Suzy Ismail – #31 AlKhabeer

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of incorporating the dialing words "will" and "willful" into daily behavior to improve relationships with spouses and family. They emphasize the need for everyone to be their own, not just their spouse and children. The speaker also mentions a recent video about a co worker's behavior, which they describe as a "willful" and "willful" moment.
AI: Transcript ©
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cinematic, it's nice to see you again as we continue to bring the

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divine into the daily by understanding the characteristics

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of the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala. And incorporating those

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characteristics into our daily lives to improve our relationships

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with our spouses and our family. The name that we're going to

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discuss today in Episode 31 is an Latif the name and Latif means the

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gentle, or the kind. Now, we've spoken quite frequently about the

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importance of being kind and gentle, to our families, to our

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spouses to our children, and that look for that kindness is

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something that should be an integral part of our families of

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our homes. Because when we improve the relationship with our

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families, when we ensure that we have compassion and kindness in

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our homes, then that compassion and kindness radiates externally,

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to our societies, to our countries, and to our entire

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world. So how do we incorporate that kindness? How do we

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incorporate that looks, a lot of times in our homes, we feel that

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it is the space where we can, you know, quote, unquote, be

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ourselves. And what it means when we say be ourselves is sometimes

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it means we can be grumpy, we can be cranky, we can be bothered, we

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can express that annoyance. Yet, in reality, again, we've reminded

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ourselves frequently in these episodes, that that assume

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that the best view is the best

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to your family, and I am the best to mine. So this means that the

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kindness part of ourselves needs to be reserved for our families.

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Now, often when I'm giving marriage lectures, or in our

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marriage courses, I use the example of a gentleman who was you

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know, shopping at the mall. And I think it's an example that all of

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us have experienced that one time or another, and all of us have

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found ourselves. And I know the gentleman was shopping in the mall

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with his family. And he was very bothered that the children were

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taking a long time that his wife was taking a long time. And he

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would turn to them and shout at them finish up, hurry up, you're

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taking forever. Why is this taking you so long? And you know, as my

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husband and I were in the mall as well, and we began to approach him

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just to say, Salem, and we looked saw him that he looked a little

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bit frazzled. As we were approaching, someone was

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approaching him from the other side of the store. And it was a co

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worker, one of his colleagues from work. And as his coworker

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approached him, and she said, you know, oh, hi, how are you doing?

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He turned to her, and his entire demeanor changed. He said, Oh, how

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are you? It's so nice to see you. Let me introduce you to my

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beautiful wife. Let me introduce you to my beautiful children. And

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he proceeded to introduce the family and to chat for a little

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while. And as the co worker laughed and said goodbye to the

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family, the man again, you know, turn to the family after she was

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out of earshot, and began to say, Finish. Why are you taking

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forever, you know, you're driving me crazy. And, you know, when we

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did approach Him, we kind of brought it to his attention, and

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we laughed about it. But we realized that this really is the

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case that many of us will have an external demeanor, with our co

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workers, with our colleagues with our community. But that demeanor

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may have an element of looks of kindness, of gentleness, of the

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best part of ourselves. But when we turn to our families, we no

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longer have that because we feel that we can, quote unquote, be

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ourselves, but ourselves need to be the best versions of ourselves

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with our spouses and with our children. So I play it pray that

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Allah subhanaw taala and Latif brings that looks into our hearts,

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into our lives, into our tongues and into our actions. So that our

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interactions with our spouses and with our children is always the

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kindest, the nicest and the most gentle that we can be. Just

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Accomando Hi, and I look forward to speaking to you again as we

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continue to bring the divine into the daily assalamu Alikum

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