Sulaimaan Ravat – Jumuah 09032018
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. It's an honor for me
today to announce our guest speaker Marina, Marina Suleiman
robot of Institute Africa. Without further ado, I call upon Melina
Suleiman Robert.
Salam aleykum warahmatullahi Puckett.
hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Hill Allah, Allah.
I love the color copier. So what led the door off I had
a shadow and
who the whole Esma persona was
Mohammed and I will do more or solo Sahiba I love
my bag of our ministry Toronto rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim,
Muhammad Rasool Allah, well levena ma who a shade or others ro hammer
home, Tara home Rosecrans SuperJet, they follow lamina Allah
he will
see my room fee will join him in Azeri sujood sadaqa Allah nauseam.
Honorable Allah ma respected brothers, mothers and sisters,
beloved youth, listeners and viewers
alike the baraka with the Adam had sent approximately 124,000 Ambia
for the guidance of mankind.
At the end of that chain, of messengers and prophets that were
sent for the guidance, profanity, Allah gave to humanity. See,
Mohammed bin Abdullah Swati, resell them as the final messenger
of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not just a prophet, he
was not just a messenger. They were many things that would
present prophethood of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam first
difference, here is the Lee and the greatest of all, the MBR to
him was salatu salam, and sad the world the Adam what a father in
his own words. Another difference
is all the books that were to the embryo pre prior to him will not
antiproton preservation,
Allah had not given the guarantee of preservation. But when it came
to the Quran was revealed to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, Allah
said Inanna known as Zelina, vicar, or in other who would have
known. Another difference when it comes to the prophethood ambits
Allahu alayhi wa sallam was every NFP were sent to a locality to a
tribe to a nation. When it came to Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Allah said, warmer out of southern Africa
Rahmatullah al Amin. You have been sent unto the entire universe, you
have been sent, and your message will prevail up to the end of
time. Another difference when it comes to the prophethood of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that Allah granted him
a group of combat companions, who continued the mission after his
demise. This was something which Lucifer to restore Allah, Allah,
Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the other Ambia were not granted that kind
of group that could kill the legacy of the Nabhi that came. And
today, throughout the country in various massage, the theme of the
talk is Sahaba.
The noble companions a master sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like
he was the greatest Nabhi he is compelled companion comes with the
greatest of comments.
Not in my words, but in the word of Allah and a hadith Bootsy. In
Allah azza wa jal, Imam Muhammad narrates this hadith that Allah
says, I created creation. And then I looked into the hearts of all of
humanity. And the purest heart was that of Muhammad Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi salam. So I chose him for myself and I made
him my beloved. Then I looked again, into the hearts of all of
humanity. And I took the purest of hearts. And I chose those people
to be the companions of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, Allah made the Sahaba the benchmark
you'll follow
when the
awkward Jacqueline nurse, that you are the best of nations, who are
the first people that were addressed. In this. Obviously,
every Muslim is a dressed up to the day of piano. But the first
group to be granted the title, the first group addressed in that
particular verse was the sahaba. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam brought Islam.
But the Sahaba, the ones,
to the
ones who exemplify pirates, who took it to the various parts of
the globe, about what it means to live Islam, what it means to be a
Muslim, they continued the legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
salam. Now, this term that I'm using Abba, it's a very common
term. From the time you're in school from the time you're a
youngster, perhaps even a toddler, you hear in reference to Sahaba.
Here, the scholars making reference to the companions of
Rasulullah sallallahu seldom that this was a Sahabi. That was a
Sahabi. But Rama Northman
and the list goes on. What is the definition of a Sahabi? Who is to
Hobby simply put without becoming too technical or too scholarly?
And he puts in, who saw on a BT sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whilst
he or she was a Muslim, and they remained on Islam and passed away
on Islam and that person is considered Sahaba is the hobby
irrespective of whether they participated in any expedition or
not, whether they narrated any a hadith or not, if in the state of
iman, you saw Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
they after you passed on in the state of Eman, then you are
considered to be a companion of Muhammad Rasool allah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam.
What is the status of Sahaba? In Islam?
What is called belief with regards to Sahaba there is a principle
amongst the Sunnah, where
the that Sahaba to do
that all of the Sahaba are considered to be noble, virtuous
and trustworthy all
Because when Allah chose them to be the companions of Muhammad
Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, Allah would not have chosen those
who will not trust with the who were not noble who were not
virtuous. Allah would not have given them the greatest stamp of
It's Radi Allahu Anhu. What are the one? Allah is pleased with? A
are pleased with Allah.
