Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Lesson-Sixty One- Completion of The Waraqat

Suhaib Webb
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The transcript describes a discussion about the use of " litre" in Islam. The speakers discuss the importance of litre in bringing about messiness and the need for clarification. They also mention issues with qualification and mistakes in the discussion.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen,
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			Wa Salaam Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Khatam Al-Anbiyai
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			Wa Al-Mursaleen, As-Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi
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			Wa Barakatuh We reach now the section Ta
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			'rif Al-Ijtihad I say Ijtihad, actually the
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			word Jeem, the letter Jeem, Gaa, it's called
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			Jeem Al-Qahiriyah, it's found in Fusha So
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			don't come after me, it's from one of
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			the ancient tribes, you say Gaa, okay, so
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			give me a break Ta'rif Al-Ijtihad,
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			Qala Raheemakullahi Naf'ana Allahu Ta'ala Bihi
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			Ilmihi Fidareeni Ameen Wa Amma Al-Ijtihadu, it
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			says as regarding Ijtihad, Fahuwa, it is Badlu
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			Al-Wasa, means to exert all one's capacity
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			Fi Buluq Al-Gharad, to reach the goal,
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			here the goal means the Hukam, so we
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			can apply Ijtihad to everything But here he's
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			talking about the ruling So
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			if a scholar has reached all those qualifications
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			necessary, the tools needed for Ijtihad and makes
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			Ijtihad on a ruling in a secondary issue,
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			not in the Usul, right Fa Asaba Falahu
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			Ajran, the knee receives, she receives two blessings,
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			two rewards Wa Nishtahada Wa Akhtaha Falahu Ajrun
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			Wahidun And if they make Ijtihad and they
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			make a mistake, then there is one reward
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			for them We see how Islam is encouraging
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			the engagement of its intellectual raw materials for
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			us Now engaging its intellectual tradition and ensuring
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			that it is alive So it's not censoring
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			mistake if someone's qualified, it's censoring someone who's
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			not qualified That's what they say, someone like
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			the Hanafi say, someone who makes Ijtihad is
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			not qualified Even if they get it right,
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			they're a sinner There has to be some
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			compliancy here, right Based
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			on the hadith of the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi
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			Wasallam Wa Minhum Al-'Ulama Ma Qara Kullu Mujtahidin
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			Furo'i Musibun There are some scholars that
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			said no, no, no Both scholars actually are
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			correct in their Ijtihad There can be more
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			than one truth in the Furo' It's the
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			opinion of the Zaydis, right, the Zaydi Madhhab
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			That's why SubhanAllah, it's easy to get along
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			with them MashAllah And their books are beautiful
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			MashAllah Alayhim So what he's getting at is
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			that there is this opinion of what's called
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			Musawwaba or Musawwiba Those scholars who say any
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			Ijtihad done by a qualified person actually is
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			not wrong It's acceptable Others say no, no,
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			no, one is right, one is wrong That's
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			the opinion of the majority of Ahlul Sunnah
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			It's not allowed to make Ijtihad in issues
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			related to Kalam, a Aqidah But here we
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			need to make a point, no, some issues
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			have to have Ijtihad in Aqidah Those secondary
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			issues But the primary issues, of course So
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			for example, how Tawheed is taught Sadaat Asha
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			'ira, teach it differently than Sadaat Maturidiyya They
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			differ on a few issues here and there
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			With Al-Athariyya, Al-Hanabilah The methods of
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			teaching Tawheed that people are arguing over, that's
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			from Ijtihad Sayyidina Imam Al-Razi added 13
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			qualities to the 20 qualities that we know
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			in the Ash'ari Madhhab As mentioned by
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			Sayyidina Imam Siruti In Kuwaak Al-Basath And
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			I heard from Sheikh Dindu These methods of
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			teaching, don't fall under Usul So brothers, sisters,
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			stop dividing people over things like this But
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			what he's getting at here are the Usul
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			I'll agree on this But
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			what he's getting at here is that So
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			if we say that everyone is right in
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			their Ijtihad Then we have to say everyone
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			is right when it comes to Ijtihad and
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			issues of Aqidah And that's impossible Only in
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			the foundational issues But in secondary issues, scholars
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			are going to differ That's known He
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			would have to be careful what Imam Al
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			-Haramayn is talking about What he means is
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			in the Usul, not in the Furwa So
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			if we say that every Mujtahid is Musib
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			Then some issues need to be unpacked Because
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			first of all, no one's going to make
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			Ijtihad in the Usul of Aqidah Except those
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			Kuffar That's why we don't agree with them
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			But in the Da'ira of Ahlul-Islam
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			Whoever says La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah is
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			Muslim As mentioned in the Hadith of Sahih
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			al-Bukhari But those issues of fundamental belief
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			Of course, there's no Ijtihad We're not going
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			to say that there's Tasweeb in this So
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			it's a little bit needs to be unpacked
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			The evidence for those to say It's impossible
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			to say that every Mujtahid in the issues
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			of Furwa is correct In Fiqh Is the
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			Hadith of the Prophet that we've alluded to
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			a few times here That the Prophet ﷺ
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			said Whoever makes Ijtihad And it's correct They
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			have two rewards It's a mistake and it's
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			one reward The argument of the Zaidis They're
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			still rewarded They're still rewarded And even those
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			within Ahlul-Sunnah who disagree with this Who
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			say, yeah, every Mujtahid is Musib Also the
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			statement of the Prophet Similar statement
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			as said earlier You know, gets it right,
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			two rewards Gets it wrong, gets one reward
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			Say the argument of the majority as well
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			The Prophet ﷺ said one is right One
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			is wrong I ask Allah to accept You
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			know, I'm a little bit overcome now Because
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			it's like if you look back It's been
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			years, right?
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			Explaining this to COVID, not COVID Moving here
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			and there Illness, sickness Success, failure So may
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			Allah ﷻ accept it from me I ask
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			Allah to forgive me for my shortcomings Ask
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			that you make dua for me That if
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			you did this whole course If I'm gone
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			by the time you see this You pray
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			for me Ask Allah to put light in
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			my grave Ask Allah to accept this for
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			me And to make it a means of
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			my forgiveness And I ask Allah to bless
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			you And make it a benefit for the
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			students of knowledge