Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Part Forty Eight- Texts With Both Amm & Khas

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The transcript describes a series of text and image clips that contain various sentences and phrases. The main point is that the text is a "ma'am" and not a "monkey." The image clips include a "ma'am" and a "ma'am" image, as well as a "ma'am" image and a "ma'am" image. The transcript uses a combination of punctuation and scripted language to provide a context and understanding of the text's meaning.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, alhamdulillah, wa salallahu
wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa man wa
ala as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Now we reach the end of this section
on a ta'arud, al-tarjih, wa al
We talked about a'am, a'am, khaas,
khaas, a'am, khaas, or khaas, a'am.
Now he says, wa rahimahullah, naf'anallahu wa
azza wa jala bi ilmihi fi daarayni ameen,
Ya Rabb.
He says, wa in kana ahaduhuma a'aman
min wajhin, wa khaasan min wajh, meaning you
have these two texts, right?
And part of the text is a'am,
and part of the text is khaas.
Fayakhus umumu kulli wahidin minhuma bi khususi al
-aakhar, ya salam.
It's very important.
So if you have a text, right?
Two texts, and part of it is a
'am, and part of it is khaas.
The second text, part of it is a
'am, and part of it is khaas.
Fayakhus umumu kulli wahidin minhuma bi khususi al
I wish, subhanAllah, miskeen, I wish we had,
you know, the kind of money to hire
people to do graphics for you because it's
very important.
But unfortunately, everyone today is watching YouTube to
hear people talk about other people instead of
to hear people talk about Allah and the
deen and understanding.
What he's saying is, if you have one
text, right?
And the second text, and this text has
an'am, and this text has an'am,
this text has a khaas, and this text
has a khaas.
You're going to take the khaas from this
one, the second text, and apply it to
the a'am of the first.
You're going to take the khaas of the
first text and apply it to the a
'am of the second.
So just think about the axiom.
Unless they're both weak, I would talk about
that in the future.
But, al-a'am yukhassas.
A great example is the hadith of Abu
Umama al-Bahiri radiyallahu anhu, the Prophet ﷺ
said, Itha kana al-maalu qullatayni la yunajjas.
That if water reaches 2.5 liters, it
cannot be defiled.
The first part of the hadith is khaas,
2.5. The second part of the hadith,
it cannot be defiled, is a'am.
So khaas, a'am.
Take the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ.
Al-maa'u la yunajjasuhu shay.
This is a'am, not qullatayni, not 2
.5 liters, water.
La yunajjasuhu shay'un.
Agrees actually with the first text that nothing
can defile it.
He says ﷺ, maa ghalaba ala reehihi wa
ta'mihi wa looni.
Except with what overcomes its smell, its taste,
or its color.
The second part of the second hadith is
So pay attention.
If water reaches 2.5 liters, is khaas.
Nothing can defile it, is a'am.
Water is a'am.
Nothing can defile it except that after the
illa is khaas.
So think about it.
If we take both the hadith and try
to make them work, qullatayni, water.
Qullatayni, 2.5 liters, water.
The second hadith according to the shafi'iyya,
not the maraki'iyya, not us, is going
to be impacted by 2.5 liters.
So the second hadith that understood, can never
be defiled unless, the second hadith, is
the khaas which is going to impact the
first hadith.
The Prophet ﷺ said if the water reaches
2.5 liters, nothing can pollute it.
Nothing can pollute it is now going to
be made khaas with illa ma ghalaba ala
rihihi wa ta'mihi wa looni.
Look at the work of the fuqaha and
As for the maraki's, we don't accept the
first hadith because we consider it weak.
So we do tarjih, not al-jam'a
in this instance.
Sadatina al-shafi'iyya, they do al-jam
Sadatina al-maraki'iyya here, they do al
-tarjih, al-tarjih.
Falaas, alhamdulillah, we finished now the section on
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala iwathqana
ila ma yardaa.
Subhanahu wa ta'ala, wabarakallahu feekum.
Next time we'll begin our discussion on al
-ajma' wa salallahu wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.