Suhaib Webb – Usul al-Fiqh Lesson Forty Five – Cooperation Between Two Universals

Suhaib Webb
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The speakers discuss two texts that appear impossible to fully explain, including one about a couple's relationship and the other about a couple's relationship. They stress the importance of the internet and the internet for understanding and communicating, as well as the importance of findingford principles and clarity in relationships. They also discuss the acceptance of sexual attraction and the need for clarity in relationships, as well as the importance of knowing who is a slave and choosing a better partner.

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			بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا
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			طيبا مباركا فيه وأصلي وأسلم على سيدنا محمد
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			المبعوث رحمة للعالمين وعلى آله الأطهر وأصحاب الأبرار
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			ومن اقتدى بي حديهم وتسنى بي سنتهم حتى
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			تقوم الساعة السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أهلا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا
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			ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا ومرحبا Necessary for certainly Imams
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			Necessary for Islamic Studies teachers But maybe it's
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			not for you And that's okay There's nothing
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			wrong with that We all have a role
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			to play Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen The Arabs have
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			a great statement That if a man finds
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			a woman attractive He doesn't care how much
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			the mahr is And if a woman, she
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			finds a man attractive She doesn't care how
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			low the mahr is Because when we love
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			something When we like something We sacrifice for
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			it So now we reached the section On
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			At-Ta'arid, Wa-Tawaqif, Wa-Tarjih And
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			last time we talked about The two Aam
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			texts If we can corroborate them Which is
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			Fard, Wajib On the Mujtahid Wa-Jam'u
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			Wajibun Itha Ma'amkana I mentioned that verse
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			last time From Maraqis Saud It's an obligation
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			But what happens when it's not possible?
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			What happens when corroboration is not possible?
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			It's going to introduce you To a subject
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			called At-Tawaqif Imagine From the word Waqif
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			means to stop, right?
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			Waqaftu ala al-amr I stopped at this
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			affair Imagine these are great scholars These are
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			the cream of the crop And they have
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			a section That we learn Called Baab At
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			-Tawaqif When not to say anything When not
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			to do anything When not to engage I
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			think the world needs Baab At-Tawaqif now
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			Everybody has something to say So he says
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			رحمه الله وإن لم يمكن الجمع بينهما يتوقف
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			فيهما إن لم يعلم التاريخ This is very
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			important He says so وإن لم يمكن الجمع
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			بينهما If it's not possible to make two
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			Aam texts corroborate يتوقف فيهما توقف Don't say
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			anything There's no action related to the two
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			texts In that context إن لم يعلم التاريخ
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			As long as what he means by التاريخ
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			is We don't know which verse came first
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			Which verse came after Which hadith came first
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			Which hadith came after Which verse came first
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			Which hadith came after Meaning النسخ النسخ that
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			we already learned about Because if that's the
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			case If we know that Okay, here's these
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			two texts That seem to kind of oppose
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			one another And this one came after that
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			one Like alcohol for example Then we can
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			say this is نسخ So he says إن
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			لم يعلم التاريخ So يتوقف إن لم يعلم
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			التاريخ So Baab At-Tawaqif has conditions We're
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			not going to learn about تواقف in this
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			text here The point is If it's impossible
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			to come to any type of conclusion That
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			will allow these two texts to work together
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			الجمع And we don't know which one came
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			first Then you have التوقف So it's like
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			he's telling you that system That I talked
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			about earlier There's a great example of this
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			principle in the Quran And the reason I'm
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			using it Is because we actually have the
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			application of this principle By one of the
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			great companions Sayyiduna Uthman Ibn Affan رضي الله
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			عنهما Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says إِلَّا
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			عَلَىٰ أَزْوَاجِهِمُ أَوْمَا مَلَكَتَيْمَنُهُمْ Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
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			'ala says that Everything is forbidden for a
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			physical relationship * except your wives or slaves
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			Slave in this context, slave women But then
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			Allah says in the Quran أَنْ تَجْمَعُوا بَيْنَ
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			ٱلْأُخْتَيْنِ إِلَّا مَا قَدَ سَلَفُ That you marry
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			two sisters It's forbidden for you to marry
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			two sisters The concern here is that أَوْمَا
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			مَلَكَتَيْمَنُهُمْ Is عَم Any woman can be at
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			that time historically Potentially a slave But here
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			says that you can't marry two sisters So
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			you have this What if the two sisters
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			are Of course this is in ancient times
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			slaves So this is two texts One says
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			this, one says that And if brought together
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			there's this opposition to the دَلَالَ The word
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			دَلَالَ means مَا يَلْزَمُوا الْعِلْمُ بِهِ عِلْمًا لِشَيْءٍ
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			آخَرٍ Something which knowledge of it shows you
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			the knowledge of something else That's دَلَالَ not
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			دَلِيل دَلِيل as Al-Bajji says هُوَ مَا
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			صَحَّ أَن يُرْشِدَ إِلَىٰ الْمَطْلُوبِ أَيْ إِلَىٰ الْمَطْلُوبِ
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			الْخَبَرِ Don't wanna get too much into that
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			Now in the future we can But Al
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			-Bajji says رَحِمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الْأَحْكَامِ That دَلِيل
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			is what directs you to something correctly The
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			دَلَالَ of the دَلِيل Is ما يَلْزِيمُ عِلْمُ
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			بِيهِ عِلْمَ لِشَيْءٍ آخَرٍ What makes necessary the
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			knowledge of it The knowledge of something else
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			So here we have this دَلَالَ of the
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			first text أَوْمَا مَرَكَ تَيْمَانُهُمْ وَأَن تَجْمَعُوا بَيْدَ
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			الْأُخْتَيْنِ إِلَّا مَا قَدَ سَرَفُ We try to
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			make both of those دَلَالَs work We say
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			it in plural It's gonna be تعرض The
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			problem is here it makes it حلال Here
