Sulayman Van Ael – The Divine Names 19
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
It's quite straightforward, but I nevertheless think that
some of the names might contain some between
bracket secrets, which you can only grasp when
you go through the course.
Okay, أعوذ بالله من الشيطان والجين بسم الله
الرحمن الرحيم وصلى الله وسلم على سيدنا محمد
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين So as I said,
today while I was sitting looking at the
water in the river flowing, I was writing
this little piece of you know, a little
piece about Iman, which I wanted to share
with you.
So because we are looking at the pillars
of faith, the pillars of Iman, and the
pillars of Iman are أَمَنْ تُبِي اللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ
وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَلَيَوْمِ الْأَخِرَةِ So now the first
question that I would like to ask you
How would you translate Iman, faith?
Someone else?
So the meaning of Iman is faith Exactly
like the meaning of Salah is prayer Okay
I saw this, what a beautiful day it
is A day on which we will undertake
a journey inshallah together through the pillars of
faith and Iman And before we embark on
this journey, it is necessary that we take
a look at what Iman really means Because
the majority of Muslims don't know what Iman
really means It's because we are always working
with translations and At the end, we really
don't know what everything stands for.
So this is right why I wrote a
piece about What is Iman?
So I will read from it and then
I will explain it I will not go
into the deep details of Iman And the
opinions of the different sects in Islam about
Iman But what we need to know is
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has
said about Iman He said الإيمان بدعون Iman
is some and 70 parts or Iman can
be divided into more than 70 but less
than 80 parts He said أعلها قول لا
إله إلا الله And in another narration he
said أرفعها The most elevated part is Saying
لا إله إلا الله و أدناها And the
lowest part of faith Is إماطة الأذى عن
الطريق Is that you remove a disturbing obstacle
from the road So that people won't trip
over And then he said والحياء شعبة من
الإيمان And he said And shame Or timidity
Is a part of Iman So now when
you have a look at this hadith What
we see Nu'man Is that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Actually said three things The
first thing he said Was that Iman can
be divided Into more than one category But
then he said The highest is saying لا
إله إلا الله The lowest is doing something
It is removing something So it are words
And actions And then he said And الحياء
being shy Is a part of Iman So
what we see now is that the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Said that there are
many Many divisions of Iman But that they
can all be What's brought back To three
things To words To deeds And to a
conviction You say conviction?
No we don't Being No Being
convinced of Anyway that Iman Is a word
It's a deed And it's a feeling It's
a deed of the heart No No No
Wait I'm going to do google translate For
my language Ok Yes
it says conviction What does conviction mean for
Ok Good So Iman are words With the
tongue Deeds with the body And a conviction
of the heart So these are the three
Things So this is what we see in
this hadith What we need to know now
Is that the scholars They have Differed so
much about what Iman Really is And this
is why we have these different sects In
Islam who all explain Iman in a different
way The Khawarij They say Iman is deeds
Without deeds there is no Iman Meaning if
you don't pray You're a kafir Even if
you believe that prayer is obligatory You're a
kafir If you do something haram You're a
kafir If you don't do anything whatsoever Which
is obliged to do You're a kafir And
if you leave something which is obligatory To
do Then it's what?
Then you're a kafir So they say They
say Deeds are the core fundamental of Iman
Is that clear?
So these are on the one hand On
the other extreme We have the And the
Meaning that they say That deeds are not
a part of Iman They say deeds Is
not a part of Iman Some of them
say Iman is a word with your tongue
Others say Iman are actions And others say
Iman Sorry Some of them say Iman is
a conviction with the heart Others say Iman
Is uttering something with the tongue And some
say Iman Is a conviction with the heart
And uttering with the tongue None of them
included Deeds into the definition Okay?
Is that clear?
So they are the murji'ah So they
say deeds are not a part of Iman
but they differ Those who say Iman is
only From the moment you say something with
your tongue And it's not present in your
heart That doesn't matter they say Because the
moment you say it You're a believer And
this is If this were to be true
then some people This is what they do
during the month of Ramadan They ask some
non-Muslims Say La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah
He says it and then everybody says Allahu
Akbar This is the beginning This is the
beginning of nothing Because Allah Subhanahu wa ta
'ala says in the Qur'an The Bedouins
they say We have believed Say you have
not believed yet Just say we have accepted
And to submit ourselves To the rules of
Islam But Iman Has not yet entered Into
your hearts So they were saying They were
saying we have believed But Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala says No you are saying it
But it's not in your heart Clear?
