leaving
office food and drink while law has no need in the first place. period for anyone to leave off
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			But it indicates that by him not leaving office food in his drink excuse me by him leaving off his
food and his drink, but still maintaining bad character that he has not attained what Ramadan or
what fasting is all about. So brothers and sisters in Islam, fasting should be used as a tool to
better your character to refine your character.
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			It should teach you to stay away from that which is haram. Ramadan should be a training ground for
you to fast not just in Ramadan, but to fast after Ramadan three days out of every month three and
Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards every good deed 10 times over. So if you fast three days out of
every month, it says if you fast 30 days. So it is as you meet Eliza gel as if you have fast
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			And Ramadan should be a training ground for us to continue to pray at night. Just as we do in
Ramadan if we do those things, and our hearts are filled with the love of Allah azza wa jal and
those things that he loves, and it is also we we dislike, that which Allah subhana wa Taala
dislikes, we should hate sin should hate. It shouldn't be something that we lust for. It should be
something that we hate. When your heart gets to that level, then you have achieved what fasting is
all about. Because fasting is about attaining taqwa called Allah azza wa jal yeah you Alina amanu
kuchibhotla CUCM kuchibhotla Dena Makati conductor contattare Khun, O you who believe fasting has
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			been prescribed upon you as as it has been prescribed. For those who came before you. Perhaps you
may attain taqwa who already had there was stuff for the law legal document could be done for stuff
in the whole photo.
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			Hello horrible admin. Chateau La ilaha illAllah Salim Machado no Mohammed Abu rasuluh bath of Allahu
Rahmatullah mean, along with suddenly was early he was talking here as you may remember, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a somboon fasting is a protection. It is a guard. It is a shield.
We saw it
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			For hatten for the one who fasts, there are two times when he has an enormous amount of pleasure.
Farhat when in difficulty he he is happy, when it is time to break the fast will follow her tune in,
because it will be and he will be extremely happy in meeting his Lord subhanho wa Taala so we ask
Allah azza wa jal to make us home as the people who are happy when they meet him.
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			Some people find it difficult to get into the spirit of Ramadan and Ramadan comes and goes without
any significant change in their behavior and in the better. And a lot of that is due to the lack of
preparation. And this is why some of the scholars of the past will actually begin to prepare for
Ramadan, which is the ninth month on the Islamic calendar in Russia, which is the seventh month of
the Islamic calendar, Abu Bakar al Belka, Rahim Allah, one of the scholars of the past. He said that
Russia, which is the seventh month is a time to plan. It is a month of planting and shot bang, this
month that we're in right now is a month of irrigation.
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			And Ramadan is a month of harvesting the crops. It's when you reap the benefits. So he who has not
planted in Russia and has not irrigated his crops and shot Ben, then how does he expect to reap the
benefits of Ramadan? Well, the problem is that we're kind of late in the game.
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			Roger has already gone half of Shaq ban is already gone. But it's not about what has passed. It's
about how we use what is remaining. And what will we do if we are truly seeking the reward of Allah
subhana wa tada and seeking His blessings in Ramadan. So from the things that the Prophet alayhi
salatu was Salam would do is that he would increase his fast and shotgun to the point that I should
know the Allahu taala and said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would fast all of Shaban, or most
of it, all of Shaban, or most of it and some of the Sahaba in the Tabby like I'm gonna be pleased
for him a lot of places nama said that
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			or they said that he used to close his shop down and shot bang, to increase and the Euro or the
reading of the Quran, so then he would be ready for Ramadan. The point is, the point is, if you have
a shop, I'm not saying that you should close it down and shut down. But the point is that you
prepare yourself for the coming of Ramadan and that you take account of yourself today. Omar well
the Allahu taala and who said has Cebu and fusa Khun cobbler and to her civil, take account of
yourself before the day comes when you will be taken account of was the new American cabinet in
Tucson and weigh your own actions before the day comes when your actions will be weighed. So look at
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			your salaat start there. Start with your Salah.