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			it makes it حرام That's why Sayyiduna Uthman
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			ibn Affan رضي الله عنه When he was
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			asked about this issue He said أَحَلَّتْ لَهَا
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			آيَةٌ وَحَرَّمَتْهَا آيَةٌ That one ayah makes it
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			allowed أَوْمَا مَرَكَ تَيْمَانُهُمْ And one ayah makes
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			it حرام وَأَن تَجْمَعُوا بَيْدَ الْأُخْتَيْنِ إِلَّا مَا
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			قَدَ سَرَفُ So Sayyiduna Uthman ibn Affan The
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			great Muslim One of the four rightly guided
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			leaders of the early Muslim community He did
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			what's called تَوَقُف He had no opinion This
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			is Uthman ibn Affan رضي الله عنهم Later
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			on scholars came And they did something which
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			we'll talk about perhaps in the future The
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			تَنقِيحَ فَالْقَرَافِ And Imam Ibn Ashur has a
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			great footnote about this In the تَنقِيح That
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			later on scholars would come And look at
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			earlier scholars who did تَوَقُف Who stopped because
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			of this inability to do جَمَع And there
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			was no نَسْخ They'll see are there any
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			foundational principles Like القواعد That can be invoked
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			To settle the issue So in this instance
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			where أَوْمَا مَرَكَ تَيْمَانُهُمْ Any slave woman Can
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			be potentially Someone that at that time someone
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			had a physical relationship with وَإِن تَجْمَعُوا بَيْنَ
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			الْأُخْتَيْنِ إِلَّا مَا قَدْ سَلَفُ Two sisters are
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			not allowed Here two sisters are not allowed
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			But here any woman that is a slave
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			You can have these relationships with Again historical
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			context being important So Uthman ibn Affan رضي
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			الله عنه تَوَقَّف مَا أَفْتَبِ ايْشَي So scholars
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			will come later on And remember this They'll
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			look at these earlier opinions Where people had
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			تَوَقَّف And they'll see are there any قواعد
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			Are there any foundational principles used That can
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			settle this dispute And Shaykh al-Mahari رحمه
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			الله Mentioned this in his explanation of الورقات
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			Which is great for beginners الْأَصْلُ فِي الْأَبْضَعِ
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			الْتَحْرِيمِ That the default for sexual relationships Is
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			impermissibility This is one of the few instances
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			where You don't find that foundational principle الْأَصْلُ
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			فِي الْأَشْيَاءِ بَاحَةِ That the foundation of all
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			things is permissible That's kind of the default
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			principle But there are certain things Like the
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			property of a person الْأَصْلُ فِي الْمُكِّ التحريم
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			Like I can't just go and take someone's
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			stuff Because the أصل is not إباحة The
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			أصل is تحريم Unless there's an عقد And
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			usually this principle about The أصل being forbidden
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			Falls under areas where there's Like contract law
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			Because the contract does what?
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			What does the scholars say about marriage?
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			استحلال المعاشرة الزوجية Right?
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			It makes permissible That means it wasn't forbidden
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			It was forbidden before It wasn't allowed So
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			that means the principle If you read the
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			books of Fiqh now I'm helping you with
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			something Like Khalil he does this a lot
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			in his مختصر So does Shaykh Ahmad Dardir
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			in the أقرب قرمسانك يعني The word استحلال
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			الفرج Right?
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			Making sexual relations permissible That means it was
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			Its أصل wasn't permissibility Its أصل was forbidden
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			So pay attention to this So the scholars
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			now They went and looked for example At
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			the opinion of Sayyidina Uthman ibn Mahfan رضي
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			الله عنه He said He didn't say anything
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			He doesn't have a fatwa Because he says
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			أحلت لها آية وحرمت آية So then they
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			took a foundational axiom الأصل في الأبداع التحريم
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			That the default For sexual relations Is not
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			permissibility It's forbiddance And that also not to
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			get too off track Is why people who
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			say That Muslim women can marry non-Muslim
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			men Because the foundation of all things is
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			permissible It shows you that they're sloppy In
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			their training Sloppy in their application Or perhaps
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			This happens to everybody They forgot or they
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			made a mistake Or they missed The axiom
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			actually is the opposite That the foundation Of
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			sexual relations And living as husband and wife
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			Is forbidden Unless there's an aqid So here
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			they solve this crisis When they say that
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			yes باب التوقف However there is an axiom
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			That says the foundation of Sexual relations is
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			forbidden So therefore These women fall under Those
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			two sisters fall under The designation of It
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			not being allowed to Have two slave women
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			Again historical context here Who are sisters Based
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			on the qaeda And here you see beautifully
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			How the qawaed work How they work as
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			foundations When we run into interpretive Difficulty For
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			clarity For clarity Then he says فإن علم
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			التاريخ فينسخ المتقدم بالمتأخر And if The history
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			is known as tareekh Which one happened first?
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			Which one happened second?
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			Then there's nasgh We already talked about With
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			nasweens We'll stop here بارك الله فيكم Next
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			time we'll pick up The discussion on What
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			if there are two khas Texts We already
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			did now What if there are two aam
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			Texts We did الجمع التوقف النسخ بارك الله
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			فيكم وصلى الله وسلم على سيد محمد And
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			also we did ترجيح With the qaeda That
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			example That foundation Where they said Look we're
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			gonna choose One over the other Even though
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			Sayyidina Uthman ibn Affan رضي الله عنه Was
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			silent That's called tarjih So those four things
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			We modeled for you الجمع الترجيح التوقف النسخ
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			وصلى الله وسلم على سيد محمد السلام عليكم
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			ورحمة الله وبركاته