Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Part Forty Eight- Texts With Both Amm & Khas

Suhaib Webb
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The transcript describes a series of text and image clips that contain various sentences and phrases. The main point is that the text is a "ma'am" and not a "monkey." The image clips include a "ma'am" and a "ma'am" image, as well as a "ma'am" image and a "ma'am" image. The transcript uses a combination of punctuation and scripted language to provide a context and understanding of the text's meaning.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, alhamdulillah, wa salallahu
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			wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa man wa
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			ala as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
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			Now we reach the end of this section
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			on a ta'arud, al-tarjih, wa al
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			We talked about a'am, a'am, khaas,
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			khaas, a'am, khaas, or khaas, a'am.
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			Now he says, wa rahimahullah, naf'anallahu wa
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			azza wa jala bi ilmihi fi daarayni ameen,
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			Ya Rabb.
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			He says, wa in kana ahaduhuma a'aman
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			min wajhin, wa khaasan min wajh, meaning you
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			have these two texts, right?
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			And part of the text is a'am,
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			and part of the text is khaas.
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			Fayakhus umumu kulli wahidin minhuma bi khususi al
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			-aakhar, ya salam.
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			It's very important.
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			So if you have a text, right?
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			Two texts, and part of it is a
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			'am, and part of it is khaas.
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			The second text, part of it is a
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			'am, and part of it is khaas.
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			Fayakhus umumu kulli wahidin minhuma bi khususi al
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			I wish, subhanAllah, miskeen, I wish we had,
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			you know, the kind of money to hire
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			people to do graphics for you because it's
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			very important.
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			But unfortunately, everyone today is watching YouTube to
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			hear people talk about other people instead of
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			to hear people talk about Allah and the
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			deen and understanding.
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			What he's saying is, if you have one
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			text, right?
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			And the second text, and this text has
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			an'am, and this text has an'am,
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			this text has a khaas, and this text
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			has a khaas.
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			You're going to take the khaas from this
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			one, the second text, and apply it to
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			the a'am of the first.
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			You're going to take the khaas of the
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			first text and apply it to the a
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			'am of the second.
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			So just think about the axiom.
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			Unless they're both weak, I would talk about
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			that in the future.
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			But, al-a'am yukhassas.
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			A great example is the hadith of Abu
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			Umama al-Bahiri radiyallahu anhu, the Prophet ﷺ
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			said, Itha kana al-maalu qullatayni la yunajjas.
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			That if water reaches 2.5 liters, it
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			cannot be defiled.
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			The first part of the hadith is khaas,
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			2.5. The second part of the hadith,
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			it cannot be defiled, is a'am.
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			So khaas, a'am.
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			Take the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ.
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			Al-maa'u la yunajjasuhu shay.
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			This is a'am, not qullatayni, not 2
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			.5 liters, water.
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			La yunajjasuhu shay'un.
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			Agrees actually with the first text that nothing
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			can defile it.
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			He says ﷺ, maa ghalaba ala reehihi wa
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			ta'mihi wa looni.
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			Except with what overcomes its smell, its taste,
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			or its color.
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			The second part of the second hadith is
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			So pay attention.
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			If water reaches 2.5 liters, is khaas.
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			Nothing can defile it, is a'am.
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			Water is a'am.
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			Nothing can defile it except that after the
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			illa is khaas.
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			So think about it.
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			If we take both the hadith and try
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			to make them work, qullatayni, water.
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			Qullatayni, 2.5 liters, water.
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			The second hadith according to the shafi'iyya,
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			not the maraki'iyya, not us, is going
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			to be impacted by 2.5 liters.
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			So the second hadith that understood, can never
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			be defiled unless, the second hadith, is
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			the khaas which is going to impact the
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			first hadith.
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			The Prophet ﷺ said if the water reaches
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			2.5 liters, nothing can pollute it.
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			Nothing can pollute it is now going to
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			be made khaas with illa ma ghalaba ala
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			rihihi wa ta'mihi wa looni.
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			Look at the work of the fuqaha and
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			As for the maraki's, we don't accept the
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			first hadith because we consider it weak.
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			So we do tarjih, not al-jam'a
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			in this instance.
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			Sadatina al-shafi'iyya, they do al-jam
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			Sadatina al-maraki'iyya here, they do al
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			-tarjih, al-tarjih.
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			Falaas, alhamdulillah, we finished now the section on
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			We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala iwathqana
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			ila ma yardaa.
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			Subhanahu wa ta'ala, wabarakallahu feekum.
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			Next time we'll begin our discussion on al
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			-ajma' wa salallahu wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad.
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			Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.