The same with the Munafiqun Who came to
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Like Allah Jalla
wa Ala says in the Qur'an When
the Munafiqun come to you They say We
testify That you are the messenger of God
And Allah knows that you are his messenger
But Allah testifies that The Munafiqun are liars
So once again They are saying something with
their tongue But it's not present in Their
Is that clear?
So here we see that It is not
sufficient To say it just with your mouth
When we look at Shaitaan Shaitaan he says
فَلَمَّا كَفَرَ قَالَ إِنِّي بَرِيءٌ مِّنكَ إِنِّي أَخَافُ
اللَّهَ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ He says from the moment
When he invites someone to Kufr Or to
An action of disbelief or to do something
wrong And then you fall Into his trap
the first thing Shaitaan does is running away
from you You know He runs away and
he says I have nothing to do with
you إِنِّي أَخَافُ اللَّهَ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ Because I
am afraid of Allah رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ These are
his words But his words are not accepted
You see So even though he says this
It's of no value whatsoever So we see
that Just saying is not sufficient But also
believing Is not sufficient.
When you look at Firaun Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ
تَعَالَى says About Firaun يَنِي That the Tawheed
was a certitude In their hearts Firaun knew
he was not God He knew he wasn't
God He didn't believe he was God يَنِي
He was too proud to admit That there
was a God And this is why Allah
سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى says ظُلْمًا وَعُلُوًّا That which
stopped him from believing Not from believing here
But to be in harmony With words and
deeds and hearts Was ظُلْمًا Because he wanted
to keep on oppressing people And عُلُوًّا He
wanted to be the highest on the face
of the earth He wanted to have the
highest status So in the heart There was
a certitude But the mouth didn't want to
follow And didn't want to confirm So we
see that it's not sufficient here And it's
not sufficient just there There need to be
words And there needs to be a conviction
This is the first thing With which Someone
enters into faith It's by believing What we
call believing But we will talk about Iman
By being sure with your heart And by
affirming it with your tongue This is what
we call أصل الإيمان This is the core
of Iman Meaning Because otherwise until I pray
If I testify I say الحمد لله I'm
a Muslim now I say I'm a Muslim
That would mean that after saying that I'm
a Muslim And believing that I'm a Muslim
Until my first prayer I wouldn't be a
Muslim If we were to say that deeds
Are a prerequisite Or a condition for you
to be a Muslim And this is why
they say That the conviction And the Uttering
are the two أصول They are the two
basic things This part of Iman Never increases
Or decreases Okay This is why Imam Abu
Hanifa said الإيمان لا يزيد ولا ينقص He
said Iman doesn't increase and doesn't decrease So
people said استغفر الله Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala said in the Quran وَإِذَا تُلِيَتَ عَلَيْهِمْ
أَيَاتُهُ زَادَتْهُمْ إِمَانًا And when the verses of
Allah are being recited In their presence Their
Iman increases Well this is the second part
It are the deeds Which are a part
of Iman But not the أصل of Iman
Do you understand?
So when Abu Hanifa said Iman doesn't increase
And doesn't decrease He meant The أصل Of
the belief And the uttering Meaning It's not
a feeling The أصل of Iman is not
a feeling It's a conviction It's being sure
If there you doubt about your Iman Doubt
Like Muhammad bin Sadiq al-Husayn said وَشَكُّ
فِي مَا يَجِبُ فِيهِ الْيَقِيلُ كُفْرٌ He said
Doubting Something where you need to be sure
of Is Kufr This is the Iman that
doesn't Increase or decrease Meaning Not one day
I'm more sure Today I believe 100%
that Allah exists And that Allah is the
king And tomorrow Would He exist?
The moment you doubt Is the moment that
you're in Kufr Is that clear?
So this Iman لا يجوز أن يزيد ولا
أن ينقص This part of Iman is not
allowed to increase or decrease Do we agree?