But in Islam, we keep everything in perspective, we do not
romanticize thing. You have the angels, Allah has created the
angels, such the comet area, they don't have the capacity.
Then you have the unburied Allah humans.
They are humans. They're not angels.
But because they were meant to lead by example. Allah made them
assume Allah protected them
from the ability and the capacity because they had to be the example
and then have this Sahaba and the scholars use the term Mahfouz
that mistakes I believe with regard Sahaba is not that they
were infallible they made mistakes. But Allah protected them
from any punishment. Mistakes were as a result of them lead active
life, if they mistakes. Also, because in the divine plan, Allah
wanted to show us that when you make a mistake, this is how you
ought to respond. Because humans are prone to weakness. You want to
humans are prone to shortcoming. So Allah wanted to show us within
the example of Sahaba, that when you do something wrong,
this is how you rectify it. When you do something wrong. This is
how you rest. But shortcomings in the Sahaba were the exception.
The norm in the lives of Sahaba were very strict for us in the
deen of Islam, on nobility on virtue.
So whatever mistakes they made, Allah Himself is saying that I
have forgiven them, because I am pleased with them. And they are
pleased with Allah Rodri Allah man home, what are the one so they
have the level we will not elevate the sahabi to the mantle of a
newbie, or to the category of an angel, but from amongst the OMA.
They are on the uppermost tear, because it is their blood,
their sacrifice, their wealth, their commitment,
which laid the foundation of Islam, here in Cape Town,
the southernmost tip of Africa, you and I reclaim the shahada, we
lead the killing.
We congregate in the house of Allah, to glorify the Oneness of
Allah, Mohammed bin Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did
not reach Africa completely, instead. And they are the ones who
took his message to the various parts of the world. And it is but
their dedication, their support, their commitment, their sacrifice,
their wealth, their everything
that lead them for that Islam, which you and I subscribe, which
you and I belong to, which you and I, on the southernmost tip of
We are forever indebted to the Sahaba
we are forever indebted to the Sahaba they made mistakes, but
they mistakes were not like ours. They made mistakes, but they had
the guaranteed even them, we don't have that guarantee.
We need to understand what is the status of Sahaba what is the rank
of Sahaba so let's take a look at it from the perspective of the
Quran. I just want to share with you in brief, a few verses of the
Quran. Let the Quran talk to us about Sahaba let us understand the
rank of Sahaba in the words of Allah Himself, not the words of
any scholar or any human. Allah says, well Lavina aminu those who
brought Iman waha Giroux, they made hijra.
They sacrificed everything to fulfill that command of Allah.
When so Hebrew, Marathi Allah who was leaving Makkah, the makin
policy stopped if you made all of your money in Makkah, if you want
to leave Maccha you have to leave every cent that you own behind.
He left it without any
hesitation in compliance to under phala will hurt you. They make
their Hijra.
Well Jahad roofie subpoena Allah, they strove in the path of Allah,
whether it wasn't the battlefield of whether whether we're heavily
outnumbered on the battlefield of God,
where they suffered a huge setback on the battlefields of hunchback
where they had stones tied to their bellies because of excessive
hunger, and their families and the entire city was like vulnerable to
the coalition of forces that had gathered to them. They strong for
Islam. Well, levena wanna sorrow? And then the other category, the
unsolved of Medina, who will come the Mahajan who share it with them
homes and open up the hearts. So after describing who they were and
what they did, look
at Allah gives the Sahaba
What about Sahaba is because we may take up a pedestal,
or we have come up with a mental for them, this is in line with the
words of Allah in reality, we cannot even do glorifying Sahaba
and to extolling the virtues of Sahaba. Look at the words that
Allah uses and those who understand Arabic will will will
notice the emphasis Allah says, these, these Surah isa Sahaba.
Of the genuine the to the ultimate believes
the ultimate Muslims.
If you look at other verses of the Quran, I don't have time to
elaborate in greater detail. Allah says
Allah Iike Haysville.
If there was a people who could be considered for Allah, it was the
Sahaba Allah Iike in reference to Sahaba, Allah says, Allah it can
feel Kullu behemoth Iman, the Imam, and their faith was so
strong, that Allah says it was inscribed, it was engraved on
their hearts.
You and I, we may have eemaan But we have no guarantee with regards
to the state and preservation of our human
He will Iman that Eman was inscribe it was an engraved on the
It was that Iman that spoke to about a VEDA on the battlefield of
Brother, where his father couldn't continue him and obstacle between
him and the fulfillment of the Command of Allah.
