Suzy Ismail – #20 AlAleem

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of pursuing education to build a strong family and community, particularly in regards to women and children. They share a quote from a man named Greg Mortenson about educating individuals and their families, and encourage their children to pursue education to build schools and communities. The speaker also mentions Joseph comes along and they look forward to seeing him again the next day.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alikum, it's nice to see you again as we continue on our

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journey of understanding how we can bring in the divine

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characteristics of the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala into our

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daily lives to improve our relationships with our family and

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with our spouses. The name that we're going to discuss today is

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Allah Halleen, which means the All Knowing, when we think of enema

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from the religious perspective, we view it as knowledge or the

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seeking of knowledge. And we understand that in our faith, it's

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incredibly important to pursue the seeking of knowledge. Now, what

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does that mean from a family perspective, we live in a world

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today, where we tend to encourage our children to seek an education,

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particularly our daughters, we will often tell them, you know,

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make sure that you get your bachelor's, get your Masters get

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your PhD. Yet at the same time, we'll send the message that once

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you get all of those degrees, make sure that you are also the best

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mother, the best spouse, you are the best person at home who is

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cooking, who is cleaning. And so we send Miss mixed messages to our

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children. Sometimes, rather than encouraging the pursuit of

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education and the pursuit of knowledge to be applied in our

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daily lives in the lives of our children, and also to be carried

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out into the community, we tend to send this mixed dichotomy of what

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one can do with the education when we think of it also in terms of

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encouraging our children to pursue knowledge to pursue education, we

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will often encourage our children and tell them you know, they can

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be a doctor, a doctor or a doctor. In reality, there are a lot of

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other fields in which our knowledge needs to be propagated

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and needs to be applied so that others can interact can learn and

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can be educated.

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In the home perspective, again, recognizing the importance of

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education, recognizing the importance of applying that

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education to both our dunya and our deen is part of building a

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strong family building a foundation of the family that can

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continue to grow on that sense of

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you know, there's a beautiful quote by a man named Greg

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Mortenson who wrote a book called Three Cups of Tea. He was a

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mountain climber who fell when he was climbing mountains in

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Afghanistan and Pakistan. And the family took him in and they drank

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three cups of tea with him. And so he told them that he felt like

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they were family. And he would go back to the US and raise funds to

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build schools in their country. When he did come back to the US,

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he did build a foundation, an organization called pennies for

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peace, in which he raised funds to build schools. When he went back

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to Afghanistan and Pakistan. He built schools for girls. And when

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the journalist began to ask him, Why did you only build schools for

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girls? He explained, if you educate a boy, you've educated an

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individual, if you educate a girl, you've educated generation. And

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this is the truth that when we educate our daughters, along with

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the education of our sons, we will see that our communities will

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grow. The love within the family will grow upon that foundation. So

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I pray that Allah Halim will give us elmen filha a beneficial

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knowledge that will help us to grow within our families in our

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homes and in our communities. Joseph come along here and I look

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forward to seeing you again tomorrow in sha Allah as we

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continue this journey together. I said I'm out

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