Tahir Wyatt – Attaining Taqwa in Ramadan

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of fasting, which is the goal of obtaining a certain goal. They explain that the concept of fasting is not just about eating and drinking, but also about leaving off certain foods and drinkings. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being conscious of what is being said during the daytime of Bara, and mentions that the law may be required to achieve the goal.
AI: Transcript ©
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While he was happy about the beginning of Ramadan It is very important for us to identify the objective of fasting like we do at the beginning of any other task in our lives. We want to know why exactly am I doing this? The quick answer to that question is that Allah subhana wa tada has commanded us to do so. And as believers we say Samantha will find that we hear and we obey, we do as a loss of Hamlet's Allah commands us. But Allah azza wa jal has also clarified for us the wisdom behind fasting, what is it that we are supposed to get out of fasting? Is it starvation Is it is it thirst? No, Allah Subhana Allah says learn to code so that you attain taqwa.

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So, ultimately, the objective of our fast is to attain Tuckwell. However, this remains a very abstract concept for most people, we're not clear did I get tough? How do I measure that? So there are certain things that we should be doing and other things that we should be avoiding so that we attain taqwa. And that is by definition, because a tough one is linguistically from Lv Chi. And so what it means which which is a shield or prevention, and what it means is that we're putting a barrier between ourselves and the displeasure of Allah subhanho wa Tada.

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We don't want to do anything that would subject ourselves to his anger to his punishment.

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At the same time, we get there through sincere devotion to Allah subhana wa tada by obeying His commands, and by intentionally avoiding any of those things, which would displease Allah subhana wa tada are those things that he has prohibited? And from the most succinct

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam on this particular topic, is his statement, man lemmya cola zu, well, I'ma be he will Jehan, Felisa lilla. He has yet to Katayama who was shut off, whoever does not leave off false speech and act evil actions, and El Jahan, which is from El Johanna, which means to act foolishly. So one may act evil. And then there are things that people do that are just foolish and without discretion, all of that needs to be left during the fast the process like Sam said, Whoever does not leave off

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those things, then Allah subhanaw taala has no need for him to leave off his food and his drink. So the it is clear here from this prophet sallallahu Sallam that the objective of fasting is not simply to leave off food and drink, that's the definition of fasting, right, you're going to leave off food and drink, you're going to leave off sexual *. During the from budgets of mothers, that's the definition of fasting. However, that is not the objective of fasting. So notice here that the promise of lighter was some says whoever does not leave off false speech like this, the scholars have deduced from this particular hobby, that whoever lives during the daytime of Ramadan, then he

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is not rewarded for the fast

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mcpaul Rahim Allah Allah mentions this in his explanation Party, which is an interesting fact. Because the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam and another Hadith. He mentioned that a loss of Hamlet, Allah says that all of the deeds of the son of Adam are multiplied, tend to 700 times, except for fasting for in the holy Zb. Except for fasting it is for me and I will reward for it. So lots of times I was mentioning that the reward for fast may be far greater than 700 times what a person has done. All of that can be wiped away with a little white lie, which we don't have in Islam anyway. It's a lie. It's no little white lies. And so it's very important that we watch what we say, during

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the daytime of Ramadan. And this is should be easy for us because we all recognize we're very self conscious. And rather than we recognize that the older and our mouths have changed, it's it's not what it was. It's not pleasant.

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To a loss of Hamlet's either it is more pleasant than the smell of must, but to the rest of the creation. It's not. And so we're very self conscious, we should be fewer words, we should be thinking more about what we're saying, being conscious of what we're saying. And this is, in fact, some kind of law, indicative of Tacoma. Because one of the ways that tough was often translated as God consciousness, and so, the fact that now we are being more conscious about what we say being more conscious of

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about what we do, making sure that it is pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala then inshallah This will help us on our path of attaining tough when we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make this for Muslims again so forgive us our sins and to make us from the monk 14 the Forgiving and this great month of Ramadan, quote unquote he had there was stuff for the law was said Mr. yquem What happened to lay over the couch

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