Suhaib Webb – Usul alFiqh Lesson ThirtySix The Eight Causes of Tawil

Suhaib Webb
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The "will" meaning in a text is defined by the "will" meaning of a daleel, and the "will" meaning of a daleel with a singular meaning or more than one meaning. The "will" meaning in relation to various issues like the "will" meaning of a daleel, and the "will" meaning of a daleel with a singular meaning or more than one meaning is discussed. The "will" meaning in protecting against the Mun Hariffin is emphasized, and viewers are encouraged to subscribe to their YouTube channel.

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			Welcome back to our explanation of Farooq Waqat.
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			Avi Muhammaduwani, Ar Rahim Allah. Please pay attention
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			to this because
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			this is something very important
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			and I'm going to explain it in a
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			very simple way. And then in the future,
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			when I have some time, I'm going to
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			do it again and give you examples of
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			each one.
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			Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
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			But the question that you should be thinking
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			about is
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			like when does this happen?
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			Especially when he says
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			What does that mean?
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			So that means that in order for the
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			dahir to become
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			in order for the implicit,
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			right, to then be interpreted it has to
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			be done with a daleel. What is a
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			We talked about this in the beginning of
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			We talked about that definition of Al Baidawi
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			to know what is a Dalir. So in
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			order for me to understand the relationship between
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			then I have to learn about
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			Well Taqeed, I have to learn about Has
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			and I have to learn about Nasir and
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			I have to learn about Majez and Hafiqah.
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			I have to learn about
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			those things that we went through basically early
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			because those are the evidences and these relationships
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			of text. I have to learn about Asanid,
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			which which chains of nourishment are strong and
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			So basically for me to think about the
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			relationship between and
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			between the implicit and the interpreted.
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			I have to know what are the adila
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			in Usul and then I have to have
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			some information about Al Akbar,
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			about the narrations on behalf of Sayidna Muhammad
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			and add it to this and we won't
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			talk about it now
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			in samatehe
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			because the stronger meaning is given preference
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			over a meaning which is not as intense.
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			But what I want you to think about
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			is there's this interrelationship
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			between a and well, I'm not going outside
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			of the I'm not going outside to something
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			else. I'm using the for the I'm
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			the to interpret the
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			It has to be related to what has
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			been legislated. So what are those relationships
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			between the and the where we find scholars
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			There are 8 of them I wanna mention
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			to you, which are again, as I keep
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			mentioning the text because it's so important,
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			the miftah
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			of Sheikh,
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			Sharaf Atil Masani
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			So let's I'm just gonna mention them. I'm
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			not gonna give you examples now. In the
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			future, we'll do that. But just remember this,
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			these are the 8
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			kind of reasons or evidences that scholars are
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			going to be using when they debate over
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			what's and which
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			one is acceptable.
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			What is that Dalil? One of these 8.
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			The first is
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			The literal and the figurative.
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			Some scholars gonna take the literal meaning, some
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			scholars gonna take the figurative leading meaning. And
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			we know there's 3 types, right?
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			and then,
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			Right? There's the sharia,
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			There's the customary,
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			literal, and then there's related to how the
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			language is used.
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			We don't wanna get there now, but just
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			think about
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			how incredible our scholarship is. The same people
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			who lie about Gaza and the Palestinians are
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			same people who lie about our intellectual tradition.
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			To the extent
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			that Muslims themselves have lost
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			faith and trust in this incredible academic tradition
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			that was left for us to carry.
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			So the first is
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			So some scholars gonna say the literal meaning,
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			some scholars gonna take the figurative meaning. Example
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			would be like,
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			Abu Hanifa on the issue of
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			He says here means,
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			The majority say no, it means to touch.
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			This example of Haqqiqah and Majas.
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			The second I have my notes here, forgive
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			me, I have not memorized them is
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			is a word that has one meaning or
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			does it have 2 meanings
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			or more? From
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			So is it carrying a singular meaning
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			or more than one meaning?
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			Scholars say it has a singular meaning. And
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			it go this way. Scholars say that it
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			has more than one meaning, to go that
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			way with
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			And here we're gonna see that difference,
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			amongst the scholars over that issue.
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			The second,
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			synonyms versus anonyms.
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			Does this word have synonyms or not? Other
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			words that have the same meaning or not?