Yes Yes No
But the feeling, the witnessing Allah in your
life Figuratively speaking That increases and decreases My
Tawakkul sometimes increases and decreases My contentment with
Allah's decree Sometimes it's easier Sometimes it's more
difficult But I always fall back on my
Core Meaning The moment you think something bad
Say Astaghfirullah I'm not allowed to think like
this This is something which doesn't Increase or
decrease It's like your buffer zone You see
So this is the most important thing To
know So now an Iman from a linguistic
Point of view is not believing Iman From
a linguistic point of view Has nothing to
do with what we call believe Al-Iman
In the Arabic language means Firstly Al-Tasdiq
Or Biddu al-Khawf So it means either
Affirming something Al-Tasdiq Like when the Brothers
of Yusuf came back to his father They
said وَمَا أَنتَ بِمُؤْمِنٍ لَنَا And you are
no Mu'min in us What does that mean?
You don't believe in us Iman here stands
وَمَا أَنتَ بِمُصَدِّقٍ لَنَا And you do not
affirm That what we are saying is true
So Iman in the Arabic language Means Tasdiq
Means affirming That something is true So the
first thing When you say Amantu Billah We
are going to look at this It means
that you affirm something Not just that you
believe something That you affirm something The second
thing In Iman Is that they say مُشْتَقٌ
مِنَ الْأَمْن That it is derived from Al
-Aman and Aman means Safety So when you
say Amantu You don't say I have believed
You actually said I have safeguarded myself Protected
myself Put myself in a safe place Because
I am affirming Allah And His Messenger You
see this?
So this is the meaning of Iman So
it's far stronger isn't it?
Yes But now Al-Iman also means Al
-Tasdiq اَيْ نَفْيُ الْكَذِبْ عَنِ الْآخَرْ That's another
dimension Meaning that you put someone else In
a safe place Meaning that you deny Or
that you say That the person Is saying
nothing but the truth So You are affirming
That the other party Amantu You are affirming
that this person Is safeguarded from lies So
now when you say Amantu It means one
I affirm Two, I put myself in a
safe place By affirming And that safe place
Is a place where I am Safeguarded against
Allah's anger Against deviant thoughts Against Hellfire and
so much more And at the same time
I am saying that Everything which Allah is
telling Or everything which His Messenger is telling
I say that this is all safe from
From lies And this is what it means
when you say Amantu It's a difference isn't
it Ok Allah So this is what Imam
Al-Hulaymi Mentioned in his book Al-Minhaj
And what Imam Al-Bayhaqi mentioned in his
book Shu'ab Al-Iman Like Allah Says
in the Quran فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ فَرِجَالًا أَوْ رُكْبَانًا
فَإِذَا أَمِنْتُمْ You see this And when you
are in fear Then pray while walking Or
mounting I mean you are right فَإِذَا أَمِنْتُمْ
And when you are Safe أَمِنْتُمْ أَمِنْتُمْ Then
Do the dhikr of Allah Like he taught
you to do Meaning praying in a normal
way So this is just to say That
the word Iman is used In Arabic For
all the things I just mentioned Ok Now
the verb أَمَنْتُمْ Can be followed by The
letter ب And by the letter ل The
ل or the ب And it has a
different meaning So we can say أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ
And أَمَنْتُ لِلَّهِ And I can say أَمَنْتُ
بِالرَّسُولِ And I can say أَمَنْتُ لِلرَّسُولِ I
believed لِلَّهِ لِلرَّسُولِ And I believed بِاللَّهِ بِالرَّسُولِ
And this is a difference Ok Now we
are going to talk All these things I
should say they are very Details But it's
necessary We are always skimming the surface of
things And say yeah I believe If we
don't even get What it means to say
أَمَنْتُ Then what are we doing So now
الإيمان بارك الله فيكم Can be divided Into
جَلِي وخَفِي Ok إيمان can be divided in
what جَلِي خَفِي I'm
going to read from what I have written
for you I've written it today so There
might be some shortcomings and so forth But
I really want to read it So as
I said Abdullah Abu Abdullah Al-Hulaymi says
Iman was derived from the word أَمَنْ Safety
and security The opposite of fear As Allah
says And if you fear the enemy and
so forth And if you أَمِنْتُ when you
are safe One could argue That one of
the reasons Why Iman was named Iman is
because Someone who أَمَنَ Has been safeguarded And
been secured against Against divine anger Evil acts
And the blazing hellfire If the word Iman
Is used in Arabic It often means believing
someone Or something The example we gave was
the brothers of Yusuf Who came back to
their father وَمَا أَنتَ بِمُؤْمِن لَنَا وَمَا أَنتَ
بِمُؤْمِنٍ You are not a مُؤْمِن You are
not confirming that we are speaking the truth
You are not affirming it So it seems
that Someone who believes in the divine message
Has secured himself against Error and punishment So
if you say أَمَنْتُ Be something I have
Iman in this or that That person actually
means that He is protecting himself against The
Repercussion Of the person who tells him something
So when you say أَمَنْتُ بِفُلَانْ أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ
You are actually saying I have safeguarded myself
Against Allah Against Allah's anger Clear?
