Suzy Ismail – #13 AlBari
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The speaker discusses the meaning of L bear, the designer who designs the "form imperfection," and how parents and children both share their thoughts on the perception of their appearance. They also discuss the importance of models for children to inspire their own behavior and encourage them to learn from their peers. The speaker hopes that Allah subhanaw taala will remind everyone of the beautiful beauty of their appearance and encourage them to learn from their peers.
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again on this last night of
Ramadan. As we continue on our journey of exploring the 99 names
of Allah subhanaw taala, and bringing the divine
characteristics of Allah into our daily lives to improve our
relationships, and our family life. The name that we're going to
discuss today is L bear.
The meaning of L bear is the designer, or the one who designs
the form imperfection.
It's very common for us to look at our own forms to look in the
mirror and to sometimes question. It's very common for our teenagers
for youth to do the same. So how many times have we seen our
teenagers maybe looking in the mirror and saying something like,
oh, I have a huge pimple or I look horrible? Oh, I look hideous. And
many times our response as parents is to brush that off, or to say
you're fine. But the reality is, our children also pick up the cues
from us in terms of how they view themselves. So how many times have
we as parents, and particularly as mothers looked in the mirror as
well, and said something like, oh, I look so fat today, or, I hate
the way I look in this, or Oh, my goodness, I really need to lose
another 20 pounds, Oh, if only I could change this, if only I could
do that. Without realizing these self criticisms become the
soundtrack for our children's lives as well. So that when they
hit those teenage years, those years of puberty when their bodies
are changing, when their faces are changing, when their skin is
changing, it becomes a mantra that becomes part of their lives as
well. So we'll begin to hear the comments of self criticism, the
comments of how they don't like the way they look. But Allah
subhanaw Medina, and Barrett, the most perfect designer has created
us in that state of perfection in terms of how we look. And one way
to ensure that our children begin to embody that sense of self love,
that sense of self worth is for us to model it for our children, and
even better for us to model it to one another as a couple, husband
and wife. So husbands as your families begin to prepare for
AIDS, as your wife begins to pick out her outfit as your children
pick out their outfits, be sure to provide those compliments, to
remind them of how beautiful they look, and how perfect they are in
the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is the most perfect of all
creators, wives, as your husband's put on their aid outfits, as they,
you know, fix themselves and put on the Cologne and try to beautify
themselves on the day of aid. Don't forget to tell them that you
appreciate the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has blessed you
with someone that has their inner beauty as well as the external
beauty. It's not just women who need to hear those compliments,
but our husbands need to hear that as well. And even more
importantly, our children need to hear it. So I pray that Allah
subhanaw taala continues to remind us all of how beautiful we truly
are on the inside and the out. I pray that Allah subhanaw taala
allows us to remind one another our sisters, our brothers, our
siblings, our spouses, our friends, our community members
have their beauty, their inner beauty and their outer beauty. And
I pray that Allah subhanaw taala blesses you blesses your families,
and that he ends this Ramadan on a beautiful note for all of you.
Does that come a low head and I look forward to seeing you all
tomorrow in sha Allah on the day of aid as we continue our journey
and understanding the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala Isetta mahalo