And he had to take out his own father, to fulfill the Command of
Allah, the time of Buddha.
Allah one had a son, and his son was with the enemy. And some years
he son said, my dad, you know, they will many times they have
brother, when you are within range. If I could take you out, I
would have taken you out but because you were my father, I
Plan replied and said, My son, I love you.
And for a father to hurt each child is unimaginable. But if I
saw you on the battle of birth, I wouldn't expect you to stand up in
opposition to Allah and His Nabhi
my Imam
is greater and more dear to me than my love for my own children.
My Eman is good dear to me than my left. My old children. You know
today you meet any rivet any ordinary rivet and you ask him
even if you revert to Islam yesterday, you asked him what
switch say I want my parents to become Muslim.
I want my parents to become Muslim. That's the desire of every
lever to Islam. Imagine
the greatest companion the greatest friend of Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam. 13 years in Makkah his father is not embracing
Eight years in Medela his father is still not embracing Islam.
Imagine the pain that he went through
because he understood imminent in a way that we can never undo.
Then, and he knew what his father was being deprived off
of maca. His father is now applying in double Kochava and
finally his father says I am now ready to embrace the dean.
Imagine the MC
imagine the delight
And the happy illness of Ebola Korea lung. So the Ababa lung
takes him by the hand and he brings him to the suit allah
sallallahu sallam. What was the response of wrath? Alameen
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Abu Bakr
This is the old man, why did you inconvenience him by bringing him
to me? You should have told me I would have gone to him.
You should have told me I would have gone to him. When alcohol
first touches out his hand to take the baby out of the sea is the
dream come through over the land. He starts crying, he's sobbing.
The Sahaba congratulate him. And they say that we understand you
crying tears of joy, that today if finally accepting Islam, and Abu
Bakr, the Alon stands them.
He shocks him saying, No, I'm not crying. I'm not crying tears of
joy. I'm crying tears of regret.
They say What do you mean? He says my greatest dream was for my
father to accept Islam. My nappies greatest dream was for his uncle
to accept Islam. I'm crying today out of regret, that if only I
could be pulling back my father's hand and I could be pushing
forward the hand so that my dream can remain unfulfilled. But my
name can become fulfilled.
That was Sahaba.
They taught us the definition of love for Muhammad Rasool allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, let's say Allah says, For in men, oh be
Mifflin. mentum behave.
If you can become a Muslim, like they were Muslims, if you can
believe like they believe then you are right, like they are your
benchmark. They are the standard. You want to strive for excellence
in Islam. Like in everything else, when you want to strive for
excellence. There's a benchmark there's a standard when it comes
to the standard being a believer, when it comes to the benchmark of
being a Muslim, then Sahaba were it and they are it and they will
remain it.
That is the beginning of Allah inscribed and engraved in the
Quran in those verses, amongst others, which I shared with you.
Then if we go to the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam with regards to the virtuos Harbor, so I shared with you
versus it every day or many times we are in the hotbar how you don't
miss a
Lena, your Luna home, Melody Thumbelina you, the best of
people, the best of people are those from my generation, and then
the generation after and then the generation after. So the simple
words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam were the best of
generations, the best of people who love said letter Matsunaga the
fire will never touch those people who saw me and it was the Sahaba
who saw rasool Allah SallAllahu Sallam in the state of faith and
in the state of iman. That's why as I said, Sahaba made mistakes.
They did they will not infallible, but it's not for you and I to sit
in judgment of them 14 138 years later, because whatever mistakes
they made, Allah has already said they're forgiven. Nabi SallAllahu,
alayhi wa sallam has already emphasized that they will not see
So whatever mistakes they made, that was part of the decree of
Allah, you and I, we could do forgiveness for our mistakes.
Let's look at the virtue. Let's look at the greatness. Let's look
at the x. As I said, mistakes in the life of Sahaba was an
It was an occasional thing, in the main they will focus and they will
determine and they remain committed to the teachings of
Rasulullah sallallahu.
Even on a scale of logic, obviously as Muslims we first
subscribe to what's in the Quran. Then we look at the Hadith also
Allah Islam, logic does not come first for us, but on the scale of
Lord chick. If you take Sahaba equation, there is no Islam. It's
as simple as that.
If you take Sahaba out of the equation, there's no Islam.
Because every verse on was narrated to us by who?
Who were the first addresses every time Allah says in the Quran?