Like أَعُوذُ بِرِضَاكَ مِنْ سَخَطِكَ Like the Prophet
صلى الله عليه وسلم said I seek refuge
with your mercy Against your anger And he
also said أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْكَ I seek refuge
In you against you In your mercy Against
your anger So when you say أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ
You have actually stated That I have protected
myself Against Allah By affirming that Allah is
my lord And that He speaks the truth
That is the meaning of أَمَنْتُ So أَمَنَ
الرَّسُولُ بِمَا...
Yes, go ahead We are going to Explain
this, yes So I am just reading what
I have written here Ok, so the verb
أَمَنَ Is normally preceded by an Arabic بَ
or an Arabic لَم So you can say
أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ So you can say أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ
This means I confirm And acknowledge that Allah
exists And And أَمَنْتُ لِلَّهِ Means I accept
Allah And secure myself By serving Him And
I accept Allah As my lord So أَمَنْتُ
بِاللَّهِ Is the basic It's your uttering your
belief That you believe and you are convinced
That Allah SWT is the only one lord
And أَمَنْتُ لِلَّهِ Means that you now Affirm
that you know that He is the lord
who has the right to be worshipped That's
أَمَنْتُ لِلَّهِ Then you have أَمَنْتُ بِالنَّبِي أَمَنْتُ
بِالنَّبِي Meaning I affirm And acknowledge His prophethood
And what do you think Now what أَمَنْتُ
لِلنَّبِي Will mean?
Looking at what أَمَنْتُ لِلَّهِ Yes I secure
myself By following the Prophet ﷺ Is that
So that's the difference between أَمَنْتُ بِاللَّهِ وَأَمَنْتُ
لِلَّهِ أَمَنْتُ بِالرَّسُولِ وَأَمَنْتُ لِلرَّسُولِ Okay Can everybody
still follow I know today it's much Usually
I'm not this Technical So Those who came
and Were expecting something spiritual I just Turned
everything into technical today But I still believe
That if you go Back home just knowing
What أَمَنْتُ really means That this might be
a life changer Then إيمان Can be Hidden
And shown إيمان can be hidden And it
can be shown And that which is shown
and hidden Now from إيمان Is something we
are going to discuss Later today But I
first want to Continue about إيمان So we
said إيمان The scholars differ about إيمان We
said the خوارج they say إيمان The basic
of إيمان are deeds Without deeds there is
no إيمان So if you don't do Any
good deeds then you are كافر If you
do something حرام You are كافر And this
is why the خوارج they used to kill
Muslims The خوارج They were not in the
time of Ali They weren't killing non-Muslims
They were doing exactly What a lot of
people of ISIS are doing Killing Muslims Because
everybody in Europe is afraid of ISIS But
in reality The majority of people being killed
by ISIS are Muslims Which in a Muslim
life Is of course as terrible As a
non-Muslim life being taken But I mean
Muslims are Not spared by these people Because
they are خوارج So they believe that Our
lives are worthless And it were The خوارج
who killed Uthman رضي الله عنه So the
خوارج They killed Uthman and they killed Ali
رضي الله تعالى عنهم So their problem is
that Very often they are Very worshipful They
worship Allah a lot Why?