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			Scholars gonna differ over that. One's gonna say
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			it doesn't. One's gonna say it does. One's
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			gonna take the dahir. One's gonna take the
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			Inshallah, we model for you in the future,
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			will be easier.
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			is there a pronoun here or not?
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			If there's not a pronoun in the phrase,
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			then you go with the noun that's mentioned.
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			But if you say there is a pronoun
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			there, what does that pronoun go back to?
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			What is it referring to? So that's gonna
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			be interpreted based on that. Those who say
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			no, the noun is mentioned is right in
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			front of us. They're gonna take that opinion.
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			Here you see
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			literal. One meaning.
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			Many meanings,
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			one word.
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			no synonyms, now you see something happening.
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			Make it easy for you. You don't have
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			the best teacher in the world, but I
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			try my best because
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			maybe the problem is me not gonna be
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			So the next is that, is it's a
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			noun by itself.
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			It doesn't need a pronoun.
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			What's gonna be interpreted now is the pronoun?
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			Is it there or not?
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			Is amazing. Right?
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			The 5th
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			does is the word being emphasized or not?
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			The origin is it's not emphasized.
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			The exception is it's emphasized. Just like the
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			origin is the literal. The origin is a
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			singular meaning. The origin is no synonyms.
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			The origin
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			here is that the word doesn't have any
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			emphasis, added emphasis to it. The exception is
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			that it's being emphasized. So the first is
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			gonna be the
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			according to some. The second is going to
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			according to some.
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			See that? SubhanAllah.
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			I don't think I have them all written
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			here, so I may miss one.
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			The next is
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			You already know this. The asul is
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			exception is
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			And finally,
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			is that the word is
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			The is that it's gonna be
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			So pay attention to these 8, I I
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			think I only mentioned 7,
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			but let's go through them again. May Allah
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			me and you.
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			The first is the literal,
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			is the figurative.
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			According to the mind of that person, the
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			other may say the opposite, but just to
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			make it easy for you.
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			The second is that it has one meaning,
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			the word itself.
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			So that's the dahir.
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			The opposite of that is gonna be that
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			it has more than one meaning.
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			The third, it has synonyms.
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			It doesn't have synonyms.
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			The 4th, no pronoun,
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			The 5th,
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			not emphasized,
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			For example.
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			The 6th is that it's it's it's
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			And then the 7th Itlaq versus Taqid. That
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			is Motlaq
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			and the Absar is Muayid.
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			So alhamdulillah, when we say
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			these is these daleels.
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			So that this is going to make the
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			disciplined and make them a crafty researcher and
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			focus. It's not just crazy chaos. These are
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			the 8
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			8 parameters that are going to impact the.
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			Not what I feel, not what I think,
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			what I'm doing, this is no. No. No.
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			No. No. No. There's rules for this and
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			these are the rules. So what I just
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			gave you is this is the rubric
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			for the scholar, for the for the for
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			the who's
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			at this word. Is it
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			is it Well, if I say it's based
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			on what? Then let me look. Is it
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			one of these 7?
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			Not just how I feel, not just what
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			I think. So what you can appreciate from
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			this is
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			the danger sometimes. For example, when people say,
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			you know,
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			the hour will not start until Islam rise
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			from the west. Islam rising from the west
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			means Muslims who became Muslim in America.
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			How did you go from that
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			that to this interpretation? What what of these
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			did you use to interpret that?
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			That's acceptable with those four conditions I mentioned
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			So now you're starting to see, I hope,
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			where this course is taking us and why
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			it's a little different maybe than,
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			other classes you took in the Warakat because
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			we wanna
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			train you at Swiss in particular, especially our
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			to be active jurists, to be engaged in
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			the law, to be to be
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			guiding people as best they can according to
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			the parameters of the Sharia that protect us
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			from the Mun Hariffin on both sides.
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			So what did we just talk about? It's
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			very important. These
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			of tawil.
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			These parameters of tawil, may Allah
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			bless us. We have some more to talk
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			about in the future about alzahir and well,
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			I hope now you can see
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			why it says it's very important. If you
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			like this, please hit that like button and
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			let other people know I'm so shadowbanned
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			on all social media platforms. SubhanAllah, it's incredible.
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			So any assistance you give in amplifying is
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