Suzy Ismail – #72 & #73 AlMuqaddim & AlMu’akhkhir

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the meaning of the name Hopeful Speaker, which refers to a woman who brings forth unexpected behavior. They also mention the frustration of young people seeking to begin marriage and the delay of certain events. The speaker emphasizes the importance of knowing the culture of Islam and the desire to achieve the ultimate goal of marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the

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divine into the daily by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala into our daily

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lives to improve our relationship with our spouse and with our

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children. The name that we're going to discuss today is Elmo

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condemned. And we really can't discuss and will condemn without

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also discussing the name that follows it, which is an we'll hear

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what do these names mean? And we'll call it the means the one

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who brings forth or the one who brings forward and is the one who

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delays now in understanding and will continue on. We understand

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that Allah subhanahu wa Diala, in his infinite wisdom, will

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sometimes bring things forth in our lives when we least expect it,

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and will sometimes delay things in our lives, when we may feel that

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we want it the most. Now, we often see this situation of delay and

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sometimes bringing forth unexpectedly in the situation of

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marriage. Many young people today are seeking to begin that journey

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of marriage seeking to enter that path of marriage. And one of the

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most frustrating things that a young person who is of a bearable

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age probably has to hear quite frequently is when are you getting

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married? When are you getting married? You know, you graduated

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college, you have a good job, why aren't you married yet. And this

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is a beautiful example of where we understand the wisdom of Ellen

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Kadeem well, that Allah subhanaw taala, again, knows better than we

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know knows us better than we know ourselves. And so there are

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sometimes things within our lives that we may make sincere do out

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for wanting it to happen immediately, such as marriage. And

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sometimes there are things in our lives, that the delay is so much

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better for us. And of course, Allah subhanaw taala is the best

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of all planners. So as for me, crochet and for Hawaiian, and

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nickel, that there may be a thing that we truly dislike, but there

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is great good in it. And this also applies to the delay of something

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which may be being held for our own good. And we can see this

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applied also in the process of childbirth. After the question of

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marriage is answered. Oftentimes couples will be asked, well, you

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know, you've been married for a year now two years, you know,

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however many years how come you don't have any children? What are

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you waiting for, start a family. And we know that Allah subhanaw

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taala, again, is the best of all planners, and he may be in a

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hurry, he may be delaying something like the blessing of the

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birth of a child until that time is right. And he may also be a new

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condom in which something is brought forth into our lives

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earlier than we had anticipated. And still, there is great wisdom

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in it. So having that sense of Tawakkol knowing that Allah

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subhanaw taala is the best of all planners that he is no more

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condemned. One more effort allows us to live not on a timeline

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that's devised by us where we think there has to be certain

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milestones or points that we reach a certain ages, but instead, by

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truly living our Islam, willfully submitting to the will of Allah

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subhanaw taala and living our lives, according to the perfect

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timeline set out by El Mukundan, while more Jazza como lo higher,

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and I pray that Allah subhanaw taala blesses all of us with a sub

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Ron Jimmy Ron, as we sometimes wait for that which is meant to

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come to us and blesses us with gratefulness and content. When

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something is brought into our lives even when we don't expect

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it. Just a common law hired was Santa Monica

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