Because they If I decrease in deeds I
go closer to كفر So I need to
perform As many deeds as I can To
be as far away from كفر as I
can And this is why the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم Said in Sahih al-Bukhari
He said There will be people They will
يقتلون أهل الإيمان ويدعون أهل الأوثان They will
kill The believers and they will spare The
non-believers And then he said And when
you compare your prayers To their prayers You
will look down on your own prayers You
will minimize your prayers And when you look
at their fasting And you compare it to
your fasting You will think Like I'm not
really fasting Look at them He said But
when they read the Qur'an It doesn't
pass their throat Meaning it doesn't go to
their heart It's just in their mouth And
he said They are being thrown away Exactly
like an arrow is What?
Released from a bow And in another narration
he said وَهُمْ كِلَابُ أَهْلِ النَّارِ They are
the dogs of the people of * SubhanAllah
So now we understand That subhanAllah Even from
this hadith We take away that it is
not The quantity of your worship Showing That
you are good It is The quality of
your heart to start with SubhanAllah So this
is what they were doing So now Abdullah
ibn Abbas Said Ibn al-Jawzi In his
book That he visited the Khawarij To talk
to them Because they disagreed with Ali And
So he said I went to them And
it was incredible He said everybody amongst them
was praying He said their foreheads You know
Were as dry as the knees Of camels
Meaning that it was very big Due to
the sujood He said their faces were pale
Due to the ongoing night prayers And The
color of their clothes Had been worn out
There was no color left Because they only
had one garment And when they greeted me
They said Hey nephew of Muhammad SubhanAllah Not
even subhanAllah Nephew of Muhammad So anyway He
spoke to them and more than 4000 repented
And they came back with him to Ali
But the majority of them Amongst them stayed
So now the same people were the ones
Who killed Ali When he was married to
Na'ila During the night He saw the
messenger Who came to him Like Imam Al
-Dhahab He mentioned in Seerah And The messenger
of Allah told him Ya Uthman Fast tomorrow
and break your fast with us So he
came with Abu Bakr and Umar He said
fast tomorrow And break your fast with us
So Uthman Knew that he was Going to
die So he told his wife Na'ila
In the morning My life I will die
today So then he told all of the
Companions who were protecting him Against these Khabarij
around his house Who wanted to kill him
He sent them home Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah
ibn Abbas He said go home He said
they are going to kill you He said
the Prophet is expecting me So he sent
them home So then they came They drove
their knives And they started You know Forcing
the door To come in His wife said
Uthman why don't you Let me stand in
front of you She said because They don't
Look at a woman They are Going to
kill Uthman And Then he said No I
mean you are my wife She said you
know If I protect you and they see
One of my hairs Then they will run
away And then Uthman Who said it is
more beloved To me He said it is
more beloved to me That they cut me
in pieces Then they see one of your
hairs So then anyway They got in and
Uthman Was reading his mushad So the moment
they stabbed him First his wife jumped on
her husband So that she would be a
shield But they stabbed his wife as well
So then They stabbed Uthman While he was
reading the Quran And his first drop of
blood Fell on the verse Allah will take
them into account Allah will Venge you Allah
will venge you So subhanallah Allah sees everything
And hears everything So this is how They
killed Uthman And the person who killed Ali
The moment he killed Ali He went to
the mosque and prayed Two rakat of shukr
Two rakat of gratitude And he raised his
hands And he said He said Praise be
to the one Who you know Who made
me kill Ali So then when they captured
him So they were Beating him up And
he said Please not on my mouth He
said why He said because then my tongue
Might get swollen and I can't do dhikr
of Allah Look at this The killer of
Ali Praying Doing sujoods, doing everything And beat
me everywhere You like, not my mouth Because
I want to do dhikr It's like paradox
isn't it And this is what we see
today as well Very often the people Who
are From a practical point of view Strong
in religion Are very often not strong Of
heart Very often their bodies do more Than
what their hearts can take And this Has
pushed a lot of people To create an
image of An ummah which is Very strong
So when people and preachers talk very often
They talk there Like they put the bar
Very high And then when we People like
myself Weaker Muslims Look at these bars that
are being set We always feel that we
Are weak That we are not good enough
That we are whatever But in reality they
are most of the time Talking about things
which aren't even obligatory to do You see
that It's all about extra prayer, extra this,
extra that Extra my prayer We are an
ummah Who isn't even capable For the moment
Of doing the obligatory and leaving the haram
You see this So what's the benefit of
