Suzy Ismail – #61 AlMuhyiy

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of incorporating the 99. Numbering Islam as a means of achieving a personal relationship with one another. They also mention the cycle of marriages and the importance of parenting for one's children, particularly in early stages of their child’s learning journey. The speaker hopes that Allah will grant parents the blessing of their children and allow them to be the best parents they can be.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again, as we continue to bring the

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divine into the deli, by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw, taala, and the

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characteristics of those names into our daily lives, so that we

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can improve the relationship with our spouse and with our children.

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The name that we're going to discuss today is a Mahi, which

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means the giver of life. One of the most beautiful blessings that

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we can see within our marriages is the blessing of children. And many

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times when a child is brought into the world, when and when He

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bestows that child with life, it can completely change the dynamics

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of our relationship, moving from a relationship that finds its firm

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foundation, in connecting with one other individual, you suddenly

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have a relationship in which there is a third person introduced. And

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this third person, despite an inability to articulate needs has

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many, many needs. Whether you find yourself lost in the feeding the

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changing the sleepless nights, the crying, the soothing, the amount

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of nurturing and care that can go into raising a child can be very

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exhausting at times as much as it can be rewarding. And that

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exhaustion can often lead to high levels of stress within the

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marital relationship.

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And as much as one may consistently hear from others that

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have older children that oh, the stage passes, this time passes,

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before you know it, there'll be going to college before you know

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it, there'll be getting married, while you're living through that

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period of time of the highest stress and the physical and

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emotional needs that are consistently needing to be met in

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the process of therapy with the child can still feel like it's

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never going to end can feel like it is taking a huge toll on the

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relationship. So one of the keys to remember, I'm particularly

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early on when you are blessed within the marriage with the birth

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of a child to first recall the beauty of that blessing that and

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why he has chosen you and your spouse as parents to care for this

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mmm to care for this trust. Putting it into perspective, we

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begin to realize that the period of time that the infant is an

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infant is a very short period of time, the period of time when the

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child reaches the stage of being a toddler is a short period of time,

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the period of time when the child is, you know, in their early teens

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in the tweens in the young adulthood. They all may be short

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periods of time. But during those stages, there is both a great deal

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of beauty and watching your children grow and thrive, but also

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its own special type of challenges. So when people may say

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oh, it gets easier, the reality is that the database of children is a

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lifelong journey, a lifelong process of learning how to be the

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best parents that you can be. Remember that as you are raising

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your child, you are doing this as a team. It is you and your partner

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together who have been bestowed with this blessing. It's not just

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one person in the relationship that is intended to be the sole

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caretaker. So husbands know how to change your children's diapers,

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know how to relieve the mother, particularly in those early days

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from feedings and from carrying and for putting the child to

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sleep. You know, mothers as the child gets older, play with your

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sons learn how to love basketball and baseball and football and

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soccer. If that's something they're involved in fathers be

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there for your daughters, because our children really are only in

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our lives in different stages for a short period of time, and we

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want to be the best parents that we can be during that time. I pray

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that Allah subhanaw taala and what He grants us the blessing of

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righteous children, and allows us to be the best parents that we can

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be. Does everyone know what it was cinematical

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