Yeah, you
know, who was being addressed first, when that verse was
So if you take the Sahaba out of the equation, there's no Islam. If
you start taking certain Sahaba Alton, you're knocking and you're
cracking the foundation of Islam, because every verse narrated to us
by Sahaba every Hadith
Every action every statement of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and
then as I mentioned early on, who gave them the Viva la refuge, who
supported the Nabil of Allah, whose money was there in the
of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam
whose money was expansion of mosquito number one, man when I
found that the hola Juan, who bought the world when Sahaba
didn't have water, who funded the expedition of the book, when the
Roman superpower of the time wanted to ameliorate in public
schools on the face of the earth? Who is it? Not your side, we
cannot sit in judgment Sahaba did in what they didn't do, and their
actions for the TTS later
when Allah has given them an accolade which is unmatched and
will never be matched, when also the loss of Allah Allah He was
salam had said, Allah Allah fie us hobby. Every Friday we Yes in the
hotbar Allah, Allah Hafiz hobby, be very careful when it comes to
my competence.
Be very caricatures to my companions, you harm them with me
you harm me, you hurting Allah.
You're hurting Allah.
When it comes to companions, so honey was salam said hold your
tongue, hold your tongue when it comes to their mistakes when it
comes to their shortcomings.
Let's take a look very quickly as we move towards the conclusion
with regards to some eggs, sample for Sahaba that talk to us
about the level of the Eman and the level of the sacrifice. If we
look for an example
at abracadabra, Lavon
is one region of telemovie rasool Allah Allah Allah He was sitting
in mentions
that there are many people in my life the prophets of Allah Dixon,
I'll give you the summary of it, the crux of it because that would
allow for me to read you the entire Arabic text and translate
in an SL explain. Rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
many people have helped me in my mission as
many people have helped me, but I've repaid everyone in some way
or the other.
But there is one man who's
who whose generosity, who solidarity, whose friendship,
whose companionship, whose dedication whose ly I can never
repay, and that is Abubaker, the Alon, and then the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam laid bare is hot. And he said, you
know, the reality of this is low couldn't to Turkey then hollyland
era be let the hustle Abba Buckingham kalila it been that
I've given my whole heart to Allah, that Allah is had it not
been for that Abu Bakr would have actually been in my closest and
bosom companion
What greater can they be? What greet actually? If you look at
Amara, the hola Juan Juan de are issued of the Allahu anha asked
salam ala he was
that he had a suit Allah they were sitting husband and wife having a
romantic moment under the skylight, looking at the sky.
And they were stars sparkling horizon and I shattered the Allah
Allah says, Allah, is there anyone from your companions? Who has good
deeds equivalent to these millions of stars that we are in? And then
there'll be a fella without any hesitation? Yes, Amara
and then she said because she was after
Father's Day right so she's Baba Cara and then a BF Allah said,
Omar is good deeds are the equivalent of these millions of
stars that we see. But above because one good deed is the
equivalent of all of those millions of humans could dates.
So many names in the most authentic of source says, within
the body of Allah, myself, Ababa, Karen Amara,
worker Omar and I,
constant companions of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam if you take a
look at Rathmann oh the Allah Han
you know just yesterday I read something because my talk last
night as part of this whole Sahaba journey was was God's talk about
Arthur Mundo the Allah and it's a regret I read it only afterwards
somebody sent it.
But today, they say look at the day off man but the Allahu Anhu
was martyred.
Look at the data with Mondo the Allahu Allah
was martyred. It was a Friday,
Friday, the best of days in which to die. He was fasting,
the best of states in which to die. The night before he saw a
And even the dream he saw Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and
Abu Bakr, Muhammad and the to him tomorrow at Manual Break your fast
with us
the Quran and when they finally took his life, his blood spilled
onto the copy of the Quran, and that is still preserved up to
today. So the scholar writes that there are many martyrs, there are
many who sacrifice their lives for the cause of Islam. But show us a
martyr, who died on a Friday, who saw the Nabil of Allah the night
before in his dream, reading Quran, and whose blood was spilled
on the Quran. And the whole reason he was martyred. At that time, he
was the Ameerul Momineen of a strong Muslim empire. The whole
reason he was martyred is that he did not want to advance against
and cause bloodshed in the name of him preserving his own authority
in his own role. Can they be a greater martyr than that? When the
sword of allah sallallahu Ana, he was sitting married his daughter
Roca Yara the Allahu anha to athma under the Allahu Han, what was the
advice that was to allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam youth.
