Suzy Ismail – #08 AlMuhaymin

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of protection in the relationship between a woman and her children, as it is crucial for building trust and protection. They also discuss the need for caution in the event of a tragedy and the importance of warning children and relatives from potential harm. The speaker concludes by praying for the blending of protection and security between the woman and her children.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica, it's nice to see you again for another episode of

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bringing the Divine Names of Allah subhanaw taala into our daily

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lives to improve our relationships with our spouses, and with our

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children. We've been talking about several of the names in the past

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few days. And today we come to the next name of Elmo Haman. When we

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look at the name and well, Haman, we see that at the root word of

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Mo, Haman is an M, which means security, the name and Haman can

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be translated as the guardian.

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When we think of guardianship, we'll think of protection. We

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think of looking over someone taking care of someone ensuring

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that there is a sense of security or a sense of an in that

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In our homes and our family lives. That element of protection is such

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a core element in terms of building trust, which we've spoken

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about in the past episodes.

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But it's not just an element that's important in the husband

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wife relationship. It's also an element that's important to

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children that's important in the raising of children.

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Just last night, our communities were all shaken by the news that a

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17 year old girl was killed, murdered in Virginia, as she was

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returning to the mosque for prayers with her friends.

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As the shocking news, rip through our communities, we began to think

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of our own children, our own teenagers, our own cousins, maybe

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our own siblings, maybe young people that we know, who may have

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experienced the same type of interaction, the excitement of the

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month of Ramadan, the going out for a early you know, so who were

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afterthought are we grabbing a snack between salah. And we've

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experienced these things. And we've always thought that it was a

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fun rite of Ramadan. Yet here we have a child, a 17 year old girl

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who left the measured with her friends, and never returned.

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How does this relate to the concept of protection? When we are

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raising our children, we all want to have that sense of protection.

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We want to protect them and keep them far away from any type of

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harm. But many times in doing so we may find ourselves suffocating

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And many times in doing so we may question how much is too much? How

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can we give our children a sense of security a sense of protection

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without suffocating them without stifling them?

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And the same can often go to spouses as well. In many

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situations, there are spouses who will say, Well, I don't want you

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going here. I don't want you doing this, and I'm doing this to

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protect you. But where's the line? How do we draw that balance?

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When we are thinking of em or protection for our families, it's

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incredibly important to keep in mind that the protection has to be

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from real dangers from reality from recognizing what might truly

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harm them, and to try our best to keep that protection there. But to

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also recognize that Allah subhanaw taala is an MO Haman. He is the

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protector, he is the guardian. And so yes, we must tie our camel, we

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must warn our children from walking in the streets at night,

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maybe when it's late at night, or maybe be with them during that

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period of time. Yes, we must warn each other our friends, our

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relatives, and even our spouses. But we can't cross that line of

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being so over protective that we might become paranoid or that we

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might cause those around us to become paranoid as well. So

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drawing that line in terms of protection is important, but also

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recognizing that tragedy does exist. And that as much as we may

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want to say it'll be okay, it's fine. You know, I trust everyone

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around you. I trust everyone here. That's not always the case. And

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that's where the protection comes in. So I pray that Allah subhanaw

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taala Elmo, Haman does provide us that and that security that

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guardianship always for us, for our family for our children. I

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pray that Allah subhanaw taala blesses the family of the 17 year

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old girl who was killed in Virginia with Sabra with beautiful

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patience, and protects all of our youth and protects us as well.

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Every step of the way. Does that come Hello here, and I hope to see

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you again tomorrow as we discussed the next name of the 99 names of

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Allah stemmata

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