Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Lesson Forty Nine – Ijma

Suhaib Webb
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The speakers discuss the history and importance of shrooming al-shroom in the Islamic legal system. They stress the need for careful analysis in shrooming and the importance of finding out who is born during their lifetime to avoid confusion. They also mention the need for clear understanding of events leading up to the election and the importance of analyzing hadiths and statement of the Prophet.

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			Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,
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			wa salallahu wa sallamu ala Sayyidina Muhammad, khataman
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			anbiya'i wal mursaleen, ala aalihi wa sahbatihi
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			ajma'een, rabbish rahi sadri, wa sirri amri,
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			wa ahlul uqratan min lisani, yafqahu qawli.
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			Welcome back to the explanation of al-waraqat
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			alhamdulillah here.
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			We reach the section now on al-ijma
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			'a, qara rahimuhu la baab al-ijma'i,
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			nafana allahu ta'ala bi ilmihi fi darayni
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			amin, qala wa amma al-ijma'u, it
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			says as for ijma'a, which is a
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			binding consensus, as will be defined shortly.
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			Sheikh Mhali says, fahu tharithu al-adillat al
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			-shariyyati al-arba'a, that this is the
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			third of the four foundational shari'a evidences,
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			Quran, sunnah, the third ijma'a, and the
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			fourth qiyas.
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			This is agreed upon upon ahlul sunnah.
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			There's no one from ahlul sunnah who said
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			that the only evidences are Quran and sunnah.
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			They never said that.
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			Al-kitab, sunnah, ijma'a, qiyas.
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			Qala fahu tharithu al-adillat al-shariyyati al
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			-arba'a a'anni, nafana allahu ta'ala
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			bi al-kitab, sunnah, ijma'a, and qiyas.
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			Everything that I just said to you in
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			English, Sheikh Mhali is saying it much better
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			than I can say it.
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			Wa huwa al-ijma'a, that ijma'a,
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			lughatan, according to the language, is al-azmu,
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			Kama fi qawrihi ta'ala wa ajmi'u
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			amrakum, so to Yunus verse number 71.
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			Then you know, be determined and you are
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			Wa amma fi istilahi fa huwa ittifaqu ulama
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			al-asri ala huqmi al-hadithah, then he
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			defines it according to the science, the discipline
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			of usul al-fiqh, he says it is
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			the concurrence, the agreement of scholars, ayy al
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			-fuqaha, scholars of fiqh, in a given era.
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			A'la upon huqmi al-hadithah, al-shari
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			'a, huqm al-shari'a al-hadithah, that
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			they agree on a shari'a ruling that's
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			taking place currently in their situation.
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			So there's no ijma'a on like lugha,
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			no ijma'a on anything except al-huqm
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			al-shari'a, it's very important.
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			Imam al-Haramayn says, wa na'ni bi
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			'l-ulamai al-fuqaha, what do I mean
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			when I say al-ulama, I mean the
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			ulama of fiqh, he doesn't mean here fuqaha,
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			meaning the Hanafis, he means all of those
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			scholars of Islamic law, wa na'ni bi
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			'l-hadithah, and what we meant by al
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			-hadithah, al-hadithah means something, al-hadith in
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			theology is something that's temporary, so al-hadithah
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			is something that's happening at this moment, al
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			-hadithah al-shari'a, as I mentioned earlier
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			that it's a shari'a related issue.
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			Then he mentions some important axioms around al
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			-ijma'a that help us understanding its application,
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			examples of ijma'a are the ijma'a
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			of the tadreeb of the mushaf from Fatihaat
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			an-Nas, there's ijma'a on this.
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			وإجمع هذه الأمة حجة دون غيرها And that
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			ijma'a, that ijma'a, when the ummah
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			of Muhammad ﷺ, the fuqaha of this ummah
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			concur on a ruling, it's a hujjah, and
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			this is one of the special characteristics that
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			Allah ﷻ has bestowed upon this blessed ummah,
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			not other ummah, that's why he says دون
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			غيرها, not other ummahs, other ummahs they didn't
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			have this hujjah when it came to issues
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			of shari'a.
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			يقوله ﷺ لا تجتمع أمتي على الضلالة The
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			hadith of the Prophet ﷺ that my community
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			will not agree upon, misguidance, related by Sayyidina
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			Imam al-Tirmidhi, in his section on al
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			-Fitn, our teachers used to say من كان
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			في بيته سنن ترمذي فكأن نبي في بيتي
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			Whoever has the sunan of Imam Tirmidhi in
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			their house, it's like the Prophet ﷺ is
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			in their house.