He said, My daughter Ruqayyah look after him. Because from all of my
companions, his conduct is the closest to my conduct.
From all of my companions of man's conduct is the closest to my
conduct. Every Sahabi was great. We are indebted to every Sahabi
individually, and to all of the Sahaba collectively because of
them, we have Islam. Because of them, we have the recipe for
salvation. Because of them. We have Quran because of them. We
have a hadith and Sunnah because of them. We have Salah and zakaah,
and everything else. Yes, of course amongst the sahaba. They
were those who are greater than others. They were those who did
more, but the entire collective shamans of Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had
emphasized that Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased
with Allah. As we wrap up, I want to touch on one point. Sometimes a
distinction is made between Halal bait, the companions of other the
family members of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the broader
Sahaba fraternity.
And in reality, these go down that particular route, because the
albedo part of Sahaba and Sahaba were also part of the flood,
right? Because those who are part of the house that Allah is 11 were
also the companions of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
Now Sahaba, as I said, we humans that infallible, they had some
issues, at times, between one another they had some differences,
but their hearts never bought any enmity, any resentment, and they
will always united and heart, they will always united at heart.
People try and make the distinction between those who are
the household members of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and the rest of
the Sahaba and there is no need to make that distinction. For
example, earlier the hola Juan was part of the companions, the
household members of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam those who would
call a little bait, yet when Elon passed away when Elon passed away
and the body was being uplifted just after he saw the departed,
the narrator of this is who Abdullah bin bursa the Allaha Nama
and he says, I heard somebody say
that all Omar may Allah have mercy on you. Oh Omar, may Allah have
mercy on you. I have great hope that Allah is going to be kind to
you. Why? Because so many times in my life, I heard Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam say myself Abu Bakr and Omar, Abu Bakr Omar and I
got Omar and I went here we did this we went we came from here.
We whenever gonna be a fella referred to himself. He coupled it
with the name Soboba, Canon Amara and Abdullah bin Abbas who is a
household member of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam his cousin, when
he's he's narrating he says when I look back, it was none other than
the son in law of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
Minnie and Ali Vitali who was paying this trophy to Homer Ron
and Ali that the Allahu Anhu was saying, Amara, Allah have mercy on
you, but I have hoped that Allah is going to be kind to you,
because of your closeness to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, if we look at it alira Rhea Lavon. Who was the sending
Nora stone Allah Azza wa sallam he
But his daughter
will make will
marry tomorrow the Lavon when I looked at the Allahu and got
married to Fatima or the Allahu anha, who was put up isn't Abu
Bakr, Omar and Osman. And this narration is in is in Buhari with
the Alliance for me to maintain ties with the family of Rasulullah
sallallahu Sallam is more important than for me to maintain
ties with my own family. So we should not wander into this
territory to try and see whether they were these irreconcilable
differences between what has been termed al bait the members of
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the broader fraternity
of Sahaba. They may have had the differences as I said, from time
to time, they were humans, but they had no resentment. They had
no animosity. They were united at heart. When not mundo de la Juan's
house was seeded. The first person to offer him support was Alia the
Lavon after he was killed and assassinated, the first person to
curse his killers was earlier the hola Juan. So our belief is Allah
sunnah will Gemma is a Sahaba. To whom I do, every person who saw
the beautiful law in the state of Iman and then died is a Muslim.
All of them are part of the fraternity of Sahaba. All of them
have got the accolade of Radi Allahu Allah and they are pleased
with Allah and Allah is pleased with them. I'll leave you with
this one incident. One day there was a great scholar
and somebody told him that hypothetically speaking,
hypothetically speaking, if Allah had to tell you that make one dua
make one supplication and I guarantee you acceptance. Make one
dua make one supplication and I guarantee you will accept it. What
dua will you make the scholar with thinking without hesitation, he
said, I'll make this dua that Oh Allah, Oh Allah.
That love that Sahaba had for Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu
Sallam cannot meet just a fraction of that love.
Sahaba taught us how to love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Sahaba narrate the life of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam how we do?
They lived the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May
Allah grant me and all of us the ability to have true love for
Sahaba to learn from Sahaba to implement the values and the
teachings of Sahaba and to spread the message and to spread the
message not only of the values of Santa Barbara the status
throughout the Alma and throughout the world may Allah grant may not
have as the trophy was about a culinary unit Muhammad Wacka
Dhawan and Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen was still
we say shoot gun, do you Milena surveymon robot or El Faro in
South Africa