Suhaib Webb – Unraveling the Impact of Social Media on Religious Knowledge

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The speaker discusses the historical context of the Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Realization, which is the period from the 19th century to the present. The Industrial Realization included religious knowledge and social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, but it became a popular phenomenon and has impacted society. The speaker questions whether the Prophet had a negative impact on the period, as the Prophet's statement is often seen as a negative statement.
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the colonial experience
first and foremost attempt
the vestiges of religious knowledge and the also
worked. It understood the dojo.
If you take out that dojo,
there's no line of defense now.
And it becomes a free throw
to to
decentralize. And now you add the cocktail of
TikTok and Instagram,
which is ripping apart traditional
systems of
whether specifically say religious communities,
it's very difficult now to have a good
understanding, good suspicion
with Allah. Think about how many times has
someone come to you and said,
I left watching something on social media and
I felt better
about my religion. Usually it's, I heard someone
say this. I heard someone say that. I
heard someone say this. I heard someone say
that. And then they
They're impacted by it. Is this really true?
Did our Prophet do that? Is this really
true? Does the Quran say that? Why is
it always a negative thing?