Suzy Ismail – #06 AsSalam

Suzy Ismail
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of peace in relationships and the need for a sense of peace in the home. They explain that peace is crucial for reestablishing healthy relationships and that peace is a crucial element for achieving a peaceful
the home. The speaker encourages listeners to try incorporating peace into their daily lives and offers guidance on finding it.
AI: Transcript ©
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So it's nice to speak with you again, as we continue to journey

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into an understanding of the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala, and

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how we can incorporate the characteristics of those names

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into our daily lives. So the name that we're going to discuss today,

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in this episode of the program is the name of SNM. Allah subhanaw

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taala attributes the name of SLM to himself, which means the peace

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in our homes and our relationships, in our marriages,

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in our relationships with our children. We are constantly

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seeking the element of peace. We're looking for that sanctity,

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that connection, that feeling of tranquility that can enter our

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hearts in the relationship.

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But why is that search for peace? Sometimes so difficult? Why is it

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hard sometimes to find that type of peace at home

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and struggling to seek peace? A lot of times we are plagued with

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self doubts. We are plagued with questions, we are plagued with

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worries were plagued with wondering

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what the other person is thinking or what they're saying or what

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they mean. And the lack of peace in the home is often built upon

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misunderstanding and miscommunication. Many times we'll

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enter into homes or our own homes, and we'll see that there is strife

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between husband and wife. And there's this constant turmoil

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that's occurring, whether it's because there's a life of running

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around, where one is constantly leaving the home, the other is

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coming back into the home, the children are being dropped off at

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this activity at that activity. There's school, there's work, and

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that sense of peace seems to be missing. How do we bring it back

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into our lives.

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The importance of that is a crucial element in realigning

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ourselves and being able to reconnect not just with one

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another in our families and our homes, but also to reconnect to

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Allah subhanaw taala. Sometimes all it means is that on the drive

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home, from work on the drive, to school to pick up the children,

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and the drive, coming back or forth from one of the million busy

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elements that consume our lives, pausing for a little bit,

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remembering the names of Allah subhanaw taala, saying the Salawat

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Allah the beloved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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reminding ourselves of what our purpose is. That's one way that we

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can incorporate peace into our personal spiritual realm. When we

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enter into our homes, with that sense of peace, from the spiritual

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perspective, we'll be able to bring that sense of peace into our

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homes. Because then when we enter our homes, and we meet our spouse

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at the door, or we meet our children, after school, we've

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already re centered and re aligned ourselves. And we're ready to

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connect with them on a level where we can truly love our children and

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love our spouse for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So it's not an easy task, to try to overtake to try to complete

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finding that peace in the home. But it is the most important

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element of keeping the sanity of the home keeping the sanctity of

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the home by introducing that element of peace in the home. So I

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urge you today to give it a try.

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When you feel like the world is crashing down around you, when you

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feel like you're being pushed from side to side, what it feels like

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at every turn. There's another bombardment coming towards you.

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Take a deep breath.

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Remember Allah subhanaw Medina, remember the creator who is SLM.

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And try to incorporate that Salem into your own connection with him

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and into your connection with your spouse, with your children and

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with your entire family. I pray that Allah subhanaw taala allows

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us to incorporate SLM in all that we do to allow us to connect with

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our spouses in a way of peace to allow us to raise our children in

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a peaceful manner as well so that we can have closer and closer

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towards establishing peaceful homes. Just like I'm a law here,

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and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow evening as we

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discuss the next name of the 99 names of Allah subhanaw taala

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