Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Lesson-Sixty One- Completion of The Waraqat

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The transcript describes a discussion about the use of " litre" in Islam. The speakers discuss the importance of litre in bringing about messiness and the need for clarification. They also mention issues with qualification and mistakes in the discussion.
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Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen,
Wa Salaam Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Khatam Al-Anbiyai
Wa Al-Mursaleen, As-Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi
Wa Barakatuh We reach now the section Ta
'rif Al-Ijtihad I say Ijtihad, actually the
word Jeem, the letter Jeem, Gaa, it's called
Jeem Al-Qahiriyah, it's found in Fusha So
don't come after me, it's from one of
the ancient tribes, you say Gaa, okay, so
give me a break Ta'rif Al-Ijtihad,
Qala Raheemakullahi Naf'ana Allahu Ta'ala Bihi
Ilmihi Fidareeni Ameen Wa Amma Al-Ijtihadu, it
says as regarding Ijtihad, Fahuwa, it is Badlu
Al-Wasa, means to exert all one's capacity
Fi Buluq Al-Gharad, to reach the goal,
here the goal means the Hukam, so we
can apply Ijtihad to everything But here he's
talking about the ruling So
if a scholar has reached all those qualifications
necessary, the tools needed for Ijtihad and makes
Ijtihad on a ruling in a secondary issue,
not in the Usul, right Fa Asaba Falahu
Ajran, the knee receives, she receives two blessings,
two rewards Wa Nishtahada Wa Akhtaha Falahu Ajrun
Wahidun And if they make Ijtihad and they
make a mistake, then there is one reward
for them We see how Islam is encouraging
the engagement of its intellectual raw materials for
us Now engaging its intellectual tradition and ensuring
that it is alive So it's not censoring
mistake if someone's qualified, it's censoring someone who's
not qualified That's what they say, someone like
the Hanafi say, someone who makes Ijtihad is
not qualified Even if they get it right,
they're a sinner There has to be some
compliancy here, right Based
on the hadith of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi
Wasallam Wa Minhum Al-'Ulama Ma Qara Kullu Mujtahidin
Furo'i Musibun There are some scholars that
said no, no, no Both scholars actually are
correct in their Ijtihad There can be more
than one truth in the Furo' It's the
opinion of the Zaydis, right, the Zaydi Madhhab
That's why SubhanAllah, it's easy to get along
with them MashAllah And their books are beautiful
MashAllah Alayhim So what he's getting at is
that there is this opinion of what's called
Musawwaba or Musawwiba Those scholars who say any
Ijtihad done by a qualified person actually is
not wrong It's acceptable Others say no, no,
no, one is right, one is wrong That's
the opinion of the majority of Ahlul Sunnah
It's not allowed to make Ijtihad in issues
related to Kalam, a Aqidah But here we
need to make a point, no, some issues
have to have Ijtihad in Aqidah Those secondary
issues But the primary issues, of course So
for example, how Tawheed is taught Sadaat Asha
'ira, teach it differently than Sadaat Maturidiyya They
differ on a few issues here and there
With Al-Athariyya, Al-Hanabilah The methods of
teaching Tawheed that people are arguing over, that's
from Ijtihad Sayyidina Imam Al-Razi added 13
qualities to the 20 qualities that we know
in the Ash'ari Madhhab As mentioned by
Sayyidina Imam Siruti In Kuwaak Al-Basath And
I heard from Sheikh Dindu These methods of
teaching, don't fall under Usul So brothers, sisters,
stop dividing people over things like this But
what he's getting at here are the Usul
I'll agree on this But
what he's getting at here is that So
if we say that everyone is right in
their Ijtihad Then we have to say everyone
is right when it comes to Ijtihad and
issues of Aqidah And that's impossible Only in
the foundational issues But in secondary issues, scholars
are going to differ That's known He
would have to be careful what Imam Al
-Haramayn is talking about What he means is
in the Usul, not in the Furwa So
if we say that every Mujtahid is Musib
Then some issues need to be unpacked Because
first of all, no one's going to make
Ijtihad in the Usul of Aqidah Except those
Kuffar That's why we don't agree with them
But in the Da'ira of Ahlul-Islam
Whoever says La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah is
Muslim As mentioned in the Hadith of Sahih
al-Bukhari But those issues of fundamental belief
Of course, there's no Ijtihad We're not going
to say that there's Tasweeb in this So
it's a little bit needs to be unpacked
The evidence for those to say It's impossible
to say that every Mujtahid in the issues
of Furwa is correct In Fiqh Is the
Hadith of the Prophet that we've alluded to
a few times here That the Prophet ﷺ
said Whoever makes Ijtihad And it's correct They
have two rewards It's a mistake and it's
one reward The argument of the Zaidis They're
still rewarded They're still rewarded And even those
within Ahlul-Sunnah who disagree with this Who
say, yeah, every Mujtahid is Musib Also the
statement of the Prophet Similar statement
as said earlier You know, gets it right,
two rewards Gets it wrong, gets one reward
Say the argument of the majority as well
The Prophet ﷺ said one is right One
is wrong I ask Allah to accept You
know, I'm a little bit overcome now Because
it's like if you look back It's been
years, right?
Explaining this to COVID, not COVID Moving here
and there Illness, sickness Success, failure So may
Allah ﷻ accept it from me I ask
Allah to forgive me for my shortcomings Ask
that you make dua for me That if
you did this whole course If I'm gone
by the time you see this You pray
for me Ask Allah to put light in
my grave Ask Allah to accept this for
me And to make it a means of
my forgiveness And I ask Allah to bless
you And make it a benefit for the
students of knowledge