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			والشرع ورد بعسمة هذه الأمة And the shari
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			'a mentions that when it comes to these
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			kinds of concurrences, that this ummah is protected,
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			what's called اسمة الصغرى اسمة الكبرى للأنبياء وأما
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			اسمة الصغرى فلي أمتي محمد ﷺ والإجماع حجة
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			على العصر الثاني So once there's an ijma'
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			that happens, the next era that comes after
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			it, of scholars, it's a proof, it's an
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			evidence في أي عصر كان Or any concurrent
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			epic of scholars, so if there's an ijma'
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			from that point on it's a hujjah that
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			hukm is a hujjah However, we have to
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			be careful, since the outcome of ijma' is
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			a proof And I heard this from scholars
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			and Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi, he writes about this
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			also الإجماع متيقن An ijma' which we can
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			have conviction in, so that means as there
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			is an analysis of hadith, statements of the
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			Prophet ﷺ that allow those hadith to be
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			admissible for proof, then the same thing also
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			has to be done with ijma' Because often
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			times we find people saying there's ijma' on
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			this, ijma' on that, ijma' on this To
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			sort of like gaslight people or to try
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			to shut discussion down But if we research
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			carefully, find where did that ijma' happen Al
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			-Safarini Al-Hanbari, I believe he said it,
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			this is a hyperbole, but he said like
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			I came across like 100,000 times people
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			said ijma' and only like a very small
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			percentage of it was ijma' So الإجماع متيقن,
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			we'll talk about that in future books, the
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			same sort of analysis and examination that we
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			find in other sources of sharia that make
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			them eligible to be admissible for proof has
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			to also be applied to ijma' القول بالإجماع
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			ليس بالدليل ليس الدليلا بنفسه Just because someone
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			says something is ijma' that's not the evidence,
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			we have to then investigate and make sure
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			is this really an ijma' وَلَا يُشْتَرَتُ إِنْ
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			قِرَادُ الْعَصْرِ عَلَى الصَّحِيحِ And for the ijma'
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			to happen it doesn't mean that all the
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			scholars of that time have died If it's
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			known that the scholars agreed on something, خلاص
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			فَإِنْ قُلْنَا إِنَّ اَنْ قِرَادَ الْعَصْرِ شَرْطٌ فِيُعْتَبَرْ
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			قَوْلُ مَنْ وَلَدَ فِي حَيَاتِهِمْ وَتَفَقَّهَا وَصَارَ مَا
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			أَهْلَ الْإِجْتِيهَادِ فَلَا هُمْ أَيْهَا أُولَٰى الَّذِينَ أَجْمَعُوا
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			عَلَى الْحُكْمِ أَنْ يَرْجِعُوا أَنْ ذَلِكَ الْحُكْمِ So
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			he said if we were to say yes
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			that that time has to have expired, that
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			era has to have expired, and all the
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			people have to have died for the ijma'
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			to happen then that means also that anyone
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			who's born during their lifetime and becomes a
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			scholar of ijtihad and that person has their
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			own ijtihad then that would undermine that ijma'
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			so he's saying like that's why this is
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			not possible, this is not a condition once
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			the ijma' has happened it's ijma' khalas and
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			then those scholars who had ijma' before فَلَا
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			هُمْ أَنْ يَرْجِعُوا أَنْ ذَلِكَ الْحُكْمِ then they
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			would have to recant their initial position so
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			he's trying to show you like this is
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			not possible وَالإِجْمَعُ يَسِّحُوا بِقَوْلِهِمْ an ijma' is
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			made sound by the statements of scholars, the
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			communication of scholars وَبِفَعْلِهِمْ and their actions وَيَسِّحُوا
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			بِقَوْلِ البَعْضِ وَبِفَعْلِ البَعْضِ وَانْتِشَارِ ذَلِكَ and also
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			it's sound if some people mentioned it as
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			an opinion through their writings or their words
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			or their teachings and if others they didn't
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			vocalize support for it but they acted on
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			it then that also counts as ijma' وَالسُّقُوْتِ
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			الْبَاقِينِ and if the others were silent so
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			it's called ijma' al-sukuti so some said
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			it, some did it, others didn't say something
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			that would go against what we're seeing then
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			that's called ijma' al-sukuti so ijma' qawli,
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			ijma' which is expressed, or ijma' al-sukuti
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			and ijma' bil-fi'l, like the people
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			of Medina not everybody mentions certain things like
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			not saying Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim in
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			salah but people practice that so ijma' bil
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			-qawl, ijma' bil-fi'l then ijma' what's
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			called ijma' al-sukuti, ijma' bil-sukuti so
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			an ijma' related to communication, an ijma' related
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			to actions ijma' related to silence in the
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			face of actions and statements JazakumAllahu Khayran, BarakAllahu
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			Feekum, Wa Salaamu Alaykum