Suhaib Webb – Unlocking Language Secrets- Scholar Opinions Explored!

Suhaib Webb
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The speaker discusses two opinions on why someone named modafun Ilay takes antela. Number one, the author believes that it is possible to achieve the majority, while the minority opinion believes that it is possible to achieve the majority. The speaker also mentions a harfoh Jar hidden in a context.
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So you have to pay attention. When you're

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something like this, Al Hariri is is highly

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highly gifted. So he's alluding to something without

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saying anything about it. And he

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says, He's saying, My opinion is that I

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take the majority, and that is that the

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reason that the mudaafun

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ilay has kesrah is idafa.

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Not an understood article of preposition.

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So, in this regard, in this context, there

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are two opinions

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about why Modafun Ilay takes Kesla. Number 1,

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which is the opinion of the author: Well,

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Qadju Ujaru Ulsimu'il Iddafa

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is that it's Iddafa.

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The second opinion, which is a minority opinion,

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is that there is an understood harfoh Jar

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which is hidden.

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Li or Men

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And then another group of scholars like Iblomatik

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and Ibl Hajjib, they say also fi.

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Fi. And that's the strongest opinion about fi,

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by the way. It is also included.

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But then they all kind of agree on

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the fact that the meaning is there. Right?

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And so he says, watara tan tati bi

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ma'l bima'lalami.

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sometimes It

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brings the meaning of lam. And it brings

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the meaning of lem if you want to

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show taimim and tamlik.

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Taimim comprehensiveness

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and tamlik ownership.

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