Suzy Ismail – #26 AlMudhil

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses how we can bring the divine characteristics of the names of Jesus into our daily lives to improve our family. They talk about how honor is associated with service and action, and how empathy is a fruit of love towards our spouse. The speaker also talks about how we refuse to act when we see emotions that are emotionally causing pain and stress in relationships.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alikum, it's nice to see you again as we continue to discuss

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how we can bring the divine characteristics of the names of

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Allah subhanaw taala into our daily lives to improve our family

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relationships. The name we're going to discuss today is LM

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within, which means the one who gives this honor. In our last

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episode, we talked about how we can bring honor into our to our

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spouse into our family lives, and what it means to honor our spouse.

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So how do we dishonor our spouses? And what does that mean? We talked

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about empathy. We talked about service, and we talked about

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action, as means to showing honor towards our spouse, we dishonor

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our spouses, when those three elements are no longer in

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existence in our relationships. Early on in the marriage

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relationship, we'll often see that that kindness runs rampant in the

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connection between husband and wife. So it's often a pleasure to

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be in service to spouse to ask, What can I do? What do you need?

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How can I help? As we lose that sense of giving, we tend to lose

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the sense of honoring our spouse. The same goes in terms of empathy.

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If we are unable to empathetically understand our spouse, to live a

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day in our spouses shoes, to understand where they're coming

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from and what they're feeling, we lose that sense of empathy, and we

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dishonor our spouses. And finally, when we refuse to act, when we see

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that our spouse is going through hardship or difficulty, pain,

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feelings that are emotionally causing stress in the relationship

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or for the individual, one refuse to act as a spouse will refuse to

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be there as a companion and a partner, then we are dishonouring

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our spouse, so I pray that Allah subhanaw taala and within imput

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implants within our relationships, the ability to honor one another,

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because that's how the foundation begins for a strong couple that

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will build a strong family does como la jolla for listening and I

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look forward to speaking to you in our next episode as we continue to

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bring the divine into the daily. I said I'm honored

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