Suzy Ismail – #18 AlRazzaq

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of Islam's subhanaw taala in their daily lives, as it can lead to financial struggles and stress. They also discuss the potential risk of distraction from the presence of a planners and the importance of striving for risk in their daily lives. The speaker concludes by praying for the presence of Allah's subhanaw taala and mentions a future meeting to discuss further.
AI: Transcript ©
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As Salam Alikum it's nice to see you again as we continue to

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understand how we can bring in the divine characteristics of the

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names of Allah subhanaw taala into our daily lives to improve our

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relationships with our families.

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The name we're going to discuss today is a Raja. Allah subhanaw.

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Taala is a rasa, which means all of our lives in our lives, or what

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is written for us, comes from Allah subhanaw taala. In our

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family lives day to day, we experience ups and downs. And one

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of the greatest struggles that we often see among couples and

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families is the struggle of financial difficulties. We're

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living in uncertain economic times. And sometimes when one or

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the other of the spouses gets laid off, loses a job has a situation

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financial difficulty in business, it can cause a great deal of

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stress on the relationship. Now, as much as in our hearts, we know

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that a loss of funnel data is analyzed, and that the risk comes

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from him. Sometimes there can be that difficulty, where we feel

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that we struggle, and we struggle, and we work hard in order to

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receive the means or the provisions to care for our

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families. And sometimes that working hard, can feel futile can

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feel like you're working, working, and nothing is going right from a

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financial perspective. Now, there's a difference between

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understanding Allah subhanaw taala as an Wahab, which is the name

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that we discussed yesterday, and Allah's as the one who gives us

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that as our list is written for us, we will not receive a penny

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more than what is written for us in our life. Nor will we receive a

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penny less than what is written for us in our lives. The way as

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well have Allah subhanaw taala can sometimes bestow upon us gifts

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that are unexpected. As a result, our risk is already written for

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us. But this doesn't mean that we don't strive for our risk. It

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doesn't mean that we sit at home you know, eating a bag of chips

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and watching TV, say, Well, you know, my risk is gonna come for to

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me, I don't need to do anything. No the striving, while at the same

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time recognizing that Allah subhanaw taala is the best of all

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planners is part of that process. When we think of the commandments

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of Allah subhanaw taala. To focus on having that sense of the

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workforce. It means recognizing that he is the best of all

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planners, recognizing that all good comes from him, but at the

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same time doing our part. Who can forget, of course, the narration

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of Sedona has the mother of say you've met smiling when she was

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left in the desert with the prophets and it was just an

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incident at that time. And her infant began to cry, rather than

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simply sitting beside him and making sure that the provision

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will come from a law. She went back and forth from mountain to

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mountain from stuff off from Ottawa, looking for that water

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doing her part, knowing that Allah subhanaw taala is a reserve and

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that the risk will come but at the same time striving and as sigh,

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which that walk back seven times from Safa and Marwah is called

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literally that word means to strive, and we replicate that same

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type of side that striving seven times between suffer and medulla

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when we are honored to go to Umrah or to complete the Hajj because it

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reminds us of the importance of striving in our life. So I pray

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that Allah subhanaw taala Allah blesses all of our endeavors in

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this dunya blesses all of our efforts to strive together as

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husband and wife as a family, to provide for our families. And I

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pray that Allah subhanaw taala was there brings our risk to us in a

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way that is one of these rather than one of difficulty. Just like

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Kamala here and I look forward to speaking to you again tomorrow as

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we continue to discuss how we can bring the divine into the daily

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