Suhaib Webb – Uqud alJum’an of Sheikh alIslam, Selim alBishri (Lesson Eight) Prophethood

Suhaib Webb
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of affirming one's belief in the creator and the Sustainer of all things in order to serve the prophets. They also discuss the importance of learning from the prophets and not mixing the truth with falsehood. The speaker provides a brief summary of the importance of affirming one's belief in the creator and the Sustainer of all things.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome back to our reading of

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So now after talking about

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'al ilahiat'

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those things related to the science of Allah

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Subhana Wa Ta'la, God or Godhood if you

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will in English.

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Now he's moving on to the second subject

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of Usuluddin,

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which is anobuwat,

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prophethood. Because after we affirm our belief in

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the creator

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and the Sustainer of all things, then we

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have to know how to serve

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that Creator, how to worship correctly.

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So therefore,

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the dispatching of the Prophets and the Messengers

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is important as a means for us to

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be guided.

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As Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says in Surat

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That if there comes to you from me,

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from Allah to us guidance and guidance here

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books and prophets. Whoever follows that guidance,

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Masha'Allah, will never have any type of anxiety,

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stress or fear.

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But as for those who reject and disbelieve,

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then for them is a grievous punishment. We

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ask Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la. In the hellfire,

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we ask Allah Bilafiya.

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So the sheikh, he says, wayajib.

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It means it's an obligation for us to

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believe this. To be Muslim, we have to

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believe this.

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It is an obligation upon him or her.

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That Allah

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dispatched mbiyah. The word mbiyah,

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we talk about this in the Essentials of

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Islamic Faith comes from 2 words.

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1 means

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someone that informs you of information.

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They ask you about this great news.

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Also, the word

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which means,

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something which is raised high,

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because whoever follows the prophets is going to

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be raised.

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That no no one is is greater

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than what Allah has done when he has

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raised the prophets to the highest Maqam.

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That's why Allah

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You, O Muhammad, are the

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'ala hoduk' and this is istiara in rhetoric

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we'll teach you in the future. This is

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a form of a rhetorical usage to show

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that above all good character

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is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam alahhuruk.

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As though the Prophet rolls above all good

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character, which we're going to talk about later

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on today, which is very important.

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If you're to look at good character, the

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citadel would be Mohammed

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Which is the plural.

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And sent the messengers.

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And sent the messengers.

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And they gave good news to people who

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obey them of paradise.

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And they warned people

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who disobeyed them of hellfire. And here we

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understand something in activism

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and the role of Islam in the public

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square, that we cannot simply be Mubashireen,

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always giving people good news. We cannot simply

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always warning others we have to be balanced.

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So if we if we look at our

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even to the non Muslims,

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and we're only Mubashireen, we have failed to

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hold up the responsibility of prophecy.

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If we are only Mundhireen also we have

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because we have to see good in people.

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As the prophet said, people are metal. In

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order to see the metal, we have to

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dig into the soil.

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And we aided them with miracles. The word

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'maajizat' is from the word 'ajiz'. We say

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ajuz for an old woman

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in the village, right, because the ajaz,

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the one who's old,

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is the one who is incapable. Right? They

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don't have the strength anymore

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to do what they used to be able

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to do. So jizet is from the same

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human beings

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do not possess the strength to accomplish these

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Kharequl a'ada. You see these things that the

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prophets did, for example splitting the sea, the

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white hand of Sayyidina Musa glowing with light,

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the staff turning into a snake, the Quran.

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Human beings are not able to reproduce that

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or even do it once. So it is

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And Allah SWAN WA Ta'ala aided them with

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clear signs.

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And everything they brought is the truth.

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And everything they informed us about

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is also is also truthful.

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And in fact, maybe a better translation

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Everything that they

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came with is a reality.

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And everything they informed us about is the

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Wa fa'ammaru, and this is a very important

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point. Fa'ammaru bill imani wata'a.

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They commanded us to believe and obey Allah.

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And and a better translation here is in

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everything they commanded

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was related to Iman and obedience to Allah.

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And everything

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that they forbid

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was in relationship to those things being disbelief

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or sin.

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So especially now in the era of postmodernity,

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which is very much like the tree in

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the time of Adam,

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alayhi salaam. How

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Shaytan La'anotullah

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alayhi, deceives Adam about the reality of things.

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it's changed definitions related to so many things

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if you think about it.

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And it's hard sometimes to know what's right

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or wrong. So where do you where do

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you find

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that type of support? The teachings of the

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prophets. Everything they said is right is right.

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Everything they said is wrong is wrong. Everything

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they said is right is obedience to Allah.

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Everything they said is wrong is disobedience to

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Allah. Khalaas. Mayyutir Rasulafaqatata

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So we're not deceived

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and we're not tricked by even what's popular.

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mix the truth with falsehood.

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And that's why Allah says,

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Right? Cling to the rope of Allah. The

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right, actually is a rope that people would

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use to go down wells

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in ancient times. Right? Because that rope has

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to be strong and sturdy because you don't

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know what's down in that well, those natural

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wells. You never know. So you have to

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have something that can support you and secure

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you. The dunya is also unknown. The dunya

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is also wrought with challenges and difficulties.

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Yeah. Tasim bihabdillah.

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Tasim bihabdillah. So hold on to the rope

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of Allah. That's why Sayidna Shaltib says,

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is very difficult to translate, but what Imam

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Shaltibhi says in Harzabani

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is that you should cling to the rope

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of Allah

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and use it like a net

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to to capture things that protect you and

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keep you strong from your enemies. Hibl al

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Ida from your the plans of your enemies.

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So the first section

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here, the Sheikh basically frames the purpose of

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the prophets,

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warners, bringers of good news, commanding iman and

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prohibiting sin and disobedience and disbelief.

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We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala yawakum

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MusallAllahu Wa Salamara Sayedina Muhammad

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