Talking all the time about things Which are
not obligatory to do And things which are
not haram to leave Or even talking About
things that are maybe doubtful But not doubtful
For others and saying that it's clear cut
haram So and then we are Talking there
and the people are here I'm going to
give you an example You don't have to
agree with me The majority of people who
come to ask the question Can I watch
a movie If you say no He's going
to watch a movie anyway Let us just
Be you know Straight forward Majority of people
watch movies Have Netflix and that's what they
do It's just like that So and then
sometimes these people They come, can I watch
a movie for example Let us say, I'm
going to give my reply right away Let
us say, you say yes Astaghfirullah, why do
you say yes Why are you getting angry
Because you're watching anyway You understand what I
mean So now what some of the scholars
say is look What we need to do
is we need to know The community we
are talking to Then at least let us
Limit the damage Because if you say no
They're going to do it in their way
If you now say But one I'm not
saying this is my fatwa This is an
approach Don't let The story be The head
role Do we say it like that The
main role Not be a woman who is
Barely dressed Superwoman or whatever Because then you
all the time are looking at Aurang But
it's haram to look at in real life
It's haram to look on the screen Don't
let it be a movie Where criminals Are
being exalted Many movies People are supporting Criminals
And criminals become the heroes So whatever I'm
just giving an example So some of the
scholars say look Let us already try to
limit The damage because When you say no
to people They are going to do it
anyway So if you now say okay With
these conditions, do this, do that Pray on
time and so forth Then some people don't
like it But there is difference If Omar
were to ask me something Or Nisar or
people in general There is difference in fatwa
So anyway Believe me I've been counseling for
a long time The ummah is suffering And
a lot of the people who pretend Outwardly
to be very religious Which is a good
thing I'm not saying it's bad on its
own But very often there is a lot
of things That are hidden behind it A
lot of sins Or Spiritual problems Or whatever
So the khawarij Outwardly they were very strong
But inwardly They were very bad And we
didn't need a combination of both Because I'm
not trying to say don't do outwardly anything
No, but look to get that harmony Between
outward and inward You know, iman So this
iman The outward form of iman Should be
expressed In a correct way What is the
correct way?
It is first by one Being convinced That
haram is haram And that wajib Is wajib
This is one One of the most difficult
Things today For many university students For many
youngsters Is to remain convinced That certain things
are haram And that certain things are obligatory
And also In aqeedah Being it evolution theory,
being it the big bang Being it so
many things And this is why Muhammad bin
Salih Mentioned in his shah of Riyadh He
said it is very difficult To take people
out of their religion You can't just go
to a muslim and say Come, become a
christian, it's better He has many arguments in
his head You won't be able to convince
him Maybe one out of a million Not
even Or become a jew Or With all
due respect to all religions But that will
be very difficult So he said So if
you now Can Push muslims to Doubt things
where they need to Be sure of Things
which are obligatory to believe In to be
a muslim Let them doubt there You've taken
them out of islam While they think they
are still in islam They still think that
they are muslim But they have already left
islam And this is the challenge So a
lot of people Like for example are coping
with hijab Hijab is without any doubt obligatory
It's obligatory So now people They try to
give An image of islam Which is the
true image of islam To make islam more
acceptable You see this And then you have
women saying No actually it is not obligatory
It is ok Just say I am too
weak to wear it I have no problem
with that If you say I don't feel
ready That's between you and Allah I won't
judge you for it Because maybe your heart
is free of envy Free of jealousy Free
of bad intentions Of course It's just one
part of you It's not the whole of
you But it's obligatory without any doubt So
what they are trying to do now Is
they come with arguments Which make people doubt
That it is obligatory Or that people start
to hate it And hating what Allah loves
Is kufr Do you understand what I am
trying to say So I think these things
are the biggest challenges You see it is
like How are we going to protect The
aqeedah of the ummah I mean Today we
have the gender issues Haven't we Where children
in schools Are being taught So many different
things which go against Iman Because Iman is
affirming What Allah says is good And it
is also affirming That which Allah declares to
be bad Is bad So what we now
know is Well in Islam Homosexuality Is haram
It's just haram Changing your gender is haram
Now today Muslims are almost afraid To say
it And the reason why we are afraid
