Sulaiman Moola – The Spiritual Ladder – Do Not Obstruct The Pathway

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of Islam as a holistic approach to human engagement, and how it is a tool that allows individuals to achieve their goals. They also mention the use of shiny branches to indicate people's behavior and the importance of not becoming an obstacle to achieving their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah he was salatu salam ala rasulillah salam alayhi wa sallam warband. Amongst the many beauties of Islam is that it is a holistic religion, and it governs and regulates every aspect of human engagement. So there's no sphere in our life in which Islam has not given us direction. It doesn't only regulate the interaction between myself and my spouse or my parents, or my neighbors or my siblings, But lo and behold, you will be amazed to know that in the fifth Jews, Allah subhanho, wa Taala impresses upon us kindness to was sahibi bill Giambi, literally Sahib companion gem mean inside the person next to you. So literally, it will mean anyone occupying the place next to you and

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figuratively, metaphorically, it could mean your spouse, etc. And many scholars say that if you really look at this idea, literally it addresses the aspect of being kind to a passenger sitting next to you, or someone standing next to you in a queue for a moment or less. And that's what's mentioned in Macedo Zulu, that even it is lava Osaka, in the masjid, in an ablution facility in a queue in a band, Sahib, Belgium, someone standing next to you, how do you behave? Islam regulates and governs that you want to fly the person sitting next to you, you and the coach to get to the aircraft. How do you behave? Wow, can you imagine how all embracing Islam is? And amongst the

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teachings of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is also how you sit outside. So he said to the companions, or the man whom avoid sitting in the pathways, they said, Man and I don't only have a low we sit here, we congregate and we have some discussions. He said for in a Beetham. If you insist that you have to sit there for a burrito Haku then afford the pathway. It's right on the road in the past, we have a right yes, he has a right what are the rights of the pathway? What are the rights of the road owner B of Allah sallallahu wasallam he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it those that are passing by give encouragement towards good calf and will abstain from harming any person a

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lot. Don't buzzer restrain your gaze, and also he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that he man has 70 odd branches, the noblest of which is the proclamation of a man and the simplest of which is a man the tool, either an eatery, that when you walk in or you sit in and you see something hazardous or harmful on the road, then move it this is part of a man. This is part of faith. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said under authentic narrations reported by Satan Abu huraira the Allahu anhu that a person observed the wassenaar shokin a thorny branch on the pathway. So he alighted from his convenience probably or if he was walking the Hadith is silent about that aspect. But

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nonetheless, he picked up the thorny branch and he moved it aside because it was a form of hazard for Shakur, Allahu Allahu Allah accepted this action and forgave him. So my message is Islam is this beautiful religion, and it has afforded us a guidance in every aspect of our life. And part of the rich teachings of Islam is a mighty tool and it moves something that is obstructed from the path be the glass bead, the thorn bead, probably the peel of the fruit, some elderly person or someone could come and and and fall and slip and hurt himself. And last but not least, if you are unable to move an obstacle from the path, the least you can do. Don't become an obstacle yourself.

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