Suzy Ismail – #47 AlHakim

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of incorporating the 99 elements of Islam into one's daily lives to improve their relationship with their spouse and children. They also talk about the wisdom of recognizing that one can control their actions and reactions in a family situation, and how they can bring this to the attention of their spouse and children. The speaker also mentions the hikma of being able to change and control one's actions in a way that is pleasant to them.
AI: Transcript ©
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America, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the

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divine into the daily by understanding how we can

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incorporate the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala, and bring those

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characteristics into our daily lives to improve our relationship

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with our spouse and with our children. The name that we're

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going to discuss today is Al Hakim, which means the wise when

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we talk about asking Allah subhanaw taala, to give us ECMO,

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or to give us wisdom, in terms of how we interact with our spouse,

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how we interact with our children, we ask this of Allah, because many

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times rather than reacting to our children or to our spouse, with

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rational thought through actions, we often react with emotion, and

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emotion that is sometimes doused in sensitivity. When we base all

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of our decisions in our relationship, or with our family,

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in emotion that's really filled with a sensitive core, we lose

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sight of how to make wise decisions, or how to take actions

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that have wisdom behind them. What does that mean? You know,

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sometimes in a relationship, we may want very much to be heard, we

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may want very much for our spouse to understand where we're coming

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from, we may want very much for our children, to listen, to pay

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attention, to recognize what we want from them, and to have them

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act upon it. But the wisdom comes into play when we realize that in

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a relationship, in a family situation, even the only actions

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that we have control over are the actions that we initiate our own

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actions and our own reactions. So when our child misbehaves, for

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example, in that moment, we can't control our child's actions as

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much as we may want to, when our teenager speaks back to us with

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SASS, in that moment, we may want to change that approach to

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conversating. Or talking back. But we can't control that when our

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spouse says something that we don't like or we don't approve of

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when our spouse acts in a way that we feel is hurtful, possibly, or

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is something that we never would do. We can't control that. And

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that's part of having the hikma the wisdom, of recognizing that we

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cannot control it. But we can control our reactions to it. We

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can control how we interact from that point on, how do we bring

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this to the attention of our spouse? How do we discipline our

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children? How do we take the situation that we're handed and

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work with it in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala?

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You know, there's a cute little saying that sometimes circulated

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among many, and it asks that Allah subhanaw taala provides us with

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the wisdom to recognize that there are things that we can't change,

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and the ability to change that which we can change, but to be

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content, knowing that there are certain things that we can't

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change. That's true wisdom. And that's the hikma that we ask Allah

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subhanaw taala al Hakim, to allow all of us to incorporate into our

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daily lives with our spouse and with our children, to Xochimilco

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and I look forward to talking to you again as we bring the divine

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into the daily astrological

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