Is because Now when you say something like
this People think that you are Inviting towards
Or calling towards hating people And beating them
up And no It's a sin I would
say it in front of the world But
if tomorrow I pass And I see my
Muslim brothers Beating up someone Homosexual or whatever
I will Stand in front of him and
I will protect him Because he has his
Humanity which I need to respect It's the
sin Which I don't approve of You see
And that's exactly with all these sins A
sin doesn't turn a person In his entirety
Into someone who is evil I can have
a brother I remember when I came back
from the mosque I was carrying Not this
mosque I was carrying all these bags And
then prayer after prayer And you had all
these pious Brothers passing with their cars Nobody
asking Can I help you And then all
of a sudden I heard Some noise It
was clear that there was a car with
a lot of music And someone turned the
window down And all the smoke came out
And said Sheikh I said yes Need a
ride I said I'm okay No no no
Just jump in the car The problem is
I'm allergic to smoke No problem Guys guys
throw your cigarettes out And they just took
me home And when I came home My
wife asked me where were you Because it
smelled like smoke Even though they were not
smoking What am I trying to say I
mean these guys It was obvious that they
smoked weed and so much more But does
it turn them Into these evil monsters That
have nothing good in them I don't believe
this And this is what the Prophet s
.a.w. taught us When he and Abu
Bakr went RadhiAllahu Anhu Walking And Abu Bakr
s.a.w. said let's go to the
left He said no let's go to the
right And Abu Bakr said no there are
bad people there He said let's go to
the right anyway So when they were walking
There were some young guys that jumped on
the road And he said We are the
worst of people And then the Prophet s
.a.w. said And I will turn you
Into the best of people I mean These
youngsters you don't know Which kind of qualities
they have Maybe they are perseverant You know
when you look at Sometimes the pride they
have For the Deen and still They shy
away when they see An outwardly religious looking
person They still have haya Like Hi Shaykh
Smoke coming out of the nose How are
you doing Shaykh And then you just do
like you don't see it I'm alright how
are you And when you sit down with
them they like it You know So I
believe that We are an all inclusive society
Where we We accept everyone In harmony with
who they are And I always mention The
hadith of Himar Right Always I mention it
That the Prophet s.a.w. He said
do not help the shaytan against your brother
The drunkard He said because There are many
riwayat Today I found another one Because the
only thing I know Is that he loves
Allah and his Prophet That's a drunkard If
today someone would tell you Sister without hijab
Brother without beard I love Allah and his
Prophet How dare you How can you say
you love him Did you look at yourself
You think this you don't say it But
you say MashaAllah The fake smile To hide
what's in your heart You see So I
believe that we need to go back to
this That we embrace everybody And Wallahi people
change I had one of the people He
came once when I was in Holland I
was teaching the names of Allah And he
came in And he was looking from far
With his cap to the back It was
obvious that maybe he had smoked something But
he was looking he was interested And I
said come come SubhanAllah I will never forget
I said come I said yes And then
he came He said SubhanAllah He was maybe
18 He said these places are not for
people like me And I said These places
were made Exactly for people like you And
I said Come in listen He said you
know my heart is dead Look I mean
he doesn't pray Nothing But there is still
some life Within them Aslul Iman Aslul Iman
Which we are talking about That's there And
as long as that is there You can
build on it But if you don't take
care of it And the Aslul Iman Is
being destroyed by everything they see and hear
And they are being Pushed away by people
Who were supposed to attract them Then yes
They will lose it Then Aslul Iman will
be gone So he said My heart is
dead it doesn't do anything to me I
said just sit down And try He said
usually they tell me That I am not
supposed to sit here with my Thing to
the back I said just come in SubhanAllah
he became one of my students One of
my good students And that was about 5
years ago So if you just have a
look On how many people are we losing
out Because we feel too good to talk
to Certain kind of people Or because we
look down upon them While they might actually
Become better than we are I mean Umar
Was on his way to kill the Prophet
Alaihissalam Well he became the second Khalifa Khalid
Ibn Walid He destroyed the army On the
day of Uhud But he became Saifullah Allah's
sword You see this The same with Hamza
The lion hunter Drinking wine and so much
more Became the Shaheed Look at all of
them I mean SubhanAllah Salman Al-Farisi He
was the one keeping the fire alive Of
those who worship the fire In Persia In
the temple He was the son of the
priest Of that temple He was responsible for
the fire Not to go out He comes
and Who was he?