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			Everybody who is listening to this quote by
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			the young brothers,
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			eight 910 1112 however old you might be in the older brothers. Think about your solid. Start there.
Your five salaat do you pray them on time?
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			If you're a man, and you're close to a message do you pray in the masjid with the believers? Like a
lot of Dallas in the Koran worker amaravati and bow down with those who bow down?
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			Or are you lackadaisical when you get around to it? you'll pray maybe even miss a prayer
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			which according to some scholars takes you outside of the fold of Islam. It's not a it's not a light
matter. It's not something to play with. Start with your salon going to use a cat. The last time you
pays a cat Do you even know how to paint the cat? Is there an excuse for you not knowing how to pay
the cat? Start there start with the things in the last payment data has obligated upon you. Have you
ever made Hajj before?
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			And if not, what's your excuse? How much Koran do you read? Every day?
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			The prophet SAW the light it was sudden
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			even in the Quran, will color be in the comi tougher to handle for Anima Judah
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			and the more people have abandoned the Quran.
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			Some of the scholars of Tafseer say abandoning the Quran means that you read it less than once a
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			So if you're reading the Quran, less than
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			Once a month, then perhaps you come under that category of those who have abandoned the Quran.
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			And if you're not reading the Quran in Arabic, then you're not really reading the Quran, you're
reading a translation of it. But what's your excuse for not knowing Arabic enough to read the Quran?
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			Is it just because you're too busy doing what? Exactly
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			the time that you take half an hour a day to watch the news at 11 o'clock. If you just spent that
for one month with the Arabic language, you'd be able to read the Quran, maybe not fluently, but it
would be a start.
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			The point is, take a count of yourselves it's not a joke. It's not something that we should take
lightly. Because when we stand in front of allies of agenda,
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			all we have to rely on is His mercy.
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			And his mercy is expansive. So it's not something like but at the same time, we need to try to give
ourselves those excuses especially as we come upon Ramadan so when Ramadan begins in two weeks,
shallow tada and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us for most the people who reach Ramadan.
Because as we know, there was a sister that just died earlier this week.
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			And her jeunesses at 230. Today
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			everybody that's sitting here right now may not make it to Ramadan.
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			But if we do a philosophy with Allah blesses us to be from amongst the people who make it to
Ramadan, then we should not be in two weeks, the same people that we are today.
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			And we have to develop a plan. How am I going to benefit from Ramadan, and then work that plan?
Because, as they say, those who do not plan, plan to fail, it can be thought of the great campaign
of the messenger someone lohani was somewhat of the law when he said it talented dunya would be
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			we're highlighting our hero to mobila will he coolin Minh who met the new
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			he said that the dunya this worldly life is the party
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			and the Hereafter is approaching and that's for each and every one of us. No matter how old you may
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			Every day you are closer to that meeting with a lot subhanho wa Taala and each one of them that is
the dunya and the hereafter has children
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			for kuno min Abner in akhira so be from the children of the hereafter. Well that's a cool woman
adnet Jr. Don't be from the children of the dunya for nL yoma Amma loon Bella ASAP today you have
the opportunity to do deeds and there's no reckoning what hadn't happen what I met and tomorrow is
the reckoning and you will have no opportunity to do deeds
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			that Salah has done and you believe in a shadow Ramadan We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to
reach Ramadan allama Bella Ramadan Allahumma Berliner Ramadan allama Bella Nana Madonna what is
O'Connor cmo who was the AMA who Eman and YT sobre and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us for
most of the people who reach Ramadan and who fast in it and pray in it out of belief in him and
seeking for his reward.
00:28:33 --> 00:28:51
			Robin up fildena will be acquiring a Latina subak una will even touch Alfie khudobin Kubina Villa
Latina Amman robina in Nakuru Rahim robina attina dunya Hashanah of will activity has an Athena
urban now We ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the good of this life and the good of the hereafter and
to save us from the fire. Welcome Salah.