Salman is a part of us The family
of the Prophet Alaihissalam So when you look
at this If the Prophet Alaihissalam Like the
drunkard He loves Allah Do you know The
Rawi says he made the Prophet Alaihissalam laugh
But I never explained why Do you know
why the Prophet laughed with him?
He was poor And he loved the Prophet
so much He couldn't stop He was drinking
He was drinking alcohol But he loved the
Prophet so much And every time a caravan
with traders Selling sweets Honey and other things
And he would come He would say please
can you give me a little Amount of
this And then when you come in Medina
You just ask For Muhammad And he will
pay you So he would then take it
And he would go to the Prophet And
then he would give it to him And
he would say Here you are He said
it's a present And then The Prophet Alaihissalam
was happy Because he loved honey And then
when the traders arrived They would come to
Muhammad They said yeah there is Himar That
was his nickname And he took some sweets
and honey And he said we had to
ask you And then the Prophet Alaihissalam You
know what he did He would say who
does he think he is He would laugh
These were SubhanAllah They say he would laugh
Like you would hear a voice It's all
like uncontrolled And this he didn't do often
So he would laugh And then he would
just Pay it And Himar didn't do it
once Not even twice He used to do
it all the time And even though he
would do this The Prophet Alaihissalam said He
loves Allah And his Messenger Because he hasn't
got the money And by doing what he
does He is actually saying Ya Rasulullah If
I were to have money I would spend
it on you And this is how The
Prophet Alaihissalam Looked at his Ummah He came
to his companions And he would say Don't
you dare to say anything bad About anyone
He says because I like To look at
my companions with a pure heart He wouldn't
allow People to gossip Or talk bad about
someone Because he wanted to look at everybody
In the same way You see this Like
this other companion Some of them used to
sleep in the mosque They were Ahlus Sufah
And the Prophet Alaihissalam Used to always have
a mug With goat milk And that was
his And he would go around during the
night Looking if people were not in need
of something So he would go around the
streets And then he would come back Then
he would pray in the mosque And then
he would drink And then he would sleep
So now he had one mug And two
others for the two people Who were sleeping
in the mosque So another companion says So
I went and I had my share Then
I lay down on my bed And then
The other mug was calling me He said
like I really felt like drinking it He
said but I knew it was the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam I couldn't just go and
you know Drink his share I really you
know I felt like it So I went
and I drank And I regretted So I
went back to bed Hiding myself Looking whether
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam would come back
And he says and I was really In
a state of panic I said what if
he makes dua against me Because it was
his share So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
came back He said I was trembling in
my bed Under my blanket And he said
I was looking at the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam And he saw that the mug was
empty So then the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
looked at it He put it back and
he raised his hands To the sky Now
the companion said I knew that I was
destroyed I knew that I was destroyed Now
I'm destroyed He said and then the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam I heard him say Oh
Allah Let the one that brings me Milk
Bless him He said this was my Opportunity
my chance you know So what did I
do He said oh Allah Akbar He didn't
say Allah Akbar Do we still have time
One minute So very quickly So he drank
very quickly Here the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Made that dua so he said this is
my opportunity So he went took some goat
milk Came back And then he gave it
to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam But he
didn't say that he was the one that
had the Prophet's share Alayhi Salaam So now
The Prophet drank From it and then he
gave that What remained to him So now
he Had two and a half Plus the
barakah of Drinking from the same thing And
the barakah of the dua So he drank
and then The Rawi says he fell on
the floor And he held his stomach Because
the Sahaba used to laugh you know They
would really like laugh a lot So he
held his stomach And couldn't you know stop
laughing And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
Is this one of your tricks And then
he told the Prophet Alayhi Salaam And then
the Prophet just you know started laughing With
his companion So anyway if we look at
the way the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Treated
his companions And that's the last thing I'm
going to say Is because the asl of
their man is there The asl of iman
Innalal mu'minoona ikhwa Is referring to the asl
of the iman Not to the ziyadah of
it Is that clear?
So we love everyone for the asl of
their faith And this is what we will
build on And this is the way that
we look at our brothers They have this
Conviction in their heart Of La ilaha illallah
Muhammad Rasulallah So they're chosen by Allah and
they're beautiful souls Walhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ameen